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mindful nutrition for
improving your
fertility now
and into

M.S., L.AC.
Author of

Yes, You Can Get Pregnant:

Natural Ways To Improve Your
Fertility Now and Into Your 40’s
Chill Out and Get Healthy:
Live Clean to Stay Strong
and Be Sexy


There are many reasons to pick up a cookbook about fertility. Maybe you’re

trying to get pregnant now, maybe you’ve struggled with fertility challenges in the past

and are looking to make some changes, maybe you’re in the throes of fertility treatments

and need more guidance on how to nourish your body, maybe a loved one of yours is

having difficulty conceiving and you want to know the best ways to support them, maybe

you are a same sex couple and want healthier eggs or sperm, maybe you have gone

through one or more miscarriages and need a fresh perspective on how to approach your

fertility, maybe you’re in your 40’s and want to do everything possible to optimize your

health and fertility now or maybe you want to know about how to best preserve your

fertility and help your body now for a time in the future when you are ready to conceive.

Whatever your reason for picking up this book, I honor your desire to know more and

from my grateful heart to yours, I thank you for choosing my book.

I am Aimee Raupp and I want to help you improve your health and optimize your

fertility because I know that fertility struggles suck. Feeling disempowered and in doubt

of your body and its state of health is emotionally draining. Not knowing where to turn

to get help can feel lonely. Feeling overwhelmed by worry over your ability to conceive

when you want to is paralyzing. Being told by your doctor that your options are limited

and your chances of conception are slim feels harrowing. It is for those reasons and more

that I wrote this book. I want to inspire hope in your heart and remind you of the power

you have over your health and fertility. With ​The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

it is my mission to show you that food and mindfulness, or as I call it, ​mindful nutrition,

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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

​ for. My intention
is your best ally when it comes to conceiving the healthy child you long Commit to memory the ​Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook rules (as discussed

is that this book will be a roadmap to cooking your way to a healthier, happier, more on page 14) and then flip to any page and start cooking some life enhancing food with

fertile you. My dream is that you will feel not only empowered after reading this book gratitude and love in your heart.

and adopting this lifestyle but that you will confidently own your wellness. It is truly my Don’t forget to have fun!

belief as a seasoned practitioner and a steadfast practicer of what I preach that ​you have May this be the beginning of your newfound love affair with mindfully nourishing

the power to change your health and improve your fertility​. Yes, the power is yours. your body and soul. You deserve it.

I wrote this book to remind you of that. Lastly, I’d like to remind you that: ​you have the power to change your health

How do I know the ​mindful nutrition approach works? Because I have helped and improve your fertility.

thousands of women conceive. And, by embracing this lifestyle myself, I conceived

naturally and with ease at 40 years old (and, I plan on doing it again at 42!)

More and more western medical research supports that both nutrition and our state

of mind affect our health, how we age and ultimately our fertility. This book will provide

you with a revolutionary roadmap and nourishing recipes on how to not only improve and

change your health but, optimize your fertility.

It is with deep gratitude that I invite you to empower yourself with the knowledge

herein and embrace this lifestyle as a means to improve your ability to conceive.

Know when I talk about you and your partner (spouse, lover, wife, husband), I

embrace all partnerships and their wishes to conceive. As well, I proudly stand by your

side if you are pursuing pregnancy on your own.

Use this book as a guide towards a healthier and more informed you.

Take time to read and understand all of this book so that you can truly grasp this

new way of looking at food.

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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook



Mindful Nutrition In Everyday Life...............................................................................13

The Basics.................................................................................................................19

The Recipes...............................................................................................................21

Bone Broth......................................................................................................21


Nibble and Sides.............................................................................................31

Fertility-Boosting, Nutrient Dense Smoothie Recipes.......................................35



Salad and Meatless Meals...............................................................................46



Fermented Foods............................................................................................61

Fertility Teas and Drink....................................................................................64

On the Go Snacks..........................................................................................67

Sweet Treats...................................................................................................72

Sauces, Condiments and More.......................................................................76

6 7


​ As I write this introduction to ​The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook, I am 35

weeks pregnant, sipping on some homemade bone broth and feeling incredibly grateful.

At 40 years of age, my partner (who is 44) and I conceived naturally on our second

month of trying. Over my decade of clinical experience working with women who are

trying to conceive, I know how fortunate I am. I am honored to say that as a practitioner

of Traditional Oriental Medicine (TOM), a five thousand year old medical system that

originated in China as a natural healing method, I have helped hundreds of women

achieve a healthy, happy, successful pregnancy. Through using the modalities of TOM

like acupuncture and Chinese herbs along with lifestyle and dietary changes I guide

women to optimal health and fertility.

When I got pregnant naturally and easily at 40 and it became even clearer to me

how important the work I do is. Too many women are trying and struggling to conceive.

Too many women are losing sleep over their age and their fertility. Too many women

are anxious over the quality of their eggs and how many they have left. Too many

women are seeking and not finding the help and direction they need. Because of this, I

am on a mission to help women optimize their health and fertility so that they can get

pregnant when they want to, even in their 40’s.

