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We need your help to figure out Drop details from Kulve Tarroth!

Please Make sure to use parenthesis to indicate that the element is locked Example: Dragon (270)

Please make sure that the Weapon is not equipped, your skills will affect the numbers
We need your help to figure out Drop details from Kulve Tarroth!

Please Make sure to use parenthesis to indicate that the element is locked Example: Dragon (270)

Please make sure that the Weapon is not equipped, your skills will affect the numbers
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SO CLOSEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
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//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
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//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
Please Make sure to use parenthesis to indicate that the element is locked Example: Dragon (270) //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
WTF M8 //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
Please make sure that the Weapon is not equipped, your skills will affect the numbers
WTF M8!@? //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ BACKUP LINK WTF M8!!! //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ What Happened with all the lists? //(o)(o)\\ YEEE HAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWW //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ ALL I WANTED WAS THIS FUKKIN TEA SHIRT //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ assholes happened //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ LEMME GET SOME OF THAT BBQ BABY //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ AND A CHICKEN POT PIE //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ FUKKIN ASSHOLES WTF //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Owner can do a backup to a safe state and lock the pages till the pc hype dies, although the pc hype will never die //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Someone must burn for this. //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Wow what the heck happened... WTF????????? //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ RIOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT //(o)(o)\\ this is why we cant have good things.... WTF????????WTF?? //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ WE SHALL FORM A REVOLUTION //(o)(o)\\ get a local copy of this my friends //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ TO GET TOT HE BOTTOM OF THIS SHIT //(o)(o)\\ probably an old named version //(o)(o)\\ LEMME GET A LITTLE BIT //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Is the owner able to restore past versions? Then maybe lock it OF THAT GOOD GOOD WATER //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Link works. <- Zelda is a lazy-ass princess //(o)(o)\\ DIHYDROGEN OXIDE //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ VVVVVVVVVVV //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ YEA //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Here's a backup someone made previously that's all locked //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //(o)(o)\\ Where's the link? //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Link Works //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Really thankfull for the link -an innocent pc player //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ Thankfulll not thankfull ↑ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ i guess somebody deleted the link //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ WHAT THE FUXXXXXXXX???????????? //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
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//(o)(o)\\ //(o)(o)\\
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Kinsect Bonus Elderseal Image Rating
Taroth Glaive "Water" 8 620 200 Water (360) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Element ★★★★★ Amazing Raw w/ Great Water Elemental DMG.
Taroth Glaive "Claw" 7 558 180 Fire (90) White 1+ 20% 0-0-0 20 2 Speed ★★★★☆ Compared to Vice, the loss of the 2 slot in exchange for 20 raw and an extra augmentation slot. In other words upgrade since a 2 slot is roughly 10% crit, just like an aug. Also really long White
Taroth Glaive "King" 7 589 190 Fire 210 Blue 3+ 20% 0-0-0 20 2 Sever ★★★★☆ Better element than craftable Rathalos IG
Taroth Glaive "Crusher" 7 558 180 Blast 150 Blue 0% 2-0-0 20 2 Stamina ★★★★☆ 10 extra raw at the cost of a single lvl2 slot
Taroth Glaive "Thief" 7 527 170 Sleep (210) Blue 2+ 30% 0-0-0 20 2 Speed ★★★★☆ +10% affinity at the cost of 1 augmentation, essentially acting as a free first affinity augment, allowing for a free 5% on the 'second' affinity augment.
Taroth Glaive "Paralysis" 8 620 200 Paralysis(300) Blue No White 0% 3-0-0 30 1 Blunt ★★★★☆ Direct upgrade to Aerial Rod II, best Paralysis IG. (All need awaken); it does not have any possibility of white sharpness, however, even at 5 handicraft
Taroth Glaive "Flash" 7 589 190 Thunder (300) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Speed ★★★★☆ Solid upgrade with thunder damage (not to mention it looks beautiful as Hell)
Taroth Glaive "Sleep" 8 558 180 Sleep (270) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Sever ★★★★☆ Best IG for sleep. Taroth Glaive "Paralysis" is likely better in most (not all) situations however.
Taroth Glaive "Spark" 7 558 180 Thunder 240 Blue 2+ 20% 0-0-0 20 2 Speed ★★★☆☆ Better than Kadachi IG, +10% affinity more, but at the cost of augment slot. It essentally acts as a forced ut free first affinity augment.
Taroth Glaive "Ice" 8 527 170 Ice (390) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Element ★★★☆☆ Massive ice element once awakened, very good for an awakened elemental set.
Taroth Glaive "Horn" 7 713 230 Ice (240) Blue 4+ -30% 0-0-0 25 2 Stamina ★★☆☆☆ Its still a really strong weapon, but the lack of the lvl2 slot the diablos glaive has over it makes it very weak in comparison
Taroth Glaive "Spew" 7 558 180 Poison 390 Blue 0% 1-0-0 20 2 Health ★★☆☆☆ More attack than datura III for 1 less augment slot and a 2gem slot
Tarot Glaive "Decay" 7 527 170 Dragon 180 White 1+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Blunt Average ★★☆☆☆ lower raw and un awakened element in exchnage for getting white sharpness earlier.
Claw Gold Naginata 6 434 140 Fire (60) Blue 1+ 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Speed ★☆☆☆☆
Horn Gold Naginata 6 620 200 Ice (120) Blue 4+ -30% 0-0-0 25 3 Stamina ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Paralysis Naginata 6 434 140 Paralysis (180) Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 30 3 Blunt ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Water Naginata 6 465 150 Water (180) Blue 3+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Element ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Ice Naginata 6 434 140 Ice (180) Blue 4+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Element ★☆☆☆☆
6 527 170 Thunder (150) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Speed ★☆☆☆☆
King Gold Naginata 6 496 160 Fire 120 Blue 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Sever ★☆☆☆☆
Spark Gold Naginata 6 465 150 Thunder 120 Blue 2+ 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Speed ★☆☆☆☆
Thief Gold Naginata 6 465 150 Sleep (120) Blue 3+ 30% 0-0-0 20 3 Speed ★☆☆☆☆
Decay Gold Naginata 6 465 150 Poison 180 Blue No White 0% 1-0-0 20 3 Health ★☆☆☆☆
6 465 150 Dragon 90 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Blunt Average ★☆☆☆☆
Crusher Gold Naginata 6 465 150 Blast 90 Blue 4+ 0% 2-0-0 20 3 Stamina ★☆☆☆☆
``````````````````````` Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots Augments Elderseal Songs Image Rating
[ Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #REF! Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Low Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots 3 Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots 3 Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots 3 Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots 2 , Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★★★☆☆ Gama Horn, but no level 2 slots
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★☆☆☆☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★★★★☆
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★★★★☆ None of these HH come close to Deviljho's HH, which has a better song list than them all and 220 raw, 240 dragon, -30% affinity
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★★★★☆ Dragon HH has unique song combo not found on other horns in the game
[ Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★★★★☆
[ Rarity Attack #REF! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs Stun Negated ★★★☆☆
[ Rarity #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Handicraft to White Slots #N/A Songs ★★★★★ Competes with Jho horn for most damaging and useful HH's currently in the game. Upgrade to Bazel Rookslayer.
White Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
--------- ★☆☆☆☆
★☆☆☆☆ i'm
★☆☆☆☆ ?
i ★☆☆☆☆
Someone made ★☆☆☆☆
a duplicate of ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Pipe Water ★☆☆☆☆
(For tobacco use only) ★☆☆☆☆
(thanks for not linking it) ★☆☆☆☆
````````````````````````````````````` Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Rating Elderseal Comments
Kjar Hammer Blast 8 1118 Blast 270 Blue No White 15% 0-0-0 0 1 ★★★★★ skill crit status

Taroth Hammer "Sleep" 8 1040 200 Sleep (300) White 0% 3-0-0 30 #REF! ★★★★★ Possibly competes more closely with Diablos Shatterer. Even if it doesn't, could use Sleep for a change of pace.
Taroth Hammer "Ice" 8 988 190 Ice (510) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆
Numb Gold Bludgeon 6 728 140 Paralysis 180 Blue 2+ 30% 0-0-0 20 3 ★★★★☆ .
King Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Fire 120 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Long ★★★★★ Best Long 4 GL in the game. Lower raw but that doesn't matter for long 4 shelling. 3 augments makes it best.
Taroth Buster "King" 7 414 180 Fire 240 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 4 Long ★★★★★ Better sharpness than Zorah for Long GL Charged Shell builds
Taroth Buster "Sleep" 8 437 190 Sleep (450) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 4 Normal ★★★★★ Straight upgrade to Royal Burst due to Non ele boost

