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Seismic reservoir characterization in resource shale plays: Stress analysis and

sweet spot discrimination

Article  in  The Leading Edge · July 2011

DOI: 10.1190/1.3609090

27 398

8 authors, including:

Arcangelo Sena Gabino Castillo


Kevin Chesser


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Software & Services, a CGGVeritas Company

S urface seismic data have proven to be an invaluable

asset for organizations producing hydrocarbons from
unconventional resource plays. Initially, a primary benefit of
voirs. Such stresses, when oriented, would yield oriented frac-
ture patterns during well completion and can be used in a
predictive mode for optimal well completions.
surface seismic was the ability to locate and avoid drilling The relationship between stress and strain is controlled by
into zones with faults, fractures, and karsting which adversely the elastic properties of the rock and is given by Hooke’s law.
affected the ability to complete the well successfully. More Therefore, it represents the fundamentals of hydraulic fractur-
recent advances in prestack seismic data analysis yield ing (that is, the deformation and fracturing of rock is caused
attributes that appear to be correlated to formation lithology, by stressing it with hydraulic pressure in the borehole). Gray
rock strength, and stress fields. Knowledge and proper et al. (2010) use linear slip theory following Iverson (2010) to
utilization of these attributes may prove valuable in the estimate these properties from seismic data. Principal stresses
optimization of drilling and completion activities. are estimated by combining elastic rock properties derived
In this article, we show an integrated seismic approach from seismic inversion with azimuthal velocity and AVO
based on prestack azimuthal seismic data analysis and well- analysis of conventional 3D seismic data (Gray, 2011). An
log information to identify sweet spots, estimate geomechani- important parameter for prediction of hydraulic fractures, the
cal properties, and in-situ principal stresses. Properties such differential horizontal stress ratio (DHSR), can be estimated
as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio provide valuable in- solely from the seismic parameters, without any knowledge of
formation for facies identification, mineral content, and rock
strength. From these, we may infer preferential drilling lo-
cations or sweet spots. Additionally, analysis of differential
horizontal stress may be calibrated to field observations yield-
ing stress-field predictions such as fracture-initiation pressure
and closure pressure which are valuable during the comple-
tion stage of the fracture stimulation process. The reliability
of these estimates has been addressed by incorporating triaxial
core measurements. Relative production estimates can be de-
rived by combining geomechanical and stress properties by
estimating porosity, volume of shale, carbonate content, and
water saturation. The goal is to ultimately use these volumes
in a predictive mode for proper well placement and comple-
tion practices.
This paper focuses on the integrated seismic methodol-
ogy; a detailed calibration study is in progress and the results
will be presented in a sequel paper.

Figure 1. Reservoir characterization workflow.
Traditionally, isotropic prestack seismic data assists in deter-
mining rock property values via detailed reservoir-oriented the stress state of the reservoir. These estimated stresses should
gather conditioning, followed by prestack seismic inversion be calibrated to the stress state of the reservoir derived from
and multi-attribute analysis. This analysis provides quan- drilling and completion data, microseismic analysis, and re-
titative understanding of host rock geomechanical proper- gional information. In some cases, optimal targets exhibit rel-
ties such as acoustic impedance, Poisson’s ratio, and Young’s atively high values of isotropic Young’s modulus (more brit-
modulus. These properties are in turn related to quantitative tle) and low DHSR (no preferential orientation). Such zones
reservoir properties such as porosity, mineral and TOC (total are more prone to fracturing in a complex pattern leading to
organic carbon) content. a greater stimulated volume and production (Rich and Am-
Understanding fracture behavior in shales requires azi- merman, 2010). The optimal workflow is shown in Figure 1.
muthal anisotropic analysis and interpretation. The preserva-
tion of azimuths from the processed seismic gathers through Haynesville case study
azimuthal velocity and AVO analysis, in combination with In a shale gas reservoir, the organic-rich shale is both the
geomechanical properties derived from isotropic methods, source and the reservoir rock. Unlike conventional gas pro-
can be used to predict in-situ stresses acting on shale reser- duction, shale gas potential is not confined to limited traps

758 The Leading Edge July 2011

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P r a c t i c a l a p p l i c at i on s of a n i s o t r op y

or structures, and may exist across large geographic areas.