I know you picked up this book because you are looking for help conceiving. This

book will do that and more; it will help you improve your health spiritually and

nutritionally so that you can regain hope and optimize your health and fertility. ​The Yes,

You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook is more than just a cookbook—it’s a roadmap into the

8 9 5
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

way of life I both preach and practice. I call it the ​mindful nutrition way of life. I wellness. My job is to help people align those three components so that their health

wholeheartedly believe in this kind of thoughtful living, cooking and eating because I thrives and their fertility improves. In short: you cannot have optimal fertility without

have seen it work for hundreds of women in my practice over the last decade and I have optimal health and you can’t have optimal health without mind, body and soul being in

seen it work for me at 40. sync. When you embrace the ​mindful nutrition approach to life, it will help you achieve

Mindful nutrition is a conscious way of life that is focused optimal health and fertility and ultimately get pregnant. It worked for hundreds of

on cooking and eating fertility-enhancing and nutrient dense foods women in my practice. It worked for me. I believe it can work for you too.

while living in a present and grateful state of mind. It is my hope that my pregnancy, and the pregnancies of the hundred’s of my

Picture it: you are thoughtfully food shopping for quality ingredients that you are patients who have followed this approach, serve as inspiration to all of you to really apply

excited to cook with. You are preparing your meal with love and appreciation for the all that I talk about in this book (and in my previous book: ​Yes, You Can Get Pregnant:

nourishment it will provide. You are then eating and sharing your meal with others all Natural Ways To Improve Your Fertility Now & Into Your 40’s). It is my hope that the

with a grateful heart. If this sounds somewhat unrealistic to you, don’t worry, I’ll walk stories of women who have gone before you will motivate you to take back the control

you through it all and show you how simple it is and easily you can incorporate into your over your health by vigilantly embracing the mind-body approach I have laid out herein.

life right now. The key is being mindful and viewing food as so much more than It is my hope that you no longer live in fear over what your doctors have told you or what

something we eat, but something that enhances our health, something that comes from you have read on the internet about your fertility. It is my hope that you put an end to

nature to provide our bodies with nutrients for optimal functioning and most importantly letting your infertility (a word I despise and will not use again in this book) define you.

a tool you can use to not only improve your fertility but your life emotionally and Rather, I hope you embrace the fact that your health and fertility are in your hands. You

spiritually. When you view cooking and eating as an extension of your health you will can improve your fertility, you are not broken, your body is dynamic and smart and it

increase your odds of getting pregnant. innately knows how to conceive. Dig into this book, restore some hope in your heart and

As a practitioner and a disciple of TOM who specializes in women’s wellness I get on track with reminding your female reproductive system of what it inherently knows

view my health and fertility ​and your health and fertility holistically. This means I see how to do—conceive and carry to term a healthy baby. You really do have the power to

the entire body as being interconnected emotionally, physically and nutritionally. They change your health and improve your fertility.

all feed off of one another and they all intertwine and create the foundation of your

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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

Take a deep breath, thank yourself for beginning to have hope again and join me Mindful Nutrition In Everyday Life

on a ​mindful nutrition journey that will optimize your health and fertility while I am not a recipe follower. When I cook, I follow my passion for good

cultivating a more grateful heart and home for you and your family. wholesome food and I make creations that are cooked with love and gratitude. And,

But before you turn the page, I need to ask one thing of you: can you try—​just guess what? They always taste delish! When I worked on the recipes in this book, I kept

try—to believe in your fertility more than you don’t? That will really set us off on a that notion of passion and gratitude in mind. I also kept in mind the importance of

positive trajectory that will massively influence your ability to optimize your health and simplicity, budgets, cooking what’s on hand in the kitchen and that we all love yummy

fertility. comfort food. Most importantly, I kept in mind that I know you are likely feeling

stressed about your ability to conceive. There are many easy to follow recipes laid out in

this book, but the first recipe I want you to employ ​right now is not a cooking recipe, it’s

a mindful one.

Repeat after me: ​I have the power to change my health and improve my


Yes, you do. And, by picking up this book and reading this far I know you

believe on some level that you can influence your health and your fertility through food

and nourishment, through living the mindful nutrition way.

To reiterate: mindful nutrition is a conscious way of life that is focused on

cooking and eating fertility-enhancing and nutrient dense foods while living in a present

and grateful state of mind. So, what do I really mean by that and how can it help you get


To better understand, let’s first break down the words mindful and nutrition so

you know where I’m coming from.

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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

Mindful. ​Mindful means to be present, to be aware, to be conscious, to be in the taking in nutritious, good quality and nutrient dense foods. I define “food” as: nutritious

moment; all of those being states, those feelings, relate to mindfulness. I want you to be substance that occurs naturally in nature, e.g. it grows in trees or in the dirt, it comes from

your best version of mindful when you are both cooking and eating. I want you to be the sea or walks on legs. Nutritious, fertility boosting, good quality and nutrient dense

mindful of where your food came from, what nutrients it will provide for your body, how food does not come from a laboratory, isn’t manipulated to be fat-free or low-fat, fortified

it was prepared, how good it tastes when you eat it, how good it feels to eat food that will with synthetic vitamins, enhanced with colors or dyes or covered in fertility-reducing

improve your health ​and your fertility and how much gratitude you have for your access pesticides; that is ​not food. And, the types of foods I call traditional fertility foods are

to such foods. Think about it, when was the last time you ate and thought about all of unmanipulated, pesticide free, farm fresh, nutrient dense foods like eggs and vegetables

these things? When was the last time you thanked your food for providing you and organ meats and homemade chicken soup made from the whole chicken that just

nourishment, health and vitality? Or have you ever looked at food as a means to improve came from the local farm down the road. Think of health optimizing, fertility enhancing

your fertility? Food is your body’s fuel. Food is imperative to your survival and crucial food like the kind of food your grandparents and great grandparents ate: grass fed animals

to your ability to procreate. that are grazing in pastures the same way they have for eons versus commercially farmed

I encourage you to begin NOW on the mindful nutrition path. Slow down when animals that eat pesticide-rich and genetically modified corn and soy from feed bags;

you eat, taste each bite of your food, feel it in your mouth, appreciate your food, see your fresh picked apple from a local orchid versus apple flavored fat-free sugar loaded fruit

food as a tool to optimize your fertility and lovingly cook your food and eat it with a “roll-up”; a luscious baked sweet potato grown on a local organic farm versus sweet

grateful heart as nutritious food is the cornerstone of your health and fertility. potato flavored potato chips fried in corn oil; golden yellow butter from grass fed cows

From a TOM perspective, the mental emotional component is key to your rich in essential fertility enhancing fats versus chemically manipulated, trans fats loaded,

wellness; it is one of the foundational properties of your health. Therefore, being mindful low fat pale yellow margarine. When I talk about nutrition I am talking about

is one of the most powerful tools you have for enhancing your fertility. nourishment from foods that are organic and thriving in their natural environment.

