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IEEE €57.114-1990 IEEE Seismic Guide for Power Transformers and Reactors Cer en Tee ee ra ara Energy and Power West Coast Subcommittee of the IEEE Transformers Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society SLE eid ea IEEE C57.114-1990 Oe vennine a IEEE ©5714-1990 IEEE Seismic Guide for Power Transformers and Reactors Sponsor West Coast Subcommittce of the IEEE Transformers Committee of the IEEE Power Engincering Society Approved February 15, 1990 IEEE Standards Board [Abstracts IEEE C57.114-1990, IBEE Seismic Guide for Power Transformers and Reactors, specifies] [recommendations for the design and installation of power transformers and reactors to withstand the effects of earthquakes, Keywords: Oil-immersed power transformers and reactors, performance requirements of transformers and reactors during and following a design earthquake. ISBN1.58597.0905 Copyright © 1900 by ‘The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. 345 Fast 47th Street, New York, NY 10017-2394, USA. [No part ofthis publication may be reproduced in any form, nan electrons retrial system or athenatee, ‘tihout prior permision ofthe publisher IEEE Standards documents are developed within the Technical Committees of the IEEE Societies and the Standards Coordinating Committees of the IEEE Standards Board. Members of the committees serve voluntarily and without compensation. They are not necessar- ily members of the Institute. The standards developed within IEEE represent a consensus of the broad expertise on the subject within the Institute as well as those activities outside of IEEE which have expressed an interest in participating in the development of the standard, Use of an IEEE Standard is wholly voluntary. The existence of an IEEE Standard does not imply that there are no other ways to produce, test, measure, purchase, market, or provide other goods and services related to the scope of the IEEE Standard. Furthermore, the viewpoint expressed at the time a standard is approved and issued is subject to change brought about through developments in the state of the art and comments received from users of the standard. Every IEEE Standard is subjected to review at least every five years for revision or reaifir- ‘mation. When a document is more than five years old, and has not been reaffirmed, it is reasonable to conclude that its contents, al- though still of some value, do not wholly reflect the present state of the art. Users are cautioned to check to determine that they have the latest edition of any IEEE Standard, ‘Comments for revision of IEEE Standards are welcome from any interested party, regardless of membership affiliation with IEEE. Suggestions for changes in documents should be in the form of a pro- posed change of text, together with appropriate supporting comments, Interpretations: Occasionally questions may arise regarding the meaning of portions of standards as they relate to specific applica. tions. When the need for interpretations is brought to the attention of IEEE, the Institute will initiate action to prepare appropriate re- sponses. Since IEEE Standards represent a consensus of all con- ‘cerned interests, it is important to ensure that any interpretation has also received the concurrence of a balance of interests. For this reason IEEE and the members of its technical committees are not able to provide an instant response to interpretation requests except in those ‘cases where the matter has previously received formal consideration, Comments on standards and requests for interpretations should be addressed to: Secretary, IEEE Standards Board 445 Hoes Lane P.O. Box 1331 Piscataway, NJ 08855-1931 USA TEEE Standards documents are adopted by the Institate of Blectrical] land Electronics Engineers without regard to whether their adoption| may involve patents on articles, materials, or processes. Such adop- tion does not assume any liability to any patent owner, nor does it Jassume any obligation whatever to parties adopting the standards [documents. Foreword (This Foreword i not apart of IEEE C57.1141090, IEEE Solamie Guide for Power Tranefrmers and Resear) This guide for the seismic design and installation of power transformers and reactors was prepared by the Seismic Guide Working Group of the West Coast Subcommittee of the ‘Transformers Committee of the IBEE Power Engineering Society Work on this guide began in 1973 with the purpose of developing common guidelines that could be followed by all utilities in specifying requirements for the design of power transformers and reactors to withstand the effects of earthquakes. In order to ensure that the most up-to-date summary of guidelines was presented, the IEEE Standards Board Review Committee at their ‘March, 1986 meeting recommended a return of this guide to the subcommittee level for updating. This final result, therefore, will