MICA Impetus Brainstorm 2

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MICA Impetus – Round 2


Problem Statement:
Casino A has a deficit of $4 million worth of chips which needs to satisfied by 6 p.m. to make the
casino ready for the evening’s play.

1. We assume that Company XYZ sails the cruises at intervals of one hour such that Casino B
leaves the shore at 7 p.m. and Casino C leaves the shore at 8 p.m.
2. The 3 different cruises are currently docked at the shore and are able to receive shipments
of any amount of chips.
3. The other 2 cruises are not damaged and their casinos have the required amount of chips
for their functioning.

Since Aurora Chips, the chips supplier for Company XYZ has promised to supply all the chips
within 24 hours and has a capacity of producing chips worth $500 thousand per day, it implies
that Aurora Chips currently has a stock of chips worth $3.5 million. This stock of $3.5 million can
be immediately transported from Aurora Chips to the cruise containing Casino A, before 6 p.m.
This leaves us with a deficit of $500 thousand worth of chips.

Then, Casino A can borrow $500 thousand worth of chips from Casino B before 6 p.m. to fill
its own deficit and be ready with chips before the evening’s play begins.

The deficit with Casino B currently ($500 thousand of chips) can be satisfied by either Orion
Chips or Cimba Chips as they have the requisite stock and can deliver by 6:30 p.m., half an hour
before the stipulated departure time of the cruise containing Casino B.

This satisfies the demand for chips for both Casino A and Casino B before their departure times
and enables them for the evening’s play.

Submitted by:
Sunidhi Jain
Savi Agarwal
Lakshya Agarwal

Hansraj College

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