Nutrition. ​The Merriam-Webster definition of nutrition is: Nourishing your body with such traditional foods that provide nutrients from

“The act or process of nourishing or being nourished; specifically: the sum of the nature will help your overall health thrive, maximize your fertility and improve the

processes by which an animal or plant takes in and utilizes food substances.” quality of your entire reproductive system: your uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes,

And, that’s exactly what we are talking about here: nourishing your body through menstrual cycle and most importantly the eggs that you ovulate each month (or if you’re

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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

a man, the sperm you produce). You see, it is these types of traditional fertility foods that But, before we dig in, here’s something really important I want to share: I know

give your body fresh and fertility enhancing nutrients, imperative vitamins and minerals you are on the path to improving and optimizing your health and ultimately your fertility.

and healthy fats—all of which bring your hormones into balance, improves the quality of I know you desire to one day conceive a healthy, flourishing child and to carry a healthy

the eggs in your ovaries (or the sperm in your testes) and makes it optimal for you to pregnancy to term. I know you can do it as I have faith in your body, even if you might

achieve pregnancy. be a little low on faith right now. I’m glad you came across this book (and, my other

Yes, the food you eat affects your fertility. fertility optimizing resources), as it is more than just a cookbook, it’s a more of a

Repeat after me, your first mealtime mantra: mind-body fertility enhancing guide to getting pregnant. It is meant to help you improve

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and revitalize your health- spiritually and nutritionally- so that your hormones are

My healthMy health
and and fertility
fertility flourish flourish as I nourish
as I nourish myself
myself withtraditional
with traditional foods.
foods balanced, your uterus is receptive and full of healthy blood flow, the eggs in your ovaries

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ are juicy, plump and full of life and your heart is full of gratitude. When all of that is

You see, the quality of the egg your body ovulates each month (or the sperm a aligned and when you are living your life from a place of nourishment for yourself your

man’s body makes) is a direct function of the internal environment in your body and the health will soar and from that pregnancy can occur. My goal is to help you get pregnant

amount of healthy mind, body and soul nourishment you are receiving. If you are not when you are at your healthiest so that you can get pregnant with a healthy child, have a

living in a mindful state and eating nutrient dense, wholesome, clean and organic foods healthy pregnancy, carry that pregnancy to term and bring that baby home into a healthy

the chances of your eggs (or sperm) being superb quality are slim. What’s most and grateful home. With that said, I know a lot of you are hurting emotionally and I know

interesting to me is that the Eastern TOM view is that food is the most important tool for that getting pregnant is all you want. Following the lifestyle mapped out in this book will

improving health and now, thanks to the Western medical science of epigenetics we have help soothe your aching heart and at the same time optimize your health.

actual evidence based research to back that up. And, my book: ​Yes, You Can Get

Pregnant: Natural Ways To Improve Your Fertility Now & Into Your 40’s (and, my

ecourse: ​The Ultimate Source For Improving Your Fertility So You Can Get Pregnant

When You Want To) dives into all of that. For this book, let’s focus on what to eat, how

to eat and some amazing, fertility enhancing recipes!

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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

The Basics

The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant diet is outlined in great detail in my book, ​Yes,

You Can Get Pregnant: Natural Ways To Improve Your Fertility Now & Into Your 40’s

and I strongly recommend you refer to that book (and, ​The Official Yes, You Can Get

Pregnant E-course) for the ultimate guide on optimizing your health & your fertility.

However, to keep it simple this diet and the recipes that follow incorporate these 6 big


NO Gluten

NO Dairy

NO Sugar

NO Soy

NO Pesticides

NO Artificial Sweeteners

What you can eat is ​lots of animal protein, fat, veggies and some fruit​. Eat more

cooked food than raw food. Be sure to love and appreciate your food and the

nourishment it provides. Make sure that all meats and animal products are pastured or

grass fed and that fruits and vegetables are organic. Oh, and make sure you are

consuming at least 4 ounces of bone broth 5-7 days per week.


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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

The Recipes

Bone Broths
(*these recipes are adapted from the book, ​Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon)

“Good broth will resurrect the dead,” says a South American proverb. Bone broth
is a cure-all in traditional households and the magic ingredient in classic gourmet
cuisine, stock or broth made from bones of chicken, fish and beef builds strong
bones, assuages sore throats, nurtures the sick, puts vigor in the step and sparkle in
love life–so say grandmothers, midwives and healers.”
- Sally Fallon

Chicken Stock


1 whole free-range chicken or 2 to 3 pounds of bony chicken parts, such as necks, backs,
breastbones and wings*

gizzards from one chicken (optional)

2-4 chicken feet (optional)

4 quarts cold filtered water

2 tablespoons vinegar

1 large onion, coarsely chopped

2 carrots, peeled and coarsely chopped

3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped

1 bunch parsley

*Note: Farm-raised, free-range chickens give the best results. Many battery-raised
chickens will not produce stock that gels.