hopefully constitute a state-of'the-art summary of guidelines for the seismic design and installation of power transformers and reactors, At the time this document was published, it was under consideration for approval as an Amer- ican National Standard, The Accredited Standards Committee on Transformers, Regulators, and Reactors, C57, had the following members at the time this document was sent to letter ballot: XK. Linsley, Chair C,H, White, Secretary Organtzation Represented Name of Representative ‘American National Standards Institue, ©. Dogors Electric Light and Power Group cov vss s W. Cale G. Cunnele P-E, Orohele D. Sofia (Ale) 4. Soliven ‘A. Velasquer and Bisctronics Bngincers be Savio 3.3. Bergeron 3D. Borat 3. Davis RA. Velteh [Notional Electrical Manufacturers Assocation onsets QD. Coulee P. Dewever Alt) 3D. Doogl P. J. Hopkinson (AID) W. C. Kendall KR. Linsey L. 8 MeCormick JR Miler R. P. Mile, Sr 3.5. Nay (att H. Robin HD. Smith zt) Underwriters Laboratories, Ine W. OGreay R. W. Seelbach Tennetsce Valley Authority. 7 fe E.R. Smith US Department of Agrculsre, Rural Elecrical Assocation Sete J. Arno, US Department of Ener, Western Area Power Administration... DR. Torgerson U.S Department ofthe Interior, Bureau of Relamation eo se sesnnsee Be C00, 8 US Department othe New, Cieil Bnginsering Corps. see ee HL. Stickley The following members of the IBEE Transformers Committee were on the balloting committee that approved this document for submission to the IEEE Standards Board: Did. Allan BLP Allen B. llestriartt Rid Alten 80, Antalis ELH Adenki 4G. Arold R Bono 3 Uipecom ‘lowe i Manning Massouda W. Matthew P.Mehte Miller Milian Be Mink, Se a z 3 RpA9 <7) é ® E E-Uptegrat, J. Vi aNeuch 3 ‘Moore Morshare ‘Mat ‘At the time this guide was completed, the Seismic Guide Working Group was composed of the following members: 8.K. Oldu, Chair R. allusions B.Isborg DLA. Roth D. Geriach HL Johnson D.W. Sundin DAL Giles Norn Lo Tauber When the IEEE Standards Board approved this standard on February 15, 1990, it had the fol lowing membership: Marco W. Migliaro, Chair James M. Daly, Vice Chair Andrew G. Salem, Secretary Dennis Bedson ‘Thomas L. Henoan L, Bruce McClung Paul L. Boral ‘Kenneth D. Hendrix Donald. Micheel* Fletcher J. Buckley Soha W. Horch Stig Nilsson Allen Clapp “oneph fa Roepingert Roy 7. Ohi Stephor RDilon Michael A: Lawler Gary 8. Rabinson Donald C. Peekenstein Doneld Je Loopy ‘Terrence R. Whittemore Soy Forster* ‘oka E May, Je Donald W. Zipse Lewrence V! McCall “Member Emerita SECTION PAGE 1. Seope and References... 1 1.1 Scope cota 1 1.2 References... 1 2. Definitions 7 3. Performance Requirements. 3.1 Criteria for Adequacy ...... 3.2 Seismic Information Supplied by User 4. Recommended Installation Design Practices 4.1 Allowable Design Stresses for Seismie Loading. 4.2 Foundations i 4.3 Anchoring... 44 Interconnection to Adjacent Equipment. 5. Qualification Methods .. B 5.1 Laboratory Qualification Tests . “4 5.2 Methods of Analysis “ 5.3 Combined Analysis with Laboratory esting 16 54 Rail Shipment Test 16 6. Documentation 16 6.1 General... 16 6.2 Analytical Data. 16 6.3 Test Data. 16 644 Extrapolation Data.....--sssssesssssscccccsounn 16 FIGURES Fig 1 Seismic Response Spectra. 7 Fig 2 Seismic Zone Map of the United States from the “Uniform m Badng G Code, 1988". Fig Sine Beat....,. ‘TABLES ‘Table 1 Ground Acceleration Levels Table 2 Typical Damping Values... IEEE Seismic Guide for Power Transformers and Reactors 1 Scope and References 1.1 Scope. This guide applies to oil-immersed transformers and reactors. It does not cover Class 1E equipment for nuclear plants, which is covered by IEEE Std 944-1987, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nu- clear Power Generating Stations (ANSD [1]? It provides direction for establishing proce- dures to verify that oil-immersed power trans- formers and reactors, as installed, will meet their performance requirements during and following a design earthquake. It may be used by equipment manufacturers to establish pro- cedures that will substantiate performance claims, or by equipment users to verify per- formance of representative power transform- fers and reactors. Whenever the term “trans- former” is used, it should be understood to ‘mean “reactor” as well. 1.2 References. This guide shall be used in conjunction with the following publications: (1) IBEE Std 344.1987, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1B Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Sta- tions (ANSD. [2] AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Building, [3] Aluminum Construction Manual, Section 1, Specifications for Aluminum Structures, Aluminum Association, publishers. [4] Shipp, John G. and Harringer, Edward R, “Design of Threaded Anchor Bolts,” Engi- neering Journal, AISC, second quarter of 1983, ‘The numbers in brackets rete to the referees in 1.2 