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Page No

1. General Notes.

2. Site Clearance.'.

3. Earth Work.'....

4. Carriage Charge

5. Collection of der, Metal , Gravel, Sand etc"'....'.

5. Protection

7. Temporary

8. R.C.C./P.S.C. & P.C.C. Slab

9. Geo Svnthetic

10. Miscellaneous .

11. Maintenance o

12. Supply of Geo Materials/ Ordinary labour

13. SupplyofWire sh
Including GST and l% Labour Cess (Frorn Chapter 'tl


to the extent they are relevant

1 These general notes are applicable to all sections of Schedule of Rates

of Bureau of Indian standards

2 AII materials to be used in work shall conform to relevant specifications

3 The rates are inclusive of of a materials including finishing, wastage, machinery' labour' enabling
works, smatltools & plants, loss on stocks and contracto/s

all the flood management works

4 The rates mentioned here in the Schedule of Rates shall be applicable for
within the jurisdiction of Watef Resources Department, Govt of Assam

m and 'l 50m respectively
6 Unless otheru/ise specilied the basic lead and lift of all items of work are 30

Unless otheMise specified lead charges lor Earih / Sand / Gravel/ Aggr€at6
and stones are for compacted
or in-situ volume
8 ln the rate analvses of earthwork, compacted volume of earth has been considered

silting, river diversion arrangements etc-' wherever applicable'

10 The hire charges of vehicles/equipmenis/boatdcarts etc have n considered as per prevailing market rates
for deployment at work sites in river side areas.
l.t The con;rete items like R.C.C/P.S C Porcupine members/Concrete slabs are to be cured properly before
supply of the same.
12 The rates for concrete ltems are inclusive of standard finishlng to surfaces

issued bythe Labour Commissioner, Assam

15 The rates are inclusive of GST on Works Cor ract

16 Most of the flood management works are executed in remote areas in the river side where the working
conditions differ from general areas Carriage of construction matenals to the work site also lnvolves enra
etfort for want of defined approach roads These aspects have been taken into account while arriving at
workable rates for concerned items of work.
1j For the items not incorporated in this Schedute of Rates., the rates as provided in the latest schedule of rate€
of PWD, Assam, may be adopted.
| 8 The basic rates of wages, hke charge, cost of materials, P O.L. and forest royalty etc are annexed herewith in
the following pages
19 All works are to be catried out in accordance with the current Water Resources Department Govt Of Assam
general specifi cations.

Jati Bamboo 60mm to 75mm dia and 5m to 6m long

Each Rs, 100.00
7 m long Each Rs 120 00
2 l,4atured Jati Eamboo 75mm to 100mm dia and 6 m to
and 6m to 7m long Each RS 200 00
3 Matured Bholuka Bamboo 75mm to lOOmm dia
Matured Bholuka Bamboo lOOmm to'lsomm dia and 7m to 8m long
Each Rs. 220 00

Barua Bamboo 75mm lo t 00mm dia 6m to 7m long

Each 250.@
Bethua Bamboo 60 mm to 75 mm dia 8 m to I m long
Each Rs 00

7 l,luli Bamboo top

Rs. 35.00

8 Hard Jungle Wood posupole, 'l00mm to 150mm dia

Each Rs. 120.00

9 Tree branches (dia minimum 10cm) including Forest Royalty

Rs. 25o.oo
1O Bushy tree with green foliage including delivery at site and payment of forest
(a) 1 OOm to 2 OOm girth and 6 00m io 7-00m long
Each Rs 1,500.00
(b) Above 2 oom to 3.00m gifth and E.00m to 9 00m long
Each Rs 3, .00

11 Bamboo tops with green foliage 2.50m to 3.00m long

Each Rs. 60 00

12 Jute Sutli
Kg Rs. 95.00
13 Coir Sutli KS Rs 90.00
14 GalvanPed wire

(a) 8 G. Wire KS Rs. 96 00

(b) 12 G Wire Ks Rs. 96.00
(c) 16 G. Wire KS Rs 100 0O

(d) 18 G Wire K9 Rs 100 m

15 Wire Nails of different size KS Rs 75 00
'16 lron bolts and nuts of different size KS Rs 9200
17 lron Patent Nails of different size KS Rs 75.00
18 Serviceable empty cement bags Each Rs. 6 00
19 Timber Planks (2nd class)
cum Rs 22,4n0.00
20 O.P C. Cement bag Rs. 425.00
21 Coarse Sand cum Rs. 1,725 00
22 Stone Aggregate 20mm down cum Rs 1,840.00
23 MSRod \s Rs. 104.00
24 Tor Steel (TMT Bar) Kg Rs. 85.00
25 4mm High tensile steei wires/strands Kg Rs. 96.00
26 Polythene sheet (4O micron) sqm Rs. 14.@
27 PVC Pipe,20mm(NonlS l) Rm Rs. 30.00
2A P V.C Pipe 100 mm (Ordinary quality) Rm Rs 150 00
29 Black Wire KS Rs. 75 00
Note :

The rates includes cqst of camage of materials up to the departmental goodown /stack yard as directed by
department including cost of loading and unloading at both ends and delivery at specifled site as directed by
the department
The rates are exclusive of G.S.T, forest lty and f 0,6 labour cess-except for item "Tree Branches" which is
inclusive of Forest Royalty but excl'rdjng GST & Labour Cess

