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1) Abandon = leave, quit, vacate 2) Caustic = pungent, tart

3) Abject = degraded, base 4) Censure = blame, reproach
5) Abrupt = steep, sharp, curt 6) Chaos = confusion, disorder
7) Accelerate = speed up, hasten 8) Chaste = virtuous, classic
9) Allied = related, connected 10) Clamour = noise, outcry
11) Amateur = volunteer, dabbler, novice 12) Conjecture = guess, speculation
13) Amiable = friendly, pleasant 14) Counterfeit, false, fraudulent
15) Antagonism = enmity, hostility 16) Cramp = handicap, restrain
17) Arrogant = haughty, insolent 18) Cynical = scornful, haughty
19) Astute = shrewd, quick, bright 20) Carcass = corpse, remains
21) Atone = appease, propitiate 22) Cardinal = important, chief
23) Austere = harsh, stern, solemn 24) Dawn = sunrise, daybreak
25) Acrid = tart, pungent 26) Dainty = exquisite, elegant
27) Appetite = hunger, longing 28) Derogatory = ignoble, scandalous
29) Artificial = affected, unnatural 30) Dogmatic = arrogant, dictatorial
31) Abominable = loath, wicked, awful, bad 32) Deliberate = intentional, voluntary
33) Acute = sagacious, astute 34) Derisive = sarcastic, scornful
35) Adapt = adjust, confirm 36) Desolate = deserted, waste
37) Adore = hold dear, revere 38) Detest = despise, abhor
39) Baffle = puzzle, confuse 40) Egoism = self absorption, conceit
41) Balk = stop, check 42) Extravagant = lavish, fantastic, unreal
43) Barefaced = shameless, impudent 44) Eccentric = odd, peculiar
45) Bear = suffer, tolerate 46) Envious = desirous, jealous
47) Benevolent = generous, humane 48) Excellence = perfection, merit
49) Bland = gracious, smooth 50) Expedient = advisable, desirable
51) Blithe = joyous, gay, merry 52) Extenuate = forgive, pardon
53) Brisk = animated, alert, alive 54) Endeavour = try, attempt
55) Barbarous = rude, uncultured 56) Feud = argument
57) Barren = sterile, unfertile 58) Fantastic = grotesque, odd
59) Bashful = timid, shy 60) Fastidious = fussy, judicious
61) Belittle = rundown, decry 62) Flashy = showy, gaudy
63) Betray = deceive, trick 64) Flaw = defect, fissure, crack
65) Bewilder = enchant, hypnotise 66) Frivolous = silly, fickle
67) Blemish = deformity, flaw 68) Furtive = stealthy, sly
69) Burlesque = confuse, perplex 70) Frail = loose, dissolute
71) Bewitch = enchant, hypnotise 72) Furious = angry, raging, wild
73) Characteristic = peculiarity, quality 74) Gnaw = eat, chew, erode
75) Clumsy = ungraceful, embarrassing 76) Ghastly = horrible, fearful
77) Clutch = hold on, secure, clench 78) Guileless = innocent, ingenuous
79) Conclusive = decisive, final 80) Gaunt = lean, haggard
81) Congenial = compatible, harmonious 82) Giddy = fickle, light-headed
83) Calamity = disaster, misfortune 84) Glib = fluent, talkative
85) Callous = insensitive, stiff 86) Gusto = relish, delight
87) Candid = frank, sincere 88) Hackneyed = monotonous, common
89) Hallucination = illusion, delusion 90) Mystify = confuse, perplex
91) Hamper = obstruct, impede 92) Malady = illness, sickness, disease
93) Haughty = proud, arrogant 94) Messy = dirty, disorderly, confused
95) Humdrum = tiresome, prosaic, dull 96) Notify = inform, advise, announce
97) Hypocritical = insincere, farce 98) Numb = blunt, lacking sensation
99) Hideous = horrible, repulsive 100) Novel = new, different
101) Hoarse = raucous, harsh 102) Nimble = agile, alert
103) Illustrious = eminent, renowned 104) Obdurate = stubborn, unrepentant
105) Immaterial = spiritual, intangible 106) Obscure = indistinct, unclear
107) Immoral = corrupt, dissolute 108) Obsolete = outworn, antiquated
109) Inconsistent = fickle, unsteady, wavering 110) Obstinate = tenacious, stubborn,
111) Insolent = arrogant, haughty 112) Outrage = insult, injury, abuse
113) Imminent = threatening, coming 114) Outstanding = unsettled, unpaid
115) Incredible = doubtful, inconceivable 116) Overlook = oversee, excuse, skip
