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Golden Roses, Silver Thorns

Sehun is a bound alpha who can't help but take a second look at the King's
new concubine.

I really tried to write smut with the idea that if I do it once, I'd be able to get
over my shame and write another one ╥﹏╥

Unfortunately, this is as close as I got

(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)
Chapter Text

Golden Roses, Silver Thorns

Pairing: SeKai Minor KrisKai

Summary: Sehun is a bound alpha who can't help taking a second
look at the King's new wild omega, after all, it's a bound alpha's duty
to look after the King's concubines while he's away.
Notes: Failed smut, ABO verse, possible soul mate AU, and
WARNING: Graphic depiction of violence ahead, read at your own

Sehun can remember the day that he was captured like it was just yesterday.
He kind of saw it coming, but he was still shocked and unbelievably hurt that
his brother pointed him out and then collected the reward for him when he
was caught, bound and then shipped off to the palace.

The same bastard who ordered his capture and paid for him was sitting right
in the middle of the opulent hall. The tall man had thick blonde hair and his
teeth shined in the low candlelight when he laughed. His fangs gleamed
mockingly at Sehun and if he weren’t currently bound and forced to sit at the
edge of the hall, he’d have punched the smug alpha right in the jaw.
As it was, Yifan was a royal, a King, and he was untouchable to a defanged
slaved alpha like Sehun.

“My king, would you like more wine?” The omega Luhan simpered at the
man, curling up into his side and lifting a graceful goblet of glass and gold to
his alpha’s lips. Luhan was swathed in silk, embroidered elaborately with
beautiful mandalas of wealth and paisley motifs of fertility. The silken pants
he wore were tapered gently to the floor, sweeping away from his feet and
the slit layers gave teasing glimpses of thigh and anklet bound feet. Yifan
obligingly tilted his head back and he expectantly waited for the omega to
pour the wine into his mouth.

‘Tch, lazy expectant bastard can’t even lift his own wine and take a drink!’
Sehun thought spitefully, eyeing the way Yifan's throat bobbed when he
swallowed. Others were obviously eyeing the King's concubine, the little
omega Luhan and his blue silks, the diamond choker at his neck no more than
whips of silver thread and woven jewels. It was near scandalous for an
unmated omega to even think of showing their neck, but Luhan had enough
sway in the court for the lords and ladies to keep their mouths shut in his
presence. That didn’t stop them from whispering whore behind his back,

Yifan finished the entire goblet of wine and once done, he grabbed the glass
and slammed it down on the table with a triumphant shout. “Tonight, my
court, we celebrate the successful downfall of the Kita!” He bellowed, his
alcohol laden voice echoing in the hall.

Many lords and their mates, ladies and their slaves, cheered and the guard
watching Sehun kicked him harshly in his side when he didn’t join in on the
congratulatory shouting.

“Grovel, slave!” The guard whispered vehemently, his booted foot digging
into his side. Sehun snarled at him and he let a low growl rumble in his chest.
“I’m not lowering myself to the mindless puppet standards of this court!” He
replied and the hall fell silent at his words.
Yifan stopped laughing obnoxiously and his face turned cold as he regarded
the Bound Alpha and the troubled guard. “Oh? And what would a slave know
of anything outside of puppetry? You seem to not recall the stings that I have
bound you in, this makes you no better than a puppet and like the rest of my
court, I am your master.”

The tension was evident in the room and Sehun stood to his full height
against the outer edge of the wall, his broad shoulders falling back and his
lips curling in challenge.

“You hold no domain over me, and I ain’t bowing to a toy prince who sits on
the throne while his father’s out and fancies himself a fucking king.”

Yifan’s face darkened and he shoved Luhan away from his side, ignoring the
omega’s alarmed looks and subtle calming touches. “I am King, and no bound
and chained, defanged alpha slave is going to challenge my rule!” He
shouted and he looked even angrier when his eyes flashed red, the wolf
within raising to the unspoken challenge and begging for a fight.

