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IJLXXX10.1177/1534734614544523The International Journal of Lower Extremity WoundsAgrawal et al

Original Review
The International Journal of Lower

Role of Polymeric Biomaterials as Wound

Extremity Wounds
2014, Vol. 13(3) 180­–190
© The Author(s) 2014
Healing Agents Reprints and permissions:
DOI: 10.1177/1534734614544523

Priyanka Agrawal, MSc1, Sandeep Soni, MSc1, Gaurav Mittal, PhD1,

and Aseem Bhatnagar, MD, PhD1

In uncontrolled hemorrhage, the main cause of death on the battlefield and in accidents, half of the deaths are caused by
severe blood loss. Polymeric biomaterials have great potential in the control of severe hemorrhage from trauma, which
is the second leading cause of death in the civilian community following central nervous system injuries. The intent of this
article is to provide a review on currently available biopolymers used as wound dressing agents and to describe their best
use as it relates to the condition and type of the wound (acute, chronic, superficial, and full thickness) and the phases
of the wound healing process. These biopolymers are beneficial in tissue engineering as scaffolds, hydrogels, and films.
Different types of wound dressings based on biopolymers are available in the market, with various physical, chemical,
and biological properties. The use of biopolymers as a hemostatic agent depends on its biocompatibility, biodegradability,
nonimmunogenicity, and optimal mechanical property. This review summarizes different biopolymers, their physiological
characters, and their use as wound healing agents along with biomedical applications.

wound healing, wound dressing, polymer

Wounds as scrapes, occur when the skin is rubbed away by

friction against another rough surface (eg, rope burns
Any defect or damage in the skin caused by physical or and skinned knees). (b) Avulsions include removal of
thermal factors or damage caused by an infectious disease an entire structure or a part of it, such as the loss of a
as a result of the presence of an underlying medical or phys- permanent tooth or a ear lobe—eg, wounds caused by
iological condition is referred to as a wound. According to animal bites. (c) Contusions, also known as bruises,
the Wound Healing Society, a wound is the result of disrup- are the result of a trauma that causes an internal injury
tion of normal anatomical structure and function.1 Wounds without breaking the skin. Blows to the chest, abdo-
are generally classified as wounds without tissue loss (eg, in men, and head with a blunt instrument (eg, a football
surgery) and wounds with tissue loss (which includes burn or a fist) can cause contusions. (d) Crush wounds
wounds, wounds caused by trauma, diabetic ulcers, and iat- occur when a heavy object falls onto a person, split-
rogenic wounds such as skin graft donor sites and dermal ting the skin and crushing underlying internal tissues.
abrasions). (e) Cuts include wounds made with a sharp instrument
On the basis of the nature of the wound repair process, such as knives. They can be small (eg, a paper cut) or
wounds can be classified as follows: significant (eg, a surgical incision). (f) Fish hook
wound is an injury caused by a fish hook, which is
1. Acute wounds: These wounds are commonly tissue embedded in soft tissue. (g) Incised wounds involve
injuries that completely heal within a limited time any sharp cut in which the tissues are not severed. (h)
period—usually 8 to 12 weeks.2 These wounds are Lacerations, also known as tears, are separating
mainly caused by mechanical injuries, which are
caused by external physical factors such as abrasions
as a result of frictional contact between the skin and 1
Defence Research and Development Organization (DRDO), Delhi, India
rough surfaces or gun shots and during surgery. They
Corresponding Author:
also include burns and chemical injuries that occur as
Aseem Bhatnagar, Department of Nuclear Medicine, Institute of Nuclear
a result of radiation and corrosive chemicals. Medicine and Allied Sciences, Defence Research and Development
Generally, acute wounds can be classified into one of Organization, Brig. SK Mazumdar Road, Delhi 110054, India.
the following 8 categories: (a) Abrasions, also known Email:
Agrawal et al 181

