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sepbegllde ot a sean [AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL “=n Bivona [secrion: | anwoxrewess FORM -—— AWE-AMA-004 mm: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST Note: Observe HSE guidelines es deed in GAP-02 Section 3.14, IMS registers EMS FI ond GCAA- ‘proved Reference Toation of Orgniaton/ ads ‘ational oetons of Organization Focal Person name and contac dota Fesons interviewed “autor Date ‘Adit Reference ‘A. General Requirements; Ca PART 3. Cnpters 6eNL020 ‘Chechen the TOW i ubstin nation in order to ree Feqorements. } shal forwardit tothe concerned personnel ' Ret. CAR PART 3 Chapter 9 GEL.020 implemented Yer No | InGomplince: Yes to NA. NA "Ruaior Notes a Page Lof 2 peta dit ah tal AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL “Sta Unde SECTION: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM AWE-AMA-004 mm: ‘CANO AUDIT CHECK UST 3. Extent of Approval and the privileges ofthe organization CAR M.708 and CAR 4.711, ‘Gel review te Toowing 2, The extent of the approvat Ih. The approval isindeated on a cetifiat sued by the GOAA, For commercial ak transport, CAMO aperoal is part ofthe a operator certfcteisued bythe Gos or ie acrat operated Vi The scope of work deemed to constitute the approvals sped in tha CAME 3. The prvleges ofthe Orgarzation; check the priviegesin referee to CA M.743. Spe can 703 nd M712 ‘Documented Yer Wo] plemented Vos Wo] compliance ier Wo NA NAL wn WAS ‘Auditor Commer ~ ur oy ——— ae. Teun CARTON aT orion Ga ai of WSS Tan PIES OTE HOTT AMC TO CARI ZOE, 1. Fora CAME refer Be GA AWE A.C oF 2 ppt gabe ion CANE, refer to GCAA Form AWF-AMA0038, e sr 2 Ref. CAR 1.708 ‘Documetted: Yeh, NOT [implemented Yor Wo | mComliance” Yes — No NA NA NWA. ‘Aur Comments Auditor Notes: Date\0Siune2016 SSC Page 20771 secon: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM —| awe-ama-ooa me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK LIST . Personnel CAR M1706, M.707, 1.732 ‘Check he Yolowing (Use CAR W706, W7O7, Hid ond the asocated ANIC and GM Accountable Manager; omorat and financial authority, Statement of quliiatonof CAMO Manger Statement of quafiation of Quay Manager Statement of qulfiationof ARC taf ‘ual personnel % ‘Statement of sufficient appropriately qualified stat forthe expected continu worthiness management werk; |. cAMO analysis ofthe continuing worthiness task tobe performed, © |i. The way, CAMO divided fr combined the contig airworthiness tasks, li, Assgnment the responsbtis and establishment the numberof man/houts, Iv. Establishment quafications needed to perform the task, ¥. Establishment of personnel raining ad auton records, 7, Teng Pa, % a 2. Sami of personel quien tanh and comets cod “Ss can M706, 0.707 and W712 Documented Yer We Tcomplance! Yes Wo Nin ey wa ‘nar CS DDate‘0Siune2016 —~—~S~*~*~*~*« RS SSSCS*~*~*S*~S~S*S*« sD remonsimemmumnn — wittatscect SECTION: | AIRWORTHINESS FoRM - AWE-AMA-008 me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST Facies; ARM. 705 ‘Check fo 1. office accommodation such that the incumbents; management, technical services, planning, technical cords or qualey staf, ete can carry thelr designated tasks in manner that contributes to good stanards, 2. Inthe smaller CAR, Subpart G organisations, ne office, when areed by GCAA, may acceptable subject to beng sats at there sullen spate nd that each akan arid ot without unde disturbance, and \ 2: Offeeacconmodatonindade an adequate tecnica Rar nd ram YOkdotpent contain. r ‘can 705 ‘Documented: Yer No [implemented Yes Wa In Conilince” Yes No Nia wy & ‘ulior Comment “Rudor Notes ‘Date: 05 ine 2016 Revisions 04 Page dof awanionsseeryronusmanual itt & e secon: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM ae ——} awe-anna-oo4 [me ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST technical publeations and dacumentations; CAR M304 and CAR W709 ‘Check the Towing: 1. subscriptions tothe appiable