IEEE publications are aveilable from tho Institute of Electrfeal and Blectroalcs Engineers, IEEE Service Center, 449 Hoes Lane, Phestaway, Nd 88501881, USA, 2. Definitions ‘The definitions in this section establish the meaning of terms used in this guide. allowable stress—The maximum stress per- mitted by this guide. continuous sine wave-A number of consec- utive sinusoidal oscillations of the same fre- queney and amplitude. damping-An energy dissipation mechanism that reduces the amplification and broadens the vibratory response in the region of reso- nance. Damping is usually expressed as a percentage of critical damping. Critical damping is defined as “the least amount of viscous damping that causes a single degree of freedom (SDOF) system to return to its origi nal position without oscillation after initial disturbance.” A body with zero damping, on the other hand, would vibrate with harmonic ‘motion indefinitely when deflected and re- leased. design earthquake-An earthquake that pro- duces the maximum vibratory ground motion the transformer is designed to withstand with- out functional impairment, floor acceleration—The acceleration of a par- ticular building floor (or equipment mount- ing) resulting from the motion of a given earthquake. The maximum floor acceleration is the zero period acceleration (ZPA) of the floor response spectrum. ground acceleration-The acceleration of the ground resulting from the motion of a given earthquake. The maximum ground acceler- ation is the ZPA of the ground response spec- trum, modal response-The response of a natural or normal mode of a system caused by any vibra tion input. IEEE. C57141990 natural frequency-The frequency or frequen- cies at which a body vibrates due to its own physical characteristies (mass and stiffness) when the body is distorted in a specific direc- tion and then released, response spectrum-A plot of the maximum re- sponse, as a function of oscillator frequency, of an array of SDOF damped oscillators sub: Jected to the same base excitation, sine beats-A continuous sinusoid of one fre- quency, amplitude modulated by a sinusoid of a lower frequency, time history-A record of acceleration, veloc- ity, or displacement as a function of time (such as experienced by a building floor or the ground) during an earthquake. zero period acceleration-The acceleration level of the high-frequency, nonamplified por- tion of the response spectrum. This acceler- ation corresponds to the maximum peak accel- eration of the time history used to derive the spectrum, Zero period acceleration is usually above 30 Hz, Performance Requirements “Peeps wittand he ses sneer eed phe et Sse vlan fue male the tay a Poe aapne se rldiman werden lena cea Boat tested at ce msi forgot alone val or lot coor tellin dite the mot see caiman ret tut shade el i toe he dar cnhguoke. Stoel mcs former, compan nd eta tems daig nd owt ese tanh “earl fqn nd doing he surest owtad i's toe sthg tSivth a ones nec, el estima he anne at el se rade te ep sore pret rein spotters rats of pressure ie gener: IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS sted by {eran fel cami disturbance a one generated by an i 3.1 Criteria for Adequacy. Before the transformer is furnished to the user, it should be shown to satisfy the performance criteria described below under maximum excitation generated by the design earthquake. 8.11 Permanent Deformation. Permanent deformation of components internal to the transformer and of external bushings due to a design earthquake is not acceptable. Minor deformation of transformer components ex- ternal to the tank following a design earth: quake is acceptable provided it results in no impairment of the essential functions of the transformer. 3.1.2 Misalignment. The degree of misa- lignment of load and no-load tap changers, pump motors, and cooling fans or cooling groups should not prevent their normal fune- tions during or after an earthquake. 3.18 Dielectric Degradation. Displace- ments, either permanent or temporary, be- tween components of different potentials that may result in reduced clearances causing degradation of dielectric strength and in- creased voltage stresses, but which should not, impair the performance of the equipment at its specified rating. 