-Jil l0nt
Wlter Raroutoa3 DoPartnent
ChaDdDt4 Guwa\di'03

sl Item Unit Rate

Hire charges of diesel trucks with driver and helper but excluding fuel and
(a) 2 Ton Capacitv Day Rs. 1,500 00
(b) 6 Ton CaDacitv Day Rs 2,200 00
(c) 10 Ton Capacity
Day Rs 3,000.00
2 Hire Charge of hydraulic Excavator with bucket capacity of 0.60 Cum to
0 90 Cum along wrth operator excluding fuel and lubricant Hour Rs zM@
3 Hire charge of Tripper of '10 ton capacrty along with operator excluding fuel
and lubricant HoLrr Rs 800 00
4 Hire charge of Tractor wrth minimum 40 HP engine capacity along with
kailer of 250 Cum capacity including operator and excluding fuel and
lubricant Day KS 1.725.0O
5 Hire charge of engine boat with minimum '10 HP engine and l@d carrying
capacity of not less than 3 00 ton along with operator and helpers excluding
costofPOL Day RS 3,000 00
6 Hire charge of mar boat (twin boat) along with dumping platform and with a
minimum load carrying capacity of 5 00 Ton (Without boat man)
Day Rs 1 ,200 00
7 Hjre charge of country boat with capacity of 20 to 40 quintal. (Withoul
boatman) Day Rs. 575 00
Hire charge of country boat up to 20 quintal capacity (Without boatman)
Day Rs. 1 ,000 00
9 Hire charge of bullocUbuffalo cart with tyre wheel along with cart man
Day RS 850.00
t0 Hire charge of hand cart with cart man
Day 800.00
l1 Hire charge of 5 HP water pump with operator and excluding P.O L
Day Rs 1 100 00
12 Hire charge of 25 Diesel Generating set wilh operator and P.O L
Day Rs 1 ,725 00
13 Hire charge of Hydraulic equipment comprising of pump with 10 HP
engine, nec€ssary Jets, pipes etc including cost of operator and excluding
fuel and lubricant comDlete Day Rs 1 500 00
14 Hire charge of Crane with capacity 80 ton with operator excluding fuel & per hour Rs. 1,350.00
15 Hire charge of crane with capacrty 35 ton with operator excluding fuel & per hour Rs 950 00
16 Hire charge of Crane with capacity 3 ton with operator excluding fuel & per hour Rs- 400.00
17 Hire charge of Crane wlth capacity 8 ton with operator excludang luel & per hour Rs 850 00
18 Hire charge of Hire charge ol Barge of sze .losxl lods Ft with launching per day Rs- 15,000 00
iacket wight up 600OMT and having minimum clear deck area of 3300 sqm
lvrth operator excluding fuel & lubricant
Note :

1 Hire charge of each day mean for eight working hours

2 The hire charge includes cost of overherd charges for deployment of the equipmenu vehicle.s/ boatJ cart at
site of work

cosT oF P.O.L


Dscrjption Unt Rate

KS Rs 253 75

Eacn 10.00
2 Detonator
Corl Rs. 18S.O0

SI Dscription Unit Rate

Boulder / Stone lr4aterials Cum Rs 214 00
2 Grave Cum Rs 220.04
3 Sand Cum Rs 149.80
4 Earth / Clay Cum Rs 32.10
5 River Sift Cum Rs. 32.10

Note :

Forest royalty of stone materials, sand, earth andsilt n adopted as per Govt
Notiflcation No. PEM.83/2009/PI-V|I-AJ39 dated 1 issued bythe Secretary to
the Govt- ofAssam, Mines & Mineral Depanment, Dlspur and are inclusive of5% GST
on Forest royalty and 20,6 income tax on Forest Royalty

The wages of labour has been considered as per Notification No. -

ACL.43l2OO4la2 6 dated 30/05/2017, issued by the Labour Commissioner' A$sam'

Rates of e)elosive are excluding GST & Labour Cess

.-J Direcl ign

Wtter Roloutc6 DoPartmont
Ohandmerl, Guwahati'03
Rate inclusive
Unit Basic Rate
sl Description Labour Cess (1%)

1.01 ngles and trees upto 15

sqm KS 7.59 Rs
shruus,trees etc)
1e ano I

complete as directed ( When 30% to 60 of the area
sqm Rs 11.39 Rs- 11 51
|s COVered by shrubs,trees etc)
1.03 itrick Lungles: btearing thick jungles and trees upto 15

sqm RS 22.74 KS 23 01
covered by shrubs,trees etc)

the same from the site of work as directed

Rs. 385.97 Rs. 389.83
1.O4.1 Trees above O.sOm and uP to 1t!g!4[ Each
Each HS 991.31 Rs u)l.21
1.4.2 Trees above 1.0m and up to 2 0m girth: Rs. 3,281 .34
Eacn Rs. 3,2/€'45
1.04.3 Tiees above 2 Om and uP to 3 0
Each Rs 5,163.98 Rs. 5,215.62
1044 Trees above 3 0m and uP to 4m girth:
1 04.5 i.....h""" r' om,n.! Un to 5 Om oirth: Each Rs 11,Cv9,rrg
Each RS r6,563.49 Rs 16,729 13
1 04.6 Trees above 5.0m gidh:
Cutting-Oamooo , uprooting roots & stumps including
removing them from the site of work, etc complele as
directed sqm Rs 658.87 KS 66s..16

1-6 Uprooting oamUoo clumps where bamboo already

removed including removing stumps to a distance as
directed sqm KS 341 76 t(s 34517
1.7 Cutting banana trees, , up ing roots & stumps
rncluding removing them trom the site of work, etc.
complete as directed sqm Rs. 347 92 KS 351 40

Rate inclus've
Unit Rate
Description Labour Cess (10,6)


rammer to proper comPaction and watering if nece€sary

cum Rs 222 57 Rs- 224.84

2 01 .1 Normal Soil :

201.2 rn or part thereof beyond the initial cum Rs. 12.O7 Rs. 12.19
lead of 30 m
2013 ry 1 50 m or part thereof beyond the inrtial cum Rs 1207 Rs 1219
lifi of 1 50 m
202 E"rtnio* in .rnoantment by head load free from roots
& vegetation and filling in uniform layers not exceeolng
22cm- thick including ploughing or roughenrng or
benching tf€ seat , dugbelling, proliling, break'ng cl
upto 2.5cm cube, ramming with cast rron rammer to
proper compaction and watering if ndresslng
as per destgn section ComPlete ted(10%
deduclion will be made from the sectron measured
quantities of the completed and compacted sections on
account of shrrnkage)

2.O21 Wet & Sticky Soil : cum Rs. 236.57 Rs. 23494
i) For initial lead of30 m and lift of 1 50 m
2.03 collection and supply of Earth by head load free from
roots & vegetation and siacking in regular measurable
stacks at suitable places including clearing and levelling
the stacking seats, breaking clods up to 25cm cube, cum Rs 233.77 Rs 236.11
payment of folest royalty if any. etc. complete as
For initial lead of30 m and Iift of 1 5m
204 Earth work ir embankment by truck carriage In
ordinary/normal soil excluding sandy and roctry soil free
from roots & vegetaiion and fllling in uniform layers not
exceeding 22cm lhick including ploughing or
roughening or benching the seats, removing all debries,
breaking clods up to 2.5cm cube, dressing as per design
section including payment of forest royalty if any, etc.
complete as directed
(10% deduction will be made from the section measured
quantities of the completed and compacted on account
of shrinkage)
2041 For initial lead beyond % Km and up to 4 00 Km and for cum KS 352 50 KS. 356 03
all lifts
2.O4.2 For initial lead beyond 4 l<nl and up to 6.00 Km and for cum Rs 3M.6 Rs 39E.41
all lifts
2 04.3 For initial lead beyond 6 lcn and up to 8-00 Km and for cum t<s 35 Rs 450 81
2044 For initial lead beyond 8Km and up to 10 00 Km and for cum Rs 566 97 Rs
all lifts
2045 For initial lead beyond 10 Km and up to 12.00 Km and cum Rs. 649.56 Rs 656.05
for all lifls
205 fartfr wo* in embankment by truck carriage in
ordrnary/normal soll excludlng sandy and roclq soil free
from roots I
vegetalion and stacking in
measurable stacks at suitable places including cleanng
and levelling the stacking site, breaking clods up to
2 scm cube, payment of forest royalty if any, etc ( 12 50
0,6 deduction will be made from measured quantities on