Taroth Buster "Water" 8 437 190 Water (450) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 4 Wide ★★★★★ This and one or two other relics are the only way to get level 4 wide (strongest WF), also gets non-ele boost
Taroth Buster "Poison" 8 460 200 Poison (450) Blue 2+ 15% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 3 Normal ★★★★★ Could be the best raw GL without affinity boost Comparable power to Jho GL after factoring in NEB and innate Affinity, but less powerful against monsters weak to Dragon
Taroth Buster "Water" 8 437 190 Water (450) Blue 3+ 0% 3-0-0 - 1 Lvl 4 Wide ★★★★☆ Best Wide 4 in the game
Taroth Buster "Sleep" 8 437 190 Sleep (450) Blue 0% 3-0-0 20 1 level 4 Normal ★★★★☆ Better than royal burst
Taroth Buster "Ice") 8 414 180 Ice (450) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 3 Long ★★★★☆ Best Ice GL in the game, but loses out to Taroth Buster "Poison" when it comes to NEB builds. Also only has level 3 Normal Shelling. Can't compete.
Bomber Gold Exploder 6 368 160 Blast 90 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Wide ★★★☆☆ I would keep it as one of the only Wide Lv 4 GLs, especially if you can't get the Rare 7/8 version Three Augment slots sets this apart from the other Wide 4 GLs when it comes to PURE SHELLING
Taroth Buster "Bomber"esss 7 414 180 Blast 210 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 4 Wide ★★★☆☆ One of the only level 4 wide GLs, lower raw but blast is good (rare 8 with elementless is better)
Gold Sleep Exploder 6 322 140 Sleep (210) Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Normal ★★☆☆☆
Gold Poison Exploder 6 299 130 Poison (210) Blue 15% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Normal ★★☆☆☆
Mud Gold Exploder 6 299 130 Paralysis (180) White -10% 0-0-0 25 3 Level 3 Wide ★★☆☆☆
Glutton Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Sleep (90) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Spark Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Thunder 120 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆
Stream Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Ice 180 Blue 1+ 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Numb Gold Exploderz 6 322 140 Paralysis 210 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Water Exploder 6 322 140 Water (210) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Mire Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Water 180 Blue 4+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Rage Gold Exploder 6 345 150 Fire 210 Blue No White -20% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Glutton" 7 437 190 Sleep 180 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 4 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Spark" 7 391 170 Thunder 270 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆ Worse than the Mythic Kadachi Striker (no slots, less damage)
Taroth Buster "Mud" 7 391 170 Paralysis (390) White -10% 0-0-0 25 2 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Decay" 7 460 200 Dragon 270 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Rage" 7 460 200 Fire 450 Blue No White -20% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Mire" 7 437 190 Water 360 Blue 4+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆ Basically the Jyura Buster III, with more base sharpness, no slots, and the +20 defense boost.
Tarroth Buster "Stream" 7 368 160 Ice 360 Blue 1+ 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Tarroth Buster "Numb" 7 368 160 Paralysis 450 Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster “Stream” 7 368 160 Ice 360 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Tatoth Buster "Poison" 8 460 200 Poison (300) Blue 15%% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Decay Gold Exploder 368 160 Dragon 120 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 Average Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆
- ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental SharpnessHandicraft to WhiteAffinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Shell Level'/ Shell Type Rating
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Elderseal Augments Comments
Taroth Sword "Fire" 8 660 200 Fire (450) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 10 Raw less than Divine Slasher, but don't need 3 handicraft to reach white sharpness. Solid competitor to Divine Slasher. Unsure which is stronger yet. Also seems to be best Fire LS
Taroth Sword "Poison" ✔ 8 627 190 Poison (420) 1+ 10% 3-0-0 20 1 Pretty good poison. 3 gem slot
Taroth Sword "Water" ✔ 8 627 190 Water (420) Blue 3+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1
Taroth Sword "Paralysis" 8 561 170 Paralysis (330) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1
Taroth Sword "Magma" 7 726 220 Blast 360 Blue -20% 0-0-0 30 2 Good raw with high blast. Possibly best blast LS currently
Taroth Sword "Rage" 7 693 210 Fire 390 Blue -10% 0-0-0 20 2 Decent Raw/Ele combo. 2 Augments but lacks slot.
Taroth Sword "Gyre" 7 660 200 Fire 120 Blue 0% 1-0-0 40 2 ★★★★☆
Taroth Sword "Mire" 7 660 200 Water 360 Blue 3+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Pro: Higher raw than Dipterus III and adds 20 to defense. Con: No jewel slot (Dipterus III has a Lvl3 jewel slot) and only allows for two augments against Dipterus III's three augments.
Taroth Sword "Decay" 7 660 200 Dragon 270 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 Average 2 Same damage and elemental as the regular weapon but with a nice defence boost and +10% affinity. However, misses the double slot of the original weapon.
Taroth Sword "Spark" 7 627 190 Thunder (360) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Potentially the best Thunder LS, but needs Free Elem. Upgrade to Kulu Dazzling Flash 2, sans the one slot 3 decoration.
7 594 180 Thunder 270 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 2 Double the crit, and viable enough for elemental build compared to original Kadachi Fang 3 without the slot.
Taroth :Sword "Thief" 7 561 170 Sleep 210 Blue 20% 0-0-0 20 2
Taroth Sword "Lurk" 7 528 160 Paralysis 210 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Better than the hornetaur w/ base white and +20 def and decent unlocked paralysis
Taroth Sword "Stream" 7 528 160 Ice 360 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2
Mire Gold katana 6 594 180 Water 180 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3
Rage Gold Katana ✔ 6 561 170 Fire 180 Blue -10% 0-0-0 20 3
Decay Gold Katana 6 561 170 Dragon 120 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 Average 3
Gold Water Katana 6 528 160 Water (210) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★★☆☆☆
Gyre Gold Katana 6 528 160 Fire 90 Blue 0% 1-0-0 40 3
Flash Gold Katana 6 528 160 Thunder (180) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3
6 528 160 Poison (210) Blue 2+ 10% 0-0-0 20 3
Magma Gold Katana ✔ 6 528 160 Blast 180 Blue -20% 0-0-0 30 3
Sparka Gold Katana 6 528 160 Thunder 120 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 3
Gold Paralysis Katana ✔ 6 495 150 Paralysis (150) White 0% 0-0-0 20 3
Thief Gold Katana 6 495 150 Sleep 120 Blue 20% 0-0-0 20 3
Lurk Gold Katana 6 462 140 Ice 180 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 The LS tab was deleted. I copied this from one of the July versions of this document so it might not be 100% accurate
6 396 120 Paralysis 120 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3

me when i use dual blades me when i use LS

me when i use insect glaive

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Elderseal ★★★★★ Comments Image
Taroth Strongarm "Horn" 7 828 230 Ice (210) Blue 4+ -30% 0-0-0 25 2 Impact None ★★★★★ Upgrade to Diablos Tyrannis II, best CB in the game (only an increase in defense though). Upgrade to Diablos Tyrannis II, best CB in the game (only an increase in defense though).
Horn Gold Cutter 6 684 190 Ice (120) Blue -30% 0-0-0 25 3 Impact ★★★★☆
Taroth Strongarm "Spark" 7 684 190 Thunder 90 Blue 15% 0-0-0 20 2 Element ★★★☆☆
Taroth Strongarm "King" 7 684 190 Fire 180 Blue 2+ 30% 0-0-0 20 2 Element ★★★☆☆ Trades an L1 Slot and 60 Fire Element for 10% Affinity and 20 Defense vs Halberion Blade.
Taroth Strongarm "Decay" 7 684 190 Dragon 120 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Element Average ★★★☆☆
Taroth Strongarm "Mire" 7 684 190 Water 120 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Element ★★★☆☆
Taroth Strongarm "Glutton" 7 684 190 Sleep 90 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Impact ★★★☆☆
King Gold Cutter 6 684 190 Fire 120 Blue 2+ 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Element ★☆☆☆☆ Identical stats to rank 7 equivalent (this has been updated, R7 is now stronger), but rank 6 so more augment potential
Taroth Strongarm "Thunder" 8 684 190 Thunder (420) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Strongarm "Sleep" 8 684 190 Sleep (270) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Impact ★☆☆☆☆ Trades a lvl 2 slot and an augment from it's counterpart (Jagras Escudo III), for +90 sleep, 20 defense and impact phials.
Taroth Strongarm "Claw" 7 648 180 Fire (90) Blue 1+ 25% 0-0-0 20 2 Impact ★☆☆☆☆ Way more damage than normal odogaron CB, it's a massive upgrade but raw isn't high but good all around still not as good as Tyrannis
Taroth Strongarm "Crusher" 7 648 180 Blast 90 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Strongarm "Ice" 8 648 180 Ice (390) Blue 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Impact ★☆☆☆☆ Similar to Daora's Thwartoise CB, gets hidden element and a lvl 3 slot instead of a lvl 1+ lvl 2. Loses the 15% affinity too.
Taroth Strongarm "Water" 8 648 180 Water 300 White 20% 3-0-0 20 1 Element ★☆☆☆☆
Mire Gold Cutter 6 576 160 Water 150 Blue 2+ 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Element ★☆☆☆☆
Decay Gold Cutter 6 576 160 Dragon 120 Blue 1+ 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Element Average ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Strongarm "Numb" 7 576 160 Paralysis 150 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 2 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Spark Gold Cutter 6 540 150 Thunder 120 Blue 1+ 15% 0-0-0 20 3 Element ★☆☆☆☆
Glutton Gold Cutter 6 540 150 Sleep 90 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Crusher Gold Cutter 6 540 150 Blast 90 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Thunder Cutter 6 504 140 Thunder (210) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Sleep Cutter 6 504 140 Sleep (120) Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Numb Gold Cutter 6 504 140 Paralysis 150 Blue 4+ 30% 0-0-0 20 3 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Ice Cutter 6 504 140 Ice (180) Blue 4+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
Claw Gold Cutter 6 504 140 Fire (90) Blue 1+ 25% 0-0-0 20 3 Impact ★☆☆☆☆
V ★☆☆☆☆
King Gold Cutter ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Elderseal ★★★★★ Comments Image
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Elderseal ★★★★★ Comments Image
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Elderseal ★★★★★ Comments Image
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Elderseal ★★★★★ Comments Image
★☆☆☆☆ Comments
Rarity ★★★★★ Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness
Handicraft to White
Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal

Taroth Daggers "Rage" 8 ★★★★★ 266 190 Ice (270) Blue 1+ 0% 3 - 0 - 0 20 1

7 ★★★★★ 294 210 Fire 240 Blue No White -20% 0 - 0 - 0 20 2 Straight upgrade to Anja Cyclone III, Lava Cyclone
Horn Gold Twinblades 7 ★★★★☆ 266 190 Water 210 Blue 2+ 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Slightly better than Jyura Hatchets. Trade 1 augment slot and a level 1 decoration slot for 20 defense and 10% affinity.
Taroth Daggers "Horn" 7 ★★★★☆ 322 230 Ice (150) Blue 4+ -10% 0 - 0 - 0 25 2 Blos without the gem slot but 10 extra defense
Taroth Daggers "Water" 8 ★★★☆☆ 266 190 Water (270) Blue 2+ 0% 3 - 0 - 0 20 1 this is a lot worse than jyura because of hidden water element and only 1 augmentation slot
Taroth Daggers "Spark" 7 ★★★☆☆ 252 180 Thunder 150 White 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Trading one slot and one augment for natural white over the Tobi blades.
Spark Gold Twinblades 6 ★★☆☆☆ 196 140 Thunder 60 White 10% 0-0-0 20 3 No Slots, Low Base, Mediocre Affinity, Style Points Tho!
Taroth Daggers "Thief" 7 ★★☆☆☆ 238 170 Sleep 90 Blue 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20 2
Taroth Daggers "Fire" 8 ★☆☆☆☆ 252 180 Fire(180) White 0% 3 - 0 - 0 20
Taroth Daggers "Poison" 8 ★☆☆☆☆ 266 190 Poison (330) Blue 2+ 0% 3 - 0 - 0 20 1
Lurk Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 182 130 Paralysis (60) White 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Mire Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 182 130 Water 90 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 3
Claw Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 190 135.7142857 Fire(60) Blue 1+ 20% 0-0-0 20 3
Thief Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 210 150 Sleep 60 Blue 20% 0-0-0 20 3
Flash Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 224 160 Thunder (90) Blue 1+ 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Gold Ice Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 224 160 Ice (120) Blue 2+ 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Gold Poison Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 224 160 Poison (150) Blue 4+ 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Rage Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 224 160 Fire 120 Blue No White -20% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Erupter Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 238 170 Fire 60 Blue 2+ 0% 1 - 0 - 0 20 3
Gold Water Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 238 170 Water (120) Blue 2+ 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Magma Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 238 170 Blast 90 Blue No White -20% 0 - 0 - 0 30 3
Taroth Daggers "Lurk" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 238 170 Paralysis (90) White 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20 2 14 extra damage, but loses a level 2 slot and an augmentation
Taroth Daggers "Claw" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 252 180 Blue 1+ 20% 0-0-0 20 2
Horn Gold Twinblades 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 266 190 Ice (60) Blue 4+ -10% 0 - 0 - 0 25 3
Taroth Daggers "Erupter" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 266 190 Fire 150 Blue 0% 1 - 0 - 0 20 2
Taroth Daggers "Flash" ★☆☆☆☆ 266 190 Thunder (210) Blue 0% 0 - 0 - 0 20
Taroth Daggers "Magma" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 280 200 Explosion (210) Blue 2+ -20% 0 - 0 - 0 30 2 Better sharpness than Magda Ungulae II, better defense at the cost of a size 2 gem slot and 28 attack
Kjarr Daggers "Lurk" 8 224 Paralysis (90) White 10%
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Rating Comments Elderseal Image
Taroth Slicer "Mud" 7☆ 308 220 Paralysis (180) Blue -10% 1-0-0 25 2 ★★★★★ Good Raw SnS (Barroth Club III alternative)
Taroth Slicer "Water" 8☆ 266 190 Water (420) Blue 2+ 10% 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★★★ Highest KT non ele damage sword and shield due to easily obtainable white sharpness
Taroth Slicer "Fire" 7☆ 252 180 Fire (390) White 0% 3-0-0 20 2 ★★★★★ Best fire sns
Rage Gold Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Fire 120 Blue 1+ -20% 0-0-0 20 3 ★★★★★
Taroth Slicer "Stream" 7☆ 224 160 Ice 330 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★★ Slightly better than Legia Rimespire
Taroth Slicer "Rage" 7☆ 294 210 Fire 240 Blue 2+ -20% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆ 2nd best fire SnS
Taroth Slicer "Tar" 7☆ 266 190 Sleep 210 Blue 10% 0-0-0 30 2 ★★★★☆ Potentially better than Baan Claw
Tarroth Slicer "Spew" 7☆ 252 180 Poison 390 White No White 0% 1-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆ Royal Rose is better Average
Taroth Slicer "Blast" 8☆ 238 170 Blast (390) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★★☆ Better able to compete with Teostra Spada
Taroth Slicer "Numb" 7☆ 224 160 Paralysis 240 Blue 1+ 30% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆ Better than Malady's Tabar IIIStill not as good as Grand Barong II. Sure it requires awaken but it's got way more raw and paralysis. Not worth using this IMO.
Taroth Slicer " Drifter" 7☆ 252 180 Blast 270 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★☆☆ Outdone by Teostra's Spada More Blast and a second augment slot closes the gap some.
Taroth Slicer "Dragon" 8☆ 224 160 Dragon (450) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★☆☆ Too low of raw to compete with Fatal Bite. But that elm tho! (with 3 dragon atk deco the elm goes up to 550, max of 580 with 5 deco)
Taroth Slicer "Myth" 7☆ 224 160 Thunder 360 Blue 3+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★☆☆ Weaker than Thuderbolt Sword and Master Bang Can reach white sharpness, better than Thunderbolt Sword
Taroth Slicer "King" 7☆ 266 190 Fire 180 Blue No White 30% 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Slicer "Glutton" 7☆ 266 190 Water 270 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Mud Gold Scimitar 6☆ 252 180 Paralysis (180) Blue -10% 0-0-0 25 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Glutton Gold Scimitar 6☆ 238 170 Water 120 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Blast Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Blast (180) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Spew Gold Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Poison 180 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Tar Gold Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Sleep 120 Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 30 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Water Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Water (210) Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Drifter Gold Scimitar 6☆ 210 150 Blast 120 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
King Gold Scimitar 6☆ 210 150 Fire 120 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Dragon Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Dragon (210) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Stream Gold Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Ice 150 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Numb Gold Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Paralysis 120 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Myth Gold Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Thunder 180 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
King Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Fire 120 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Long ★★★★★ Best Long 4 GL in the game. Lower raw but that doesn't matter for long 4 shelling. 3 augments makes it best.
Taroth Buster "King" 7 414 180 Fire 240 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 4 Long ★★★★★ Better sharpness than Zorah for Long GL Charged Shell builds
Taroth Buster "Sleep" 8 437 190 Sleep (450) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 4 Normal ★★★★★ Straight upgrade to Royal Burst due to Non ele boost

8 437 190 Water (450) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 4 Wide ★★★★★ This and one or two other relics are the only way to get level 4 wide (strongest WF), also gets non-ele boost
Taroth Buster "Poison" 8 460 200 Poison (450) Blue 2+ 15% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 3 Normal ★★★★★ Could be the best raw GL without affinity boost Comparable power to Jho GL after factoring in NEB and innate Affinity, but less powerful against monsters weak to Dragon
Taroth Buster "Water" 8 437 190 Water (450) Blue 3+ 0% 3-0-0 - 1 Lvl 4 Wide ★★★★☆ Best Wide 4 in the game
Taroth Buster "Sleep" 8 437 190 Sleep (450) Blue 0% 3-0-0 20 1 level 4 Normal ★★★★☆ Better than royal burst
Taroth Buster "Ice" 8 414 180 Ice (450) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 3 Long ★★★★☆ Best Ice GL in the game, but loses out to Taroth Buster "Poison" when it comes to NEB builds. Also only has level 3 Normal Shelling. Can't compete.
Bomber Gold Exploder 6 368 160 Blast 90 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Wide ★★★☆☆ I would keep it as one of the only Wide Lv 4 GLs, especially if you can't get the Rare 7/8 version Three Augment slots sets this apart from the other Wide 4 GLs when it comes to PURE SHELLING
Taroth Buster "Bomber" 7 414 180 Blast 210 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 4 Wide ★★★☆☆ One of the only level 4 wide GLs, lower raw but blast is good (rare 8 with elementless is better)
Gold Sleep Exploder 6 322 140 Sleep (210) Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Normal ★★☆☆☆
Gold Poison Exploder 6 299 130 Poison (210) Blue 15% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Normal ★★☆☆☆
Mud Gold Exploder 6 299 130 Paralysis (180) White -10% 0-0-0 25 3 Level 3 Wide ★★☆☆☆
Glutton Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Sleep (90) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 4 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Glutton" 7 437 190 Sleep 180 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 4 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Spark Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Thunder 120 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆
Stream Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Ice 180 Blue 1+ 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Numb Gold Exploderz 6 322 140 Paralysis 210 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Water Exploder 6 322 140 Water (210) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Mire Gold Exploder 6 322 140 Water 180 Blue 4+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Rage Gold Exploder 6 345 150 Fire 210 Blue No White -20% 0-0-0 20 3 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Spark" 7 391 170 Thunder 270 Blue No White 20% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆ Worse than the Mythic Kadachi Striker (no slots, less damage)
Taroth Buster "Mud" 7 391 170 Paralysis (390) White -10% 0-0-0 25 2 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Decay" 7 460 200 Dragon 270 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Rage" 7 460 200 Fire 450 Blue No White -20% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster "Mire" 7 437 190 Water 360 Blue 4+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Wide ★☆☆☆☆ Basically the Jyura Buster III, with more base sharpness, no slots, and the +20 defense boost.
Tarroth Buster "Stream" 7 368 160 Ice 360 Blue 1+ 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Tarroth Buster "Numb" 7 368 160 Paralysis 450 Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Buster “Stream” 7 368 160 Ice 360 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Tatoth Buster "Poison" 8 460 200 Poison (300) Blue 15%% 3-0-0 20 1 Level 3 Normal ★☆☆☆☆
Decay Gold Exploder 368 160 Dragon 120 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 Average Level 3 Long ★☆☆☆☆
- ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental SharpnessHandicraft to WhiteAffinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Shell Level'/ Shell Type Rating
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments

