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Viết đoạn văn ảnh hưởng của môi trường đối với cá nhân và xã hội:

Đề: Cities are becoming overcrowded. What problems does this cause foe
undividuals and society ? What can be done to improve the situation?
Mở bài: Cities are always wonderful places for developing our career. People want
to move to cities and this cause many serious problems because cities become over
crowded. (This issue will be further analyzed in this article).
Cá nhân (undividuals)
Nguyên nhân:
On the on hand, individuals live in the city will be affected directly by this problem.
When the number of people move to the city increases rapidly. It is very difficult to find a
job because of big competition. More over this al so make the cost of living become higher
than small towns or villages such as cost of housing, trans port, food. Besides it is very
difficult to controll the seaurity when there are too many people in an area. So, personal
safety can be threatened.
Hướng giải quyết:
However, government can improve these problems by many ways. Government
should encourages companies, organizations to invest more in small towns and villages.
This will help to devide the flow of labor and then decrease the number of labor move to
the city. Government should improve the policies for investor to help them get better
condition in rural development. In addition government should build more social house,
flat school to reduce the cost of living and educate the young generation to become good
Xã hội (society)
Nguyên nhân:
On the other hand, population grow quickly make cities face to some serious issues.
Traffic jam is a big problem. When we are in a traffic jam we lost a lot of time. So,
sometimes we are late for work or do not have time to take a rest. Besides, we spend a lot
of fuel but can not move quickly. That means the gasoline is consumed without profit get
back and this cause a huge economic losses. In addition, the air quality in the city is also
very poor due to the increasing number of transportation.
The increase in means of transport leads to the increasing of emissions. This make
the air more and more significantly polluted. Then, human life is also affected. It is very
easy to find out the information that the number of patient with respiratory problems.
Hướng giải quyết :
To solve these problems government should encourage and educate people to use the
public transport. Government need to upgrade public transport system to ensure that the
citizen will be satisfied with public transport.
Kết bài:
In short population grow rapidly in the city is a very serious problem at present but
this is not impossible to tackle. However we need the decisiveness from the government
and people to solve it.

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