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Set 6 Soal Uji Pengetahuan PPG


Directions: To answer questions 1 – 20, Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, D, and E
– to each question.

1. As part of interactional competence, conversational competence which is inherent to the turn-taking

system in conversation includes the following dialogic genres EXCEPT ….
A. how to get, hold, and relinquish the floor
B. how to apply aspects of metacognition
C. how to open and close conversations
D. how to establish and change topics
E. how to collaborate and backchannel

2. As individuals attempt to use learning approaches, they may tend to develop strengths in one
experience-grasping approach and one experience-transforming approach which lead them to
prefer one of the following four learning styles EXCEPT ….
A. assimilator = abstract conceptualization + reflective observation
B. accommodator = concrete experience + active experiment
C. converger = abstract conceptualization + active experiment
D. diverger = concrete experience + reflective observation
E. inductor = inductive reasoning + creation of theories

3. Audio-lingual method involves providing a stimulus to which students respond; if the response is
correct, they are praised in order to ….
A. know the words exposed by the teacherto their studnts
B. reinforce the correct use of language and learning
C. repeat exercises and ask the students to say it again
D. continues with the next exercises with or without stimulus
E. continue doing exercies until all forms have been practised

4. When putting syllabuses together, an EFL curriculum designer has to consider each item for
inclusion in the syllabuses on the basis of the following criteria EXCEPT ….
A. learnability
B. usefullness
C. frequency
D. coverage
E. grading

5. A theory about a cluster of four abilities was developed and factored into language learning aptitude
which was used as the basis for a language aptitude assessment for adults. The four abilities
include the following EXCEPT ….
A. phonetic coding ability
B. grammatical sensitivity
C. rote learning ability
D. hypothetical ability
E. inductive learning ability
6. A rubric is a tool used in writing assessment that can be used in several writing contexts. It is
compiled from a series of raters whose comments are categorized and condensed into a five-factor
rubric, four of which are the following EXCEPT ….
A. Form: organization and analysis
B. Ideas: relevance, clarity, quantity, development
C. Genre: descriptive, narrative, recount, procedure, etc.
D. Mechanics: specific errors in punctuation, grammar, etc.
E. Wording: choice and arrangement of words

7. The teachers’ objection about applying Portfolio assessment is due to the disadvantages of such
assessment which includes the following questions EXCEPT ….
A. who will determine grading criteria
B. how grading criteria will be established
C. who will determine what the portfolios will contain
D. how to increase time and resources needed to support the teacher
E. how much of daily authentic classroom activities are included in them

8. The presentation/development step of a lesson plan should involve activities on the part of the
students. It should be carried out by keeping in mind the following principles EXCEPT ….
A. principle of selection
B. principle of division
C. principle of absorption
D. principle of categorization
E. principle of successive sequence

9. When assigning the learners in the closure section of the lesson plan, remember that students
need to be able to preform their skills on their own. So, keep the following things in mind EXCEPT
A. make a clear connection between the lesson and the homework
B. make sure to assign the homework directly after the lesson
C. clearly explain the assignment to be given to the learners
D. ask the model students to share their tasks to their classmates
E. make sure to check for students understating before sending them off

10. Free practice designed for an effective lesson plan integrates the focus structure / vocabulary /
functional language into students' overall language use. It often encourages students to use the
target language structures in the following EXCEPT ….
A. games and puzzles
B. small group discussions
C. quizzes and formative tests
D. written work (paragraphs and essays)
E. longer listening comprehension practice

11. Rina is a solitary type of a student. The most suitable learning resource for the teacher to facilitate
Rina in reading comprehension would be….
A. pictured workbooks
B. e-learning modules
C. reading passages
D. audio recordings
E. worksheets

12. Which of the following can satisfy the need of a teacher who wants to have real class
communication with students in which they can not only talk directly but also see each other
A. facebook
B. instagram
C. laboratory
D. teleconference
E. google messenger