Glutton Gold Cannon 6 225 150 10% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernsnipe 3 ★★★★☆ 5/4/- 5/-/- 10/6/6 0/0/0 1/1/- 0/0/0 2/-/- 0/0/0 1/-/-/ X X X X X X X 1 1 3 Upgrade to Nergy, Glutton/Horn marginally better.
Spark Gold Cannon 6 210 140 25% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/- 9/7/5 9/-/- X X 4/3 4/- X X X X 7 3 4 1 2 X 3
Gold Blast Cannon 6 210 140 0% 0-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 9/6/5 7/5/- 6/4/4 -/1/1 3/-/- X X X X X X X 1 X X 3
Flash Gold Cannon 6 210 140 10% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/0 6/0/0 6/3/3 1/0/0 2/2/0 X 1/4/0 5/3/0 X X X X X X X 1 X X 3
Gold Support Cannon 6 210 140 20% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 5/4/3/ 10/8/6/ 0/0/0/ 0/0/0/ 1/1/ 3/0/ 2/1/ 2/0/ 0/4/ 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3
Spew Gold Cannon 6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 5/4/3 10/8/- 3/2/1 3/-/- 1/1/- 3/2/- 2/-/- 2/-/- 5 1 3
Gold Icewater Cannon 6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/4 6/5/- 6/3/- 1/-/- 7/5/- 5/3/- X X 7 7 X 3 2 1 X X 3
Tar Gold Cannon 6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 25 Average Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/2 1/-/- 1/1/- -/2/- -/1/- -/1/- 4 4 2 2 1 1 3
Crusher Gold Cannon 6 240 160 0% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/- 1/3/- X X X X 2/- X X X X 4 X 2 1 1 X 3
Horn Gold Cannon 6 270 180 -20% 0-0-0 25 High Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 -/-/2 -/-/3 1/-/- 3/-/- 2/-/- 1 3
Rage Gold Cannon 6 255 170 -10% 0-0-0 20 high Wyversnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/6 9/7/- 9/6/5 3/-/- X 5/5/- 4/-/- X X 7 X X X X 4 1 2 X 3
Tarroth Assault "Glutton" 7 270 180 10% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernsnipe 2 ★★★★★ 5/4/- 5/-/- 10/6/6 1/1/- 2/-/- 1/-/-/ 1 1 3 Best Spread ammo HBG by far.
Taroth Assault "Horn" 7 330 220 -10% 0-0-0 25 High Wyvernheart 2 ★★★★☆ 1/5/3 -/-/2 -/-/3 1/-/- 3/-/- 2/-/- 1 3 High Thunder Ammo, good for farming Kulve Tarroth
Taroth Assault "Magma" 7 315 210 -10% 0-0-0 30 High Wyvernheart 2 ★★★☆☆ 7/6/4 -/-/3 -/-/3 0 2/- 7/- 1/- 5/- 7/6 7 0 0 7 3 2 1 X 2 3 Competing for 1st place for pierce ammo with Taroth Assault "Support".
Taroth Assault "Flash" 7 255 170 10% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/- 6/-/- 6/3/3 1/-/- 2/2/- 3/-/- 5/3/- 1 3
Taroth Assult "Spark" 7 255 170 25% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/- 9/7/5 9/-/- 4/3/- 4/-/- 7 3 4 1 2 3
Taroth Assault "Tar" 7 270 180 0% 0-0-0 25 Average Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/2 1/0/0 1/1/0 0/0/0 0/2/0 0/1/0 0/1/0 0/0/0 4 4 X X 2 2 1 X 1 3
Taroth Assault "Crusher" 7 285 190 0% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3 1/3 X X X X 2/- X X X X 4 X 2 1 1 X 3
Taroth Assault "Rage" 7 300 200 -10% 0-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/6 9/7/- 9/6/5 3/-/- 5/5/- 4/-/- 7 4 1 2 3
Taroth Assault "Spew" 7 270 180 0 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernheart ★☆☆☆☆ 7/5/4 12/10/- 4/3/2 3/-/- 2/2/- 4/3/- 3/-/- 3/-/- -/-/- 7 X X X X X 1 X X 4
Taroth Assault "Support" 8 270 180 20% 3-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 1 ★★★★★ 5/4/3/ 10/8/6/ 0/0/0/ 0/0/0/ 1/1/ 3/0/ 2/1/ 2/0/ 0/4/ 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Competing
1 3 for 1st place for pierce ammo with new Taroth Assault "Pierce". Upgrade to Legiana Shattercryst.
Taroth Assault "Blast" 8 285 190 10% 3-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 1 ★★★★☆ 9/6/5 7/5/- 6/4/4 -/1/1 1 3
Taroth Assault "Pierce" 8 285 190 10% 3-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 1 ★★★★☆ Upgrade to Nergy, more damage per shot/less sustainable dps than glutton
Taroth Assault "Icewater" 8 285 190 0% 3-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 1 ★★★☆☆ 7/6/4 6/5/- 6/4/- 1/-/- 7/5/- 5/4/- 7 7 3 2 1 3

Magma Gold Cannon df 270 180 -20% 0-0-0 30 High Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/4 0/0/3 0/0/3 0/0/0 2/0/0 7/0/0 1/0/0 5/0/0 7/6/0 7 X X 7 3 2 1 X 2 3 Hex
0-0-0 20 high ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments

Glutton Gold Cannon 6 225 150 10% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernsnipe 3 ★★★★☆ 5/4/- 5/-/- 10/6/6 0/0/0 1/1/- 0/0/0 2/-/- 0/0/0 1/-/-/ X X X X X X X 1 1 3 Upgrade to Nergy, Glutton/Horn marginally better.
Spark Gold Cannon 6 210 140 25% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/- 9/7/5 9/-/- X X 4/3 4/- X X X X 7 3 4 1 2 X 3
Gold Blast Cannon 6 210 140 0% 0-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 9/6/5 7/5/- 6/4/4 -/1/1 3/-/- X X X X X X X 1 X X 3
Flash Gold Cannon 6 210 140 10% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/0 6/0/0 6/3/3 1/0/0 2/2/0 X 1/4/0 5/3/0 X X X X X X X 1 X X 3
Gold Support Cannon 6 210 140 20% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 5/4/3/ 10/8/6/ 0/0/0/ 0/0/0/ 1/1/ 3/0/ 2/1/ 2/0/ 0/4/ 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 3
Spew Gold Cannon 6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 5/4/3 10/8/- 3/2/1 3/-/- 1/1/- 3/2/- 2/-/- 2/-/- 5 1 3
Gold Icewater Cannon 6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/4 6/5/- 6/3/- 1/-/- 7/5/- 5/3/- X X 7 7 X 3 2 1 X X 3
Tar Gold Cannon 6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 25 Average Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/2 1/-/- 1/1/- -/2/- -/1/- -/1/- 4 4 2 2 1 1 3
Crusher Gold Cannon 6 240 160 0% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/- 1/3/- X X X X 2/- X X X X 4 X 2 1 1 X 3
Horn Gold Cannon 6 270 180 -20% 0-0-0 25 High Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 -/-/2 -/-/3 1/-/- 3/-/- 2/-/- 1 3
Rage Gold Cannon 6 255 170 -10% 0-0-0 20 high Wyversnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/6 9/7/- 9/6/5 3/-/- X 5/5/- 4/-/- X X 7 X X X X 4 1 2 X 3
Tarroth Assault "Glutton" 7 270 180 10% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernsnipe 2 ★★★★★ 5/4/- 5/-/- 10/6/6 1/1/- 2/-/- 1/-/-/ 1 1 3 Best Spread ammo HBG by far.
Taroth Assault "Horn" 7 330 220 -10% 0-0-0 25 High Wyvernheart 2 ★★★★☆ 1/5/3 -/-/2 -/-/3 1/-/- 3/-/- 2/-/- 1 3 High Thunder Ammo, good for farming Kulve Tarroth
Taroth Assault "Magma" 7 315 210 -10% 0-0-0 30 High Wyvernheart 2 ★★★☆☆ 7/6/4 -/-/3 -/-/3 0 2/- 7/- 1/- 5/- 7/6 7 0 0 7 3 2 1 X 2 3 Competing for 1st place for pierce ammo with Taroth Assault "Support".
Taroth Assault "Flash" 7 255 170 10% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/- 6/-/- 6/3/3 1/-/- 2/2/- 3/-/- 5/3/- 1 3
Taroth Assult "Spark" 7 255 170 25% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/- 9/7/5 9/-/- 4/3/- 4/-/- 7 3 4 1 2 3
Taroth Assault "Tar" 7 270 180 0% 0-0-0 25 Average Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/2 1/0/0 1/1/0 0/0/0 0/2/0 0/1/0 0/1/0 0/0/0 4 4 X X 2 2 1 X 1 3
Taroth Assault "Crusher" 7 285 190 0% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3 1/3 X X X X 2/- X X X X 4 X 2 1 1 X 3
Taroth Assault "Rage" 7 300 200 -10% 0-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/6 9/7/- 9/6/5 3/-/- 5/5/- 4/-/- 7 4 1 2 3
Taroth Assault "Spew" 7 270 180 0 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernheart ★☆☆☆☆ 7/5/4 12/10/- 4/3/2 3/-/- 2/2/- 4/3/- 3/-/- 3/-/- -/-/- 7 X X X X X 1 X X 4
Taroth Assault "Support" 8 270 180 20% 3-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 1 ★★★★★ 5/4/3/ 10/8/6/ 0/0/0/ 0/0/0/ 1/1/ 3/0/ 2/1/ 2/0/ 0/4/ 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 Competing
1 3 for 1st place for pierce ammo with new Taroth Assault "Pierce". Upgrade to Legiana Shattercryst.
Taroth Assault "Blast" 8 285 190 10% 3-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 1 ★★★★☆ 9/6/5 7/5/- 6/4/4 -/1/1 1 3
Taroth Assault "Pierce" 8 285 190 10% 3-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 1 ★★★★☆ 12/-/10 11/9/7 -/-/- -/-/- -/- 7/- -/4 -/- -/- X X X 9 3 X 1 X X 4 Upgrade to Nergy, more damage per shot/less sustainable dps than glutton
Taroth Assault "Icewater" 8 285 190 0% 3-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 1 ★★★☆☆ 7/6/4 6/5/- 6/4/- 1/-/- 7/5/- 5/4/- 7 7 3 2 1 3