Table 1.  Classification of Wounds Based on Appearance.8

Wound Type Appearance Stages of Wound Healing Affected

Necrotic It is black or olive green in color because of Wounds such as pressure sores will usually split apart
accumulation of dead tissues spontaneously from the healthy tissue beneath because
of autolysis; this presumably involves macrophage
activity and the action of proteolytic enzymes, which act
at the border between the necrotic and healthy tissue. A
dry environment prevents the autolytic and proteolytic
actions of macrophages and enzymes
Sloughy Fluid, wet, wobbly, and gristly rehydrated Associated with the production of excess exudates.
necrotic tissue that is typically yellow in Slough leads to wounds getting caught in the late
color inflammatory stage of the wound healing process, leading
to delayed wound healing
Granulating Involves the production of excessive Proliferative phase
exudates with more granulation tissue;
generally red or deep pink in color
Epithelializing Involves formation of new epidermis; it is Involves both migratory and proliferative phases
mainly pink in color
Infected and malodorous Involves pus formation, inflammation, It involves delayed collagen synthesis, inflammation, and
infection with anaerobic bacteria, and infection, which prolongs the inflammatory phase,
unpleasant odor leading to delayed wound healing

wounds that produce ragged edges. They are produced On the basis of appearance, there are 5 categories, and
by a tremendous force against the body, either from an these are given in Table 1.
internal source, such as in childbirth, or from an exter-
nal source, such as a punch.
Wound Healing Process
2. Chronic wounds: Chronic wounds are the tissue
injuries that heal slowly, do not have any time limi- Wound healing is a specific biological process related to the
tation for healing, and often reoccur.3 Delayed heal- general phenomenon of growth and tissue regeneration.
ing in these wounds is a result of different underlying Wound healing progresses through a series of interdepen-
physiological conditions, such as diabetes, constant dent and overlapping stages in which a variety of cellular
infections, and reduced primary treatment factors.4 and matrix components act together to reestablish the integ-
Production of excessive exudates is the key feature rity of damaged tissue and to replace lost tissue.9,10 In normal
of chronic wounds, which causes maceration of skin, the epidermis and dermis exist in a steady-state equilib-
healthy skin tissue around the wound5 and inhibits rium, forming a protective barrier against the external envi-
wound healing. Excessive exudates reduce mobility ronment. Once the protective barrier is broken, the normal
of lymphocytes at the wound site and cause delayed process of wound healing is immediately set in motion.
healing. It results in a disruption of the sequence of Blood clotting is an important mechanism to help the
events during the wound healing process. Chronic body to repair injured blood vessels. Blood consists of red
wounds include pressure sores and traumatic ulcers. blood cells containing hemoglobin that carry oxygen to cells
and remove carbon dioxide (the waste product of metabo-
On the basis of skin layers and area, wounds can be clas- lism); white blood cells, which fight infection; platelets that
sified as follows: are part of the clotting process of the body; and blood plasma,
which contains fluid, chemicals, and proteins that are impor-
1. Superficial wounds: The injury6,7 only affects the tant for body functions. Complex mechanisms exist in the
epidermal skin surface. bloodstream to form clots where they are needed. If the lining
2. Partial thickness wounds: The injury involves both of the blood vessels becomes damaged, platelets are recruited
the epidermis and the inner dermal layers, including to the injured area to form an initial plug. These activated
the blood vessels, sweat glands, and hair follicles. platelets release chemicals that start the clotting cascade,
3. Full thickness wounds: They occur when the under- using a series of clotting factors produced by the body.
lying subcutaneous tissues are damaged in addition Ultimately, fibrin is formed, the protein that cross-links with
to the epidermis and dermal layers. itself to form a mesh that makes up the final blood clot.
182 The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 13(3)

