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@) PRAGATI LEADERSHIP Desper Roots. Stronger Growth. Leading with Emotional Intelligence she would not have quit the job she once loved more than her husband. Nisha came to workin a pretty good mood, Why shouldn't she be? She was a star performer, year after year. all fell apart when her boss suddenly threw a fit over a simple typo inthe first draft of a letter that he had dictated. Furious and shaking, her boss flung the letter on her desk and said How can you be so stupid Nisha? Don't you know how important this clent is? You know we cannot afford this kind of careless mistake and you of all peopleshould know that!” Embarrassed and out of sheer desperation, Nishapushed her chair back, stood up and left the office in tears. Known for her accuracy and diligence, she now felt completely naked and violated. She typed in her resignation immediately thereafter. Her boss ‘was left regretting his actions and ruing the fact that he had allowed a simple incident to biow out of proportion. What he needed as Emotional inteligence to hande the situation with empathy and control. ‘An analysis of more than 300 top-level executives from fifteen global companies showed that six emotional competencies distinguished stars from the average: Influence, Team Leadership, Organizational Awareness, self-confidence, Achieverent Drive, and Leadership (Spencer, L. M., Jr, 1997). ‘So why are talking about Emotional Inteligence when most of the business world Is seerringly in awe of Technical Inteligence? The answer lias in the nature of business today. The days of pure- play knowledge economy have slowly given way toa rather new and challenging era - that of the "Emotional Economy’. Now, more than ever, leaders have to work with and nurture not just workers’ but an 'Emotional Force’ that has its ‘own aspirations, concems, needs and challenges directly affecting the way the business grows. ‘This is where we step in. Precisely because leaders can no longer rely purely on their ‘Inteligence Quotient’ or IQ but also have to dig Into tetr Emotional Quotient or EQ, Pragati Leadership has designed a program called ‘Leading with El' to serve this very need. Our intervention aims to ensure that together, IQ and EQ combine to make the modem, empathetic, ‘mentor-leader who is ‘Emotionally Intelligent’ (ED. How do Emotional Quotient and Intelligence Quotient compare? “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change." - Charles Darwin ‘As defined by Dr. Daniel Goleman, he the components of emotional peony inteligence are *simple, yet powerful enough to effect change.” Hence, if Goleman and Darwin are Peer to be believed, itis emotionally co Intelligent individuals who are most able to adapt to dynamic environments and therefore most likely to survive/ succeed. Examples by comparison of EQ vs. IQ* + Appealing to emotions to convince someone ratherthan using facts alone ‘* Using your emotions in addition to your cognitive abilities to function rather than relying solely on logic ‘Knowing how and wiy vs. Knowing what + Knowing how to motivate separate individuals as opposed to treating everyone the same way ‘© Understanding and controling your emotions to use them for something vs.letting your emotions control you because you do not know how to deal with them. "Source: hubpages.com! IG-Vs-EQ How can EQ Help? To be successful and survive in today's society, individuals need to have the necessarycommunication and. organizational skills to make sound decsions and interact with each other. Goleman’ argues that an individual's success at work is 80 percent dependent on emotional quotient and only 20 percent dependent on intelligence Quotient. This is because EQ components are useful in assisting employees with decision-making in areas like ‘teamwork. inclusion, productivity, and communication Furthermore, good listening habits and skills are integral components of EQ, and carry the elements of self-awareness and control, empathy and social expertness. "Source: hubpages.com!I0-Vs-EQ What is Leading with Emotional Intelligence? ‘Anyone can become angry - that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way - this is not easy. Aristotle, TheNicomachean Ethics Emotional inteligence (Es essentially the abilty to urderstand the emotions of the self and others and hamess the same for inclusive productivity and excellence - it means that f you're a leader, you need to lead from the heart more often than not. In today's demanding work culture, leader find that they now have to manage an ‘emotionally charged and empowered workforce that s being pushed to its limits inthe quest for excellence. ‘This naturally throws up various demands on ther, some of which are: «Vision and mentoring to the workforce '¢ Promoting inclusion ard team spirit © Partnering and inspiring internal stakeholders. Research by the Center for Creative Lesdership has found that the primary causes of derailment in executives involve deficits in emotional competence. The three primary ones are difficulty in handling change, not being able to werk well in a team, and poor interpersonal relations." “Source: The Business Case for Emotional intligance, Prepared for the Consertium for Research on Emotional Intellgence in Organizations (www elcansortum.org) by Cary Ghemiss, Ph.D. Rutgers Univers Ke xe» 1a ate \ 1g | EQ ‘Along with cognitive and memory-based intelligence, Emotional Inteligence has therefore become a fundamental necessity for today's leaders to meet significant business challenges, Pragati Leadership's proprietary program ‘meets this demand with panache, equipping today’s leaders with the Emotional Inteligence necessary to successfully handle corporate challenges. Understand the value of El in Leadership Articulate what Elis all about Develop El skills ‘© Practice ways of managing self and others’ emotional needs through Et Apply Al techniques for building posttive energy for self and team Project Managers, Team Leads, Head of Functions, Anyone in a Leadership Role Batch Size: 18-20 peopie, Post-Program Review & Refresher after 3 months: ¥& day Day1 ‘© Changing Dynamics of the Workforce, © Leaders' role today © Elandits benefits for Leaders © EQvsia © EI Model © Self-assessment on El ‘© Understanding emotions - Emotional Literacy Vocabulary, feelings and needs ‘© Expressing Emotions - Suppression Vs Expression and implications ‘© Unlocking emotions using EFT, Catharsis and meditation Day2 ‘© Listening to emotions - building the skill '® Managing emotions - practical tips ‘© Using emotions - role of emotions in Relationships ‘© Practice exercises in El ‘© Non-volent communication ‘© Using positive energy for self and team '* Action planning for building El as organization culture Experiential and theory-based leaming, Skil-bullding through role-plays, Assessments, Dramatizaton ete About Pragati Leadership Welcome to Pragati Leadership - we exiat to help cliente unleash unrealized potential and creative intelligence locked, within. Through proprietary concepts like Wholesome Leadership Development Process™, Energized Leaming ‘Organization™, Bonding-for-Greatness™ etc. we have become trusted advisors and partners for global enterprises. Our ‘work is based on integrating the powerfully effective spiritual ‘wisdom and practices of the East with the systems oriented thinking (tools and techniques) of the West. ‘Our clientele boasts of leaders across segments like: ‘© Manufacturing '* Insurarce © Banking ‘© Pharmaceuticals © ITES Ol © Software Retail © Consumer Goods _» Conglomerates worldwide. ‘Our repertoire of customized solutions includes ‘© Organizational Transformation interventions ‘© Leadership Development Programs ‘© Facilitation and Coaching ‘© Professional Skil Development ‘Our Team: Our Board Members, Consultants, and Team Members have a collective experience of over four hundred _years of leadership positions in the Industry. Ourteam of 20, researchers, consultants and trainees including PhDs, Certified Trainers and Coaches, former CEOs and MDs of large multinational organizations. wollen wa — “ & ‘To know more about how Pragati Leadership can make good things better at your organization, drop by www.pragatileadership.com PRAGATI LEADERSHIP Deeper Roots. Stronger Growth.

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