Magma Gold Cannon df 270 180 -20% 0-0-0 30 High Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/4 0/0/3 0/0/3 0/0/0 2/0/0 7/0/0 1/0/0 5/0/0 7/6/0 7 X X 7 3 2 1 X 2 3 Hex
0-0-0 20 high ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Image Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Songs Image Rating
Taroth Pipe "Sleep" [1] 8 798 190 Sleep (420) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Self-improvement Attack Up (L) Health Rec. (S) Recovery Speed (L) Competes with Jho horn for most★★★★★
damaging and useful HH's currently in the game. Upgrade to Bazel Rookslayer.
Taroth Pipe "Water" 8 714 170 Water (630) White 10% 3-0-0 20 1 Sonic Waves Blight Res Up Elemental Attack Boost Blight Negate Earplugs (S) / Wind Pressure Negate ★★★★☆
Taroth Pipe "Paralysis" 8 840 200 Paralysis (420) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Stamina Use Reduce (L) Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Ice Res Boost (L) Sonic Waves ★★★★☆
None of these HH come close to Deviljho's HH, which has a better song list than them all and 220 raw, 240 dragon, -30% affinity
Taroth Pipe "Dragon" 8 756 180 Dragon (540) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Sonic Waves Blight Res Up Elemental Attack Boost Blight Negate Earplugs (S) / Wind Pressure Negate ★★★★☆
Dragon HH has unique song combo not found on other horns in the game
Taroth Pipe"Crusher"
"Water" 8
7 714
798 170
190 Water
Blast (630)
150 White
Blue 10%
10% 3
0 -- 0
0 -- 0
0 20
20 1
2 Sonic
Up (L) Blight Boost
Health Res Up(L) Elemental
Wind Attack
Pressure Boost
Negated Blight Negate
Defense Up (L) Earplugs (S) / Wind Pressure Negate ★★★★☆
Gama Horn, but no level 2 slots
Taroth Pipe "Thief" 7 714 170 Sleep (360) Blue 35% 0-0-0 20 2 Self-improvement Stamina Use Reduce (L) Wind Pressure Negated Defense Up (L) Tool Use Drain Reduce (L) Scoutfly Power Up Stun Negated ★★★☆☆
Taroth Pipe "Buzzer" 7 672 160 Paralysis 300 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 2 Stamina Use Reduce (L) All Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Ice Res Boost (L) Sonic Waves ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Pipe "Stream" 7 672 160 Ice 360 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Stamina Use Reduce (L) Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Health Rec. (S) Health Rec. (M) + Antidote ★☆☆☆☆
"Tar" 7
7 756
798 180
190 Poison 540
Sleep 270 Blue
Blue 0%
10% 1
0 -- 0
0 -- 0
0 20
30 2
2 , Health
Attack Rec (S)
Up (S) Health
AttackRec. (L)
Up (S) Scoutfly
Up (S)Up FireEarplugs (L) (L)
Res Boost Sonic Waves ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Pipe "Rage" 7 840 200 Fire 450 Blue -20% 0-0-0 20 2 Stamina Use Reduce (L) Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Health Rec. (S) Heath Rec. (M) + Antidote ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Pipe "Drifter" 7 714 170 Water 420 Blue 10% 20 2 Stamina Use Reduce (L) Defense Up (L) Tool Use Drain Reduce (L) Scoutfly Power Up Stun Negate ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Pipe "Myth" 7 630 150 Thunder 540 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Health Rec. (S) Recovery Speed (S) Divine Protection Thunder Res Boost (L) Elemental Attack Boost ★☆☆☆☆
Buzer Gold Flute 6 546 130 Paralysis 150 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 3 Stamina Use Reduce (L) All Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Ice Res Boost (L) Sonic Waves ★☆☆☆☆
Stream Gold Flute 6 588 140 Ice 180 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Paralysis Flute 6 588 140 Paralysis (210) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Stamina Use Reduce (L) All Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Ice Res Boost (L) Sonic Waves ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Water Flute 6 630 150 Water (300) Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Sonic Waves Blight Res Up Elemental Attack Boost Blight Negate Earplugs (S) / Wind Pressure Negate ★☆☆☆☆
Drifter Gold Flute 6 630 150 Water 210 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Stamina Use Reduce (L) Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Tool User Drain Reduce (L) Stun Negate ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Dragon Flute 6 672 160 Dragon (270) Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Low Sonic Waves Blight Res Up Elemental Attack Boost Blight Negate Earplugs (S) / Wind Pressure Negate ★☆☆☆☆
Spew Gold Flute 6 630 150 Poison 270 Blue 0% 1-0-0 20 3 Health Rec (S) Health Rec. (L) Scoutfly Power Up Earplugs (L) ★☆☆☆☆
Tar Gold Flute 6 714 170 Sleep 120 Blue 10% 0-0-0 30 3 Attack Up (S) Attack Up (S) Attack Up (S) Fire Res Boost (L) Sonic Waves ★☆☆☆☆
Crusher Gold Flute 6 714 170 Blast 90 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Attack Up (L) Health Boost (L) Wind Pressure Negated Defense Up (L) ★☆☆☆☆
Rage Gold Flute 6 714 170 Fire 210 Blue -20% 0-0-0 20 3 Stamina Use Reduce (L) Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Health Rec. (S) Heath Rec. (M) + Antidote ★☆☆☆☆
Thief Gold Flute 6 588 140 Sleep (180) Blue 35% 0-0-0 20 3 Stamina Use Reduce (L) Wind Pressure Negate Defense Up (L) Tool User Drain Reduce (L) Scoutfly Power Up Stun Negate ★☆☆☆☆
Myth Gold Flute 6 504 120 Thunder 270 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Health Rec. (S) Recovery Speed (S) Divine Protection Thunder Res Boost (L) Elemental Attack Boost ★☆☆☆☆
★☆☆☆☆ i'm
★☆☆☆☆ ?
i ★☆☆☆☆
Someone made ★☆☆☆☆
a duplicate of ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Pipe Water ★☆☆☆☆
(For tobacco use only) ★☆☆☆☆
(thanks for not linking it) ★☆☆☆☆
i ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Songs Image Rating
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Songs Image Rating
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Songs Image Rating
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Songs Image Rating
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Songs Image Rating
7 ★★★★★ 260 200 0% 0-0-0 20 Low 2 6/3/3 2/4 2/4 3 4/2 2 7 2 Taroth Blitz "Glutton" 4 1
8 ★★★★★ 273 210 -10% 3-0-0 20 Average 1 5/3/2 4/3/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Taroth Blitz "Shot" 0 0 0 0 0 0 2nd best (extremely close to 1st) for Normal Shot 2. Beaten only (EXTEMELY slightly) by the newly added Tarroth Blitz "Support"
8 ★★★★★ 260 200 0% 3-0-0 20 Low 1 4/4/- 5/5/3 4/-/- 3/-/- 4/3/- -/7/- 4/-/- 0 0 0 4 3 3 0 good RAW w full pierce, rapid thunder
8 ★★★★★ 247 190 0% 3-0-0 30 None 1 2/8/- 2/3/- 2/3/- -/3/2 0 4/3/- 2/5/- 7/4/- 2/5/- Taroth Blitz "Spread" 0 0 0 2 0 0
★★★★★ 7% 3 - 0 -33.33333333
0 Average 6/3/4 5/3/3 4/3/3 1 1 1 1 1 0 Taroth Blitz 'Support' 0 0 0 0 0 0 New meta LBG for Normal Shot 2 beating out the Taroth Blitz "Shot" by an extremely small margin. Does Have Sleep & Para Shot 2. https://www.
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 221 170 0% 0-0-0 20 Low 3
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 195 150 30% 0-0-0 20 None 3 4/3/2 5/2/ 3/2/2 0 0 0 5/-/- 4/-/- 0 Claw Gold Razer 3 0 0 0 0 0
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 182 140 20% 0-0-0 20 Low 3 Drifter Gold Razer
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 221 170 -10% 0-0-0 25 Average 3 4/3/2/ 5/0/0 3/2/2/ 2/0/0 0 3/0/0 0 4/3/0/ 0 Mud Gold Razer 0 0 0 1 0 0
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 208 160 0% 0-0-0 20 Average 3 6/3/3 5/3/2 4/3/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 Gold Shot Razer 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 195 150 0% 0-0-0 20 High 3 4/4/2 3/2/2 3/-/- 2/-/- 0 3/- 6/5 0 0 King Gold Razer 0 0 0 0 2 0
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 195 150 10% 0-0-0 20 Low 3 3/3/- 4/4/2 3/-/- 2/-/- 0 3/2 -/5 3/- 0 Gold Pierce Razer/ 0 0 3 3 2 0
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 195 150 10% 0-0-0 20 Average 3 4/2/- 3/-/- 3/4/2 2/-/- 3/2 6/- 5/- Gold Spread Razer 3/- 3/- 2
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 208 160 0% 0-0-0 20 Average 3 4/4/2/ 3/0/0 2/2/1/ 2/1/1/ 0 0 0 0 5/0/0/ Erupter Gold Razer 0 0 0 2 0 0 HIIII
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 221 170 0% 0-0-0 20 Low 3 3/2/1 4/-/2 3/-/2 2/-/- 0 0 6/-/- 3/-/- 5/-/- Decay Gold Razer 0 0 0 3 2 0
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 221 170 -10% 0-0-0 20 High 3 4/-/2 5/2/2 3/-/- 0 0 0 5/3/- 0 0 Rage Gold Razer 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 ★☆☆☆☆ 221 170 -20% 0-0-0 20 Average 3 1/3/3 0 0 2/2/1 0 0 -/4/- -/3/- 0 Bomber Gold Razer 0 0 4 1 1 0
7 ★☆☆☆☆ 260 200 0% 0-0-0 20 Low 2 3/2/1 4/-/2 3/-/2 2/-/- 6/-/- 3/-/- 5/-/- Taroth Blitz "Decay" y3 2
7 ★☆☆☆☆ 260 200 -20% 0-0-0 20 Average 2 1/3/3 -/-/- -/-/- 2/2/1 0 0 -/4/- -/3/- 0 Taroth Blitz "Bomber" 0 0 4 1 1 0
7 ★☆☆☆☆ 247 190 25% 0-0-0 20 High 2 4/4/2 3/2/2 3/-/- 2/-/- 0 3/-/- 6/5/- 0 0 Taroth Blitz "King" 0 0 0 0 2 0
7 ★☆☆☆☆ 221 170 20% 0-0-0 20 Low 2 6/4/3 5/3/- 4/3/- 2/1/- 0 3/2/- 5/1/- 1/-/- 5/-/- Taroth Blitz "Drifter" 4 4 0 0 1 0
7 ★☆☆☆☆ 260 200 -10% 0-0-0 25 Average 2 4/3/2 5/-/- 3/2/2 2/-/- 0 3/-/- 0 4/3/- 0 Taroth Blitz "Mud" 0 0 0 1 0 0
Rarity Rating Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Augments Normal aaaa Spread Sticky Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep `````````` Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Ich Comments
Taroth Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz "Claw"
Taroth Blitz
Blitz "Claw"
Taroth Blitz "Claw"Taroth Blitz "Claw"Taroth Blitz "Claw"Taroth Blitz "Claw"
Taroth Blitz "Claw"
Taroth Blitz "Claw"
Taroth BlitzTaroth
Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz
Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz
Blitz "Claw" Taroth Blitz "Claw"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter" Taroth Blitz "Erupter"Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter" Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz
Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
Taroth BlitzTaroth
Blitz "Erupter" Taroth Blitz "Erupter" Taroth Blitz
Blitz "Erupter" Taroth Blitz
Blitz "Erupter" Taroth Blitz "Erupter"
7 247 190 10% 0-0-0 20 Low 2 3/2/0 3/2/0 4/4/2 2/1/1 0 3/2/0 6/5/0 3/0/0 5/4/0 3 0 0 0 0 0 I just got this LBG and it wasn't on the list so I put it, but i don't play LBG so I have no idea if it is good (same as jyu, but no slot, 10% more affinity and +20 defense)
6 208 160 10% 0-0-0 20 Low 3 3/2/- 3/2/- 4/4/2 2/1/1 0 3/2/- 6/5/- 3/-/- 5/4/- 3 0 0 0 0 0
7 273 210 -10% 0-0-0 20 High 2 4/-/2 5/2/2 3/-/- 0 0 0 5/3 0 0 Taroth Blitz "Rage" 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 Kjarr Blitz "Bomber"