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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook

If you are using a whole chicken, cut off the wings and remove the neck, fat glands and Place the knuckle and marrow bones and optional calves foot in a very large pot with
the gizzards from the cavity. Cut chicken parts into several pieces. Place chicken or vinegar and cover with water. Let stand for one hour. Meanwhile, place the meaty bones
chicken pieces in a large stainless steel pot with water, vinegar and all vegetables except in a roasting pan and brown at 350 degrees in the oven. When well browned, add to the
parsley. Let stand 30 minutes to 1 hour. Bring to a boil, and remove scum that rises to the pot along with the vegetables. Pour the fat out of the roasting pan, add cold water to the
top. Reduce heat, cover and simmer for 6 to 8 hours. The longer you cook the stock, the pan, set over a high flame and bring to a boil, stirring with a wooden spoon to loosen up
richer and more flavorful it will be. About 10 minutes before finishing the stock, add coagulated juices. Add this liquid to the pot. Add additional water, if necessary, to cover
parsley. This will impart additional mineral ions to the broth. the bones; but the liquid should come no higher than within one inch of the rim of the
pot, as the volume expands slightly during cooking. Bring to a boil. A large amount of
Remove whole chicken or pieces with a slotted spoon. If you are using a whole chicken,
scum will come to the top, and it is important to remove this with a spoon. After you have
let cool and remove chicken meat from the carcass. Reserve for other uses, such as
skimmed, reduce heat and add the thyme and crushed peppercorns.
chicken salads, enchiladas, sandwiches or curries. Strain the stock into a large bowl and
reserve in your refrigerator until the fat rises to the top and congeals. Skim off this fat and Simmer stock for at least 12 and as long as 72 hours. Just before finishing, add the
reserve the stock in covered containers in your refrigerator or freezer. parsley and simmer another 10 minutes. You will now have a pot of rather
repulsive-looking brown liquid containing globs of gelatinous and fatty material. It
doesn’t even smell particularly good. But don’t despair. After straining you will have a
delicious and nourishing clear broth that forms the basis for many other recipes in this
Beef Stock book.

Remove bones with tongs or a slotted spoon. Strain the stock into a large bowl. Let cool
in the refrigerator and remove the congealed fat that rises to the top. Transfer to smaller
about 4 pounds beef marrow and knuckle bones containers and to the freezer for long-term storage.

1 calves foot, cut into pieces (optional) Fish Stock

3 pounds meaty rib or neck bones

4 or more quarts cold filtered water
3 or 4 whole carcasses, including heads, of non-oily fish such as sole, turbot, rockfish or
1/2 cup vinegar snapper
3 onions, coarsely chopped 2 tablespoons butter
3 carrots, coarsely chopped 2 onions, coarsely chopped
3 celery stalks, coarsely chopped 1 carrot, coarsely chopped
several sprigs of fresh thyme, tied together several sprigs fresh thyme
1 teaspoon dried green peppercorns, crushed several sprigs parsley
l bunch parsley 1 bay leaf
Directions: 1/2 cup dry white wine or vermouth

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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
transferring to the freezer for long-term storage.


Mealtime Mantra:
Bless this food to make me strong, healthy, and brimming with fertility.

1/4 cup vinegar

about 3 quarts cold filtered water Soups

Directions: Warming Carrot Ginger Soup

Ideally, fish stock is made from the bones of sole or turbot. In Europe, you can buy these
fish on the bone. The fish monger skins and filets the fish for you, giving you the filets Ingredients:
for your evening meal and the bones for making the stock and final sauce. Unfortunately,
in America sole arrives at the fish market preboned. But snapper, rock fish and other 1/2 onion, peeled and chopped
non-oily fish work equally well; and a good fish merchant will save the carcasses for you 1 lb carrots, chopped
if you ask him. As he normally throws these carcasses away, he shouldn’t charge you for 1 ½ in piece fresh ginger 18
them. Be sure to take the heads as well as the body—these are especially rich in iodine fresh OJ You
The Yes, fromCan
½ orange
Get Pregnant Cookbook
and fat-soluble vitamins. Classic cooking texts advise against using oily fish such as Aimeelemon
fresh E. Raupp
1 lemon
salmon for making broth, probably because highly unsaturated fish oils become rancid sea salt to taste
during the long cooking process. pinch of turmeric
pinch of cayenne pepper
Melt butter in a large stainless steel pot. Add the vegetables and cook very gently, about 2 cups home-made bone broth
1/2 hour, until they are soft. Add wine and bring to a boil. Add the fish carcasses and 1 7oz. box of ​Let’s Do Organic Creamed Coconut
cover with cold, filtered water. Add vinegar. Bring to a boil and skim off the scum and
impurities as they rise to the top. Tie herbs together and add to the pot. Reduce heat, Directions:
cover and simmer for at least 4 hours or as long as 24 hours. Remove carcasses with
tongs or a slotted spoon and strain the liquid into pint-sized storage containers for 1. Saute onion in ghee or coconut oil in a medium sauce pan until translucent, not
refrigerator or freezer. Chill well in the refrigerator and remove any congealed fat before caramelized
transferring to the freezer for long-term storage. 2. Add carrots to pot
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 3. Mince ginger or grate then squeeze ginger juice, You can throw away fiber (it is
hard to digest insoluble fiber)
Mealtime Mantra: 4. Add pinch of sea salt, pinch of turmeric and pinch of cayenne
Bless this food to make me strong, healthy, and brimming with fertility.
Bless this food to make me strong, healthy, and brimming with fertility. 5. Add orange and lemon juice and sweat veggies (the citrus will bring out the
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ flavor)
6. Add bone broth to cover veggies, let simmer for 15 minutes
7. Add coconut milk
Soups 8. Blend in a food-processor or blender

Warming Carrot Ginger Soup Optional: Finish with cilantro or fresh mint (you can also finish with remaining coconut
milk or coconut oil)
Ingredients: Variations: You can substitute carrots with broccoli, asparagus or yams