Sehun opened his mouth to say more, but the guard in charge of him saw his
captain shoot him a warning look. So before Sehun could get in another
insult, the guard drew his sword and used the butt of it to practically smash in
the edge of Sehun’s jaw.

Pain blossomed in Sehun’s mind an all he registered before his eyes slipped
closed was Yifan’s smug expression.

Waking up was absolute hell, Sehun’s head was pounding and he groaned
when he shifted in place. The room spun as he sat up and Sehun had to grit
his teeth before he finally cracked his eyes open.

Sunlight streamed in through the barred windows of the dungeon and the
cold stone floor made his joints ache. The scratchy straw strewn on the floor
poked into his skin and he could feel a few errant straws sticking to his arms
and face.

“Me and my big fucking mouth,” He cursed.

He was knocked out and thrown into the dungeon before he could so much as
try and make a leap for Yifan.

‘Hell, for all the trouble it got me, I should have made a pass for the feast
food before I got kicked out of the dining hall.’ Sehun thought, rotating his
head and lifting both his hands to work out a kink in his neck as his stomach
rumbled in hunger. The chains connecting his hands rattled and Sehun didn’t
have to look up to know that he was chained to the stupid hook on the wall
above his head.

Sighing, Sehun used his hands to brush off the straw from his body. He
supposed that after the luxury of not seeing the bastard prince for a few
months, he grew complacent. Luhan was despondent the entire time the
prick was gone, though that didn’t stop him from whining at Sehun until he
gave in finally fucked the concubine through his heat.

It was something that Sehun had to do, but he hated every moment of it.
There were rules to being a Bound Alpha, and the one he hated most was the
fact that he couldn’t fucking cum. It sucked because the omega or the
occasional horny beta would moan and writhe until they got release and he’d
be stuck with a painful knot that couldn’t swell because of the stupid ring he
had to wear. Not like his bed partners ever noticed, the abominable thing had
a fake knot on the base that Sehun wished were hollow so he could at least
find some relief. But over time, it was something that Sehun grew used to,
and the inability to release had made him the most stressed and irritated
alpha in the courts.

The other Bound Alphas would sympathetically pat him on the back when
they passed by, but if felt nothing more than condescending because Sehun
knew they had partners who would slip off their ring from time to time. Yet it
seemed that Yifan hated him more than anything, and aside from forcing him
to deal with his harem of needy omegas, the prince treated him like dirt
beneath his shoe. Therefore, he ordered Sehun to be bound at all times,
forcing him to walk around with a ring and an uncomfortable fake knot on all
the damn time.

Sehun supposed that it was supposed to make him ungraceful and look like
an idiot, but the privileged in the court flocked to his side and wanted to bribe
him for a place in his bed. And despite the pain, Sehun filled his nights with
debauchery to spite Yifan, purposely leaving marks and even scent marking
his catch for the night just to see Yifan’s lip curl in disgust in the morning
when he woke up to a roomful of servants and advisors who positively reeked
of Sehun.

In return, Yifan would throw him into the dungeon, but it wasn’t like Sehun
had a particular attachment to the gilded and decorated room that he was
forced to work in. Besides, Sehun had to live in much worse conditions with
his brother before Yifan brought him here to serve. Sometimes Sehun liked to
delude himself into thinking that the straw mat on the floor was the one in his
old home by the ocean, and when he slept he often dreamed of waking up
alone and free to do as he wishes. Sometimes he also dreamed that he was
fucking his mate and he came in droves.

That thought had Sehun groaning in frustration because his stupid dick
twitched in interest. Those dreams were the best, because his dream mate
was all shy glances and wide dark eyes, plump lips and a cute nose. It also
didn’t help that his dream mate was unbelievably sweet and innocent, so
much so that Sehun brought him to tears in pleasure in his dreams. His mate
was his ideal and Sehun had to resort to images of bronzed skin, plump lips,
and curved supple flesh just to get threw screwing some of the court betas
who didn’t often have enough pheromones just to keep him hard, much less

‘Fuck,’ Sehun cursed, looking down at his lap and noticing that he was now
hard. He was sorely tempted to stroke himself, but the snug ring would just
prevent him from reaching an orgasm. It would be a waste of time, but if he
was turned on anyway, he might as well indulge himself with images of his
dream mate. Closing his eyes, Sehun leaned his head back and recalled his
most recent and vivid dream, it might have also been his favorite so far.

