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8.1 Introduction
8.2 Basic Concepts
8.2.1 Sign Conventions
'8.2.2 Stiffness, Relative Stiffness a~idCarryover Factors
8.2.3 Lateral Stiffness and Modified Lateral Stiffness Factors
8.2.4 L)istributron Factors
8.3 Analysis of Continuous B e a m
8.3.1 Steps
8.3.2 Analysis for External Loads
8.3.3 ~pplicationto Sinking of Support
8.3.4 Symmetry
8.4 Analysis of Plane Franle without Sway
8.5 Analysis of Plane Frame with Sway
8.5.1 Sway ~ n a l y s i s
8.5.2 Arbitrary Moment Calculation
8.6 Summary
8.7 Key Words
8.8 Answers to SAQs

Moment distribution method is the most suitable inanual method for ganalysisof continuous
beams and plane frames. This method was presented by Prof. Hardy Cross of USA in 1929.
The n~ethodconsists in solving indirectly the equations of equilibrium as formulated in
slope deflection method without finding the displacen~ents.This is an iterative procedure.
This is also known as relaxation method.
After studying this unit, you should be able to
analyse continuous beans subjected to external loads,
analyse continuous beams with given support settlement or support rotation,
analyse plane frames with or without sway.


8.2.1 Sign Conventions
In this unit, the sign conventions used are same as those for slope deflection method.
Clockwise moments and cIockwise rotations are considered positive whereas anti-cIockwise
moments and anti-clockwise rotations are considered negative.
8.2.2 Stiffness, Relative Stiffness and Carryover Factors
Let us understand the important terms related to a bean1 member used in the moment
distribution method.
111Figure 8.1 (a), a fixed end memnkr AR with spa11 L and flexural rigidity EI is
shown. To rotate end A by zuiple 8 , the moment required at end A will be

where, ,k is moment induced at end A for producing unit rotation at A,

whilc induced moment at end B is MRA = --
L - ~ B 8A

where k , is moment produced at end B when unit rotation is applied at end A.

Let us consider a beam CD wilh the same span L and flexural rigidity El as shown in
Figure 8.1 (h), hut opposite end D is hinged. Moinent required at end C for producing
rotatitni 8 at end C is Mc, = - "" - kcc 8 where k , is moinent produced at end C
for unit rotation at salne end C.
4E1 2EI 3EI
We can find these values of k , = -, k , = - and kc, = -from the Table
7.1 (Case 8 and 9). 'These terms are known as rotational stiffnesses.
-Relative Stiffness
Thus, k, = 4EIlL for far end fixed and k,,. = 3EI/L for far end hinged. Instead of
taking kA, = 4EUL for beam with both ends fixcd, if k is considered proportional to
IIL for span'AB correspondingly. and for the beam C t ) with far c ~ i dD as liinped the k
is proportionill to 0.75 IIL. This is termed as relative stiffness. presuming that E is
constanl. Thus, if the far end of the member is hinged, the relative stiffness is to be
reduced to 75% of that with far end as fixed, continuous or rigid.
(c) Carryover Factor
111case of the above beam AB as shown in Figure 8.1 (a), the far end B is
fixed, if Fir cnd is either tixed or continuous or rigidly
- connected wit11 other
members, far end moment M , = - 2E18 -- !?%@ =@ !! = pmvided, EI is
L 2 2
constant. - = - is called carryover factor. According lo sign convention,
MA,.. 2
carryover lliolncnt MBAand MA, are of same nature, i.e. either clockwise or
mtiilcxkwi~eas the case may be.
8.2.3 Lateral Stiffness and Modified Lateral Stiffness Factors
Consider beam AB froni Table 7.1 (Case 7), if end A displaces downward laterally with
respect to end B by amount 6, without allowi~~gany end rotations tlte moments induced at A
aid R are

Similarly, consider beam CD from Table 7.1 (Case 10) denoting left end fixed as C and
right one as D, which is hinged. If end C displaces downward with respect to end D by
amount 6, without allowing m y rotation, the moment induced at C is k

MA,, M , and M,, of above cases are called lateral stiffnesses.

