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How do we protect people, plants and animals from to much heat of the sun?

Whether you live in a spot that's currently a winter wonderland, or a city with constantly sunny skies,
one thing is clear: When the sun is shining, you want to get outside.

But before heading out to enjoy the sunshine and heat, it's important to take certain precautions to
protect yourself.

To stay safe in the sun and heat this spring, summer and beyond, Live Science pulled together the best
advice and most relevant stories to help you enjoy all your time outdoors safely.

Sunburns: What to Know

The risks of getting too much sun are as clear as day. The sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays not only damage
skin cells and cause sunburns, but they also are a proven human carcinogen, meaning they cause cancer,
according to the World Health Organization. Indeed, the vast majority of cancer cases come from
exposure to UV rays,

Sunscreen 101

When it comes to sun safety, sunscreen is one of your most important lines of defense. But the labeling
on sunscreen bottles has changed in recent years, so it's important to make sure your sunscreen
knowledge is up-to-date before slathering your skin with lotion. For example, grabbing the first bottle
you find in your cabinet may not provide the best protection, as sunscreens do expire. And the language
on the labels does matter, so make sure you know what to look for to ensure you stay safe in the sun.

It's not just sunscreen…

Although sunscreen is essential for blocking the sun's harmful rays, it's not the only way
to boost your protection. Your clothes and sunglasses can also help keep you safe from
the sun. And simple steps like avoiding the sun during the middle of the day are
beneficial as well.

But the sun isn't all bad…

When it comes to the sun, it can be difficult to balance the good and the bad. But there
are health benefits associated with the sun's rays — indeed, completely avoiding the
sun at all costs can be harmful. Sunlight is the best source of vitamin D, and it's difficult
to get enough of this vitamin through food sources alone. Vitamin D is produced when
UV rays hit the skin, causing a chemical reaction. Here's more on how sunlight may be
good for your health.

Protecting yourself from the heat

Staying cool and hydrated is essential for protecting yourself against the dangers of
heat. Here are Live Science's best tips to beat the summer heat and enjoy your time
outside when the weather is hot.

Because we’re born with the only auditory system we get in a lifetime, it’s up to us to
protect our ears. In rare cases, hearing loss is a result of a sudden, traumatic event.
More often, hearing loss occurs quite naturally along with the normal aging process.
While there are a few exceptions to the rule, most hearing loss occurs very gradually
over time and is irreversible. There are scenarios, however, which speed up this
normal aging process of our auditory system with the repeated exposure to
aggressive sounds over the course of a long time that results in an accelerated or
early hearing loss.

For this reason, it is our responsibility to ensure that our hearing is considered in the
situations we find ourselves in most often. Particularly in our homes and
neighborhoods, which are places generally considered to be restful retreats.

The long-term effects of dangerous noise levels

A few rare instances of exposure to dangerous noise in a lifetime can be either
simply mentally stressful and in some cases, a little exciting. Consider the thrill of
booming fireworks or standing close to the stage as your favorite band plays.
However, repeated exposure to such loud noise can cause irreparable harm to our
delicate auditory systems.

If you follow your favorite rock band around for a year and continuously place
yourself close to the speakers, you’ll end up with more than a great story to tell the
grandkids. Noise induced hearing loss often occurs gradually over time, so repeated
exposure to such noises is insidious. Eventually, you will lose the ability to hear high
frequency sounds. Voices in conversation will appear distorted. Folks with mild to
moderate hearing loss can find listening to become so effortful that they avoid
conversation and socialization. This damages interpersonal relationships and might
lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation and depression.
Manage your noise environments
While you might think a certain degree of hearing loss is a small price to pay for an
adventure, consider the noise environments you are unthinkingly subjecting yourself
to each and every day. It is human nature to adapt to our environments, and what
might have seemed unbearably loud at first eventually becomes part of the accepted

If you live in a bustling city, this might mean that you’ve absorbed loud traffic noises
into your everyday life. If you live in a more rural area, you might have become so
accustomed to the heavy train traffic that you are able to tune out their sound. Take
some time over the next week or so to really pay attention to the loudness in your
everyday life. If these noises seem to be bothersome or potentially dangerous now
that you’ve isolated them by paying attention, there are a few steps you can take to
mitigate any long-lasting effects on your hearing.

Take it to the top

Many state and local municipalities have laws in place to protect the sound levels of
their residents. If noise restrictions are not being enforced, a conversation with your
local government or representatives might be enough to have quiet hours resumed.

Good fences make good neighbors

If you can’t change the source of the offending noise, there are ways you can
insulate your individual dwelling space. A simple fence might be enough of a barrier
between you and the problematic sounds. Going an extra step and planting
additional vegetation creates yet another barrier through which this sound must
pass before it reaches inside and around your home. It also gives you the added
benefit of improving the landscape along with the soundscape!

Get into the nooks and crannies

Making sure that your home’s windows and doors are properly insulated will
increase your sound protection and reduce your heating and cooling bills. How’s that
for a win-win? You can also use decorative elements to soften the harshness of
sound in your home environment. Carpets or carpeting as well as curtains or drapes
do much to absorb sound and are great investments in softening the noise levels
within your home.

A quiet retreat does as much to prevent unnecessary hearing damage as it serves as

a calming space to de-stress from the pressures of everyday life. Any investment
made, including both time and money, in shoring up such a safe space for yourself is
sure to pay a return many times over!

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