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August 29, 2019

the H e ral d
Volume XXXXXV,
No 8

Inside this issue:

Christian Educa- 2
tion/Volunteer Co- HOLYPALOOZA 2019

Servicepalooza/5th 3 Sunday, September 15

Sunday lunch/
Gently used items 10:00 a.m. at Centenary United
Holypalooza 4
Methodist Church
Salt Shakers/ 5
Kids Hope/Session 6 A joint worship celebration for
Central Presbyterian Church,
Calendar 8

Church Happenings 9
Centenary United Methodist Church,
St. Stephen's Episcopal Church
and United Campus Ministries
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the He ral d

CHRISTIAN EDUCATION REPORT - Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator

Classes for all ages meet from 9:30 to 10:20 am

Preschool for 3, 4 & 5 year olds – room 108
Kindergarten through 3rd grade – room 103
Tweens 4th through 8th grade – Fellowship Hall classroom
High School 9th through 12 grades – room 201
1. A class that meets all year will complete the discussion of prayer during the
first few weeks and then study Psalms – room 200
2. Short term studies with different facilitators
Aug. 25 – Oct. 13 The Great Ends of the Church – room 202
Exploring the six guiding principles that guide the vision and mission
of the Presbyterian Church (USA) and how they are lived out at CPC

The next Parents’ Night Out is on September 13. We will have a “blue fest” to tie in with the
Blues Festival downtown. Children should wear blue if they want. Childcare with supper is at
the church from 5:30 – 9:00 pm. Please notify the church office if your children are attending.
The October PNO will be on the 4th to avoid a conflict with Fall Break.
Tuesday Meeting Night is September 17. Supper for the whole family and childcare will be
available beginning at 5:15 pm.

The family prayer group meets on Mondays at 11:00 am at the church.

CHILD PROTECTION TRAINING will be Sunday, September 8 from 12 noon to 2 pm. A

light lunch and childcare will be provided. This is the same training that was held in May and is
for those that couldn’t attend then. This is mandatory for church staff that work with children
and youth and strongly encouraged for Sunday School teachers and youth workers. A review of
our church child protection policies is presented with time for discussion.

Hello Church!
If you were unable to attend this past Sunday’s service, I was given the oppor-
tunity to share about what I am doing behind the scenes. First, I wanted to ex-
press my desire to encourage you as followers of Christ to find the way God
has wired you and match you with the most fitting opportunity for you to serve
Terre Haute, loving people for the sake of the Kingdom. Second, I want to know what all of you are
already doing, because I am finding there is so much GOOD already going on! Please send me an
email and introduce yourself to me if I haven’t gotten the chance to meet you already. I want to hear
about your already existing ministry in your home, the public school, the organization you’re giving
to - whatever it may be! I am excited to hear more stories from you.

- Kelly Stinnett, Missions Volunteer Coordinator

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the He ral d

Working together in Christ’s name for the community
Gathering donations 14th & Chestnut Holiday Baskets
canned pie filling, graham crackers, canned pumpkin, evaporated milk,
aluminum pie pans, instant mashed potatoes, canned or jar of gravy

Collecting school supplies for United Campus Ministries

Requested school supplies are college ruled notebooks, college ruled loose leaf paper,
sturdy folders, 3 ring binders, mechanical pencils, sharpies, and black ink pens that click.

There will be a Fifth Sunday carry in on September 29th. This another op-
portunity to spend time with your Church friends and enjoy a delicious meal.
The meat (ham) and drinks will be provided. Please bring a dish to share.

The Gently Used Sale on Saturday, Nov. 2nd just got better!! In ad-
dition to gently used books and other items, John Whalen will be serv-
ing his famous breakfast---juice, eggs, sausage, pancakes, etc. John will
be calling on his "kitchen crew" to help so be ready to say "YES"! We
hope you all have started gathering your gently used books and
items. In the next few weeks we will let you know when you can start
bringing them in and how we will use the proceeds from the sale.
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Centenary United Methodist Church Central Presbyterian Church
St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church United Campus Ministries


September 15, 2019 9:30 am—Gather at 7th & Cherry

to Parade
11:00 am—2:00 pm
to Centenary United Methodist Church
The traditional UCM Pig Roast has

transformed into the

“Barbecue” and will be served at 10:00 am—Joint Worship at Centenary
United Methodist Church
Centenary United Methodist.
with Holy Communion
Admission — $10 Childcare Provided for birth—3 year olds
Children under 10 — $5
College Students with ID — $5
11:00 am—2:00 pm UCM Barbecue Lunch
Carry Outs available

Vegetarian options available

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Salt Shakers, 2019-2020

Once again, it is time to shake the salt!

