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Electrical estimation is rapidly becoming a profession carried out by professionals.

The purpose of this handout is to present a systematic approach in estimating the cost of

electrical projects. Estimators or contractors can no longer rely on “guesstimate” method

or use “square-meter” approach to offer the bid price. This handout could be a tool for

beginners and a reference guide to those who have been estimating electrical projects

for quite some time.

After studying this handout, the learners are most likely:

o Know the purpose and importance of estimating and costing

o Become mindful of the factors affecting realistic estimate

o Identify the steps in preparing cost estimates

o Use spreadsheet software to prepare project cost

What Does It Take to Be an Electrical Estimator?

 at least six to eight years of experience in the field.
 good at reading plans.
 proficient at following the PEC
 knowledgeable in technical specifications for electrical materials, devices, equipment, etc.
 proficient in application software like word processor, spreadsheet, presentations, cad,etc.
 communication skills (verbal and written)
2. Purpose of Estimating and Costing
The purpose of estimating electrical projects varies on the perspective of different

2.1 Owners/Investors
 Economical and reasonable budget
 Good Quality
 Delivered on time

2.2 Contractors
 Winnable bid
 On-time completion
 Quality work
 Gain reasonable profit

2.3 Designer
 Compliance to standard, codes, and regulations
 General Safety

3. Importance of Detailed Costing

3.1 During Design and Planning Phase
a. Preliminary cost advice and budgetary requirements
b. Studying possible design options
c. Cash Flow preparation
3.2 Prior to Construction
a. Basis of pricing and tenders
3.3 During Construction
a. Basis for cost control
b. Basis for billing and collection
c. Basis of work progress
d. Basis for Variation Claims
3.4 Post Construction
a. Performance analysis of the project

4.0 Steps in Preparing Cost Estimate

1st Step: Acquire Bidding documents, Plans, and Specifications

2nd Step: Study the proposed project (5W2H)

a. Who is the owner of the project?
b. What the project is about?
c. Where is the project located?
d. When to submit the bid; When to start and finish the project?
e. Why the project is undertaken?
f. How the project will be undertaken?

3rd Step: Perform on-site visit and ocular inspection

4th Step: Gather substantial and accurate data
5th Step: Carefully and promptly prepare the cost estimate

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