117) Incredulous = sceptical, doubtful 118) Offset = balance, set off
119) Inert = inactive, passive 120) Overpower = overcome, to defeat
121) Infantile = childish, helpless 122) Overthrown = upset, demolish, defeated
123) Inkling = hint, suggestion 124) Obligation = responsibility, contract
125) Intemperance = excess, self-indulgence 126) Odious = repulsive, offensive
127) Invincible = indomitable, unyielding 128) Oppressive = burdensome, cruel
129) Jealous = envious, distrustful 130) Ostentatious = pretentious, showy
131) Juvenile = immature, youthful 132) Oath = pledge, to swear
133) Ill bred = rude, ill mannered, uncivil 134) Permeate = penetrate, saturate
135) Kindle = ignite, arouse 136) Pernicious = harmful, ruinous
137) Keen = piercing, penetrating 138) Persecute = oppress, annoy, molest
139) Laborious = toilsome, energetic 140) Pert = impertinent, exuberant, rude
141) Lament = mourn, deplore 142) Petulant = irritable, easily annoyed
143) Languid = drooping, faint 144) Phlegmatic = apathetic, languid, showing
no emotion
145) League = alliance, union 146) Picturesque = artistic, graphic, vivid
147) Lax = careless, remiss 148) Pious = religious, devout, holy
149) Lethargy = drowsiness, apathy 150) Pithy = brief, concise and meaningful
151) Loquacious = fluent, voluble 152) Potent = forceful, mighty, powerful
153) Lurid = ashy, pale, grim 154) Prim = stiff, demure
155) Luxuriant = lush, lavish, profuse 156) Privation = deprivation, neediness
157) Marvelous = wonderful, miraculous 158) Proficient = expert, masterly, skillful
159) Mellow = warm-hearted, mature 160) Profound = deep, great, intense
161) Misgiving = doubt, mistrust 162) Progressive = advancing, increasing
163) Morose = moody, gloomy 164) Prompt = immediate, quick
165) Mutilate = maim, cripple 166) Provoke = elicit, evoke
167) Manoeuvre = scheme, strategy, drill 168) Prudish = demure, prim, precise
169) Mania = enthusiasm, craze 170) Puerile = juvenile, adolescent
171) Meddlesome = officious, interfering 172) Puny = tiny, very small, inferior in
173) Mediocre = middling, ordinary 174) Passion = emotion, feeling
175) Meek = mild, humble 176) Pensive = melancholy, meditative
177) Mitigate = lessen, soften, abate 178) Peevish = cross, touchy
179) Mock = deride, scorn 180) Placid = calm, peaceful
181) Pompous = boastful, self-important 182) Wrath = fury, anger, rage
183) Prudent = careful, cautious 184) Yield = concede, surrender
185) Quaint = careful, cautious 186) Zeal = eagerness, enthusiasm, ardour
187) Quack = imposter, empiric 188) Adaptation = synchronization,
189) Quell = stop 190) Apathetic = uninspired, indifferent
191) Rabid = frantic, furious, mad 192) Adieu = farewell, goodbye
193) Rancid = rank, bad, offensive 194) Bedevil = confuse, confound
195) Rapture = bliss, ecstasy 196) Bizarre = strange, curious
197) Remorse = repentance, regret 198) Burnished = polished, sleek
199) Random = chance, haphazard 200) Constitute = compose, make
201) Rebellious = defiant, refractory 202) Curial = a medieval court or assembly
203) Reconcile = adjust, harmonize 204) Caress = love, fondle, kiss
205) Refractory = stubborn, ungovernable 206) Cling = stick, adhere
207) Regretful = sorrowful, nostalgic 208) Degrading = lowering, derogatory
209) Relevant = relative, opposite 210) Defiant = proud, provocative
211) Reluctance = aversion, unwillingness 212) Dandy = very good, great
213) Shun = avoid, elude 214) Ethnic = racial, tribal
215) Sinuous = snaky, winding, tortuous 216) Enormous = immense, vast
217) Slender = slim, thin, lean 218) Ecclesiastical = theocratic, churchly
219) Sly = tricky, wily 220) Elegance = grace, refined
221) Sober = calm, rational 222) Effulgence = illuminating
223) Stimulate = excite, stir, cause to do 224) Fructify = generate, multiply
225) Servile = dependant, submissive 226) Inaptitude = unfit, incapacity