Salt Shaker dinners will be resumed beginning in October. Sign-up sheets have been placed on
the fellowship hall bulletin board. For those of you who may not know, salt shakers groups sin-
gles and couples together three times a year for dinner and fellowship. The groups are “shaken
up” for each dinner resulting in an opportunity to meet new friends and learn more about your
old ones. There are 7-9 people for each dinner. Each couple brings one dish and one couple
hosts and provides the meat and drinks.

Please sign up in the fellowship hall in you are interested. Please indicate whether or not you
would be willing to host. Last day to sign up is September 29. Please see Eunice Pate for more

September Birthdays
2—Barbara Schmitt, Avis Whitaker
13—Larry Clinkenbeard, John Ragle
15 — Jon Ford, John Whalen
18— Grant Racop
20—Mary Jean DeMarr
21 — Carol Ennis, Eunice Pate
22 — Marci Shaw
24 — Julian Moulton
29 — Henry Connor
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The new school year for Deming Elementary school has start-
ed. The special students at the school need YOU!!! These stu-
dents need a listening ear and LOVE! Can you spare an hour a
week (between 10:50 am and 12:30 pm) to mentor a child?

There is a great need for more Mentors. This is an exciting opportunity to impact the life of
one young child. Please contact Kids Hope Director, Linda Riggins (392-
5370, if you have any questions or interest in this vital missions ministry.

Session Notes from August for the September Herald

During its August meeting, session reviewed reports from commissions and committees and transacted routine busi-
ness. Highlights from the meeting appear here.

Featured Report: Christian Nurture

Valeri Kershaw reviewed the membership, mission, and structure of the commission. She shared a form sent to par-
ents of nursery and older children that they could use to provide information about their children and permission
for use of photos. Valeri presented the teachers, curriculum, costs, and designation of offering for Pyoca, and session
voted in favor of an omnibus motion approving the CN recommendations for the coming year.

Pastor’s Report:
Pastor Mike brought several items to the table.
A motion to support Nathan Paul-Bonham’s year as a Young Adult Volunteer was approved.
Membership for the Strategic Planning Review Team was presented.
The pastor has continued conversations with his coach, who noted that it is rare for a church group to be able
to describe its core values as we have done. Pastor Mike read them to session as a reminder and said he
feels they accurately reflect the true nature of the congregation.
Nancy Edgerton asked session for advice and feedback for the mission committee. The committee would like to
follow the wishes of the church, knowing that mission by our members goes on in many places beyond what
the committee sponsors. Do the committee’s ideas (e.g. homeless outreach, SAWS, Salvation Army, 14th
and Chestnut, short local mission trips) match those of the congregation? Do we have sufficient support for
Kids Hope? Volunteer Mission Coordinator Kelly Stinnett is just getting started. How do we fully engage
her? Liaisons should ask their groups for feedback.
Session discussed the nominating committee process. The long-standing process is understood but not included
in our policies and procedures manual. Although open to change, the consensus was that the current pro-
cess works well enough. However, thoughtful encouragement of prospective members for the committee
would be valuable, and announcements of the annual meeting should include a reminder that the congrega-
tional representatives will be elected. Luanne Tilstra volunteered to prepare of draft of our procedure for
consideration at the September meeting.
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Treasurer’s Report
The report for the month of July was approved with thanks and one abstention. Although July deposits were
down, we are on track for the year.
Operating Fund Sum-
Month of July Balance Sheet Summary 7/31/2019
Beginning of Month $64,947.23 Current Assets $574,769
Income $18,996.93 Fixed Assets $2,980,000
Expenses $25,703.53 Short Term Liabilities $2548
End of Month $58,240.63 Long Term Liabilities $241,403
Net Worth (Fund Balance) $3,310,818

