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V9 af goal GZ ol ee bY als (via) so) BF onl deo 5 THE STANDARD _ ENGLISH- URDU DICTIONARY Compiled by THE ANJUMAN-E-TARAQGI-E-URDU (INDIA). This is by far the largest and most comprehensive English- Urdu Dictionary ever published providing a thorough treatment of over 200,000 English words and phrases. The following are some of its main features :— : (1) It is up-to-date and includes the latest additions to the English language. (2) The most striking feature of this compilation is that it gives Urdu equivalents not only for words in literary, colloquial, and dialectal use, but also for those that belong to the terminology of arts and sciences, as also for obsolete and archaic words used in literary books. (8) The various shades of meaning of a word are indicated by numbers and every effort has been made to make their clagsi- fication reasonably complete. (4) Copious illustrations are given to explain a word having different shades of mooning that are not easily distinguisbable or when its definition is dificult of comprehension until exemplified. (6) The entire field of Urdu literary and colloquial usage has heen explored to find the aptest and the most appropriate Urdu equivalents for English words and phrases. (6) Idiomatic phrases are treated with a fulness that is unparalleled in similar works, Great attention is paid to the accuracy of meanings which are in many cases new and original. (7) In several cases where the existing Urdu vocabulary was found unable to sustain the meaning of the English, original new words or combination of words have been coined or deyised in perfect harmony with the structural peculiarities of the Urdu language, making thereby valuable additions to its vocabulary. It is printed on high class Bible papor in clear, beautiful English and Urdu typas. The binding is insect and climate proof and highly durable, (omy quarto, pp. over 1546. Price Rs. 16/-net). | Can be had from The Anjuman-e-Taraggi-e-Urdu, New Delhi. (8) 112 Woulfe’s bottle Fig Wrought iron pu x Xenon oki X-rays idee X-ray analysis Ege X-ray spectrum ab fey Y Yeast a Yiola salagi fe Ytterbium BA Yttrium ii Zz Zeeman effect Asks Zine ace Aine-copper couple wet Zine dust Bi o wes “Zirconium Ee Water-vapout Water layer Weak acid Weak base Weight Weight normal Woll-defined Whey - White-heat White-lead White Vitriol Winchester quart ‘Wine Wine vinegar Wintergreen Wood sorrel Wood-spirit Wood-tar Wood vinegar Workshop Wort M1 se yt 7 af ding iad os ye ty io Ne ae? hai Jiged wut 4 Lod 1 ots ve Zits uses! Sve pet wk 110 Wash-bottle Washing Washing-soda Wash leather Watch glass Water Water bath Water calorimeter Water-distillate ‘Water-gas Wate r-glass Water jacket ‘Water jet aspirator Water of constitution Water of crystallisation Water of hydration Water proof Water proofing Water seal Water-turbine wage Aluboet dl je v5 aeded ue hit Suh, AG ftiof Viscidity Viscosity Viscous Visibility Vital force Vital function Vital process Vitreous Vitrification Vitriol Volatile Volatility Voltaic cell Voltmeter Voltameter Volume Volume-normal Volumetric-analysis Vulcanisation Vulcanised rubber Vulcan powder 109 108 Valonia Valve Vanadium Vaporising bulb Vapour Vapour-jacket Vapour tension Variance (of a system) Varnish Vegetable colours Vehicle (for pigment) Velocity Velocity constant Verdigris Vermilion Vermin killer Vertical Vertical axis Violent Violet Viscid fois yall Be6F 1G eh Lh SEG o? 4u4 Unit Univalent Unmalted grain Unsaturated Unsized Unstable Unsubstituted compounds Unsymmetrical Upright condenser Upward displacement Uranium Dranium x Oraniam y Urinary Calculi U-Tabe Vacuum Vacuum dessicator Vacuum pan Valenoy Valency electron oe Chi Bre Wi Me onl ee gare edad dee Pad low jeu gl Gas yet Two-volume formule Two-way tap Type Type-metal ‘ Typical Typhoid fever Ultra-filtration Ultra-micron Ultra-microscope Ultra-violet Un-charred Un-dissociated- Un-glaved Unbydrolysed Uni-cellular Uniform Uni-molecular Union Un-ionised Uni-polarity 106 oi ow isl Clue iL Trough Tube Tuber Tube furnace Tubes of foree Tubulus Tungsten Turbid Turbidity Turkey red. Turkey red cloth Turmeric paper Turnbull’s blue Turning Turpentine Turpeth mineral Turquoise Twaddel (Tw) Twentieth normal (solution) Twin Two component system af wht e-w erw Bu Calagab KY ot t OM SAF vied das sbi ey (Wieri» Lute Translucent Transmutation Transparent Transpiration ‘Transportation Transport numbers Transpose (verb) Transposition Treatment Tri-acid Triasformation Tribasic Triboluminescence Triclinic Tridymite Trigger action (catch action) Triple bond Triple point Triplet Trivalent Trivariant ave Tight hed Tin ia Tincture i £ Tin pest bs 6 ia ; Tint (6 Tissue ol Titanium x a Titration | ope Titre aly Titrate t fos Tongs ve Toning ie ke Tough i wy Trans-form Sout Transformation Je Transition ae Transition element PX ut Transition interval Ba fast Transition point A Suk Transition