As discussed for :ilodified (relative)rotatic~nalstiffnesses, when lateral stiffnesses of two
colu~nnsof a frame, subjected to sway (lateral trzulslation) are compared it is called modified
Irrtortll .sti[Tnesses.This is discussed in Section 8.5.2 in detail.
8.2.4 Distribution Factors
Let us consider the structure shown in Figure 8.2. Here, there are more than h e member
meeting at a rigid joint '0'. If the joint is subjecled to a rotation 0. all members will undergo
the same rotation as shown in Figure 8.2 because the joint is rigid.
For members i = 1 to 4, respective spans and tlexural rigidities are Liand (El)i. Moment Distribution
Total number of members = nl = 4 Method

Figure 8.2

The applied moment at joint 0,M,, will be distributed in proportion to their stiffnesses.

k , , k,, k,, k, = Stiffnesses of members 1 to 4 with respect to unit rotation at 0.

+ Mo2 + M,,, + M,,

Here, M,, = ho,

Moi = ki 0 , and Mo = C Moi = C ki 0

Distribution factor for member i, gives the contribution of M , distributed to member oi

where k, = either rotational stiffness or relative stiffness of "i member and C ki is sum of
i l l
the corresponding rotational stiffnesses or relative stiffnesses of all the members meeting at
the joint.
The distribution factors at a particular joint for all members are to be calcu1ated:'~ecan
check that summation of distribution factors for the members meeting at a particular joint is
always 1. When the exterior support is hinge or roller with extended overhanging beam the
distribution factor on the interior side is 1 while on the exterior side, it is zero.


8.3.1 Steps
The procedure of analysis by moment distribution method can be explained in the following
steps :
(a) Determine distribution factors (DF) at each joint, taking into account the
modified stiffness of a member, if I'ar end is hinged or simply supported.
Stiffness is zero for the member if far end is free, i.e. overhanging member.
(b) Assume all joints to be locked or restrained against rotation initially. Find out
fixed end moments due to loads or settlements for all members. Clockwise
moments are considered as positive.
(c) Release those ends of the meinbers which are actually hinged and carry over its
effect to the far end. Summation of moments in steps (a) and (c) will be initial
modified f w d end moments for the moment distribution.
(d) Balance the moments at each joint by releasing the imaginary restraints and
distributing the unbalanced moment to the members at a joint in proportion to
the respective distribution factors.
(e) Take half of the distributed moment to the other end of the member as carry
over moment. This will again produce unbalanced moment at the joint.
(f) Balance the joint as shown in (d) and repeat steps (e) and (d) in succession
which converges till the distributed moment becomes negligibly small whose
carryover (CO) may be neglected.
(g) Sum up the moments to obtainfinal end moments. We can check that the
equilibrium is satisfied at each joint, i.e. M = 0.

8.3.2 Analysis for External Loads

The application of moment distribution method is described with the illustrations of
Example 8.1 stepwise and the same is also shown in usual tabular form. The other examples
are presented in the tabular form.
Example 8.1
~ n a l i s the
e continuous beam as shown in Figure 8.3 (a).
(a) by showing step by step procedure, and
(b) in the tabular form.
Assume EI as constant for both the spans AB and BC.
Step by step solution
Step 1 :Calculate the distribution factors.
Distribution factor
Jdnt Member Stiffness, K
B BA 3 (1/6) = 1 / 2 I -
1/ 2
BC 4 (//a) = 1/2 1/ 2

Note :
Instead of actual stiffness, the modified stiffnesses
be taken for BA and BCrespectively.
1n that case, kBA= kBc = - and K = EI,However, the distribution factors
8 4
will be same.
Step 2 :As shown in Figure 8.3 (b), the fixed end moments are same as those
obtained in slope deflection method.

Step 3 :Release the moments at exterior hinge. To obtain this, apply moment equal
and opposite to fixed end moment.
F'MM = + V x - = 7 2 W m
The carryover moment induced due to application of releasing moment will be Moment Distribution
F 'MBA = 1 = 36 kN m (with same sign as F'MAB)

This procedure is explained in Figure 8 3 (c).