amendment scheme (e.g. Manufacturer, type design holder, te.) 2, The organization to demonstrate that all amendments are being eceved and made avaliable all 3. Monitoring amendment status ofall aplcable data, 4. Access and use . |. appliable ca, AMC, GM, Procedures and Foems, ° Ji Manufacturer Maintenance Data: MPO, MP, te fi, Maintenance Review Board Oocument (MR, 2s applicable, Ik. Mosifcationsdatsindudig instructions fo Cntined Krworthiness ‘Repairs data nln nsrutions for Continued Arworthness “t Awortiesoneenes eA vil ‘Technical Manuals (AMM, SRM, TSM, IPC; ett), % VE Scanubte Bh secetene rae te Tpedcaptnsfakiton areas, )) S Precemenre ZN ee i ictal te) AL Opratrstantenmesrepinne teal il, Modiied maistenapceieructions by AMO 2% Aloe ee Mana Opting Hao Ref. CAR M1308 and CAR NA.709 ‘Documented: Yes Wo pega} We No ‘Tn Compliance: Yes No = .e y °* Talkie ‘Date:05iune2096 ——~S~*~*~*~*~« Rs SSCSCS*~*~*~S~S*« sD bath te aba tet AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL Sa a ee scion: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM - me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST 6. Subcontracting arrangements, applicable; CAR M.201(h) eee Owe subcontracted acts conte an tga pa/eement of th operators CAR, Sipe. approve espace of anyother poaval hd by he ubcntacor ining CARM, Subpart G appre, ‘he reglatorymenitingis erected though he operator’sCARM, Subpart approval, 5 Thecontectacenped sated by Goan 4 The approval of enti wetness management izvested on A operator AQ, athe A Operator ‘emai scuntable ana vespanibe fo atfatry competion ofthe subeartracte acter 5 Teoperatr ists that actions ten yun ranean et the Stand required brea, subpar touge . |Log the racorimenitons made bythe sub contracted oresnlaton| A Thestbvontaced agement sop hte aps aye + Arwortines dectve arts and plang ‘Serve bleinnahais Fleningofmabtenane etait monn ergo beth onto ‘ Iantenaace progr development and amendments 1 anyother eves wich 6 notin the operates espns when agreed by GCAA 1m. Tae operator's manaserent contol seated with sisconteced contig siwarthiness agent istrefi nic an carer the pert pata Procedies defined mn ecAN 1» When tats ar sb contract th perstorsWptoung srwothnss management ystems ‘aniered tobe extended athe subcaiacted eatin, ‘With he excepto of ergnes analy peer uns canes isnt to one eeanaton pet Sirerat type fray combination af the aces dese asin Append to CART 201 (1 WL Contracts should fag autoe the Subcontract orgaisatin to subcontract to oteroreanzatons ements ofthe cnt avons management tasks vil. |The operator ensures tha sings ring fom GORA trough mantoring of the sb-cntraced ont worthiness anagem tats closed ote satfactonoFGEA %< Thestcoiracioninzation ares tno th cperator of any hanes affecting the contra 2 aon praca. Te apzater then informs GOA Fart do 0 may ivaliate the ocesptance of the nits rn wth he ils Ape CAM 201 ing et tuness management ae — es ve 88.204 5) Tmmplemented’ Yer Ne [in ampllance: Yes No Na wn ‘Raditr Notes ater 05 ine 2016 ~~ Ravidonso8 Page Gof 21 munserrmsunn — eect AIRWORTHINESS FORM ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST H. operato’s maintenance propria) CAR M.302 Gece Tota 1. Development eviews and aed the AMP according to 1 spopmancrngevamendnents, 4 Retabity Oats, Operator Experience, i scRandrepetie ak for Dr an Reps Soh ans Haitenance Reqrenent Maintenance equiements inked othe Spel Operations (FN, AVS, MNS PBN, AN), 2. AMP implementation 1 reagan mai ck % |. Camping the wort lags, . ML etng worked, \ Performing and easing the ordered intnanee —eeving reo, vik Updating comsarce stat acer ee Ming 2 petty Hontong rogaine 1 Rot ty mont i Thesoures andi rood dat eed hd yste for aecocion essed 1. —Themetia eimnin. arlrng nine the datas dened ndexpned fe Sends : We Thaprocedurs unum ales orinpleenting corrective actos and mentoring the eet _ of eave actos it deserted “The Implemented carecve aeons renin eli, 4 esr so manera ogame ends amendment GAA poe