Table 2.  Desirable Characteristics of an Ideal Wound Dressing.17,18

Desirable Characteristics Clinical Significance to Wound Healing

Provides cleansing of wound To increase the migration of leucocytes into the wound bed and activate them to
release enzymes to kill foreign particles
Provides a moist wound environment Wound healing takes place faster in moist environment. The beneficial effects of a
moist versus a dry wound environment include: prevention of tissue dehydration
and cell death, accelerated angiogenesis, increased breakdown of dead tissue and
potentiating the interaction of growth factors with their target cells
Removes excess wound exudates in Wound exudates contains tissue-degrading enzymes that block the proliferation of
chronic wounds cells and degrade ECM components and growth factors responsible for wound
healing, thus causing delayed wound healing
Supports oxygen permeability or gaseous High levels of tissue oxygen stimulate epithelialization and activation of fibroblast
exchange cells, whereas low tissue oxygen levels stimulate angiogenesis during the healing
Provides protection against microbial Microbial infection prolongs the inflammatory phase of wound healing and creates an
infection unpleasant odor
Maintains wound temperature Optimum tissue temperature improves blood flow to the wound bed and increases
the migration of cells
Is cost-effective, cosmetically acceptable, Dressing should be made on the basis of cost-benefit ratio
biocompatible, and elastic

Abbreviation: ECM, extracellular matric.

The classic model of wound healing has been described by contract themselves using a mechanism similar to that in
Schultz11 and involves 5 overlapping stages that involve com- smooth muscle cells. When the function of the cell is com-
plex biochemical and cellular processes. These are described pleted, unneeded cells undergo apoptosis. The final phase is
as hemostasis, inflammation, migration, proliferation, and the remodeling or maturation phase in which the collagen is
maturation or remodeling phases. On injury to the skin, a set synthesized, degraded, and reorganized.14 Collagen is ini-
of complex biochemical events takes place in a closely orches- tially deposited in an irregular way, after which the indi-
trated cascade to repair the damage. Within minutes postin- vidual collagen fibrils are reorganized in bundles regularly
jury, platelets (thrombocytes) aggregate at the injury site to aligned and orientated along stress lines.15
form a fibrin clot. This clot acts to control active bleeding
(hemostasis). Hemostasis, therefore, plays a protective role as
Wound Dressing
well as contributing to successful wound healing.12 Clots are
primarily composed of a fibrin mesh and aggregated platelets A wound dressing includes a first layer located adjacent to
along with embedded blood cells.13 In the inflammatory the wound and comprises a material that should be bioab-
phase, bacteria and debris are phagocytosed and removed, and sorbable, porous, and adapted to serve as a scaffold for cell
factors are released that cause the migration and division of attachment and proliferation; the second layer, which is in
cells involved in the proliferative phase. contact with the first layer, comprises an absorbent and gel-
The proliferative phase is characterized by angiogenesis, forming material adapted for serving as a barrier to cell
collagen deposition, granulating tissue formation, epitheli- adhesion and penetration.16 The desirable characteristics of
alization, and wound contraction. In this phase, granulating an ideal wound dressing are mentioned in Table 2.
tissue is formed by the in-growth of capillaries and lym-
phatic vessels into the wound, and collagen is synthesized
Classification of Wound Dressings
by fibroblasts, giving the skin strength and form. In angio-
genesis, new blood vessels are formed by vascular endothe- On the basis of nature of action, wound dressing products
lial cells. In fibroplasia and granulating tissue formation, are generally classified as follows: (a) passive products,
fibroblasts grow and form a new, provisional extracellular which include traditional dressings like gauze and tulle
matrix (ECM) by excreting collagen and fibronectin. dressings; (b) interactive products, which include polymeric
Concurrently, reepithelialization of the epidermis occurs, in films and forms, which are mostly transparent, allow per-
which epithelial cells proliferate and “crawl” atop the meation of water vapor and oxygen, but prevent microbial
wound bed, providing cover for the new tissue. During con- infection; these films are mainly used for wounds with low
traction, the wound is made smaller by the action of myofi- exudates; (c) bioactive products, which are constructed
broblasts, which establish a grip on the wound edges and from material having endogenous activity; these materials
Agrawal et al 183

