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Guide Questions for reading A Damage Culture and When I see a Barong-barong.


1. Describe the setting of the context of the poem.

2. What does the Barong-barong stand for in Maximo Ramos poem?

3. Why did the author regard the Barong-barong with unusual sense of pride and

4. What are the Filipino values highlighted in the poem?


1. what Manifestations of Filipino culture were given specific attention in the


2. What are the national and cultural problems pointed by the author and what is the
apparent root of these crises? Explain the cause?

3. How was the truth of the Philippine Martial Law history revealed in the symbolism of
Marcos as new money and Aquino as old money?

4. What Filipino characteristic were pointed out by the author using the analogies of the
“Smoky Mountain” and “Barong tagalog”?


1. Compare and contrast the core theme of the two literary pieces. At which points do
they agree and which points do they disagree? Explain the reason behind the
divergence of the authors opinions.


When I see a Barong-barong

The context of the poem setting in titled of “When I see a Barong-barong” was in
the days/years were in our country govern a different countries which is Filipinos faced
and experienced a different wars and battles. And then after wars, the poem also had
shown where Filipinos lived with those days. Filipinos lived at that time in just a barong-
barong house which often seen inside the river or even under the bridges. Until now we
have this kind of houses especially in Manila, they also often called them squatter. For
Maximo Ramos the barong-barong stand for him that even Filipinos went through a
many wars and battles are they can still stand for our country and lived continuously
that shown real love to our Nation. Regards to the poem barong-barong, not all at that
time lived in barong-barong house, but many Filipinos lived in that kind of house before,
it is because the effect of the passed wars. In living a barong-barong house, Filipinos
shown that they are really stand to our Nationalism no matter what happened. The
Filipino values highlighted to the poem of Maximo Ramos, that Filipinos are brave,
responsible and faithful to our country. No matter how many battles and wars went
through of our country before, they will always keep stand and fight to begin again and
continues living every day that make them stronger.

A Damage Culture

The manifestation of Filipino culture were given specific attention in the

commentary, according to the article of James Fallows I agree with him that culture can
make a naturally rich country poor, because this is really happen in Philippine culture
today. If you can see now a day many people here in Philippines are most attract to
other countries culture. Especially young people love k-pop in Korea and anime in
Japan; they mostly apply their culture here in Philippines that we almost forgotten our
own culture. The national cultural problems pointed by the author is the comparing

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