monitored for belagetecive and crac any Ret. CAR M302 Documents Yes No [Implemented Yes No | complnce™ Yes No N/A : NA WA ‘Autor Comments ‘Ruder Notes ‘Date OSine203e ——S~*«R Page oF aia te aa tat AVIATION SAFETY FORMS WANUAL ‘Se Sha SECTION: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM AWF-AMA-004 mE: (CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST 1. Airworthiness Directives (ADs) CAR M1303, ‘Gk the Towing 4 ecesing and detemnitation on applicable Ads ©, GCAAAD, Authority of TC accepted by GAA, Authority ofthe State of Desig, et. Recovdng and dition, Review and evaluator, Accomplishment nstrctions, Paning/schedulng ‘ecomplshment/ signoff / Archiving Compliance status upeating ‘Documented Yes No] implemented Ver NA NA ‘Autor Comments Tete Wotees Date O5une20I6 Revion:08 Page 6of7 RTOn Sere roraes Masa Senet etoesar | eB SECTION: —_ | ARWOKIFINESS FORM AAWE-AMA-008 me ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST | 2. Continulag alworthiness management; CAR M708 ‘Check he Talowng ‘Te accomplishment afte Pee fight inspection (Note: refer to tem Jon thi checklt) Maintenance Programme development and contol (Nee: refer totem Goa this checist) ‘Manage the approval moaifiation and pats, ‘Allmaintenance scarred out in accordance with the approved Maintenance Programme (MP) and eeleased i accordance with CAR Subpart {8 Management al appicase airworthiness ectives and operations ivctves witha continuing worthiness impact (For Abs, refer to tem H on thi checks. 9. Defects tscovered dug scheduled malntenance or reported ae erected by an appropaely approved maintenance organisation, 1. Asystem ofasesment aa and con of ominous onterng "sigeartnees nd detects Repetve nents an defects Dslrodendcated foward dees, Unscheduled removals stem petfomance The cumuive efecto dleredeaed continedinthe Mi i, Rel deterred Stepney compance wit tenance nations HMw oa i eee xed he tene cts Bstablihed which provide for | efects and any estetions 10. ey ek ee ee ete prs ng compote econ are cordased ene he worse ot _ pope archive al tontnulng siworthines records andlor operator's technical log (Note: lance contol programs established 4. ——_Welaing proce sealable an nets the apleable OPS requirements. ‘Appende 1 to CAROPS 1.605 (2) Im Themassand cnt of gravy (Cc) postion ofeach aeroplane is established Ik. Themethodto reestablish the mass and the CG ofeach aeroplane ie defined Interval between tno weighing is defined and meet the appleable OPS requirements {CAR OPS 1.605 0) Vi. Theeffects of rod fcaions and repais onthe mass and balances accounted for and propery documented. ‘Date: 05sune2018 Revsionof Page 907 Scion: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM | ae nic rm: (CANO AUDIT CHECK UST {7 Wanagernant of maltenance contact and aongement Woter refer oem Lon tis hea), ‘Not; nation to above, check how the Continued sericea ofthe fight recorder system censured by the CAMO; ves the Air Operetor conduct operational checks and evolutions of recordings from the {fight recorder systems? |i Does the ir Operator maintain up-to-date suflent documentation concerning FOR parameter lectin, conversion equation, period calbrtion and ether Serceabilty/maitenance information? Mow the Oper veres te mesrenet ange, carn ena ans ace of orameters on iste equipment? |. How the ir Operar ensures the vali of FOR document to accident investigation authors, when required? } os Ref. CARMA. 