3.14 Motion Limitation, Any motion lim- itation applying specifically to the trans former and its components is the responsi Dility of the manufacturer. The manufacturer should advise the user of the maximum deflee tions and forces that can be accommodated at the attachment points, and between these points and other interconnected equipment, Special consideration should be given to maintaining the functional capability of the bushing and the bushing interface with the transformer, ‘The ability to accommodate relative motion between adjoining equipment constitutes an especially crucial seismic requirement of the transformer installation. In particular, spe- cial attention should be given by the user to the following kinds of relative motion: (1) Between coupled equipment mounted on adjoining foundations such that relative ‘motion can occur between the founda tions. (2) Between coupled transformers mounted ‘on a common foundation, IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS (3) Connections between the transformer and overhead conductors or under- ground cable terminations. This, prin- cipally, is a question of assuring ad quate conductor slack and decoupling the conductor motion from the transformer. (4) Between underground control eables and auxiliary power cables, conduit runs, transformer foundations, and trans: former control cabinet equipment. 8.1.5 Other Conditions. Conditions that could affect the performance of the trans- former and that could reasonably be expected to occur simultaneously as the result of seis- mic disturbances should be considered in the seismic design of the transformer. Special at- tention should be given by the manufacturer to the maximum transient relative motion of internal components and to the effect of the external short circuits that ean occur during or immediately following a seismic distur- bance. 8.2 Seismic Information Supplied by User. The user should provide information to the manufacturer that will adequately describe the seismic environment in which the trans- former will be installed, including references to all applicable codes. Any condition that may be of consequence during a ie event, should be described. ‘The user should describe either the maxi- mum aceelerations, time histories, or re- sponse spectra as discussed in 3.2.1, 3.2.2, and 3.2.3, respectively. A set of typical user's re- sponse spectra is shown in Fig 1. The user should consider the adoption of the earthquake criteria shown below to determine the maxi- ‘mum earthquake that the transformer will be required to withstand, When establishing the criteria, special at- tention should be given to the frequency of IEEE csra41960 ‘earthquakes in the particular area where the transformer will be installed. In lieu of special-response spectra, seismic zone maps, such as the one included in the uniform building code of 1988 (see Fig 2), are recommended for use with the smoothed re- sponse spectra shown in Fig 1, as applied in ‘Table 1 ‘The smoothed response spectra shown in Fig 1 are from earthquakes in the western United States and may not be representative of earth- quakes in other regions in the United States and in other parts of the world, 3.2.1 Maximum Acceleration. Typical val- ues of maximum horizontal ground accelers tion range from 0.1 g (g = Acceleration due to gravity) to 0.5 g, with values over 0.5 g being required in some special instances, e.g., where equipment is installed in high priority facilities critical to maintaining continuity of service on a power system. The maximum ground acceleration of an earthquake is also used as a means of sealing or relating an earthquake with other earthquakes. If the equipment is not mounted on the ground, the acceleration at the mounting location should be used, 3.2.2 Time History. The time history is the most precise way of describing a particular earthquake, However, a particular earth- quake time history may not be truly repre- sentative of the earthquake the equipment will experience during its serviee life ‘This is because the characteristics of real ‘earthquakes vary from one earthquake to ai other and from place to place. The following are the earthquake characteristics of major (1) Maximum horizontal acceleration (2) Maximum vertical acceleration (3) Frequency eontent of each earthquake ‘Table 1 Ground Acceleration Levels Zone ‘Acceleration (% of Gravity) 4 0 3 0 2A, 2B » 1 10 0 Local building code NOTE: The shove are minimum valen, Consideration shouldbe given to loa faults and Nara smc date or experience in setting level requirement IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS Tee. Cora141990 ‘SROSRIATTEND wr anon —A0n0228 Wows : zest ‘st ome ABoyouyooy 30 oanazasdy eyusOs FTE) sduyauar “p taea "20 4q poxvdeaa “ALIAYED 40 LeaOWaE 08 40 WOLLYURIIOOY QnnoWe TVAKOZINON WhnixYR ¥ vo a¥Y YUL2ze8 Figt Seismic Response Spectra 10 EEE [IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS cona4is00 ZONE3 Maior damage, commends to latensty ‘2ONE4 Those area itn Zone No 3 determined y ("cera maior ‘Modi Mercal Intensity Seal of 1931 Fig ‘Seismic Zone Map of the United States from the “Uniform Building Code, 1988” u ese cs7a141600 (4) Duration Each earthquake is unique and exhibits di ferent characteristics. To allow for the above variables, the worst possible earthquake accel- erations can be incorporated into groups of ground motion earthquake time histories (en- sembles) of different frequency content and duration. These individual time histories ean then be used in conjunction