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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)

Beware of the ‘Final

dream of having any say in their work place or any control over means of
their livelihood.

Solution’ in Kashmir
The lockdown in Kashmir has been total. People in J&K are not allowed
to move out of their houses. More forces are being pumped into this one of
the most militarized region of the world. They are being forced to keep
indoors and the same is being shown as the proof of their appreciation of
Kashmir has been in complete lock down since August 4, the day prior the steps being taken by the Govt. The entire political and civilian leadership
to RSS-BJP Govt. enacting a constitutional coup in Kashmir. Devoid of is arrested and the number of those under arrest since August 4 is reported
constitutional, moral, historical and political merit, RSS-BJP Govt. has to be more than 4000. The paramilitary forces are using pellet guns to
sought to once again use Kashmir to unleash Hindu communal, disperse the crowds blinding a large number of people. A number of reports
hypernationalist chauvinist frenzy in pursuit of its goal of ushering in Hindu have highlighted this tyranny. A four member team which was in J&K from
Rashtra, another name of fascist regime managed by Brahmannical upper August 9 to 13, has said that hundreds of children, 11 years old and even
castes in the service of imperialism and their domestic corporate. Bankim’s younger, have been taken into custody.
words that British colonialists will pave the way for Hindu Rashtra (Anand
Math) are vindicated as big capital, foreign and domestic, and the media But the silence of the mainstre,am media to this total suppression is
controlled and propped up by them, applaud with gusto the bravery of Modi- deafening. A fever of pseudo-nationalism has gripped them. It only shows
Shah’s RSS-BJP regime in sucking the exploited, crushing the oppressed the need of big capital, which owns this media, to totally suppress the
and repressing the suppressed. On top of it, those who bear the brunt are people of the country. They are even challenging the visual accounts of
supposeod to applaud. For millennia, ancestors of those ruling today have the protests in J&K asking the people to believe the Army and the Govt.
mastered this art of bowing before the powerful and kicking the one below. and not these visual audio accounts. They must keep their eyes and ears
Their bravery knows no bounds when they are assured of no loss and all closed, and of course their mouths shut. Indian media is not even raising
gain. the issue of total curbs on the media in J&K. Little do they realize that they
are signing on the death warrant of their own freedom, or maybe they do
Kashmiris have just been delivered of the tyranny of their autonomy, not want it and are happy to partake of the cake of ‘development’. Not for
with development waiting in the wings. Workers are being freed of labour nothing is media freedom in India rated among the lowest in the world.
laws, the rights enshrined in them having long suffocated employment
generation. Peasants are to be freed of MSP a nd tribals of their land, Even the Judiciary has proved to be of little use in defending people’s
bondages unnecessary in this fictitious world. Women are to be freed of freedom. Supreme Court's decision not to entertain the petition against
the burden of making their own choices. And not much later, people are to suppression in J&K, expressing faith in the Govt. is reminiscent of the
be freed of the cumbersome duty of whatever is meant by choosing their infamous ADM Jabalpur case ruling of this very Court. The apology rendered
Govts. After all choices are fallible and moreover, all good things have by the Court on the issue a few years back was more to do with the
been worked out in the ancient smritis. Then why labour! realization of the change in the power equation among the ruling classes
and not any change in stand on the issue of democratic rights of the people.
Kashmiris are made to taste the might of the Indian state. The onslaught Since Supreme Court judgement in Judge Loya case, when the apex Court
of RSS-BJP is to crush their will convincing them that resistance is futile. chose to deliver a judgement on merit in an uninvestigated case, the apex
A narrative has been built over the decades that but for the weak leaders of Court has gone out of its way not to offend the rulers of the day.
the yesteryears- and sections of middle classes particularly upper castes
have gulped this with gusto- Hindus of India would have ruled over the The RSS Govt. is implementing a plan in J&K. Leaders of the ruling RSS-
whole subcontinent, the proverbial aryavrata, though they dare not even BJP have been claiming that they are about to finally solve the Kashmir

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
problem. Their final solution involves taking Kashmir away from the people
living there, reducing them to a minority and making them live in enclaves
Oppose the abrogation of Special
managed by the Army. This solution mirrors the solution of so-called
Palestinian problem being implemented by ruling Zionists of Israel.
Status of J & K
Palestinians' land is being gradually encroached upon and taken away from
the Palestinians. Those who do no t agree to hand over are being terrorized Protest against this Hindutva fascist
and militarily pushed away. They are being asked to go to Jordan and other
Arab countries. All these measures are finding ample echo in the steps
onslaught against people of Kashmir
being taken by the RSS rulers of the country. Reducing J&K to a Union
Territory is aimed at taking away the right to legislate over the land use Stand with the people of Kashmir
and also reducing them into political minority by carving out constituencies
according to the rulers' choice. Even the choice of phrases like ushering in RSS BJP Govt. has unleashed a sinister and all-around attack on the
development while pushing the people away, is only an echo of fascist people of Kashmir by abolishing Article 370 of the Constitution governing
measures of Zionist rulers. The attack on the so-called moderates from relations between the two.
among Palestinians is also echoed in the attack on the leaders of the This step has struck at the very root of the hitherto propagated stand of
parties working in Kashmir. Similarities are just too glaring to be glossed Indian Govt. claiming accession of J&K on the basis of Instrument of
over. Accession signed by the then ruler King Hari Singh in October 1947. This
was expressly the basis of article 370. By repudiating article 370 Indian
These measures will surely be challenged by the people of J&K who
Govt. has repudiated that Instrument.
will certainly not agree to die in silence. Indian rulers cannot keep the
people perpetually in lockdown. And even if they are to do so, people’s This act of the Govt. is patently unconstitutional. It is settled by the
anger will find ways of expression. People of J&K are aware of the very Supreme Court that power of the Parliament to amend the Constitution is
high stakes. Even twenty minutes’ recess for Friday prayers on August 9 not unlimited. The process of change even abrogation given in the
had seen a massive protest in Shoura area of Srinagar. People are coming Constitution's Article - 370 is with the consent of Constituent Assembly of
out in protest defying curfew, though Govt. is calling this only an order the state. That assembly drafted the Constitution of J&K and dissolved
prohibiting assembly. Several reports of mass protests have come out in itself in January 1957. The temporary nature of the Article 370 was subject
the international media though Indian corporate media is keeping silent. to changes by that Constituent Assembly and not by Indian Parliament.
Kashmir is only the beginning. The target is the people of the country. In fact it is an attempt by the RSS-BJP to suppress the struggle of the
Rise before it is late. Standing with the people of Kashmir is standing for Kashmiris. Despite the region having the dubious distinction of being one
your own rights. People and their struggles alone can stop this march of of the most militarized region in the world, a large number of additional
fascism. Institutions of the ruling classes which had assumed some forces have been sent. From the special status, J&K has been robbed of
independence in the period of political instability or era of minority govts, the status of a province also bringing it under central rule and further dividing
have fallen in line. J&K issue is being weaponized to mislead the people. it into two units. The express purpose of this unprecedented step is to take
Obviously, ruling classes faced with deepening economic crisis, need away from J&K the handling of land (Entry 18 of the State List). This has
abrogation of the rights of the people, their right to protest. People should serious portent of the design of Hindutva ruling group to change the
realize that those who plan to attack your livelihood and lives, attack your demography of J&K. Another aspect is to take over the delimitation of the
freedoms first, particularly freedom to protest. constituencies and in the process to reduce the representation of Kashmir
Valley in the new legislature. Separation of Ladakh which already enjoyed

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
regional autonomy, into another Union territory with Kargil and Leh, is to CC Statement
further divide the Muslims of Kashmir who will consitute nearly half of the
population of Ladakh..
This is a continuation of majority communal hypernationalist agenda of
Long Live Martyr Com.
the corporate backed Hindutva forces. Having tasted success with Balakote
strike ruling Hindutva group has unleashed this offensive. Its timing is Linganna
chosen to mask slowing economy, rising unemployment and poverty and
growing dismal conditions of the people. It is part of the attacks launched Leader of the Godavari Valley Resistance Movement and a member of
by the ruling group through UAPA amendments, NIA amendments, RTI Telengana State Committee & North East Telengana Regional Committee
amendments, NMC and host of legislative acts. RSS-BJP has unleashed and Kothagudem District Secretary of CPI (ML)-New Democracy, Com.
this offensive having secured the open support of several regional parties Linganna was martyred today, the 31st of July 2019. He was killed by
and covert acquiescence of other parties of ruling classes. police in the forest near village Rolagadda in Gondala mandal of Bhadadri-
Kothagudem district.
Timing of this move of Hindutva ruling group also coincides with US
move to reach agreement with Taliban in Afghanistan which has brought Police in Telengana has launched a serious offensive against the
Pakistan once again to the centre of the US policy for the region. Indian revolutionary movement, CPI (ML)-New Democracy in particular. TRS State
Govt. made this move before the above agreement is reached, thereby Govt. in conducting serious offensive against tribals to forcibly dispossess
making that agreement difficult to strike before Pakistan savours success them from their podu lands which they have been cultivating for decades,
in Afghanistan. Indian Govt. has been expressly barred from deliberations even for generations. CPI (ML)-New Democracy is in the forefront of this
over the future of Afghanistan as in the recently held meeting in Beijing struggle and hence, KCR Govt. is targeting CPI (ML)-New Democracy in
with Russia, China, US and Pakistan. its attack. Com. Linganna was one of the main organizers of tribals and
This is a big step towards imposing Fascist dictatorship over the country. other traditional forest dwellers and has been organizing their resistance
It is a grave challenge before the people of the country. against the Govt. offensive. Targeting of Com. Linganna and other CPI
(ML)-ND cadres is a calculated move of the Govt. This is part of the fascist
Struggle of the people of Kashmir against this onslaught will be the key drive of the Govt. targeting tribals and the organizations defending their
to the future developments on the issue. Democratic and progressive rights.
sections and organizations should stand with the people of Kashmir and
support their struggle in their hour of trial in the immediate future and for A large posse of police in four batches had launched an offensive against
the people of the whole country in not too distant a future. There is complete Party activists today. They surrounded a team of Party activists led by
lock down in Kashmir since yesterday and leaders of parties in Kashmir Com. Linganna.
have been detained. There was systematic build up of security forces in
Com. Linganna, one of the principal leaders of the resistance movement
the state over the last weeks.
and of the Party, has been a consistent adherent of revolutionary mass
CPI(ML)-New Democracy Central Committee calls for immediate protests line. He has been an epitome of Party discipline and revolutionary
against abrogation of Article 370. CPI(ML)-New Democracy appeals to all commitment. He staunchly defended people’s right to resist and fiercely
revolutionary, democratic and struggling forces for building a broad based opposed revisionist and rightist trends as well as ultra-left trend in the
movement against corporate backed Hindutva fascism being imposed on revolutionary movement. Consistent in practice of revolutionary struggle,
the country. he was very articulate in his opinions and clear in his vision about the
(Issued by the Central Committee on 5th August 2019) revolutionary movement. His martyrdom is a glorious addition to those who

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
offered supreme sacrifice in the course of revolutionary movement and a
big loss to the Party and the revolutionary movement at present.
Com. Linganna Memorial
Born in a tribal family in Rolgadda village in Gundala mandal, Com. Meeting in Hyderabad
Linganna got associated with the revolutionary movement from an early
age. He never hesitated to take difficult tasks demanding sacrifice, offering A largely attended Com. Linganna Memorial Meeting was organized by
supreme sacrifice in the process. His life has been one of simplicity, the Telengana State Committee of CPI(ML)-New Democracy on August
commitment and sacrifice. He had revolutionary daring and astuteness in 13, 2019 in SundariahVignan Kendram in Hyderabad. Party activists from
full measure. Whenever the revolutionary movement placed any arduous different districts of Telengana, leaders of other communist revolutionary
task before the Party, Com. Linganna had been among the first to offer
himself for the same. He lived and ultimately died for the people and the
revolutionary movement.
Com. Linganna lived all his life for the people and gave his life for the
cause of the people. He has given the supreme sacrifice for the revolutionary
movement. Central Committee of CPI (ML)-New Democracy pays its homage
to the revolutionary memory of Com. Linganna and vows to carry
revolutionary movement to victory, the unfinished task bequeathed to us
by Com. Linganna. We grieve his loss and vow to convert this loss into
Central Committee of CPI (ML)-New Democracy calls upon all Party
Committees to observe martyrdom of Com. Linganna, to pledge to devote Paying homage to Com. Linganna (From Left) Coms. K.
themselves to the task of intensifying revolutionary movement. CPI (ML)- Rangaiah, J.V. Chalapati Rao, Gummadi Narsaiah,
New Democracy calls upon all Party Committees to build a strong protest Mukhtar Pasha, P. Ranga Rao and Sushant Jha
movement against fascist repression being launched against the
revolutionary leaders and cadres. CPI (ML)-New Democracy also calls organizations, democratic organizations and individuals attended the
upon the tribals and other traditional forest dwellers to intensify their struggle meeting. Hall was packed by the participants. A photo of revolutionary
for the defense of their lands and means of livelihood which are being Martyr Com. Linganna was garlanded by the assembled leaders and tributes
attacked by the Govt. were paid by the participants in the meeting.
On behalf of the Central Committee of the Party, Memorial Meeting was
(Issued by the Central Committee of CPI(ML)-New Democracy on
addressed by Com. Sushant Jha. Others speakers in the meeting included
July 31, 2019) Dr. Hargopal, Telengana State Joint Secretary of CPI(ML)-New Democracy
Com. P. Ranga Rao, State Sectt. Member Com. J.V. Chalapati Rao and
ex-MLA Com. G. Narasaiah. Leaders of the revolutionary organizations,
CPI(ML)-Janashakti, CPI(ML)-Class Struggle and CPI(ML) led by Com.
Chandram also paid their homage to martyr Linganna. Comrades of
Arunodaya sang songs hailing the sacrifices of Com. Linganna and
contribution made by him to the revolutionary movement particularly

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
Linganna’s body was cremated late in
the evening of August 1. Leaders of
the Party including PC Secretary
Com. D.V. Krishna, Com. Madhu and
AIKMS General Secretary Com.
Ashish Mital were present. A large
number of people from the village and
nearby areas were present to bid good
bye to this fighter for the people.

