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A summer internship report Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of degree of





V.V.Meghana (170031404)

Under the esteemed guidance of

Mohit vishal


K L Deemed to be UNIVERSITY
Green Fields, Vaddeswaram, Tadepalli,
Guntur - 522 502, Andhra Pradesh.

K L Deemed to be UNIVERSITY


This is Certified that the summer internship entitled “Awiskar Lab” which is a
experimental &/ theoretical &/ Simulation &/ hardware work carried out by V.V.Meghana
(170031404) in partial fulfillment for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
in Department Computer science Engineering, during the year 2019-2020. The summer
internship has been approved as it satisfies the academic requirements.

MR.Mohit vishal
Professor Incharge


I express my sincere thanks and gratitude to Head of the Department, Dr. Hari Kiran
Vege, Industrial Trainings Faculty Incharge Mohit Vishal

I wish to express deep sense of gratitude to Practice School Facultyfor their co-operation,
encouragement and timely suggestions.

Project Associate



1.1 About Swecha 6
1.2 Objective 6-7
1.3 Activities 7
1.4 Projects 7
3.1 Linux Administration 8-9
3.2 GIT Version Control 10-12
3.3 Arduino with IOT 12-14
3.4 Multimedia 14-15



Intensive Industry Training Camp (IITC) is an annual training programme, conducted by

Swecha Organisation that improves students learning capacity with a team driven
environment. Going beyond simple technology introduction with assignments, IITC
provides an integration system that consolidate technology learning through project
A 15-Day non-residential camp was held at K L University Campus for all the students of
KLU. The participants had games, impact sessions, team building activities etc., along
with the technology. By this way, Swecha incorporates personality skills inclusive with
technical training. In long run, Swecha aims to aware the participants about the alternatives
to the monopolized proprietary tools and also make them a part in contribution.


Swecha is a non-profitable organisationformerly called as Free Software Foundation

Andhra Pradesh (or FSF-AP in short) later changed name to Swecha which is also the first
Telugu Operating system released in year 2005, Swecha is a part of Free software moment
of india (FSMI). This organization is a social movement that works towards enlightening
the masses with the essence of Free softwareand to liberate knowledge to the commoners.

Presently Swecha is active as GLUG (GNU/Linux User Group) in many engineering

colleges like International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, Jawaharlal
NehruTechnological University Hyderabad, ChaitanyaBharathi Institute of Technology,

St.Martin'sEngineering, Jyothishmathi College of Engineering and Technology, MVGR

College of Engineering , K L University ,and others in and around Telangana and Andhra

1.2 Objective:

The main objectives of the organization are as follows:

 To take forward free software and its ideological implications to all corners of our
country from the developed domains to the underprivileged.
 To create awareness among computer users in the use of free software.
 To work towards usage of free software in all streams of sciences and research.
 To take forward implementation and usage of free software in school education,
academics and higher education.
 To work towards e-literacy and bridging digital-dividebased on free software and
mobilizing the underprivileged.

1.3 Activities:

 Technology should also be within the reach of everybody. At a time when

technology has become all pervasive and people are increasingly dependent on it,

transparency in software code is the need of the hour.“One needs to know what is
going on in your mobile phone or computer,” said D. Bhuvan Krishna, co-convener
of Swecha project which code is available for anyone and everyone to modify fills
this gap, felt speakers at an event organised to spread the word of Free and open-
source software(FOSS) and celebrate the launch of latest web browser from the
Mozilla Foundation’s stable, Mozilla Firefox 3.5.
 Swecha organizes summer camps every year in which large number of students
participate. The camps focus on training students on Free Software Technology and
the culture of sharing and collaborative development of free software. In the 2014
itself 15 days camps were conducted for 2000+ students. It is here participants
collaboratively engage in the conduct of the Summer Camps.
1.4 Projects:

 1. Localisation.

 2. Balaswecha.

 3. Freedombox.


Linux is a family of free and open-source software operating systems built around
the Linux kernel. Typically, Linux is packaged in a form known as a Linux
distribution (or distro for short) for both desktop and server use. The defining component
of a Linux distribution is the Linux kernel,an operating system kernel first released on
September 17, 1991, by Linus Torvalds. Many Linux distributions use the word "Linux" in
their name. The Free Software Foundation uses the name GNU/Linux to refer to the
operating system family, as well as specific distributions, to emphasize that most Linux
distributions are not just the Linux kernel, and that they have in common not only the
kernel, but also numerous utilities and libraries, a large proportion of which are from the
GNU project. This has led to some controversy.

We learned to use the open source free software and the first learnt free Operating
Software is Linux. We learnt some theory part of Linux Administration and some basic
command to operate the different task.
GNU Linux is no more a command line operated system, it has a rich graphical user
interface than any other OS. Linux system administration is one of the most in-demand
skills in IT too. Sysadmin training includes the daily usage of a Linux OS, Customization
of OS and controlling the system using scripts. This gives you a real experience of an open
source software(using as per you wish) with a practical experience.
List of Commands :
File Subsystem
1. cat :
no. of lines: cat -n
about the file: cat --version
copy cat: cat file1>file2
combine cat: cat file1file2 > new file

2. cd :
traverse one directry back: cd .
traverse to home directry back: cd ..
traverse to specified directry: cd
3. ls :
long listing: ls -l
listing hidden files : ls -a
lisiting as per size: ls -s
long list sorted per size: ls -ls
listing directries (/): ls -F
lisiting specified irectory: ls -l
4. mkdir :
make a directory: mkdir dir
multiple directories: mkdir dir1 dir2 . . . .

sub directories mkdir -p /d1/d2/file

5. rmdir :
remove a directory: rmdir dir
6. rm :
remove a file: rm -f
remove a file with verification: rm -i
7. mv :
move a file: mv -v src dest
update a file(src must be latest): mv -u src dest

8. cp :
copy only if file does'nt exist: cp -n src dest
copy with permissions: cp -p src dest
Other Commands (Permissions)
- chmod:

add permission: chmod +777 <<file>>
remove permission: chmod -777 <<file>>
permission for specified user: chmod <<user>>+<<permission>><<file>>
eg.: chmod u+r file


GITHUB is a repository, where developers across the globe can access the code from any
corner of the world. This made the development lifecycle to be faster and produce many
products. Besides, this is one of the places where the open source community shares their
work here. This is used as a version control for a software development cycle, to manage
the releases. Also this is a tool that is used to report bugs, enhance code and remix it.

Git manages change. Given that intent, Git shares much with other version control
systems. Many tenets—the notion of a commit, the change log, the repository—are the
same, and workflow is conceptually similar among the corpus of tools. However, Git
offers many novelties, too. The notions and practices of other version control systems may
work differently in Git or may not apply at all. Yet, no matter what your experience, this
book explains how Git works and teaches mastery.
The Git Command Line:
Git is simple to use. Just type git. Without any arguments, Git lists its options and the most
common subcommands:
$ git
The most commonly used git commands are:
add -Add file contents to the index
clone - Clone a repository into a new directory
commit - Record changes to the repository
diff - Show changes between commits, the commit and working trees, etc.
init - Create an empty git repository or reinitialize an existing one
log - Show commit logs
merge - Join two or more development histories
mv - Move or rename a file, a directory, or a symlink
pull - Fetch from and merge with another repository or a local branch
push - Update remote refs along with associated objects

rm - Remove files from the working tree and from the index
show - Show various types of objects
status - Show the working tree status