account of shrinkage)
2 051 beyond % Km and uP to 4.00 Km and for cum KS ,/O Rs 390 63
all lifts
2052 for initiat teaa beyond 4 Km and up to 6 00 Km and for Rs 396 35 Rs 400 92
all lifts
2053 d beyond 6 Km and uP to I00 l(n and for
cum Rs 450 04 Rs 454.54
all lifls
2.O5 4 ad beyond 8 Km and up to 10 00 Km and for cum Rs 571 Rs. 577 6
all lifls
2055 for initial teaa nd 10 Km and up to'12-00 Km and cum KS 6M 38 Rs 671 U2
for all lifts
2.06 mbankment by caft carriage in all kind of
soil excluding sandy and rocky soil free from roots &
vegetation and filling in uniform layers not exceedlng
22cm thick including ploughing or roughenlng or
benching the seats, removing all debries and grasses
from the seat, dugbelling, profiling, breaking clods up to cum Rs 414.38 Rs 418.53
2 scm cube, ramming with cast ilon rammers to proper
compaction and watering if necessary, dresslng as per

207 :a.tfr *o* ernU-kment by boat carriage in all kind of

ioil excluding sandy and roclq soil from roots &
/egetation and filling in uniform layer noi exceedlng
22cm. thick including Ploughing or roughening or
renching the seats, removing all debries and grasses
irom the seat, dugbelling, profiiing, breaking clods up to cum Rs 621 45 Rs 627 66
2 scm cube, ramming with cast iron rammers to proper
:ompaction and water'ng lf 1ecessary. dressing as per
design section including payment of forest royalty if any, complete as direoted (for shrinkage 100,6 will be

208 Earth work in excavation of drainage channel to the

proper grade and slopes as required including desposing
the excavated debries/soil to a safe distance of minimLlm
50 m .listance as directed
2.081 Normal Soil cum Rs. 191.73 Rs 193.65
2.08 2 Excavation of drainage channel to the proper grade and
slopes as required including desposing the excavated
debries/soil to a safe distance of bevond 100 m distance cum Rs 218.10 Rs 220 2A
as directed
Wet & Stickv soil
F^r lo..l ,,b t^ 3Om en.l all lifts
2.O9 Earthwork in bank trimming to the designed sectbn
/slope including removing the soils at a safe distance, cum Rs. 1 54.89 Rs. '15€.44
comolete as cirected.
210 Earthwork in grabbing the seat of the embankment. upto
0 3 m depth and depositing the soils outside the country
side toe of the proposed structures , etc complete as cum Rs 154.89 Rs 15tr,44

2.11 Spreading of earth stacks over the crest and slope ol

embankment and places as dlrected In uniform layer ol
22 cm. thick including breaking clods, dressing, cum Rs. 93.24 Rs 94.22
ramming etc complete where necessary including
dressing the embankment before complete as directed

.... Di ign '

Wltor Roloutc6 DoPa{tmant
Ohendm.d, Guwa\ati'o3
212 Labour for ramming with cast iron rammer to proper
compaction including watering if necessary , etc
comolete as directed
2121 Ordinary soil: cum Rs- Ga7 RS 1502
cum 17.67 Rs 17 85
2122 Sotl mixed with murrum:
213 Turfing with grass sods of largest possible rectangles of
12 cm. minimum thickness placed closely including
cum Rs 24 71 Rs 24 96
dressing earth pagging with Jati bamboo sPlit, watering
tillthe grass grows for a lead up to 90m and all lifts

Earttr work in embankment by Hand Cart (Thela)

carriage in locally available normal soil excluding rocky
soil free ilom loors and vegetatlon & stacking in regular
measurable stacks at suitable places includlng clearing
cum Rs 353 37 Rs 356 90
8 levelling the seat, breaking clods up to 25 mm cube'
payment of conpensation for borrowing earth from
private land or forest royalty if any etc Complete as
directed ( for shrinkage 100,6 vJill be deducted)

2.15 work In excavation by hydraulic excavator, to

proper grade and slopes as required including utilizing
the spoils for filling works in the vicinity including cum Rs 167 74 Rs 169 42
removing roots & vegetation, dressing to design section
complete as directed
Ordinarv Soil , For deplh uP to 3 00m
2.16 Earth work in filling by mechanical means including
ramming means by deploying hydraulic excavator and
trippers etc. with.locallv available ordinary soil excluding
rocky soil with all lead and lift, transporting to site,
spreading, dressing as per design section including
ploughing or roughening oI benching the s€ats. removing cum 357.16 Rs 360.73
all debrtes, breaking clods up to 2.5cm cube, payment
of forest royalty if any, etc. complete as directed.
(100,6deduction will be made from the section measured
quantities of the completed and comPacted earth work
on account of shrinkage)

217 Earth work in embankment by Tractor-trailer carriage in

locally available ordinary soil excluding roclq soil free
from roots & vegetation and filling in uniform layers not
exceeding 22 cm. thick including ploughing or
roughening or benching the seats, removing all debries,
cum Rs 285.s1 RS 288 36
breaking clods up to 2 5 cm cube dressing as per
design section including payment of forest royalty if any,
etc. complete as directed (10oi6 deduction will be made
from the section measured quantities of the completed
and compacted earth work on account of shrinkage)

214 Earth work in embankment by Tractor carraige In

crdinary/normal soil excluding sandy and roclq soil free
from roots &vegetation and stacking In regular
measurable stacks at suitable places inclLrdang clearing
and levelling the stacking site, breaking clods up to cum 338.86 Rs 34225
2-5cm cube, payment of forest royalty if any, etc ( 12 50
% deduction will be made from measured quantities on
account of shrinkage)
For initial Lead beyond 1/2 Km and upto 2.00 km for all

