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McCall Physical Education Classroom


I. Required Attire (7th and 8th grade)

A. T-shirt/ sweatshirt/ windbreaker and athletic shorts/sweatpants- allow for a
comfortable and full range of motion. Clothing worn to school is fine,
however, students can choose to change in the locker rooms.
B. Sneakers-provide good support and traction.
C. Tank tops, straps, low-cut shirts, and sandals are not acceptable.

6th Grade- Students must wear sneakers and loose-fitting athletic apparel.
Students should wear this attire to school as there are no lockers for sixth

II. Locker Rooms

C. Each student in 7th and 8th grade is allowed to bring a lock in the locker
room in which they will keep a change of clothing; this is optional.
D. During the school day, students will be afforded accessibility to the locker
rooms only during the block that they have physical education.
E. Locker room behavior should be consistent with expected school behavior.
Inappropriate behavior (bullying, teasing, or vandalism) will be dealt with
by school administration.
III. Attendance Requirements- Students are required to arrive to class on time,
change into required attire and fully participate in the class. Failure to do so
may result in a “0” for the day.

A. Students have exactly four minutes from the beginning of class to change
and enter the gymnasium.
B. Medically Excused Absences from class requires documentation from a
physician if the student will be out for an extended period of time. A
parent note excuses the student for only two classes.
C. Students need to make up missed classes due to an unexcused absence.
Make up classes will be scheduled at the discretion of the teacher. Failure
to make up classes will result in a “0” for the class.
D. Students not prepared for class and uninjured may be required to complete
a modified assignment in order to receive minimal credit for the class

IV. Grading- Students earn letter grades of A, B, C, D, or F for physical education

Assessments will include daily rubric, personal portfolio, skill tests
and quizzes.

Daily Assessment Rubric = 70 % (See reverse side of sheet).

Personal Portfolio = 20 %
Skill tests and quizzes = 10 %

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