Figure 8.3 (d) shows new initial (fixed end) moments, which is summation of fixed
end moments and releasing moment and its carryover moment, i.e. summation of step
1 and step 3. The iterative procedure is started from this step and earlier steps are
ignorcd (if there is no exterior roller or hinge support, Step 3 is omitted).

Step 4 :Distribute the unbalanced moment at B.

The algebraic sum of fixed end moments at Bas shown in Figure 8.3 (d) is called
unbalanced moment, while sum of opposite sign moments at B, M', as shown in
Figure 8.3 (e) is called balanci;lg moment.
Here, the balancing moment = - [72 + 361 + [56] = - 52 kN m
The balancing moment at B is to be disttibuted among the members meeting at B.
(DM)BA= (DflBA x M', where (DOBA= Distribution factor for BA

(DM), = Z x (- 52) = - 26.0 (anticlockwise) = (DM),,
Summation of unbalanced moment at B as per Figure 8.3 (d) and summation
of distributed moments in members BA and BC as per Figure 8.3 ( f ) must be
(72+36)-56-26-26=0, i.e. OK.
Step 5 :The distributed moment at B will induce the carryover moment at far end C
as shown in Figure 8.3 (g).
Stop 6 :If the far ends are also having more than one member the iterative procedure
of distribulion and carryover is to be continued upto the required accuracy. This is
explained later in Example 8.3. In this example, Step 6 is not required, as far ends of
joint B are A and C and at both ends, A and C only one member AB and CB are
Step 7 :The summation of values of moments from Figure 8.3 (d), ( f ) and (g) will
give the fiial moments as shown in Figure 8.3 (h).
The above sdution is presented in tabular form. This is very systematic and
convenient. The last columl is only for explanation purpose.
Moment Distribution Table (Moments in IrN m)

Carryover at C \ -13 Fig. (g) & Step 6

Final moment (end 0 + 82 - 82 + 109 Fig.(h)&Step7

Reactions (upward positive) (in kN)(considering simply supported span)

Joint A B B C
Due to given loads 24 x 612 = 72 72 18+30 30+90
Due to end mclments -8U6 = -13.67 +13.67 (-109+82)/8 + 3.375
= -3.375
Total Reaction 58.33 85.67 44.625 1 23.375

Giving :RA = 58.33 kN ?, RR = 130.295 kh' ?, Rc = 123.375 kN ?

(a) How distribution factors are arrived at for different members meeting at a
particular joint ?
(b) Considering support A as fixed instead of hinge in Figure 8.3 of Example 8.1,
analyse the beam by moment distribution method. Assume other data as same.
Example 8.2 Moment Distribution
Analyse the propped cantilever beam shown in Figure 8.4 (a).

PLR lcl

Figure 8.4

Here, at support B the beam is continuous. The left part AB is overhanging and hence,
statically determinate.
M, = FM, = + PL (i.e. clockwise) while MA, = 0
At B, for span Bi4 far end A is free therefore distribution factor is zero while for span
BC distribution factor is 1.
Moment Distribution Table (Moments in IdY m)

The end moments are shown in the free body given in Figure 8.4 (b) and bending
moment diagram on tension side as shown in Figure 8.4 (c).
Annlyse the propped c,ultilcver shown in Figure 8.5. El is constant tllroughout.

Figure 8.5
Example 8.3
Analyse the continuous beam shown in Figure 8.6 (a).

Figure 8.6

Here, fixed end moments are zero, as only external moment of 70 kN m is applied at
the joint B. The external moments = + 70 kN m is taken as balancing moment. This is
distributed in spans BA and BC as follows :


Therefore, distributed moments for span BA

M, = 70x- = 30 kN,and
distributed moments for span BC

The carryover moments at end A , MAEwill be half of M,,. Thus MA, = 20 kN m and
similarly, M,, = 15 kN m.
The bending moment diagram is shown in Figure 8.6 (b).
Try this example in tabular form and draw shear force (SF) and bending moment
(BM) diagrams for practice.
Example 8.4
Analyse the continuous beam shown in Figure 8.7. The relative moments of inertias
of various spans are shown within circles.