with each other to determine the effect of the design earthquake, ‘To use the time history method, four of the eight ground motion acceleration time histo- Tries used to develop the response spectra in Fig 1 can be obtained from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California. ‘The earthquake records that may be used in testing a mathematical model are the El Centro, California, 1940 NS (multiplied by a factor of 1.12), the Olympia, Washington, 1949 S10E multiplied by a factor of 1.96); the Helena, Montana, 1935 EW (multiplied by a factor of 3.03); and the Pacoima Dam, California, 1971 S16E (multiplied by a factor of 0.46), For other than Zone 4 (see Fig 2), the above accelerations and time histories are to be scaled similarly, proportionate to the factors shown in 3.2, eg., Zone 3 users should use 80% of the values obtained in Fig 1. 8.2.8 Response Spectrum. Another descrip- tion of an expected earthquake environment is ‘response spectrum. A response spectrum (see Fig 1) is obtained by utilizing time histories. ‘The response spectra shown in Fig 1 are smoothed spectra and represent the average spectrum shapes calculated from eight time histories. Maximum ground acceleration of the earthquake can be obtained by reading the zero period (typically taken as the acceleration of bodies with frequencies over 30 Hz) accel- eration. Frequency content of the ground mo- tion is indieated by the shape of the response spectrum curve, Earthquake duration and mechanism cannot be determined from a re- sponse spectrum, 4. Recommended Installation Design ‘Practices 4.1 Allowable Design Stresses for Seismic Loading. The criteria for adequacy, as de- fined in Section 3, should be considered by the user in determining proper installation de- 2 IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS sign procedures and stress magnitudes. Subsections 4.1.2, 4.1.3, and 4.1.4 may be used as recommended practices for the design of structural and load bearing members and re- inforcing and stiffening elements. 4.11 General. The maximum stress al: lowed for any material under seismic loading should be in that material's allowable stress range. The allowable stresses, including i creases for earthquake loads (to be used for seismic design) for structural steel and alu- minum, can be found in the documents de- seribed in 41.2 and 4.1.3, 4.1.2 Structural Steel. AISC Specifications for the Design, Fabrication, and Erection of Structural Steel for Building (2), as last re- vised, should be applied to structural steel members, 4.1.3 Aluminum. Aluminum Construction ‘Manual, Section 1, Specifications for Alumin- um Structures {3}, an Aluminum Association publication, as last revised, should be applied to aluminum structural members. 4.1.4 Nonmetallic Materials. The allowable stress of nonmetallic materials such as wood, fiberglass, porcelain, ete., should be within a range of 0.25 to 0.5 times the average tested breaking strength, 4.15 Special Consideration. While urging compliance with the criteria in 4.1.2 through 4.1.4, it is recognized that the design earth- is a dynamic phenomenon of limited mn. These factors lead to certain special considerations not included in the general references cited in the preceding paragraphs. ‘Thus, itis recognized that because of the very limited duration of the design earthquake, low cycle fatigue concepts may be of considerable determining effective design procedures and material selections. For example, the significant energy absorbing capacity of materials stressed cyclically into the plastic zone has important implications for damping under vibratory conditions. Such damping has important influences upon the magnitude of the dynamic, seismie response of the transformer and components subject to a design earthquake. Hence, ductility and toughness of the mate- rial may be desirable and important eriteria for material selection and low cycle fatigue limitations may offer a reasonable basis for the specifications of the maximum allowable stresses under seismic conditions, The max- IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS imum stress on any component must not ex- ceed the allowable seismic stress correspond- ing to N fully reversed eycles for the specific materials (where N = Fundamental frequency (in Hz) of the transformer times the duration (in seconds) of strong motion (maximum ac- celeration of 0.5 g)) due to the design earth- quake. Where special considerations of the type cited dictate the application of stress mag- tudes that are not in conformity with those cited in 4.1.2 through 4.1.4, justifications in the form of detailed analysis should be made. 4.2 Foundations. The transformer and all interconnected equipment should be placed on ‘a monolithic foundation so as to reduce differ- ential movement due to the design earth- ‘quake. Provision should be made to accommo- date expected differential motions between equipment mounted on separate foundations but which are interconnected. Provision should also be made for interconnected equip- ‘ment mounted on the same foundation but having differing frequency content. Lastly, consideration should be given to the inter- action of underground conduits and the foun- dations, Foundations should withstand all forces re- sulting from the design earthquake in the vertical and horizontal directions simultane- ously. ‘A comprehensive soil survey is recom- to determine if any unusual condi- at the site that would warrant spe- cial design considerations for the founda- tions. 