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The most characteristic feature of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis:

A. crescent formation
B. hyaline nodules
C. subepithelial dense deposits
D. thickened capillary loops

8. Benign nephrosclerosis is best defined as:

A. fibrinoid necrosis of afferent arterioles with ischemic atrophy of nephrons
B. hyalinization of afferent arterioles with ischemic atrophy of nephrons
C. diffuse thickening of glomerular capillary basement membrane leading to glomerulosclerosis
D. deposition of basement-like material within the glomerular mesangium leading to glomerulosclerosis

9. Ischemic acute tubular necrosis occurs most commonly in association with:

A. septic shock
B. ruptured aneurysm
C. carcinoma of the prostate
D. malignant hypertension

10. The most common appearance of nephrotic syndrome in adults is:

A. proliferative glomerulonephritis
B. membranous glomerulonephritis
C. rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
D. wire-loops

11. “Nutmeg liver” is a gross finding seen in:

A. petechial hemorrhages
B. viral hepatitis
C. alcoholism
D. chronic passive congestion

12. Which of the following is associated with high levels of serum alkaline phosphatase?
A. hemolytic anemia
B. metastatic carcinoma to the liver
C. Dubin-Johnson syndrome
D. Gilbert’s syndrome

13. The most common outcome in-patients with acute Hepatitis B is:
A. complete recovery without residual dysfunction
B. chronic persistent hepatitis
C. chronic active hepatitis
D. postnecrotic cirrhosis

14. In a patient suspected of having viral hepatitis, which laboratory finding would indicate the most severe and life threatening
amount of liver damage?
A. prolonged prothrombin time
B. high serum bilirubin
C. high serum aspartate transaminases
D. high serum alkaline phosphatase

15. The most important substance in the formation of gallstones is:

A. calcium C. bile salts
B. bilirubin D. lecithin

16. Cirrhosis produces most of its clinical manifestations by means of:

A. hepatic necrosis leading to insufficient number of liver cells to sustain life
B. cancerous change in regenerating nodules
C. obstruction of large biliary passages
D. vascular derangements in the liver

17. The major cause of portal hypertension is:

A. Intrahepatic C. prehepatic
B. Posthepatic D. cardiac

18. The most common factor in the formation of esophageal varices is obstruction at the level of:

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