INSTALL Borland C++

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Borland C++ 5.02

To jump to a specific section, search for "SECTION #", replacing

the # with the appropriate section number.


SECTION 0 System Requirements

A. Minimum System Requirements
B. Minimum Installation
C. Full Installation
D. Other Installations
E. Installation Procedure

SECTION 1. Installation Notes

A. Hard Drive Installation
B. Microsoft PLUS! (tm) Issues
C. CD Installation
D. Files Changed During Installation
E. Files Added at First Startup
F. Removing Registration Reminder
G. Files Available on the CD
H. Installation of Help Files

SECTION 2. Changing Your System Configuration

A. "Clean Boot" under Windows 95
B. "Clean Boot" under Windows NT

SECTION 3. Troubleshooting Installation Error Messages

A. Startup Error Messages
B. Decompression Error Messages

SECTION 4. Registry Changes

A. Key Names and Values
B. File Extension Associations

SECTION 5. Other Ways to Get Help

A. How to Get Good Phone Support
B. Relevant Telephone Numbers
C. Online Services

SECTION 0 System Requirements

A. Minimum System Requirements

To install and run Borland C++ 5.02, you must meet the
following minimum system requirements:

* 16 MB RAM (24 recommended)

* 80486 processor or better
* Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 or 4.0
* 25 to 230 MB of free hard disk space (250 MB for the
Developer's Suite and 260 MB for the Design Tools),
subject to the options you choose (installation options follow)

B. Minimum Installation
A minimum installation of Borland C++ 5.02 includes
only the command line tools (no IDE), and provides the
ability to work within another editor and use the command
line compiler. This setup requires approximately 25 MB of
hard disk space with 16-bit DOS support.

C. Full Installation
A full installation of Borland C++ 5.02 includes all
the tools available, the Windows-hosted IDE, and allows
development for 16-bit DOS, 16-bit Windows, and 32-bit Windows.
This is called the "Typical" install by the installation program,
and requires 230 MB of hard disk space.

Note: The exact amount of disk space required for installation may
vary due to disk cluster size on your PC.

D. Other Installations
The following information is provided to allow estimation.

Installation by parts:

16-bit DOS:
Command line tools: 10 MB
Visual tools: 40 MB
Libraries: 23 MB
Examples: 5 MB
Help: 8 MB

16-bit Windows:
Command line tools: 10 MB
Visual tools: 41 MB
Libraries: 64 MB
Examples: 65 MB
Help: 40 MB

32-bit Windows:
Command line tools: 12 MB
Visual tools: 41 MB
Libraries: 90 MB
Examples: 69 MB
Help: 47 MB

E. Installation Procedure
Do not install Borland C++ 5.02 over previously installed Borland C++
directories. The files in this distribution will not work with
previously shipped tools and libraries. This is particularly true
for configuration files from previous shipping releases, like
We recommend that you do not install Borland C++ to a path that
contains spaces or long filenames because some 16-bit components do
not support long filenames.

To avoid potential conflicts when Setup installs system files, we

recommend that you close down all other running applications before
installing Borland C++.

To update from Version 4.5 or earlier, you need to delete the old
version of Borland C++ from your system before installing Version 5.02.
You also need to delete all references to outdated Help files from your
WINHELP.INI file in your WINDOWS directory. Also, if you have
WinRun in your startup group, unload it before installing
Borland C++ Version 5.02.

To update from Version 5.0, copy the latest uninstall program,

BC5RMV.EXE, from the CD located in the \WINNT or \WIN95 directory to
your current WINDOWS directory. Then uninstall Borland C++ 5.0 before
installing Borland C++ 5.02.

To install Borland C++ 5.02 from the CD, run \SETUP\BC5\SETUP.EXE.

SECTION 1. Installation Notes

A. Hard Drive Installation

Installing from a CD-ROM may cause synchronization
difficulties between various pieces of hardware or certain
hardware drivers. If you suspect that your CD-ROM drive or your
CD-ROM driver might be at fault, you can attempt a hard drive

To begin, copy the entire setup directory into a

temporary directory on your C:\ drive. The setup directory
contains all the files needed for the installation.
Once these have been successfully copied, remove the CD-ROM
driver from your system configuration by clean-booting, and
attempt to install the product.