Figure 8.7
Firstly, we will find out the distribution factors.
Distribution Factors
Joint Member Relative Stiffness, K Distribution Factor
B BA 0.75(1/6)= 1/8 -
31 -
1 /3
BC 2 1/8 8 2 /3,
C BA 2(1/8)= 41/16 -
71 -
BC 0.75 (1/4)= 3 I/ 16 16 3 /7

Fixed End Moments

Here, FM, = 15 kN m = - FMAB; and ' FMcB = - FMBc = 42.67 kN m
while FMcD = FMD,- = 0 as span CD is not loaded.
Moment Distribution Table (Moments in kN m)

Distribution at B & C

Note :
When number of spans are more than two, the distribution and carryover
cycles may be continued up to required accuracy. In this example, if we
continue further with one more cycle, the final moments M , = 34.31 kN m
and McB = 23.18 kN m. The number of cycles to be carried out is a matter of
practice and judgement. Thus this is an iterative method for analysing
structures. Hence, more the cycles of distribution, less is the error. It is
suggested that cycle of C.O. may be stopped when difference in moments are
less than 5 8 between two consecutive cycles.
The answers of moment distribution procedure can be compared with those of
SAQ 1.

8.3.3 Application to Sinking of Support

For any intermediate span AB as shown in Table 7.1 if there is sinking of support or lateral
downward displacement of left end A with respect to right end B, i.e. 6, the fixed end
moments at A and B are as follows :
FMAB = FMBA = +-L~
This fixed end moment is added to those due to external loads in analysis procedure.
Exsmple 8.5
For the mtinuous beam shown in Figure 8.8 (a), the supports B and C sink by
2 mm and 5 mm respectively with respect to end A. Take EI for span AB as
36 x lo3kN m2 while that for span BC is twice that of AB. Analyse the beam, using
moment distribution procedure.

For span AB, 6 is sinking of B with respect to left end A = 2 mrn (downward). The
induced moments are anticlockwise (negative).


Similarly, for span BC, C is sinking with respect to left end B and 6 = 5 - 2 = 3 inm
(downward). The induced moments are anticlockwise (negative).

Moment Dlstributlon Table (Moments in kNm)

:. RA = 0.125 IrN f (upwards), RB= 4.2188 & (downwards). RC = 0.0938 f (upwards)

Shear force and bending moment diagrams are shown in Figures 8.8 (b) and (c).
Analyse the continuous beam given in Figure 8.9. If supports B and C sink by 5 mm
and 2 mm respectively, compute final rrroment at B. Take El = 36 x lo3kN m3

Analyse the beam given in Example 8.1 with the given loading, moreover support B
sinks by 8 mm. Take EI = 72 x 1 0 % ~m2.

8.3.4 Symmetry
When geometrically symmetricill structures are loaded symmetrically such as shown in
Figure 8.10 (a) and (b), deformations are symmetrical with respect to line of symmetry. For
beam of Figure 8.10 (a), 0, = - 0, and 0, = - 0,. For beam given in Figure 8.10 (b),
rotation of joints A and B is same but in opposite direction. Hence, 0, = - 0,.


Let us study behaviour of beam AB as shown in Figure 8.10 (b). The moment developed by
end A using slope deflection equation will be as follows :

is absolute stiffness = k '. Comparing this value with, we get


In case of symmetrical structure with odd numbers of spanshays, the line of symmetry
passes through centre of a span as shown in Figure 8.10 (a) and (b). While carrying out
analysis, the distribution factor of such member is taken as half for modified structure.
~ i ~ i8.1
r e1 (b) is modified structure of Figure 8.1 1 (a).
The iterative procedure is to be carried out for half structure. No carryover is required across
the axis of symmetry. This will reduce computational work.
Example 8.6
Analyse the beam given in Figure 8.1 1 (a) using advantage of symmetry.

The structure to be analysed is modified as shown in Figure 8.1 1 (b). The stiffness of
member BC is taken as half and therefore, distribution factors will be different than
that for original case.
Distribution factor at B


Flxed end moments

We can .see that the analysis is completed in two steps by taking advantage of the
Moment Distribution


As discussed in slope deflection method, the frames may sway or may not. If there is lateral
or horizontal translation, the frame is coilsidered to sway. If lateral translation is absent it is
a case of no sway.
When there is a lateral restraint at the storey level the frame will not sway. If a symmetrical
frame is subjected to symmetrical loads, in that case also frame will not sway.
The procedure of moment distribution is same as that for continuous beam. When the
number of members meeting at a joint are likely to be more than two, care is to be taken to
include stiffness of all members. The distribution procedure sliould also be carefully done.
This is because some columns in moment distribution table are not adjacent to the moment
to be distributed, although they are connected.
Example 8.7
Analyse the bent shown in Figure 8.12.