Make sure to mark ammo level by doing X/X/X with numbers filled in
highlight the number for rap fire, I don't think reload speed is plausible to get in the spread sheet
Still need to define what colors should be used to highlight rapid fire and such
I used (#R) on my addition to denote ammo levels with Rapid until someone settles on a highlight color or something.
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Image Rating
who the fuck broke this shit nigga #VALUE!
Attack Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense #REF! ★★★★★ which one of you gay ass retards decided they would break this shit im going to murder you
6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★ -+
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 7 7 3.043478261 Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★ Probably depends on Affinity Booster uptime. No, it definitely is better than Fiendish with the right build except against things with three star weakness against dragon
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 1 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 1 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 1 ★★★★★ Dr
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 hgjrj ★★★★★
7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★ good
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 2 ★★★★★ lol
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 3 ★★★★★
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense 1 ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Slots Defense ★★★★★ te
Handicraft to White Slots Defense ★★★★★ so
Handicraft to White Slots Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Slots Defense ★★★★★
Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
White Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★ .
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Handicraft to White Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Defense ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Rating Rating Elderseal Image
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★★★★☆ Rating
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating

Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE!

Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3
★☆☆☆☆ Rating

Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 30 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 1-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating

Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE!

Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 30 3
★☆☆☆☆ Rating

Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 30 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 1-0-0 25 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 1-0-0 25 2 ★★★★★ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 1-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 30 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating Not even a little bit. KT version of Magda Potestas II.
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 30 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating Average
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 30 1 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 1 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 1 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 1 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
Handicraft to White Affinity ★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ Rating
★☆☆☆☆ High
La ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Rating Comments Elderseal Image
Taroth Slicer "Mud" 7☆ 308 220 Paralysis (180) Blue -10% 1-0-0 25 2 ★★★★★ Good Raw SnS (Barroth Club III alternative)
Taroth Slicer "Water" 8☆ 266 190 Water (420) Blue 2+ 10% 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★★★ Highest KT non ele damage sword and shield due to easily obtainable white sharpness
Taroth Slicer "Fire" 7☆ 252 180 Fire (390) White 0% 3-0-0 20 2 ★★★★★ Best fire sns
Rage Gold Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Fire 120 Blue 1+ -20% 0-0-0 20 3 ★★★★★
Taroth Slicer "Stream" 7☆ 224 160 Ice 330 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★★ Slightly better than Legia Rimespire
Taroth Slicer "Rage" 7☆ 294 210 Fire 240 Blue 2+ -20% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆ 2nd best fire SnS
Taroth Slicer "Tar" 7☆ 266 190 Sleep 210 Blue 10% 0-0-0 30 2 ★★★★☆ Potentially better than Baan Claw
Tarroth Slicer "Spew" 7☆ 252 180 Poison 390 White No White 0% 1-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆ Royal Rose is better Average
Taroth Slicer "Blast" 8☆ 238 170 Blast (390) White 0% 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★★☆ Better able to compete with Teostra Spada
Taroth Slicer "Numb" 7☆ 224 160 Paralysis 240 Blue 1+ 30% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆ Better than Malady's Tabar IIIStill not as good as Grand Barong II. Sure it requires awaken but it's got way more raw and paralysis. Not worth using this IMO.
Taroth Slicer " Drifter" 7☆ 252 180 Blast 270 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★☆☆ Outdone by Teostra's Spada More Blast and a second augment slot closes the gap some.
Taroth Slicer "Dragon" 8☆ 224 160 Dragon (450) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★☆☆ Too low of raw to compete with Fatal Bite. But that elm tho! (with 3 dragon atk deco the elm goes up to 550, max of 580 with 5 deco)
Taroth Slicer "Myth" 7☆ 224 160 Thunder 360 Blue 3+ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★☆☆ Weaker than Thuderbolt Sword and Master Bang Can reach white sharpness, better than Thunderbolt Sword
Taroth Slicer "King" 7☆ 266 190 Fire 180 Blue No White 30% 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Taroth Slicer "Glutton" 7☆ 266 190 Water 270 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Mud Gold Scimitar 6☆ 252 180 Paralysis (180) Blue -10% 0-0-0 25 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Glutton Gold Scimitar 6☆ 238 170 Water 120 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Blast Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Blast (180) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Spew Gold Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Poison 180 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Tar Gold Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Sleep 120 Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 30 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Water Scimitar 6☆ 224 160 Water (210) Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Drifter Gold Scimitar 6☆ 210 150 Blast 120 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
King Gold Scimitar 6☆ 210 150 Fire 120 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Gold Dragon Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Dragon (210) Blue 2+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Stream Gold Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Ice 150 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Numb Gold Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Paralysis 120 Blue 30% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Myth Gold Scimitar 6☆ 196 140 Thunder 180 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
z 8 665 190 Sleep (360) Blue ★★★★★ 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Power An option to the Jagras Raider III. Trades the Exhaust Phial and a 2 slot for Power phial and unlockable white sharpness. Rarity 8 also means it loses 2 augment slots.
Taroth Axe "Gyre" 8 700 200 Water (480) Blue ★★★★★ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Power
7 735 210 Fire 120 Blue ★★★★★ No White 10% 0-0-0 40 2 Power
Taroth Axe "Paralysis" 8 735 210 Paralysis (450) Blue ★★★★★ No White 0% 3-0-0 30 1 Power Straight upgrade to Barroth (Paralysis Hidden, can use NEB or Free Element)
Tarroth Axe "Horn" 7 805 230 Ice (240) Blue ★★★★★ 4+ -30% 0-0-0 25 2 Power An alternative to the Axe of Demon. Same stat but with extra def and lose 1 Lv1 slot for extra augmentation option
Taroth Axe "Gyre" 7 735 210 Fire 120 Blue ★★★★☆ No White 10% 0-0-0 40 2 Power
Taroth Axe "Drifter" 7 595 170 Blast (420) Blue ★★★☆☆ 3+ 25% 0-0-0 20 2 Power
Taroth Axe "Mud" 7 735 210 Paralysis 180 Blue ★★☆☆☆ No White -20% 0-0-0 25 2 power
8 560 160 Thunder (480) Blue ★☆☆☆☆ 10% 3-0-0 20 1 Power
6 455 130 Ice 150 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Gold Thunder Chopper 6 455 130 Thunder (240) Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
King Gold Chopper 6 490 140 Fire 90 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ 4+ 15% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Gold Sleep Chopper 6 490 140 Sleep (180) Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Drifter Gold Chopper 6 525 150 Blast (210) Blue ★☆☆☆☆ 25% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Decay Gold Chopper 6 525 150 Dragon 90 White ★☆☆☆☆ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power Element Average
Gold Paralysis Chopper 6 525 150 Paralysis (210) Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White -20% 0-0-0 25 3 Power
Gyre Gold Chopper 6 560 160 Fire 60 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 10% 0-0-0 40 3 Power
Taroth Axe "Stream" 7 560 160 Ice 300 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Power Element ou
Mud Gold Chopper 6 560 160 Paralysis 90 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White -20% 0-0-0 25 3 Power
Glutton Gold Chopper 6 560 160 Sleep 90 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Mire Gold Chopper 6 560 160 Water 150 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power