13. Mr. Nastiti is about to activate students’ formal schemata of lexical items used in a report text. For
the purpose, she can involve her students….
A. to identify words in jumbled letters
B. to label pictures with appropriate words
C. to guess word meanings from the context
D. to find the meaning of words in a dictionary
E. to find the synonym or the antonym of words

14. To cater for the learning style of his students who are field independent, when teaching reading, Mr.
Hanafi will require his students to….
A. plot in-depth ideas in each paragraph
B. identify the main points of passages
C. imply the meaning in the passages
D. retell details of all paragraphs
E. seek for specific information

15. Learning a new topic can be challenging for students. To motivate them to learn with enthusiasm, a
teacher may use empathetic communication strategy by….
A. telling the class that all beginning is difficult
B. informing the class to always be motivated
C. reminding the importance of learning English
D. explaining the disadvantage of not learning the topic
E. stating that the topic is interesting and they will like it

16. A student was texting Ms. Cruella as follows: “Excuse me, Mam. When can you meet me to discuss
my report? I have a question to ask. Thank you.”
How should Ms. Cruella have responded to her student by texting back not to make her
A. “What about tomorrow? But, should I see you or should you see me?”
B. “Who do you think you are? I am your teacher. You must see me.”
C. “Is your language polite enough, Sandra? Check your English.”
D. “Sandra, be polite please, can’t you? Should I meet you?”
E. “You are really not polite, Sandra. Keep your manner.”

17. What follows are NOT among the principles of assessment:

A. valid, objective, accountable, meaningful, and comprehensive
B. accountable, meaningful, systematic, fair, and criterion-based
C. objective, accountable, systematic, fair, and meaningful
D. ongoing, integrated, systematic, fair, and accountable
E. judgmental, valid, objective, fair, and accountable

18. Based on the indicator that follows: “Given three brief paragraphs of different themes on which
every second half of every 2nd word is mutilated, students fill in the blank spaces in the mutilated
words of the paragraphs correctly”, the most appropriate scoring scheme relevant to the
assessment procedure is….
A. scoring with a penalty
B. dichotomous scoring
C. primary-trait scoring
D. polytomous scoring
E. weighted scoring

19. A teacher is using a dictogloss technique combined with brainstorming activities to solve a problem
in her class. The problem the students face in the teacher’s class is most probably associated
A. listening and writing
B. speaking and reading
C. reading and writing
D. writing and speaking
E. reading and speaking

20. Observations by a collaborator during the conduct of classroom action research are mainly
focused on....
A. both the teacher’s teaching and more importantly students’ learning behavior
B. detailed descriptions of class progress from minute to minute
C. class atmosphere during the implementation of the strategy
D. student-student and teacher-student class interactions
E. collection of data to provide evidence of change


To answer the following test items, you will have to read the related short texts. Each is followed
by one or more questions. Choose the one best answer – marked A, B, C, D, and E – to each

Questions 21 – 23 refer to the text below.

NÖ, Ebreichsdorf
Accommodation: all shopping facilities in immediate vicinity.
Specials: near by the park of the castle of Ebreichsdorf, the golf course and Magna Racino; calm and
bright apartment with own parking space; round about 25 km to the city limit of Vienna with excellent
connection over motorway A3 and A2.
Parking: in the flat fee already included parking space in the inner courtyard of the house.
Public transport: railway S6 Ebreichsdorf and bus line ÖBB 566 station Hauptplatz – direct connection
to the 10th district of Vienna at Quellenplatz near by the underground line U1 endstation Reumannplatz.

21. The text informs us about ….

A. apartments in a quiet neighborhood
B. modern houses in the 10th district of Vienna
C. inexpensive residences close to the city center
D. suburban flats with a connection to the highway
E. accommodations close to the railway and bus stations

22. The text writer is boasting about the property being ….

A. completed with shopping facilities in the neighborhood
B. quiet and cozy with a free private parking space
C. connected to excellent facilities around the city
D. relatively close to the railway and bus stations
E. directly connected to the district of Vienna

23. Bellow are the advantages of the advertised stuff EXCEPT ….

A. excellent connection to two motorways
B. Close to the park of the Ebreichsdorf castle
C. free parking space in the inner courtyard
D. pretty close to the underground line
E. calm, bright, and easy to reach

Questions 24– 26 refer to the text below.