Table 3.  Different Types of Materials for Hemorrhage Control.25-30

Material Type/Form Examples Advantages

Biopolymers Chitosan, collagen, and fibrinogen Has gel- and film-forming property, biodegradable, and
Synthetic materials Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Cheap and easy to use and has good compatibility
Liquid dressing Tissue sealants Universal for different wound types
Solid dressing Thrombin, fibrinogen, chitosan, alginate, High efficacy, easy to use, uniform application, and
hyaluronic acid short preparation time
Solid powder QuikClot Conformable and uniform application to irregular
bleeding surface with convenient storage

include proteoglycans, collagen, noncollagenous proteins, Natural Polymers. These are the naturally occurring poly-
alginates, and chitosan. mers, which are used as hemostatic agents. These polymers
include proteins (eg, fibrinogen, thrombin, collagen, gela-
tin, and albumin) and polysaccharides (chitosan, chitin,
Polymeric Biomaterials in Wound Healing poly (N-acetyl glucosamine), and cellulose). They have
Biomaterials are nonviable materials used in medical been used in the form of solid sheets/sponges, powders, and
devices, which are anticipated to interact with biological liquids and have received considerable attention for use in
systems. They have great potential to be used in civilian as tissue engineering because of their biocompatibility, biode-
well as in military settings19: for example, they can be used gradability, and hydrophilicity. They are biodegradable and
for hemorrhage control in surgery in hospital settings20 and bioresorbable to support the reconstruction of a new tissue
for combat casualty care on the battlefield.21 Nowadays, without inflammation.31 Different natural polymers, their
these materials have become very popular in health care sources, and their applications are listed in Table 4.32-51
because of their life-saving properties.22 They have been
used to control severe hemorrhage from trauma, which is Synthetic Polymers. These include poly(α-hydroxy acids),
the second leading cause of death in the civilian community especially polylactic acid (PLA), polyglycolic acid (PGA),
following central nervous system injuries23 and the leading polyacrylate,52-55 and their copolymers—poly(ε-caprolactone),
cause of death on the battlefield followed by brain inju- poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA), polypropylene fuma-
ries.24 A large number of materials in different forms have rate, polyorthoesters, polycarbonates, and polyanhydrides.
been studied to control bleeding. The criteria for biomate- Particularly interesting are PLA and PGA polyesters, which
rial selection should be based on probability of success in are extensively used in biodegradable implants and tissue
vivo, stability, and ease of use and manufacturing. The opti- engineering. Hydroxyapatite used in bone repair has been
mal biomaterial should meet the following requirements: used to control bleeding in osteoporotic sternums.56,57 Syn-
biocompatibility with tissues, biodegradability at the ideal thetic polymers also involve polyethylene glycol sealants,58
rate corresponding to the rate of new tissue formation, non- liquid sealants, and dispersions.59
toxicity and nonimmunogenicity, optimal mechanical prop-
erties, and adequate porosity and morphology for
Natural Biopolymers as Hemostatic Agents
transporting of cells, gases, metabolites, nutrients, and sig-
nal molecules both within the biomaterial and between the Chitin and Chitosan.  Chitin is the principal structural com-
biomaterial and the local environment. Table 3 lists the dif- ponent of the exoskeleton of invertebrates, such as crusta-
ferent types of materials and their advantages. ceans and insects. Chitin can be converted into soluble
Biopolymers are polymers that are biodegradable. The derivatives, such as chitosan, caboxymethyl chitin, and gly-
word polymer means many parts (from the Greek poly, cochitin. Chitin-based biopolymers are materials with great
meaning many and meros meaning parts). Polymers are versatility and can be processed into different forms (fibers,
long-chain giant organic molecules assembled from many sponges, membranes, beads, and hydrogels). There are 2
smaller molecules called monomers, which are typically main polysaccharides used in hemorrhage control.60 These
connected by covalent chemical bonds. Biopolymers have a are the natural polymers composed of randomly distributed
long history of use as biomaterials for hemorrhage control. β-(1-4)-linked d-glucosamine (deacetylated unit) and
An ideal polymer must have these qualities: good mechani- N-acetyl-d-glucosamine (acetylated unit). Chitosan is pre-
cal properties, should not cause inflammatory response, and pared from deacetylation of chitin by enzymatic or alkaline
should be metabolized and released from the body. hydrolysis. It is soluble in slightly acidic media,61 in which
Biopolymers can be classified into natural and synthetic chitosan obtains a positive charge because of the presence
polymers. of primary amines that bind protons; This is an important
184 The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 13(3)