Christian Educator’s Report: Cheryl reviewed plans for Sunday School and her work with POV. She shared the
contrast between what she submits to the Tribune Star and what the newspaper publishes.
Reports and Action Items from Committees and Commissions:
Church Life: The commission, with the deacons, has been considering what might be done to support our single
members. Several members will reach out to those who might be interested, and the group will plan its own activ-
ities with support from CL and Deacons as needed.
Facilities: Tuck pointing for the west side has been completed and the company did a very good job. They will
repair the damage to our sign. There are two compressors for each of the five air conditioning units on the roof,
and one has gone out. They have worked well and this is the first major problem we have had since their installa-
tion during the 2008 renovation. Carpets have been cleaned. There have been some plumbing issues.
Finance: Session continued its discussion of socially responsible investing. Kevin Christ presented historical com-
parisons between Amana and the S&P 500. Al Holder reported that the mission committee preferred that we stay
in a socially responsible fund. Bruce will share comments with the commission. Luanne Tilstra reiterated some of
the financial conclusions from the session in Bloomington.
Worship: the commission has made a few changes to the language on the front of the bulletin. They propose that
once each month a commission or committee be featured in worship by offering a tangible symbol of their work
to be brought forth with the offering. There might also be a paragraph in the bulletin to explain the work of the
group. This would help express the comprehensive nature of our offering. There has been a favorable response to
the morning and evening prayers in the bulletin and they will be continued.
Interpretation and Support: During its initial meeting, the committee decided to use the same stewardship pro-
cess as last year. Fred Rubey will chair the campaign. This would be a good time to incorporate updates to mem-
bers’ time and talent surveys, and doing so during the September 5th Sunday dinner would be timely as we consid-
er our spiritual gifts. Budget requests are due soon.
Mission: Session approved the committee’s request to donate $450 from the Pentecost offering to our Kids
Hope budget.
Personnel: the committee met to plan the pastor evaluation. Background checks are almost done. Salary discus-
sions are underway.

Holypalooza is on September 15 at Centenary, with Rev. Dawn Black from UCM preaching. We will provide
some of the elements. Mission activities will be collections for 14th and Chestnut and United Campus Ministries.
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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Choir 8:45
2 Labor Day— 3 4 5 6 7
Sunday school
9:30 Office closed.
Worship 10:30

8 Choir 8:45
9 Family Pray- 10 11 Deacons 12 13 Parents’ 14
Sunday school
9:30 er Group 11:00 Night Out 5:30
Worship 10:30 Session 7:00
Child Protec-
tion Train 12:00
Youth 5:00

15 16 Family 17 Third Tues- 18 Youth De- 19 20 21

Holypalooza @
CUMC 10:00 Prayer Group day meal & sign Team 6:15
Youth 5:00 11:00 childcare 5:15


22 Choir 8:45
23 Family 24 Seekers & 25 Personnel 26 Lunch with 27 28
Sunday school
9:30 Prayer Group Searchers Bible Comm. 12:30 Pastor 12:00
Worship 10:30 11:00 study 10:00
Youth 5:00

29 Choir 8:45
30 Family
Sunday school
9:30 Prayer Group
Worship 10:30 11:00
5th Sunday
lunch following
Youth 5:00
Central Presbyterian Church
Central Presbyterian Church
125 North Seventh Street
Terre Haute, IN 47807 Sunday School for all ages 9:30 a.m.

Phone: 812-232-5049 Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m.

Fax: 812-232-5040 Rev. Mike Riggins, Pastor
Scott Paul-Bonham, Parish Associate
Cheryl Moles, Christian Educator
Sarah Kelsheimer, Church Secretary

Church Happenings Lunch at Westminster

Women’s Book Club Women’s Bible Study
The Women’s Book Club The 2019 Bible study will On Thursday, September
will be meeting on Sept. 5 resumes from 10:00 to 26th at noon, the Deacons
Next Herald at 7:00 at the church. The 11:30 am on Tuesday, Sep- and Pastor Mike will host
books to be discussed is tember 24. Scott Paul-
Deadline — Bonham will lead a study lunch at WMV for CPC
Educated by Tara Westov-
er. Nancy Edgerton will on Luke 16:19-31, the par- residents and other "super
Sept. 23, 2019 lead the discussion. All able of the Rich Man and seniors" ( 85+). Invitations
women of the church are Lazarus using Short Stories
by Jesus by Amy-Jill Levine. have been sent and recipi-
invited to attend.
This is not in the study ents are to call Sarah with
guide. Donna Wilson will their RSVP. Transporta-
be the hostess. All women
tion is available, if need-
are welcome.
ed. Please, let Sarah know
as soon as possible. We
hope to see you!

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