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Reviewer in Personal Development

 Adolescence is a transitional stage of physical and psychological development that occurs during
the period from puberty to adulthood.
 The word adolescence came from the Latin word “adolescere” which means to grow up.
 Puberty is a part of adolescence that has its onset at the ages of 10-11 for girls and 11-12 for
 According to Hurlock, “adolescence form 13 to 19 years old is considered as a transition from
childhood to adulthood.
 The boy’s testes or gonads rapidly grow bigger for a year during early pubescence.
 Boys come to know that there is production and release of sperm, spermarche, when they
experience nocturnal emission or wet dreams.
 Menarche is the first menstrual period marks a girl’s sexual maturity and is indicative of her
capacity to be pregnant.
 Androgens and estrogens are hormones or chemical substances produced by endocrine glands.
 Estradiol is an estrogen that is strongly associated in the physical development of girls, such as
widening of hips, breast and uterine.
 Testosterone is an androgen that is strongly associated in the physical maturation of boys.
 According to Stice and Shaw (2002), only few adolescents experience body cathexis or
satisfaction with their bodies.
 Prefrontal cortex is the part of our brain that involves in decision making, reasoning, and
controlling one’s emotions.
 Amygdala is the part of our brain that involves in emotions, such as anger, sadness, and
 Peer pressure is the expectation that you comply with the norms of your peer group and it is
commonly experienced.
 Early adolescents ages from 12-13 years old.
 Middle adolescents ages from 14-16 years old.
 Late adolescents ages from 17 years old onwards.
 Digital natives – Teenagers that are tech savvy and capable of easily accessing information.
 Status symbol – Prestige symbols that tell others that the owner is of higher status than other
 Family structure – an equally important factor that contributed to the shaping of the personality
of today’s adolescence.
 The most important building block of responsibility is self esteem.
 Empathy – the ability to put oneself in another’s shoes.
 Responsibility means abiding with what is right and avoiding what is wrong.
 Developing good judgment – your ability to make decisions make you rooted to integrity and
strong personality values.
 Modern technology can distract today’s learners but it can also use for young people to learn
school lessons differently.
 Feiden – studied the building blocks of responsibility.
 Catherine Wood is the founder of Relationships under Construction.
 Pornography can destroy the person and the family, and it can be accessed free on the internet.
 Materialistic is the result of patronizing image rather than working on one’s inner beauty and
holistic value as a person.
 You may feel pressure in everything you do, booth at home and in school because stress is part
of growing up.
 You experience stress when you respond to stressors that you perceive to exceed your
 Stress can motivate you to work hard to get what you want. It can also challenge you to find
creative solutions to your concerns, and this kind of stress is called eustress.
 Distress is a stress that can become so overwhelming and leads to a sense of helplessness and
 Stress can affect your appearance negatively.
 Anxiety may cause you to forget things and see only the negative.
 Having good judgment makes you decide and act wisely upon situations.
 Moodiness, agitation or restlessness are an example of emotional symptoms of being stress.
 Stressful events can turn your life into opportunities; you become more equipped to succeed.
 Efforts are wasted in being a perfectionist.
 Procrastination jeopardizes the quality of your work as well as your capability to meet deadline.
 Problem solving skills involves assessing the situation by describing it and determining when the
problem stated.
 Parents are important persons in your life to whom you can ask for support during difficult
 When you experience rejection, listen to others criticisms, take them all constructively, and
accept your faults.

Factors that contribute to create problems that you need to overcome during adolescence.

 Biological
 Psychological
 Social

Social factors that contribute to the emergence of an adolescent

 Family
 Peers
 School
 Socioeconomic status
 Immediate environment

Common pitfalls and challenges that adolescents encounter

 Using and abusing of drugs
 Addicted to computer games
 Running away from home
 Sexually promiscuous
 Teenage pregnant
 Being depressed
 Committing suicide

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