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Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions

BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 on 13 February 2019. Downloaded from on 20 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Case report

Ergometrine-induced atrial fibrillation at

caesarean section
Samuel Birch,1 Corrine Lu2

Cardiology department, St Summary to include drug toxicity, hyperthyroidism, pulmo-
Vincent’s Hospital, Darlinghurst, A 36-year-old woman with a history of one previous nary embolism, structural heart defects, re-entrant
New South Wales, Australia caesarean section presented to the birthing suite pathways and electrolyte derangements.5
Department of Obstetrics
of a regional hospital with spontaneous rupture
and Gynaecology, Centenary
Hospital for Women and
of membranes at 39+2/40 weeks. Syntocinon was Case presentation
Children, Canberra Hospital, administered to initiate uterine contractions in the A 36-year-old woman gravida 2, para 1 presented to
Garran, Australian Capital absence of labour, as the patient desired vaginal birth. the birthing suite of a secondary obstetric hospital
Territory, Australia A caesarean section was subsequently indicated and at 39+2/40 weeks with spontaneous rupture of
ergometrine was administered for uterine atony. The membranes. She had an obstetric history of one
Correspondence to patient immediately developed atrial fibrillation (AF). AF previous pregnancy with successful delivery by
Dr Samuel Birch, is the most common sustained arrhythmia in the general elective caesarean birth 12 years prior, which was
​ y.​nd.​edu.​au
population, but is rare in the obstetric population. indicated for breech presentation. She was planning
AF occurring in an intrapartum setting following the a vaginal birth after caesarean section. Her current
Accepted 28 January 2019
administration of syntocinon and ergometrine, is not pregnancy was with a new partner, was planned,
documented in the literature. We suggest the initiation was secondary to spontaneous conception, and
of paroxysmal AF was precipitated by an abrupt had been uncomplicated. The patient had no other
alteration in autonomic tone caused by administration of significant medical history and no known medica-
syntocinon followed by ergometrine. tion allergies. Her body mass index was recorded as
37. Appropriate antenatal care for intended vaginal
birth was provided. Ultrasounds performed during
the pregnancy demonstrated normal morphology
Background and appropriate growth of the baby.
We present the first case in the literature of atrial
The patient was admitted for observation in
fibrillation (AF) occurring in the intrapartum preparation for a spontaneous labour. The cervix
setting with the administration of syntocinon and was closed on speculum examination and minimal
ergometrine. This case is valuable in understanding clear liquor continued to drain at 18 hours after
the rare complications of use of syntocinon and admission. Antibiotic prophylaxis was commenced.
ergometrine. At around 24 hours after membranes had ruptured,
AF is the most common sustained arrhythmia a trial of induction of labour with a syntocinon
worldwide with an estimated prevalence of 0.57% infusion was commenced. At 2  hours after the
in men and 0.37% in women.1 It is more common commencement of syntocinon, an emergency
in developed nations with an estimated prevalence caesarean section was performed because of fetal
of 3.29% in the UK in 2016.2 3 It primarily affects distress on fetal heart monitoring. There was meco-
those over the age of 55 years.3 4 The prevalence nium-stained liquor and the cervix had not dilated.
of AF in this age group in Australia is 5.35%.4 It is Regional anaesthesia was delivered as a spinal
rare in the obstetric population.5 There is a paucity block with bupivacaine and fentanyl. Cefazolin
of information in the literature about AF in preg- 2 g IV was administered as antibiotic prophylaxis.
nancy.5 The incidence of arrhythmias in pregnancy The baby was delivered in good condition. On
is estimated at 1.2 for every 1000 pregnancies, second layer closure of the uterus, in the presence
with around half of these episodes of arrhythmias of ongoing uterine atony, treatment to increase
being asymptomatic.6 In a study conducted in the uterine tone was requested. Syntocinon five units
USA, arrhythmias occurred in 68 of 100 000 preg- intravenously was already given in divided doses,
nancy-related hospitalisations.7 AF was the most and a 40 IU syntoncinon infusion was in progress.
common arrhythmia in this study, constituting 21 Therefore, 250 IU of ergometrine was adminis-
of the 68 presentations of arrhythmia.7 There is a tered intravenously. Although the usual protocol
substantial health and economic burden associated of this hospital for ergometrine administration is
© BMJ Publishing Group
Limited 2019. No commercial with AF, particularly in regard to the associated equal doses (250 IU) administered intramuscularly
re-use. See rights and increased risk of stroke.4 In the elderly popula- and intravenously, the anaesthetic team decided to
permissions. Published by BMJ. tion, AF is often related to co-morbidities such administer only the intravenous dose. The intra-
To cite: Birch S, Lu C. BMJ as hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, previous venous dose was also administered at a rate that
Case Rep 2019;12:e226747. myocardial infarction, atrial dilatation or mitral was faster than that recommended by the protocol
doi:10.1136/bcr-2018- valve disease.3 8 9 By contrast, in the obstetric popu- of this hospital. Within minutes of this dose, the
226747 lation, the mechanisms underlying AF are reported patient complained of feeling hot, nauseated and a
Birch S, Lu C. BMJ Case Rep 2019;12:e226747. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 1
Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions

BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 on 13 February 2019. Downloaded from on 20 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 1  Anaesthetic observation print-out demonstrating the onset of the atrial fibrillation and related haemodynamics.

sense of high pressure inside her head and body. The nausea was the patient through the use of a rapid onset rate-control agent.
treated with ondansetron. The patient was noted to have devel- Decisions regarding rhythm control agents were left for the
oped a tachycardia (figure 1); 12-lead ECG confirmed rapid AF cardiology team. After administration of esmolol, the patient’s
(figure 2). Shortly before the patient developed rapid AF, her blood pressure transiently fell to 95/50 mm Hg. Intravenous
blood pressure had fallen from a peak of 160/100 mm Hg to fluids were the only treatment administered for the patient’s
120/70 mm  Hg. hypotension.
The caesarean section was completed. Uterine tone improved Consultation was sought from the medical registrar for cardi-
following the administration of the ergometrine. The operative ology on duty. The heart rate remained 140–170 bpm during
blood loss was recorded as 450 mL. The patient remained in this time.
rapid AF and was transferred to recovery for monitoring and The cardiology consultant and registrar implemented conser-
further management. vative measures initially. The patient was kept in recovery with
In recovery, two doses of 50  mg esmolol were adminis- cardiac monitoring in situ. Electrolyte levels were checked
tered intravenously, but no improvement was noted in the and found to be normal. The 40 IU syntocinon infusion was
cardiac rhythm. The decision to administer esmolol was made by completed as per protocol and a prophylactic magnesium dose
the anaesthetic team in an effort to provide symptomatic relief to was given intravenously. The heart rhythm remained in rapid AF
2 Birch S, Lu C. BMJ Case Rep 2019;12:e226747. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226747
Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions

BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 on 13 February 2019. Downloaded from on 20 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Figure 2  12-lead ECG shortly after onset of atrial fibrillation during caesarean section.

with a rate >140 bpm. The patient was then transferred to the adequate potassium level (4.1 mmol/L) at the time of labour and
coronary care unit. a normal, but suboptimal, magnesium level (0.72 mmol/L).
A bedside cardiac echocardiogram was normal. The decision
was made for treatment with flecainide.
A total of four doses of flecainide were administered and the
patient reverted to sinus rhythm at 23 hours after caesarean
Common causes for AF in the intrapartum setting were excluded.
section, during discussion and planning for Direct Current
There was no evidence of Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome on
cardioversion (figure 3).
the ECG and no evidence of thyroid dysfunction on blood tests.
Imaging investigations to exclude pulmonary embolism were not
performed because the patient had normal oxygen saturation Outcome and follow-up
throughout the admission, had no chest pain and had a nega- The remainder of her stay was uneventful. Her treatment with
tive troponin level. The medications used in regional anaesthesia flecainide continued on discharge and was maintained for 6
are unlikely to have caused paroxysmal AF. The patient had an weeks after discharge.

Figure 3  12-lead ECG post reversion at 23 hours after onset.

Birch S, Lu C. BMJ Case Rep 2019;12:e226747. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 3
Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions

BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 on 13 February 2019. Downloaded from on 20 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
Patient’s perspective Learning points