In the dream, Sehun was in a small hut, homey and clean, and everywhere a
sweet tantalizing scent reached his nose, it was like the spice cinnamon
mixed with the taste of sugar and fruit and he always felt relaxed. In this
particular dream, he’d go outside and see the ocean glinting in the sunrise
light and just twenty paces in front of him was his mate. Sehun would say
something in his dream and the omega would turn around with a laugh and a
beautiful smile that made his heart beat faster. Sehun usually wasn’t one for
emotions or sweet words, but something about his dream mate made him
want to write poetry and make a fool out of himself just to hear that laugh.

They’d sit and watch the sun for a while, the omega resting his head on his
shoulder and Sehun would feel…content. Then being the wild and uncultured
alpha he is, he would get horny and jump on his mate out in the open.

He’d take him in front of the ocean with soft sand acting as a pillow. Sweet
moans and little whimpers would fill his ears and Sehun would knot the pretty
thing, coming undone with a name on his lips. Jongin.

Opening his eyes, Sehun felt the last of his memories fade away. He wanted
more than anything to leave the palace and find his dream mate. He wanted
his freedom and he wanted the little hut on the seaside. He also wanted to
enjoy his damn knot.

Footsteps echoed in the hall and Sehun felt like growling when a familiar
scent assaulted his nose. He wanted to be left in peace for once, but then the
prince wouldn’t be himself if he didn’t bother to make Sehun’s life more

“Well, I came here searching for a more obedient and meekly compliant
slave, but I suppose that all you Bound Alphas are incapable of even
something as simple as self-restraint.” Yifan drawled as he stopped in front of
the bars of the dungeon, his eyes showing his disgust and his sleeve held up
to his nose to block out the smell of Sehun’s arousal.

Sehun felt his eyebrow twitch in irritation and he had a few choice words
about Yifan’s own libido, but he held his tongue and settled for growling out
his question. “What the hell do you want you bastard, did you decide to come
and apologize to a lowly slave?”

Yifan growled in response and his eyes flashed red, the dominating aura
expelling off his form and making his little entourage curl up submissively
behind him. “Silence! I owe you no apology!” He shouted angrily. He snapped
his fingers and he turned and harshly glared at a nearby guard. “You, open
the damn cage and place this-” He gestured to Sehun rudely before he turned
back. “-Slave on the post in the courtyard.”

Sehun paled at those words, but he refused to show his fear on his face. Yifan
seemed to be able to sniff it out though, because the man smirked at him
when the guard rushed to open the door. “I came to give you one last chance
to beg for forgiveness, yet it seems that I will have to show you that
punishment begets those who speak out of line.”

Sehun didn’t fight when the guard came in to unhook his chain from the wall,
but he did give the man a swift kick to the groin. The man groaned and fell
over in pain and Sehun smirked in triumph, standing up and jumping at the
bars of the locked dungeon. The bars and the chains rattled from the force he
used to hit the door and Yifan reflexively took a step back.

“I’m not a slave, and I never will be! You should pray to your gods that I don’t
ever break free, little prince.” He threated, his teeth barred in a snarl that
was threatening even with his filed down and capped fangs.

Yifan collected himself and he snapped at the guards standing uselessly at

his side. “Get him out to the courtyard, NOW!”


In hindsight, Sehun kind of wished he wasn’t so rebellious. He never listened

to his beta brother and he often got into fights at the village tavern, even
though his opponents were all grizzled seamen and he was about a foot
shorter than him. Sehun guessed that over time, his brother grew to resent
him because he always had to pay for the damage Sehun caused with
apologies as common as hellos. In fact, an act of rebellion had caught Yifan’s
eyes and made the prince hate him since the moment they met. It also didn’t
help that Sehun antagonized him with insults and blatant disrespect,
something that he still did now that he was a Bound Alpha.