Table 4.  Natural Polymers and Their Applications.32-51

Natural Polymer Source Properties Application

Starch Plant (eg, corn, rice, potato, and Starch has gel- and film-forming Starch-based scaffolds have
wheat) properties, so it can be used been prepared by different
as hemostatic agent. It can methods32-34 for bone TE
be easily modified either by
cross-linking or oxidized by
different oxidizing agents,
which provides it better
mechanical properties.35,36 It
is enzymatically degraded by
Cellulose Plants materials such as (cotton, Cellulose can be converted into Cellulose and its derivatives are
wood, straw, etc), bacteria different derivatives (carboxy used to prepare scaffolds for
(Acetobacter xylinum) methyl cellulose, cellulose cardiac tissue engineering38,39
nitrate, cellulose acetate,
cellulose xanthate)40
Arabinogalactan Plant (extracted from the This polymer is a highly branched It is used to prepare scaffolds for
(larch gum) western larch Larix occidentalis) polysaccharide that is highly tissue engineering
soluble in water41
Alginate Brown algae (Phaeophyceae, Alginate has good gel-forming It is mainly used as a hemostatic
mainly Laminaria), microbial and film-forming properties. agent in different forms such as
(bacteria, Pseudomonas The size and proportion gels, films, scaffolds, and so on.
mendocina) of the monomeric units of It can also be used as a vehicle
polymer chains determines for foreign cell delivery42
the formation and strength of
gels.43 Calcium alginate is mainly
used in the formation of wound
Agar Red algae: Rhodophyceae Agarose-based gels are produced, Agarose gels and sponges have
(Gelidium and Gracilaria spp) which have the property of been used in engineered
thermal reversibility cartilage formation 44 and nerve
Chitosan Exoskeleton of crustaceans (crab, Chitosan is a bioactive product Chitosan is mainly used as a
crayfish), fungal cell walls soluble in slightly acidic media. hemostatic agent in different
It gradually depolymerizes forms such as gels, films,
to release N-acetyl-b-d- and scaffolds. Chitosan
glucosamine, which initiates scaffolds and tubes can be
fibroblast proliferation and produced by freeze drying and
helps in collagen deposition electrospinning for bone and
during the wound healing cartilage engineering and nerve
process. Its hemostatic regeneration48,49
properties are based on degree
of deacetylation and molecular
Dextran Microbial (bacterium Leuconostoc It is soluble in both water and Scaffolds and porous hydrogels
mesenteroides) organic solvents for TE applications50
Gelatin Bacteria (Sphingomonas elodea) It melts when heated and Gelatin-based gel in tissue
solidifies when cooled again. It engineering51
is soluble in water and forms
a semicolloidal, soft, elastic,
transparent, and flexible gel

property of chitosan that is used in wound healing. Chitosan of platelet and red blood cells to the injured site during the
dissolves when more than 50% of the amino groups are pro- healing process.63 It also helps in vasoconstriction and acti-
tonated,62 so the solubility of chitosan preparations vates blood clotting factors, which are responsible for blood
decreases as the pH of the solution increases above 6.0 to clotting. Chitosan is known to accelerate granulation during
6.5. Chitosan is mainly involved in the rapid mobilization the proliferative stage of wound healing,64 and the effect of
Agrawal et al 185