When running the install, remember to change the SOURCE

directory so that it points to the temporary directory.

B. Microsoft PLUS! (tm) Issues

Under Windows 95 with the PLUS! Pack (tm) installed,
some floating-point errors may occur. This has been
traced to a problem in SAGE.DLL, a part of System Agent.
If this problem occurs, turn OFF System Agent and
download Plusupd1.exe from:

* Microsoft Network (under mssupport),

* CompuServe (GO MSL), or
* Microsoft's anonymous FTP server
(, Softlib/Mslfiles directory).

Run Plusupd1.exe and follow the instructions on the screen.

C. CD Installation
If you choose the CD installation option or the Custom CD
Installation option, you will not be able to install any
of the additional products available (such as CodeGuard,
PVCS, InstallShield, or the Java addon). This is because a
CD installation leaves the majority of the product in
write-protected files on the CD-ROM, rather than on the
hard drive. These write-protected files need to be modified
to install any of the additional software.

D. Files Changed During Installation

The following files are changed during installation:

1. WIN.INI (under Windows 95) REMIND.EXE is added to the

LOAD line of the WIN.INI file:

(where C:\BC5 is where you installed BC5)


Registry key (under Windows NT):


2. SYSTEM.INI A change is made to the [386Enh] section:

(where C:\BC5 is where you installed BC5)

3. WINHELP.INI Lists all of the Help files that were installed.

4. OWL.INI is installed.

5. The following files are created if they are not on the system or
modify them if they already exist:


E. Files Added at First Startup of the Borland C++ IDE

Borland C++ creates SPX, SPP, and various configuration
files in the SCRIPT and BIN directories upon first startup:

*.SPX, *.CFG, *.BCW, *.DSW, *.MBT, *.MRT

SPX files are compiled versions of cScript files.

SPP files are uncompiled cScript source files.
The other run-time files store project and desktop settings
and other configuration information. Deleting these files
does no harm to your system and may help with
troubleshooting IDE configuration problems.
F. Removing Registration Reminder
If you run the online registration module during Setup and then
cancel without completing registration, the module adds an EXE to
your system startup files. After 14 days, the EXE reminds you to

Windows 95 users can remove the reminder by editing WIN.INI to delete

REMIND.EXE from the load= line.

Windows NT users should edit both WIN.INI and the system registry.
Launch REGEDT32.EXE. Choose the HKEY_CURRENT_USER window. Browse to
this key: Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows. Edit
the value named "load."

G. Files Available on the CD

Many files are available on your BC5 CD which are not installed
on your machine's hard drive to save space. Here is a list of
the kinds of files that you can find:

Example EXE files,

and support files In \bc5\examples subdirectories

CodeGuard versions
of libraries In \bc5\lib\cg

Debug versions
of libraries In \bc5\lib

Runtime library source In \bc5\source\rtl

RTL startup code In \bc5\lib\startup

MFC library source In \bc5\source\mfc

H. Installation of Help Files

If you do install Borland C++ 5.02 over an existing
5.0 installation, you must delete all of the hidden
.GID files in the BC5\HELP directory before using
the online Help system again. Otherwise, you will see
a gray dialog with an OK and Cancel button and no error
message when you try to use Help.

If you uninstall Borland C++ 5.0, then install 5.02 to

a different directory, you must manually delete all
entries in the WINHELP.INI file in the WINDOWS
directory that refer to the old BC5\HELP directory.
Otherwise, the effect is the same as above.

SECTION 2. Changing Your System Configuration
Although Windows 95 and Windows NT are much more stable
than Windows 3.1, it is still recommended that you change
the configuration of your system if you encounter problems
when installing new software. Each operating system has
its own method, as follows.

A. "Clean Boot" under Windows 95

Under Windows 95, the method of obtaining a "clean boot"
is through the use of Safe Mode, a boot option provided by
Microsoft to aid Windows 95 users.

1. Shut down the machine and reboot it.

2. Before the Windows 95 splash screen appears, press and hold
down F8.
3. Select Safe Mode from the menu and press Enter.
You are now running under Windows 95 Safe Mode.
Windows 95 will inform you that you are running in a
special diagnostic mode with a window. Click 'OK'
and you will be able to continue your work.