‘Damn, I should have spit on him when I had the chance.’ Sehun thought with
a grimace, shifting as the rough wooden pole scratched his chest and the
unforgiving rope chafed at his restrained wrists. Spitting on Yifan wouldn’t be
as satisfying as punching him, but it would at least make Sehun feel more
accomplished since he was being punished for nothing more than a few
insulting words. ‘Fuck the prince needs to get that damn stick out of his ass.’
“Ready!” The postmaster called and Sehun really wanted to hate the guy, but
he couldn’t really fault him for doing his job really well.

That still didn’t stop Sehun from fucking his mate and marking her before she
went home after washing the palace sheets.

Yifan must have made a signal because Sehun heard the postmaster inhale
and then sharply flick his wrist, sending the barbed cat-o-nine tails crashing
against Sehun’s back.

Sehun gasped, but he quickly shut his mouth and grit his teeth against the
familiar pain. The punishment was just beginning and Sehun never cried or
begged for it to stop, something he was proud of though the scars that
usually remained on his back after made him sick.

“Again.” Yifan called and Sehun didn’t have to see him to know that he was
frustrated by a lack of screaming. The postmaster nodded and the sound of
the whip sailing through the air made Sehun tense in anticipation. The cat-o-
nine tails didn’t disappoint and it cracked as it met Sehun’s skin. He could
already feel the wet drip of blood on his back and he was biting the inside of
his cheek so hard now that he could taste the coppery blood on his tongue.

“Harder!” Yifan called and the postmaster began to sweat nervously, this
time he brought his whole arm back and swung with force. Sehun had to bite
back a whimper as the pain exploding on his bloody back and his tender ribs.
It had him seeing black spots at the corner of his eyes. The jagged pieces on
the tailed whip weren’t for decoration and Sehun really wished he could break
Yifan’s neck for ordering the postmaster use the whip on him rather than the
wickedly fast single whip he usually used.
Soon enough, Yifan growled out at the postmaster to move faster and harder,
but Sehun stayed silent. By now he was sure that his back was raw and
bloody. He was getting delirious with pain by now and it was making him see

Another crack of the whip had Sehun grunting and Yifan huffing in frustration.
Spitefully, Sehun lifted his head and he easily caught sight of the two Yifan’s
sitting to his right with an irritated expression on his face.

Sehun spit at the Prince's feet and he gave him a bloody smile. Yifan yelled
out an order that sounded as if he were submerged in water and Sehun
laughed when the whip met his back, this time the blood arched off him in a
spray and little red droplets dotted Yifan’s face.

The prince merely wiped the blood away with distain clear on his features.
Luhan flinched and he avoided Sehun’s eyes, which the Bound Alpha found
funny because Luhan was usually begging Sehun to fuck him with his doe

Yifan’s face twisted and Sehun felt his chest moving. ‘Oh, I’m laughing,’ He
though idly, his head falling forward limply when the whip cracked again and
he finally lost consciousness in a haze of pain.


The calm ocean waves lapped at the shore peacefully and Sehun sighed in
content. He was relaxing after a long day of fishing and distantly he could
hear someone moving toward him, the sand shifting under small feet. “Hey,
what are you doing out here, alpha?” A playful voice asked and Sehun looked
up to see Jongin leaning over him, a fond smile on his lips and a mischievous
look in his eyes.

“Dinner is ready, don’t you want to enjoy your one good catch?” He asked
and Sehun blinked at him in a daze.

“Hey, I have a good catch every day!” He protested absently, turning back to
watch the sun kiss the surface of the ocean.

Jongin sighed Sehun heard more shifting sand before warm arms wrapped
around his shoulders. Shorter than him when they were standing, Jongin was
a tall as him when he was on his knees and Sehun was sitting.

“What’s wrong, alpha?” Jongin asked and Sehun shivered when the warmth
of his breath brushed his neck, right next to his moon shaped scar.

“Nothing’s wrong….I just feel…Lost?” He hesitantly said.