chitosan on wound healing has already been reviewed.65 In also stimulates platelet adhesion and aggregation and acti-
wounds, when the vessel wall is damaged or ruptured, vation of blood coagulation factors by interacting with an
platelets migrate and adhere to the site of injury to expose activation factor present in blood plasma; it thus leads to
subendothelial tissue, such as collagen, and this is a critical adhesion and activation of thrombocytes at the wound site
step in hemostasis or thrombosis. The initial adhesion can and then forms a stable thrombocyte clot. Moreover, dry
generate intracellular signals responsible for the activation collagen materials are prepared, which physically adsorb
of GPIIb/IIIa, which in turn causes the release of thrombox- blood by trapping blood cells and effectively adhere them to
ane A2, which further promotes the spread of platelets. This the wound site, providing mechanical strength. A commer-
reinforces the stability of adhesion of blood platelets to the cially available product, Colgel, has been developed from
site. Chitosan significantly enhances both platelet adhesion collagen powder, and has been found to be more effective in
and aggregation, thus contributing to wound healing.66 blood-loss reduction in the patients undergoing cardiac
Chitosan also possesses good film-forming properties operations associated with a high risk of blood loss.79 The
and is therefore used in the formulation of gels and coat- major source of collagen used for biomedical applications
ings. Because of its abundance, low cost, and relatively are bovine or porcine skin or bovine or equine Achilles
unusual properties, chitosan and its derivatives have been tendons.
used in a diverse range of medical as well as pharmaceutical
applications. As a wound dressing material, chitosan pos- Gelatin.  It is a protein that is frequently used as a hemostatic
sesses a unique set of advantages: biodegradability to harm- agent. It contains a repeating amino acid sequence of Gly-
less products, nontoxicity, physiological inertness, X-Y, where X and Y are mainly proline and hydroxylpro-
antibacterial properties, biocompatibility, heavy metal ions line.80 It melts when heated and solidifies when cooled
chelation, gel-forming properties, and remarkable affinity again. When it is dissolved in water, it forms a semisolid
to proteins. Chitosan is antimicrobial against a wide range colloidal gel. Most gelatin-based solid dressings have a
of target pathogenic organisms. Both chitosan and chitin are spongy structure.81,82 They are considered as ideal hemo-
used for solid wound dressings, and this is well docu- static materials.83,84 Gelfoam (Upjohn, Kalamazoo, MI) is a
mented.67-69 For example, chitin-chitosan dual-layer materi- good example of gelatin-based solid dressings. Gelatin-
als have been prepared and used as solid wound dressing for based dressings are also available in powder form—for
the treatment of mustard burns. example, SURGIFOAM powder—and can be easily spread
Chitosan provides a non–protein matrix for the 3-dimen- into the contours of the bleeding surface for hemostatic effi-
sional growth of tissues, thus affecting the histoarchitec- cacy.85 It is reported that gelatin stimulates macrophage
tural organization of tissues. It also stimulates macrophage activity and does not cause antigenicity.86 Like fibrin glue,
activity that helps in faster wound healing and scar preven- gelatin has been widely used as a tissue adhesive for wound
tion. Chitosan is a hemostat, which helps in natural blood closure because of its good hemostatic effect.
clotting and blocks nerve endings, reducing pain. Chitosan
gradually depolymerizes to release N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, Hyaluronic Acid.  Hyaluronic acid or Hyaluronan is a poly-
which initiates fibroblast proliferation, helps in collagen saccharide, which is the major part of the ECM in connec-
deposition, and stimulates increased levels of natural hyal- tive tissues. It is an important ECM glycosaminoglycan,
uronic acid (HA) synthesis at the wound site. It allows more composed of d-glucuronic acid and N-acetyl-glucosamine.
oxygen permeability, which prevents oxygen deprivation in It is potentially less antigenic, and this important property
inner tissues, and is also involved in the activation of poly- allows it to be used as a wound sealant. Through many in
morph nuclear neutrophil cells at the wound site. vitro and in vivo studies, it is reported that HA is actively
involved in cell proliferation and differentiation during the
Collagen.  Collagen is the most abundant protein present in healing process.87 A HA-based scaffold has also been pre-
the human body and is the major component of skin and pared, which shows a very high hemostatic effect when
other musculoskeletal tissues. It is a natural biopolymer and compared with other wound dressings. HA scaffolds were
plays a key role in wound dressing.70 There are at least 25 found to be stable cell carriers and have the potential to gen-
types of collagen, out of which types I and III have been erate volume retaining tissue. Because of the high function-
used in severe hemorrhage control. Collagen is composed ality and charge density of HA, it can be cross-linked by a
of 3 polypeptide chains with triple-helical domains. It is one variety of physical and chemical methods. Many deriva-
of the primary initiators of the coagulation process, and its tives of HA have been prepared by modifying its functional
high thrombogenicity has led to its application as a hemo- group, which improves its properties and is mainly respon-
static agent. Collagen has been frequently used in the for- sible for its medical use. HYAFFR11 (Fidia Advanced Bio-
mulation of different solid wound dressings for blood polymers, Abano, Italy) is a derivative of HA that is
clotting.71-78 It is found that collagen causes blood clotting modified by esterification of the carboxylic group of gluc-
through a pathway similar to physiological hemostasis.70 It uronic acid with the benzyl group. This makes it more
186 The International Journal of Lower Extremity Wounds 13(3)

