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Community Extension Program: Adopting Barangay _________in

Santolan, Pasig, Metro Manila

CASAP in adherence with its mission to produce socially responsible graduates and in
conformance with the Outcome- Based Education (OBE) conceptualizes the launching of its
Community Extension Programs.

The program is multi-faceted; the first phase is scouting the barangay to launch the project;
second phase is determining the need of the barangay; the third phase is the implementation of
the project, and the fourth phase is monitoring the status of the pupil recipient and provision of
initial capital to the parents and the final phase is recording the ultimate result of the program.

The First(Scouting) Phase. Pasig has several barangays where some are prosperous, others are of
average status, yet others are below average in productivity. CASAP conducted an ocular
inspection of barangays with low level of efficiency. The selection is based on the size of
population, the income and occupations of the residents, the number of possible project recipient
and the willingness of the residents to participate.

CASAP faculty conducted a simple survey through questionnaire and informal interview. After
the surveying activities, the group reached the consensus of adopting Barangay ________ in

The assessment was done in August 2018 and a report was submitted September 14, 2018.

Documents: Pictures during the ocular inspection

Pictures during the Brainstorming of the Program
Sample questionnaire and interview notes
Letter asking permission to do the ocular inspection
Letter informing the adoption of Barangay _____ by the CASAP Community
Extension Program
The Second (Assessment) Phase. All effective training begins with needs assessment. This
measures what skills individuals have, what they need, and how to deliver the right training at
the right
time. – American Society of Training Development

Need assessment is the gap between what is known and what should be known. However,
learners are not able to fully assess what they don’t know and what they need to know. Without
an assessment of practice and performance gaps, any offerings are unlikely to be effective.

Needs, or gaps in results, are the foundation of decisions in most settings. Needs define the
results we want to accomplish in relation to our current achievements. The assessment of needs
is therefore done in the pursuit of improving performance (or closing gaps in results) in a variety
of contexts.

Needs assessments are used to identify strategic priorities, define results to be accomplished,
guide decisions related to appropriate actions to be taken, establish evaluation criteria for making
judgments of success, and inform the continual improvement of activities within organizations.

The third (Launching) phase

The third phase is the Launching of the project.
Community Extension Program: Adopting Barangay _________in
Santolan, Pasig, Metro Manila.

Objectives: Through the program CASAP aims to:

1. Provide learning assistance to elementary students in English and Mathematics.

2. Help improve the children’s knowledge and understanding of the English language
and the Basic Mathematical operations.
3. Increase the children’s attitude towards studying and boost their self-confidence.
4. Orient parents of the barangay on entrepreneurial skills.
5. Help develop the barangay into a self-reliant community.


1. Literacy Development
2. Entrepreneurial (Managerial Skills)

The officers and members of the English Club and the Mathematics Society of CASAP
will conduct the activities of the program with the tutelage of the English and Mathematics

The literacy development part will focus on Reading Skills such as Reading
Comprehension and Oral Communication while the Entrepreneurial Skill will deal on ________.

Twenty elementary pupils are the target of the Literacy Program while twenty-five
parents are the expected recipient of the Managerial Skills Development Program.

The project will run for 4 hrs. every Saturday for one (1) month. It will commence on
____ of October until ______of November 2018.

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