Note: Windows 95 will not recognize most CD-ROM drives

in Safe Mode. If this is the case for your machine,
you'll need to copy the files from the SETUP
directory and the Setup.exe on the CD onto your hard
drive and install from there.

B. "Clean Boot" under Windows NT

To perform a "clean boot" on an NT machine:
1. Shut down the machine and reboot it.
2. When the OS choice menu appears, select number 2,
Windows NT Workstation <version #> [VGA mode].
Windows NT will then boot itself in a clean mode.

SECTION 3. Troubleshooting Installation Error Messages

A. Startup Error Messages

1. "Unable to open install configuration file."

Problem: SETUP.CFG is not present in the same

directory as SETUP.EXE.

Solution: Move SETUP.CFG to the directory that SETUP.EXE

is in.

2. "Corrupt install configuration file. Click OK to


Problem: SETUP.CFG does not have the correct format.

Solution: The configuration file for the setup

is corrupt. Contact the disk replacement phone
number listed at the end of this document to obtain
a new disk.
3. "Unable to load string resource (#)."

Problem: A string resource needed by the installation

program cannot be found.

Solution: If this error occurs, contact the installation

support line number listed at the end of this document.

4. "Cannot execute SETUP.EXE (or one of its components).

Check to ensure that all required components
(INSTXTRA.PAK) are available."

Problem: The installation program cannot execute all or

part of the SETUP.

Solution: Make sure INSTXTRA.PAK is located in the same

subdirectory as SETUP.EXE.

5. "Cannot execute SETUP.EXE (or one of its components).

Check to ensure that all required components (SETUP.CFG)
are available."

Problem: The installation program cannot execute all

or part of the SETUP.

Solution: Make sure SETUP.CFG is located in the same

subdirectory as SETUP.EXE and is getting copied to the
TEMP directory correctly.

6. "Internal Error: -69. Unable to start installation."

Problem: Unable to start main installation component.

This occurs when Windows fails to launch instrun.exe.
This could be because:
* The system is out of memory or resources.
* The specified file (instrun.exe, in this case)
was not found.
* The specified path (usually %TEMP%) was not
* The .exe file is invalid (non-Win32 .exe or
an error in the .exe image).

Solution: Ensure that all of the above conditions have

been met.

7. "Unable to locate USER.DLL." or

"Unable to locate comctl32.dll"

Problem: You are trying to install Borland C++ 5.02

under a 16-bit version of Windows (Windows 3.x).

Solution: Do NOT install this product under a 16 bit

version of Windows. This product will not install or run
under 16 bit Windows. You MUST install this product under
a 32-bit version of Windows, such as Windows 95 or
Windows NT 4.0.

B. Decompression Error Messages

1. "Error during unpacking <name of .pak file>."

Problem (possibilities):
* The .pak file referenced in the error
message contains one or more files that already
exist on the system. These files are most
likely write protected, or the directory they
reside in is write protected, or the files
are in use by a currently running program.
* The .pak file is corrupted on the CD or
* The installation engine is having difficulty
with the synchronization of the CD drive and
the rest of the machine.

* Remove the write protection and then try
continuing with the installation.
* Check the CD or diskette for any bad sectors,
and call the disk replacement phone number listed
at the end of this document if necessary.
* Attempt a hard drive installation as specified
in SECTION 1. Installation Notes.
* Close applications running in the background.
* Move the file(s) contained in that .pak file
out of the directory they are currently resident
in and into another, temporary directory.

2. "Archive file <name of file> contains a file that

cannot be unpacked."

Problem: The installation engine cannot unpack one of

the files contained within the .pak file referenced in
the error message.

* Check the disk for bad sectors and call the disk
replacement phone number listed at the end of this
* Call the installation support number listed at the
end of this document for information about
attempting a manual installation of Borland C++ 5.02.

3. "Archive file <name of file> is corrupted and

cannot be unpacked."

Problem: The .pak file is either corrupted on the CD

or it is getting corrupted in the copying process.