To use the printer by connecting it to a computer, software including the drivers needs to be copied
(installed) to the computer's hard disk. The installation process takes about 20 minutes. (The
installation time varies depending on the computer environment or the number of application software
to be installed.)
 Screens are based on Windows Vista Ultimate and Mac OS X v.10.5.x.
 Do not connect the USB cable yet.
 Quit all running applications before installation.
 Log on as the administrator (or a member of the Administrators group).
 Do not switch users during the installation process.
 Internet connection may be required during the installation.
 Connection fees may apply.
 Consult the internet service provider.
It may be necessary to restart your computer during the installation process. Follow the on-screen
instructions and do not remove the Setup CD-ROM during restarting. The installation resumes once
your computer has restarted.

24. The purpose of installing the software to the computer's hard disk is to ….
A. make the printer work on the computer
B. make the computer work faster
C. cause the computer compatible with it
D. cause the computer to restart easily
E. connect the computer to the printer

25. In order to install the software to the computer, it is necessary to ….

A. become a administrator member
B. connect the computer to the internet
C. switch the users during the installation
D. contact the internet service provider
E. plug and unplug the USB cable
26. It is recommended not to remove the Setup CD-ROM during restarting because ….
A. It may disturb the installation process
B. The installation resumes automatically
C. It is not mentioned in the manual
D. The computer screen might be off
E. The data from the hardware are required

Questions 27 – 29 refer to the text below.

Sir Arthur John Evans (1851-1941) was born in Nash Mills, England, and educated at Harrow School,
Brasenose College, the University of Oxford, and the University of Göttingen. From 1884 to 1908 he
was curator of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford. His interest in early writing led him to Crete in 1894,
where he studied inscriptions on ancient sealstones. A year later he published the results in Cretan
Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script. During the period 1900-1906 he unearthed in Crete the
palace at Knossos (Knosós), a huge edifice that covers more than 2 hectares (5 acres), and he
continued excavations there until 1935. The labyrinthine ground plan of the palace suggested to him the
legend of Minos, hence his designation of the Cretan civilization as Minoan. Excavations at Knossos
also revealed some 3000 clay tablets inscribed in two scripts later known as Linear A and Linear B. In
Scripta Minoa (1952) Evans dealt with the problem of decipherment of these scripts and the pictorial.

27. The text tells us about ….

A. the life story of a person named Arthur John Evans
B. a curator of the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford
C. Sir Arthur John Evans interest in early writing
D. Evans’ publication of Cretan Pictographs and Prae-Phoenician Script
E. Evans’ study on inscriptions on ancient sealstones

28. Sir Arthur John Evans went to Crete in 1894 in order to ….

A. complete information about his museum
B. find ancient writing for the museum
C. cater his thirst of historical writing
D. record the cretan sivilization
E. invent two scripts known as linear a and b

29. The word “unearthed” in the passage most nearly means ….

A. found something out of the ground
B. discovered proof after careful searching
C. described a time that is not convenient
D. used something in the past for future uses
E. dug the ground for continued excavations

Questions 30 – 32 refer to the text below.

This stuff is a clever variation on the traditional, meat-based Greek dish that is usually quite high in fat.
2 zucchinis, sliced; 1 eggplant, sliced; 300 g new potatoes, scrubbed and sliced; 2 red capsicums,
deseeded and cut into thick strips; 400 g can borlotti beans, drained and rinsed; 4 ripe tomatoes
chopped; 1⁄4 cup (5 g) roughly chopped fresh basil; 2 tablespoons olive oil; 1⁄2 cup low-fat natural
yogurt; 1 egg, lightly beaten; 1⁄3 cup grated parmesan
1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Add the zucchini and
cook for 2 minutes. Drain well on paper towel.
2. Add the eggplant slices to the water and cook for 2 minutes, then remove and drain. Meanwhile,
heat a cast-iron, ridged grill pan over a high heat. Cook the capsicum slices for about 5 minutes.
3. Combine all the cooked vegetables with the beans, chopped tomatoes and basil in a large baking
dish. Drizzle the olive oil over the top, season to taste and stir together thoroughly.
4. In a bowl, stir together the yogurt, egg and parmesan until blended. Spread this mixture over the
top of the vegetables.
5. Bake the moussaka for 40 minutes or until the vegetables are tender and the topping is golden