Bomber Gold Chopper 6 595 170 Blast 90 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Taroth Axe "Decay" 7 595 170 Dragon 210 White ★☆☆☆☆ 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power Element Average
Taroth Axe "Bomber" 7 630 180 Blast 180 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power
Taroth Axe "King" 7 665 190 Fire 210 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ 4+ 15% 0-0-0 20 2 Power
Horn Gold Chopper 6 665 190 Ice (120) Blue ★☆☆☆☆ -30% 0-0-0 25 3 Power
Taroth Axe "Glutton" 7 665 190 Sleep 150 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power No point using this over Taroth Axe "Sleep" even with the locked Sleep.
Taroth Axe "Mire" 7 665 190 Water 300 Blue ★☆☆☆☆ No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power Element
★☆☆☆☆ ki
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Rating Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Elderseal
Taroth Strongarm "Mire" 7 665 190 Water 300 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2
Taroth Axe "Mud" 7 735 210 Paralysis 180 Blue No White -20%% 0-0-0 25 2 Power
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Kinsect Bonus Image Rating
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
8 576 185.8064516 Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★★☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Kinsect Bonus ★★★★☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★★☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★★☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★★☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★☆☆☆ Just got it. Does not need to be awakened.
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★★★
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★★☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★★☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★★★★☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆ 9
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆ f
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Kinsect Bonus ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Rarity ★☆☆☆☆
Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Special Ammo Type Augments Rating Normal Piercing Spread Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Exhaust Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Tranq Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity 3-0-0 20 High Special Ammo Type #N/A ★★★★☆ Normal Piercing Spread Comments
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity 0-0-0 20 Low Special Ammo Type #N/A ★★★★☆ Normal Piercing Spread Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity 0-0-0 20 None Special Ammo Type 2 ★★★★☆ Normal Piercing Spread Comments
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity 0-0-0 20 Average Special Ammo Type 2 ★★★★☆ Normal Piercing Spread Comments
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity 0-0-0 25 Average Special Ammo Type #N/A ★★★☆☆ Normal Piercing Spread Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity 0-0-0 20 Average Special Ammo Type #N/A ★★★☆☆ Normal Piercing Spread X X X X 2/- X X X X 4 X 2 1 1 X Comments
4 7 300 200 -10% 0-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/6 9/7/- 9/6/5 3/-/- 5/5/- 4/-/- 7 4 1 2
g 7 315 210 -10% 0-0-0 30 High Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/4 -/-/3 -/-/3 0 2/- 7/- 1/- 5/- 7/6 7 0 0 7 3 2 1 X 2 High Thunder Ammo, good for farming Kulve Tarroth
7 330 220 -10% 0-0-0 25 High Wyvernheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 -/-/2 -/-/3 1/-/- 3/-/- 2/-/- 1 Upgrade to Nergy, more damage per shot/less sustainable dps than glutton
6 210 140 25% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/- 9/7/5 9/-/- X X 4/3 4/- X X X X 7 3 4 1 2 X
6 210 140 0% 0-0-0 20 High Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 9/6/5 7/5/- 6/4/4 -/1/1 3/-/- X X X X X X X 1 X X
6 210 140 10% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/0 6/0/0 6/3/3 1/0/0 2/2/0 X 1/4/0 5/3/0 X X X X X X X 1 X X
6 210 140 20% 0-0-0 20 None Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 5/4/3/ 10/8/6/ 0/0/0/ 0/0/0/ 1/1/ 3/0/ 2/1/ 2/0/ 0/4/ 5 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1
6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 5/4/3 10/8/- 3/2/1 3/-/- 1/1/- 3/2/- 2/-/- 2/-/- 5 1
6 225 150 10% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 5/4/- 5/-/- 10/6/6 0/0/0 1/1/- 0/0/0 2/-/- 0/0/0 1/-/-/ X X X X X X X 1 1 Not as good as Taroth Assault "Glutton" but a decent alternative.
7 6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernsnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/4 6/5/- 6/3/- 1/-/- 7/5/- 5/3/- X X 7 7 X 3 2 1 X X
6 225 150 0% 0-0-0 25 Average Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/2 1/-/- 1/1/- -/2/- -/1/- -/1/- 4 4 2 2 1 1
6 240 160 0% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 4/3/- 1/3/- X X X X 2/- X X X X 4 X 2 1 1 X
6 270 180 -20% 0-0-0 25 High Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 1/5/3 -/-/2 -/-/3 1/-/- 3/-/- 2/-/- 1
df 270 180 -20% 0-0-0 30 High Wyvernheart 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 7/6/4 0/0/3 0/0/3 0/0/0 2/0/0 7/0/0 1/0/0 5/0/0 7/6/0 7 X X 7 3 2 1 X 2 Hex
7 270 180 0 0-0-0 20 Low Wyvernheart ★☆☆☆☆ 7/5/4 12/10/- 4/3/2 3/-/- 2/2/- 4/3/- 3/-/- 3/-/- -/-/- 7 X X X X X 1 X X
Weapon Name 6 255 170 -10% 0-0-0 20 high Wyversnipe 3 ★☆☆☆☆ 10/9/6 9/7/- 9/6/5 3/-/- X 5/5/- 4/-/- X X 7 X X X X 4 1 2 X
0-0-0 20 high ★☆☆☆☆
7 285 190 0% 0-0-0 20 Average Wyverheart 2 ★☆☆☆☆ 2/7/4 5/4/- 2/4/- 3/-/- 5 3 1 2 4
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity Special Ammo Type #N/A Normal Piercing Spread Comments
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Affinity Special Ammo Type #N/A Normal Piercing Spread Comments
Attack #VALUE! Special Ammo Type Normal Piercing Spread
Attack #VALUE! Special Ammo Type Normal Spread
Attack #VALUE! Special Ammo Type Normal
Special Ammo Type Normal
Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Comments
6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3 Average
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2 Average
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 1
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 1
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 1
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 3
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Affinity Slots Defense 2
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense 1
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental Slots Defense ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Elemental ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial Elderseal Image
Weapon Name Rarity 2 0.5555555556 Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Rarity 212 58.88888889 Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name is Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rah Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarih Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Defense Phial High
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Defense Phial High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Defense Phial High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Defense Phial High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Defense Phial High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness High
Rarity Attack #VALUE! High
Rarity High