* Check the CD to ensure that the .pak file there
is not corrupted. If the CD has a bad sector or
track, call the disk replacement phone number
provided at the end of this document.
* If the CD is not damaged, attempt a hard drive
installation or attempt to slow the machine
down if it is encountering speed synchronization
problems with the hardware.
4. "Unable to write to destination file (disk full?)
<name of file>."

Problem: The hard disk already contains a

write-protected copy of the file.

Solution: Remove the write protection and

continue with the install.

5. "386 or better required to expand archive

<name of file>."

Problem: Your microprocessor is running too fast.

Solution: Try slowing down your system by taking

your machine out of turbo mode and disabling any
software that speeds your machine up, such as
SmartDrive. If necessary, you can also disable
BIOS caching and shadow RAM.

SECTION 4. Registry Changes

The registry under Windows 95 and Windows NT is the

file where information concerning all software added to the
system is logged and kept for reference. You can access the
registry by using the registry editor (regedit or regedt32
under Windows NT) to view and change the registry if necessary.
(There is almost never a reason to do this manually.) The
following is a list of changes made to the registry when
Borland C++ 5.02 is installed.

A. Key Names and Values

Key Name: SOFTWARE\Borland\Borland C++\5.0
Class Name: <no class>

Value 0
Name: BCRoot Path
Data: c:\BC5

Value 1
Name: BGI Path
Data: c:\BC5\BGI

Value 2
Name: Class Library Source Path

Value 3
Name: Examples Path

Value 4
Name: Include Path
Data: c:\BC5\INCLUDE
Value 5
Name: Lib Path
Data: c:\BC5\LIB

Value 6
Name: Local BCRoot Path
Data: c:\BC5\BIN

Value 7
Name: Local Configuration Path
Data: c:\BC5\BIN

Value 8
Name: Local Help Path
Data: c:\BC5\HELP

Value 9
Name: OCF Source Path

Value 10
Name: OWL Source Path

Value 11
Name: VDBT Source Path

This assumes that you installed to your c:\ drive. If you

installed to a different drive, then change the drive letter

Values 6 and 8 are only created when a CD Only installation

or a Network installation (by an End User as opposed to an
Administrator) is performed.

B. File Extension Associations

These are the file extension associations kept in the
registry under HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.c = "cfile"
\.cpp = "cppfile"
\.h = "CHeaderFile"
\.hpp = "CHeaderFile"
\.ide = "idefile"
\.rc = "rcfile"
\.res = "resfile"
\.spp = "sppfile"

\.Default\.Default\Software\Borland\Borland C++\5.0

Software\Borland\Borland C++\5.0
.Default\Software\Borland\Borland C++\5.0
Software\Borland\Borland C++\5.0
Software\Borland\Database Engine

Under Windows NT 4.0

Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\BCW.EXE

Under Windows NT 3.51

Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\App Paths\BCW.EXE

Under Windows 95
Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\BCW.EXE

SECTION 5. Other Ways to Get Help

A. How to Get Good Phone Support

* Be prepared to go through the Borland phone tree.
* Have your name, PIN #, product, and version number
ready. This will speed the pace of your call.
* Be sure to have read all the relevant documentation.
Often you can avoid a long-distance or toll
call by searching through the documentation.
* Be prepared to describe in detail exactly what you
have done so far while working on the problem.
* If you've already talked to an engineer, be able
to describe what you did while working with that engineer.
* Please be patient. We try to answer all customer
questions as thoroughly as possible.

B. Relevant Telephone Numbers

Main Switchboard
(408) 431-1000

C++ Installation Support

(408) 461-9133

C++ Advisor Lines ($2.95/minute, first minute free)

1-800-368-3366 (charged to a credit card)

1-800-782-5558 (charged to a credit card)

TECHFAX line for receiving technical information documents:


Product Order Desk


Customer Service and Disk Replacement

(510) 354-3828

Telephone Product Registration


C. Online services
You can find support and information online at the following

INTERNET: Download FTP Site

Download Bulletin Board System

(408) 431-5096

World Wide Web:

Borland Home Page

Technical Information Page

C++ Information Page Search Page

Bug Submission/Publication Page

Patches Available Page

GO BORLAND to reach all Borland pages
GO BCPP for Language and Tools issues
GO BCPPLIB for library-specific issues

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