227) Slovenly = untidy, disorderly 228) Ironical = ironic, dry
229) Tarnish = dull, disorder 230) Kinship = relationship
231) Trifling = trivial, unimportant 232) Lax = loose, slack
233) Treason = treachery, betrayal 234) Precursor = ancestor, predecessor
235) Taper = decrease, narrow 236) Pietistic = fervent, inspired
237) Tardy = late, delayed 238) Referral = allusion, mention
239) Tendency = inclination, trend 240) Repulsive = ugly, rebellion, odious
241) Unchaste = indecent, immoral 242) Scission = section, cleavage
243) Uncouth = vulgar, rude 244) Sequent = following, succeeding
245) Uphold = support, maintain 246) Terminate = close, conclude
247) Vanquish = conquer, defeat 248) Urge = spur, incite, stimulate
249) Vicinity = neighbourhood, locality 250) Gesticulate = wink, nod, beck
251) Vehement = violent, fierce 252) Greed = rapacity, avarice
253) Vile = disgusting, ugly, offensive 254) Heap = pile, gather
255) Vindictive = revengeful, vengeful 256) Harass = trouble, afflict
257) Vivacious = animated, lively 258) Insolence = arrogance, rudeness
259) Voluble = talkative, fluent 260) Suppress = check, bridle
261) Wane = decrease, decline 262) Vice = fault, infirmity
263) Willy = crafty, subtle 264) Vain = shameless
265) Warrant = pledge, guarantee 266) Vivid = clear
267) Assertion = declaration, statement 268) Incredible = unbelievable, improbable
269) Episode = event, incident 270) Celibacy = virginity, bachelorhood
271) Dismay = discourage, frighten 272) Cease = end, discontinue
273) Hazardous = dangerous, perilous 274) Precedent = standard for comparison
275) Perception = understanding, comprehend 276) Modesty = simplicity
277) Variable = changeable, shifting 278) Morsel = piece, bit
279) Admonish = warn, caution 280) Prudence = tact, carefulness
281) Fabulous = fantastic, amazing 282) Morale = confidence, spirit
283) Chivalry = nobility, knighthood 284) Obscure = unknown, inconspicuous
285) Ecstasy = delight, pleasure 286) Abominable = hateful, loathsome
287) Conspicuous = obvious, blatant, clear 288) Rummaging = ransacking
289) Rendition = interpretation, version 290) Sacredness = chastity
291) Apprehension = uneasiness, anticipation 292) Languor = lethargy, lassitude
293) Calamity = bad luck, misfortune 294) Fervency = warmth, zeal
295) Dodge = avoid, elude 296) Exculpation = exoneration, excuse, alibi
297) Mockery = ridicule 298) Banishment = exile, expatriation
299) Pioneer = pathfinder, explorer 300) Burgeon = growth, sprouting
301) Retreat = fall back, depart 302) Caprice = vagary, freak, impulse
303) Etiquette = decorum 304) Fatality = lethality, deadly
305) League = alliance 306) Folly = mistake, stupidity
307) Mirth = joy 308) Penance = austerity, mortification
309) Futile = useless 310) Violation = infringement, breach
311) Induce = persuade 312) Splendor = glory, pomposity
313) Assorted = various, mixed 314) Mode = method, way, means
315) Void = useless 316) Bruise = injury, hurt
317) Populous = crowded 318) Brittle = frail, fragile
319) Isolate = separate 320) Bustle = hurry
321) Fugitive = refugee, deserter 322) Abdicate = give up
323) Offset = compensate for balance 324) Abhor = detest
325) Somber = grave, gloomy, dull 326) Abnegation = denial, renunciation
327) Vigorous = powerful, forceful 328) Axiom = maxim, a saying widely accepted
329) Revere = respect, homage 330) Authentic = genuine
331) Magnitude = extent, dimension 332) Astute = shrewd
333) Yearn = desire, crave 334) Amnesty = pardon
335) Gutter = drain, ditch, sewer 336) Impetuous = rash, hasty, impulsive
337) Integrity = soundness 338) Jest = fun, joke, taunt
339) Lustre = brightness, glitter 340) Cordial = hearty, sincere
341) Conceal = suppress, screen 342) Abstain = forbear, withhold, desist
343) Concord = unity, peace, amity 344) Onerous = burdensome, taxing
345) Evasion = quibble, excuse, pretext

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