30. The word “drizzle” in the passage most nearly means ….

A. allow something to fall
B. move liquid to a lower level
C. pour liquid slowly over something
D. put something in small light drops
E. change liquid to a particular condition

31. The ingredients to be sliced for the menu are ….

A. capsicums, borlotti beans, tomatoes
B. zucchinis, eggplant, potatoes
C. zucchinis, basil, parmesan,
D. eggplant, potatoes, capsicums
E. potatoes, borlotti beans, tomatoes

32. The best title of the text is ….

A. Meat-Based Greek Dish
B. Zucchini Dish Capu
C. Vegetable Moussaka
D. Sliced Eggplant Moussaka
E. Parmesan Flevoured Vegetable

Questions 33 – 35 refer to the text below.

Jakarta begins ridding sidewalks of vendors, motorists
The Jakarta administration introduced on Tuesday Bulan Patuh Trotoar (Orderly Sidewalk Month) to
discipline vendors and motorists who encroach on sidewalks, to ensure comfort for pedestrians. The
program is in response to complaints by pedestrians that it was uncomfortable and unsafe to walk on
the city’s 400 kilometers of sidewalks as much of them were occupied by vendors and motorists, said
the assistant to the Jakarta secretary for administrative affairs, Bambang Sugiono. “The Orderly
Sidewalk Month program is the beginning of orderly sidewalks in Jakarta. It doesn’t mean that
sidewalks can be occupied again by vendors or motorists [after the program ends],” Bambang said.
Some 500 joint team members from the Indonesian Military, the National Police, the Transportation
Agency and the Public Order Agency will ensure the success of the program, which runs until Aug. 31.
Bambang also said the program, which was being carried out using Gubernatorial Instruction No.
99/2017 as a legal basis, was being held to mark Independence Day in August.

33. The text above intends to ….

A. argue about the occupation of sidewalks by vendors and motorists
B. report an introduction a plan to discipline vendors and motorists
C. respond the pedestrians’ complaints about their being unsafe
D. describe vendors and motorists who encroach on sidewalks
E. explain the ways pedestrians walk on the city’s sidewalks
34. The Orderly Sidewalk Month was held by the Jakarta Administration ….
A. to ensure comfort for the citizens
B. in July and august every year
C. to mark the independence day
D. as a top-down management
E. for the first time this year

35. The text implies that in the near future the sidewalks in Jakarta ….
A. will be permanently free from vendors and motorists
B. should become more comfortable for pedestrians
C. might ensure vendors and motorists to occupy them
D. certainly mark celebration of the Independence Day
E. may be occupied by vendors and motorists again

Questions 36 – 38 refer to the graph below.

Chart 1 British Emigration to selected destinations 2004 – 2007

36. The chart shows that the favorite destination of British emigration was….
A. Australia
B. America
C. France
D. Spain

37. During the period of 2004-2007, British emigration to New Zealand….

A. changed very slowly
B. turned down steeply
C. went down steadily
D. declined gradually
E. slow down readily

38. It can be inferred from the chart that the British emigration to any destination was….
A. relatively stable
B. sloping up steeply
C. tumbling down continuously
D. sloping down slowly
E. sloping up and down

Questions 39– 41 refer to the text below.