People’s Heroic Protest

On July 31, when the people got
the information of the attack by the
large contingent of police on Com.
Linganna and other comrades, a large
A view of the Meeting in SVK, Hyderabad number of people of Rolgadda and
nearby villages as sem bled and
Godavari Valley resistance struggle and his heroic role in the tribals’ struggle confronted the police for attacking
to save their podu lands from the attacks by the TRS Govt. through forest Com. Linganna's body their beloved leaders. The large police
officials and police. Com. K. Rangaiah presided over the meeting. force was chased away by the people
Com. Linganna brutally murdered who at that time saw the injury marks on Com. Linganna’s body. This
further infuriated them. However, all police parties assembled and fired in
Com. Linganna and other activists were attacked by a very large the air to disperse the people to take control of the body of martyr Linganna.
contingent of the Greyhounds on July 31. He was injured with a bullet in his Greyhounds fired fourteen rounds as per the newspaper reports.
leg and could not move. He was captured by the Greyhounds, brutally
tortured and killed in cold blood. Injury marks on his body seen by the This militant heroic protest of the people has been noticed by the
people bear testimony to the brutal torture inflicted on Com. Linganna. observers including newspapers. There were comments appreciating the
Police insisted on the immediate cremation of Com. Linganna’s body which people and the close bonds CPI(ML)-New Democracy activists had with
the people refused. Police arrested a large number of activists from different the people. CPI(ML)-New Democracy has been fighting for the rights of the
villages and also State leaders of the Party including PC Secretary Com. tribals and other poor forest dwellers for over the last five decades. CPI(ML)-
D.V. Krishna and Joint Secy. Com. Ranga Rao. New Democracy has been virtually the sole political organizations fighting
against Govt. attack on podu lands in the region. CPI(ML)-New Democracy
High Court was moved on August 1 and the High Court ordered a re-
leaders are closely integrated with the people and have been leading
post mortem to be performed by three forensic experts in Gandhi Hospital
struggles for their just and democratic rights.
Hyderabad. Com. Linganna’s body was brought to Hyderabad and autopsy
performed. But the police did not allow leaders of Party, mass organizations Tribals are the real target
and democratic organizations to be present outside the Hospital. All these
activists were arrested by the police. Police also did not permit Com. In killing Com. Linganna, a beloved leader of the tribals and non-tribal
Linganna’s body to be taken to the Party office in Hyderabad. Com. poor of the region, Telengana Govt. is actually targeting CPI(ML)-New

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
Democracy leaders for their opposition to forcibly evicting tribals from the Rolgadda village in which more than 3000 people participated. It was
lands they are cultivating for decades and their support to tribals in their addressed among others by Com. Madhu, who was freed from the detention
resistance to Govt. offensive. After brutally killing of Com. Linganna, the under PD Act on July 31, the very day Greyhounds brutally killed Com.
state police and police intelligence are dishing out cock and bull stories Linganna in cold blood.
about the activities of CPI(ML)-New Democracy. One such fictitious report
was published in Hyderabad edition of Times of India. All this fictitious On August 4, a large protest demonstration was held before Telengana
reports are to cover up the real designs of the Govt., police and Bhawan in Delhi protesting against this murder and attacks on tribals. On
administration to teach a lesson to the tribals for resisting Govt. attempts August 8, in all districts of Punjab rallies were taken out condemning murder
to forcibly displace them. of Com. Lingannna and in support of resistance movement there. Such
rallies were organized at Jalandhar, Nawanshahr, Amritsar, Gurdaspur,
Countrywide Protests Kapurtahla, Moga, Faridkot, Muktsar, Fazilka, Sangrur, Patiala and
Ludhiana. Between one hundred to two hundred fifty people participated in
On the Call of the Central Committee of CPI(ML)-New Democracy each of these rallies. in Bihar on August 5, protest meetings were held in
protests were organized in all centres. In all district centres of Telengana Sasaram and Muzaffarpur and in other districts. In UP as well, protest
and Andhra Pradesh, protests were organized and homage paid to Com. meetings were held in Allahabad and Bijnor districts.
Linganna from August 1 onwards. Large protest meetings were held in forest
villages and in all centres of Kothagudem-Bhadradri, Mehboobabad, Waragal AIKMS General Council which was in session on July 31 when the
Rual and Bhopalpalli-Jaishankar districts. Large number of people news of this murder by Greyhounds came, condemned this heinous killing
participated in these meetings. On August 10, a large meeting was held in and paid homage to revolutionary martyr Linganna.

Com. Linganna inspires the activists and the people

Com. Linganna martyrdom is a great loss to the people, revolutionary
movement and the Party. It is also a great inspiration to the activists to
sacrifice their all for the people and their just struggles, for the revolutionary
movement. It is also a great inspiration for the people to carry forward their
struggle for their land, means of livelihood, democratic rights and for a just
and humane society. It is an inspiration for the Party to intensify its efforts
to organize revolutionary and democratic struggles of the people and to
carry forward the tasks of New Democratic Revolution in India.

August 5: Protest at Telengana Bhawan, New Delhi

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)

Brief Overview of New privatization and commercialization.

This Policy makes lots of nice statements, touches many of the

Education Policy problems of education today – that it is not reachable, not scientific, is
burdensome, heavily stratified, there is poor Pupil to Teacher (PTR) ratio
in schools etc. The writers have done some research in substantiating the
same but then this is not new. Earlier Reports too have done the same.
Mrigank Many of the recommendations of earlier commissions and committees have
been reproduced, particularly those of Yashpal Committee and some from
The Modi led BJP-RSS Govt 2.0, immediately after taking over, Kothari Commission (as far back as 1966). It does not bother to investigate
announced a 100-day agenda which included drastic education reforms. It as to why those recommendations were not implemented, why good
has come out with a document called New Education Policy on June 1, sounding recommendations remained in files only. It is the government of
which is open for comments for one month, after which it will be finalized. the day which decides to prioritize the recommendations of a committee.
This document is different from what was proposed by the previous Modi Govts choose to implement only selective parts, which correspond to their
govt. The TSR Subramanian Committee, and ‘Some Inputs for Draft National own policy thrust and give emphasis as per their own intentions. The current
Education Policy, 2016’, were proposed earlier. This latter was open to document restates the older positive proposals with nice sounding words
public for comment for some time but never finalized, probably due to and apparent nice intentions such as complete overhauling of the education
widespread protests. The present document started getting prepared in system, development of scientific temper, fun learning, making education
June 2017 under the chairmanship of K Kasturirangan. That was the time less burdensome, increasing PTR, schools within reach, multidisciplinary
Minister of HRD, Prakash Javadekar, said we will have a new education education etc. But only actually those parts of the proposals which will
policy in a year. At that time, it was thought that the final version of the bring Education in accordance with the dictates of WTO and Hindutva will
earlier one will be published by end of 2018. But that was not the case. be implemented. By Hindutva is implied an upper caste, chauvinist,
Government waited for general elections and now, with its strong ‘mandate’, patriarchal outlook with the inevitable reflection in content of what is taught.
intends to bulldoze the new Policy.
Apart from the lack of analysis on why earlier positive recommendations
This new Policy seeks to revamp the entire education system right failed, the lack of serious discussion on the financial implications of the
from pre schooling to research level. This will be done on the lines of an complete overhaul this Policy suggests and what outlay it recommends in
amalgamation of RSS ideology and WTO/WB dictates. This aim is sugar- the Budget, makes the intention of actual implementation of the positive
coated with expressions of concern about the reach of education, quality suggestions doubtful.It proposes some estimates but doesn’t dwell on the
of education etc, but what it proposes amounts to destroying whatever pro- basis of the same. For instance, it says that the filling of the vacancies of
people element was there in the education system, howsoever faulty this teachers will add only up to 0.5% of the government expenditure last year.
might have been. It also further opens the avenues for privatization, This looks very meagre and also unlikely. There are many other measures
commercialization and facilitating foreign players on one hand while giving that will need large outlays if they are to be seriously implemented for
ample scope for pushing through the vision of Hindutva on the other, i.e. government schools, like school level options in foreign languages,
saffronization. In higher education, it is absolutely silent about continuing semesters in schools, high quality preschool education, etc. It clearly means
affirmative action for addressing social backwardness and no doubt, this that good things suggested are mostly just for looking good. In this respect
will translate into doing away with all reservations on this basis in toto. A it appears that actual measures for general students are those suggested
definite reference was especially needed because reservations do not apply on the side, like open learning, volunteer teachers etc. Rather, with
as of now to private institutions and the thrust of this Policy is on proposals on merging primary schools etc., the real result may be to

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
decrease expenses on govt. funded education. The highly stratified testing services and open education.This is the thrust of this Policy too.
education system shall not only remain so but surely get even worse. Second is Consumption Abroad which covers Movement of students from
one country to another for higher education and foreign students in US
There is an emphasis on new books and education material. In an universities etc. This, too, is one of the strong proposals of the current
environment where academic bodies are being rapidly stuffed with RSS draft although this is garbed in other phrases. Third one is Commercial
sympathizers, the content of such proposed material naturally seems pre Presence which means Establishment of local branch campuses or
decided. Secondly, the Education policy of this Govt. should be seen in subsidiaries by foreign universities in other countries, course offerings by
the light of its policy initiatives for pushing through privatization and domestic private colleges leading to degrees at foreign universities, twinning
commercialization in other sectors. arrangements, franchising; presence of sponsors of campuses and courses.
Here attempt is made to make a quick overview of the Policy. Let us go Fourth is Movement of persons meaning Temporary movement of teachers,
through some salient features. lecturers, and education personnel to provide education services overseas.
We shall see that all the four modes are embedded in the new policy draft
Composition of Committee with some sugar-coating and camouflage of good intentions to drastically
change the current situation with respect to the aspects identified.
The drafting committee was headed by former ISRO Chairperson Dr.
K. Kasturirangan. Among its members are Leena Chandran Wadia from School Education
Reliance funded Observer Research Foundation Mumbai; Anurag Behar,
CEO, Azim Premji Foundation & Vice Chancellor, Azim Premji University, Let us start from the beginning. It proposes a new terminology Early
Bengaluru;Vinayachandra, Director, Veda Vignana Shodha Samsthanam Childhood Care & Education (ECCE) –a sobriquet for pre schooling, nursery,
(VVSS), Bengaluru. It had a peer review committee which included Anganwadi etc. It cites a study to show that children exposed to various
Mohandas Pai Chairman, Manipal Global Education, Bengaluru, a private ECCE schemes have a higher retention rate and they learn better. Since
education corporate; J.S. Rajput India’s representative to the Executive large number of people do not have access to quality ECCE or have no
Board of UNESCO Former Director, NCERT during MM Joshi era. Its access at all, they lag behind in learning from grade1.Financially well off
technical Secretariat included Gowrisha, Head, New Initiatives, Centre for have advantage of good pre schooling and that is the reason for their faring
Educational and Social Studies, Bengaluru. CESS is again an institute better. Up to now Anganwadis have functioned under the aegis of ICDS. It
with thrust in so called Indic Studies and investigating philosophies of Sri. proposes to continue it, but its contents are to be decided centrally by
Aurobindo, Gandhi and Swami Vivekananda. Also, this Institute is Ministry of HRD. RTE (Right to Education) will also extend to include ECCE.
developing and theorizing Indian Economic Model and Indian Management Let us have a look at its contents.
thought. All these are ample indicators of the thrust of provisions to be It talks of children aged 0-3 years first. It talks about stimulating inputs
expected in this draft. for learning through low-cost equipment like rattles made using bottles etc.
Second stage meant for children 3-8 years is called Foundation Stage.
Some Provisions of GATS This stage is meant for parents, anganwadis, pre-primary schools, grades
UAPA Govt was stopped by people’s movements from signing GATS 1 and 2. Here they will introduce basic learning including language and
Agreement under WTO as it included Education as a Trade, and this applied socio-emotive skills etc, but also customs, moral development, what is
to the BJP-RSS 1 Govt. too. Let us look in a nutshell at the policy directives right and what is wrong. This will surely become one entry point for giving
of GATS to appreciate this New Education policy’s adherence to it. It has the content of the RSS agenda of upper caste, chauvinist and patriarchal
four modes. One is Cross Border Delivery: i.e. delivery of education services values, right at the beginning. It even proposes to integrate and strengthen
via internet which covers Distance education, tele-education, education the traditional role of family. It means the onus of education will be

