Analysis and Interpretation Table 1 (Final)

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Analysis and Interpretation and Review of Related Literature:

Table 1 show the frequency, percentage and distribution of the age and sex of individuals
surveyed in Barangay Jaoville, Pandan, Angeles City. With a total of 1955 individuals surveyed, a
majority of the respondents belong to the age group of 0-4 years old with 297 individuals
(15.19%). Whereas people in the population who belong to the age group 55-59, consists of 46
individuals (2.35%), yields the lowest frequency.
It shows that a majority of the residents surveyed are males which comprise of 988
(50.53%) of the total population surveyed while the females are 967 (49.46%). These sex
frequencies statistically yield 102 males over 100 females in the population of Barangay Jaoville.
In this table, it shows that a majority of the respondents are children ranging from 0-4
years old. Followed by children ranging from 5-9 then 10-14. This indicates that most people in
Barangay Jaoville are dependent on their family members. This table relates to Table 20 and it
shows that a various number of 0-72 month old are below normal and the increase in number of
dependent individuals leads to poverty and it affects the family because of growing demands for
food. Additionally, Table 23 indicates that a good number of couples (119)(47.58%) choose to be
non-acceptors of family planning, which may result in an increase in number of population of
Jaoville especially the 0-4 years old age range yielding to poverty and insufficiencies in their

There is also an increased number of people ranging from 65&In summary, the
decrease in the labor force, due to an increase in the elderly population could translate into lower
economic growth. Long-term problems in the developed world caused by an increase in the age
dependency ratio could be alleviated by either increasing productivity (to avoid an economic
slow-down from a shrinking labor force) or increasing the labor force participation of the elderly
(e.g., by increasing the retirement age, as several European countries have done recently, or
reducing taxes on the labor income of elderly workers). These economic policies, however, would
not reverse the recent demographic trends. (Santacreu, A. 2016, Sept 2 Long-Run Economic
Effects of Changes in the Age Dependency Ratio)
So forth, in conformity to the dependency ratio of 72 yielded from the table above, as the
number of dependent individuals increases, there will also be an increase in demand of work load
in the productive individuals in the community of Barangay Jaoville.

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