The Haynesville Formation is a black, organic-rich shale
of Upper Jurassic age that underlies much of the Gulf Coast
area of the United States. The Haynesville Formation overlies
the Smackover Formation and is overlain by rocks of the Cot-
ton Valley Group. Its economic viability has primarily been
a result of advances in horizontal well drilling and hydraulic
fracturing. Drilling and completion costs vary with an aver-
age well cost of about US $7.5 million. Average drilling time
ranges from 35 to 50 days.
Using the workflow described in the previous section,
we present the results from a Haynesville study in northwest
Louisiana, USA (Figure 2). Potentially brittle zones have
been identified based on elastic properties (Goodway et al.,
2007) and their associated differential horizontal stress ratio,
fracture-initiation pressure, and closure stress have been esti-
mated. These findings are calibrated with existing production
and well test data to determine optimal zones for drilling and

Seismically derived rock properties

Well logs provide necessary calibration for all phases of seis-
mic analysis and are themselves calibrated to core measure-
ments. Well-to-seismic ties generate a composite wavelet, and
filtered logs supply the low-frequency background model for
seismic inversion. Petrophysical analysis links reservoir prop-
erties such as porosity and gas saturation to elastic proper-
ties such as Poisson’s ratio and Young’s modulus, which are
also key elements in stress analysis. Pore-pressure estimation
yields additional elements in stress analysis, including ver-
tical stress and fracture pressure. In the Haynesville, high-
productivity zones have been associated with areas of high
pore pressure. Calibration of dynamic measurements from
logs with static measurements from core samples provides lo-
cal dynamic-to-static transforms which are carried forward
to seismic analysis.
Of all wells available for the study, those drilled with
oil-based mud and heavier mud weights tend to have fewer
borehole issues in the Bossier/Haynesville interval and ulti-
mately contributed higher-quality log data. These served as
a guide for conditioning poorer-quality data. Shallow data
required considerable editing in all but one project well, in
deference to the subsequent use of density and traveltime in
well-to-seismic ties and pore-pressure estimation. Aside from
data conditioning in washed-out intervals, the most common
problem is depth registration, owing to tool-pulls, which oc-
cur even where the borehole is in gauge. Dipole sonic data
were available at least from the uppermost Bossier to total
Petrophysical methods used for conventional reservoir
analysis appear to work well in the Haynesville and mid-
Bossier, despite the fact that these reservoirs are unconven-
tional. This is not a foregone conclusion, given the fact that
the only log measurements common to the study wells com-
prise the conventional open-hole suite (density, neutron,
resistivity, gamma ray, and sonic). The caveat is that X-ray
diffraction data are required to calibrate the lithology model

July 2011 The Leading Edge 759

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P r a c t i c a l a p p l i c at i on s of a n i s o t r op y

Figure 2. Haynesville seismic survey in northwest Louisiana.

Figure 4. (a) Poisson’s ratio. Low Poisson’s ratio areas (northwest) are
indicative of the more siliceous, low-carbonate content areas normally
associated with better porosity development. (b) Density. Low density is
indicative of high TOC.