708 ‘Documented Yes Wo” | implemented Yes No] Wampliange? Yes No NA NA [wal ‘Auditor Comment x ‘Date: 05 tune 2076 Revisions 4 ageiv ofa pal ie atta AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL ‘ese ned secrion: | aiRWorTHNess FoR me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST K. The accomplishment of the Pre-fght Inspection; CAR 4.2011) ‘Chek Tor he flowing 3 Guidance to personne performing pe ight inspection tasks established and published to them, 2. The Guidance defines the responsibites forthe preight inspection ations and tasks 3. Pre-fight inspection defines al actions necessary to ensure that the ara ft omake the intended fight and includes ll tems established inthe AMCto CAR M3043, 4. Personnel wit esponsbity to perform the pre fight inspection ass have rcsved appropiate {taining for the relevant pe ight inspection task, 5. Te operators CAME desbes the rang andar for personnel perfningthe peat Inspection, g 2 Ref. can mgoxya) ‘Documented’ Yes Wo implemented Yes No in caiiplance: Yes No NA. NA ; Nik ‘auditor Comments ry RS % 2» Tualr Note Date 05 jane 2006 Tevson: 08 Page i of mucin weno a ‘AWE-AMA-008 me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST LL oeeurrence Reporting; CAR H.202 ‘Check Tore Foon 1. Organization report any dented condition ofan aircraft or component that haar seriously the gh safety to: | Theargansaton responsible forthe type desig or supplement ype design and, ii, ifappliabe, The state of operator 2. Reports are made in amanner established by the GCAA an dontin al point information about the condtion known to the person or erganzation, yo . 3. Incase of contacted maintenance, the organisation malntaling the atraftrepertany such candltion affecting the owner's or the oprator'sareat 7 component to: i the owner, e@ONN Ti, the operator er \ » 5. ecominin swore managment rnin, 4 Reports sal be made soon as raccbl, but incase ihn 72hoursf the pron or cranny codon the ep tes. % ef. can 202 Donnan’ Yor No] aplomentedl_ Yor "ho InGamiance Yer No nis wae ts taiiar Conners US, ‘trite % wad J ‘Date: OSione 2016 —~—SCSC*~*~*~*~*~*«S Page 120721 alah fata span AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL “in Stata secon: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM — - AWF-AMA-008 me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST [M. Maintenance contract and zrangement Management; CAF 6.7085) ‘heck forte owing 1. Proper arrangements/contract were established with GCAA AMOs to caver the operated acraft ‘malotenance needs 2. stashed maintenance strangement{s/contracts) specify (is in deta, the work tobe performed by the CAR 145 AMO 2. st of CAR 45 approved contractors or reference to thas icuded hth CAME. 4A. Maintenance contrate/anangements covers |. Aieraft ine maintenance 1 erat base maintenance 1 Areratenginemaintenance Components maintenance Uneeheduled maintenance 5. Responsibities ofboth CAM Subpart and CARAS oration are stabced inthe imalntenancearrangerencontac 6 Mahntenace contact ae eased cordance ‘pecially eta he fotovine intone essen coc nt 1. Standard for retin of any tet and damage affecting safe operation, |The accompli ofl anton, in accordance withthe approved araft maintenance programe 8% The sccplsiment fr appt rwotsnessDrecves, Operational Oe, iv. The accompltinen fmalifistins and repairs in acordance with CAR, y functions of CAR M712 (0) ‘can m.708(0) Implemented Yes No [inComplianes! Yer No WA. NA ‘Actor Commas “Ruditor Notes ‘ae: O5tune 2016 ~fevsionsod SC age aT mumorserromsiann — sattotttcee SecTiON: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM = AWF-AMA-008 me: ‘CAMO AUOFT CHECK UST 'Nirworthiness Review Process; CA M.710, ‘Chek forte owing 4 raftAewortines Rew Plan has been established bythe organaton, 2. Documented review ofthe arr records ncdes the review of 1. rraft registration cords, |i Aiea continuing airworthiness record system (4.305), i. Operator's technical eg sytem (6.305), Iv. Dafered defects, minimum equpmert lst and configuration deviation lit applicable, \e—Aeraft fight manual nluding strat configuration, WL Aleaft Maintenance program, ik rerat maintenance Data Vi Relevant work packages AD status 1%. Modification and 8 status i Madifistion and repair approvals wl Ustofsenieelfelimited component he ll Alworthines Approve Tx (SCARA For Loregusen, iv, Massand balance repertand equlpmentist 1 Aer engine nd pete TC Dts Sheets B Preset at conde at es sey At coquied matings plats ropelstaosn, J Theairraft comlies with its approved fight