John Cabot (1450?-1499), Italian navigator and explorer, who attempted to find a direct route to Asia.
Although Cabot was probably born in Genoa, as a youth he moved to Venice, where his seafaring
career probably began. He became a naturalized Venetian in 1476, but about eight years later settled in
Bristol, England. Cabot had developed a theory that Asia might be reached by sailing westward. This
theory appealed to several wealthy merchants of Bristol, who agreed to give him financial support. In
1493, when reports reached England that Christopher Columbus had made the westward passage to
Asia, Cabot and his supporters began to make plans for a more direct crossing to the Orient. The
proposed expedition was authorized on March 5, 1496, by King Henry VII of England. With a crew of 18
men, Cabot sailed from Bristol on May 2, 1497, on the Matthew. He steered a generally northwestward
course, and on June 24, after a rough voyage, he landed, perhaps on present-day Cape Breton Island.

39. John Cabot began his career as a ….

A. navigator
B. explorer
C. sailor
D. discoverer
E. merchant

40. Developing a theory that Asia might be reached by sailing westward, Cabot ….
A. had several wealthy merchants support his voyage
B. began to make plans for a direct voyage to Asia
C. sailed from Bristol to his destination on the Matthew
D. gained financial support from the authority in England
E. did not know Columbus had made the westward passage to Asia

41. The text implies that Cape Breton Island was in ….

A. north-eastern part of Asia
B. northern part of America
C. northern part of Australia
D. south-western coast of Africa
E. western coast of Latin America

Questions 42– 44 refer to the text below.

Stepping Out, With Pencil
He used a pencil to say goodbye. Maybe that would make it less permanent. Words are only as strong
as their intent and he didn’t want to leave.
His parents had once hinted that they knew the truth. But by the end of the day their heads were back
in The Good Book — their eyes on everything but him.
So with a whisper he crafted his goodbye on paper.
He made the sentences sharp. His points were daggers. An eraser could make them go away. But he
knew his parents wouldn’t see that.
“That’s why I have to go in the first place,” he thought.
And when he took his first step into the world as an honest man he felt fixed.
He’d left the note next to the TV. Burnable, tearable. Erasable.
Maybe after they did all that, they’d remember he was just their son.
42. The story is about ….
A. the way a boy appreciating his parents
B. the way parents saying goodbye
C. the powerful use of a pencil to write
D. the utilization of a pencil to say goodbye
E. the relations between a pencil and an eraser

43. It is implied in the story that the story writer ….

A. has a hobby in reading and writing
B. bears no relation to his parents
C. believes in the power of pencil
D. bears close relation to his father
E. loves his parents till the end of their lives

44. We learn from the story that ….

A. words are as strong as their intent
B. words may be used to conceal the truth
C. eraser could make pencil writing go away
D. a pencil is a means of expressing wise words
E. pencil writing may keep memories long lasting

Questions 45– 47 refer to the text below.

The concentration of glucose in the blood must be kept at a set point. The concentration of glucose in a
person’s blood can increase after they have eaten a meal containing lots of carbohydrates. The
concentration of glucose in a person’s blood can decrease after a period of exercise or if they have not
eaten for a long while. Glucose diffuses out of the blood into muscle cells and is broken down to release
energy for muscle contractions. If the blood glucose concentration rises too high then cells can lose
water. This may interfere with cell activities. If the blood glucose concentration falls too much then body
cells will not receive as much glucose and so will not be able to release so much energy in respiration.
The concentration of glucose in the blood is regulated by the action of the hormones, insulin, and
glucagon. These hormones are made in the pancreas and act on cells in the liver.

45. The best title of the text is ….

A. Blood Glucose Regulation
B. Concentration of Glucose
C. Uses of Glucose in the Blood
D. Influence of Excises to Glucose
E. Existence of Glucose in the Blood

46. The concentration of glucose in a person’s blood is dependent on ….

A. the condition of the human body
B. the way the body absorb it
C. the amount of carbohydrates as the intake
D. the amount of water which the person drinks
E. the amount of energy the body reuires

47. It can be inferred from the text that the glucose concentration level ….
A. can increase or decrease with the person’s intense exercises
B. depends of the action of the hormones, insulin, and glucagon
C. is regulated by the person’s ways of healthy living
D. is dependent of the condition of the pancreas
E. is determined by the act of the cells in the liver

Questions 48– 50 refer to the text below.