Wltor R€3ourc.3 Dopartment

ttandmsrl, Guwe\di'03
Rate inclusive
Unit Rate Labour Cess (106)


driver and handyman-

( uarry road malntained bY

cum/Km Rs 316 00 319 l6

301 1
42 58
cum/Km Rs 4215 RS
3 01.2 For 2nd to 2oth Km
Rs 40 36 Rs 4/J./
3 01.3 :or 20th to 100 Km cum/Km
302 erlaty.i" of rat" fo. cardage of boulder/metal /sand

driver and handyman

(Road not maintained by contractor)
(On katcha road/embankmenuquarry roao nol
h2intainF.l bv conkactor)
cum/Km t(s 300 32 Rs 303 32
3021 30 46
3.O2 2 E^r a^A 1^ tdl6 Km cum/Ktn Rs 30.'l6 KS
cum/Km Rs 27 53 RS 27.41
3.02.3 For 20th to '100 Km
3.03 Alalysis of rate for carriage of boulder/metal/sand /gravel
etc including loading & unloading cost of P.O L etc
complete and including hlre charge of truck with driver
ancl hanovman

cum/Km Rs 298.47 Rs 301 45

3 3.1 For lst Km
curn/Km KS. 25.61 Rs 25.60
3.3.2 For 2nd to 20th Km
cum/Km Rs. 21.75 Rs. 21.97
Above 20th Km
304 rate for carriage of boulder/metal/sand /gravel
etc. including loading & unloading cost of P O etc L
complete and including hire charge of truck with driver
and handyman
Pucca Road
cum/Km Rs 298.64 Rs 301 63
341 For 1st Km
cum/Km Rs 73.51 KS 23.75
3.42 For 2nd to 20th Km
curn/Km Rs. 18.08 RS 1826
3.43 Above 20th and up to 100 Km
cunVKm Rs 16.44 Rs 16 60
3.4 4 Above 100th Km
305 Local carriage of boulder, metal, gravel/sand etc from
the approachable site beyond 150m and up to 3 00Km
from the work site including loading from slack and
unloading at work site with 10 (ten) ton capacity truck,
supplying P O L etc complete as directed
cum/Km KS 225.77 Rs- 228 03
3.06 Carriage of wire nefting sheets of size 2.57 X 1 66 m
made of 8 G wire of 152mm Sq mesh including loading
& unloading , Stacking cosi of P O L ,etc comPlete and
including hile charge of truck with driver and handyman
.^hnlctad as .ltrF.tF.l sheeuKm RS 033 Rs 0.34
307 Carriage of Geo Bags of size 2 00 x 1 50 m including
loading & unloading Stacking cost of P.O.L. ,etc
complete and including hire charge of truck with dnver
and handyman completed as directed (Distance to be
calculated with resDect to FOR Guwahati)
bag/Km Rs 011 Rs 011
308 Carriage of Geo Bags of size 1 03 x 0 70 m including
toading & unloading , Stacking cosl of POL ,etc
complete and including hire charge of truck with driver
and handyman completed as directed (Distance to be
calculated with resoect to FOR Guwahati)
bag/Km Rs 0.013 Rs 0.013
3)O gsm Geo shed ot including hading

ch6rge ot truck with driver and

as di .(Oistance to be calculated

Geo Mat of including l€ding & unlo€ding

of P.O.L. ,etc. complde a|ld including
with trandymm cffirpbted
to be calculated wilh resoec* to

including hire charge of truck wilh

completed as directed.(Distance io
rcspect to FOR Gw!6lrati)

Rale inclusive
Description LJnlt Basic Rate
Labour Cess (1%)

401 Collection of blasted boulder of size 23cm. io 30cm in

average and minimum weight 30Kg having (i) specrfic
gravity not less than 2 65 and Materials properties of
conforming to lS 2386 part lll & lV 1963 and Free from
dust, dirt and other forergn materials including local
carriage and stacking in regular measurable stacks of
approximate 1(one) m- height at site, payment of forest cum Rs 1 ,120 16 Rs
royalty, etc. complete as directed(l0% under sized
boulder is allowable for packing/fill'ng the gaps occurred
during execution of works) (15% deduction will be made
from the stack measured quantities on account of void)

402 Collection of river boulder of size 23cm to 30cm in

average and minimum Weight 30 Kg having (i) speclfic
gravity not less than 2.65 and Materials properties
conforming to lS 2386 part lll & IV 1963 free from dust,
dirt and other foreign materials including necessary
carriage and stacking in regular measurable stacks at cum Rs 1 ,276.@ Rs '1,289.36
site, payment of foresl royalty, monopoly, etc (10%
under sized boulder is allowable for packing/filling the
gaps occurred during execution of works) Complete as
directed.(15o/6 deduction will be made from the stack
measured ouantitjes on account of void)

403 collection of river gravel & shingles of size 20mm to

4omm in average free from dust, dirt and other foreign
materials including necessary carriage and stacking in
regular measurable stacks at quarry site, payment of
cum Rs ,208 69 Rs 1,220.78
forest royalty, monopoly, etc Complete as 1

directed (7 5% deduction wil be made from the stack

measured quantities on account of void).

404 Collection of broken slone metal of size 20 mm to 4Om

in average from blasted tock free from dust, dirt and
other foreign maferials screening properly, stacking in
suitable stacks at quarry site, payment of forest royalty cum Rs 1,4W27 Rs 1 ,514 26
monopoly, etc. Complete as directed (75% deductlon
will be made from the stack measured quantities on

405 Collection of sand gravel from approved quarry

containing 60% sand and 40% gravel free from
disintegrated and flalg pieces of vegetation and other
deleterious mallers, adherent coating etc. including cum Rs- 841 22 Rs. 490 04
stacking in suitable stacks at quarry site and payment of
foresi royalty etc complete as directed

4.06 Collection and supply of hand chiseled broken stone

boulder of size 23cm to 30cm in average having (i)
specific gravity not less than 2.65,and Materials
properties conforming to lS 2386 part lll & lV 1963 and
Free From dust, dirt and other foreign materials including
local carriage and stacking in regular measurable stacks cum RS 1,364 91 RS 1,378 56
of approximate 1(one) m height at quarry site, payment
of forest royalty, etc complete as directed (15%
deduction will be made from the stack measured
ouantities on account of void)

407 Collection of stacking iver pea- gravel of size 6 mm to

20mm in average free from dust, dirt and other foreign
mglerials inciuding necessary carriage and stacking in
cum 1,276.60 Rs 1,289.36
regular measurable stacks at quarry site, payment ol
forest royalty, monopoly, etc complete as directed

, Dkect ign
Wltgr Relourcd DsPafi mcnt
408 Collection a d supply of sand from approved quarry ot
speoitied gl
and other f n mateftl includirE payment of turesl
cur Rs. 721.1 Rs. 7a'6
Ity /sale tax etc.
4.09 ion (
mm in avel pe from dust, dirt and othef toreign
materials ini luding local caniage and stacking in r€ular
qlr 1,&.1
m urable stacks of awodnEte 1(one) m. lEight al Rs. I,2168.57
4.10 Collection a d supply of River silt by guck car
From debri. r
and other foreign material payment ol
Fo royalt if any, etc.(For initial Lead belond 1/2 Krn cut Rs- Rs- v7.13
and upto 4.( 0 kn for all lins.)