- ------------------------------------
c Rarity Rating Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Phial Element (Blade mode)
Elderseal Image
Taroth Axe "Water" 8 ★★★★★ 700 200 Water (480) Blue 3-0-0 20 1 Power
Taroth Axe "Thunder" 8 ★★★★★ 560 160 Thunder (480) White 10% 3-0-0 20 1 Power
Taroth Axe "Sleep" 8 ★★★★★ 805 230 Ice (240) Blue 4+ -30% 0-0-0 25 2 Power v
Taroth Axe "Horn" 7 ★★★★☆ 665 190 Sleep (360) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1 Power An option to the Jagras Raider III. Trades the Exhaust Phial and a 2 slot for Power phial and unlockable white sharpness. Rarity 8 also means it loses 2 augment slots.
Taroth Axe "Gyre" 7 ★★★★☆ 735 210 Fire 120 Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 40 2 Power
Taroth Axe "Drifter" 7 ★★★☆☆ 595 170 Blast (420) Blue 3+ 25% 0-0-0 20 2 Power
Taroth Axe "Mud" 7 ★★☆☆☆ 735 210 Paralysis 180 Blue -20% 0-0-0 25 2 power
Taroth Axe "Stream" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 560 160 Ice 300 Blue 10% 0-0-0 20 2 Power Element
Taroth Axe "Mire" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 665 190 Water 300 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power Element
Taroth Axe "King" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 665 190 Fire 210 Blue 4+ 15% 0-0-0 20 2 Power
Taroth Axe "Glutton" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 665 190 Sleep 150 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power No point using this over Taroth Axe "Sleep" even with the locked Sleep.
Taroth Axe "Decay" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 595 170 Dragon 210 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power Element Average
Taroth Axe "Bomber" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ 630 180 Blast 180 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Power
Stream Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 455 130 Ice 150 Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Mud Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 560 160 Paralysis 90 Blue No White -20% 0-0-0 25 3 Power
Mire Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 560 160 Water 150 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
King Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 490 140 Fire 90 Blue 4+ 15% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Horn Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 665 190 Ice (120) Blue -30% 0-0-0 25 3 Power
Gyre Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 560 160 Fire 60 Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 40 3 Power
Gold Thunder Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 455 130 Thunder (240) Blue No White 10% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Gold Sleep Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 490 140 Sleep (180) Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Gold Paralysis Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 525 150 Paralysis (210) Blue No White -20% 0-0-0 25 3 Power
Glutton Gold Chopper ★☆☆☆☆ 560 160 Sleep 90 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 Power
Drifter Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 525 150 Blast (210) Blue 25% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Decay Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 525 150 Dragon 90 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power Element Average
Bomber Gold Chopper 6 ★☆☆☆☆ 595 170 Blast 90 Blue 0% 0-0-0 20 3 Power
Taroth Strongarm "Mire" 7 665 190 Water 300 Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 2
Taroth Axe "Paralysis" 8 735 210 Paralysis (450) Blue No White 10% 3-0-0 30 1 Power Straight upgrade to Barroth (Paralysis Hidden, can use NEB or Free Element)
Taroth Crest "Claw" 7 ★★★★★ Fire (90) Blue 1+ 30% 0 - 0 - 0 20 2 Absolute best lance in the game paired with MT. Masters Touch, Armor set bonus from Behe Armor
Taroth Crest "Sleep" 8 ★★★★☆ Sleep (450) Blue 10% 3 - 0 - 0 20 1 What a ridiculous amount of sleep on a lance; one of the better drops
Taroth Crest "Thunder" 8 ★★★★☆ Thunder (600) Blue No White 20% 3 - 0 - 0 20 1 Best Thunder lance in the game, decent upgrade to Thunderpiercergay
Taroth Crest "Water" 8 ★★★★☆ Water (420) Blue 2+ 0% 3-0-0 20 1
Taroth Crest "Poison" 8 ★★★☆☆ Poison (630) Blue No White -10% 3 - 0 - 0 20 1 Best poison lance, however lackluster stats overall. Other ailments are more meaningful.
Taroth Crest "Crusher" 7 ★★★☆☆ Blast 210 Blue 10% 0 - 0 - 0 20 2
Taroth Crest "Mud" 7 ★★★☆☆ Paralysis 240 Blue -20% 25 2 Four stars simply because it's the only paralysis lance that doesn't need to be awakened, allowing you to focus on other skills
Taroth Crest "Spew" 7 ★★★☆☆ Poison 540 No White 0% 1-0-0 20 2 10 more raw at the cost of a lvl2 slot and an augmnet.
Taroth Crest "Lurk" 7 ★★☆☆☆ Blast (270) White 10% 0 - 0 - 0 20 2 30 extra blast and 10% affinity at the cost of an augment slot and a lvl3 slot.
Taroth Crest "Decay" 7 ★★☆☆☆ Dragon 270 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 natural white and an extra augment slot at the cost of 30 raw and a lvl2 slot
Taroth Crest "Stream" 7 ★★☆☆☆ Ice 300 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 Better sharpness but lower attack and lower element than Legiana lance.
Taroth Crest "Thief" 7 ★★☆☆☆ Sleep 210 Blue 10% 0 - 0 - 0 20 2 To my knowledge, the only natural sleep lance in-game currently, but still outclased by Taroth Crest "sleep".
Taroth Crest "King" 7 ★☆☆☆☆ Fire 300 White 0% 0-0-0 20 2 40 less raw for natural white sharpness, weaker than the rathalos lance
Lurk Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Blast (120) White 10% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Crusher Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Blast 90 Blue 0-0-0 20 3
Decay Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Dragon 120 Blue 1+ 0% 0-0-0 20 3 x
Claw Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Fire (60) Blue 30% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
King Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Fire 150 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3
Stream Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Ice 150 White 0% 0-0-0 20 3
Mud Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Paralysis 120 Blue -20% 0 - 0 - 0 25 3
Spew Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Poison 270 Blue 0% 1-0-0 20 3 AHHHHHHH GAY!!!
Gold Sleep Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Sleep (210) Blue 2+ 10% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3
Thief Gold Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Sleep 90 Blue 10% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3 gay gay gay gay
Gold Thunder Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Thunder (270) Blue 20% 0 - 0 - 0 20 3 gay gay
Gold Water Defender 6 ★☆☆☆☆ Water (210) Blue No White 0% 0-0-0 20 3 gay gay
Rarity Rating Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal
gay bab gay
gay gay
gay gay gay gay gay
gay gay
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Rating Weapon Model
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Slots Defense #N/A ★★★★★
Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Affinity Slots Defense #N/A ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Phial Element (Blade
Phial EldersealImage
mode) Rating
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial Average ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial Average ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★★★☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★★☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 3-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 3-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 3-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 0-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity 3-0-0 Defense Augments Phial ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Defense Augments Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆ ki
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Handicraft to White Defense #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Handicraft to White #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Handicraft to White #N/A Phial ★☆☆☆☆
Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
`` Raw Affinity Slots Defense Augments Rating Comments Elderseal Image
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments Average
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 20 #N/A Rating Comments Can reach white sharpness, better than Thunderbolt Sword
`` `` a 6 m. ff1. 1 x 0-0-0 30 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` Affinity 1-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` 23 16.42857143 Affinity 0-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments More Blast and a second augment slot closes the gap some.
`` `` Affinity 0-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` 252 180 Affinity 1-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
.. `` 252 180 Affinity 0-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` 252 180 Affinity 0-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` 252 180 Affinity 3-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments Highest KT non ele damage sword and shield due to easily obtainable white sharpness
`` `` 868 620 Affinity3 - 0 - 0,, , xx gc f2f 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` 224 160 Affinity 3-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` 224 160 Affinity 0-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments
`` `` 224 160 Affinity 0-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments Still not as good as Grand Barong II. Sure it requires awaken but it's got way more raw and paralysis. Not worth using this IMO.
`` `` 224 160 Affinity 3-0-0 25 #N/A Rating Comments

zq 8☆ #N/A

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Affinity Slots Defense Augments Elderseal Power Poison Paralysis Sleep Blast Image Rating Comments

Oh Rarity asdfa #VALUE! asd asd sdsad sdfsdf asd asd asd ad asd asd
asd asd asd ★★★★★ Comments
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Red Affinity 0-0-0 25 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
<<<<<< Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★ Best Long 4 GL in the game. Lower raw but that doesn't matter for long 4 shelling. 3 augments makes it best.
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★☆
Porcoddio Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★☆
Weapon NameAttack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★☆☆ Worse than the Mythic Kadachi Striker (no slots, less damage)
I hope someone has a backup Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental White Affinity 0-0-0 25 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★☆☆
i fucking need this shit Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★☆
what the fuck Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 3-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 3-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 3-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Average ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 0-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental White Affinity 3-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 3-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 3-0-0 - Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★★
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Blue Affinity 3-0-0 20 Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★★★★☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity ` Augments Shell Level'/ ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack #VALUE! Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Elemental Affinity Augments Shell Level'/ ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Affinity Augments ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name
Weapon Name
Handicraft to White Affinity ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating

Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots Defense Augments Shell Level'/ Shell Type Elderseal Rating


--------------------------------- ---------------------------------
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Affinity Slots Defense Deviation Augments Normal Piercing Spread Sticky Cluster Recover Poison Paralysis Sleep Flaming Water Freeze Thunder Dragon Slicing Wyvern Demon Armor Rating Ich Comments
Mire Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Glutton Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Claw Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Drifter Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Mud Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Gold Shot Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
King Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Gold Pierce Razer/ 6 Attack #VALUE!
Gold Spread Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Erupter Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Decay Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Rage Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Bomber Gold Razer 6 Attack #VALUE!
Taroth Blitz "Decay" 7 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
Taroth Blitz "Mire" 7 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
8 Attack #VALUE!
8 Attack #VALUE!
8 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
7 Attack #VALUE!
8 Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Attack #VALUE!
Weapon Name Rarity Attack Raw Elemental Sharpness Handicraft to White Affinity Slots EldersealImage
Defense Augments ★★★★★
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Paralysis (60) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Water 90 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Fire(60) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Sleep 60 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Poison (150) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Thunder (90) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Ice (120) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Fire 120 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Blast 90 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 30 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Fire 60 Sharpness Handicraft to W 1-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Water (120) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Ice (60) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 25 3 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 6 Attack #VALUE! Thunder 60 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 3 ★★☆☆☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sleep 90 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Fire(90) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Thunder 150 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★☆☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Thunder (210) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Fire 150 Sharpness Handicraft to White 1-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Water 210 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 30 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Fire 240 Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★★★★★ has higher fire element than LC at 310 vs 200 considerably stronger than lava cyclone, dbs are pigeonholed into crit ele+masters touch. element comes out on top
Attack #VALUE!
wtf is this anymore, this is a shit link from reddit....
7 Ice (150) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 25 2 ★★★★☆
Weapon Name 7 Attack #VALUE! Paralysis (90) Sharpness Handicraft to White 0-0-0 20 2 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Water (270) Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★☆☆
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Poison (330) Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 88 1 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Ice (270) Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 1 ★★★★☆ BEEF is this any good?
Weapon Name 8 Attack #VALUE! Fire (180) Sharpness Handicraft to White 3-0-0 20 1 ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆ ù
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★★☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness Handicraft to White ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! Sharpness ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Attack #VALUE! ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name Red ★☆☆☆☆
Weapon Name ★☆☆☆☆

[1] Added 8/17 after the new Kulve weapons update

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