Homemade herbal cleaning products are mostly composed of just one main substance – the
cleaning agent; you are not paying for bulking additives, artificial colors or perfumes. You can choose
the type and strength of the scent; fresh herbs or essential oils almost invariably leave a delightfully
fresh, clean smell. There is also evidence that links the use of chemical cleaners such as bleach with
the development of asthma in both children and adults. Some chemicals can set off allergic reactions or
contact dermatitis. And U.S. study discovered that women who held cleaning jobs while pregnant had a
higher incidence of birth defects in their children. So, whether you are already committed to a greener
way of cleaning or you just want to save money and simplify your life a little, herbal cleaning makes a
lot of sense.

48. It is stated in the text that herbs or essential oils….

A. tend to leave a delightful smell
B. certainly provide a clean smell
C. basically set off allergic reactions
D. have lower incident of birth defects
E. offer a greener way of cleaning

49. The word “bleach” in the passage means….

A. an allergic reaction against awful smell
B. a strong chemical used for cleaning things
C. a herbal product for removing color from things
D. a substance for rubbing the surface of something
E. an abrasive substance often for cleaning surfaces

50. The text suggests that herbal cleaning….

A. is environmental friendly, economical, and simple
B. contains the least additives for the environment
C. provides the best scent that we want
D. prevents the development of asthma
E. is composed of merely one main substance

Items 51 and 52 are based on the following passage.

The interest in Content-Based Instruction has spread to EFL classroom situations because teachers
believe that (51) … in EFL contexts should be similar to that of ESL to some extent. Even though (52)
… in the same way, an alternative form called “the theme based model” has been introduced in some

51. Which option best completes (51)?

A. the thematic syllabus
B. the inspiring concept
C. the innovation model
D. the accurate standard
E. the language education
52. Which option best completes (51)?
A. teachers can use any materials
B. the approach cannot be applied
C. teachers will ensure materials
D. teachers use interesting themes
E. many teachers may not agree

Items 53 and 54 are based on the following passage.

Flipping the classroom, or ‘inverted teaching’ is a response to the idea that class time can be used to
(53) engage students in learning through active learning techniques, rather than through delivering
lectures alone. It is the process of replacing traditional lectures with more student-centered learning
strategies, such as active learning, discussions, problem-based learning, and other forms of group work
and peer instruction. Content delivery is (54) moved outside of the classroom, for example, through
videos, or pre-class readings.

53. The underlined word ‘engage’ is synonymous with….

A. keep
B. repel
C. unite
D. enter
E. insert

54. The antonym of the underlined word ‘moved’ is ….

A. relocated
B. stayed
C. remained
D. displaced
E. adjusted

The flipped classroom may not be for everyone. But enough of the teachers that have tried it are having
(55) … that you may find it worthwhile to experiment with flipping a lesson or two to see what happens.
You might just become a convert.

55. The word that best completes the blank spaces in (55) is….
A. success
B. succeed
C. successful
D. succeeded
E. succession

Items 56 and 57 are based on the following passage.

CALP is the context-reduced language of the academic classroom. It takes five to seven years for (56)
… to become proficient in the language of the classroom (57) …; there is less face-to-face interaction;
academic language is often abstract; literacy demands are high; and cultural/linguistic knowledge is
often needed to comprehend fully.

56. Which option best completes (56)?

A. language English learners
B. language learners of English
C. learners of language English
D. English language learners
E. learners of English language

57. Which option best completes (57)?

A. because of non-verbal clues are absent
B. because of non-verbal clues absent
C. because non-verbal clues are absent
D. because non-verbal clues of absence are
E. because absence are non-verbal clues

In the realm of human interaction informatics there are few things as important as an understanding of
natural language processing (NLP). After all, data is meaningless without analysis and context. We
need to be able to interpret the information (58) for it to be useful.