4.3 Anchoring. It is recommended that transformers be anchored by welding the base to structural steel members embedded in or firmly anchored to a concrete foundation, Size, location, and type of welds should be shown on the manufacturer's drawings. All welds must conform to applicable AWS speci- fications. AISC weld allowables should be used. However, the one-third increase in weld allowable stress due to earthquake loads should not be permitted. Ifbolts are to be used, size, strength, location, and materials should be shown on the manu- facturer’s drawings. The size and strength of the anchor bolts should be determined by bolt material allowable stresses. However, the ‘one-third inerease in bolt allowable stresses 3 IEEE cos1a41960, due to earthquake loads should not be permit- ted, It is recommended that mild ductile steel, such as A36 or A307, be used, and that design philosophy such as stated’ in the article, “Design of Threaded Anchor Bolts” by John G. Shipp and Edward R. Harringer, Engineer- ing Journal, AISC, in the second quarter of 1983 [4], be followed. The length of embedment and the type of bonding to that portion of the anchor system within the foundation should be determined by the user and should be greater than the strength of the bolts attaching the equipment to the foundation. Consideration should be given by the user to any unequal distribution of dynamic earthquake loadings on the anchor bolts. All anchor systems must withstand the forces resulting from the design earthquake. 44 Interconnection to Adjacent Equipment, Interconnection between the transformer and other equipment must be adequate to accommodate differential movement. Leads and interconnections must be long and flexible enough to allow this movement to oc- cur without causing damage. Consideration should be given by the user to the change in dynamic characteristics of the equipment as a result of any rigid bus being used to make in- terconnections between equipment. 5. Qualification Methods Qualification of seismic withstand capabi ity may be demonstrated either by laboratory test, analysis, a combination of laboratory test and analysis, or by rail shipment test. Qualification by laboratory test is the most pre- ferred method, while qualification by rail shipment is the least preferred method. Prior qualification by any of the above methods on a transformer of similar rating and design may be used when justified to the satisfaction, of the user. ‘The employed seismic qualification method should demonstrate the equipment’s capability to meet the requirements specified in Section 3, The qualification methods listed in IEEE Sid 944-1987, IEEE Recommended Practice for Seismic Qualification of Class 1E Equipment for Nuclear Power Generating Stations (ANSI [1], will also satisfy the requirements of this guide. EEE Csri4.1900 5.1 Laboratory Qualification Tests. The ‘equipment should be energized and monitored during laboratory qualification testing. Tests should be performed by subjecting the equip- ‘ment to vibratory motion which equals or ex- ceeds the design earthquake, including all significant frequencies and the direction of the expected motion. The equipment may be mounted on the vibration table or excited by other acceptable methods in a manner that simulates the intended service mounting and configuration (i.e., with the accessories mounted). Sufficient monitoring equipment should be used to allow verification of input and to evaluate the performance of the equip- ment before, daring, and after the test. Testing should be conducted in two phases, 5.11 Phase 1-A low amplitude frequency ‘sweep in the range from 1 to 30 Hz should be conducted in each principal direction to search for resonant frequencies, 5.1.2 Phase 2Tests should be conducted at the resonant frequencies determined in phase 1 with amplitudes of base acceleration equal to — & (as specified by the user) in the horizontal directions, coincident with the equipment axes, and 80% of the horizontal acceleration in the vertical direction. The tests may be in one ‘axis at a time if it can be shown that no signif- icant coupling exists in the equipment between the horizontal and vertical axes to give ad tive responses in the unexeited axis or if an adjusted input is applied that will account for the additive responses caused by the coupling. For continuous sinusoidal motion, the waves are applied for a duration of at least 15 cycles. Instead of continuous sinusoidal excitation, sine beat testing may be used. The modulated beat should contain at least 10 cycles of signif- ieant motion with sufficient pause between beats to minimize superposition of motion, The time duration of sine beat testing should allow for a minimum of five such bursts at resonant frequency (see Fig 3). 