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Republic Act of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University

San Pablo City Campus
Brgy. Del Remedio, San Pablo City

College of Teacher Education

GEC 104: Mathematics in the Modern World

Name: Christine D. Bolaños

Proffessor:Dr. Agripina Banayo

Arguments and Euler Diagram

Many arguments involve sets whose elements are describe using a quantifier all,
some and none. The mathematician Leonhard Euler used diagram to determine
whether arguments involve quantifiers were valid or invalid. These following
figures show the Euler Diagram that illustrate the four possible relationship that
can exist between

Euler diagram
Used diagram to illustrate logic concepts. Some 100 years later John Venn
extended to use of Euler Diagram to illustrate many types of mathematician.

Euler diagram can be used to determine whether arguments that involves

quantifiers are valid and invalid.
If the conclusion of the arguments must necessarily follow from all condition
shown by the premises then the arguments is valid.
If the conclusion of the arguments does not necessarily follow from the conditions
shown by all premises then the arguments is invalid.

Use an Euler diagram to determine to determine whether the following arguments

is valid or invalid.

some impressionist paintings are renoirs

dance at bougival is an impressionist painting
dance at bougival is a renoirs
Raymund Smallyan (1990-2017) is a concern pianist, a logician a Taosit
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Using logic to solve cryptarithms

Many puzzle can solve by making an assumption and then checking to see if the
assumption is supported by the condition premises associated by the puzzle. For
instance consider the following addition problem in which each better represent a
digit from 0 through 9 and different letters represent different digits.

Note that T in TEE is a carry from the middle column. Because the of any two
single digit plus a carry at most 1 is 19 or less the T in TEE must be a 1 replacing
all Ts wit 1s produces.


Note B must be an 8 or 9 because these are the only digits that could produce a
carry into in the leftmost column.
case 1: assume B is a 9. Then A must be an 8 or smaller and A+1 does not produce
a carry into the middle column. The sum of the digit in the middle column is 10
thus E is 0. This present a dilemma because the unit digit of A+1 must also be a 0
which require A to be a 9. The assumptions that B is a not supported by the
conditions of the problem thus we reject the assumptions that B is a 9.
Case 2: assume B is an 8. To produce the required carry into the leftmost column
there must be a carry from the column on the right. Thus A must be a 9 and we
have the result shown below.


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