1/2 onion, peeled and chopped Immune-boosting Mushroom Soup

18 Ingredients:
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The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
6. Add bone broth to cover veggies, let simmer for 15 minutes 1 onion, peeled and chopped
7. Add coconut milk 1 carrot, chopped
8. Blend in a food-processor or blender 2 stalks celery, chopped
4 cups water (filtered or spring)
Optional: Finish FOR
with cilantro or fresh mint (you canIMPROVING
also finish with YOUR
coconut MINDFUL
milk or coconut oil) pinch of cayenne pepper
Variations: You can substitute carrots with broccoli, asparagus or yams 1 tsp oregano
sea salt to taste
Immune-boosting Mushroom Soup 1 cup jarred tomato paste
2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
2 onions, peeled & chopped
2 cloves garlic, peeled & chopped 1. Saute onion in ghee or coconut oil in a medium sauce pan until translucent, not
1lb mushrooms (choose from white, cremini, shiitake, maitake), sliced caramelized
3 cups white or green tea or water 2. Add remaining ingredients, bring to a boil and let simmer for 30-40 mins
sea salt to taste 3. Add garlic and simmer for 5 more mins
thyme leaves
pinch of turmeric Optional: Stir in 2-3 tbsp of ground flaxseed or garnish with cilantro or parsley
3-4 tablespoons coconut milk or coconut oil or olive oil, to serve
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook 20
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Directions: Ginger
Aimee E.Chicken SoupL.Ac.
Raupp M.S.,

1. Heat coconut oil or ghee in a medium saucepan. Cook onion, covered for about 10 Ingredients:
minutes or until soft. Stir every now and then.
2. Add garlic and mushrooms and stir fry for a few minutes. 1 onion, sliced
3. Add thyme leaves and turmeric 2 celery stalks, chopped
4. Add tea or water, thyme and turmeric and bring to the boil. Simmer, uncovered 8 ounces peeled ginger, cut into 1/2-inch slices
for 10 minutes or until the mushrooms are tender. 2 garlic cloves, crushed
5. Puree in a blender or food-processor, leaving some chunks if you like. 10 whole black peppercorns
6. Season with sea salt to taste and coconut milk, coconut oil or olive oil 1 3-pound whole organic chicken, cut into 7 pieces (2 breasts, 2 legs with thighs attached,
2 wings, 1 back)
Hearty Lentil Soup 6 quarts water (preferably filtered or spring water)
sea salt​ to taste
Ingredients: cilantro leaves

1 cup lentils, pre-soaked for 6-12 hours Directions:

1 onion, peeled and chopped
1 carrot, chopped 1. Place the first 5 ingredients in a large pot. Add chicken, placing breasts on top.
2 stalks celery, chopped Add water and bring to a boil, then cover with lid.
4 cups water (filtered or spring) 2. Reduce heat to low and simmer until chicken breasts are just cooked through,
1 tsp cumin about 30 minutes. Transfer chicken breasts to a plate; let cool, then cover and
pinch of cayenne pepper chill.
1 tsp oregano 3. Continue to simmer soup with other chicken pieces, uncovered, until broth is fully
sea salt to taste flavored, about 2½ hours longer.
1 cup jarred tomato paste 4. Return chicken breasts to soup to rewarm for about 5 minutes.
2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped 26 27
5. Remove chicken from broth. When cool enough to handle, coarsely shred meat
and set aside. Discard skin and bones. Place a fine-mesh sieve or colander over
1. Place the first 5 ingredients in a large pot. Add chicken, placing breasts on top.
Add water and bring to a boil, then cover with lid. Ingredients:
2. Reduce heat to low and simmer until chicken breasts are just cooked through,
about 30 minutes. Transfer chicken breasts to a plate; let cool, then cover and 32 oz. pre-cubed organic butternut squash
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
3. Continue to simmer soup with other chicken pieces, uncovered, until broth is fully Kosher or sea salt
flavored, about 2½ hours longer. Freshly ground black pepper
4. Return chicken breasts to soup to rewarm for about 5 minutes. 1 large yellow onion, chopped
5. Remove chicken from broth. When cool enough to handle, coarsely shred meat 3 cloves garlic, minced
and set aside. Discard skin and bones. Place a fine-mesh sieve or colander over 1 teaspoon cayenne
another large pot; strain broth through sieve, discarding solids left in strainer. 1 tbsp curry powder (or more to taste)
There should be about 8 cups of broth remaining. Season with salt as desired. 5 cups bone broth, plus more if needed (see recipe on page x)
6. Rewarm broth. Divide chicken among bowls. Pour hot broth over chicken, Hulled, roasted pumpkin seeds, for garnish
dividing equally. Garnish soup with cilantro leaves. Fresh cilantro, chopped, for garnish