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
transferred to the family of the children. The other important proposal is under ‘reformed’ labour laws.
that Anganwadi centres will be better equipped, more trained manpower
will be there, they will be co-located with primary schools. It may imply Now coming to schools. While it rightly recognizes problems faced by
lessening the number of Anganwadis. Even pre-primary schools will be co- students, the solutions it proposes are dangerous. It acknowledges lack of
located. This is even now being tried in the name of better allocation of school preparedness, poor PTR (pupil to teacher Ratio) etc. It also
resources.In actual practice such co-locations will inevitably constrain acknowledges that teachers are less. To resolve this, it does not emphasise
parents from being able to send children to places that may be far away. hiring more teachers alone (it does that but proposes other solutions too
Recognizing this, and especially the need to facilitate girl children being with the same emphasis, which give ways to bypass that need), but wants
sent to school, the emphasis upto now was always on neighbourhood community and peers to participate in the same. It advocates what was
schools as having the maximum chance of ensuring that all children went proposed long back, but now has come as matter of policy “each one teach
to school. Reversing that understanding in practice, the policy also proposes one”. This is sought to be justified by citing an Indian proverb that “Knowledge
to build standalone pre-primary schools. This ECCE system will have a is the only quantity that increases for oneself when one gives it away to
strong regulatory and accreditation mechanism. That means central control others.” NEPproposes that this can be done out of school hours by
and little freedom to reflect the diversity that is inherent in our country. volunteers or people passionate about teaching, under guidance of teachers.
Central control, it is being seen in other such bodies in education, means This also clears the way for entry of NGOs (which can later develop into
bodies with RSS idealogues as overseers and advisors. PPP and eventually Corporates can also enter in the name of CSR).Notably,
it says that vacancies of teachers should be filled ‘as soon as possible”,
The curricular framework it talks about for ECCE has certain points to and not ‘as soon as needed.’ It also talks about recruitment of volunteers
be pondered on. One is proposing that parents, Anganwadis and low cost and social workers and encouraging large scale community participation.
locally made tools to be part of this teaching. While it all sounds good, the The need to recruit trained teachers for quality education is totally diluted
difference it has mentioned about learning abilities of rich children and and this dilution is going to impact the children in govt. schools.
poor only get deeper here. Secondly, it proposes a flexible course, which
while it sounds good in theory, paves the ways to have sub-standard There is proposal for Remedial Instructional Aids Programme (RIAP). It
education at certain places. Thirdly, in NCF (National Curriculum Framework) is suggested that locals specially women will be drawn in to enable or
itself, there is provision for incorporation of various rich traditions of India. motivate students who have fallen behind. They will be given special
In the name of traditions, it is not the democratic, people oriented and remedial classes by such voluntary teachers. Another similar idea is National
enriching traditions which will find place, but rather that of the ideology in Tutor Programme (NTP). The best performing students will be drawn to
power at the Centre. this programme. They will teach up to 5 hours a week and these volunteers
will be given certificates too. No mention is made of remuneration. While
It also proposes that the Anganwadi teachers will be given 6 months’ doing away with permanent teachers it will use the services of underpaid/
time for CPD (Continuous Professional Development) to enhance unpaid people who want to serve on one hand, on the other hand perpetuate
themselves. This could become a tool to reduce the number of Anganwadi the stratified education system.There is also a provision for ‘qualified
teachers, particularly old ones. Moreover, while doing all this, it does not volunteers’ for both NTP and RIAP which will include retired teachers, good
at all mention about what will happen to the status of Anganwadi teachers. students or other society members. This is also in consonance with GATS
Currently they are given the status of voluntary workers and instead of policies as it is informal low-cost measure.
salary, given honorarium without any other benefits mandated by the laws
for regular jobs. With such a change, there will be an obvious demand to The policy does talk of ensuring PTR under 30:1, vacancies to be filled
make them regular teachers. It conveniently ignores the financial urgently, but without even estimating proper budgetary allotment and along
implications of this part unless it plans that they will be designated differently with giving scope of NTP, it looks obvious that NTP will get precedence.

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To facilitate bigger coverage of students, Open Distance Learning (ODL), and electrical work. While it has been long desired that all aspects should
using NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling), e-learning etc. will be be included as a part of curriculum so as to allow development of all facets
used.So, all the good talk of school for everyone is mostly for making the of a child, there is apprehension that in govt. schools this may allow neglect
draft sound good. The bulk will be shifted to Open schooling. Open, distance of providing proper teachers and proper infrastructure and give a cover for
and online learning is the clear dictum of WTO to reduce infrastructural poor facilities as well as neglecting teaching of the core subjects.
With emphasis on multidisciplinary learning, distinction between arts,
It suggests that distance will not be sole criterion for schools. There science, vocational and academic is proposed to be blurred.The way the
are ideas of transport given by the Policy document, one of which is novel stratified education system has worked till now, pushing children from poor
to government schools. Modes of transport suggested are bicycles, schools’ economic backgrounds towards vocational education rather than giving all
buses, apart from walking groups. But cycle rickshaws are proposed to be children equal opportunity and then respecting their choice, raises the fear
provided to some parents, who will also use it to leave children of the area that by continuing and intensifying the same stratified system, the Policy
to school as well as take them home for fixed renumeration and then use will intensify this trend, In fact, the Document states that with rapidly
the rickshaws to earn their livelihood. It is clear that buses will rarely be changing economic scenario, vocational courses are more relevant, and
provided.It implies that while talking of new schools etc., basically there is even pre-vocational courses should be started at early stage. This may
plan to reduce the number of schools and do away with many of the mean government schools and thus invariably, students from poorer
neighbourhood schools even in existence. background, will end up getting a lopsided education which will dictate that
they are left with no option but to enter the ranks of skilled workforce. This
Structure has been revised into 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 system. It includes 5 will further enhance stratification in education system.
years of Foundation Stage (3 years of pre-school and grade I & II); 3 years
of the Preparatory or Latter Primary Stage (Grades 3, 4, 5); 3 years of the “So m any developed countries around the world have am ply
Middle or Upper Primary Stage (Grades 6, 7, 8) and 4 years of the High or demonstrated,being well educated in one’s language, culture, and traditions
Secondary Stage (Grades 9, 10, 11, 12).From grade 9 semester system is not a detriment but indeed a huge benefit to educational, social, and
will be introduced. technological advancement.” While it is good to be taught in one's mother
tongue and know about cultures and traditions, in multilingual, multi cultural
While different methods and ideas are described for each stage, there India where will this lead to especially when it is also decreed that textbooks
is no necessity to again explain why, in the current atmosphere where will be centrally prepared?The country has rich democratic, scientific,
education bodies and institutions are being packed with Hindutva ideologues, pluralistic traditions; will these be reflected or will Hindutva ideology become
the following statements do not portend well : the order of learning? Secondly, it is important to remember that books
“All stages will heavily incorporate Indian and local traditions, as well needed for higher education are certainly not available in all languages of
as ethical reasoning, socio-emotional learning, quantitative and logical India.Third, set the proposal in the frame of our stratified education system-
reasoning, computational thinking and digital literacy, scientific temper, it means the same will be furthered.
languages, and communication skills, in a manner that is developmentally There will be teaching of moral and ethical reasoning. It will inculcate
appropriate and in the curricular/pedagogical style that is optimal for each “traditional Indian values of seva, ahimsa, swacchata, satya, nishkam
stage” (emphasis ours). karma, tolerance, honest hard work, respect for women, respect for elders,..”
It also proposes that all activities will be considered curricular rather There will be full-fledged course on “knowledge of India”. While this could
than extra-curricular or co-curricular, including sports, yoga, dance, be considered desirable from the point of view of emphasizing certain
music,drawing, painting, sculpting, pottery making, woodworking, gardening, developments in India missed by western historians especially of science;

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but, given the political context, this is more likely to lead to pseudo-science There are suggestions to change teachers’ selection processes too as
and chauvinism given the orientation of policy and policy makers. well as their training schedules. New four years' B.Ed. will be introduced
and no further recruitment from old system will be there and para-teaching
This apart, Sanskrit will be given special emphasis as it is considered staff like Shikshamitra will be discontinued. For promotional avenues,it
a language where a great repository of knowledge including arts, literature, proposes ”salary, promotion, career management, and leadership positions
science, mathematics and medicine, is there. It means that knowledge in the school system and beyond tend not to have any formal merit-based
which is centuries old will take precedence over current knowledge. It may structures, but rather are based on lobbying, luck, or seniority. An excellent
be good to mention many achievements as part of history, but not as system of merit-based structures and reviews, with excellent enabling school
replacement of contemporary science and other things. and school complex leadership and environment, is essential for outstanding
The proposed three language formula with Hindi as an essential element teachers to be incentivised and motivated to do, and be appreciated for
to be taught from first stage has already met with enough resistance for doing their highest quality work”. So there goes affirmative action like
government to backtrack. It was an attempt to impose the RSS idea of Reservations! Besides, such proposed measures, though they may appear
Hindi as “One nation one language” or “Hindi, Hindu Hindustan”. There is all right in theory, always tends to promote sycophancy and adherence to
talk of foreign language to be offered with language options mentioned dominant line of ruling section, while claiming to remove the same.
being German, French, Japanese, Chinese. Today, these are courses InB.Ed.programmes too “knowledge of India and its traditions” will be
offered only in private schools of elite standing. Where are the teachers introduced.
going to come from for government schools if this is the routine option in The Policy talks of job guarantee for B.Ed. pass outs, but again there is
schools? Will options be given in govt. schools? There is likelihood that no mention of how budgetary allocation will be met. At the same time, it
with such dramatic difference in the wages of skilled personell in our country talks of sharing teachers in a school complex. There is an inherent
and imperialist countries, this knowledge of languages will allow MNCs contradiction and it is seen throughout the draft. CPD will be introduced
coming to India to use this pool just as they use other skilled personnel and minimum of 50 hours a year will be expected. CPD will also include
like scientists, IT personnel, engineers etc in their overseas locations rather cooperation of civil society, peer learning and online resource learning.
than the expensive personnel of their parent countries. This means, while giving a window to Hindutva committed elements as
A National Curriculum Frame work will be designed to incorporate the civil society, CPD programs will not be manned by highly trained experts,
above policy points. The local variations can be there in additional text but much will be left to peers and online resources.
books. Interestingly, while NCERT in consultation with SCERT, will develop There is a talk of making school complexes rather than more schools.
‘high quality text books”, the local supplementary or additional material Idea is to have a senior school and various junior schools integrated into
will be prepared through PPP and crowd funding. one administrative unit and resource sharing. While the said intent is to
While rightly recognizing the burden Board examinations put on the remove isolation of small schools, it risks doing away with any autonomy
students and its uselessness, the solutions NEP proposes seem only to of small schools. It would be far more desirable to improve small schools
confuse the situation. Going further, for university entrance a National and have proper infrastructure and facilities there. Instead of that, in the
Testing Agency (NTA) is proposed. This is akin to the Education and Testing name of resource sharing, prospects are that many schools may fail to
Agency of USA which conducts various qualifying exams like GRE, SAT, have any development at all. As mentioned earlier teachers are proposed
GMAT etc. We shall see later that the idea in higher education is to replicate to be shared among schools. It means not increasing teachers but increasing
US system. Universities will not be able to conduct entrances or have their load, with a possibility rife that students have to go to distant places
admission criterion as per their mandate or vision. Such unification is also to access resources. NEP states - “Adequate numbers of social workers
desired by WTO. will be appointed to the school complexes ……… The social workers will

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engage deeply with the community being served by the school complex.” It We can see that while making so much of noise about high PTR, less
implies an emphasis on doing away with paid staff. Even PTR improvement scientific education, responsibility of state to educate, the Policy gives
is sought in school complexes. It means same teacher will teach in different more entries to NGOs, corporate as CSR, and just changes the names of
schools of that complex. Not only it will burden a teacher, talk of better schools from public to private and thus legitimizes, validates and
conditions and more jobs will prove to be only an eyewash. encourages private schools. For government schools, particularly in remote
areas, in places where poor children will go, it only suggests informal
A Rashtriya Shiksha Aayog (RSA) is proposed to be created for education albeit in glorified ways.
accreditation and regulation of schools. NEP says - “This apex body will
be the primary institution for overall monitoring and policymaking for Higher Education
continual improvement of the system”. This body will not handle service
provision.Similar bodies, Rajya Siksha Aayogs(RjSA), are proposed at state In Higher education too, the Draft Policy starts with lots of phrases
level. We shall discuss RSA later. about failures or problems of education so far, followed by suggestions to
resolve them. But the intention remains the same. Hindutva is amalgamated
The NEP also makes recommendation that no private school can have with WB/WTO dictates. There is a general talk of Pan Indian traditions,
‘public’ in their name as this is misleading. This is fine. But, in the same talks about Takshashila and Nalanda and description of Education in ancient
breath, it gives full right for continuing parallel stratified system of schooling times, which needs be replicated in today’s scenario. It talks of 64 Kalas
by giving full right to private schools to flourish. Thus every single described in ancient texts from music, painting to engineering, medicine,
apprehension expressed that the whole Policy will be used to further dilute maths and so on. It then proposes that Indian higher education should be
teachers, teaching personnel level and courses and options for govt. school multi-disciplinary as that was the first concept of liberal arts. All the future
students is fully justified. Specifically, the Policy proposes to encourage courses and Higher Education Institutions (HEI) will be multi-disciplinary.
‘public spirited private schools’, schools by ‘private philanthropic It is important that such homilies for ‘multi-disciplinarily’ and ‘liberal arts’
organizations. Regulation criterion will be same for both private as well as be read in the context of actual practice of the present ruling dispensation.
public schools.
The Policy proposes three types of HEIs. Type I will be Universities
Schools are also given freedom to choose curriculum of their own, but doing research and offering both research and teaching; Type II will be
in full accordance with NCF or SCF, however, public (government) schools universities offering only teaching; and all affiliated colleges will fall in
will have stricter regulation. There can be multiple boards of assessment Type III category. All will be autonomous. Members of Type III too will
at national level like CBSE, ICSE, NIOS. All schools will be accredited gradually be made autonomous. All must be multi-disciplinary(MD). Deemed
and assessed, for which a School Quality Assessment and Accreditation universities,too,will come under one of such categories and there will be
Framework (SQAAF) is proposed. It will have teachers, parents as well as no more deemed universities. These norms will apply to private colleges
civil society organizations. Apart from some basic parameters like basic as well. The direct implication is that all mushrooming private colleges will
facilities, PTR, etc., aspect of infrastructure is left flexible. All this means have authority to grant degrees of their own. All of them will gradually
that in name of flexibility, different schools can have different infrastructure m ove towards f ull autonom y- ac adem ic , adm in istr at ive and
and deficiencies can be justified. It should be obvious that all the Central financial,implying that gradually all higher education will be privatized and
boards and regulatory authority will be staffed by those who share the commercialized. That is the main drive.
ruling RSS ideology.
Though the Policy also talks of autonomy to formulate courses, freedom
Private schools will have freedom to decide their fees as long as it is to innovate etc. but one can see that with tight RSA and National
not for profiteering. All it means is that some accounts have to be managed Assessment and Accreditation Council (NAAC) sitting on their head, the
to show no profit. direction of courses will be pre decided. Moreover, with financial autonomy

