Interp XE Power Train 07dec2018

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Interpretation of Power Train Oil Samples for XE Machines

XE Machines
Caterpillar has released several machines with the XE designation. All of these machines
are designed with a unique power train that provides improved fuel efficiency. The term
XE refers to the Extra Efficiency that these machines provide for the customer. The XE
machines achieve these improvements with many different technologies, such as:
electric drive, flywheels, and variable speed transmissions. Even within these categories,
there are different designs.

988K XE & D6 XE
The 988K XE and the D6 XE use electric drive technology. One of the components in the
power train contains a high concentration of Si. The Si from this component leaches into
the power train oil. Therefore, unusually high levels of Si may be present in power train
oil samples. This Si is not abrasive and it does not cause abnormal wear. Currently, the
population of these machines is small, so there is not a clear trend established for Si and
other wear metals. However, Si values up to 250 ppm have been observed.

988K XE & D6 XE Power Train Oil - Interpretation

High Si levels in these power train oils should be treated as normal. These high Si levels
are similar to the high Cu levels seen in compartments with oil coolers. It appears that
the Si will be higher when the power train is new. With subsequent oil changes, Si levels
may decrease.
If dirt entry is suspected, look for elevated Al values, along with the elevated Si. These
power trains normally run at Al levels below 10 ppm. Also, if dirt is suspected, look for
elevated Fe levels. Normal Fe levels are less than 30 ppm for these power trains.

Service Information
Please be aware that these are preliminary guidelines that could change at any time. As
the population of these machines increases, there will be updates as needed. In addition,
a Service Magazine article (M0092783) has been written to address the 988K XE power

David Nycz
S·O·S Services
05 December 2018

Caterpillar: Confidential Green

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