Jongin shifted behind him and Sehun tensed when something warm and
rounded brushed against his lower back. “Well, even if you get lost and feel
like the tumultuous sea, even if your eyes fill with sadness and you look
through me at times, I’ll stay right here, at your side.” Jongin murmured
against his skin, his lips pressing into Sehun’s mating scar with a light
butterfly kiss. “I know that you won’t tell me all your worries, but please,
don’t feel as if you are alone.”

Sehun turned his head back and he saw Jongin’s worried face, his wide brown
eyes filled with pain for his mate’s sadness. “Silly, who said anything about
feeling lonely?” Sehun asked, leaning forward and bumping his head against
Jongin smiled, but it looked like a grimace and he sighed against Sehun’s lips.
"You know, loneliness loves being lost.”

Sehun stared at Jongin, who met his gaze before he sighed and stood up, his
loose clothing moving with him and Sehun felt paralyzed as he watched him
turn around, walking back to the hut with small cautious steps. He felt
stunned and he found himself following after Jongin, missing his warmth and
his loving eyes. He hated when he was sad, and though he didn’t know what
was wrong with him now, he wanted to comfort Jongin, not make him cry.
Crying wasn’t good for the baby.


Sehun jolted awake and he blinked away the tears that gathered at the
corner of his eyes. Nothing but the soothing scent of lavender reached his
nose and Sehun lifted his head, his arms moving to support him
automatically, however Sehun’s arms trembled and he fell face first into a

Pain radiated from his back and Sehun cursed aloud, finally remembering that
he was injured.

“Fucking prince! I’ll tie him to the post one day and let the whip fall on him
for once!” He shouted, his words muffled by the delicate smelling pillow.

“Tsk, cursing so early in the morning is not good for one’s health.” A calm
voice chided gently and Sehun groaned again, turning his head so that he
wasn’t smothered by the pillow he was using.

“Oh, it’s Yixing, the miracle doctor who can cure any ailment in the royal
family!” Sehun said snidely, the pain in his back making him feel frustrated.
“I’m sure that the King is recovering from his ten year illness with haste with
the Great Miracle Doctor Yixing at his side!”

Yixing smiled at him and Sehun could see his eyebrow twitch. “Well, in the
palace, our reputations tend to precede us.” He replied coolly and Sehun
watched as the doctor strolled into the room and began rifling through the
opulent cabinet set against the wall. “Though your reputation is sullied and
you are known as the wild dog of the courts. A rarity among all the other
docile Bound Alphas.”

Sehun scoffed. “Wild dog, is that the most scathing thing that the court
whores can say about me?” He asked.

Yixing smirked wryly and he adjusted the framed lenses in front of his eyes.
“You are not one to talk, you are a whore in your own right, Sehun.”

Sehun frowned and he turned his head so that he faced the wall. Yixing
chuckled and Sehun heard him gather a few things before he set a chair next
to him. “Aww, are you sulking now?” He asked with amusement lacing his
tone. Sehun disliked the doctor very much, but he hated Yifan more. It was
just annoying to deal with the beta doctor because his naturally neutral
pheromones made him feel relaxed, even though Sehun was sure the bastard
experimented with him while he was sleeping. Yixing also tended to say
things that cut him deep and he always had knowing look in his eyes, like he
knew that what he was saying got to Sehun.

Yixing received a grunt from Sehun as his answer and he laughed, adjusting
the ridiculous contraption on his eyes. “Was that too much? I apologize if I
have offended your delicate sensibilities.”

Sehun turned to face the doctor again and he glared at him. “I’m not
fucking delicate you fake!” He growled.

Yixing ignored him while unwrapping a sheaf of leather, soon revealing a

ceramic pot that was bound with twine. Humming lightly, he untied the
painted pot and he pulled off the lid. The scent of bitter herbs filled the air
and it was so familiar to Sehun by now that he didn’t even blink when the
doctor scooped up a fair amount of the green paste.