manual, |i, The raft configuration complies with the approved documentation, Iv. No evident dofect can 2 found that has not been addressed according to M403, ¥. No ingonsistencies cane found between the aircraft and the documented review of records, « ep may include, a appliable 4 Fagin ates operat ts of orn eben Yn pao < _reaui ig patel openingetc., ions checks during fight vi. Orgztion producesairaft records review report, strat physical survey report and irwarthnge ovew recommendation. il ‘The organization produces Airworthiness Review Recommendation (ARR). The ARR canis thatthe seat nt areent congurtion complies with + Aiwortinessdretves up tothe ates published isue, and + Type certifate datasheet, and 4 Maintenance program, and “+ component serve ifeitations, and ‘Dates 05 June 2036 Revision: 08 snuorseervomenamn —_ weitsteatnt scion: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM AWE-AMA-008 me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST ‘The valid weight and etre of gravity sched elecing te current configuration of he sirraft and 0.21 forall modietons an cops, and + Thecurent fight marual cuding supplement, and + Aoplcable Operational requirements. Note: Reference of the data used in establishing complonce shouldbe sate, eg, AMP ref 9/8777 /OO4/AMP issue nx, re. dated w/s4/2016. ¢ The ARRStatementis entered and certifi by the ARC Staffn theareraftontinung sirwothines record sistem andor inthe operators tecnicalag, het. can 710 ‘Documented Yes Wo [implemented Ves No” [ mGompliance: Yes No Nia N/A. twa ‘ultor Comments ah oi ww ‘itor Notes ry rT Date‘0Ssme20i6——SCS~S*~*~*«R sO Page 5 0F aT beet sta tat AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL “Sin batman SECTION: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM me: ‘CAO AUDIT CHECK LST (0. operator's Quality System; CAR M.712 Check or the folowing 1, Asystemis established to ansure that procedures are hl current such that hey reflect the best practice within the erganiatio, 2. Allprocedures and changes othe procedures, re verified and validated ‘uit procedures, guidanes and checklists are established 4. Aprocedure, which defnesa subsequent actin if rectification by the relevant departments not cumpleted within apropr ate timestales, is established 5. CAMiAsipor qn spt san neat pao he pears iy Stem nse of commercial operat), 6 Plan's estabised, accepted by GCAA andncads out aces and she fo Operated aircraft | hWMO Persanel qualification and traning program and eco, 1M. camo acts and proceszee Ive Subcontractedtaste v.Supples Wi Contracted maintenance Ref. CAR M712 Tncomliance” Yes Wo NA Decumented Yer Wo NA Date osime2016———SCS*~*~*~*«S Page 16072 AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL “iran nin &, 8 Secrion: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM - - AWF-AMA-004 Tm: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST . changes tothe approved CAMO; CAR MA.713, ‘ays to manage te Volloung changes has boon etblahed by the organization iL The work scope and the capability af the organization |The name ofthe orgartaton The cation af the argnzation Iu. Additional loatons ofthe organization The Accountable manager * vi. The Senior management personel persons specified in CAR M706 (c) vi The required echnical afecting the approvl (accepted Man-hour ARS, ‘The falitiesavalable ‘or the planned management atv . The procedes X. ThemaiteaneeArangeren. g ys’ si. The subcontracted arrangement GaAs si The ualty Sytem omy & atccanzis Bocimented: Yer Wo [implanted Ves) Wo —Yincompince: Yes No Ni Wan oP tna” Auer Comments on | Tutor aa 4 Ben end? ,&~A ‘Os une 2016 Revisions 4 AVIATION SAFETY FORMS MANUAL oe SECTION: | AIRWORTHINESS FORW. rm: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UST ‘AWE-AMA-008 (. aircraft continuing akworthnes record system and Operator’ technical log system CAR M208 snd m306 ‘Car own 1, rat continuing sworn records sesublshed an cori: ‘ert book pn loghoos ese ed cards opal logbook og