5.1.3 Random Frequency Testing, Phase 1 and phase 2 testing may be eliminated if the equipment withstands 30 seconds of combined horizontal and vertical shaking having a random excitation at frequencies with one- third octave intervals between 1 and 30 Hz. ‘Tests should be performed by subjecting the equipment to a vibratory motion, which will produce a test response spectrum that equals or exceeds the response spectrum that is fur- “ IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS nished by the user. ‘5.2 Methods of Analysis. The analysis should include evaluation of the effects of calculated stresses and maximum displacements on mechanical strength, alignment, electrical performance, and noninterruption of function as related to the functional requirements of the equipment during a design earthquake. Analysis should only be used for equipment ‘that can be modeled to correetly prediet its re- sponse, and only if the preferred method of laboratory testing is deemed impractical or economically unjustifiable. Each of the fol- lowing methods of analysis will satisfy the requirements of this guide. 5.2.1 Response Spectrum Analysis of Flex- ible Equipment. The equipment should be modeled as a series of discrete mass points connected by mass-free spring members. A sufficient number of mass points should be used to ensure an adequate simulation of dynamic characteristics. The model should represent the equipment as it will be mounted ‘The resulting system is analyzed using the design earthquake response spectrum curve corresponding to an appropriate damping value, applied simultaneously in the vertical and horizontal directions to produce the most severe stresses. The total seismic response stress is normally determined by combining the individual modal response stresses by the ‘square root of the sum of the squares tech- nique. When modes with closely spaced mo- dal frequencies exist, an acceptable method for obtaining the system response is to take the ab- solute sum of the response of the closely spaced modes and combine this sum with other re- maining modal responses using the square root of the sum of the squares rule. Two modes. having frequencies within 10% of each other are considered as modes with closely spaced frequency. 5.2.2 Static Analysis. Static analysis should be used only when the natural frequencies of the equipment exceed the frequency above which zero period acceleration occurs (usually 30 Hz). The equipment and interconnecting components should be designed to withstand stresses resulting from a constant horizontal acceleration of the equipment base, This should be equal to the zero period acceleration given by the design response spectra in any IEE SEISMIC GUIDE FOR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS BEAT FREQUEN .— ACCELERATION cy Fig: meee 734000 IME BETWEEN aeATs: TEST FREQUENCY 3 Sine Beat horizontal direction simultaneous with verti cal acceleration equal to two-thirds of the hori zontal acceleration. 5.2.3 Static Coefficient Analysis. As an al- ternative to calculating the natural frequen- cies, the peak value of the design earthquake response spectrum curve for an appropriate damping value may be used to compute the ap- propriate inertia forees. In the absence of any specific test data, a damping value of 2% is considered conservative for this purpose, The peak response value should be multiplied by 1,5 to account for the effects of both multifre- quency excitation and multimode response. ‘The inertia forces on each component of the equipment should be concentrated at its center of gravity, and the normal static stress analy. sis performed. The maximum horizontal in- crtia force and the vertical inertia force should be considered to occur separately with their re- sultant stress calculated as the square root of the sum of the squares of the stresses induced by the inertia forces. 5.24 Time History Analysis of Flexible 5 Equipment. The equipment, modeled as in 5.2.1, may be dynamically analyzed by step- by-step integration of the differential equation of motion using ground motion acceleration, time histories or other dynamic input, with simultaneous application of horizontal and vertical inputs. In lieu of step-by-step integra- tion analysis, the user may take a more prac- tical approach and assume dependent motions and take the square root of the sum of the squares of the maximum response due to each of the components of motion. When justified, different values of damping may be assigned for different components of subassemblies in the equipment. 