Quick Introduction to Using Git

To see git in action, let’s create a new repository, add some content, and manage a few
There are two fundamental techniques for establishing a Git repository. You can either
create it from scratch, populating it with an existing body of work, or you can copy, or
clone, an existing repository. It’s simpler to start with an empty repository.
Creating an Initial Repository
To model a typical situation, let’s create a repository for your personal website from the
directory ~/public_html and place it in a Git repository.
If you don’t have content for your personal website in ~/public_html, create the directory
and place some simple content in a file called index.html:
$ mkdir ~/public_html
$ cd ~/public_html
$ echo 'My website is alive!' >index.html
To turn ~/public_html or any directory into a Git repository, run git init:
$ git init
Adding a File to Your Repository
git init creates a new Git repository. Initially, each Git repository is empty. To manage
content, you must explicitly deposit it in the repository. Such a conscious step separates
scratch files from important files.
Use git add file to add file to the repository:
$ git add index. html
If you have a directory populated with several files, let Git add all the files in the directory
and all subdirectories with git add .. (The argument , the single period or “dot” in Unix
parlance, is shorthand for the current directory.)
After an add, Git knows that the file, index.html, is to remain in the repository. However,
so far Git has merely staged the file, an interim step before committal. Git separates the
add and commit steps to avoid volatility. Imagine how disruptive, confusing, and
timeconsuming it would be to update the repository each time you add, remove, or change

a file. Instead, multiple provisional and related steps, such as an add, can be “batched,”
keeping the repository in a stable, consistent state.
Running git status reveals this in-between state of index.html:
$ git status
In addition to actual changes to the directory and to file contents, Git records several other
pieces of metadata with each commit, including a log message and the author of the
change. A fully qualified git commit command supplies a log message and an author:
$ git commit -m "Initial contents of public_html"
Created initial commit 9da581d: Initial contents of public_html
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 index.html
$ git status
Git also takes the time to tell you that your working directory is clean, meaning the
working directory has no unknown or modified files that differ from what is in the


The Temperature Sensor LM35 series are precision integrated-circuit temperature devices
with an output voltage linearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature. The LM35
device has an advantage over linear temperature sensors calibrated in Kelvin, as the user is
not required to subtract a large constant voltage from the output to obtain convenient
Centigrade scaling. The LM35 device does not require any external calibration or
trimming to provide typical accuracies of ±¼°C at room temperature and ±¾°C over a full
−55°C to 150°C temperature range.
Technical Specifications
 Calibrated directly in Celsius (Centigrade)
 Linear + 10-mV/°C scale factor
 0.5°C ensured accuracy (at 25°C)
 Rated for full −55°C to 150°C range
 Suitable for remote applications

Components Required
You will need the following components:

1x Breadboard
1x Arduino Uno R3
1x LM35 sensor
Follow the circuit diagram and hook up the components on the breadboard as shown in the
image given below.

Open the Arduino IDE software on your computer. Coding in the Arduino language will
control your circuit. Open a new sketch File by clicking New.

float temp;
int tempPin = 0;
void setup()

void loop()
temp = analogRead(tempPin);
// read analog volt from sensor and save to variable temp
temp = temp * 0.48828125;
// convert the analog volt to its temperature equivalent
Serial.print("TEMPERATURE = ");
Serial.print(temp); // display temperature value
delay(1000); // update sensor reading each one second

You will see the temperature display on the serial port monitor which is updated
every second.


We earned the knowledge of multimedia and applied it to edit the video by using free
software Kdenlive. This is easy to use and free for all.




Swecha Summer Camp 2018 has introduced me to a handful of practical life applications
of the academic works. It aims to work in the field of digital freedom. It has been recently
working on Freedom Box . FreedomBox is a 100% free software self-hosting web server
to deploy social applications on small machines. It provides online communication tools
respecting your privacy and data ownership. We can use FreedomBox at home to replace
services provided by third-parties mining your life and using your content. Thanks to a
very friendly interface, we will be able to deploy on demand applications focusing on
confidentiality such as file sharing, shared calendaring, instant messaging, secure voice
conference calling, blog, etc.
It was an enlightening experience to be a part of such programmes which has open the
eyes of new scholars for an open and transparent digital world




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