“This will sting, but it is infused with enough omega saliva to heal you up by
the end of the day.” Yixing said, repeating the words Sehun had heard nearly
a thousand times by now. By contrast, omegas could heal with their saliva.
Alphas had some venom in their fangs but any omega could negate the effect
with simple lick, it was beyond useful when soldiers injured one another in
savage fights that could end up with multiple alpha bites.

“Get on with it, I’m not some pup you need to comfort Doctor.” Sehun grit out
and Yixing raised a brow at him as he efficiently began spreading the healing
paste over his opened and raw wounds. The doctor must have cleaned him
while he was sleeping and Sehun was glad that he wasn’t awake to feel the
rough cloth or the hot water on his back.

Sehun barely flinched at the small burn of the herbs. In his opinion, nothing
could ever hurt worse than the crack of a whip on bare and bloody skin
already littered with wounds.

“Why are you so stubborn? Surely you must tire of the near routine
punishments.” Yixing broke the silence. “It’d be easier on your body and
you’d have a much more comfortable life if you just listened to the prince and
followed orders.”

Sehun opened his eyes and he glared at Yixing, his lips already curling back
in a snarl that had no effect on the indifferent beta. “I’m not going to act as a
slave, because I’m not one! He’ll never have the satisfaction of me bowing
my head or kissing his feet and groveling to him like every other coward in
this fucking place. He can’t bring me down!”

Yixing blinked at him and the reflection of the glass lenses in front of his eyes
blinded Sehun for a few seconds. “You already are a slave, why fight the
chains already on your wrists, why deny anyone who comes to you for
pleasure, why even bother to fight when life’s comforts depend on your
submission? I’m sure any alpha within the kingdom would kill to take your
place within the courts as a favored Bound Alpha.” As he was speaking, he
finished placing the paste on Sehun’s back and he sat back with his hands
clasped in his lap, his eyes searching Sehun for an explanation.

“Bound Alpha.” Sehun spat darkly. “Do you even understand the meaning of
it? Of course not.” He answered and his eyes became glazed with and anger
and a sadness that Yixing couldn’t help but admire. “A Bound Alpha gives up
his most basic instinct to dominate when the stupid ring is placed on their
body. It’s like a chain or a curse that makes an alpha weak and unable to
claim an omega or beta. Not claiming, not finding release, obeying and
submitting, that’s against everything an alpha is made to be and
I won’t subject myself to that! I’d be no better than the omega whores who
line the streets at night to beg for anyone to spend the night with them for a
few coins. I fuck on my own terms and Yifan would have to kill me before I
ever acted like a submissive fucking Bound Alpha.”

Yixing fixed the lenses on his face and the sound of Sehun’s panting filled the
room, the spittle from his shouting having soaked into his pillow. The smell of
anger was strong even to his own nose and Sehun wondered why Yixing
wasn’t shrinking back in fright.
“Rancor never fixed any situation, though I suppose it is what keeps your
resolve to fight strong.” Yixing said calmly, eyeing Sehun thoughtfully.
“Though such strong feelings can make one reckless and for that, I cannot
help you in this, nor can I use your help without feeling as if you will expose
every secret with one well worded rant.”

Confused, Sehun opened his mouth, “Doctor, what-”

“Yixing! The King requests your presence at his bedside, another fit has
occurred and he won’t accept his medicine unless it comes directly from
you!” A little squire interrupted. The pup was no more than ten years old and
Sehun hated that such youths were born into a subservient station within the

“Very well, I will attend to him now.” Yixing said with a sigh as he gathered up
his stuff and put it away, his hands moving swiftly in practiced movements.
He grabbed a leather bound journal along with an apothecary’s box full of
ceramic pots that smelled foul and unnatural to Sehun.

The pup nodded and beamed when Yixing gave him an indulgent pat on the

“Oh,” The doctor gasped aloud, turning to face Sehun still lying on his
stomach in the medicine room. “Your wounds will heal within the day,
however I strongly advise you to stay in bed and keep your mouth shut.
Angering someone who may attack while you are weak will not benefit either
of us.” He warned with a stern expression.