4.11 d supply of sard of

spedfied gl de by tuck caraiF free fiom debai€s ard
dher foreigl cur t(s. 44o.:, t(s. 444.Gt0
/sales tax e ).(For Inltlal Lead beyond 1l2 Km and upto
4.0O kfl for dl lifts.)
s Description Unt Rate inclusive
Basic Rate
Labour Cess (10,6)
5.01 Labour charge for dumping boulder in cage maOe ol wire
netting sheets of size 2 STxl 66m of gG galvanized wire

o, 'n

5.01 1 Witho{n boat: cum Rs- 3a7.73 Rs 391 61

5.O12 With boat
cum Rs 849 13 Rs 457 62
502 Labour charge for loose durnping boulder ot Zgcrn. to
30cm size in toose in eroded portion of river bantd bed

150 m etc complete as directed.

5 021 r'Vithoul boat:

cum Rs 341 76 Rs 345.17
5 022 cum Rs- 648.96 Rs- 695 85

ya ump site within a distance of 150 m etc comptete

as cted.

5.031 Without boat:

cum Rs 354 01 Rs
5.04 Laoour cnarge for constructron of deadman with one

becl/slope including ste carriage of boutder either

ing the
end of
by the
will be

5 4.1
cum Rs- 490 79 Rs 495 70
5.4 2
cum Rs 672 01 Rs

cum Rs 335 94 339 30

distance of 150m etc complete as directed


cum Rs 26 62 Rs 249 09

-JDd .sign\
Wrtor Ro|ourc€s Depadmont
Chandmad, Guwahati-03
sl Unit Basic Rate Rate inclusive
601 Conskuction of single ,A' ty
bamboo of size 7 5cm to 10cm dia placed close to

and horizontal double half jati bamboo kamies not more

than 50cm apart p ing whole bhaluka bamboo runner RIT Rs 1, 23 Rs 1,418.2A

nos/ Rm & Jati Bamboo at the rate of O 53 nos / Rm)

602 Conskuction of single .A' type

bamboo of size 7.5cm to t(bm dia ptaced ctose to each

half jati bamboo horzontat kamies at not less than 5ocm

apart and provjdrng double whole jati bamboo horizontal RM Rs 2,015 80 Rs 2,035 96
runoers at the apex including cost of all material etc
Complete as directed (Using Bhaluka Bamboo at the rate
of 6-125nov Rm & Jati Bamboo at the rate of 1 OO no /


struts placed al 1 5m a part tied with three rows oF RM Rs 661 65

lonzontal half jati bamboo kamies etc comprere as RS 668 26
lrrected. (Using Bhaluka Bamboo at the rate of 1014
los,/ Rm & Jati Bamboo at the rate ol 2.4O nos / Rm)


1 20m below ground with jatj bamboo inclined struts

flxed 1.2m to 1.5m apart tied with three rows ol
horzontal halfjati bamboo kamies with cane/ wire of 16c RM Rs- &1.42 Rs_ 506.43

the rate of 2 40 nos / Rm)

605 Constructlon of whole

1.5m width with matured

RM RS 583 67 Rs 589 51

the rate of 2.40 nos / Rm)


crn dia,15 cm clear apart,1.s m to 25 m above and

1 2m to 1 5m below ground tied with cane / wire 16
and horizontal half jati bamboo kamies at not more than
0.45m apart inctuding fixing whole bhaluka bamboo
cross struts at 1 apart tied together with bhaluka RM Rs 3,2& 41 Rs.

rate of 27_'18 nos/ Rm & Jati Bamboo at the rate of g OO

nos / Rm)

-i Di?ac ign
Wltar Relourcs Dopadnent
Cfiandnarl, Guwahati'03

RM RS 3,177 43 Rs 3,209.21


RM Rs 349.87 RS


sqm Rs 1 ,771.79 Rs 1,789.50


3,298.37 RS 3,331 36


Each RS, 2,503 591 ,.rru

612 Suhnlvin^ fi+iih^ -^: KS uaJ

6121 H sqm
6122 Rs Rs 280 73
sqm Rs 314 52 KS 317 66

Di lgn '
Wrtor Rosout6o! DePartnant
Chandrnarl, Guwa\ati-o3
613 Supplying and launching of tree branches of 5 crn io
wth green
with corr
post or 10
n at teast
ground and 0 50m above at a minimum safe distance
Bundle Rs
7.50m from the river bank with gG. galvanized tyi
wire, 1,418.45 Rs 1 ,432 63
!'eeighing the bundle with two nos.of earth filled

614 Supplyrng and launching of tre

dia ,hard jungles wood peg driven at least l.OOm b€tow

ground and 0.50m above at a minimum safe distance
of Bundle Rs. '|
,430 19 Rs. 1 ,444 49

tted with coir of

sale lax. etc.c ing
the rate of 21

6.15 Supplyjng ard taunching bam

long with green foliage tied to the post of ,A' type of spur,
lets fencing pa asiding etc, with t2G G.twire etc Each KS 82.65 KS 83 48
complete as directed

616't For borrowing eadh from a drstance 3Omuffi Each Rs 1416 Rs 14.31
616.2 For borrowing eartn trom a ouanceEyoE'30m:&
to 60m. Each Rs- 19.67 RS 19 87
617 Labour for laying CunnyfManwe Oi!ffied with sand i

6.171 37 Kg. Capacitv baos Each Rs 60.E3 Rs. 61.43

6.17 2
Each RS 87.23 Rs 88ll

w'ter Resourcs Dopartmont

Chandmarl, Guwahati-03

Each Rs 4,974.57 Rs-
6 18.2
Each Rs Rs 439 98
6.18 3
Each Rs 250 83
6 f I Rs 253.34

RM Rs 1,064.99 Rs 1,075.641

Bundle Rs. 933.97 Rs. 943.31


nore than 50cm apart providing whote Barua Damboo

RM Rs. 1,623 53 KS 1,639.76

622 lCdn<trr'.ri^h ^t -r-,+

Rt\4 Rs 2.463e€| Rs.

