Raising Positive Kids in A Negative World

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Raising positive kids in a negative world

A hug and a kiss and a kick in the pants

How to be a hero to your teenager

Siblings without rivalry

Leading a child to independence

The key to your Childs heart

Dare to discipline

Never lose faith in your child

Discipline while you can

Applause! how to handle kids with praise.

How to talk so your teenager will listen.

It's ok to be shy

401 ways to get your kids work at home

Teaching children joy

Discipline without shouting or spanking

The strong willed adolescent

Sibling rivalry

Teaching children sensitivity

Learning from children

Laugh with you teenager

Teaching your child to share

Lets succeed with our teenagers

How to really love your child

How to live happily with a teenager

Listen to your child.

Teach your child decision making

Communication- key to your teens

Creativity in children

Preparing your children for adulthood

Parents talk to your children

Teaching children to make the right decision

What do you really want for your children

How to talk so kids will listen, and listen so kids will talk

Winning ways to talk with young children

101 ways to boost your Childs self esteem

The secret to child training

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