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Trương Thị Hoa-1612845-AVK40F

1. As James Bennet, Sales Manager of Randall Texture Company, reply to
the email below from Alice Barker. Agree to her request for credit, but tell
her, politely, that according to your records the period for settlement was
60 days, not on quarterly statement. Apologize for any misunderstanding.
Ask her to confirm that these terms are acceptable and say that, if they are,
she will not need to provide references.

To: James Bennet


Subject: Enquiry for credit

Dear Ms Barker

Thank you for your enquiry of 21 December 2016 in which you asked about

We agree to your request for credit. We have now checked your records the
period for settlement was 60 days, not on quarterly statement. We sincerely
apologize for the misunderstandings.

Could you confirm these terms are acceptable? if you are, you will not need to
provide references.

Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Yours sincerely

James Bennet

James Bennet

Sales Manager, Randall Texture Company

21 December 2016
2. On 15 December, 2017, Mr. Carl Edmonton, the buying manager of
Grand &Clarkson Ltd, 247 Whale Drive, Elmonte, CA., USA, writes to Ms
Deborah Hopkin- the export manager of Lucy& Friends Ladies’ Clothing,
45 Waddling Avenue, Briston Private, Ontario, Canada to:

• accept the 20% trade discount Lucy & Friends Ladies’ Clothing
offered; order 150 female velvet overcoats, Cat. No. 171/K .The total price
is $37,578.00, CIF California;

• give instructions for packaging.

• confirm the terms of payment are sight draft, D/P. Ask the supplier to
send shipping documents and the sight draft to Commercial Bank, Garden
Grove, Elmonte, CA, USA. Point out they won’t accept substitutes.
Confirm terms of delivery (methods of delivery, delivery date)

• ask for credit facilities if they decide to order again; ask for an early
acknowledgement of the order.

As Mr. Carl Edmonton, write the letter of order.

Grand &Clarkson Ltd

247 Whale Drive, Elmonte


Telephone: +44(0)20 83275651

Email: grandltd@gmail.com

Our ref: Order No. 171/K

15 December, 2017

Ms D. Hopkin

Export manager

Lucy& Friends Ladies’ Clothing

45 Waddling Avenue, Briston Private

Ontario, Canada

Dear Ms Hopkin

Please find enclosed our order No. 171/K for 150 female velvet overcoats.

For this order, we accept the 20% trade discount you offered, and the total price
is $37,578.00, CIF California.

When you send the order, please make sure all cartons are clearly labelled with
our logo and numbered.

Please confirm the terms of payment are sight draft. Would you please send the
shipping documents and your sight draft to Commercial Bank, Garden Grove,
Elmonte, CA, USA?

If you do not have any of the items we have ordered currently in stock, please
do not send alternatives.

It is essential that the goods are delivered before the beginning of November, in
time for the Christmas sales period. Please send the goods by express freight as
we need them urgently.

And please could your credit facilities if we decide to order again. We looking
forward to receiving acknowledgement of this order.

Yours sincerely

Carl Edmonton

Carl Edmonton

Buying manager

Enc. Order No. 171/K

3. On 2 February, Mr. Peter Harthworth, the buying manager of
MacKenzie Bros Ltd, 127 Whale Drive, Ontario, Canada, writes to Ms.
Helen Carlson- the export manager of Taylor & Co., 23 Clayfield, Burnley
BB 10 1RQ, UK, to :

 accept the 20% trade discount Taylor & Co. offered

 order 250 NNC27- Telerecorders, Cat. No. 171/K .The total price is
$37,578.00, CIF Ontario
 give instructions of packaging.
 confirm the terms of payment are sight draft, D/P
 ask the supplier to send shipping documents and the sight draft to
Citibank, Warrick Street,Ontario
 point out they won’t accept substitutes
 confirm terms of delivery (methods of delivery, delivery date)
 ask for credit facilities if they decide to order again
 ask for an early acknowledgement of the order

As Mr. Peter Harthworth, write the letter of order

MacKenzie Bros Ltd

127 Whale Drive

Ontario, Canada

Telephone: +39(0)6 769910

Email: mackenzieltd@gmail.com

Our ref: Order No. 171/K

2 February 2018

Ms H.Carlson

Export manager

Taylor &Co.,

23 Clayfield

Burnley BB 10 1RQ, UK
Dear Ms Carlson

The enclosed order (No. 171/K) is for 250 NNC27- Telerecorders.

We would like to thank you for the 20% trade discount you allowed us,and the
total price is $37,578.00, CIF Ontario.

When you send the order, please make sure all cartons are clearly labelled with
our logo and numbered.

Please confirm the terms of payment are sight draft, D/P. Would you please
send the shipping documents and your sight draft to Citibank, Warrick Street,

If you do not have any of the items we have ordered currently in stock, please
do not send substutes.

Delivery before 30 April is a firm condition of this order, and we reserve the
right to refuse goods delivered after that time. We advise by road to avoid
constant handling of this fragile consignment.

Please could your credit facilities if we decide to order again, and look forward
to your acknowledgement.

Yours sincerely

Peter Harthworth

Peter Harthworth

Buying manager

Enc. Order No. 717/K

4. Report on introduction of flexitime

John Holland, Company Secretary of Elland Hughes Advertising, has been

asked to prepare a report on the introduction of a flexitime system. Read

Documents 1, 2, 3, and 4 carefully. Then, as John Holland, write the report.


should take the following form:

 Introduction: give details of the proposed flexitime system.

 Outline the advantages of the system to the company.
 Outline the advantages of the system to the staff.


To: The Board of Directors

From: John Holland, Company Secretary

Date: 15 March 2018

Subject: Proposed flexitime system

Management proposed to introduce flexitime system for all staff. Under this
system, staff would be able to choose their house of work between 07,00 and
21,00, and have a weekday off in lieu of Saturday if they prefer.

Advantages to the company

There are several advantages to the company. For example, increased working
hours would mean that overseas clients in different time zones would find it
easier to contact us, and clients could contact us on Saturdays. Pressure on
office equipment such as photocopiers would be relieved and therefore
efficiency would be improved.

Advantages to staff

The two roost significant advantages to staff are that they would be able to
avoid rush hour travel, and they would also be able to spend more time with
their families. This is likely to lead to a signi ficant improvement in morale and

Financial costs and benefits

The financial cost of such a scheme is considerable. The initial cost of installing
a clocking-in system would be approximately £5,500+VAT (However, this is a
fixed cost and can be offset against tax.) The estimated increase in overheads
would be 7%, but this can be offset against benefits such as lower insurance
premiums and photocopying costs. There is also, as noted above, likely to be a
substantial increase in productivity.


The idea is very popular among the staff: an overwhelming majority of 87% are
in favor of it, although it should be noted that a significant number (48%) are
not in favor of a clocking-in system, so this would need to be Introduced

After careful analysis of the information provided, I conclude that the

introduction of a flexitime system would be viable financially. I, therefore,
recommend its introduction within the next six months.

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