Figure 3. Lambda-rho versus mu-rho crossplot with constant Poisson’s

ratio lines from a well near the study area. Note points identified as
Haynesville (red circles) show relatively low values of lambda-rho and
Poisson’s ratio, both associated with gas accumulations in conventional
reservoirs. Mu-rho (related to shear rigidity) is similar to Young’s
modulus (related to brittleness); the subpopulation of points within
the Haynesville with slightly higher mu-rho values (above 30 GPa in
this display) may be necessary to aid propagation of fractures during
completions. Points northwest of Poisson’s ratio = 0.25 (lambda = mu)
are considered “productive” in conventional rocks, but the threshold
value may be lower in unconventional rocks (e.g., Poisson’s ratio <

Figure 5. Surface showing stress plates overlaying brittleness values for

Haynesville shale. The background color indicates brittleness (Young’s
(clay + quartz + carbonate). Standard porosity and saturation modulus, E, shown on the right scale). Plate orientation represents the
direction of maximum horizontal stress. Plate magnitude represents
computations can then proceed, provided these are restricted DHSR (shown on the left scale).
to zones of relatively high quartz content. Resistive zones un-
related to gas-saturation exist in the interval, but not in the
quartz-rich zones. These appear to be related to thinly bedded
carbonates and, possibly, calcite-filled fractures. all “gas effect” in these rocks, but there is a correlation with
Elastic properties associated with free gas in gas-bearing well-log-based water saturation and elastic properties such as
rocks in conventional reservoirs also appear to be associated Poisson’s ratio and lambda-rho, just as occurs in conventional
with gas-bearing rocks in the Haynesville and mid-Bossier. reservoirs (Figure 3). Effects attributed to free gas (combined
This study does not address the possible contribution of or- or not with those from adsorbed gas and TOC), tend to be
ganic material (TOC) or adsorbed gas to the apparent over- larger than more subtle changes owing to lithology variation.

760 The Leading Edge July 2011

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P r a c t i c a l a p p l i c at i on s of a n i s o t r op y

Figure 6. (a) Fracture-initiation pressure and (b) closure pressure, in

psi units, for a horizontal well in the Haynesville.

Anisotropy analysis
The heterogeneity in the anisotropy plays a key role in the
sweet-spot discrimination and optimization of horizontal
well placement on the Haynesville reservoir. Vertical trans-
verse isotropy (VTI) and horizontal transverse isotropy (HTI)
are key components of the solution. VTI is important to the
interval-velocity estimation for the initial model building in
the simultaneous inversion process and pore-pressure predic-
tion in the Haynesville. Even small VTI heterogeneity values
produced measurable velocity changes. VTI is estimated via
higher-order NMO to correct for the layering effect (Sena,
1991). HTI plays an important role in the differential stress
analyses. Kinematic effects were removed in order to analyze
the amplitude variation with azimuth (AVAZ) behavior.

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P r a c t i c a l a p p l i c at i on s of a n i s o t r op y

Figure 9. (a) Predicted average production calibrated to horizontal

well length. (b) Potentially high-productivity area yet to be drilled. The
main drivers in this correlation (95%) are Young’s modulus, DHSR,
Poisson’s ratio, and density.

Figure 7. (a) Crossplot of calibrated static Young’s modulus against

DHSR in the Haynesville shale. The green rectangle highlights the
region where swarms of fractures will occur in a brittle environment.
The yellow rectangle shows areas where aligned fractures will form and
the red rectangle indicates the ductile areas. (b) Map showing the color
overlay from the zones in Figure 7a on the lower Haynesville.

Figure 10. Regional Haynesville validation: orientation of the

maximum horizontal stress across the entire study area. Most
horizontal wells are in the north-south direction.
Figure 8. Haynesville bulk volume gas estimated from total porosity
and water saturation.