Easy Vegetable Soup 1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. On a foil-lined pan, toss the cubed butternut
squash in 2 tablespoons of olive oil and a pinch of salt and pepper. Roast in the
Ingredients: oven for 15-20 minutes (depending on the size of the cubes) until the squash is
tender. Use a fork to test how tender it is.
1 onion, peeled and chopped 21 22
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook 2. In a large pot, add remaining 2 tablespoons of olive oil and onion and sauté over
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
3-4 vegetables (choose from carrot, celery, yam, broccoli, cauliflower, daikon radish, medium-high
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. Aimee E. Raupp M.S.,heat for about 10 minutes until the onion has softened. Add the
leek, mustard greens, shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, rutabaga, winter squash, daikon garlic and cayenne and curry powder and sauté for an additional minute.
radish) chopped to 1-2 inch chunks 3. Add roasted butternut squash and bone broth into the large pot. Bring to a
2 tsp Fertility spice mix (see page X) simmer. Allow the mixture to simmer for about 5 minutes to let the flavors
4 cups homemade bone broth (see page X), or enough to cover the veggies combine.
Fresh herb of your choice (parsley, cilantro or mint) 4. Turn off the heat and allow the soup to cool for a few minutes. Puree the soup in
a blender or food processor. If necessary, do this in several batches, then return
Directions: the soup to a clean pot. If the soup is too thick for your taste, add a little bit more
bone broth. Season with a pinch or two of salt and additional chile powder if
1. Place cut veggies in a pot, covering with water desired.
2. Bring to a boil, then let simmer for 20-30 mins 5. To serve, divide amongst soup bowls and garnish each serving with roasted
3. Add Fertility spice mix pumpkin seeds, cilantro, and a dash of freshly ground black pepper. Serve
4. Puree in a food processor or blender immediately.
5. Garnish with parsley, cilantro or mint
30-Minute Kale Chicken Soup
Butternut Squash Soup with Toasted Pumpkin Seeds
Ingredients: 3 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups sweet Vidalia or yellow onion, peeled and diced small (about 2
32 oz. pre-cubed organic butternut squash medium/large onions)
4 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1 cup celery, sliced thin (about 2 stalks)
Kosher or sea salt 2 to 3 cups green cabbage, sliced into thin ribbons (about 1/2 small head of
Freshly ground black pepper
4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely minced
1 large yellow onion, chopped 8 cups homemade chicken bone broth
3 cloves garlic, minced 28 3 to 4 cups shredded cooked chicken29 (I use leftover chicken from making bone
1 teaspoon cayenne broth)
level. Serve immediately. Soup will keep airtight in the fridge for 5 to 7 days or in
Ingredients: the freezer for up to 6 months​.
3 tablespoons olive oil
2 cups sweet Vidalia or yellow onion, peeled and diced small (about 2
medium/large onions)
1 cup celery, sliced thin (about 2 stalks)
2 to 3 cups green cabbage, sliced into thin ribbons (about 1/2 small head of I feel loved and supported by the food I choose to eat.
cabbage) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
4 garlic cloves, peeled and finely minced
8 cups homemade chicken bone broth Nibbles & Sides
3 to 4 cups shredded cooked chicken (I use leftover chicken from making bone
broth) Spiced Chickpeas with Kale
4 cups cannellini beans, soaked overnight
1 tablespoon dried parsley
1 teaspoon dried oregano Ingredients:
1 teaspoons salt, or to taste
1 teaspoon black pepper, or to taste 3 tablespoons olive oil
leaves from 4 large stalks of kale, torn into bite-sized pieces (discard the center 2 small red onions, cut into wedges
thick rib) 2 tablespoons mild curry paste
1 cup zucchini, diced small (from about 1 medium zucchini) 3 small tomatoes, diced
1 tablespoon lemon juice, optional (brightens up the flavor)
1 (15 0z) can chickpeas, drained and rinsed
Directions: 1 ¼ cup homemade bone broth (see page X for recipe)
1 ½ cups chopped kale
1. To a large Dutch oven or stockpot, add the oil, onion, celery, and sauté over 23 Kosher or sea salt
The Yes,medium-high
You Can Get heat
Pregnant Cookbook
for about 7 minutes, or until vegetables begin to soften. Stir
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. Black pepper
2. Add the cabbage and sauté for about 3 minutes, or until cabbage wilts and softens.
Stir intermittently. Directions:
3. Add the garlic and sauté for another 1 to 2 minutes. 1. In a large saucepan, heat the olive oil over medium heat and sauté the onions for
4. Add the bone broth, shredded chicken, beans, parsley, oregano, salt and pepper to about 5 minutes until they begin to brown. Add curry paste, tomatoes, chickpeas,
taste, and boil about 5 minutes, or until chicken is warmed through. and bone broth. 24
5. Add the kale, zucchini, optional lemon juice, and boil 1 to 2 minutes, or until kale
The2.Yes,Bring the mixture
You Can to a boil,
Get Pregnant then reduce the heat and allow the mixture to simmer
has wilted and zucchini has softened.
Aimee E.forRaupp M.S.,
about 20 L.Ac.
6. Taste soup and add salt or herbs, to taste. At any time while making the soup, if
the overall liquid level is lower than you like and you prefer more broth, adding a 3. Add the chopped kale and a pinch of salt and pepper, and then cook over low heat
cup or two of filtered water is okay because at the end you will adjust the salt for 10 minutes. Serve.
level. Serve immediately. Soup will keep airtight in the fridge for 5 to 7 days or in
the freezer for up to 6 months​. Sesame Kale Chips
Mealtime Mantra:
by by
thethe food
food I choose
I choose to eat.
to eat. 2 cups fresh kale
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon organic raw coconut aminos (soy-free soy sauce)
Nibbles & Sides ½ teaspoon sesame seeds
Pinch of sea salt
Spiced Chickpeas with Kale
1. Begin by preheating the oven to 350 degrees.
3 tablespoons olive oil 30 2. Remove all hard stalks from the kale,31then wash and allow the leaves to dry.
2 small red onions, cut into wedges 3. Once the leaves are dry, place them in a large bowl and gently toss with olive oil
1 tablespoon olive oil 2. Remove the seeds from the red pepper, cut the pepper into fourths, and drizzle
1 tablespoon organic raw coconut aminos (soy-free soy sauce) with a little bit of olive oil. Place in oven for approximately 15 minutes.
½ teaspoon sesame seeds 3. In a food processor, combine chickpeas, tahini, minced garlic, lemon juice,
Pinch of sea salt soaked pine nuts, olive oil, cayenne, turmeric, cumin and salt. Blend until
everything is well combined.
Directions: 4. Once the roasted pepper is cool, add into the food processor and blend again. If
the mixture is too thick, add a tablespoon of water at a time until you’ve reached
1. Begin by preheating the oven to 350 degrees. the desired consistency. Set aside.
2. Remove all hard stalks from the kale, then wash and allow the leaves to dry. 5. In a small frying pan, toast 2 tablespoons pine nuts in 1 tablespoon of olive oil.
3. Once the leaves are dry, place them in a large bowl and gently toss with olive oil Top the hummus with toasted pine nuts and fresh chopped parsley, then serve.
and organic raw coconut aminos.
4. Spread out evenly on an ungreased baking sheet. Sprinkle the kale with sesame Serving Recommendation: serve on top of rice crackers, or serve with a plate of raw
seeds and a pinch of sea salt. veggies.
5. Bake for 5-10 minutes, until the leaves are lightly brown near the edges and
crispy. Mediterranean Roasted Vegetables