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(though graded and increasing with time), new courses can only be those finally.
where rich can come and which will be saleable in market. It advocates
designing of new cutting-edge courses and setting up career management While talking of no student being deprived of higher education, it talks
systems. The development of basic sciences, literature, philosophy, social of introducing certificate courses in vocational training. This means that
science will automatically get a back seat. The scope of dissent in practice those not getting into proper courses, which shall be the largest section of
and in teaching and deciding differing types of course material will be further our population as all positive measures like Reservations and Scholarships
curbed. Private institutions can have their own funding as long as they will be done away with. Also higher education will be more and more
disclose their accounts fully. Own funding means own fee structure, and privatized with fee structures differing for courses. Thus largest number of
one hundred percent reservation for the rich and privileged. All the courses students will have no right of option and shall be deemed to be only skilled
are suggested to be capable of making the students occupationally ready. workers in waiting for the success of Make in India.
This is not always a positive thing though it may appear to be one, as it As far as Research is concerned, there will be single funding agency
dilutes the importance of pursual of basic science and humanities by those called National Research Foundation, NRF. Others like DST and ICCSSR
interested. etc. will continue but NRF will be the major agency funding all arenas of
All universities shall be enjoined to have a four years B.Ed. programme. research including science, history, culture, language etc. NEP also states
Idea is to prepare Multi-disciplinary (MD) teachers for schools. While this that “There will be a rigorous periodic review (once every 5 years) of areas
is a replica of US system, autonomy of privatization is in built in the policy and fields of current national importance, and of emerging fields, by a
which makes all the nice things it says about reaching to the last person committee constituted by the RSA for this purpose.” This should be viewed
bogus and nothing but eyewash. It also says focus of education will be on in light of the recent order which states that research should be done on
languages. This is in the name of making it "engaging with world” and topics relevant to national importance - the deliberate push on an artificial
students can learn to express in mother tongue. But it adds “This shall history and on pseudoscience in national seminars and scientific
include India’s deep traditions in the arts, music and sports, including the conferences shows what this means. In addition, scientific institutions are
numerous remarkable local and regional traditions. Yoga shall form an already under pressure to do ‘’ commercially viable’’ research which gives
integral part of such efforts as well. Institutions will be encouraged and marketable entities rather than focussing on basic research.
funded to offer full-fledged programmes and courses in these areas”. NEP The Policy also talks about promoting mobility of students as well as
also promotes vocational courses and skill developing courses to be an teachers. This is a clear condition of WTO to treat education as a trade. It
integral part of all courses. It is advocating opening of five world class will mean foreign students will come to India to get educated at lesser fees
HEIs for liberal arts like IITs, IIMs, ISERs to be “modelled after some of and at the cost of our students. RSA will make a proposal and set up
the best universities in world history, such as Nalanda and the Ivy League portals and other means to help foreign students get visas, and will setup
schools in the U.S.” The engagement with world and liberal arts idea is a Foreigner Registration Regional Office (FRRO).Extension of stay and
either engaging with imperialism or with a phrase mongering which internship policies will be simplified to attract high quality students from all
appropriates everything in ancient India for it. over the world.
Even professional HEIs like engineering/medical HEIs will be NEP talks of internationalization of higher education, justification for
‘liberalized’ and will not remain single field programmes. This could be a which has been invoked by citing example of ancient international
welcome step, except for the ideological desperation bringing it. It implies universities like Nalanda. Therefore, to attract others and to prepare our
that above ‘values’ will be part of every student seeking higher education students for global challenges, we must have internationally relevant
and thus agenda of RSS will have widest possible base in higher education education. Same goes with teachers. they too can move. It may mean that
as the content of Education will be in the hands of the regulatory bodies foreign teachers may eat our vacancies. Again,this only implies succumbing

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to GATS and facilitating foreign players in education business. This mobility toeing the government line or being out. A Continuous Professional
was a major condition of GATS. Development (CPD) will be compulsory and will include this‘social work’
and ‘values’. The most important aspect is that there is no mention
Not just this, it also proposes to invite select foreign universities into anywhere that in teacher recruitments to predominantly privatized education,
India. The draft policy proposes that 200 foreign universities will be invited will the Reservations which allow some social justice to prevail, find any
to operate in India, for which legislative framework should be made. It is place?
worth noting that when the Vice Chancellor of the famous Cambridge
University was asked about going global with off shore campuses, he said Professional Education
our prestige is from this campus and we are not McDonald to distribute
franchise in every street. We can understand that only second grade Professional education (medicine, architecture, agriculture, law and
universities; not world-famous centres, but profit hungry education technical education) will undergo a major revamp. It is proposed that all
businessmen will enter to disburse second grade education with high fees professional regulatory bodies will come under RSA, NHERA, NAAC, HEGC.
in the name of foreign universities. It seeks to remove all the barriers so They will do the job of” governance, regulation, accreditation, and funding”.
that the trading is unhindered. Collaborations with foreign universities are Current bodies like UGC, MCI, AICTTE will be only Professional Standard
also encouraged. An Inter-University Centre for International Education is Setting Body (PSSB), setting standards for courses etc.
proposed for this. Australian universities are not generally considered very Agricultural universities are proposed to be given new vision. They will
good, admission is easy and it gives a stamp of foreign university, it may not concentrate on just traditional agricultural subjects but will have to
happen in India now. have strong linkage with other national laboratories, in terms of start-ups,
Another feature is emphasis on ODL and online courses.It proposes business incubation, etc. meaning thereby emphasis on commercialization
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC). While talking of establishing new of agriculture.
institutes, enhancing old, ensuring all get educated, it ultimately comes Technical and vocational education will be given a thrust and B.Voc.
down to saying that GER (Gross Enrolment Ratio) in ODL must increase to type of courses will start. This will produce workers in related professional
50%. Expansion of ODL must be encouraged. Regular institutions of Type areas like horticulture, pharmacy, radiology, etc. In healthcare alone, WHO
I and Type II should have programs for ODL, supposedly to shorten the estimate is cited of requirement of 80 million jobs by 2030. It will be part of
gap in quality of the two. But obviously, it is to promote ODL. This means national skill development program to produce skilled manpower which will
that the students from poorer background will be sucked in for ODL and be used primarily in the private enterprises which are to dominate Health
MOOC. The policy only furthers the present system of differentiation. Both due to other parallel policy initiatives.
ODL as well as MOOC are propositions of GATS to reduce infrastructural
costs. They also help to curb dissatisfaction, by allowing Govts. to claim Fees for all professional institutions will be decided by the institution
all have access to higher education, however stratified it may be. itself, for both public and private enterprises. To enable access to poor
students, they will be required to provide Scholarships. Minimum 20% should
Faculty recruitment will include academic as well as some social work get 100% and up to 50% “some degree of scholarships”. This has been the
(“Faculty recruitment will be on the basis of academic expertise and depth, proposal of many corporate lobbies even earlier. Do not regulate fees, but
on teaching capacities and disposition for public services”). This ‘social’ give some concession to few. Such models are practiced in USA. It will
could imply in association with the RSS outfits. Probation period for faculty ensure that a large section of middle class is thrown out of professional
will be five years! Their promotion will be based on merit, feedback etc. A education. And scholarship will be for poor, from where anyway only a
so-called robust merit-based tenure track, promotion will be developed. It small section will be able to qualify.
will amount to furthering a policy of people not falling in line not being
promoted. Even downgrading and throwing out is also proposed. It will mean There is a proposed provision in the law curriculum that it should fall

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back on culture and tradition. History of legal institutions and victory of special provisions for people from interior areas, girls etc. are also done
Dharma over Adharma are to be taught.Classical law text should be taught. away with. Also, in URG, it equates all SC, ST, OBCs, minorities, urban
(it explicitly does not say manusmriti though). poor, girls, students with special needs, transgenders etc. This is
sociologically illogical.
For Health, it proposes a ‘pluralistic and holistic’ healthcare education
and delivery. MBBS should be redesigned. The first two years of education Regulation & Funding
should be common to all science graduates, after which they can opt for
MBBS/BDS/Nursing etc. There is also a provision for lateral entry for RashtriyaSikshaAyog (RSA)
graduates from other medical disciplines including dental/nursing into
medicine. It proposes common foundation courses based on “medical There are proposals for various levels of regulatory structures and curbing
pluralism”. It means that all that are included in AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga or redefining of existing ones. These new institutions include the
& Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy)as well as others will be establishment, by an Act of Parliament, of an all-powerful Rashtriya Siksha
mainstreamed and they are proposed to be bridged later when one can Ayog (RSA). It will regulate all education, from KG to research. It will have
select electives in later part of the course. This will also mean that without the Prime Minister as Chairperson and will have Vice Chairman of NITI
creating proper infrastructure for better scientific medical education, one Ayog as member and is to be run by executive and advisory bodies that
can increase the numbers of doctors. AYUSH and scientific medical health will consist of 50% of ministers and another 50% of educationists,
centre will be co located. These will be the inputs into a healthcare delivery academics and civil society members. Thus, education will be in the tight
system differentiated by class. All this must be seen in the context that centralized control of Government as well as, in the case of current Govt.,
the political class which swears by Ayurveda and ancient medicine for the Hindutva subscribers (who can also flood Civil Society members even when
masses, goes to the top govt allopathic institutions or to such ones abroad not in government). Also, private corporate organizations like Pratham,
for their own treatment. Central Square Foundation etc. will get a say in these matters as civil
society. These NGOs are already there. Therefore, it will be under the
A single final exam like single entrance exam like NEET is proposed direct control of Central government and corporate (CSR). As for NITI Ayog,
called EXIT exam. This exam will not only burden medical students, it will it has already started interfering in education and in many states promoted
also lower the standard of education. This will be to facilitate lateral entrants merger or closure of schools. It has also called for scrapping RTE Act (as
to exit gracefully. This will also serve as PG entrance examination. All this has CSF). What direction will it give too can be seen soon.
implies that it will help to produce legitimized substandard pseudo
scientifically educated personnel for use in care structure for masses. Under this all powerful RSA will be many new institutions such as:
Nowhere do RSS functionaries go for treatment to AYUSH centres for major National Research Fund, National Higher Education Regulatory Authority
health problems. Nothing can be a better example of amalgamation of (and State Education Regulatory Authorities in all states), Central Education
imperialist dictates and Hindutva in education. Statistics Division (under NUEPA), National Repository of Educational Data,
National Testing Agency, Indian Institute of Translation and Interpretation,
Provisions of underprivileged sections Multidisciplinary Education and Research Institutes or Indian Institutes of
Liberal Arts, and General Education Council. There will be new wings or
This Policy does talk of Unrepresented Groups (URG) in education but schemes like National Scholarship Fund, Study in India Portal (for
is absolutely silent on Reservation of any kind. For URG too, it only says international students), and the Global Initiative for Academic Networks.
it will give emphasis in recruitment of teachers and volunteers, and these The Draft, repeatedly speaks of ‘autonomy’ in education, but actually
can serve as role models for students from URG. With privatization as proposes a direct central control of Government and the growth of bloated
major direction of thrust, virtually reservations for SC/ST/OBCs and any and hierarchical bureaucracy in Education.

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National Research Foundation (NRF) significant development, it will be owned by private sector.

NRF will be the major funding agency for research in the country. Its Other Regulatory & Funding Institutions Under RSA
Governing Board shall be appointed by RSA. It will fund research in four
major divisions- Sciences;Technology; Social Sciences and Arts and Many such bodies are proposed. For instance, National Higher Education
Humanities - with the provision to add additional divisions (e.g. health, Regulatory Authority (NHERA), Higher Education Grants Council (HEGC)
agriculture, environmental issues),whenever it may be determined to be NAAC etc. NHERA shall be the sole regulator for higher education, including
beneficial by the Governing Council of the NRF. Other funding agencies professional education. Other bodies like UGC, MCI, AICTE and others
will remain. will serve only as PSSBs (Professional Standard Setting Body) under the
guidance of RSA. For this all existing laws, acts of parliament etc will be
The arrangement will ensure that by grant of funds, choice of the “most appropriately modified. It will monitor and audit finances and academic
urgent national issues of the day” are regulated. We have seen that recently output with diversity of education as its special emphasis. What shall be
a circular was issued to a central university to do research only on issues the nature of this diversity, has already been discussed.
of national interest. It will become national policy now. Either do research
in accordance with official line or do not do. NAAC will be there for accreditation and will accredit all the educational
institutes. Now instead of a grading system of accreditation, a binary ‘yes
There is a suggestion that NRF will work as a liaison between government, or no’ will be introduced. Meaning thereby, fall in line or perish (though a 10
researcher and industry. Up to now government had no direct control over years' gap period is there). This accreditation will also facilitate transition
funding, but funding agencies did this work, of course in accordance with to autonomy.
the governmental policies. Now this liaison will give a more direct control.
It also implies that now Industry can have a say in deciding the funding of All fund granting powers shall be transferred to HECG. It will be the
research. This is much in accordance with WTO/WB. What is even more sole funder and gradually replace UGC. “HEGC shall focus its energy on
dangerous is that it speaks of collaboration with other government agencies, scholarships and on developmental funds to start new focus areas in HEIs
industry and philanthropic organizations. These philanthropic organizations across fields and disciplines”; with HEIs being forced to be financially
could be CSR organizations or RSS affiliated organizations. Already, autonomous, little funding can be expected from the HECG. Since all these
Hindutva subscribers are included in the academic bodies in govt. will be under direct supervision of RSA, everything will be under tight control
institutions. of the government, with not just the incorporation of infamous HECI bill,
but worse than that.
NRF will also “create a mechanism for monitoring and mid-course
corrections.” It will have a governing body comprising of academicians and The document has many more things which need a very detailed review
professionals constituted by RSA. NRF will also fund international projects. and deliberation. But we can see clearly that GATS has been introduced
This will mean India will fund foreign projects, where domestic research as a matter of policy even without the government signing it. This policy is
struggles for funds. There will be ‘no discrimination’ between public and to make Indian education accessible to private and foreign education
private institutions. corporate and produce trained man power for them, make education
inaccessible to common folks, demolish the concept of state funded free
While it says that monetary benefits of intellectual property will be given education to all. In fact, if we read this document along with GATS or with
to researchers due to patents, government and the parent body shall have six bills on education by Kapil Sibal, we shall find stark similarity. At the
licence to use it. And this will apply to private and foreign bodies too. same time infiltration of Hindutva ideology at various levels shall come full
Since NRF will fund, without discrimination, both public and private bodies throttle under different garbs. Lest there be any illusions regarding the
it will mean that research will be funded by government, and if there is any interpretations of the policy proposals under taken above, please read it in