623 2,427 s2l

RM Rs 775 44 Rs 783 20

RM Rs 8U.A7 Rs 809 89

Rt\,]| 1,103.42
626 Rs- 1.114 45

Each Rs 2,521 rcl RS 2,5$.31


bracing are to be provided In each face in between th€

1st and 2nd horizontal slffeners A'l the sttffeners and
inclined members are to be prolected O 30m beyond th€
longitudinal members Altthe points are to be pinned with
22 Cm long patent nails and protruding end is to be benl
properly to have a firm gip and the apex pojnt is atso to
be clustered with 8 c. wire. All the members are to be
punched with chisel or auger. The cribs are to be
weighted with 25 Nos. of earth fi ed polythene empty
cement bags In all corners and middle ol 1st and 2nd
row of horizontal stiffeners of the cribs, tied firmly with

Each Rs. 5, .01 Rs. s,s46 s3l
Preparation of Dry morter filed Ju
including filling in bags and stitchin
sutli,etc complete as directed. (Jutebags will be
supplied by the department free of cost) (1m x 1m x
O.12m \ Each Rs 121 88 Rs 123.10
6.29 of
supplied by the department free of cost) (O 7m x 0 4m x
Each Rs s3 88 RS 54 42
Supplying and launching of whol
undresses bamboo with branches and green foliages
containing 4(Four) nos_
of bamboo in each bundle tied

630't With Jati Bamboo Each Rs 1.15077 Rs 1 .162 2a

6 30.2 With Bhuluka Bamboo Each RS 1 645 62 Rs 1,662 0€
6 3'l Supplying fitting and fixing M

etc Complete as directed

631 1 Straight wovent(Using Muli eamboo at the rate of 34'E
Each Rs 207 26 Rs m9 33
6 31 .2 Diagonally woven:(Using Muli Bamboo at the rate ol
39.00 nos / Rm) Each Rs 232 45 Rs 234 78
6.32 tsrovrdrng toot bridge of f.00 m width with Bhaluka

iied together with tong beams with j8c galvanjzed wire

Using Bhaluka Bamboo at the rate of 7 O nos/ Rm & Jati

Samboo at the rate of 1.1 O nos / Rm)

Rt\4 Rs 212 04 f{s 21416

toot Oros;-;il
ost of 2.00 Nos in
oerow d and tm above ground with 2 r
iTg :,:1,i
p over two trnes of posrs and a pair
Bhaluka Bamboo collar fied together wiih

Bamboo at the rate of 12.oonos / Rm)

Providing foot 205.88

bfidg;-;-.Cro-;- wjdh-;fi

Inctudlng providing bamboo kamies mat

on lne

odmooo of .10
00 nos/ Rm & Jati Bamboo
tne rate / Rm)
Providing foot bri 263.8'l
n deep channeJ

channel througfare). (Using Bhaluka Barhboo

of 12.00 nos/ Rm Jati Bamboo al the rale

Wltst Rssourcos 9opartmant

Chandmarl, Guwa\atl'03
Descriptron Unt Basic Rate Rate inclusive
Labour Cess (106)

701 Supply of RC C
Porcupine member of- size Olom-;
10m "3.00m wrlh cement concrete proportion 2:4, I
rnlorced by 4 Nos. ol 8mm dia TMT bar and 4mm

same face and in the other face of member another 2 Each Rs I,206 50 Rs 1,218.57
(two) nos- of holes of size 2omm dia at 65 cm hside

7.02 vvp}/,y v, ,\.v.v rurcuptne memDer ol s|ze 0.10m r

o n i ..2..4,
,. 4mm dra
(8 of hotes
of he same
Each Rs 805 80 Rs 813 86

ends. curing for 28 days and supply at

specl lete as directed_


Each Rs 568 441 Rs 574.1
7 032
Each RS gzs.s4l Rs 888 74

7 04.1
Each Rs- qqq-o4l Rs 666.64
'--l Each KS 1,O27.251 ls ,O37 52
, ,wy,vtr'v o U rcyrrg (I pratn cemem concrete slab ol

f rive
of th sqm RS 1,722.16 RS 1,739 39
handling chdrges etc complete as dlrected

706 , .erivniv vqr! nr Jru prdnr oernenr concrete stab of size

sqm Rs 1 ,625 A2 Rs 1 ,642 08

Water Rerourc.s Dopattment

Chandmarl, Guwa\ati-03
7.07 Supply of p
rorcuptne me
with M-4O grade of cement concrete wth graded broken

Each 1,203 58JRs. 1,215.62


Each KS 40.9( KS 41 .31

Each Rs 64 35 64 99
tc. complete as directed.(For lead up to 5.OO Km and

Each ls. 90.81 91.72
drrected (For lead up to 1O.OO Km and

Each lRs 27 37 KS 27 65

712 vv,,!qgs vr rv'Lupn|e rnemoers oy zru Hp tractor _trailor

Each Rs 14 61 Rs 14 75

713 vqr oye ur ruruuur e memoers oy ztu Hp Tractor {railor

Each Rs 25.00 25.25


Each Rs 36 82 Rs 37.19
Carriage of porcupine rn-m6![i!-fipJ[lif,fliffi
Each Rs. 47 95 KS 4€43

Each Rs 271A KS 27 37

Filling and laying of ce

nlrng geo bags with sand haying minimum

bags wtth potypropylene thread by r onven

Filling and laying of ceo bag

ceo Bag and potypropytene thread will be

the department free of cost)

Filling and taying of ce

filling geo Dag werghrng

126.00 Kg and fter filting
,double locking the fi ed
with polypropylene thread by power driven ooubte
needle double stitched machine, stacking me

Filling and iaying c"o brgs;i=te-in5;

"f of spectfied sjlt from Xo
excavation flood plain

126 00 Kg and mrnimum volume O 084 cum after

,double locking chain stitching the mouth of the
02A lFillihd .n.r r--'^^
l8 )f


80241 Without Bodt

Bag 43 28 RS
802A2 Wrth Boat 4371
Bag Rs Rs
.028 56 40

8.028 1 Without Boat

Bag Rs 61 95 Rs
W(h Boat
Bag Rs Rs 79 63


8.02C.1 Without Boat

Bag Rs. 43 28 KS
With Boat 43.71
Bag Rs 55 84

B"g Rs 49 77 Rs
502D2 With Boat 50 27
Bag Rs 63 84 Rs
803 64 4A

sqm ls 365 9' ls


I04A I Without boat

Each Rs. .47 Rs 440.A3
80442 With boat
Each Rs. 556.92 RS
t8 048 562 49

I048.1 Withod boat

Each Rs s08.24 KS 513 32
Each Rs 639 95 KS 646.35

Wdor R$ourc6 DaPa ment

Ctandmari, Guwahati'03
from nood dain or adiacent chars wfthin
m of the work site, fi ing geo bags
m[M m vdurne 0.612 clmt afrer
chain stitching the mouth of the
thlead by pfl€r driven
layirE at Foper site inotudirE
within a
6 directed.(Sand, ceo Bag
thredd will be suppliod by the

Eyrrg or no c€o_tenlb b€o

2.fihDd.s('n nrg emawfon
fron flood plain or cent chals within
of the v/grk site, fi ing g€o bgs with sitt,
volume 0.612 cum afrer
stitching the mouth of ihe filted
thread by power driven double
ar proper site including all
loca cariag€ within a didance of

supplied by the &Frtrn€J free of cost)

Wltt R€lourc€ DoP inant

Chandmari. Guwaiati.03
8 05A

per bag Rs 67.33 Rs 68 00
per Dag Rs- 85 47 RS.