In order to estimate the stress-field distribution, the azi- The key steps in compliant amplitude variation with off-
muthal signature should be adequately recorded, processed set and azimuth seismic data conditioning are:
and measured. Our gather-conditioning workflow maximizes
the signal-to-noise ratio while preserving amplitude varia- • Angle mute for removing spurious energy beyond a thresh-
tions. Careful parameter selection and testing of subsequent old angle of incidence
data volumes are important steps in the stress-estimation pro- • Random noise attenuation
cess. • High-density anisotropic velocity estimation

762 The Leading Edge July 2011

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P r a c t i c a l a p p l i c at i on s of a n i s o t r op y

• High-resolution dealiased Radon transform for multiple

• High-density azimuthal velocity analysis
• Isotropic gather creation
• Ray bending for offset-angle-gather conversion
• Isotropic reservoir-oriented gather conditioning sequence
for prestack inversion

Seismic analysis and stress estimation

Analysis of the data suggests preferential development loca-
tions are found in areas that have a combination of certain
key rock properties. Specifically, optimal well placement
should target areas of better porosity development, high si-
liceous mineralogical content, and high values of TOC. In
this study, the analysis shows a linear relationship between
TOC and density, with density (Figure 4) being the key at-
tribute to understand the TOC distribution in the Haynes-
A detailed rock property analysis shows that properties
such as Poisson’s ratio (Figure 4) and lambda-rho (incom-
pressibility) bring valuable information in identifying these
areas. Areas with low Poisson’s ratio are indicative of the more
siliceous, low-carbonate content areas normally associated
with better porosity development. Additionally, a bulk vol-
ume of gas volume can be estimated by combining these elas-
tic properties via multi-attribute analysis.
Well-calibrated Young’s modulus estimates from prestack
seismic inversion are critical to isolate brittle areas within the
shale. However, interpretation of Young’s modulus alone is
insufficient to identify optimum targets for hydraulic frac-
turing (Gray et al., 2010). It is also necessary to understand
stress-field distribution characterized by DHSR. Areas that
display both low values of DHSR and high values of Young’s
modulus characterize ideal areas for hydraulic fracturing, as
indicated in Figure 5. Hooke’s law provides the relationship
between stress and strain which is controlled by the elastic
properties of the rock. By combining this information into
the linear slip theory (Gray et al.; Iverson, 1995), the three
components of the stress vector can be obtained.
Predictive models of fracture initiation pressure and clo-
sure stress add value in the development of well completion
programs. Fracture-initiation pressure is interpreted to be
pressure above which injection of fluids will cause the rock
formation to fracture hydraulically. Similarly, the closure
stress is the pressure at which fractures will effectively close
without proppant in place (Iverson). These parameters were
estimated via the stress formulation presented in the previous
section. In Figure 6, we show a cross section of these stress-
related properties for a horizontal well in the Haynesville.
These properties must be calibrated to well measurements to
increase their reliability. A calibration study is in progress and
the corresponding results will be published in a sequel paper.

Multi-attribute analysis/integration
Fractures will propagate without a preferential horizontal
orientation in brittle areas with low DHSR. Figure 7a dis-
plays a crossplot of these properties in the Haynesville within

July 2011 The Leading Edge 763

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P r a c t i c a l a p p l i c at i on s of a n i s o t r op y