ears foray Serceie ited companent ‘i opertors teh og ‘crt pean eitraton mark, ha dt, peter wth oa ght tae ences ano Tangs, apap shall be entre te aa legbooks, 2, Tear coninuing worhins records contains: 1. Tecan stuf Awotiness cvs and iurelardtes GCA, The caren status of matons and eps ‘ Tre caren statu fcnolnce with antenanoe program The caren stats of ese te ted poet Matrandoaiene report Ut of defered aintennce ®rst tary cmooentsil iowa ete he opt cotinins sirwothinss rear | Themen apa tore se line Fa ore mmr " “ Tepe, sera mone alt heh to wht components ben ad enteral cope tig tne eee sods or cet ink ons an reps, complance wah matenenc program ee isin ert cing sierra dead act, an when neces Gre incon dee ane tt cenyshons theca eny Ref. CAR M.305 and M306 implemented Ves No [i Gompliance: Yer No nia Na ‘urtor Notes: ‘Date: 05 tune 2016 Reson Page 18 0f21 ee ee seenion: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM Tm: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK UIST Record keepin: CAR W305), 4.305, M307 and CARD 724 “Gc ore aoe 1. the stale system for tenon oa er equted by CARM.305, M306 and M714 fo the psd pecta |. Ata maitenance ear respect fhe aeraft and any ified component ited hereto, east 2 months after heart or eorponent permanent witha om sev, | Theta ead ign yes as apropit, ofthe raft and al ened congenent at est 12 months ater the setter component har ben permanent witha am ces, 1. The tie and ghey a appropri, sce sched maintenance lhe cmponentsublected 1a service Me lity lest un the component scheduled iatenance has Been sperseded by tote thecal maintenance of exilent work scope ana des 1. The erent stats af eomptinee with maintenance progr ue) that compliance withthe approved sireat maintenance pera canbe eased tlt inl he ata or compre seed Iminterane fas bron spersded by ote sede ntenanc, of eqn work sop and ¥ The cet satus of aworthinssdrectves apicate tote arate coliponens at ast 12 months after th aerator compare as ben ermanentywthdrun ram enn Detar of curent medeatons and eats to the ara, ents popes) and any othe enone val gale, at 2 mons a er hav Bet emery who om Wk itho organization haste prise to malls recommenda fr aworhines reve, copes of At ‘opethr with all supprtng dosent wl wo year far the srt has beeh parently withdrawn eamsenee, va Theac eile etioes 2g edt ot as ry. 2. Records re strains mene tht ears potion fom dig aeration and tet 3 Alomor hr edo ee Bhp ae ed nie elon Hm tat contain he ‘weking dt in am enarorment tenses the ran noo conden. 4. Yon the grtging seeks genet ofa aft steed to another onsen or esr eters ened the i ornate of carte Traplementedi Yes No [InComplance: Yes Wo NA A ‘DateoSiune2016 ———~=~*~*~*~*«SR ome SCSCS*~*~*~*S*«w ge BT SECTION: | AIRWORTHINESS FORM a= ‘AWF-AMA-008 me: ‘CAMO AUDIT CHECK LST 5. Findings; CARM716, ‘Geko compliance with the lowing 4. The definition of ve 3, level and level findings per CAR M724, 2. After receipt of notifcaten of findings, the holder of the continuing airworthiness management ‘organisation approval defies: (a) the root cause ofeach finding and define an action plan, including cSleetive and preventive actions o adres the finde) and prevent reoceurrene tothe satstacton ofthe GCA (6) The action pian complied with within the period agreed with the GCAA, Not: Aton shal be taken by he GCAA sped in whol or part the approval no falare by anorgansation to comply within the timescale granted by theGOMA. A netccanminis Documented Yes Wo [rfonented WGP ho | nconplaiear Yes No NA rv CN d ‘or commer a ea “Rut Note YQ a . S&, wr} ya, ed ‘Date OSimneaa16—SCS~S~S~S*S*«S Page 20072 umonsservromenmen — cestseactsans GB sreniw: | amwonruess rons ro we-ama-ona ao aUOrT CHECK UST 1: avor susan ining evel. Fig Level2 Finding Level3 mem| OF ‘REMARKS: mm | OR REMARKS. rem | AR) Renan: net fer nel RB Sy ia) grapes sos Site i so Sy aka! ‘Date 05 ane 2016 Reisonss——SS*~*~*~S*~*~*~S*CS ag

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