8.058 1

8 058.2 With Boat

Per baq I Rs_ 55 15 Rs.
Per bao Rs- 70 47 71 17

8.05C1 F Rs. 4.47

8 05C2 44.9€
Per bao Rs. 6i 27 m.90

8 0501
Per baq Rs 51 64 52.16
8.06 l;;;;;;^7;-r;- -
::--- Per baq Rs 6717 67.44
-: sqm Rs 64 66 Rs_

Wrter Rclourcas Departmcnt

Chandmatl, Guwaha '03

SI Description Rate rnclusive

Unt Basic Rate
Labour Cess (1%)
901 Labour charge for clearing white ant nest from the
embankment including digging earth, clearing white ant
nest, applyrng anti termite chemical and carrying spoits
cum Rs- 421.04 425.25
to a safe distance and filling the pits by fresh earth
lncluding ramming, watering etc. Compleie as directed

9.02 Dewatering by 5 H P. water pump including supply of

necessary fuel, engine oil and pump operator etc HOUr Rs 250 02 Rs 252 52
9.03 Labour charge for laying of soling stone, brjck bats,
broken stone metal, sand gravel etc on approach road
including ramming dressing the seal and local caraage cum Rs 15t 49 Rs. 153 00
of materials up to a distance of 60 m complete as
904 Preparation of stack yard of boulder/meta{ etc including
cutting light jungles and removing the same to a safe
distance, leveling the ground filling up depressions etc sqm Rs 716 RS 724
QomDlete as directed
9 05A Labour charge for driving A C /C G I Sheets by
hydraulrc driving equipments up to speciiled depth
including hire charge of equipment, cost of p O.L. etc_ sqm KS 72G5 Rs 72 77
complete as directed (A CJC.G I sheets will be
suDDlied bV the deDartment free of cosu
I 058 Labour cbarge for drivtng Asbestor sheets bV [4anual
means up to specified depth complete as directed.
(Asbestor sheets wjll be supplied by the department free sqm 42 31 Rs 42 73


in lndia including pouching of tiller with selected soil for

agflcultural use mixed with farmyard hanure in 8,x 6,'
poly pouch, mainiaining the pouched plants for at least
1(one) month with appltcation of groMh promoter,
fertilizer, watering, weedrng etc , dressing of the area of
plantatjon, planhng the pouched plants as per design
approved by The Vetiyer N rk Internationat (TVNI) or
its affiliate in India (Excluding jungte clearance, earth
work jn trimming, cutting, filling etc ) and N4aintenance
of the vetiver plants by waterins pruning. weeding, RM Rs 224 39 Rs
mulching, application of ntanure, fertilizer, growth
promoter etc for 4 (four) months after completion of
(The rate in RM can be converted into rate per Sqm as
stated below)
1) For parallel line of Vetiver rows at 1 OOm interval the
rate per Sqm will be the same as rate per RM
2) For plantatjon in grid oF 1m x 1m the rate per Sqm wil
be 2 times the rate per RM
3) For plantation in grid of lm x 2m the rate per Sqm will
be 1.5 times the rate per RM )
907 Supply of wooden flood gauge of si

1 00m from the champhared end, palnting two coats

with white paint over one coat of priming coat in the Each Rs Rs 2,261 59
remaining length ol 2 00m, marking the mernc scale one
side ('100mm side) on the pajnted length of 2 OOm with
black and red paint complete as directed

9.08 Supply of circular float made of local r ood in cytinOrical

shape of length 3OOmm of diameter loomm at one side
Each Rs 144 41 RS 145 86
side dressing properly, complete

Di ign
W!t$ Resoursss DoPadment
Chandmeri, Guwahati43
correction and suppry orEGi-6iE-iobmfi-Gii

if any, etc. complete as directed

sheet,face to be lully coyered rryjth hjgh

encapsulated type heat activated retro refleqtve
ting conforming to type - tV ofASTM-D 4956{1 in
and silver white or other colour combinatiorl
rhcludjng subject matter. mdssage (bj_jingual).
anq oorders etc. as per tRC: 67_200l pasLeo
by an adhesive backing which shall be
by_applyng heat and pressure conforming to
class-2 of ASTM-D-49S6-01 and fixi thesamew h
suitabl€ sEed aluminium alloy rivets m cm
ctc to

13663 242 13799 874

worK to be painted with two or more coats

enamel painl of required shade and of
brand & manufacture over priming coat ofznc

drrection of Engineer-in_Charge

Wltor Rocource Departmani

Chandmsri, Guwahati.03
st Description Unit Basic Rate Rate inclusive
Labour Cess (1%)

10 01

sqm Rs. 103 10 Rs 104.,13


cum Rs- 319.5a Rs 322.7A


Rm KS 655 't I KS 661.75


Cum Rs 383 00 KS 386 83

't0 05
Cum Rs. 292 91 RS 235.u
labour etc
Supply of ceo-textile bags o
non-Woven fabric Sheets of 400 GSi, manufaclure d frcm
IOOoA vigin potypropytene (pp)
llbre having thrckness not tess than 3.00 mm with mj
mum prope;jer r. iit
(CD) > 24 KN/m (ji) Tensite strength (MD) > 22 KN/m (iii) Mass > 4OO OO Gm/m: (iv) CBR
sjieng!! : 4100 N/m2 (v) Etonsatron @ break (]/Varp) : 54% (vi) Etonsarion
break Weft)z 52% (vii) Abrasion > 70 0/6 (viiD UV Resistance
@ 5O0lours >ZlX
AOS < 75 mrcron (x) p-ermittivity > I 25, (xi) Trapezoidat Tea,ngth 520 N Eiit "
Permeability = zlslUmz/sec (xiii) Seam strenglh 80 % of geotextiles =
= skength S;ching of
11 01 Bags should be Ring Spun yarn st'rches with 25OO-30O0 d;ier doubte tin"ir,uin ,tit r, ,itn
overlap with stitches along the edge
@ fiinimum 15 stitches per 1OO mm
are to be supplied of 1OO numbers or part in a bundle, property packed
.(Bags with name of
I\ranufacturer and Batch Number is to be marKed on each bag
with ,WRD Covt of nSSnUi to
*n mentionlns properry the cstur an; rype orceo b"s pory.;
certificate from approved i".o
NABL accredited and ISO Cedified Laboratory
submitted againsi each batch of materiat) FOR GUWAHATI "hojj inu"ri"lty l.

ofGeo{extile bags of Type-B (Size 2

rite layers of geo.textile as per specifications betow:
Woven ceo-textile for the outer cover The woven geo textile
is woven with UV resistant stt
film tape frbre with MAVR vatues of the fo owing properties
Geo-textite u""C .rrri"Ou*
bags shoutd have htgh mechanical propertres for enhanced " along ;h
puncture. abrasion and U V. resistance charactefistics -b€
ceo-textile should inert
ncountered chemiqats, alftatis, and acid.