product Shut Transition temperature Lois 102 Theory Therapeutical Thermal conductivity Thermal dissociation Thermal effect Thermal value Thermo chemical Thermo chemistry Thermo-dynamical Thermodynainics Thermometer Themo-regulator Thermostat Thick Thistle funnel Thorium Threo-phase furnace Three-way tap Threshold (photochemical) Throttle (valve) Thulium 2 lew coder blz Siar Ady ofr bu is bus oy Suhre ase sity we ig Su gynuet och f ee 101 Tempering Temperature Coefficient Tenacity Ten millionth normal Tenuity Tensile strength Terbium Terminals Termination Tertiary Tertary alloy Tervalent Test Test tube Tetragonal Tetrahedron Tetravalent Thallium Theoretical Textile Textile Chemistry oe. Ue Lf pug ose ze on ‘Tabular (sulphur) Tailings Tan liquor Tannin Tanning Tantalum Tap Taper (candle) Tap funnel Tar Tarry matter Tartar emetic Taste Tasteless Tautomeric Tautomerism Technical Technique Tellurium Temper 100 Y which srw, & El Ht eS G wre aS Gy ee Buy a Je stg fat As3 Dijioy oer ile Be & oe oer) ? eit OH wet yi 99 Suppression (of an ion) Supporter of combustion Surface tension. Surgery Suspended Suspension Suspension theory of colloids Suspensoid Symbiotic (union) Symbol Symunetrical Symmetry Syn-form Synthesis Synthetic capacity Synthetic method Syringe Syrup Syrupy liquid Suet Suffix Sugar Sugar-beet Sugar candy Sugar inversion Sugar maple Sugar refining Sulphagel Sulphur Sulphur water Sumach Super-cooled Super-cooling Super-fused Super-heated Superposition Super saturated Super saturation Super solubility Suppress 98 bre ay & “” Le adie uy be Sf 3 bas iia oe Yh wd ould OW ch see bss ve ‘ths 97 Structure Strychnos alkaloids Strychnos nuxvomica Sub-division Sublimate Sublimation Submarine mine Sub-micron Sub-microscopic Sub-multiple Subsidiary action Subsidiary valency Substantive dyes Substituent Substitute Substitution Substitution product Substrate Successive operations Suction Sudorific 96 Steam oven Steel crusher Steps Stereo-chemical Stereo-chemistry Stereo-isomerism Sterilisation Sterilise Steribiser Stirrer Stone (in the bladder) Stop cock Storage cells Storax Strata Strength (of acid) Strike back (fiame) Strip Strong Strontium Structural formula ire jYoous ea baa beet Leia ee ys WA oF by GA eu 233 we oe (G7) Be bey tink bb spb ey Make 95 Spiral Spirit of wine Splinter Spongy-platinum Spontaneous disintegration Spools Spray Spring water Stabilising (ions) Stability Stable Stand Standard. Standardisation Standardise Standard solution Starch State of agitation Static formule Stationary state Steam bath Gdatridey ez! be ue G 6L4 0G B Pag 94 Spatula Specific affinity Specific conductivity Specific gravity Specific heat Specific refractive constant Specific refractivity Specific rotation Specific rotatory power Specific volume Specimen Spectral terms Spectroscope Spectroscopy Spectrum Spelter Spherical Spherules Spindle Spinning electron theory Spinthariscope 2 yes cen fs Bays ol $s 3 Phong cdl gy wigs BUG isi oH Sol Solid Solidification Solidify Solid-liqnid system Solidus curve Solubility Soluble Solute Solution Solution pressure Solvent Soot Sour Sorel cement Space Space arrangement Space isomerism Space lattice Spark Spark spectrum vs 4 tema terete pedhr® flurY Ota Singly masked Sinuous Siphon tube Skin Slag Slaked lime Slice Sliding contact Slime Sloe Sluggish ion Smelting Smelting furnace Smoky quarts Smooth curve Soap Soda ash Soda bleach Sodium Sodium knife Soft water 92 Short periods Shrinkage Side chain Side tube Silent discharge Siliceous earth Silicon Silver Silver salt Similarity Simple laws Simple multiples Simple relation Simultaneity Simultaneous Simultaneously Single Bingle salt Singlet Singlet bond Singly linked 91 90 Sensitiveness Separating funnel Septum Serum Set Setting Sewage Sextet Shades (of colour) Shale Sharp (line of demarcation) Shaving Shears Sheath Sheet, Sheet metal Shell Shellac Shell theory Short circuit Shortlived oe oh ath 224 i eg bers 4 ke Lbres Ss & Cc = 8 yo G : De : s & DP Sad oe E78 Se te af evif Scintillation Serew clip Scum Sealed tube Secondary Seretion Sedative Sediment Sedimentation Seedling Selenium Self-associative Self-oxidation Semi-fluid Semipermeable Semi-polar double bond Semi-solid Sensitiser Sensitisation Sensitise Sensitive bie as deg Asae LYNE He ae ohre tbo ule Saline taste Saliva Salt Saltern Salting out Salt of sorrel Saltpetre Samarium Sample Sand bath Sandstone Saponification Saturated Saturation Sausage Sausage machine Scales Scandium Scarlet Scattered Scattering BB pot vb a se fro Lig 64 Lf ed fe ad FA BK Lyle Rock salt Roll sulphur Rose crucible Rose quartz Rosin Rotary power Rotating electrodes Rotation Rotatory polarisation Rotatory power Rouge Rubidium Ruby red Rust Rusting Ruthenium Saccharimeter Safety tube Sal ammoniac Saline 87 Reverse action Reversed electrolysis Reversibility Reyersible Reversible cycle Reversing apparatus Rhenium Rheostat Rheumatism Rhodiom Rhombice Rhombic sulphur