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conjunction with the NITI Aayog policy recommendations on ‘Education Union Budget 2019-2020
and Skill Development’ which is available from
writereaddata/files/coop/20.pdf. Increasing the Burden on the
It is surprising indeed that all of this leaves scope in some quarters for
this policy to be read as ‘Too good to be true’! Anyhow, not only should
People, Attacking the Workers
this draft be opposed tooth and nail; rather, it is our bounden duty, for
which outs our cing our concerns through petitioning to various
and Ignoring the Distressed
representatives of the ruling classes in different political parties is certainly Peasantry and Unemployed Youth
not the way forward. Powerful movements of students and teachers, which
seek to inform and educate the common people of India of the dangerous
portents is on agenda. There is burning need too, for the people of India to Having skirted the question of performance of the Govt. in the just
come forward in struggle against this document and all measures for concluded parliamentary elections, Modi Govt.’s Finance Minister chose
commercialization and privatization of education besides measures seeking to sing praises of the performance of Modi led RSS-BJP Govt. in its first
to end positive social action like reservations, without equitable changes term. She dished out jumlas and avoided all specifics.
in the life of the people. The way forward lies in powerful broad based Despite all bravado, the Union Budget displays deepening crisis in the
struggles which must be followed in earnest. Indian economy. Economic Survey presented a day earlier on July 4,
surveyed less and surmised much. It noted drop in tax collections, falling
rate of savings and declining rate of agricultural wages. Though it made
robust claims of high growth, these figures have been questioned not only
by several economists but also by earlier National Economic Advisor to
the Govt. Economic Survey has made the self-evident discovery that for
Read and Subscribe growth, investment has to grow. For this the Survey advocates sale of
CPI(ML) Organs Public Sector Enterprises and further facilitating entry of foreign capital by
labour law ‘reforms’. The corporate think tanks have also been advising
New Democracy English the Govt. on same lines. Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman’s Budget
has toed the very same line.
Pratirodh Ka Swar Hindi
RSS-BJP Govt.’s budget does not address the key questions agitating
Voice of New Democracy Telugu the people. It does not even mention the peasant distress and unemployment
(Telengana) crisis. Modi Govt. assumes that its re-election means people are having
New Democracy Bulletin Telugu no problems. There is not even a mention of raising MSP and of problems
in Govt. purchase of agricultural produce, displaying utmost insensitivity
(Andhra Pradesh)
to the concerns of the vast masses of peasantry of the country. Though
Biplabi Ganaline Bengali the FM talked of “Gaon, Garib and Kisan” these sections were absent from
her concerns. The talk of value addition in agricultural produce is meant for
Inquilabi Sada Rah Punjabi
corporate and not for peasants. RSS-BJP Govt. has been advocating large
Sangrami Ekta Odia scale entry of corporate in Agriculture. On the other hand there are increasing
attacks on tribals’ lands and livelihood. Ms. Sitharaman’s announcement

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on documentation of the tribals’ origin is probably indicative of the Govt. laid emphasis on large infrastructure development programme but has taken
thrust to forcibly displace them. Public Private Partnership mode for that which effectively amounts to public
losses and private profits. This was particularly mentioned with regard to
While Drought is affecting several parts of the country and is a big burden Railways where Govt. is planning large scale privatization. Finance Minister
especially on the peasants but the Finance Minister chose to ignore this also announced utilization of the lands with PSUs and also military for
serious problem particularly in relation to Agriculture. Though she waxed “affordable housing”, the sector in which several corporate have entered in
eloquent on making water available and even promised to make piped water a big way.
reach every home in the current term of this Govt., her words were divorced
from action and she proceeded to cut allocation to this Ministry by over 10 Union Minister announced Govt. resolve to change labour laws. The attack
thousand crore rupees. on labour laws and total liquidation of implementation machinery is sought
to further lower the wages and benefits of workers to shore up the profits.
There are no measures for addressing the question of unemployment. These measures, in addition to cut in ESI contribution of owners already
Only tax benefits or interest subvention for Start-ups cannot resuscitate effected, are meant to facilitate increasing the profits especially of corporate
this initiative suffering from morbidity. Announcements by the Finance and to attract foreign capital. Besides changing labour laws Finance Minister
Minister will not have much impact on the job situation. What is needed is also announced setting up labour law free big manufacturing hubs which
a boost to increase the demand, which is possible only by increasing corporate media and Finance Minister are projecting as tools for promoting
purchasing power of the people for which no measures have been investment.
announced. Rather she proceeded to announce waiver of the requirement
of 30% procurement from local manufactures by foreign single brand retailers There were several measures to attract foreign capital. Besides waiving
which shows the true colour of the Make in India rhetoric of Modi Govt. and requirement of purchase from local producers for single-brand retail, 100%
its declared objective of helping small and medium industries. No FDI is to be permitted in several sectors. Govt. announced its intention to
announcement was made even to fill up the vacancies in the Govt. jobs invite foreign capital especially in aviation, media and insurance and even
which according to Economic Survey amounted to more than 2.5 million. permitted 100% FDI in insurance intermediaries besides several other
On the other hand there was not even ritual reference to MNREGS in her sectors. Insurance has been a special target of foreign capital. Steps were
speech. But in her proposals there is cut in the allocation to this scheme. also announced for permitting foreign entities to acquire properties of the
sick Non-Banking Finance Companies. Finance Minister mentioned low
Union Budget was on expected lines, bereft of any measure for the people. foreign debt GDP ratio to justify her Govt.’s plans to attract foreign capital
On the other hand, it further increased taxes on diesel and petrol by levying and thereby increase the burden of foreign debt.
additional tax of Rs. 1 per litre and cess of Rs. 1 per litre thereby increasing
the prices of petrol and diesel by Rs. 2 per litre. Though prices of crude in Finance Minister admitted the ailing condition of banks and announced
the international market are low, but the diesel and petrol prices are very plans to merge Public Sector Banks (PSBs) into eight banks. These mergers
high in India due to very heavy taxes levied by the Govt. This will further are being undertaken to shift the burden of NPAs, in other words of the loot
increase the burden on the people as increase in the prices of diesel and by corporate as most of the NPAs belong to them, to the healthy banks
petrol has effect on all sectors. This will also further increase the cost of and thereby onto the shoulders of the people. Finance Minister also dealt
agricultural operations. 2% surcharge on transactions will hit the small and at length with helping the NBFCs, which have been used by the corporate
medium businesses. to utilize and siphon off people’s money and which is the main reason for
their sickness.
The Union Budget has targeted sale and disinvestment in the PSUs.
Central govt. has targeted to raise Rs. 1 lakh 5 thousand crores. Govt. has There is not even mention of health services though hundreds of children
prepared a list of PSUs to be privatized or disinvested. The Budget speech have died in Bihar and thousands continue to die in several parts of the

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country in which near absence of health care services play an important Birth Centenary Year of Com. Charu
role. Even in the allocations there is hardly any increase despite the severe
crisis in the infrastructure of health services in the country. There is no Mazumdar
emphasis on Education except to attract foreign students and branches of
foreign universities. Finance Minister announced setting up of central Programmes are being organized during the birth centenary year of Com.
research fund which is one of the proposals in the Draft New Education Charu Mazumdar. He was founder General Secretary of the Party, Communist
Policy. There is no announcement on increasing allocations for Health Party of India (Marxist-Leninist). He was elected as the General Secretary
services and Education which are abysmally low in our country. when All India Co-ordination Committee of Communist Revolutionaries dissolved
itself and formed the Central Organizing Committee (COC) of CPI(ML) on
Finance Minister announced increase in SC and ST sub-plans. But it is April 22, 1969. He was re-elected as the General Secretary by the Central
well known that a large part of budget allocations remains unused and Committee elected at the Eighth Congress of the Party (first after Naxalbari).
even of what is used, the major part of it goes in general expenditure. Only
The struggle against revisionism and neo-revisionism of the leadership of
a small part is actually targeted expenditure. Hence such increase per se
first the CPI and then the CPM had been going on inside those parties. Com.
is meaningless unless concrete measures are announced which the Finance
Charu Mazumdar was among the first rank of those who had been conducting
Minister chose not to. Even on women’s issues she dealt cursorily despite
that struggle. But contribution of Com. Charu Mazumdar was more. He was a
her “Nari tu Narayani” claim, in view of falling employment of women in
visionary who realized that the path of Armed Agrarian Struggle cannot be
industries particularly in the organized sector.
pursued with revisionists leading the Party. Hence he realized that a break
Union Budget marks a cynical disdain about the concerns of the people. with revisionism and neo-revisionism is essential for pursuing the path of
With elections out of the way, the Govt. has announced serious attacks on Armed Agrarian Struggle. The subsequent developments, unleashing of the
workers and peasants, further burdening of the people and showing total wave of armed agrarian struggles and resistance struggle, bear ample
disregard about their welfare. testimony to the correctness of this understanding of Com. Charu Mazumdar.
The break with neo-revisionist CPM leadership is also proved correct by the
CPI(ML)-New Democracy strongly condemns this anti-people budget which degeneration of the CPM into a ruling class party. Hence the break with
is in the interest of the corporate, especially foreign corporate. We appeal revisionism and neo-revisionism was essential not only for Armed Agrarian
to the people to oppose this anti-worker, anti-peasant and anti-people Budget. Revolution but also for saving the communist revolutionary movement in the
country. This credit goes to the Communist Revolutionaries of that period,
(This statement was issued by the Central Committee of CPI(ML)-New first and foremost to Com. Charu Mazumdar.
Democracy on July 5, 2019) Com. Charu Mazumdar was convinced about the correctness of Mao Zedong
Thought and its applicability to India. He firmly upheld it and stood by it without
wavering. Today all the Communist Revolutionaries in India uphold Marxism-
Leninism-Mao Zedong Thought, thus being part of the great legacy left behind
by earlier generation of Communist Revolutionaries, Com. Charu Mazumdar
being among the foremost of them.
Com. Charu Mazumdar not only struggled against neo-revisionist CPM
leadership envisaging a break with them, not only upheld Mao Zedong Thought
and path of Armed Agrarian Revolution, he led the effort to build armed struggle
of peasantry on the basis of this path in North Bengal. He thus combined the
ideological political struggle against revisionism and neo-revisionism with the

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concrete practice of Armed Agrarian Revolution in India. The Great Naxabari they now resort to different underhand means and, as a result, the
Armed Struggle which emerged out of the efforts of Naxalbari comrades led contradictions among them are becoming sharp. They seek to shift the
by Com. Charu Mazumdar, became a turning point in the history of Communist burden of their own crises on to the underdeveloped and undeveloped
movement in the country drawing a dividing line between the parliamentary countries. That is why those countries too are today assuming a role of
path of revisionists and neo-revisionists and path of Armed Agrarian Struggle opposition to the two superpowers – U.S. imperialism and Soviet social-
pursued by the communist revolutionaries. Thus Com. Charu Mazumdar not imperialism. In their vain efforts to escape from the crises they may start
only visualized separation from neo-revisionist CPM leadership but also carved a world war. In the beginning we shall, indeed, have to face difficulty, if a
out such a separation on the basis of concrete practice. It is fifty years since world war begins. But that difficulty will not be there for long. A vast,
the formation of CPI(ML) but the path paved by Naxalbari remains relevant widespread, revolutionary upsurge will bring our victory near.
and a beacon light. Within a short time there will be spontaneous outburst in our country
Com. Charu Mazumdar died in a police lock up in Kolkata on July 27, and this will take the form of a national uprising. Our India is a vast country.
1972. He was a great martyr of the communist revolutionary movement in The people of this country are groaning under exploitation and oppression.
India. We salute his contribution to the communist revolutionary movement. Gradually these two camps the exploiters and the exploited – are moving
We reaffirm our firm resolve to shun the parliamentary path and advance on towards a confrontation.
the path of armed struggle. Discontent is smouldering among the exploited people. They will refuse
We are here reproducing the article he wrote a few weeks before his to submit to oppression for a long time. There will be spontaneous outbursts
martyrdom. We are also reproducing here relevant part of the Basic Lessons of the peoples’ resentment in different places. When the resentment of the
in the Thirteen Years of Struggle (1967 to 1981) dealing with Party’s assessment people of this vast country will explode, no reactionary government will be
of the role of Com. Charu Mazumdar. powerful enough to put it down. That is why the fall of the reactionary
government is inevitable. So the reactionary Indira government has been
It is the People’s Interest that is trying to build up a strong Centre, for they can anticipate the future awaiting
them. This vast country has many problems. Moreover, they have created
the Party’s Interest another problem – ‘Bangladesh’. Tamil Nadu has already raised the demand
for autonomy. The vast land between Bihar and Gujarat is inhabited by
(This article, originally in Bengali, was written by Charu adivasis. There is no limit to the exploitation of the adivasi masses. The
Mazum dar, a bout five weeks befor e hi s ar r es t. T he workers in the industrial areas of Maharashtra are victims of severe
translation is done by the editorial board of Liberation.) exploitation. Terrible is the exploitation of the peasantry of Mysore; the
same is true of the other regions in the south. One cannot calculate and
We have suffered a setback after the armed struggle in our country predict beforehand when the unrest among the oppressed people of our
reached a stage. It is our task now to preserve the Party. In order to preserve country will find its expression and in what form. Chairman has said that in
it we have to build the Party among the broad masses of workers and the next 50 to 100 years there will occur many events which were
peasants. We shall be able to get over the setback and raise the struggle inconceivable before. In our country, too, such events as cannot be
to a stage higher than before, if we can build a politically united party. I conceived of beforehand will take place.
hope we shall be able to do this within a short time.
On the other hand, the heroic people of Vietnam are providing courage
Chairman has said that there is still the possibility of a world war. and inspiration to the people of the entire world. They are waging a struggle
Imperialism and social-imperialism are today enmeshed in various crises that has no parallel. If Vietnam is liberated, fire will blaze up throughout
at home and abroad. Because of the political and economic crises, they South-east Asia. With Vietnam as the central issue, the governments of
are at their wits’ end. To capture each other’s market and expand their own Asian, African and Latin American countries, together with those of other