resistant to hyaluronidase activity and also increases the substrates, several wound dressings have been prepared.
hydrophobicity. Stillaert et al88 performed a pilot clinical These dressings show good hemostatic effect in severe
trial, which showed good efficacy of HA-based wound bleeding. A number of commercial products—for example,
dressings. Because HA is produced by cells during early SURGICEL and NU-KNIT—have been developed from
wound healing, this polymer has been extensively investi- oxidized cellulose.107-109 A new process has been developed
gated for wound dressing applications. HA also play a key to produce macroporous cellulose implants.110 In this pro-
role during the angiogenesis phase of wound healing to cess, calcium carbonate powder is used as an inverse matrix
modulate wound site inflammation by acting as a free radi- embedded into cellulose xanthate. After dissolution of the
cal scavenger and is recognized by receptors on a variety of matrix, a porous material was formed. The resulting porous
cells associated with tissue repair. Perng and others demon- material was later oxidized for its hemostatic use.
strated that high-molecular weight HA shows adverse effect
during angiogenesis,89 but short-chain HA with 3 to 10 Fibrinogen and Thrombin. These are the 2 most important
disaccharide units promotes angiogenesis.90,91 It is observed proteins involved in coagulation. Fibrinogen is a large solu-
that the angiogenic effect of short-chain HA is mediated by ble glycoprotein present in blood plasma, which is com-
2 receptors: a receptor for HA-mediated motility (RHAMM) posed of 3 nonidentical polypeptide chains: Aa, Bb, and
and CD44, which are related to endothelial cell prolifera- g.111 Thrombin is a serine protease that catalyzes many reac-
tion and migration during the healing process.92 tions during the blood coagulation process.112 In the pres-
ence of thrombin, fibrinogen converts into fibrin by the
Alginate.  It is another widely used wound dressing biopoly- cleavage of 4 small peptides of fibrinogen molecule into its
mer.93 It is derived from seaweed and composed of either monomers.113 The monomers are then polymerized to form
mannuronic or guluronic acid complexes. The high func- fibrin strands.114 This fibrin is still susceptible to the fibri-
tionality of alginic acid makes it a favorable biopolymeric nolytic enzyme plasmin and requires the action of the
material for use in biomedical applications. The high acid enzyme factor XIIIa to produce insoluble fibrin. This pro-
content allows alginic acid to undergo spontaneous and cess involves the formation of covalent bonds (cross-link-
mild gelling in the presence of divalent cations, such as cal- ing) between the fibrin polymers.115 Fibrin is a biopolymer
cium ions. Alginate has good gel-forming and film-forming similar to collagen that is involved in the natural blood clot-
properties and, thus, can be used as a hemostatic agent.94 ting process. Dry fibrin dressings have been prepared from
Many studies have been performed to evaluate the efficacy different combinations of fibrinogen and thrombin and have
of alginate-based wound dressing.95,96 It is observed that the shown good hemostatic effect in severe bleeding. One of
hemostatic effect of alginate is mainly based on calcium the first products developed from fibrin was a fibrin sealant,
ions because it contains mannuronic or guluronic groups which was used clinically worldwide for hemostasis and
with high calcium content.97 In wound management, several tissue sealing in various surgical procedures. Bioseed is a
wound dressings are commercially available based on fibrin-based product obtained by mixing keratinocytes with
alginic materials.98-101 The gel-forming property of alginate fibrin and is used to treat chronic wounds.
helps in removing the dressing without much trauma and
reduces the pain experienced by the patient during dressing Biopolymer-Based Dressing for
changes.102 It provides a moist environment that leads to
rapid granulation and reepithelialization during wound
Infected Wounds
healing. Calcium alginate is widely used as a hemostatic Microbial contamination and persistent infection are major
agent.103 In a clinical study with burn patients, calcium algi- causes of delayed wound healing. Most often, wounds are
nate dressings were shown to yield 10 times faster healing contaminated by bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus,
than normal paraffin gauze. The combined use of calcium Escherichia coli, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. An infected
sodium alginate in wound dressing reduces pain and the wound may be characterized by sustained pain, erythema,
problem of sarcoma formation at the site of injury.104 pus formation, bad odor, and so on. Various local and sys-
temic complications also occur because of infected wounds,
Carboxylic-Oxidized Polysaccharides.  These are another group which impair the healing process, resulting in significant
of biopolymers used to prepare wound dressings. They are pain and discomfort for the patient. The infection can also
fabric substrates having carboxyl moieties, which oxidize affect the surrounding tissues and may cause a bacterial
to provide the fabrics with biodegradability and antimicro- skin infection (cellulitis) or an acute or chronic bacterial
bial activity. Carboxylic-oxidized cellulose is mainly used bone infection (osteomyelitis). If the infection spreads to
to prepare fabrics for hemorrhage control. These materials the blood vessels, the bacteria may spread and cause infec-
can be oxidized either by the oxidizing agents such as dini- tion in other areas of the body.
trogentetroxide in a Freon medium105 or nitrogen dioxide in Currently, various biopolymers are commonly used to
a per-fluorocarbon solvent.106 By using these fabric develop absorbent dressings for the treatment of infected
Agrawal et al 187