Tensile strength(CD) ( ASTMD 4595) >35 KN/m

Tensle E,ongation ( ASTi,/D 4595) :50,6 & s3oo/6
Grab Elongation ( ASTMD 4632) :5% & s3O%
Tensile strength ( ASTMD 4632) = 1 5 KN
UV resistanc€( ASTMD 4355) = 7O%/5OO hrs
1102 N-on woven Geo-textile for the inner layer lt js ne€dle punched non woven ge,o_textile
1000/6 polypropylene stapte fibers which are
made of
formeo Inro a random network for dimensionat

Tensile shength(ftID) (ASTMD 4595) >12 KN,,rn

Tensile strength(CD) ( ASTMD 4595) z12KN/m
Tens|le Elongation (ASTMD 4595) >5% & s30%
Grab Elongation ( ASTMD 4632) zS% & <3ooh
Tensile strength (ASTMD 4632) = 1 S KN
UV resistance( ASTMD 4355) = 7O%/5OO hrs

be printed on each bag and mehtioning properlythe cSlM and type of ceo bag potymer_ est .l
Certifcate from approved NABL accredited and tSO Certified
L;boratory srrouij iniariatry Oe
against e'ach batch of marenat).FoR GUWAHATI

n fabri
fi inihu
-,aJJ . JUU uu \,m/m - (l|) oER puncture strength > 3_5 KN (iv) Elongation
at break ?
60% (v) Abrasion > 70 % (vi) UV R€sistance
@ 500 nours > 7b4 fuO nos 7ilnlcr""
(ix) Perm,ttMty > 1 25, (x) Trapezoidat Tear Strength j
340 N (xi) perrn""nility == Z OO, tO_"
m/sec {xir) Seam skength = 80 0/6 of geotextites strength . Sritchhg
of Bag" ;h"rtJi"
Spun Yam stitches with 25OG3OOO denier doubte jine
chajn slitch ;th ov!16;;; ;; "-^
along the edge @ minimum 15 stitches per 1OO mm_
(Each Rollofceo Fabric Sheet shoutd b€ suppliec,
in properly packed Bundles and shoutd
)e marked with the Name of n anufacturer
& Batch Number cteartv dn ea.^ *,ui
polymer and Test Certificate from approved
be subrnitted against each batch of mateiat)

Wlter Resourco! lhPadmont

Chandmari' Guwa\ati'03
Supply of c-Mat in doubte composjle ceo-textile fabricated to lo
mawesses, the upper layer ot the maftress being heavily
woven wifh
)orypropyrene hbnc needte-punched wjth a
mirlure of UV stabitized green fibres and
cul tape yarns with upper Layer propertres as 1) Mass per
unit area > 6so cirv, zl i"".ir"
70kN/m,3) Tensite Srrensrh(CD) > t'okN/m 4) Tensite Etonsation(MD) s
25%, q fens e Elongation(C}) s 25%, 6) pore Sjze < O.35mm,Z) Abrasion -Resistance
> ss
0/6, q UV
@ 5o0 hours > 9006 9) Res|slance to Oxidation @ IOO.C for 28 days) > 80% and
Lower Layer Properties as 1) Mass per unir area > 400 cSM, 2) Tensite Strengrh(Mo) >
1 1okNh, 3) Tensite Strengrh(CD) z gokN/m 4) 1550.00
Tensile Etongation(MD) < ZSX, !i f-ensile
Elongarion(CD) < 25%, 6) pore Size < O 35mm,Zt Abrasion Resistance >
60 .A,, ;) UV @ (with29 o/a
500 hours >90% 9) Resistance to Oxidation
11 04 @ 1 OO.C for 28 days) : 800/6 The sew;g Custom Duty)
thread should be of hign tenac,ty potyester and parattel stitches are
to be continued
posjtroned at 350mm apart with a shtch length not exceedinq 5mm 918_40
(Each rox of c-Mat shoutd be supptied in property packed bundte Iwithout Custom
and should be marked wjth
he Name of Manufacturer & Etatch Number ctearty on each bundte
wth ,v\/RD Govt of Duty)
14 to be printed on it and mentioning properly the cSM( for both upper and lovr€r
and types of polymer( for both upper and tower ayer) and Test
Certificate from
approved NABL accredited and ISO Certified Laboratory shou'd
invariably b€ submitted
against each batch of materiaD

of geo-textile Tube (Mega container

geo-textile with minimum properties as mentioned below_
i) Tens'le strength of geo{extite materials > 2OOKNh in
both directions for woven geo,

ii) O95 (pore size) of the geo{extile materals < 180 microns
Seam strength >70% ofthe materiattens,te srrenotfl
Etongatlon of the maierial at the uttimate tensile s-trength
should not be m ote than 2}o/o
CBR Brust Strength > 10 5 123701.90
vi) Abrasion resistance (BAW Rotating Drum) >75% of strength
yii) UV Resistance (ASTMD 435t5OOHrs) >
80% of stensth retained
The geo-textile mega contarners must resist ihe pressure
created by stacking the tub€s in

Srlpply of woven ceo-textite T

with minimum properties as menhoned below
i) Tensile strength of geo-textile materiats >65KN/m in
both directions ii) O95 (pore srze) of
the gectextile materials < i8O microns, iii) Seam strength >
700,6 of the materials tensita
strength' iv) Erongation ofthe mateiarat the unimate
tensire strength shourd not
v) CBR Brust strength > 10 5, vi) Abrasron resistance (BAW
be tor
Rota;ng Dru m) > 7|o/o ot
svength retarned, v ) UV Resistance (ASTtrD 4355_5OO Hrs) >
80% ofstreogth retained.
(lncluding alltaxes)

ofg mm dja Rope potypropytene g

of 42gm/m and mesh opening 15O mm x 150 mm with tensile
strength of 1560 kg
having minimum weigtr of6 20 kg per gabion_ FOR GUWAHATI

of Sewing Threac,/Yam ppM

Supply of Ordinary Labour inclusive of alltaxes

l)Rates oJ Geot ile items dre inclusive of all tsxes and F.O.R.
2) Thread required Jot double locking chain stitching of Geo
Boq ol Size pet bog 11 RM
7 O3m x O.70 m

3) Threqd required lor double locking ch stitching oJ Geo Bog oI Size pet bag 22 RM
d5 0. LO

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