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countries, are clamouring against U.S. imperialism. Besides, they have people’s interest that is the Party’s interests.
established relations with Socialist China, the great citadel of world
revolution. In our country the Nagas and the Mizos were waging entirely
Assessment Of The Role Of Comrade Charu Mazumdar
national struggles to realize their demand for separate states, but they Before closing this part of our struggle against left adventurism, let us
forged relations with China when they observed the struggle of the heroic discuss the role of Comrade Charu Mazumdar in our struggle.
people of Vietnam.
When the old CC was revived and an organized ideological, political
An upsurge is coming – a country-wide upsurge. We must keep this and organizational struggle was taken up against the left deviation of
upsurge in view. Only then shall we have confidence in ourselves. In days Comrade Charu Mazumdar, though its struggle was basically correct, the
before, we witnessed upsurge in one or two districts. The upsurge that is old CC declared that Comrade Charu was counter-revolutionary and a
coming will spread over a far wider area and will attain a still higher stage Trotskyite and expelled him from the Party. But this was only a majority
than in the past. One should bear in mind that the advance of struggle is decision. Due to pressure from the ranks this order of expulsion was
not evolutionary but revolutionary. Our country will not be liberated even withdrawn.
by the year 2001, what to speak of 1975, if we take into consideration only
the pace in which the struggle led by our Party is advancing. It is because The CC cannot accept either the evaluation of Comrade Charu or the
the progress and development of struggle is revolutionary that the upsurge expulsion order. Both are absolutely wrong.
which occurred in a small area yesterday will not remain confined within Comrade Charu Mazumdar did a good service in the struggle against
that area and that the struggle will attain greater intensity and reach a the parliamentary path pursued by the CPM leadership while being in that
higher stage in the coming days than before. Party itself, in bringing the struggle for Armed Agrarian Revolution and
Is it possible for us to lead everywhere the coming upsurge? Certainly People’s War as the key task for all Communist Revolutionaries to achieve
not. The struggle in those areas where it will be led by our Party’s conscious New Democratic Revolution under the leadership of the working class, took
leadership will set an example to the struggle in other areas where there a leading part in organizing the great Naxalbari Armed Peasant Struggle
will be no such leadership. If, today, we can implement agrarian reforms in and on the basis of this struggle, led the Communist Revolutionaries for an
some areas, these may take place spontaneously in many other areas ideological, political and organizational break with revisionism and neo-
during the revolutionary upsurge. Our conscious leadership will bring about revisionism and put the Communist Revolutionaries on the path of Armed
an armed revolutionary upsurge and through this armed revolutionary Agrarian Revolution. These were his positive contributions for the Indian
upsurge our leadership will gradually be established everywhere. Revolution, in the beginning of our past 13 years of struggle. It is true in
the later period he slipped into left deviation, took to left adventurist line
It is our duty today to carry forward the work of building the Party among
both politically and organizationally and committed very serious mistakes
the basic masses and set up a joint front with the broadest sections of the
on various important matters of principle, affecting our strategy, tactics,
people on the basis of struggle. It is possible to build the broadest joint
assessment of the national and international situation and party organization
front against Congress rule. Today the “leftist” parties refuse to provide
and brought great damage to the cause of Indian Revolution, as explained
leadership to the common people in the struggle against the oppression
the Congress perpetrates on them. The worker-peasant masses who are
within the folds of those parties feel resentment against their leadership. But our opposition to his left deviation in the later period should not
We have to carry on efforts to unite with them on the basis of united struggle. blind us to recognize his positive contributions in the beginning of our struggle
Even those who once acted as our enemies will come forward in special in this period. Therefore, the CC considers that, in spite of his left deviation,
circumstances to unite with us. We must have the largeness of mind to Comrade Charu Mazumdar was revolutionary and a Marxist-Leninist.
unite with such forces. Largeness of mind is a quality of the Communists.
Today, it is the people’s interest that demands united struggle, it is the (From the Basic Lessons of the Past 13 years of Struggle (1967-80)

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Protest against the ban of the supposedly antisemitic - because of their completely justifiable criticism
of the policies of the Israeli government. This is all in line with the rightward
anti-fascist memorial event on the development of the government in Germany and the anti-communist
defamation campaign, which is steered by the Office for the Protection of
occasion of the 75th anniversary the Constitution, and the paradigm change of bourgeois anti-fascism it
initiated. More and more, the great number of victims and sacrifices of the
of the execution of Ernst Soviet Union, the Red Army and the communists are being completely

Thälmann ignored and only the Jewish victims and sacrifices being honored.
Of course, the Internationalist Alliance will not bow to this ban!
Buchenwald is a symbol of the most brutal terror of the Hitlerite fascists in
(This statement was issued by the CC of Marxist
the service of German monopoly capital. In the concentration camp
Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) on 25 July 2019) Buchenwald were especially political prisoners, communists, social-
democrats, trade-unionists and other antifascists of many nationalities.
Dear colleagues and comrades, Buchenwald stands for the unique self-liberation of a concentration camp
W e are writing to you because of an outrageous incident: the in Germany, under the leadership of an international camp committee led
Internationalist Alliance, a formation of 38 organizations in which the MLPD by communists, among them the father of the notifier Klaus Dimler. Ernst
also works, has registered a memorial event for Ernst Thälmann, the Thälmann was a role model for the unbroken resistance, even under the
chairman of the Communist Party of Germany on 17 August in the most brutal conditions.
concentration camp Buchenwald. 75 years ago, he was executed there by Dear friends, colleagues and comrades,
the henchmen of Hitlerite fascism. Some of you have already visited the
concentration camp Buchenwald. Last week a letter came from the We request that you support the protest against the ban of the memorial
foundation that manages the memorial, signed by Mr. Rikola-Gunnar event!
Lüttgenau: The event in remembrance of Ernst Thälmann is banned – and
this, although it had already been approved! Members or supporters of the Write declarations of protest to the foundation of the concentration camp
MLPD are even threatened with "being denied access to the memorial“. Buchenwald.
Something like this has never happened before! Request especially well-known persons to send short letters of protest
More and more letters of protest are coming from a broad spectrum of to the Foundation!
people, among them descendants of former, also Jewish prisoners. They Write to us. We would be happy to forward letters to the Foundation and
express their consternation and declare their solidarity! the Internationalist Alliance or organize translation!
In a letter of those who registered the event, Tassilo Timm and Klaus Thank you already today and sincere greetings,
Dimler (himself a son of a concentration camp prisoner and resistance
fighter in Buchenwald), the incident is rightly qualified as an “excess of Monika Gärtner-Engel
anti-communism“. CC MLPD, responsible person for internationalism
In the attempt of the Foundation to give a reason for the ban, false
allegations are being made, as for example the allegation that the
Internationalist Alliance, in which also Palestinian groups cooperate, are

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Generral Council of Chief Guest Dr.

AIKMS Held in
Golak Bihari

Berhampur (Odisha)
addressing the
The General Council of All India Kisan Mazdoor Sabha (AIKMS) began in
Berhampur on July 30, 2019 at 11 am. A total of 101 delegates and 25
invitees from 7 states participated. The GC began with the flag hoisting of
AIKMS flag by Senior Vice President, Comrade Sushanto Jha as AIKMS
President Com. Vemulapalli Venkatramaiah had fallen ill. As the flag rose,
the delegates raised slogans hailing the red flag and the sacrifice of martyrs,
while Arunodaya team from Andhra Pradesh led by Comrade Sriniwas sang economist and retired Professor of Economics from Kalinga university rose
a song with the same message. to speak and greeted the delegates with a warm Red Salute.

Thereafter the delegates entered the hall and National Secretary, He began by saying that the country today is facing its worst economic
Comrade Bhalchandra invited the AIKMS central executive members, the slowdown with unemployment at all time high, inequality rising, PSUs on
Chairman of the Reception Committee, advocate Bhagwan Sahu, the Chief sale, health, education and railways being handed over to MNCs and the
Guest, Prof. Gokul Bihari Nath and editor of Samdrushti, Shri Sudhir corporate taking over agriculture. Unable to stop the decline the govt is
Pattnaik to the dais. Along with handing over the proceedings to Comrade
S. Jha, who presided over the proceedings in the absence of AIKMS
president, Com. V Venkatramaiah, he sought approval of the house for
naming the venue after comrade Rajendra Shadangi and the dining place
after comrade Jacob Rait.
Comrade JV Chalapati Rao and Dharampal Singh presented the martyrs
resolution and a 2 minute silence was observed in their memory. Thereafter
the songs in memory of martyrs were rendered by comrades Sriniwas and
Dharampal and the house raised an applause with slogans.
The proceedings of the General Council began with Sri Bhagwan Sahu,
welcoming the delegates by presenting narratives of struggles of landless
peasants in Ganjam district where the event was taking place. He said
that a number of peasants had become martyrs in their struggles for land
in Ganjam/Berhampur area. Death never deterred them from sustaining
the struggle. The crisis today has depended further.
Thereafter the chief guest, Dr. Golak Bihari Nath, a renowned pro-people AIKMS CEC on the dias

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trying to polarize society, increase jingoism, attack minorities and dalits After some time the production started stagnating. At this time it was realised
through cow vigilantes and demoralize intellectuals by charging them of that the soil had been destroyed by the use of chemicals. Though the
being Urban Naxals. W hen 49 intellectuals wrote to the PM against benefit of this had gone to MNCs, now again newer seeds, GM seeds, are
communal attacks, he countered this with 62 intellectuals criticizing them. being promoted by them in the name of addressing this crisis. They are
It is a hey day for the RSS as RSS pracharaks are on all significant decision also promoting Green Revolution in the eastern states despite it having
making positions of the President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Home failed in Punjab, Haryana, Maharashtra and AP.
and Defence Minsiters.
Now that old seeds are not working well, market driven economic growth
Highlighting the agrarian crisis, he said agriculture contributes just 14% is being promoted in which external factors matter most, he said. The benefit
to India’s GDP while 60% of the people depend on it. It is the mainstay of of this will again go to MNCs dealing with these inputs, like Monsanto,
peoples’ income, employment and food security. While the disparity between Walmart, Bayer, and other MNCs. Along with this, subsidies for peasants
agriculture and industry is rising, it is leading to higher unemployment and are being reduced, PSUs are being sold off in the name of flow of capital
disguised unemployment. The main reasons for decline in agriculture, he and technology. He said the private sector is being promoted, grain markets
said are rise in input costs with no commensurate rise in crop value and are being deregulated for MNCs to buy from open markets, role of FCI and
fall in income. A major reason for this is that the govt is just not procuring PDS is being reduced, all of which are leading to increase in peasant crisis.
enough. This is making agriculture unviable and now suicides have Peasants are deserting farming and unfortunately many of them do not
increased to cover all states of India. have land to fall back upon. In recent times he said distress sale of almost
all crops have impacted the economy of peasants and in some areas they
He said that in 1947 the main slogan for agriculture was land to the have been risen in struggle.
tiller. The govt was forced to take up land reforms. What it implemented
was removal of intermediary tenures, granting security of tenures, placing Criticising the Modi govt he said that though it had promised C2 plus
a ceiling on land ownership and distribution of ceiling surplus land. But 50% as the MSP of all crops, fact is that it told the Supreme Court that
security of tenure, ceiling and distribution were not completed in any state assuring this MSP will distort markets. He said the govt has repeatedly
and only intermediaries were removed. He laid emphasis that land is not
just an economic issue, it is a political issue and we must treat it as such.
He said tenancy operations, share cropping, are present in all states of
the country. This he said is a semi feudal relationship. Now the govts are
stopping distribution of land to the poor and are continuing tenancy and
developing contract farming. Vinoba Bhave and Bhoodan were brought in
only to betray the Telangana Movement’s demands. Even in West Bengal
land distribution happened only partially.
He said that later in the 1960s, the govt of India shifted from structural
reforms in agriculture to technological transformation, i.e. HYV seeds,
chemical fertilzers, insecticides, drawing water, using machinery, all part
of the Green Revolution. The benefit of this went to the landlords and the
rich peasants, as it is they who were able to increase land under their
control and the poor did not have any land to be able to benefit from this
change. In this the main crops promoted were paddy and wheat, not others. Delegates at the General Council