On the 10th of September 2017 I had been in the labour ►► Atrial fibrillation (AF) is uncommon in the obstetric
ward for nearly 30 hours with tightenings and half ruptured population, but can be caused by drug toxicity,
membranes with minimal progression to labour. The induction hyperthyroidism, pulmonary embolism, structural heart
process was started, but unfortunately due to foetal distress defects, re-entrant pathways and electrolyte derangements.
I was rushed to theatres for an emergency caesarean. I was ►► Although ventricular arrhythmias have been reported in the
trialling a vaginal birth after caesarean (VBAC) and was hopeful setting of administration of syntocinon and ergometrine, we
for a vaginal delivery so was disappointed but accepting of the present the first case in the literature of AF occurring in the
need for the intervention. It seemed like it took a very short intrapartum setting with the administration of syntocinon
period of time before I heard the cry of a baby and someone held and ergometrine.
my daughter up in front of me for a brief second before she was ►► Both ergometrine and oxytocin can cause abrupt changes in
whisked away to be seen by the paediatric team. heart rate, vascular tone and autonomic tone.
At this point I heard the Doctor ask for a medication and ►► An abrupt alteration of autonomic tone may constitute a
the anaesthetist stating I may feel a bit horrible after being trigger for AF in the obstetric population and syntocinon
administered this. Shortly after I felt extremely nauseous and administration followed by administration of ergometrine
started vomiting, I also experienced a headache and a heavy may be a cause an abrupt alteration of autonomic tone.
ache in my left arm that went to my chest. I was taken to ►► Ergometrine should be administered via the intramuscular
recovery where I was told my heart rate was very high, at that route to reduce the risk of arrhythmias and should potentially
point I looked at the monitor and it was jumping between be avoided in the peripartum setting in future pregnancies
140bpm–175bpm. Coming from a nursing background I kept in our patient (a change in the hospital protocol from
looking at the monitor to interpret the readings. The medical equal doses of intravenous and intramuscular ergometrine
team relayed to me that my heart was in atrial fibrillation (AF) to a dose of only intramuscular ergometrine should be
and I would require a cardiac consult but they were hopeful considered).
it would revert reasonably quickly as AF usually does. Many
interventions were tried but AF remained. I started to feel
extremely nauseous and wasn’t tired but found it extremely
the pulmonary veins can also trigger AF.10 Once AF starts, it
difficult to keep my eyes open. I could feel my heart beat in my
may be sustained because of focal electrical activity, re-entrant
throat and could barely gather energy to speak. My husband said
circuits, or a combination or both.3 11 12
he came to see me in recovery at one point and said I was so
The autonomic nervous system is also important in AF.9 The
pale that he thought I was dead. Many different Doctors came
occurrence of paroxysmal AF frequently occurs after an increase
and consulted about what the plan should be. After 5 hours in
in sympathetic tone followed by increased vagal tone.9 Moni-
recovery I was transferred to the coronary care unit. At this point
toring of stellate ganglion nerve activity in animal models indi-
it had been 6 hours since delivery and I had seen my baby for a
cates that most paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and paroxysmal AF
brief minute but had not held her.
occur after a combination of sympathetic and vagal discharges.13
The AF continued while I was in coronary care and did
Although some arrhythmias have been reported in the setting
not revert until the following day, 23 hours post caesarean,
of oxytocin or ergometrine administration, AF has not been
thankfully before I would have had to have a cardioversion. I
previously reported in this setting, to our knowledge. Tachy-
spent 17 hours without seeing my baby but remarkably when
cardia, as a reflex phenomenon precipitated by oxyctocin or
the midwife bought her to me, 23 hours post op, I started to
syntocinon, is well known.14 15 Arrhythmias are also a recognised
breastfeed her and this was the precise moment my heart
complication of ergometrine.16 17 A case of ventricular tachy-
reverted back to sinus rhythm. I often think, and question, if it
cardia during caesarean section precipitated by ergometrine
was a coincidence that my heart went into AF when my baby
has previously been described.18 Oxytocin has been reported to
was taken from me and then reverted from AF when I was able
have an antiarrhythmic effect,19 20 but it has also been reported
to hold my baby again.
to prolong the QTc (the corrected QT interval).21 Two cases of
ventricular tachycardia precipitated by oxytocin, in the setting of
known long-QT syndrome, have been described.22
Discussion Oxytocin and its synthetic form, syntocinon, act on the
Arrhythmias are the most common cardiac condition in preg- oxytocin receptor.23 The use of syntocinon in the setting of both
nancy. Although AF is rare in pregnancy, it is the most common induction of labour and the management of uterine tone is an
arrhythmia in pregnancy.5 7 10 Pregnancy constitutes a cardiovas- international standard of practice.24 Oxytocin is thought to be
cular stressor.5 10 Physiological adaptations of pregnancy may released when circulating blood volume is high and it promotes
promote arrhythmias by causing increased myocardial stretch, vasodilation, increases secretion of atrial natriuretic peptide,
increased catecholamine release, electrical remodelling and a and is antiarrhythmic.14 15 Oxytocin suppresses premature
higher frequency of atrial and ventricular premature contrac- ventricular contractions, reduces rates of ventricular arrhyth-
tions.10 AF in pregnancy often reverts without requiring specific mias and modulates atrial mechanical and electrical activity
treatment.5 In the available case reports, episodes of lone AF in in animal models.14 19 Antihypertensive, negatively inotropic
pregnancy recovered without any long-term complications for and negatively chronotropic effects of oxytocin have also been
the patients or their infants.5 demonstrated.14 15While oxytocin can act to prolong the QTc
AF can be precipitated when one or more triggers occur in the in humans, it does not increase action potential duration in
presence of a susceptible substrate.3 These triggers may include Purkinje fibres in an animal model, nor does it prolong the QTc
premature atrial contractions (which are more frequent during in human ventricular myocytes.18 25 These findings suggest that
pregnancy),3 as well as other atrial arrhythmias. Rapid firing in the QTc prolonging effect of oxytocin in humans is indirect. This
4 Birch S, Lu C. BMJ Case Rep 2019;12:e226747. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226747
Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions

BMJ Case Rep: first published as 10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 on 13 February 2019. Downloaded from on 20 February 2019 by guest. Protected by copyright.
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Provenance and peer review  Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. Anaesthesia Critical Care and Pain 2009;9:44–7.

Birch S, Lu C. BMJ Case Rep 2019;12:e226747. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226747 5

Unexpected outcome (positive or negative) including adverse drug reactions

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6 Birch S, Lu C. BMJ Case Rep 2019;12:e226747. doi:10.1136/bcr-2018-226747

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