58. The underlined part for it to be useful in the passage may be best rephrased as….
A. because it is worthwhile
B. as it provides messages
C. to be considered vital
D. to make it functional
E. since it is valuable

The KWL strategy is first taught to students by introducing and explaining the strategy to each of the
student groups. The teacher starts off by making three columns on the chalkboard and indicating the
three parts by putting a K in the first column, a W in the second column, and an L in the third column.
The teacher then selects a topic and the students will describe (59) what they already know about that
topic and the teacher will place it in the K column. An example is: given the topic of outer space, the
students are to describe orally to the teacher any background information that they may have.

59. The underlined part what they already know in the passage may be best rephrased as….
A. their mastery
B. their knowledge
C. their understanding
D. their understanding
E. their prior knowledge

Assessments as learning activities is a good idea. It can motivate students' learning, the increase some
interactions between students and teacher, and make learning interesting. But, the purpose of doing so
isn't for assessment only, but for the cultivation of literacy. All in all, we just need to keep one thing in
mind – (60) assessment as activities should not keep students away from learning - they felt hard then
stopped, or classify a group of students with different identities, then higher ranked students will look
down upon some lower ranked.

60. The underlined part assessment as activities should not keep students away from learning in the
passage may be best rephrased as ….

A. the importance of assessment is to integrate students with their learning

B. it is vital for assessment practices not to detach students from learning
C. in assessment activities, students should remain involved in their learning
D. incorporating students in learning activities is indeed vital in assessment
E. students should be kept engaged in learning during assessment processes

61. The meaning that best expresses these two sentences: ‘Last year I was in Bali’ and ‘It is perhaps
still the best tourist destination island.’ is….
A. Last year I was in Bali that is perhaps still the best tourist destination island
B. Last year I was in Bali that it is perhaps still the best tourist destination island
C. Last year I was in Bali which is perhaps still the best tourist destination island
D. Last year I was in Bali where it is perhaps still the best tourist destination island
E. Last year I was in Bali which it is perhaps still the best tourist destination island

62. The principal will not allow you to go back to campus for further studies, … it will benefit your
A. even though
B. while
C. supposing
D. whenever
E. inas much as

63. The meaning that best expresses this: ‘The brochure arrived late. As a consequence, students
could not join the conference’ is….
A. The students could not have joined the conference if the brochure had arrived late
B. The students could have joined the conference if the brochure did not arrive late
C. The students could have joined the conference if the brochure had not arrived late
D. The students could not join the conference if the brochure did not arrive late
E. The students could join the conference if the brochure had not arrived late

64. Although research findings have been significant, many effective teaching techniques of English
A. undiscovered
B. to undiscovered
C. be undiscovered
D. to be undiscovered
E. being undiscovered

65. There are about eleven cycles in the research design, … may be adapted to be specifically used in
your prototype product as a model of educational product development.
A. in three cycles which
B. three cycles from which
C. at which three cycles
D. by three cycles which
E. three cycles of which

66. Based on her progress, her advisor does not see there is a … possibility that Nina will not have
finished her magister’s study by the end of the semester.
A. sad
B. blue
C. low
D. faint
E. weak
67. The educational product that a magister’s student developed not only has been patented but also
has ... a publisher’s attention for further mass publication.
A. paid
B. obtained
C. caught
D. gained
E. reached

68. By considering a number of variables deliberately in his study, it seems that he is ... aware of the
consequence on his experiment.
A. totally
B. fully
C. wholly
D. entirely
E. utterly

69. The incident happened a long time ago so Henry only … remembered that it was growing dark
when he entered the building.
A. unclearly
B. indistinctly
C. slightly
D. vaguely
E. faintly

70. Owning a very expensive car for an ordinary person will be….
A. a wet blanket
B. a queer fish
C. a past master
D. a white elephant
E. a knowing look

71. Upon approval on their research topic by their advisor, students need to … immediately their
proposal writing in order to have an earlier proposal seminar.
A. show up
B. work out
C. set off
D. get by
E. boot up

72. These two researchers have stuck by each other …. In fact, they have become almost inseparable
in conducting academic works.
A. through thick and thin
B. fair and square
C. meek and mild
D. short and sweet
E. free and easy

Items 73 and 74 are based on the following passage.