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
told lies to the parliament that it is giving 50% more than the costs. Now, Finally, he exhorted the delegates to carry forward the great banner of
faced with the protests it is effectively saying that though it will not give the struggles which we have inherited from our predecessors, the Great
MSP, it shall pay a Bhavantar, i.e. to compensate the deficit in price below Telangana Armed Struggle, the Tebhaga Struggle and the Naxalbari Armed
the floor price. He said govt interventions of Kalia, Rytu Bandhu and PM Peasant Struggle. Wider unity of peasant organizations is the need of the
Kisan are all small economic interventions which cannot solve the agrarian hour. The demands of land, irrigation, MSP, security of tenure, FRA
crisis. We must understand this is a political crisis. implementation, employment to rural poor are all on the agenda of struggles
now. But peasants are being politically divided along party lines. He also
Talking about peasant indebtedness, he said that while in 2003, 47% said peasants are divided along demands raised by the leaders of the rich
peasants were indebted, in 2012-13 more than 61% were in debt. Of the sections, the rich peasants and the landlords like Sharad Joshi and Tikait
states, the highest indebtness is in AP, followed by states of Punjab, TN, and the other working sections, the small, marginal and middle peasants
Kerala, Karnataka and Maharastra. He said this has led to a massive and the landless.
increase in role of private moneylenders and the private business lenders,
who deal not only in selling inputs, but also in purchasing crops. With this He said our fight for peasants must have an agenda and that should
they control agricultural operations. Earlier, he said, the govt used to do include the demands of ceiling on land holdings, distribution of ceiling
much of this. Now the landlords, rich peasants, middle class, traders and surplus land, to drive out the landlords and the corporate from agriculture,
MNCs dominate over water regulation, markets, seeds, labour and credit. the implementation of the FRA, the rights for share croppers and the security
of tenure for them. The ideological and political basis for this can only be
With regard to infrastructure building, he said, the govt. is changing the ML politics, with its anti colonial, anti imperialist, anti feudal struggles.
Land Acquisition Act of 2013 which was a result of peasant struggles. This needs to be advanced. He said without a ideology we cannot advance
Today 70% of the displaced persons are uprooted due to big dams and of and we must remember what Marx said, “Working people of the World
them 40% are tribals. The price of this development is being paid by the Unite, You have Nothing to Lose”.
poor, tribals and Dalits.
A brief translation of his speech was done by Sri Raja Suresh, President
He said the question of forests is a state subject, not a central subject
of Humanist Rationalist Organization of Brahmapur.
and the govt is its owner. But for the govt now it is a source of revenue,
not a source of preserving India’s environment, ecology, biodiversity and Editor of Samdrushti, Shri Sudhir Pattnaik also addressed the delegates
life and livelihood of the poor people. The govt is unwilling to abide by the briefly. He said that de-politicization of agrarian issues by itself is a political
FRA, 2006 and it wants to uproot the tribals and Other Traditional Forest act, which is disempowering peasantry by making them dole dependent.
Dwellers. It is totally undermining the rights of Gram Sabhas under the He said that land reforms have not been implemented because it was never
PESA Act. the agenda of those who came to power after the British left. We must
understand that we have no control over our own labour, simply because
The govt launched the PM Fasal Bima Yojana with much fanfare, but
we do not have land and we have to labour on land which belongs to others.
its plan is only to benefit the private companies, not the peasants. In the
name of farmers, govt funds are being diverted to private companies. It is He said that technological changes have further upset structural issues
using PMFBY as a slogan to divert attention from peasant demands for by widening inequality since those who had access to capital, they only
reducing input costs, granting MSP at 50% more than C2 and for procuring could benefit. He emphasised that one should not give up struggle for
all crops. Its slogan for Doubling Farmers' Income by 2022 is a complete land, as land has been targeted by big players across the globe. Once
fraud and now it is postponing even this target by talking about New India corporate entities acquire land, its values increases hundred to 5 hundred
by 2025. He said BJP keeps winning despite this cheating because all times, as it has been seen in Kalingnagar and elsewhere. Thus, under
other parties also have nothing material to offer to the peasants. valuing one’s own land strengthens the corporate agenda of maximizing

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
their value once it comes in their possession and the perpetuation of joint movement with other peasant organizations against loan recovery
destitution among peasantry continues. and our participation in the programmes of All India Kisan Sangharsh
Coordiation Committee.
He explained that those who own small and marginal land holdings, are
not the real owners of land, as they become slaves to the market and The report mainly drew lessons to lay emphasis on land and wage
financial institutions. Right from buying seeds, fertilizers, chemical struggles, on building peoples’ struggles against semi feudal exploitation
pesticides to that of availing machines, tractors, harvesters etc. market and building resistance struggles, on improving organizational functioning,
decides their choices and options. Therefore, he explained that even transfer on conducting objective surveys to study class contradictions in rural areas,
of land to tiller does not provide effective ownership as market and money amongst others.
control everything.
There after the presidium allotted 7 hours time to delegates to express
He decried ruling classes for selling 30,000 varieties of Indian paddy to their views, with a maximum of 10 minutes to each speaker. A total of 25
foreign powers and eroding our own seed wealth. Now we are dependent on delegates spoke, suggesting changes and enriched the discussion.
them for seeds, which we owned at one time. For all inputs we are now Comrade JV helped with the translations. Thereafter the report was
dependent on markets controlled by the corporate. This does not matter to approved unanimously by the house next day after full and proper discussion.
the rich, but the poor are always at their mercy. Because of this condition
Just as the report was being approved news of martyrdom of Comrade
of dependence on inputs, the govt. is able to promote corporate dominated
Linganna came in and after announcement of the details, the house paid
contract farming now.He ended by asking the delegates to pay serious
homage to his contribution to the movement and observed a silence for 2
attention to these questions.
After this session, the delegates reassembled at 3 pm. The GS first
Thereafter resolutions were presented and approved unanimously. Com.
presented the report, mainly its political part. The report had already been
K. Rangaiah presented the resolution on Attacks on Tribals and OTFD;
received by all delegates in time, though translations in Telugu, Bengali
Com. Tarsem Peter on Rural debts, distress, suicides; Com. Rambriksh
and Odia were not available. The main emphasis of the report was on the
Ram on Conditions of agricultural labour; Com. Shambhu Prasad on the
changes that had taken place since IIIrd conference held in April 2016. It
attack on Unnao Rape Victim; Com. Bhalchandra Sarangi on intensifying
summed up the present conditions of land ownership, the conditions of
Communal and Caste Attacks; Com. Sudhakar on changes in Industrial
rural employment and wages, including wages of women, the attack on
labour laws; Com. Sushanto Jha on changes in UAPA, NIA and repression
tribals and FRA,changes in land acquisition laws and rules, facts relating
on people and one on hailing contribution of Comrade Charu Mazumdar on
to PDS, Mnrega and Pensions, loan waivers, the impact of GST and
his 100th birth anniversary; Com. Dharmapal on Increasing penetration of
demonetization, the launch of various schemes of the central govt and the
corporates in agriculture.
facts relating to them – PMFBY, Jandhan, JAM, DFI, Ramesh Chandra
Committee report and Doubling Farmers Income, Swaminathan Committee Then the General Council took up the agenda of filling its vacant positions
report and MSP debate, the crisis which befell sale of several crops, and unanimously approved Comrade Jatinder Singh of KKU, Punjab as
formation of FPOs, ODF and SBA, the direct income schemes and the member of CEC.
changes in agriculture related laws to help corporate penetration.
And finally, the Council adopted a call for struggle on the eviction of
The report also covered detailed activities of the Central Executive tribals and other attacks on peasantry, beginning with a two week campaign
Committee, in brief of the State Executive Commitees and the important on August 9, the World Adivasi Day and culminating with protests at district
struggles. The most significant of these have been the resistance of tribals headquarters.
in Telangana against eviction, the struggle for Dalit lands in Punjab, the

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
National Medical Commission Bill; for the reason that – “it would bring not only the government seats but also
50 percent of all private seats within the reach of the meritorious students
A Cure Worse Than the Malady belonging to economically weaker sections.” It is another thing that just a
few months back, his own party’s government in the state of Uttarakhand
That the health of India’s health care system is in dire straits is a self- had allowed private medical colleges in the state to increase the fees by
evident reality. It is also true that the Medical Council of India (MCI), the 400 hundred percent. The increase had to be withdrawn after the hue and
body in charge of regulating the medical profession hither to,had cry raised by the students and their families was aired by a popular national
metamorphosed into a den of corruption. It is another thing that much of TV channel almost in a campaign mode.
this corruption was facilitated with the collusion of the political
establishment. Even a cursory google search with the key words ‘Ketan It is important nevertheless for us to take a look at some of the specifics
Desai’ (the stupendously corrupt former president of MCI) and ‘BJP’ will of the Bill to pin down the government’s lies and gain clarity on why this
lend enough evidence of the bonhomie between the two. The situation, as Bill must be opposed tooth and nail to safeguard the health care needs of
such, was crying for a major overhaul, and to put it in the words of the the people, especially the poorer sections; safeguard the genuine interests
union Minister for Health and Family Welfare the ‘National Medical of medical students and the larger medical fraternity, and the dignity of
Commission Bill’(NMC Bill / Bill for short) is to be the “biggest reform.” It is medical profession. In this respect the following provisions of the Bill are
another thing that much of the medical fraternity seems convinced of this of utmost concern:
being a dive to the bottom and is up in arms to oppose the bill.
National Exit Test
The road to hell, they say, is paved with good intentions; likewise, there
Clause 15 of the NMC Bill provides for National Exit Test (NEXT) for
are plenty of flowery phrases, concerns and platitudes to health care needs
granting license to practice medicine and enrolment in the State Register
in the Bill that has now been passed by both the houses of the parliament.
or the National Register which shall also be the basis for admission to
The bill talks of developing “competency based dynamic curriculum at
postgraduate broad-speciality medical education in medical institutions. It
undergraduate level”; of “addressing the needs of primary health services,
is also stated that the final MBBS professional examination shall serve the
community medicine and family medicine”; of “quality and standards to be
purpose of this ‘Exit Test.’ The question is how can this be put into practice
maintained in medical education”; of “regulating professional conduct and
without dumbing down the rigorous process of assessing the student’s
promoting medical ethics”, and the like. It would however be naïve to take
competency both in medical theory and clinical methods?
these words on face value in as much as their true import is coloured by
the overall context of among the most privatized, iniquitous, unjust, for Presently, the final MBBS exam entails not just a written exam, but
profit health care system in India which sends more than sixty million Indians also an elaborate exam to test the student’s clinical skills, involving case
below one of the stingiest poverty lines in the world. presentation and viva-voice etc. As such the process carries with it a lot
of subjective element of evaluation, and in practice is influenced by variation
None of these attributes is intended to be reversed by any of the
in actual conditions across colleges in different regions of the country, for
provisions of this Bill. In fact, speaking in support of the Bill in the parliament,
example like infrastructure of the college, teacher student ratio, variation
union minister, Mahesh Sharma, owner of Kailash Group of hospitals, said
in level and quality of teaching etc. and the pressure of producing a good
– “there has been 25 to 30 percent of growth in country’s medical tourism
result, especially with respect to the private medical colleges. While on
every year and for continuation of this trend, the country needs good doctors
one hand using such a process as the basis for comparing the merit of
and good medical facilities. The Bill provides for that.”
students across regions and states for the purpose of securing a seat in a
The union minister for ‘Health and Family Welfare’, Dr Harsh Vardhan, post-graduation course will be inherently unjust; on the other hand
while introducing the Bill in Lok Sabha, described it as a ‘pro-poor’ legislation substituting the entire process by an objective type exam would imply

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dumbing down of the entire assessment process and completely foregoing ‘regulators’, of course with due care to make them appear genuine.
assessment of student’s clinical abilities. Apart from introducing a huge
element of uncertainty in securing a seat in post-graduation for the medical Formalizing quackery
graduates, this move certainly has grave implications for the quality of
Provision for a bridge course, proposed in the initial draft of the Bill, to
medical graduates to be trained in the country.
enable the practitioners of other systems of medicine e.g. Homeopathy
Finishing off the Inspector Raj and Indian Systems of Medicine, for qualifying them to practice Allopathy,
had been among the most contentious provisions of the Bill. The government
Both the health minister Harsh Vardhan and his cabinet colleague, is now being smart by the half in claiming that it has done away with the
Mahesh Sharma bragged about the Bill finishing off the ‘Inspector Raj’ (i.e. provision. The substitution made in this regard, has in fact even more
inspections carried out by MCI to ensure maintenance of required standards dangerous portents. Section 32 of the Bill states - “The Commission may
by medical colleges) and seemingly the corruption linked with such a grant limited licence to practice medicine at mid-level as Community Health
process. As per the new provisions, there shall be no annual inspections Provider to such person connected with modern scientific medical profession
once the college has been granted permission to start under-graduate or who qualify such criteria as may be specified by the regulations.”
post-graduate courses. Not just this, the college shall also need no further
approval for increasing the number of under-graduate or post-graduate seats The ambiguity plastered on face of this provision provides evidence of
subsequently. Any issues of infrastructure standards and quality of less than pious intentions of the government. In place of practitioners of
education arising thereof, shall apparently be taken care of by the ‘recognized systems of medicine’ in the initial provision now we must bear
accreditation process to be carried out by the ‘National Assessmentand persons‘connected(emphasis ours) with modern scientific medical
Accreditation Council.’ profession.’ While the initial provision at least talked of a ‘bridge course’,
the new provision is silent on the method by which the ‘Commission’ will
If a non-existent university (the proposed Jio Institute to be set up by
grant ‘limited license’ to such ‘Connected’ persons to practice modern
the Mukesh Ambani led Reliance group) can be granted the status of an
‘Institute of Eminence’ then such provisions introduced in this Bill should
come as a matter of little surprise. What need indeed be feared is the The real intent actually is quite nefarious. The ruling elite in the country
implications of this for the quality of medical education in the country where have miserably failed to provide the services of qualified doctors to the
auctioning of both under and post-graduate seats in private medical colleges under-served sections of the population by replacing regular posts of
is a well acknowledged phenomenon. Given the fact that the Bill makes doctors in the public health care system with under-paid contractual jobs.
ample provision for absolute control of the government on NMC, all that This has resulted in a schism where we have a poorly functional public
can be expected is that the transactions which transpired between private health care system for the poor on one hand, and costly privatized health
colleges and the corrupt MCI till the other day, shall now be monopolised care, subsidized by the government in various ways, for the rich on the
by the political bosses and their mandarins in the Ministry. All the glib talk other. In order to appear to be providing medical care to the poor as well,
of doing away with the Inspector Raj notwithstanding, the Bill actually makes for the sake of record, the government now seeks to formalize this schism
provision for the proposed ‘Medical Assessment and Rating Board’to “hire through such dubious mechanisms.
and authorise any other third-party agency or persons for carrying out
inspections of medical institutions for assessing and rating such Lest there be any confusion, it need be emphasized that such measures
institutions.” There already exist private agencies in the country that have nothing in common with the laudable concept of ‘bare foot doctors’
specialize in providing teachers for private medical colleges at the time of practiced in rural China after revolution in 1949, or for that matter the
inspections. With cronyism ruling the roost in the country, this Bill creates emphasis placed in the report of the ‘Santokh Singh Sokhey Committee’
a rife possibility of such agencies now donning the mantle of even the set up by the ‘National Planning Committee’ of the then Congress in 1938,