Roasted Red Pepper Hummus with Pine Nuts Ingredients:

Ingredients: 2 red peppers, seeds removed and quartered

1 medium yellow onion, quartered
14 ounces chickpeas 2 sweet potatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 red pepper 1 medium yellow squash, cut into 1-inch cubes
½ cup tahini 1 medium zucchini, cut into 1-inch cubes
2 garlic cloves, minced 2 whole tomatoes, cut into 1-inch cubes
1 tablespoon lemon juice Olive oil
¼ cup pine nuts, soaked overnight 8 gloves garlic, minced
25 26
2 tablespoons olive oil 1 teaspoon turmeric
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Dash ofE.cayenne pepper 2Aimee
teaspoons salt M.S., L.Ac.
E. Raupp
Aimee Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
1 teaspoon turmeric 1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 teaspoon ground cumin 1 bunch fresh rosemary
1 teaspoon salt 1 bunch fresh thyme
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 tablespoons pine nuts Directions:
Parsley, chopped for garnishing
1. Begin by preheating the oven to 400 degrees.
Directions: 2. After chopping and preparing the red peppers, onion, sweet potatoes, squash,
zucchini, and tomatoes, add all of the vegetables into a large roasting pan.
1. Begin by preheating the oven to 450 degrees. 3. Drizzle the vegetables with a generous amount of olive oil, enough to coat
2. Remove the seeds from the red pepper, cut the pepper into fourths, and drizzle everything.
with a little bit of olive oil. Place in oven for approximately 15 minutes. 4. Add in minced garlic, turmeric, salt, pepper, and the leaves of the rosemary and
3. In a food processor, combine chickpeas, tahini, minced garlic, lemon juice, thyme. Toss all the vegetables so that the spices are evenly dispersed.
soaked pine nuts, olive oil, cayenne, turmeric, cumin and salt. Blend until 5. Cook in the oven for approximately 45 minutes, or until the vegetables are tender,
everything is well combined. yet crisp.
4. Once the roasted pepper is cool, add into the food processor and blend again. If
the mixture is too thick, add a tablespoon of water at a time until you’ve reached Liver Pate Recipe
the desired consistency. Set aside.
5. In a small frying pan, toast 2 tablespoons pine nuts in 1 tablespoon of olive oil. Ingredients:
32 33
Top the hummus with toasted pine nuts and fresh chopped parsley, then serve.
¼ part ground cinnamon
3. Drizzle the vegetables with a generous amount of olive oil, enough to coat
4. Add in minced garlic, turmeric, salt, pepper, and the leaves of the rosemary and
thyme. Toss all the vegetables so that the spices are evenly dispersed. Mealtime Mantra:
in the oven forFOR IMPROVING
approximately 45 minutes, YOUR FERTILITY
or until the vegetables are tender, MINDFUL NUTRITION FOR IMPROVING YOUR FERTILITY
May this food restore my strength & nourish my soul
yet crisp. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Liver Pate Recipe

Fertility-Boosting, Nutrient Dense Smoothie Recipes
Blue Heaven
2 lbs of grass- fed chicken liver. Washed with lemon and cut into smaller pieces
2 medium organic onions Ingredients:
2 large fresh organic Roma tomatoes
4 sprigs of organic scallions (chopped) 1 tablespoon ​Nutiva MACA powder
3/4 bundle of cilantro ( chopped ) 1 cup homemade cinnamon cashew nut milk (see recipe below)
Salt and pepper to taste 1 cup filtered water
2 tbs of Fertility Spice Mix 1 tablespoon Vital Proteins ​Collagen Peptides​ or ​Beef Gelatin Powder
1 tbs of roasted cumin 1 cup blueberries
1/2 bulb of garlic minced or grated ¼ inch cube fresh ginger
Combine liver with Fertility Spice Mix, roasted cumin, scallions, a pinch of minced garlic
salt and pepper. Directions:
Mix well, can be marinated in refrigerator for an hour. 1. Blend and enjoy!
In a large pot, sautéed onions and remaining garlic for app 2 minutes until onions are a
little translucent, add tomatoes and cook for another 2 mins. Blueberry-Almond Smoothie 28
Add the seasoned liver and cook until tender. The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
1 minute before it is finished cooking, add chopped cilantro. Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
27 Ingredients:
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. FERTILITY SPICE MIX 1 cup coconut milk, full fat and organic
Fertility Spice Mix (PAIGE, put this is a pretty text box to the side of the above 1 cup filtered water
recipe) Ingredients: 1 cup blueberries
Handful spinach
Ingredients: 6 parts turmeric
1 tablespoon Vital Proteins ​Collagen Peptides​ or ​Beef Gelatin Powder
3 parts ground cumin
1 tablespoon ​Nutiva MACA powder
3 parts ground coriander
6 parts turmeric 2 tablespoons almond butter
6 parts ground fennel
3 parts ground cumin 1 part powdered, dry ginger
3 parts ground coriander 1 part ground black pepper Directions:
6 parts ground fennel 1/4 part ground cinnamon
1 part powdered, dry ginger 1. Blend and enjoy!
1 part ground black pepper
¼ part ground cinnamon
MEALTIME MANTRA Spinach-Maca Smoothie
May this food restore my strength and nourish my soul.
1 cup coconut milk, full fat and organic
Mealtime Mantra:
1 cup filtered water
May this food restore my strength & nourish my soul
2 handfuls blanched organic spinach
34 35
handful of almonds
1 tablespoon of Vital Proteins ​Collagen Peptides​ or ​Beef Gelatin Powder
1. Blend and enjoy!