wounds because of their antimicrobial property. Chitosan great versatility. Different biomaterial-based wound care
materials have been the object of significant attention in the products are recognized, understood, and evaluated. In this
past decade because of their inherent antimicrobial activity era of innovative and growing science, a paradigm shift in
against a broad spectrum of bacteria.116 Wound dressings con- the current approach for wound care will be required by both
taining cationic polysaccharide fibers have been shown to researchers and clinicians; so that more advanced wound
promote wound healing and prevent infection while also healing agents can be designed and developed. There is a
slowing blood loss.117,118 The interaction between the posi- paradigm shift from allopathy to natural/herbal wound care
tively charged chitosan and negatively charged microbial cell agents. Natural products, including plant-derived extracts
wall leads to the leakage of intracellular constituents. Chitosan and naturally derived substances, have been used for a long
penetrates into the nuclei of the microorganisms and inhibits time in wound care. In recent times, the interest of research-
gene expression. Chitosan and polyvinyl amine embedded in ers has inclined toward the use of herbal remedies because
cotton is used as a model system to prepare antimicrobial they are safer and cheaper than standard therapies.123
wound dressings to control persistent infection in nonhealing Many natural products possess antiseptic, astringent,
wounds.119 The resulting antimicrobial biopolymer-based cot- anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and biostimulatory prop-
ton dressing can be used successfully in wounds, burn, and erties that increase the rate of the wound healing process.
ulcer healing. Different biopolymers are being used to develop Collaborative research between allopathic medicine and
polymeric antimicrobial wafers for the management of sup- Ayurveda/naturopathy will provide a better understanding
puration caused by bacterial contamination in infected of how the natural products can be integrated into wound
wounds. These porous, self-adhesive, nonfriable wafers are care. There are many challenges that need to be taken into
produced with sodium alginate, guar gum, xanthan gum, and consideration in developing ideal wound care dressings.
karaya gum. Infected wounds are also cured by the use of anti- The field is wide open for researchers to make some dreams
biotics, whether applied directly to the wound (topical) or come true in real clinical applications.
taken orally (systemic). In the case of severe wound infection,
intravenous antibiotics may be given to combat severe blood Declaration of Conflicting Interests
infection (sepsis). Biopolymers with incorporated antibiotic- The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
based dressings have been shown to control infection and has- respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
ten the healing process. Antimicrobial compounds such as article.
neomycin sulfate, chlorohexidine digluconate, povidone
iodine, and silver sulfadiazine are being incorporated in com- Funding
patible biopolymers and used to develop an ideal dressing for
The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
the treatment of infected wounds. Antimicrobial activity authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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