(a) (b)
kigure U.12

Flxed end moment
FMm = - FMAB= 15 kN m F M m = - FMBc= 60kN m
Distribution factors

This is no sway as the end C of the bar BC is a fixed hinge where no horizontal
movement is possible.
Indetenninate Moment Distribution Table (Moments in kN m)
Structures 1

Bending moment diagram is shown in Figure 8.12 (b).

i a i ,+>:~ilioul
t;lk~n_z:icfv.urt;tgr of rynlnhclry, mtl

( b j haking i ~ d ~ i ~ l t i01
l g symmetry.
Manrsd Dbtrlbutiar


The various causes of sway are already described in previous unit. When the plane frame is
likely to sway, the analysis is carried out in two stages.

(a) In first stage, it is assumed that there is an artificial lateral restraint at the
storeylevel and the analysis is performed same as for non-sway frame, this is
called nm-sway analysis.

(b) The horizontal reactions (shear) at the base of columns [as explained in earlier
unit, slope deflection method (Se~lion7.8.2)] are calculated by considering
equilibrium of each column, These reactions will be in t e r n of end moments
and horizontal loads on c o l u ~ ?if~any.
~ By applying equilibrium condition for
whole structure F, = 0, the horizontal reaction at artificial restraint at storey
level can be found out.
As shown in Figure 8.15 (a), it is reaction R, which is equal and opposite to
sway force S. The sway force S is not shown in Figure 8.15 (a).
8.5.1 Sway Analysis
In second stage, the frame is analysed for sway force of the particular magnitude, so that,
the coinbination of lion-sway moment and sway moment gives final moments.
(a) The moments in the members of frame due to application of sway force are
obtained indirectly. The frame is assumed to be subjected to arbitrary loading,
say P as shown in Figure 8.15 (b). The displacement, 6 due to P is liorizontal
translation only. Therefore, we have to apply the arbitrary moment in definite
proportion at'each end of vertical members, depending u p n whether the ends
are fixed or hinged as shown in Figure 8.15 (c). These bending moments are in
6E1, 6- 3E12 6
the ratio- ' - (or 2 1 , ~ ;: I ~ L : )since
, the right hand column is
L: 'LI
hinged at the base.
(b) Coilsidering free bodies of individual colunms .and shear equation for whole
structure (as adopted for non-sway analysis) the sway force for sway analysis
on application of arbitrary moment is worked out. ?his sway force will be
S f = P.
Here, Sf = Hi+ Hb,
M;, + M',,-
Hi = MIAR + M i ,A and H k =
Ll L,
(c) The arbitrary moments so obtained are now corrected by comparing actual
sway force S arid assumed sway force S'. Corrected sway nioments for sway
force S = k x end moments due to sway force P ,i.e. S ' where k is the
correction factor = -
The final end moments are algebraic sum of non-sway moments 'and corrected sway
momelits as obtained iu Step (c).
8.5.2 Arbitrary Moment Calculation
The arbitrary moments as required in Step (a) are calculated based on lateral stiffnesses of ,
columns. Consider Figure 8.15 (a) of a plane rrame, column AB is fixed at A and column
CD is hinged at D.For sway force P = S' as shown in Figure 8.15 (b), the arbitrary moments
required are shown in free body diagram as per Figure 8.15 (c). The latcral stiffnesses for
the columns AB and CD will he

where [%] a d ($1 are also called r n d l ' i e dlateral stiflnesses.