Sehun mustered the strength to wave him off with a toss of his hands. “Fuck
off.” He said with no real bite in his words. The talk earlier wore him out and
he felt more confused than ever, which is a feat in itself considering the fact
that the doctor spoke in fancy medical terms that Sehun never understood.
With one last look, Yixing left the room and Sehun was left alone with his
thoughts. Yixing was saying something about secrets and had Sehun been
smarter or more in a nosey mood, he’d have pestered the doctor for answers
until he cracked and told him something. It was a long shot because it took
everyone in the palace to learn his birth name after two years, but Sehun was
stubborn and he had nothing but time on his hands. Especially now that he
was too weak to move and actually attend to his duties within the courts.

‘Tch. Those horny bitches can use their fucking hands for once.’ Sheun
thought spitefully, thinking of all the labors of sex. He used to like it and he
was considered something of a rogue in his old village because he jumped on
every woman and boy who gave him more than one appreciative glance. His
brother was sore at him for sleeping with the village’s chief’s daughter, an
omega he was sweet on. Too bad she liked alphas and insisted on doing
inappropriate things within the village temple. Maybe it was her way of
spiting her father for refusing to let her marry. The old man was dead set on
making her a temple maiden but since she lost her innocence no temple
would accept her.

Letting his mind wander to the joys of omegas before he was bound, Sehun
eventually found himself thinking of his dream. Recently they had gotten
more vivid and more detailed aside from fucking freely, and it was leading
Sehun to feel as if they were memories rather than something his idle brain
conjured up.

After all, it wouldn’t make much sense for Sehun to dream of a mate when he
hated all forms of ownership. Being mated would only tie him down and force
him to feel; even the thought of it had Sehun cringing because he couldn’t
deal with his own emotions at times, how was he going to deal with the
emotions of someone who had the power to kill him?
At least that’s what he was led to believe. His brother told him stories of their
parents, a mated alpha and omega who loved each other so much that when
his mother died giving birth to him, Sehun’s father followed soon after. It was
probably meant to be comforting, the story of how their parents love was
strong enough to transcend death, but Sehun found it horrifying. If his mate
died, he’d find another one and never leave his pups to fend for themselves
in a village full of judgmental assholes. Though when he’d said that aloud, his
brother gasped and Sehun got the only whipping he ever received in his life
then. He guessed even betas lost their temper from time to time.
Then again, the Sehun that was in his dream was content with things, he
wasn’t scared of commitment and he even took pride in moments when his
omega marked him with timid little kisses and scratches during sex. Hell it
felt good and sometimes Sehun wanted to find Jongin just to bite him and
claim him. It was a foreign concept to him because the current Sehun hated
any marks and he always took his partners from behind or bound their hands
so that trimmed little claws wouldn’t mark up his scarred back. He also never
kissed anyone here within the five years he’d been in the palace.

‘Aish, I should just never sleep again, the little omega is too much trouble for
a dream fuck.’ Sehun thought with a restless grunt. He raised himself onto his
knees and Sehun gingerly searched for his clothes. Yixing had specifically told
him to stay in bed but Sehun was practically the incarnation of rebellion.

So he moved slowly and pulled a loose fitted shirt over his head. It wasn’t the
soft and silken fabric that the concubines loved to dress their Bound Alphas
in, but it wasn’t near as rough as the cheap wool and linen that Sehun used
to wear back in his village, so it was bearable.

Gingerly Sehun flexed his arms and the skin on his back and shoulders pulled
taught with the movement. It felt like an uncomfortable tugging, but the
wounds didn’t reopen and the green poultice on them didn’t crack even
though it was dry.

Smiling, Sehun quickly stood up and left the medicine room, intent on leaving
and paying the bath house a visit. Maybe if he pulled a cutesy, helpless act
one of the old omegas running the bath house will send a pretty maid to help
wash his back, healing poultice be damned. He didn’t need the assistance of
some faceless omega to heal on his own.

Wow, I didn't realize I cursed this much in the story ⊙﹏⊙

Anyway, I wrote more, but the actual SeKai meeting is still in the
blueprint/outline stage

Once again, comments are welcome!


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