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Draft Filming Schedule


Friday 14 June
Meals provided: Dinner.
*Please prepare/arrange your own breakfast, lunch and specific snacks you might want for

*Crew to sleep when not required!!!

6:30pm-7:00pm Anastasia and Liam to meet at Massey University. 48 Hour Launch to

take place at COCA at Massey University - Block 12 Te Ara Hihiko -
Access from Wallace Street or Hayward Terrace. Two team members
maximum. Doors Open from 6:00pm

7:00pm: Harriet to pick up Anastasia and Liam from Massey University and to
return to 44a Friend Street. Details relayed to all remaining crew
(already at the location) while in transit.

Kelsi to pick up crew dinner (Domino’s Pizza and Hot chips from Corfu

7:15pm – 9:15am: Dinner and brainstorming session - no later than 10:00pm at the very
latest for brainstorming (if this is essential).

9:00pm-10:00pm: Harriet and Kelsi to run to Karori Supermarket to organise/purchase

snacks/supplies whilst brainstorming session is coming to a close.

9:15 pm – 11:59pm: Will to write screenplay – first draft.

Harriet and Kelsi to plan logistics and production/shooting schedule

based on narrative/script premise.
Saturday 15 June

Meals provided: Dinner and light snacks.

*Please prepare/arrange your own breakfast, lunch and specific snacks you might want for
the day and in preparation of Sunday

*Crew to sleep when not required!!!

12:00am-2:00am Will to write screenplay – first draft complete.

Harriet and Kelsi to plan logistics and production/shooting schedule

based on narrative/script premise.

2:00am-2:30am: Table read through with Anastasia and Liam

2:30am-4:00am: Will to make adjustments and finalise the script

Harriet and Kelsi to make adjustments and finalise

production/shooting schedule with Shreyas and Justin

4:00am – 7:30am: Production Period

7:30am – 8:00am: Breakfast (crew to provide their own breakfast – light snacks

8:00am – 12:30pm: Production Period

12:30 – 1:15pm: Lunch (crew to provide own lunch – light snacks available)

1:15pm - 7:00pm: Production Period

7:00pm - 8:00pm: Dinner (Chinese from Ming Du Food Bar Karori – Kelsi to pick up prior)

8:00pm-11:59pm: Post production begins/continues: Editing and audio prep etc

Harriet and Kelsi to prepare/plan Sundays production schedule (based

on Saturday’s outcome/our current position).
Sunday 16 June

Meals provided: Breakfast and light snacks.

*Please prepare/arrange your own lunch and specific snacks you might want for the day.

*Crew to sleep when not required!!!

12:00am - 7:30am: Post production continues: Editing and audio prep etc. Fine cut to be
ready for breakfast screening.

Harriet and Kelsi to prepare/plan Sundays production schedule (based

on Saturday’s outcome/our current position).

6:30am -7:30am: Harriet and Kelsi to prepare breakfast

7:30am – 8:30am: Breakfast: Hot waffles - dairy free option available (Crew to provide
own breakfast if they have a specific choice).

Fine cut screening of edit included during breakfast period.

8:30am-10:00am: Tomas to make fine adjustments and lock edit – Final cut due

10:00am-3:00am: Post Production continues: sound design/audio, composing, colour

grading etc

Lunch – to be taken during (when best suited to yourself and


12:00pm-1:30pm: Final mix

3:00pm-6:00pm: Final export and testing film playback and formatting etc required
for submission.

6:00pm-7:00pm: Travel to location and submitting of film Woo Hoo!

Location: COCA at Massey University - Block 12 Te Ara Hihiko. S Access

from Wallace Street or Hayward Terrace. Please note that the finish line
is the outside door on the Tasman Street side and the top of the stairs
if coming from the lower lever from Hayward Terrace.

Doors open 5 pm, all welcome. All films must be submitted before

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