Note :Find modified lateral stiffness for columns AB and CD as self assessmeilt questions
(a) both ends A and I1 are hinged, and
(b) both ends A and I1 are fixed.
Note that for both the cases, tlle ratio
Example 8.8 M o n ~ e nDisirihution
Analyse the,plane frame shown in Figure 8.16 (a). Here, load is at Lhe joint.
Therefore, fixed end moments are zero. Moreover, there is no settlcmcnt nr rotation
of supports. Hence, fixed end inomelits are zero and o~ilysway analysis is required to
be performed.


Figure 8.16

Sway Analysis
Distribution Factor

Joint Member Stiffness, K K Distribution Factor

B BA 1/4 -
31 -
1 /3
BC 21/4 4 2/3

C CB 2(1/4)=31/6 -
41 -
CD 0.75 (1 / 4 . 5 ) = 1 / 6 6 1/4
Arbitrary Moments

Assuming sway towards right, assunie

and MpD= 32 kN in
Distribution Table
,. = 1- 69.5 - 54.63) =
3 1.03 kN (leftward) t

HtD = 4 . 5- 6.677 kN (leftward) c

- 29'75
S' = HA+ H; = 37.64 kN (rightward) +
Actually sway force S = 100 kN

Therefore, correction factor k = - - -- 2.656

S' - 37.64
Corrected Sway Moments = k x Sway Moments due to arbitrary moments
Jdnt A B C , .D
Members A8 BA BC CB CD DC

Finalmoments -184.63 -145.12 145.12 +79.03 -79.03 0

Figure 8.16 (b) shows bending moment diagram.

..: %,(,It c t
kr~alysethe plane frame shown in Figure 8.17.

Figure 8.17

Example 8.9
Analyse the bent shown in Figurc 8.18.
Non-sway Analysis
The non-sway analysis is already perfornled in Example 8.7. The non-sway moments
obtained are as follows :

Member AB BA BC . CB
Noo-sway moment 0 45 - 45 -

The restraint R is equal to the horizont;ll reaction at C (considering artificial

restraint), which is shown to be 26.25 kN (see Example 8.7) leftwards and sway force
S is towards the right.
Sway Analysis
As there is only one column, the arbitrary moments are applied only at ends of
column AB. Let us assume arbitrary moments M XB = M iA = - 20 kN 111
(anticlockwise) for sway towards right.

Hence. VA = 3 kN (down)& , HA = 7 kN (left) c , V(-= 3 kN (up) '?.H,. = 7 kN (right) -+

Only horizontal reactions, i.e. reaction normal to column will be useful for
Here, the restraining force S = Hc = + 7 kN (right)?.

S 26.25
:. Correction factor k = - = -- 3.75
S' 7
The sway rnonients are obtained by nlultiplying the above moments by 3.75.

I Joints B I c l
Members AR BA BC CB
Corrected sway moment - 60 - 45 +45 . 0

( No~~sway
moments I 0 1 + 45 1 - 45 1 0 1
I Final moment
Reaction check :

Due to loads 15 IS 60 60

( Duetomoments 1 +I5 1 - 1 5 1 0 1 0 1
I ' Net 1 30 I 0 ( 6 0 6 0 1
Reaction VA = 60 kN (up)'?, HA = 30 kN (left)&. V c = 60 kN (up)'?. H,- = 0
Note that looking to the net reaction for ~l~clllber
AB at end R, the horizontal reaction
is zero. Ihere will be rigid body displacement ol member flC in horizontal tlirection.
Therefore horizontal reaction at roller C should also bc zero. Hcnce, coilditioe is
Bending moment diagram (BMD) is shown in Figure 8.18 (b).
Indcterminntc Example 8.1 0
Structures -I Analyse portal frame with internal 11i11geat C as shown ia Figure 8.10 (a).