5.2.5 Damping. In the absence of detailed measurements, a 2% damping value is rec- ommended for use in analysis. Any damping values used in the analysis greater than 2% of the critieal damping should be verified by test- ing. In any case, the damping associated with Joints or other components should be eonsid- ered no more than the percentages of eritical damping in Table 2: eee 57141990 IEEE SEISMIC GUIDE POR POWER TRANSFORMERS AND REACTORS ‘Table 2 ‘Typical Damping Values Tem Welded metal joint Bolted metal-to-metal joint Bolted insulation structure Lightning arresters ‘Damping Value (% of Oritical) Bushings asec 5.3 Combined Analysis with Laboratory Testing. Combined analysis and testing as described by paragraph 8 of IEEE Std 344-1987 [1] is recommended for transformers that are too large to be qualified by testing alone, ‘54 Rail Shipment Test. Qualification by rail may also satisfy the requirements of this guide provided that it can be demonstrated by the manufacturer that the stresses experienced during the rail shipment tests are equivalent to the stresses experienced under maximum excitation generated by the design earth- quake. Additionally, the transformer should meet the performance requirements in 3.1 It should be noted that transformers, which are shipped by rail, may have temporary in- ternal and external bracing installed, and are often shipped without oil. This bracing is in- stalled to minimize movement of the core and other key components during shipment, This bracing may be removed when the trans- former has reached its final destination point. ‘The validity of this test may be questioned if the transformer is installed without this brac- ing and the transformer is filled with oil. ‘Special arrangements on the use of this quali- fication test may be required as determined by the manufacturer and user in advance of the design of the transformer. ‘Transformer components that have been removed for shipment should be qualified sep- arately by analysis or test, as is found nec- essary, or mounted on the railway ear in a manner that actually or closely simulates the intended service mounting. 6. Documentation 6.1 General. The documentation for a transformer should demonstrate that the equipment meets its performance require- ments when subjected to the seismic accel- erations for which itis to be qualified. 6 6.2 Analytical Data, If proof of performance is obtained by analytical means, it should be presented in a step-by-step form that may be readily verified. The report should include: (1) Transformer identification (2) Transformer specification @) Method of analysis (A) Results and conclusions (5) Approved signature and date 6.3 Test Data, If proof of performance is ob- tained by testing, the test data should contain the following: 2) Transformer identification (2) Transformer specification (8) Test facility (a) Location (b) Testing equipment (4) Test method (a) Method of mounting during test (b) Description of tests and inspections performed to verify conclusions (5) Results and conelusions-are partieu- larly needed for natural frequencies and maximum accelerations (©) Approved signature and date 64 Extrapolation Data. If proof of performance is obtained by extrapolation from similar equipment, the data should contain: (1) Description of both types of equipment (2) Test data on original equipment (3) A detailed description of the differences between the two types of equipment. (4) Justification that the differences do not degrade the seismic performance below acceptable limits (may 1 ditional analysis or te: any additional supporting data (5) A detailed deseription and a justification of the extrapolation methods employed [Guidance from the Experts lat IEEE Seminars EEE Power Engineering Seminars [The IEEE sponsors seminars on the Color Books and other power engineering standards throughout the year. [Our seminars include: Human Factors Engineering at Nuclear Plants +Large Lead Storage Batteries for Generating Stations and Substations -Protection of Co-Generation Plants Paralleled with Utility Transmission Systems +Health Care Facilities Power Systems -Planning, Design, Protection, Maintenance, and Operation of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems +Electric Power Supply Systems for Nuclear Power Generating Stations [Special team discounts are ay: lable. IEEE-sponsored seminars may also be brought to your plant. For details, write to the IEEE Standards Seminar Manager, 445 Hoes Lane, PO Box 1331, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331 USA. Or call us Toll Free at 1-800-678-IEEE and ask for Standards Seminars and Training Programs. {ISBN 1.55997-050-5

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