Rhombo-hederal Ribbon Right-handed screw Rigidity Ring burner Rinmann’s green Rochelle salt Rock crystal Rock oil 86 EU obiey Gs wet Rennet Representative Repulsion Research Residual’ Residual valency Residue Resin Resinous matorial Resinous oil Resistance Resistance box Resistance friction Resolution Resolving power Resonance Resonance spectra Respiration Rotardation Retort Reverse yo pe S 84 Reducing action Reducing agent Reducing properties Reduction Reduction product Reduction tube Reflected Reflecting crystal Reflux condenser Refract Refraction Refraction equivalent Refractive Refractive index Refractive power Refractory Refrigeration Refrigerant Refrigerator Regulate Relative lowering Sty Jy oF vile he Le tgs bbe Naat ba He Cosh Cao pers bw Gus if ols bls Su gus) slows ty alae diy taupe 5b ja) 83 Raw material React Reacting Reacting substances Reacting weight Reaction Reactivity Reagent Reagent bottle Rebound Recalescence Receiver Reciprocal Reciprocal salt pairs Reciprocal transformation Reerystallisation Red heat Red hot Red lake Red lead Reduce (verb) eediad tou pnw ES eile wake Jl ete Ui Sega taht eth bea gle Uigsledul Je igle SUP st eo Mey ver iy dake! Wor 82 Quasi-chemical change Quaternary Quick lime Quick vinegar process Quinquivalent Quintessence Racemic Racemisation Radiation Radi eal) Radiclo Radio-active Radio-activity Radio-luminescence sor wer etus gli 7 ee es Lindium A, B,C, D, B, BG, dt9!e ta Gah dae Range Rare earths Rate of decay Rate of recovery Ratio leat bu Oe Ler oe 81 Qualitative Qualitative analysis Quantitative Quantitative analysis Quantum Quantum condition Quantum equation of restriction Quantum group Quantum numbers Quantum numbers, (Azimuthal) Quantum numbers, (Radial) Quantum numbers, (rotational) Quantuin numbers, (spin) Quantum numbers, (vibration) Quantum number, (principal) Quantum number, (magnetic) Quantum theory Quantum theory of energy Quantum yield Quartet, Quartz ro f Off Ps ao ff cole fis fd ah fig ahs eis wifi br sais o> sunfish sree ai Fis By a Fil ine up thio f if Hee Pee ans " a if ! 2 Aa Pulverise Puiverulent Puniice Pamp Pungent smneil Pure Purgative Purification Purifier Parify Purple Purple of Cassius Putrefaction Pyknometer Pyrohgneous acid Pyrophoric Pyrotechny Quadrivalence Quadrivalent Quadruple point 80 Soot ee (6. Bien Binal aye 87 ON SL aril Avi sileT be oh Shes Producer gas Project (verb) Projection Proof-spirit Property Pro-rata Protective action Protective colloid Protied Proteins Protoactinium Proton Protoplasm Protozoacides Protyle Prussian blue Pseudo-solution Pseudomerism Pulp Pulverised Pulverisation 73 Ceba ii L ae Spb mb whe tie die sb 18 Precipitation membrane Prefix Preparation Pressure Pressure gauge Pressure tube Primary alcohol Primary matter Principal valency Principle Principle Principle of combination Principle of correspondence Principle of least aotion Printer’s ink Prism Prismatic needles Prismatic sulphur Probability Process Producer bee we Beigsl $b bibs Sls ophiga es go aly rid A Ji Lhe Pee iv fey tf Gis Sele a rot Shas J oe aig Ponderable matter Poppy oil Porcelain Porcelain basin Porous Porous cell Positive Positive-ray analysis Positron Potash bulb Potassium Potential Potential gradient Potential valency Powder Power Praseodymium Precipitant Precipitate Precipitated Precipitation 7 ob Wags ed whOEs ab tle aba faed Eb rad Ot og Zu ty ee og wes aisles ob Ss By we ae (ors “e ws wrk ees 4 Pneumatic-trough Point of ignition Poisoning Polar Polariscope Polarimeter ‘Polarimetry Polarisation Polarisation E.M.F. Polarised Pole Pollen grains Polonium Polyatomic Polybasic Polymer Polymeric Polymerisation Poly-molecular Poly-morphous Polyvalent 16 75 Physics Physiology Physiological Physiological salt solution Pigmint Pink Pipe-clay triangle Pipette Pitch Pitch blende Plane of polarisation Plaster of Paris Plastic Plastic sulphur Plasticity Plate Plating Platinised asbestos Platinum Platinum black - Plug 14 Phase rule Phenomenon Philosopher's stone Phlogiston Phosphorescence Phosphorescence spectrum Phosphorescent Phosphorogen Phosphorus Photo-chemical action Photochemistry Photograph Photographic plate Photographic silver-printing Photography Photo luminescence Photon Phototropy Physical Physical chemistry Physical constant toe Percussion cap Percussion mortar Perfect gas Perfect. membrane Perforated Period Periodic curve Periodicity Periodic law Periodic system Periodic table Permanent gas Permanent hardness Permeability Permeable Perspective drawing Pestle Petroleum Pharmaceutical preparation Pharmacy Phase (Sola) mes ’ CA seal» (Galelss on Parallelism Parallax Parchment Parchment paper Parent: Parent acid Partial decomposition Partial miscibility Partial valency Partition coefficient Partition law Passive Passivity Pathogenic micro-organism Pathogenic organisms Patina Pear-shaped Peat Pectous Penetrating smell Penta-valent td Pr 3 BOL our ce A6le voor oth wtest Bhiz Aig oe lit PP PP