the study area. Figure 7b shows a map of the most probable mation to estimate geomechanical properties, predict in-
optimal zones for hydraulic fracturing in the lower Haynes- situ principal stresses, and identify preferential drilling lo-
ville. cations. Parameters such as Young’s modulus and Poisson’s
A key objective of this work was to use isotropic and ratio prove to be valuable for target discrimination. Stress-
anisotropic attributes derived from 3D seismic data to pre- related parameters such as differential horizontal stress ratio,
dict rock property behavior away from well control. Multi- fracture-initiation pressure, and closure pressure were also
attribute analysis determines the best fit to known logs estimated. These parameters are critical at the completion
(control) at well locations and then applies the correspond- stage of the fracture stimulation process. The reliability of
ing multi-attribute transform to the 3D volume. Input data these estimates has been addressed by calibrating to triaxial
included the results of the simultaneous inversion, pore-pres- measurements from core samples. Additional calibration,
sure prediction, stress analysis, curvature, and other seismic however, is needed to increase confidence in the results of
attributes. Training was performed at well locations to derive this study. A detailed calibration study is in progress and the
the optimum combination of attributes to predict volumet- results will be presented in a sequel paper.
ric petrophysical properties. Such key properties include: Relative production estimates were also derived from
total porosity, effective porosity, volume of clay, water satu- combining geomechanical and stress properties to estimate
ration, volume of quartz, and volume of carbonate. Results porosity, shale, quartz and carbonate content, and water
were validated by “hiding” wells and then predicting petro- saturation.
physical values at their locations from the other wells in the Ideally, we would like to use these stresses and related
project. Once training was complete, the predicted volumes volumes in a predictive mode for optimal well placement and
were used to estimate the bulk gas volume (Figure 8) in the completion strategy. The main benefits of the workflow pre-
Haynesville and Bossier throughout the 3D survey. sented in this paper are:
In general, we found that no single attribute provides
enough information to correlate seismic data to production. • Better definition of reservoir drainage geometry
By correlating multiple elastic and stress-related attributes to • Better well placement for field development
average production and horizontal well length at well loca- • Prediction of fracture behavior
tions, a predicted production map can be generated (Figure • Grouping of reservoir intervals with similar stress profiles
9) with 95% correlation. The map shows several undrilled for optimal-stage zoning in hydraulic fracture stimulation
areas with potentially high predicted productivity. The main • Avoidance of drilling hazards
drivers in this correlation are the Young’s modulus, DHSR,
Poisson’s ratio, and density. With similar input data sets, the analysis and interpreta-
tion of shale production development can easily be extended
Validation to analogous environments with minimal modifications.
Calibration and validation play a critical role in this study.
A seismically derived prediction of the stress regime must
be calibrated to core and well-test measurements. Figure 10 References
shows the east-west regional orientation of the maximum Goodway, W., J. Varsek, and C. Abaco, 2007, Isotropic AVO methods
horizontal stress over the Haynesville area. This agrees with to detect fracture prone zones in tight gas resource plays: Presented
historical fracture stimulation patterns with horizontal wells at 2007 CSPG CSEG Convention.
drilled in a north-south direction as shown in Figure 9. Gray, D., P. Anderson, J. Logel, F. Delbeck, and D. Schmidt, 2010,
Estimating in-situ, anisotropic, principle stresses from 3D seismic:
However, the lateral variability of the direction of maximum
72nd Annual Meeting, EAGE.
horizontal stress, as indicated in Figure 5, shows that the lo- Gray, F. D., 2011, Methods and systems for estimating stress using seis-
cal stress field is variable. The understanding of this variation mic data. U.S. Patent pending (docket number HO-P03717US0).
is critical for optimal completions. Iverson, W. P., 1995, Closure stress calculations in anisotropic forma-
In order to validate the use of multi-azimuth seismic data tions: SPE paper 29598.
to predict local stress environments, we compared the seis- Rich, J. P. and M. Ammerman, 2010, Unconventional geophysics for
mically predicted local stress fields to triaxial measurements unconventional plays: SPE paper 131779.
from core samples at two locations. The full strain tensor Sena, A., 1991, Seismic traveltime equations for azimuthally anisotro-
and the principal stress directions were measured from these pic and isotropic media: Estimation of interval elastic constants:
core samples, which then served as baseline values to which Geophysics, 56, no. 12, 2090–2101, doi:10.1190/1.1443021.
seismic predictions were correlated. We found that the direc-
tion of maximum horizontal stress, predicted from seismic Acknowledgments: The authors thank CGGVeritas for permission
observations, matched within 5% of the corresponding core to publish this paper. We also thank Robert Mayer, Jon Downton,
stress measurements. Reinaldo Michelena, and Heloise Lynn for reviewing the manu-
script and providing many constructive comments.
We have presented an integrated seismic approach based on Corresponding authors:; gabino.
prestack azimuthal seismic data analysis and well-log infor-

764 The Leading Edge July 2011

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