Fixed end moments

Distribution factors
The end C i s not rigid therefore distribution factors are not required at end C.while
distribution factors at end B are

Therefore, DFBc = (1 - 0.4)) = 0.6

Therefore, reaction R = 12.6 kN (left) t,

sway force S = 12.6 kN (right)+
Sway Analysis
Assuming sway towards right, arbitrary moments will be anticlockwise,
Let &, = M', = - 20 kN m
Here, in this case MPAB: MTnc will b (2)(2)
Momcat Distribution

HA' =
- 16- 12
= - 4.67 kN (leftward)
- lo - - 1.67 k~ (leftward)
" 6
We know, S' = HA' + HD'
= 4.67 + 1.67
= 6.33 kN +
Correction factor, k = - - 1.99
Corrected sway moments = k x assumed sway moments
= 1.99 x assumed sway moments


Corr. sway moment -3 1.84 -23.88 +23.88 0 0 -19.90

Non-sway moment +25.2 +50.4 -50.4 0 0 0

Final end moment -6.64 +26.52 -26.52 0 0 -19.90

HA =
- 6.64 + 26.52 = 3.31 (to right) -D: HD = -
- 19'90 -
- - 3.31 (aleft) +
6 6

Bending moment diagram is given in Figure 8.19 (b).

Example 8.11
Analyse the plane frame given in Figure 8.20 when there is rotational slip of
0.002 radian clockwise and a vertical sattlement of 12 mm at joint A.
Take EI = 80 x lo3kN m2.
Since there is no external load on the frame, the fixed end moments due to load
would be zero.
Non-sway moments due to rotation of joint A

Nan-sway moments due to sinking of support A,

Here, given 6 = 12 rnrn = 0.012-m,

Distribution Factors

Relative Stiffness, k
Joint Moment
Ck Distribution Factors

B BA 2I/4 I 1/2
BC 3I/6 112
C CB 3I/6 = I / 2 711 10 5/7
CD I/S 2/7

Non-sway Analysis

Distribution -2.553 -2.552 -2.732 -1.093 -

Non-sway moment 192.48 -97.763 +97.762 +100.763 -100.763 -49.90 ,

Sway Analysis
Assuming Column End Moments as +500 kN in AB and +I60 kN in CD Moment Distribution

Non-sway moment 379.47 25'5.82 -256.80 -148.74 -148.74 154.56

In this example, we are nos finding out sway force S for both analysis. The shear
equation is utilised directly to find correction factor. Since HA+ HD = 0

where MAEincludes moment MA,due to no-sway analysis as well as k x MAEfor

sway analysis, i.e. 192 + k x 379.47. Thus, shear equation is as follows :

Giving K = 0.0299
Non-sway moments 192.48 -97.763 97.763 100.763 - 100.763 - 49.90
k x sway moments 1 1.346 7.68 - 7.68 - 4.450 4.450 4.62

Final moments 203.826 - 90.083 90.083 96.3 13 - 96.3 13 - 45.28

Figure 7.1'6 (b) shows bending moment diagram.

SAQ 11
Analyse the portal frame given in Figure 8.17 when there is no load and support E
sinks by 12 mm. Take I = 0.36 x lo9 mm4and E = 200 GPa.

Stiffness of a member is 4EIIL for far end fixed and 3EIIL for far end hinged.
Carryover is 112 for far end fixed or continuous, and zero for hinged support.
If there is sinking or settlement of the support A by 6 with respect to B, then
FMm = FMRA= -
L~ '
If tkere is initial rotation of the near rigid support A by radian, then moment
induced at A, MA = -
L .
In a fixed base column, the moment at a bottom is half the moment at the top
of column. The moment at the bottom in case of hinged support is zero.
Unbalanced moments at a joint is distributed in proportion to the distribution
factor of members meeting at a joint