chi of vale alGriplr rte Vos Le ase Osmotic equilibrium wg Osmotic pressure jug Outlet tube bly 2 Over-cooled 4 Over lap tyurds Over lapping SIL bos. Over-voltage Goi: Oxidation se Oxidation product ne Oxidising agent vb tn Oxygen wl Oxygen valency Sf i Pp Packing yd Palladinised asbestos ui ‘ga Palladium fay, Palladium black Oe lp Palm oil eit Pancreas nbd Pancreatic juice V4, ue Paper pulp ah GY Operation Jf Optical ype Optical activity edo pl- Optical antipode lary, spur Optical examination WHE, spl Optical isomerides LK Et, 4 t Optical lantern d By, ip uv Optically active ky, ple Optic axis $s, ple Order en Ore obs, g Organic 3 ve t Organic chemistry uf oly t Organism wt Organosol f' 4 Ut Orientation ye Orifice : ae Oacillate Ue Oscillation b ue Oscillator Ue Osmium i fi Object (Optics) Observation Occurrence Octahedral Octave Octet Odd-vatent Oil bath Oil of vitriol Oil of wintergreen Oil paint Oily Olive green Olive oil One component system One phase Opal Opalescence Opalescent Opaque Non-ionisable Non-ionised valency Non-luminous Non-metal Non-polar Non-polarisable Non-valent Non-variant Non-volatile Normal Normality Nozzle Nuclear growth Nuclear substitution Nucleus Nuclei But (Mechanics) Nut Nut oil Nutritive solution 68 th eelas heuvt Deb A Co U4 Of oh “ey 6a wile eeu JA sale Neodymium Neon Net structure Network Neutral Neutrality Neutralization. Neutron Nickel Niton Nitre Nitrifying (bacteria) Nitrogen Noble metals Nodule Nomenclature Non-associative Non-associated Non-erystalline Non-electrolytic Non-electrolyte 67 ole v whit oe Eipute ne fogs f i See & 66 Mother liquor Mother of vinegar Mould Mountain ash (tree) Mucous membrane Mufile furnace Maulti-nuclear Multiple Multiple fanctions (adj.) Muscle Mutability Myrabolan Nacreous sulphur Naphtha Narcotic Nascent Nascent state Native Natural water Negative we Fiat thon Sitio wigs oaglag essai hus bt as er Monacid. Monad Monatomic Monobasic Monochromatic light Monochromatism Monochromator Monoclinic Mono-derivatives Mono-electronic bond Mono-halogen Mono-symmetric Mono-tropic Mono-valent Mono-variant Mordant Mordanted Morphological Mortar Mortar Mosaic gold bo oie ohh wat clit Sink f nhl eee eth f phil Ot cu . e A gee & ie & a we he iM = = & A = 64 Molar Molar solution Molar weight Molasses Mole Molecular bombardment Molecular coagulative power Molecular complexity Molecular conductivity Molecular co-volume Molecular dispersion Molecular elevation Molecular formula, Molecular physics Molecular refractive power Molecular refractivity Molecular rotation Molecular rotatory power Molecular surface energy Molecule Molybdenum o Jee wage f& wt fe v Pouge Seg eel fate Jig arg blag clebgl EGU GL Aw fle Afge au BAL Gt gge (G4 i 63 Microscopic Microscopic appearance Migration (of ions) Milk of lime Milk of sulphur Milk sugar Milky Mineral (Noun) Mineral acid Mineral water Miscibility Miscible Mist Mixed crystals Mixed solution Mixture Mobile Mobility Mobile equilibrium Modulus Moisture ip Sins Jar igloos SA loon Lifer loos oe ee hae BL Be tw that A tt UH bl? uit thyy Sri wly ols er uy ow Metabolism Meta-elements Metal Metal bath Metal casting Metallic lustre Metallic silver Metalloid Metallurgy Metameric Metamerism Meta-position Meta stability Mota stable Meta thesis Meteor Meteorite Microcosmic salt Micron Micvro-organisms Microscope 62 J¥ Tess ob, Files ible File» Gaede» cry Gls, Lit et pie 6B sap ur ve ae Kins wf oll 7 fos Mass action Mass numbers Mass-spectrum Mastic Masurium Match head Matrix Matter Mauve dye Mechanical convection Mechanical stirrer Mechanism Melt (verb) Melting bars Melting point Membrane Meniscus Mercorised Mercerising Meroury Meta-acid Magnetic rotation. Malachite green Malleability Malleable Malt Malted grain Malt sugar Malt vinegar Manganese Manganese mud Manipulation Manometer Mantle (of a flaine) Manufacture Manure Marble Marine soap Marsh gas Mask Masked \Mass 60. thee Pee bbe Oe Gu 44 04 le AN hisla SH ft i hp S119 Keb ou vow Lower salt Lubricant Lubricate Lubricating oil Lubrication Luminescence Luminescent Luminosity Luminous Lunar caustic Lustre Lutecium Lye Lyophile Lyophobe Madder Magenta Magma Magnesium Magnet 59 Hes 58 Limpid Linear function Linkage Linking Linseed oil Liquefaction Liquefaction plunt Liquid Liquidus curve Litharge Lithium Lithofracteur Lithography Litmus paper Litre Living organism Lixiviate (verb) Loading (Cotton goods) Lodestone Lone pair Long periods avila ty Sox dn) boot 5T Leak (verb) by Leakage gly Leather yA “eh Left-handedscrew EM Leguminous 1005 Lemon yellow yd bef Lens ut Lettuces at Levity U. aL aL Light Su us Light quantum Phe Lignite FS iiyl Lilac flame be Ol Lime i bg Lime kiln obey Lime light Calg Lime tower - ly Lime water wee Limitation Bese (Seely Limiting molecular rotation ash if ud Yi t Limiting value gtr 56 Latent heat Latent heat of fusion Latent heat of vaporisation Lather Landanum Lavender (Colour) Law Law of constant proportions Law