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€P se RECEIVED JUL 11 2018 KENTUCKY EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS BO. "AGENCY CASE NO. 1307561 (CERTIFICATE NO. 200218807 KENTUCKY EDUCATION PROFESSIONAL PETITIONER STANDARDS BOARD vs. AGREED ORDER JASON SHELBY RESPONDENT Comes the Petitioner, the Kentucky Béucation Professional Standards Board (heeinater “the Board), by counsel, and the Respondent, Jason Shelby (herein "Shelby", by counsel, and both partes being day informed, states follows: 1, Shelby is certified teacher in the Commonwealth of Kentucky, heviog been {swued Cerificate Number 200218807. 2. Pursuant to Kentucky Revised Suutes (KRS") 161,120 and 161,028, the Bosrd is euhorized to issue and control ell matters related to teacher certification not otherwise Aelegnted to another agency inthe Commonwealth. The Board as the statstory responsibilty protect the public ffom unprofessional conduct on the part of certified tecbers and Sminisratos. 3. ___By report dated July 29, 2013, Bob Rogers, former Superintendent of Muray Idepeadeat Schools, notified the Board that a former student had presented evidence that Shelby td made inappropriate remarks to severe! students. 4, Shelby acknowledges that hie conduct constitutes a violation of KRS 161.120 end 16 KAR 1020, the Professional Code of Ethics for Kentucky Certified School Personnel, 5. _.Sholby and the Board agre to addres this mater by Agreed Order. fer being jgned by Shelby, this Agreed Order shall be preseated to the Board with recomroeodation for spproval fom the Board's chief prosecuting attomey, or her designee, atthe next scheduled meeting ofthe Board following recspt ofthe Agreed Order. The Agreed Order shall not become ‘eecive unlit hes been approved by a msjoiy of the Board and signed by the char of the Board. Shelby understands the Board is fee to acceptor reject this Agreed Order. Shelby hereby grec waive ay tight tec winy bare wo shelley Lased solely au tke prseutton of the ‘Agreed Order to the Boar, the impartiality ofthe Board to hear the administrative actin if after review by the Board, this Agreed Onder is rejected. If the Agreed Order is not accepted by the Boer, it shall be regarded as null and void. Represeatatons and/or admissions by Shelby in this Agreed Order, or othe setlemeat proposals, ‘wll not be regarded as evidence agnnst Selby at any suscequeat disciplinary bearing in this tater. Shelby shall be foe to defend himself and no infereace willbe made against Shelby for his willingness to enter into this Agreed Onder. 6, Following review by he Board of the facts and circumstances associated with the case against Shelby, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED THAT: ‘Shelby voluntarily knowingly, and intelligently surrenders his teaching certificate, ‘number 200218807, and agrees to not apply for, nor beistued, a teaching, administrative, emergency certificate in the Commonwealth of Kentucky at tay tne in the fature. Upon. ‘he acceptance of this agreement by the Board, Shelby shall immediately surrender the original and all copiet of his certiiets, by personal delivery or first class mail, to the Education Professional Standards Board, 300 Sower Boulevard, Sth Flor, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. By entaing into this Agreed Order, Shelby expresiy acknowledges that he is filly aod. ‘completely informed of the due process right afforded under KRS 161.120 and KRS 13B and he Inowingly, willingly and voluntarily agrees to waive those rights and enter into this Agreed Order. ~ by ia 12. Seon Shelby SF marge ——___ ‘Bdveaton Professional Standards Board

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