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Illocutionary Acts in Ridwan Kamil’s

Speech Entitled Creativity and

Design for Social Change in Cities in
TEDx Event in Jakarta in 2010

Rivka Hatmi Vurkana



Speech Acts

Illocutionary Acts

Ridwan Kamil’s Speech

Problem of the Study Objective of the Study

What types of illocutionary act
are found in Ridwan Kamil’s To indicate the types of
speech entitled Creativity and illocutionary act used by Ridwan
Design for Social Change in Kamil in his speech.

2 How are the illocutionary acts To recognize the syntactic

syntactically realized? realization of the illocutionary act
in his utterances.
Definition of Key Terms

Speech Act : The act performance rhrough word (Robinson, 2006).

Illocutionary Act : The act of performing some particular acts within the
utterances (Austin, 1975).
Syntactic Realization : The realization of illocutionary act that is commonly used
in different ways.
Ridwan Kamil : The current mayor of Bandung whom was lected since
2013. He is also an Indonesian architect and lecturer in the
Department of Architecture, Bandung Institure of
TEDx : An organizational event which is spread all over the world,
interested in spreading remarkable ideas to communities,
organizations and individual through the events which is
held by TEDx.
Creativity and Design : The title of Ridwan Kamil’s speech which talks about the
for Social Change in importance of innovation, creativity and collaboration
Cities among the many and diverse creative comunities in
Review of Related Literature

Speech Acts

Illocutionary Act

Syntactic Realization
Speech Acts

Basic Principles
• Direct Speech
• Ritual Speech Act Act
• Common Speech • Locutionary Act
• Indirect Speech
Act • Illocutionary Act
• Furtive Speech Act • Perlocutionary
Illocutionary Acts

Types of Illocutionary Acts

Directives Commissives Declaratives
Ex: Expressives
Ex: Ask, Ex: Threatening, Ex: Proclaiming
Concluding, Ex: Welcoming,
command, offering, independence,
assesing, apologizing
order warning declaring war
Syntactic Realization

Direct Indirect

Independent Clauses

Declarative Interrogative Exclamative Imperative

Clauses Clauses Clauses Clauses
Previous Studies
Title year author Concerns of study
Illocutionary Acts 2014 Rizqy Exploring the most used types of Illocutionary
Performed in ATC’s (Air Septyanto Tri Acts proposed by Austin (1962)
Traffic Control) Sutrisno
Utterances to Pilot in
Flight Simulator X
Speech Act of 2013 Tun Nur Afizah Analyzing the use of ‘promising’ type of speech
Promising Among Zainal Ariff acts as commissive between male and female
Jordanians Ahmad Ibrahim in Jordanian Arabic
Current study
Illocutionary Acts in 2016 Rivka Hatmi Indicating types of Illocutionary Acts proposed
Ridwan Kamil’s Vurkana by Searle (1969), Syntactic Realization
Speech Entitled
Creativity and Design
for Social Changes in
Cities in TEDx Event in
Jakarta in 2010
Research Method

Research Design

Qualitative Content
research Analysis
Data and Data Source
•The source of the data: Transcribed script of the speech
•Data: The utterances containing illocutionary act of the speech
Data Collection

1. Downloading the video of Ridwan Kamil’s speech in 2010 entitled

Creativity and Design for Social Change in Cities.
2. Watching Ridwan Kamil’s speech video.
3. Transcribing the entire utterances produced by Ridwan Kamil in his
4. Underlining the utterances containing illocutionary act. The
illocutionary acts are known by the presence of lexical indication
and the proposition.
Data Analysis

1. Data Reduction
Reducing the utterances containing Illocutionary act used by Ridwan Kamil in
his speech, since there seems to be similar types of Illocutionary acts. The
selected utterances will be chosen based on the representative types .
2. Data Display
Presenting the chosen utterances based on the types of illocutionary act and the
syntactic realization which will be displayed in the systematic table.

Elaboration of the
Ep: Expositives Dc: Declarative Sentence
Bh: Behabitives Int: Interrogative Sentence
Ex: Exercitives Exc: Exclamative Sentence
Cm: Commissives Im: Imperative Sentence
Vr: Verdictives
3. Conclusion Drawing

Drawing the conclusion based on the types of Illocutionary acts

and syntactic realization in each sentence.

 Austin, J.L. 1962. How to do things with words. Great Britain : Oxford University Press.
 Biber, Douglas, Johansson, Stig, Finegan, Edward, Conrad, Susan, & Leech, Geoffrey. (1999). Longman Grammar of Spoken
And Written English. Edinburg: Pearson Education
 Fajrin, Mirza. (2011). Illocutionary act in Hasyim Muzadi’s speech entitled “belajar gaya hidup bangsa Cina”. Unpublished
thesis. Study Program of English Department of Languages and Literature Faculty of Culture.
 Robinson, Douglass, (2006). Introducing performatives pragmatics. New York: Routledge.
 TEDx. (Organizer). (2010). TEDxJakarta – ridwan kamil – creativity and design for social change in cities [Video]. Retrieved
 Tubbs, L. Stewart, and Sylvia Moss. 1977. Human communication prinsip-prinsip dasar. Terjemahan oleh Deddy Mulyana.
1996. Bandung: PT Remaja Rosdakarya.
 Searle, John R. (1979). Expression and Meaning. United States: Cambridge University Press.
 Yule, George. 1996. Pragmatics. Hongkong : Oxford University Press.
 Accesed on Tuesday, January 19, 2016, 01:56 am
 Accesed on Monday, January 4, 2016, 05.28 pm

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