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
which advocated reliance on training ‘intelligent young men and women for carrying out all or any of the provisions of thisAct and the State
from rural areas, proficient in their mother tongue’ for the purpose of providing Government shall comply with such directions.”
primary level medical care to the people in rural areas. These proposals
had the provision of serially training such health workers to higher levels, While much could be elaborated on this aspect, one may just cite the
with a substantial number of them being ultimately trained to become full example of massive student protests that rocked the state of Tamil Nadu
doctors. in September 2017 after a student S Anitha, from a poor family, who scored
1176 marks out of a total of 1200marks in the Tamil Nadu Senior Secondary
Marginalizing medical professionals and banishing health care Board exam, committed suicide when she could not make it to a medical
consumers from the regulatory mechanism college for failing to clear the uniform NEET (National Eligibility and
Entrance Test) exam conducted for entrance to medical colleges throughout
While one would be hard pressed to put up a defence of MCI for what it the country; the reason being that the syllabus of Tamil Nadu board is
had become (and not without the collusion of the political establishment), different from the CBSE (Central Board for Secondary Education). This
it need be emphasized here that it was at least an elected body of doctors enforces the need for uniformity of school syllabi across different states of
where in 70 of its 100 members were chosen through an electoral process. the country irrespective of great variance in their social, economic, cultural
The need actually was to make MCI more accountable for its actions keeping and political context. To say the least, rather than imposing artificial
in mind the health care needs of the country, and perhaps make it more uniformity throughout a country as diverse as ours, there is a need for a
inclusive by including other stakeholders such as representatives of medical much careful and all-inclusive deliberations rather than pushing such
faculty, resident doctors and those working on the social aspects of health. measures down the throat of the people.
The new Bill however presents NMC as a complete subsidiary of the It is clear from the present onslaught of the government that it is unwilling
government with the selection of its office bearers and members; its to reverse its drive towards the lock, stock and barrel privatization of health
finances, its functioning and powers, all being comprehensively controlled services system (including medical education) aimed at profit maximization,
by the government. It makes a provision where in – “Central Government which actually is at the root of the present malaise in afflicting the health
may, by notification, supersede the Commission for such period,not services and health education in the country. There is much in this bill
exceeding six months, as may be specified in the notification.”As such which demands a far more comprehensive public scrutiny than has been
this would render the NMC as an instrument of pushing the political and afforded by the present union government. Even though the odds seem
economic agenda of the government of the day in the field of health, rather stacked against us, the present strike struggle launched by the larger
than primarily being an instrument for ensuring the highest standards in medical fraternity and the resident doctors in particular to oppose the
medical practice, ethics and morality. implementation of the NMC Bill is a commendable effort to safeguard not
just the sectional interests of medical professionals, but of the impoverished
Inimical to federal scheme of the constitution masses at large.
Even though health is primarily a state subject with only certain areas The Progressive Medicos and Scientists Forum calls upon all members
being clearly demarcated for legislation by the Central government, the of medical faculty, resident doctors, medical students, scientists working
emergent trend is that when it comes to health failures such as AES (acute in the area of health and the people at large to resolutely stand behind this
encephalitis syndrome) deaths in Muzaffarpur or Gorakhpur, it is the state struggle in order to defeat the nefarious designs of this government.
government that is to be held responsible, but in deciding policies and the
manner of functioning of health services, the Central government shall call
the shots. NMC Bill categorically states – “The Central Government may
give such directions, as it may deem necessary, to a State Government

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)

Unnao Rape Survivor- When much before the survivor was lying fighting for her life.

Public Anger at Lethal Attack Has The longstanding demand has been that the survivor’s cases should
be tried outside the state of UP and in fast track courts and under the
Woken the Supreme Court supervision of the Supreme Court. This has now been announced by the
Court, which has also announced other measures for witness protection,
for compensation, etc. These cover the sphere that earlier similar
(Pragatisheel Mahila Sangathan, Delhi, Progressive
judgements of Supreme Court on similar issues have done.
Organization of Women, Andhra Pradesh & Telengana
and Istri Jagriti Manch, Punjab) All this, even the implied condemnation by the apex Court of the state
Govt’s actions, has not yet been able to force the BJP RSS to clearly
The lethal crash targeting the car in which the Unnao rape survivor and discard the accused MLA. Second, the investigation into the vehicle crash
her family were travelling has happened in a given political milieu when the which has endangered the life of the survivor, her lawyer and killed her
first session of the newly elected Parliament was on and the corporate aunts, is in the hands of CBI- the proverbial caged parrot. This is not just
media also gave the issue almost continual coverage. This allowed the a POCSO case, it is of a poor family fighting for justice against a powerful
facts of the case to come before the people in a big and clear way and a person who is also a member of the party ruling both at the Centre and in
wave of anger and horror has swept the country. This alone has worked to the state of UP. It is clear from the uncle‘s FIR that several other BJP
stir the Supreme Court into much belated preliminary action, even as the RSS functionaries with family ties to ministers are involved in openly acting
young girl who should have got justice from courts lies fighting between with the accused apart from the compliant police and other state machinery.
life and death at the KGMC Hospital in Lucknow (UP) and what is left of her
family struggles to cope. Only the continued vigilance of the people’s organizations can ensure
that those who have terrorized the survivor and her family including siblings
Towards the end of 2018 itself, the family of the girl knew it would be even younger than her, who have murdered her aunts and father and
impossible to get justice if the case continued in UP and the current attacked her own life as well as that of her lawyer, are actually punished
revelation that there is no judge in the designated CBI court since the past by the Courts. Surety of punishment is the only detterent. The RSS BJP
three months is only one more proof. Their proper petition for transfer of all Govt. offers ‘death sentence’ for every form of violence (other than custodial
cases to Delhi has been pending since April 2019 in the Supreme Court violence and rape) on women to distract people from the real issues at
after earlier spending time in the Registry. This is a case under POCSO stake, advocates ‘death sentence’ for POCSO cases, for gang rapes etc;
Act where already the child’s father had been killed in custody, where the but what has been implemented by its state Govt. and functionaries in U.
very FIR of rape by the MLA was registered only after direction of a court P.? In the case of this survivor, it is pushing the family to economic
after the custodial death and also the child’s attempt to immolate herself destitution and what amounts to extra legal death sentences for the family
outside CM Yogi’s office. Not only did the survivor and her family’s letter and for the girl herself who s battling for life because the family committed
to the CJI pointing out threat to life lie unattended in the Registry since 12th the ‘crime’ of fighting the rape of the child by a BJP MLA.
July 2019, this case which has now been heard by the Supreme Court on
1st August 2019 was also there for the past four months. Had it been given It should not be forgotten that on the 1st of August, the very day that
attention, maybe there would have been no car accident, maybe the survivor the CJI Bench heard this case, news again surfaced of the Supreme Court
would not have been battling for life. It has been reported that the CJI has employee who has, through signed affidavit, accused the CJI of sexual
asked the Registrar to investigate why the letter was not placed before harassment. Hindustan Times reported on the first page of the Delhi edition
him, but the process for files under POCSO also better be attended to as that the woman had withdrawn her petition against illegal termination of her
in this case it is clear that the apex Court had full opportunity to intervene services due to the intervention of ‘a very senior officer’ of the Government.

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
Patriarchy and patriarchal violence against women needs not only to issue for one community in a realm which is governed by civil laws for the
be fought from case to case but it needs to be fought in its entirety. It is rest of the citizens.
the social structure that sustains it and which must be targeted for complete
change by the serious women’s movements. While seeking to demonize Muslim men in the name of rights of Muslim
women, the Bill scales down or takes a bite out of the rights given by
virtue of marriage to Muslim women. When triple talaq does not amount to
talaq and the marriage contract continues to exist, from where does the
wife get saddled with having to look for maintenance? That is what the Bill
allows her- right to maintenance. Why is she not entitled to equal share in
the finances of the household and in everything else? If the issue is that
she has actually been abandoned or deserted, the laws for maintenance
and for space in household already exist. The real issue is the accessibility
Trivializing, Evading, Communalizing of these laws for women. Lack of government funded free shelter homes
for women even in the form of short stay homes, lack of job opportunities
Desertion- The Triple Talaq Bill and economic independence, difficult, prolonged legal procedures to access
Criminalizes A Talaq –which –Isn’t! rights allowed by laws, lack of protection officers, these are the issues
which afflict deserted women of all communities. Little use is served to the
(This comment was issued on behalf of Progreesive women of any community and much harm is done to the movement for
women’s rights as a whole if the issue of desertion is communalized and
Organization of W omwn Telengana, POW Andhra
broken up, creating difficulties in the united fight for better implementation
Pradesh, Pragatisheel Mahila Sangathan Delhi and Istri of laws which too are a result of women’s struggles.
Jagriti Manch, Punjab.)
The Law Minister of India chose to refer to the anti Dowry act in the
The Supreme Court of India has already upheld that triple talaq is not Upper House, saying it already criminalizes an area covered by civil laws.
valid- is no talaq at all, and the marriage contract shall be therefore deemed To consider that the extraction of Dowry should be considered under civil
continuing to stand unless terminated by valid divorce proceedings. It also laws can only be appreciated if one views laws from a Manuwadi point of
cited that most Islamic countries had also done away with this form of view. A related question also emerges- the Bill criminalizes triple talaq
talaq. which is already declared as no talaq anyway, but either party cannot be
denied the right to seek divorce through legal means and women must
Using the same examples of Islamic countries, the BJP Central Govt. guard against being pushed to view divorce itself as criminal. The Muslim
brought a bill on Triple Talaq into the ongoing session of Parliament and marriage especially is a contract and not a bond by the gods unlike the
has got it passed in both Houses, in Rajya Sabha with the help of members Manuwadi code. Divorce is a right which women too have fought for world
of opposition parties which say they oppose the Bill. Introducing the Bill in over and it is a right of both partners in India too; it does not at all mean
the Upper House; the Law Minister explained that just because the Supreme that because the right exists, marriages will break.
Court has already said triple talaq is not talaq at all, that does not curb the
overarching right of the Parliament to legislate on the issue. Thus did he It is also true that when a woman, irrespective of the religion she
try to glibly wriggle around the fundamental problem with the Bill his Govt. practices, registers a criminal complaint against her husband under the
is out to enact- that the problem is not that it says triple talaq is no talaq, Anti Dowry Act, it will embitter the marital and family relationship just as it
something which has already been laid down by the Supreme Court. The will do so when a Muslim woman lodges a criminal complaint against him
issue is that it seeks to do something totally other- seeks to criminalize an of triple talaq (which is no talaq). Who has denied this? Why do Govt.’s

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NEW DEMOCRACY Organ of the Central Committee, CPI(ML)
spokespersons triumphantly assert this as a rebuttal to those who oppose IFTU Appeal to Ordnance Workers
this Bill which only seeks to create a criminal action out of an act in the
arena of civil law and which has already been invalidated by the Supreme Worker comrades of ordnance factories!
You have taken up the challenge of fighting against privatization and
Triple Talaq has rightly been invalidated by the Supreme Court and the corporatization of the ordnance factories of India. These were built with
Muslim women who have fought this patriarchal provision in their Personal public money and the aim of any sovereign country has to be that it strives
laws including through law suits and against their own fundamentalists, towards self-sufficiency in defence equipment production. These ordnance
have extended the democratic space for all women. The women’s movement factories were one step in that direction. Not only has foreign investment
must strengthen the fight for the rights of deserted women and for enactment been permitted over past few years in defense sector, now the Central
of laws on this issue. The movement is facing severe challenges as for embarking on selling off these production centres into corporate
example by the whole scale withdrawal of the cases of gang rapes lodged hands. These centres, which have for so many years been kept adequately
in Muzzaffarnagar; the successful lethal attack on the survivor of the Unnao working by the sweat and toil of you brave ordnance workers, are now to be
rape case and her family despite her repeated assertion even to the CJI of handed over to Adani and other corporate to fatten on profits extracted out
threats to life and the UP Govt.’s efforts to deny the same; the continuing of the country's needs and from production centres built with public money!
burning issue of sexual harassment by powerful at workplace when all laws The current step of making your factories into a PSU is but a step in that
seem to fall by the wayside and women’s characters are attacked from direction.
ministerial offices, from pulpits of justice; the failure of implementation of
Domestic violence laws and lack of seriousness of all govt.s about them. This Central govt. is also attacking workers’ rights and jobs country
wide in all sectors. It is trying to get out of the severe economic crisis by
The need of the hour is united democratic movements by women to squeezing us even more and also the peasantry. It is only if there is money
fight patriarchal dominance and the system that upholds them and to fight to spend in the hands of workers and common people that there will be
for a society where women are truly equals among equals. For this the markets to produce for, but this Govt, backed by corporate and doing their
women’s movements must fight attempts to divide the struggles along bidding, is only in haste to increase corporate loot. Like all other sectors
chauvinist, parochial lines. In such manipulations sometimes a section is yours too will be hit by increased demands of production for lesser wages,
sought to be lured away from the united struggle in the name of special retrenchments of permanent staff and determined contractualization of
concerns while another section is broken away in the name of greater workers.
concerns. Women of all sections in India must recognize, first, that patriarchy
is sustained by our social structure; second, that manuwad is a blueprint The Indian Federation of Trade Unions supports the brave struggle you
for patriarchal society. Only our united struggles for democratization of our are launching on the attack on your sector and jobs. We and our fighting
society are the way forward. unions stand shoulder to shoulder with you in your struggle. IFTU will hold
support actions in solidarity with you. You are one in the chain of struggles
we workers will build around the country to defend our jobs, our rights and
against privatization and selling off of our public assets built on public
money and the sweat of our working class.
(Appeal by IFTU NC)

August, 2019 63 64 August, 2019

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