Soon after green tea leaves are picked in the field, they undergo their first crude tea manufacturing
process. From the time raw tea leaves are picked up, (73) …. Crude tea refers to tea leaves that have
undergone the action of oxidizing enzymes halted, fermentation prevented, having their moisture
content reduced somewhat and processed into a state that is able to withstand storage. Subsequently,
crude tea undergoes secondary processing whereby it is made into a finished product for packing. (74)
…, or become the ingredients for beverage products.

73. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (73) is….
A. a trained worker is involved for the purpose
B. the leaves are not to oxidize and to ferment
C. the first process is handled very carefully
D. the next natural process takes place soon
E. chemical natural processes take place

74. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (74) is….
A. The tea may then be sold as tea leaves
B. The firm is ready to sell the products
C. The tea leaves become a commodity
D. A tea business for marketing begins
E. The crude tea leaves become the tea

Items 75, 76, and 77 are based on the following passage.

The Input Hypothesis claims that humans acquire language in only one way--by understanding
messages, (75) .... by receiving "comprehensible input." If acquisition is the core of this theory, the
crucial question then becomes: How do we acquire? According to the hypothesis, we move from one
stage of understanding to (76) ….. More specifically, we acquire a new rule by understanding
messages that contain this new rule. We move from stage "i", the present level of the understood
message or "current competence", to the next level, giving us the formula "i+1." (77) …, "i+1",
"comprehensible input" and the Input Hypothesis (IH) mean the same thing and can be used
interchangeably for the purpose of this paper.

75. Which option best completes (75)?

A. clearly
B. simply
C. amazingly
D. basically
E. naturally

76. Which option best completes (76)?

A. others
B. another
C. the other understanding
D. others' understanding
E. one another understanding

77. Which option best completes (77)?

A. Henceforth
B. Given that
C. Following this
D. It follows that
E. Therefore

Items 78 and 79 are based on the following passage.

The term climate change usually refers to the process of global warming. The phrase has been once
used by the National Academy of Sciences. Actually, the phrase refers to the process of changing in
climate all over the globe, which is a normal occurrence. The whole process is referred to as the
process of 'global warming'. Because of excessive human activities recently, this has become more
hazardous to the life in the globe. This process has serious impacts globally. (78) ….
(79) …. So far, the results have been positively chilling. When President Taft created Glacier
National Park in 1910, it was home to an estimated 150 glaciers. Since then the number has decreased
to fewer than 30, and most of those remaining have shrunk in area by two-thirds. Fagre predicts that
within 30 years most if not all of the park's namesake glaciers will disappear.

78. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (78) is….
A. Two vivid changes are happening on glaciers and animal moves.*
B. The burning of fossil fuels to make electricity has been the largest source.
C. Earth's surface has undergone extraordinary warming over the last century.
D. Most observed warming is very likely due to the burning of coal, oil, and gas.
E. Global warming is primarily a problem of too much CO2 in the atmosphere.

79. The sentence that best completes the blank spaces in (79) is….
A. Rising average temperatures do not simply mean milder winters.
B. Our generation has ever seen the biggest environmental challenge.
C. The first observable phenomena is melting glaciers and sea ice
D. One most serious impact of climate change affects water resources
E. In mountains, melting glaciers are impacting on freshwater ecosystems.

80. The best arrangement of these sentences to make a logical paragraph is…
1. Other small training institutes also provide education to enhance the skill level in particular
2. Education plays a paramount role in the modern technological world.
3. Education is not so costly anymore; anyone one with less money may study continuously.
4. Furthermore, the whole criteria of education have been changed now.
5. We can get admission in the big and popular universities with fewer fees through the distance
6. We can study through the distance learning programmes after the 12 th standard together with
the job.
7. Now-a-days, there are many ways to enhance the education level.

A. 6–7–4–3–1–5–2
B. 2–6–7–4–3–5–1
C. 2–7–4–6–3–5–1
D. 1–6–4–7–2–3–5
E. 3–5–7–4–6–2–1

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