of mass action Law of maximum work Taw of moduli Law of multiple proportions Law of necessity of reactions Law of octaves Law of reciprocal proportions Law of thermoneutrality Laxative Layer Lead Lead glass Lead sponge ou vi wurpifeod ou tea Se 30 ‘ oo. £ bunt Mok f 5 veh Meurer Mowe Np) MOO: SORE bE Beet potion lw 55 Juice vs Junction & Juniper LER K Kathode opie? Kephir grains diy Kernel a Kiln ow Kinetic energy big ve Kinetic formula Bef Kinetic molecular ; é L i Kinetic theory 2 LB 7 Krypton oe ef L « Laboratory beh Laevo-rotatory oh St Lake a Lambent ag Lamp-black ee Lanthanum i= 4 Lard bahak 54 Isomeri¢ Isomerism Isomorphism Isomorphous Isothermal Isothermal change Tsotonic Isotope Tsotopy Ivory nut J J (mechanical equivalent of heat) Jacket Jaggery Jar Jasper Selly Jena glass Jet Joule Joule-Thomson effect Tonised substance SOt jin Ionised valency i gles Tonising power Iridium Jron Tron alum Iron-filings Irreversible hritant Irritating Tsinglass Tsobaric Isovyclie ; Tsodimorphism ras Isodimorphous SGon Isa-alectric vr fi Tsoelectric point bd é Tso-hydric Olid, Iso-hydry i ee re ‘ bi, ( Tsolation 4h Isomer i ee ili 52 Interdiffusibility Interlaced Intermediate Stage Internal compensation Intestine Intimate mixture Intramolecular change Intrinsic energy Intrinsic tendency Inversion Inversion temperature Invertebrates Toverted Tavert sugar Iodine Ton Tonic dissociation Tonic strength Tonisability Tonisation Tonisation metamerism vio iges Geis gis gis ae olipatide AU bles Std cediss : ce, sub, Inert Inertia Tnertness Infinite dilution Tnfiammable Infusible Ingot Tohibition Lohibitor Inlet Inlet tube Inorganic Inorganic Chemistry Insolubility Insoluble Instability Insulator Integral multiple Intensity of illumination Interaction Intercepts Tluminants Tiumination Image Tmmiscible liquid immobility Impact Impermeable Imponderable Tmpregnate Tmpure Impurity Inactive Tncandescence Incandescent Tnerustation Indeterminate Indicator Indivisibility Indigo Tndium Induction coil’ 50 Hydrolytic Hydrometer Hydrophile Hydrophobe Hydrosol Hydroxyl grou Dp Hygroscopic Hyperbola Hyponotic Hypothesis Hypothetical Tatro-chemistry Tdeal-gases Identical Identification Igneous rock Ignite Ignition point Ilinium Iluminate 49 Lie uh ule te wbgh Weeray A b p Je, as af bhi Homologues Homology Homopolar Honeycomb structure Hop Hule Hybrid ion Hydrate Hydrated Hydrate. isomerisia Hydrate theory Hydraulic Main Hydraulic mortar Hydraulic pressure Hydro electric power Hydrogel Hydrogen Hydrogenation Hydrogenvalency Hydrolysed Hydrolysis 48 hs Wag ad 2 eat ifs Pte Ui gar lagi Hemihedral facets Hemlock Henbane Hepatic water Heptahydrate Heterobaric Heterocyclic Heterogeneity Heterogeneous Heteropolar Heteropolyacids Hexagon formula Hexavalent Hide Hieroglyphic High tension Hobnium Homocyelic Homogeneous Homologous series Homologue AT By Aad gulet alsale vee wee vt gti Ej rie bate wie ae dhe jh 46 Half-ionised Half-life period Halogen acid Halogen carrier Halogen family Halogens Hard water Heath (plant) Heat interchanger Heat of combustion Heat of dilution Heat of formation Hoat of ionisation Heat of neutralisation Heat of solution Heat of transformation Heat of vaporisation Heat sink Fleavy water Heliun Holix wud wea hn; 2768 ads wuboey & her (gpl eul7uily clade cuir S50 cub Site eal fedi cul bba cul? Sv eal SIE caf Jubhenly Bk et 4 Ai ¢ 45 Graphic formula Gravel Gravimetric Gravimetric analysis Gravimetric method Gravitational contraction Greentire Green pigment Green vitriol Gwano Gum Gum arabie Gum benzoin Gummy Gummy matorial Gun cotton Gun powder Hemoglobin Hafnium Halide olor % LUyas Blobaof Gudox aah onbect 44 Glacial Gland Glass-cutter Glass-wool Glassy salt Glaze Glazed paper Globule Globulin Glowing splinter Glucinum Glue Goitre Gold Gold figure (or number) Goose-berry Gout Graduated Gram equivalent Granular Grape sugar pty vat Urbegel et wh zu2 daeepil dls plataly wth Laos 43 Gas-jar Gas-regulator Gas-tap Gas-volumeter Gastric juice Gauze Gel Gelatine Gelatinisation Gelatinising Gelatinous Generator Generator gas Geological formation Geology Geometrical isomerism Germanium Germinating grain Germination Germs Geyser aig lout biut ke fot EE bo por by de uy ay iby Fused mass Fused mixture Fusel oil Fusible Fusible slag Fusibility Fusion Fusion mixture Gadolinium Gall ily tallinm Galls Galvanic cell Galvanometer Gama-particle Gas Gas-carbon Gascous Diffusion Gascous phase Gas-holder 42 aw ate . =e ; a y a % a d= lil cnet woud 41 Fractional distillation Fractionating column Free acid Freeze Freezing point Freezing mixture Frequency Friction Frictional resistance Froth floatation process Fulminating powder Fume cupboard Fumes Fuming Function Fundamental Funnel Fur Furnace Fuse Fused og aeigf OPT tlartle SEGA - yiisle 40 Finidity Fluorescence Fluorescent Fluorine Flush Fluted filter paper Fly-wheel Foam Fog Foil Foliated crystals Foot-bellows Force pump Forcite Formula Formulation