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SWOT Analysis of CCD:

1. Strength:
 First Mover advantage
 Strong brand name and visibility
 High quality products and offers good taste. Highly renowned by people.
 Youth oriented brand with appeal for the masses.
 USP is affordability and comfort
2. Weakness:
 Lack of strengths to maintain brand loyal customers
 Poor ambience and décor
 Loosing its charm due poor investment in the advertising
3. Opportunity:
 Coffee café industry are the fastest growing segment
 Strong brand advertising
 Increase in variety of the products offered do that they can tap smaller markets
 Gaining international recognition
4. Threats:
 Highly competitive industry, international brands entry
 Indirect competition from hukka parlours like sheshas, Peshawar, koylas, are also
gaining lot of attention and preferred by young generation
 Dependent on the government commodity rates

SWOT Analysis of Coca-Cola:

1. Strength:
 Brand Equity
 Strong Global Presence
 Highest company valuation in the industry
 Largest market share
 Customer loyalty
 Strong distribution network
2. Weakness:
 Low product diversification
 Health barrier for the sales of carbonated drink
 Water Management
 Competition from global brands like pepsi
3. Opportunity:
 Product Diversification in health and food business will improve the offerings of coca
cola to its customers
 Adopting pull strategy in developing nations might increase the sales
 Improving the Kinley potential for expansion
 Supply chain improvement
 Marketing of lesser selling products in its portfolio
4. Threats:
 Raw material sourcing
 Saturated carbonated drinks market
 Inflation and govt. taxes
 Indirect competition from local companies like ‘paperboat’

McKinsey 7S Framework:

1. Shared Values:
Following are the shared values of the Coca Cola Company (UK):
 Leadership
 Passion
 Integrity
 Accountability
 Collaboration
 Innovation
 Quality
Coca Cola knows what its shared values are and the importance of these shared values in the growth
of the company. All the above seven factors are responsible for the success of Coca Cola. The purpose
of existence of the company is depicted by its shared values and due to this reason the element shared
values in placed in the middle of McKinsey 7-S framework.
2. Skills:
 Skills include both the individual and institutional skills that are important for the growth of
Coca Cola.
 Due to globalization the acquisition of skills has been made easy and the company can hire
key players of the world to work for it.
 Coca Cola has hired many workers from all around the globe and all the workers are highly
trained and got necessary skills that are needed for the growth of Coca Cola Company.

3. Staff:
 Staff plays as important role in the growth of the firm as a manager. According to the Coca
Cola Company, its employees are the core and soul of the company who fully devotes
themselves to make Coca Cola a distinctive part of people’s lives all around the globe.
 The fine staff of Coca Cola is the main reason due to which it had survived over the last 120
years and has won the hearts of many consumers.
 Coca-Cola follows benchmarked attraction and retention policies against industry. Providing
Career development pathways.
 They have performance management systems to be better managed in order to lower the
turnover rate of 19.1%. Given the silo nature of some staff functions, EIP practices have to be
incorporated to tap on innovation and to also engage staff. This provides recognition. Financial
rewards of stock ownership at CC. Encourages employee to build along with the company.

4. Strategy:
 Coca Cola is the largest manufacturer of beverages in the world and is offering almost 3500
beverages in more than 200 countries.
 The business strategy is clearly defined competitors, price-quality points. Adoption of
differentiation rather than price leadership clearly stated and critical factors of competition
to be worked at clearly indicated.
 The main strategy of Coca Cola is capitalising on cost synergies by vertically integrating
bottling facilities. Supply chain management well supported by latest SAP/ERP software on a
global scale.

 Distribution strategy – strong distributor relationships, proximity strategy to put a Coke

brand within reach though use of vending machines and ensuring good distribution coverage
through various means.
5. Structure:
 The corporate structure of Coca Cola is divided into 6 operating segments. The first five are
referred to as SBU, which is the base of the company’s financial reporting system.
 The flow of communication is from front line workers to top level workers. The chief operating
officer of each strategic business unit reports to the Chief Executive Officer and the Chairman
of the Board of Directors
 Coca Cola combines elements of centralisation and decentralisation. Divisions and regions
operate as business unit teams, with each country Director reports to the Division President.

6. Style:
 The top managers of the Coca Cola Company have set four codes of social responsibility by
which they lead the company. The codes are:
 Providing quality in the marketplace.
 Enrichment of place of work
 Preserving the environment
 Strengthen the community

 Culture of Coke – forward looking and driven, emphasizing oneness. One Company. One
Team. One Passion.

 As One Company, meaningful and accelerated learning opportunities are provided to staff to
contribute to the greater good of CC.

 One Team, CC ties in relationships built to career success.One Passion goes farther than the
portfolio of brands, to sustainability, and supporting the communities and preserving and
protecting the planet.

7. Systems:
 The system of Coca Cola is more effective in the present as it was in the past. The current
system is working for customers, suppliers, shareholders, and for every one that has some
interest in the company.

 Directional systems: to monitor 6Ps with following objectives to align to vision 2020

 Process systems: each sub-division to break these into manageable tasks and provide
milestones for initiatives to achieve the 6Ps.
 Day to day management systems: at the managerial level, procedural measures to be set in
place along with frequent feedback and reports given at the subordinate level to provide
knowledge of results. Along with rewards and incentives to tie in performance to alignment
to objectives.

Individual Analysis:

 Café Coffee day has a strong brand presence in youth segment as an affordable high-quality
product but also needs to focus on the segment customer. Also, it lacks the power and
strength to maintain loyal customers.
 It doesn't portray a clear image to its customers about café coffee day is all about. This will
have a severe impact on international expansion.
 According to a market survey, it was found that CCD staff received an average rating for
their behavior and service. Since its a service sector organization and the front line,
employees reflect the image of the company they need to work on this aspect.
 The Ambience & Décor of Café Coffee Day outlets received a below-average rating from
respondents of the market survey. A lot of respondents did not like the fact that Café Coffee
Day outlets and literature served as prime space for a lot of advertising and promotions.
They felt as if the café had been hijacked just for advertising.
 The CCD must improve their promotional strategy although they strong brand presence in
the youth segment they also need to cater to different segments and increase promotional
plan like TV advertising, spot commercials.
 Firstly, they must improve internal marketing by giving more importance to the employees.
They could do so by providing incentives and bonuses to the employees and also offering job
rotation will have a more impact.

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