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A Personal Thank You From Anthony Metivier

Congratulations on joining The Ultimate

Memory Exercise!

What you now hold in your Udemy account

could be one of the most valuable courses
you've ever joined.

In the videos that follow, I give you the exact

recipe for memorizing a deck of cards. It is a
rapid brain exercise that I use every time I
memorize foreign language vocabulary,
poetry or anything that I want to prime for.

But I don't stop there.

In addition to the a full explanation of the method, you'll also be learning how to practice it
and become more creative in the process.

To get the most out of this course, I suggest that you follow these 6 steps:

1. Introduce yourself in the discussion area and talk about your memory goals.

2. Watch every video from beginning to end.

3. Read the Ebook version that comes with the course.

4. Start memorizing a deck of cards right away.

5. Make card memorization a habit as a regular memory drill.

6. Leave a review of the course so that others can learn this amazing skill.

It's my wish that you'll use The Ultimate Memory Exercise to build the speed and strenght
of your memory. I want you to enjoy a major breakthrough, so please don't delay taking
this course from beginning to end.
Let me know if you have any questions in the discussion area and talk soon!


Anthony Metivier

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