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Name : Fitri Maharani

Class : X MIPA 3

“Our challange against hoax, hate speech, and social media abuse”

Bismillahirrahmanirrahim ....
The Honorable Mr Parmin SP. d MM, as a headmaster
Mr Arpani M. Pd as our teacher
And aslo the judgemen

Ladies and Gentleman

Asslaamu ‘alaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarha katuh....

First of all I want to say ‘thank you so much’ to our teacher Mr. Arpani who has given me an
opportunity to stand in front of you all, to deliver a speech about
“Our challange against hoax, hate speech, and social media abuse”

In the era modern, we cannot deny that globalisation developments are rampant, including in
the field of technology. Technology is our friend, it can't be denied, harshly can even be
called ‘dependency’. Social media as a tangible proof of technological development. Social
media is also widely used by parties who are not responsible for the interests and benefits of
certain parties which cause loss or damage to other parties. There are still many challenges of
the times that we must face Surfing in cyberspace is now a very common thing for most

When opening the gate to cyberspace, there is one thing that must be in our minds. That is,
not everything you read on the internet is true. The reason is quite simple, there is so much
false information or news scattered or hoaxes.
Be wise is the one and only secret recipe to against hoax, Because what we are going to share
will become a consumption for many people of all ages and circles, it would be better if we
rethink what we share. However, it seems not uncommon for social media users to pay less
attention to ethics when sharing on social media.

Social media sometimes becomes a place to swear, be angry, swear, and some even share
pictures that are not supposed to be displayed in the public. The abuse of social media that we
often encounter may be indecent photos or videos that contain pornographic elements shared
by someone who is not responsible, spreading photos and videos of accident victims, cursing
with harsh and angry words, gambling and betting online, bullying on social media, and

Aren’t they sound cruel?

Viewed from various points of view, hoax news or hoax news is something that violates the
norm and violates ethics. We need more intensive socialization to regarding the ITE Law so
that people are more aware of their rights and obligations as well as know the signs in
interacting in cyberspace and then filter before sharing. Social media users must realize the
importance of checking and re-checking before retweeting, RePost or otherwise.
Finally, once again be wise when you run into media social, Back again to the user's own
positive or negative effects of the internet, building or damaging it depends on the user. Let's
use social media wisely.

Maybe that all, i can tell you about. I apologize if there are some mistakes. And thank you for
your attention.

Wassalamu ‘alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh ....

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