Final moment is the summation of all moments after several steps as

sumarised in Section 8.3.1 and Example 8.1. Balancing should be terminated
if the moment involved are negligibly small compared to initial fixed end
moments. Moment distribution should be terminated after a balancing
operation, and not after a carryover operation.
Sway is considered if the loading is unsymmetrical or the frame is
geometrically unsymmetrical.
The various prwedure for analysis of frames with side sway may be summed
up as under :
(i) Prevent the frame from sway by means of an imaginary restraint at
floor level and compute non-sway moments.
(ii) Remove all loads and assume arbitrary moments which cause only
sway and no rotation. For different columns in same storey, the
arbitrary moment at particular column depends on their translational
stiffness. The translational stiffness is -for hinged ended column and
-for fixed ended column.
(iii) Analyse the frame for arbitrary moments, which is called sway analysis.
(iv) Total moment for any member AB
MAE= (MAB)nun-rmry + k (MAE)smry
where (MAE)non-sway = moment in A B for non-sway analysis and k is
correction factor.
(v) From the shear equation for particular storey, correction factor k can be
found out by two methods.
* S
By taking ratio out by - ' where S is sway force for
non-sway analysis and S ' that for sway analysis with
arbitrary moments, or
* By writing down shear equation for the storey and putting
values of total moments as per step (iv).
(vi) Obtain final moments from steps (iv) putting value of k, as obtained in
step (v).
If there is only horizontal force at beam level, (i.e. at the joints) in case of
rectangular portal frame, non-sway analysis need not be performed, and final
moments are only corrected sway moments.
Advantage of symmetry can be taken by considang half the structure for
analysis with appropriate boundary conditions.
M o m d Wdbutim
8.7 KEY WORDS Method
Stiffhess of a Member : Moment required at the joint to cause a unit rotation at the
L same joint. '
Distribution Factor (DF) : Ratio of stiffness of particular member at a joint to total
stiffness at that joint is called distribution factor. Sum of
all such distribution factor is unity.
Carryover Factor : The moment induced at the far end when near end is
subjected to a moment.
Unbalanced Moment : Algebraic sum of moments at a joint, before the moment
is distributed depending upon distribution factors, is called
unbalanced moment.
Balancing Moment : The moment to be distributed which is of opposite nature
to the unbalanced moment, is called balancing moment.
Distributed Moment : At a joint, the balancing moment is distributed in
. proportion to their distribution factor in various member
meeting at a joint. This is called distributed moment.


DF, = 417 and DFBc = 3t7,MAB= 70.14 kN m

The strucmre is drawn in Figure 8.21 (a) and bending moment diagram is shown in
Figure 8.21 (b).
1 L k N /n 2LhNh

atyiii~u/ FJ ,a,

71.07kN lO6.fLkN f
1 3 4 LOkN


Figure 8.24

M A E = 5 2 . 5 k N m , M m = MBc=151<Nm
DFm = 0.4, DFB,. = 0.6, Mm = MBC= 39.1 kN m
Mm = 6.5 kN m = MBc ,i.e. M B is sagging
Fixed end moments due to support sinking will be as follows :
0 008
F M , = - 6 X 7 2 X 1 0 3 ' X ~= F M B A
0 008
FMB, = +6 x 7 2 103x-
~ = FMBc
These are to be added to tixed end moments due to loads and the moment distribution
to be carried out. This gives following results :
M,, = 31 kN m = MBc ;McD = 161.5 kN m (MB and M,. both are hogging).
= DFcB
= 113
Fixed end moments and final moments will same as Example 8.7. In case of Example
8.6, answer is determined in one distribution cycle. While here, the accuracy is
obtained after number of cycles.
M, = M, = 135.0 kN m (hogging).
= 0.25 while DF,, = 1
= DFBc= 0.375, DFBE
= FMB,= 50 kN m while M,, = 75 kN m
M, = 14.06 kN m, MBE= 9.38 kN m, MBc
= 23.44 kN m
The bending moment diagram is given in Figure 7.8 (c) of Example 7.6.
(a) The non-sway analysis at p r t a l frame is to performed. As the loading and
geoinetry is symmetric. the horizontal reactions atA and D will be equal and .
opposite and therefore, the sway analysis is not to be performed.
(b) Considering half of the frame, the equivalent frame will be bent with A as
fixed, Z l as rigid and C' (the mid point of BO as guided roller as shown in
Figure 8.11 (h).

Distribution Factors Advantage of Symmetry

Taken Not Taken
DFBA 0.5 In
DFsc 0.5 2t3

SAQ 10
= 417, DF,, = 2 3 and DF,YE= 113 and FM, = M, = 90 kN m
= 3/7. I)FB,-

Wo*(.h-rectionfactor. k = 0.47.
SAQ 11

Non-sway moments . 408.91 - 408.9 - 340.7 340.7

I I I 1
Corrected sway moments* - 444.9 444.9 288.9 - 288.9
Fial rnomerits- - - - -
- 35.99
-- -
35.99 -51.86 5 1.86

WoeC?omectlonfactor, k = 8.35. Sway mdysis 1s same as SAQ 9.

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