Formulative Formula weight Forward action Forward change Fractional crystallisation hn” os Uc. ue pe Efi ales bg bo Mus 2 wit we 3 Pikes bSiowyi» Slon” fle 4 4 gS 39 Fishtail burner Fishtail flame Fissure Fixation “Fixed air Vixing (of a photographie plate ) Flame Flashing point Flash-light Flask Flat spiral Flesb acid Flint Flint glass Float Floceulation Flocculent Flocks Flowers of sulphur Flue Fiuid ey live bbs oe BR SN beet We’ Ly LoL sit ob te Ferrugenous water Pertilize Fortilizer Filament Tiller Film Filter Filter flask Filter paper Filter pump Filtrato Filtration Fineness of gold Fine structure Fire air Fire bars Firo-clay Fire-damp Fire-grate Fisheries Fishery salt 38 aga tft and iA as (VIG SP) Les Ce gh gg » yb oe eet neh leh doh uh deut Bez Listes 37 Explosives External compensation Extinction Extract Extraction Extract of meat Extrapolation Exnudation ye piece Facet Talling temperature False equilibrium Fat Fat hardening Fatty acid Feeble acid Ferment Fermentation Fermented Fermenting Evacuated Evacuation Evaporating basin Evaporation Evenvalant Excite Excitation Excited Excrement Excreta Exhale Exhaustion Exhaust Exit tube Exothermic Experiment Experimental data Explode Explosion Explosion wave Explosive 36 ile by ALL eh (6 Equilibrium Egnilibrium constant Equilibrium equation Equimolar Equivalence Equivalent Fssence Essential oil Ester Esterification Etching Etching agent Ether Jithereal Ethereal salt Ethereal solution Ether extract Eudiometer Europium Eutectic alloy Eutectic point 35 vals Fos eb gis of whl Ul oe eu i wile Gebel Sebel Ze CA! igs J A gel leu! 4uds4, LE we Emission Emission spectrum Empirical composition Empirical formula Emulsion Ennusoid Enamel Enantiomorph Enantiomorphic Enantiomorphism Enartiomorphous Enantiotropic Endothermic End point End product Enhanced spectrum Entropy Enzyme Enzyme action Epsom salt Erbium ta? edd wif Be we gle eg bi wibby ix fie fix fix Gi ace Me ole bi gpt Jebus zi se yp! Lee ve Kuk He roa 38 Electronic vibration Electroplating Electropositive Electropositiveness Electropotential series Electroscope Hlectro-silvering Electrostatic attraction Eloctrostatic unit Electrostriction Electrothermal Electrotyping Electro-valence Element Eliminate Elimination Elliptical orbit Emanation Emarald green Emergent Emetic orn CHL ofje we thi bei slo gt wf ages ws faa wee 32 Electrocapillary Blectvochemical unit Electro-coppering Electrode Electro-deposition Electrode potential Electro-gilding Hlectrolysis Electrolyte Electrolytic dissociation Electrolytic reduction Electrolytic reproduction Electro metallurgy Electromotive force Electron Electronegative Electro-negativeness Electronic Electronic band spectrum Hlectro-nickelling Electronic theory obs gi bbe betga ps eli gn oes, bbe bu OP bin WP NHA G4 CL Phi 5x (616 cle, gs Git wis eb id yeh coda BL ohh bx Piss BL Dye Dye-ntnffs Dynamic isomerism Dysprosiun E HEbullition Effective atomie number, B.A.N., Eitfervescence Eificiency Efficient Effloresce Efflorescence Bfllorescent Eidos Hlectric ave Eleciric cable Blectric discharge Electric dispersion Hlectrie endosmosis Electric furnace Blectricity ce Lett off & en 3 -e-puesjeit ti slasher Murry yaa wh Fish shuns Sys? vid. ethda wr bs AH Be ye Gu bu Os 30 Double salt Doubly linked Doubly masked Dough Downward displacement Driving force Driving power Dropping funnel Dry cleaning Drying agent Drying oil Drying tower Dry test Dnalistie Ductile Duetility Dull red Dull red heat Duplet Dust Dyad bd Gans2 ae Vs Bip lot 3h of ss outs wg Gos deal seach oles wee oH a Cpe at pte a ers, if oly ah, 29 Dissociate Dissociation Dissociation constant Dissociation pressure Dissociative power Distillate Distillation Distillation product Distilling flask Divalent Divariant Divariant system Divi Divi Divine Art Dodecahydrate Dolomite Donor Double bond Double decomposition Double-refracting crystal Double refraction fiber Ke Se Fil¢ thd Sue nigel Poul C6 uf ban Wigs opos wie aul 2208 AL ey au M3 é ls wale aed easy g3 Disc Discharge (verb) Discharge (noun) Discharged Discharging potential Discontinuity Discovery Disinfect Disinfectant Disintegrate Disintegration Disperse phase Dispersion Dispersion medium Dispersoid Displace Displaceable Displacement Disruption Disruptive change Dissociable 28 ke Yenbubfre ey Ad IT He wy Wargacde vids ew, fe 2 os, dois Sle} 27 Diagram Diagrammatic representation ° Dialysis Dialyser Diaphragm Diatomic Dibasia Di-derivatives Dielectric constant Diffraction (of light) Diffusion Digest (verb) Digest (noun) Digester Digestion Digestor Dilatometer Dilute Dilution Dilution formula Dimorphous f Spi: wu ? \ a CGF (fin obee 3 Paul, Os 3) Afi by uf “yal cbs SW i bilo ¥ 5h iu 26 Desiceate Desiccating agent Desiccation Desiccator Desmotropic forms Desmotropy Destructive distillation Detachable Detinning Detonate Detonation Detonator Developer Developing (of a photographie plate) Deviation Deviation constant Devitrification Dew point