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Eng Assignment Class 9

Assignment No 2

Q1. The following passage have not been edited.There is one error in
each line.Write the incorrect word and the correction :

Dharamshala is the township set to the background of the (a)

Dhauladhar mountains. Pine forests covers the hillsides and (b)
numerous streams that cuts a path from them, allowing for exciting (c)
opportunities for fishing.Here is a hill resort who is (d)
marvelously alive. People enjoy visit this place. (e)

Q2. Rearrange the following jumbled sentences into meaningful sentences.

Write the answers in your sheets against the correct blank numbers:

(a) way/ learn/ the/ English/ to/speaking/best/it/is/by

(b) step/ language /be / step/ can / learnt / by
( c) first / to / communicate / is / the / step /friends / freely / your / with

Q3.Change the following direct speak to reported speech:

a) Surabhi said, ‘ I like to read.’

b) John said,’The sun rises from the east.’
c) The teacher said,’ I will read this book.’
d) The Commander said.’ Line up in five minutes’.
e) The lady said ,’ Please give me a glass of water.’

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