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CS 205 Introduction to Discrete Structures I Syllabus

Summer 2019 Page 1

Instructor: Antonio Miranda

Hill 363
Phone 57477
Office hours: Tuesday 4:30pm - 5:30pm
Thursday 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Topics: Basic set notation, propositional logic, truth tables, boolean circuits, first-order logic, predicates, quantifiers,
mathematical induction, program correctness, trees, grammars, relations, closure of relations, orders, equivalence
relations, functions, finite state machines.

Description: To introduce the student to the mathematical tools of logic and induction, and to the basic definitions
and theorems concerning relations, functions, and sets. Later courses in the computer science curriculum build on
the mathematical foundations covered here. Particular emphasis is placed on inductive definitions and proofs, with
application to problems in computer science.

Text: Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen (custom edition for Rutgers University)


Assignments 30%
In class participation 10%
2 Midterm exams 40%
Final exam 20%

Class Policy:

• Attendance. Attendance is required. The instructor assumes that all students have knowledge of every
announcement made during class time.
• Regrading. To report possible grading errors, attach a page describing the alleged error to the corresponding
exam, homework, or project and submit it to the instructor or TA no later than one week after the date when
the test, homework or project was returned graded. An answer to a grade appeal may not be available until
the end of the semester, so make copies of the materials given back for review. One week after the exam,
homework or project was returned graded to the class, the grade becomes permanent and cannot be changed.
The grade of the final exam becomes permanent one week after it is posted on Sakai.
• Homeworks. Homeworks will be posted on Sakai. Late homeworks (less than 3 days) will still be accepted
but with a 30% penalty even if they are 1 minute late. After 3 days late homeworks will NOT be accepted.
Partially completed homeworks will receive partial credit.
• Exams. The exams will include material from:
– lectures
– homeworks
– class participation
The only acceptable reason for not attending an exam is a major (documented) medical emergency. NO
make-ups will be given in any other case.
A list of specific topics will be posted before each exam, to help you prepare.

CS 205 Introduction to Discrete Structures I Syllabus
Summer 2019 Page 2

Course Outline:

introduction and propositional logic

logic circuits
propositional equivalences
predicates and quantifiers
proof methods
mathematical induction
program correctness
equivalence relations and order (9.5,9.6)
infinite sets
formal languages and grammars
deterministic finite automata
nondeterministic finite automata
equivalence of DFA and NFA
non regular languages and Turing Machines
The Halting problem, Church Turing Thesis

Note: Adjustments to this schedule will be made as necessary.

Important Dates:
Exam 1 July 9, 2019
Exam 2 July 25, 2019
Final Exam August 13, 2019

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