Dextrin Dextro- Rotatory Diabetes Degradation Degree of Dispersion Degrees of Freedom Degree of Ionisation Dehydrate Dehydrated Dehydrating agent Dehydration Delicate (test) Deliquesce Deliquescence Deliquescent Delivery tube Denitrifying (bacteria) Dense Density Deposit (verb) Deposit (noun) Depression Derivatives Descriptive Chemistry Jy gerbes ev goiit Bib flay tout onl Ueowt bet GEE due (en Mery os ow Lory 71d) | ok Q4 Curdy bye Curvature é Curve é uf Cuteh Cutglass a of Oyanogen group wep Cyclic al BB ges Cylinder se Ol) D Dead burnt wee Decant tole Decantation te Decismolar ar Decinormal oy Decolourize wie Decompose oe Decomposition uf Decrepitation & Defiecation, Defcocation ae Deflagrating spoon A aA Deflagration : Ustik 23 Cracking Cream of tartar Crimson Critical density Critical solution temperature ‘Critical temperature Critical volume Crucible Crade Crust Cryohydrate Oryohydric point Cryohydric temperature Cryoscopic method Crystal Crystalline Crystalline fracture Crystalline nuclei Crystallisation Crystalloid Crystal structure Co-ordinated Co-ordination bond Co-ordination formula Oo-ordination number Copper Copper-zine couple Coprecipitation Core Cork Cork borer Corpuscle Corresponding Corrosive Cotton waste Coulomb Counterpoise Couple Covalence Covalent bond Covering power Crab 22, we eof bode ae te) fi ge cele wf 2 4 Le 4 oP pe UL wer 6s uF Spor es UL “Gh? alee 3 uf. du a1 Congo red Conical flask Conjugated formula Consecutive reaction Conservation Conservation of energy Consistency Constituent Constituent atom Constituents Constitution Constitutional formula Constitution formula Constitutive properties Constraint Constriction Contact agent Continuous Contraction Contravalency Convection current 20 Composition Compound Compressible Compressor Concentrated Concentration Concentration cell Concentric rings Conchoidal fracture Coneretion Condensation Condensed nuclei Condenser Condensing agent Conditions of equilibrium Conductivity Conductivity water Cone separator Configuration Confirmation Congeners . & Wwe ton PP J6i 26g) 24 Whe oy Spe f wea Besos wey Oyster bf ae Ga He 19 Colloidal complexes ‘ sir Colloidal solution ge Colloidal state oboe Colloidal suspension wig Colophony uot Colour vo) Colouration co Colour indicators aA ph Colouring matter dihshek, Columbium ee Combination whe Cua Combining proportion tryin Combustible th v7! Combustion oI! Commercial gu ¥ Commercial process : wily Common factor oe Sz9Z Compensation method or BP Complex 4 Sat Component sz} Composite molecules el gu 18 Coagulative power Cogulator Coagulum Coal Coal tar Coarse Cobalt Cochineal Coefficient Coefficient of absorption Coefficient of affinity Coffee mill Coherent Cohesion Coil Coke Collaborator Collargol Colligative properties Colloid Colloidal JE hae Jor ty CAS BY Ly ube a bcs Gos —“s, ‘ lai ere walecs ee JSF UG Su oY 17 Chrome-alum Chrome iron stone Chrome tanning Chromium Chromogen Chromogenic Chromophore Cinematograph Cinnabar Cirenit Circulation (of nitrogen) Cis (form) Clamp Claret tinge Classification Clay Clay slate Cleavage Cleavage face Clip Coagulation ib Chamois Chamois leather Character (of an element) Characteristic Charcoal Charge Charged Charring Chemical Chemical affinity Chemical equilibrium Chemical transformation Chemiluminesceuce Chemistry Cherry Chisel Chlorine Chlorine-valency Chlorophyll Chocolate colour Choke-damp ws ed Sut Asif oy ences 15 Catalysis Catalyst Catalytic Catalytic action Catalytic agent Catalytic decomposition Catechu Catenary Cathode Cathode liquid Cathodic compartment Cation Caustic Caustic soda Call Centimetre Centrifugal Centrifugalisation Centrifuge (machine) Cerium Chalk Calorimetry Calorific power Calorie Canary Yellow Candle Cane sugar Canvas Caoutchouc Capillary height Capillary tube Capillarity Capsule Carat: Carbon Carboxyl group Carrier Carrier action Casein. Cast Casting Cast iron 14 deur Sbyur ollF nig ote bEL of Ze sag? boy ae ws yA we of Ly one shez a sues pruides Bridge Brine bath Britannia motal Bromine Bronze Broth culture Bulb Bulbous plants Burette Burner Burning taste By-product Cadmium Cesium Calcinea Cxlcination Calcium Calibration Calibrate Calico-printing Calorimetric bomb 18 TS Sarl our, beg eh UF gulz Blisters al Blood crystals : att hos Blood red colour Ly us Blow pipe Blue Blue vitriol iene aied Boiler woz Boiling tube dur Bond” a Bone-ash by J U4 Bone black Woes Borax fy Border curve bs Mop? Boron us Botany oul Branch series bee Brass J Breaks (as in a curve) 33 Brewery 2b. #6, Brewing of beer gil n sks Brick-red yw Beta-vays Beverages Biaxial Bile Binary alloy Binary compound Bimolecular reaction Biochemical method Bioluminescence Birch Bi-rotation Bismuth Bituminous coal Bituminous shale Bivalent Blackband Blank test Blast furnace Blasting gelatine Blast Jamp Bleaching powder pa) ibe. 5 ey Sats Base forming Basicity Basic radical Basio salt Basigenic Basin Bead Beaker Bearberry Beaume (Be) Beef extract Bee-hive shelf Beer Begasse Behaviour Bell-jar Bell-metal Bengal lights Bent adapter Beryllium Beta-partiole 10 Ligne cel} slr Bi ligt MES Oe (p ey et ILLe tbuly . Sed Se ui cee siigle Moat Auxiliary valency cAfigalst Auxochrome ils Available ale Average life periad 193 by fas Avidity 7 Azoto bacteria él Poses B Back EMF. ef o- OF Backward action JGur Bacteria é , Bacterial fermentation ae i Bactoricide J A 5 Balanced action Foire Balsa ot Band spectrum ePiiaay Barberry ga Bare flamo Mare Barium (4 Burley sugar gw Barometer kat Base ue Association Association factor Astrophysics Asymmetric Asymmetry Atmolysis Atom Atomic integration Atomicity Atomic proportion Atomic refractivity Atomic theory Atomic volume Atomic weight Attraction Autoclave Autolytic Automatic Automobile Autosensitisation Axtoxidation £2 Fore we we lyee clipe shure bore OIE LR py Sela lacy ete uv t aw 2G uit Shyer a4 § Aperient Apparatus Aqua Regia Aqueous Aqueous vapours Aro Arc discharge Are light Are spectrum Argon Aromatic compounds Aromatic group Aromatic nuclei Aromatic series Arsenic Asbestos paper Asbestos plug Aspirator Assimilation Associated liquid Associated molecules Analysing Nicol 7 uf Yes Analysis Ep Analyst is EF Analytical chemistry oe &F Anhydride Ae ASperl cael Anhydrobase Cele Anhydrous ong t Aniline black by pts, Animal charcoal LL; ue Anion Ula & Anneal thes Annular 62 Anode 5 iy oe Anodic oh ce Anthracite eye Anthrax oft Us Lisi Anti-form Kut Ses Antifriction / 43 of Antimony Antipyretic Susi Soh Antiseptic . uHeh Amalgamation Amber Amber coloured Amethyst Amicron Amicroscopic Ammeter Ammonia Ammoniacal Ammonium iron alum Ammono acid Ammono base Ammonolysis Amorphous Amphi salt Amphoteric Anesthetic Analogous Analogue Analogy Analyser oa oe) Gert él bef! Gkixi oil jy oe a7 Osi bio Sdbost Lify Gin NOG Aliphatic Aliquot Aliquot portion Alkali Alkali metals Alkalimetry Alkaline Alkaline earths Alkalinity Alkaloid Alligation formula Allotropic Allotropic modification Allotropy Alloy Alpha particle Alpha rays Alternative Alum Aluminium Amalgam bsg bed HL oF yt as Ls Agr 3 Fs ~ 27. ye Adjective dye Adsorption Adsorption coofficient Adulterant Adulteration Affinity Affinity coustant After elfect Agate Agent Air bath Air condenser Air free Air oven Albumen Albuminoid substances Albumose Alchemist Alchemy Alcogel Alcosol 9) Ky! Au ra oat Fis oie ne Mey ar Slay ox! Leng irs ald ME uh sea cA Acid we Acid forming es Acidic & a Acidigenic Yet Acidimetry nd Acidity oy Acidulated bn wes Actinium i . Action Jf Activated meh e dlls fe Activation * GIO SG Activator Be Active Ju Active mass che Activity edu Activity coefficient ar fi id b Acyclic compound wy ae Adapter e Addition product ut ve Additive compound wy “ Additive property eG yt TECHNICAL TERMS OF CHEMISTRY. LF bbe eo Abnormal Abnormality Absolute Absorbents Absorbing Towers Absorptiometer Absorption Absorption flask Absorption spectrum Acceleration Accelerator Acceptor Accumulator Accumulator plates A Ux ous BPP Bi yt en wile shes TECHNICAL TERMS OF CHEMISTRY Life bbe Cad fal yt Bh oe gh BES ert lee LAs 2 gl thee eta CyB eytar yee Fle tle 3 ashe ele + ott Jn29 35h gel ee) ile oT whade wy a Uae ily ae land fF wlalinnd UF oF ye werent = Ube gly ee youn ante S Gabye Uptle uel gw eet + UP une U8 OD sat oe vee gh Be Wyte yb grey BIS © al = Wy ud elype Gf die oof cal ple veel BS te etd nt WF dle Bye any yh By of Sle Sim gi eltye Uf tle wl ae Ie yoy! gi peal yy) alte daa SF 05, yl ladon ye BS lgmew t= cle SR SAB le Utell 9 oR le yg) Se SU aah see ot 2 upell FOS Pe Une ead UF petty Utes f ale Jls a S steep elie gD ant Lgl Bay = UF el Fy el ox lty Blas siete ob 2 BS pot Soe ‘ural ne = GH 3s® Say le wet ie dll wd, of le = Mia Gab TOD ae BUD Ch a8 a Bayh B Gad Ws ehh FE Uke Qu 3 2 BN Bae Syed ot Lp ee 3 f whales! yt Bake Leal gap Bgl} oS cx kt Ahh ger sige om ett of dlhy wtellee} - | = 9? aby ool gly ae lea ae dee oe ue ded Forty! usall om ei - 2 Feo oe eaGF UF Bw soy hyo Uta = tf Ble i yoke Bite = ab UarTon Ge wth glad oS ol gm ently hah Ble BLS BWW) yoke dad Loyd sy) cine gosh oye ys) BUT Spe © cool gtye = Hyeby Nall uae ‘tee VIS ampen ‘gale cyto le - yy 3 ym slanted GG WL IP ee de oe yyy OH) WH; ft dew S$ sel re eS Ay waisbeal ly wn Bho ad tbh coat oF BM EE Hm yy Spel seed - Gar gt Une ht} alle ot ale Sowyige 85 whiyts etl dle Uo hay today Gaal Gam Sym ghly yz yghple ye BW gpigG coal =r HB p72 Fon nell (ye he Gah cx lel yo BD Gin wn Spare SF Mor ste atl Ab SS 9 gly cine Ul) & lye Upelllee yq. = 1 pss 55! oleub mend wire oie (BIS = 1 iS seals yas prolly BIS ~ y Sees Bry spate lie coal ogee 2 late Paypatoyshbeyealyclsvare - SH (sPEKawl abo et lone gylye = why yobs ott 55) SIS - 0 (38) 291 FF yosil sylaykw Galle - vy wallace Anjuman-e-Taraqgi-e-Urdu Series No. 114 A GLOSSARY OF TECHNICAL TERMS OF CHEMISTRY Published by The Anjuman-e-Taraqqi-e-Urdu (India), NEW DELHI 1939

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