Spinach-Maca Smoothie 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 small, overripe banana
11 medium-sized,
cup coconut milk, ripefull fat and
green pearorganic
21 cups
cup filtered
blanchedwaterorganic spinach
2 handfuls blanched organic spinach 1. Soak the cashews in water for at least 4-5 hours, or in the fridge overnight.
1 cup coconut milk, full fat and organic
handful of almonds 2. Once the cashews have been soaked, place in a blender with 2 cups of water.
1 cup filtered water
Proteins ​C or ​B
11 tablespoon Begin to blend the mixture on low speed, slowly increasing the speed until the
tablespoon ofof Vital
Vital Proteins ollagen Peptides​
Collagen Peptides or eef Gelatin
Beef Gelatin Powder
1 tablespoon of ​
N utiva Maca
1 tablespoon of Nutiva Maca powder powder cashews are completely broken down.
1 date 3. Add in another 2 cups of water, as well as the vanilla extract and ground
¼ inch cube fresh ginger cinnamon. Blend completely.
Directions: Note: For an even creamier milk, use 3 cups of water instead of 4. However, 4 cups of
water will yield a standard milk consistency. The mixture can be kept in the fridge for up
1. Blend and enjoy!
1. Blend and enjoy! to 3 days.
Pumpkin Pie Smoothie
Pear & Spinach Green Smoothie Any Nut Milk
¾ cup steamed cauliflower
½ cup pumpkin puree 29
Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook 1 cup raw, unsalted nuts (almonds, hazelnuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, macadamia, walnuts)
¾ cup coconut
Aimee milk
E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
2 scoops Vital Proteins ​collagen peptides
2 tbsp almond butter (or your favorite nut butter) 2-3 cups water for soaking the nuts
2 tsp pumpkin pie spice
toasted shredded coconut (for topping) 4 cups water for blending

Directions: Directions:
1. Place all ingredients but coconut in a blender and blend until smooth. Top with
toasted coconut and enjoy!
1. Soak the nuts in 2-3 cups water overnight.
2. Drain and discard water.
3. Blend nuts with 4 cups water until almost smooth.
Cinnamon Cashew Milk
4. Strain the blended nut mixture using ​butter muslin​ or a ​nut milk bag​. A
tight-weave cloth is preferable, as twisting the top tightly enables you to continue
squeezing out more milk.

1 cup raw cashews

4 cups water
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
I am grateful as I pause before this meal, for all the blessings of life. 31
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
30 Daily, I am fed with good things.
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
36 37
1. Soak the cashews in water for at least 4-5 hours, or in the fridge overnight.
¼ cup ground flax seed
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¼ cup mixed raisins and cranberries

Mealtime Mantra:
am grateful as IFOR
pause before this meal,IMPROVING YOUR
Daily, I am fed with good things.
1. In a small pot, add in almond milk, water, and salt. Starting at low-medium heat,
bring the mixture to a boil.
2. Once boiling, cook for about 1 minute, until the oats have absorbed the almond
milk and water. Remove from heat.
3. Mix in ground flax seed, raisins, and cranberries.
Flourless Banana Pancakes with Flax Seeds
4. Allow to cool, then serve in a bowl with a drizzle of maple syrup, if desired.

Sweet Fig & Date Muffins

3-4 ripe bananas

4 whole eggs
¼ teaspoon baking powder
2 ½ cups coconut flour
¼ teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons baking powder
1 tablespoon ground flax seed
2 teaspoons baking soda
Pinch of salt
fresh organic berries for topping
¼ cup ground flax seeds
2/3 cup 100% pure maple syrup
2/3 cup almond milk
2/3 cup cold pressed organic olive oil
1. In a mixing bowl, mash the ripe bananas. Add in the whole eggs, baking powder,
½ cup dried figs, finely chopped
salt, and ground flax seed and mix until well combined.
½ cup dried dates, finely chopped
2. In a large saucepan, add a little bit of butter and allow it to melt to grease the pan.
Pour about ¼ cup of batter per pancake.
3. Top with sugar-free preservatives or fresh fruit and serve immediately.

1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Line a 12-count muffin pan with paper muffin
Power “Oatmeal”
2. In a mixing bowl, combine the dry ingredients and whisk together.
3. Slowly add in the maple syrup, almond milk, and oil.
4. Once the mixture is well combined, add in the chopped figs and dates. Fill each
2 cups quick quinoa flakes
muffin cup until it’s 2/3 of the way full.
2 ½ cups almond milk
5. Bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes, or until the muffin tops are
1 cup water
golden brown.
1 scoop of Vital Proteins ​Collagen Peptides 33
Pinch of salt 32 The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
The Yes,
¼ cup You Can
ground flaxGet Pregnant Cookbook
seed Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. Apple Cinnamon Pancakes
¼ cup mixed raisins and cranberries


3 eggs
1. In a small pot, add in almond milk, water, and salt. Starting at low-medium heat,
½ cup applesauce
bring the mixture to a boil.
¾ cup gluten free oats
2. Once boiling, cook for about 1 minute,
until the oats have absorbed the almond 39
Sprinkle of cinnamon
milk and water. Remove from heat.
1 teaspoon butter
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
Apple Cinnamon Pancakes 1 tablespoon Chia seeds

Ingredients: Directions:
3 eggs 1. In a mixing bowl, combine rice flour, milk, eggs, and salt and whisk together until
½ cup applesauce combined.
¾ cup gluten free oats 2. For the compote, place the mixed berries and orange juice in a small saucepan and
Sprinkle of cinnamon bring to medium heat. As soon as the mixture begins to bubble, reduce the heat.
1 teaspoon butter Mash the berries and juice together using a wooden spoon and continue to cook
Berries, for topping for another 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle in the cinnamon. Remove the mixture from
the heat and mix in the Chia seeds.
○ Transfer the compote to a clean jar and allow the mixture to cool
Directions: completely. Store in the fridge and reheat when you’re ready to serve.
3. In a flat 8-10 inch non-stick pan, or on a non-stick griddle, add just enough ghee
1. Combine eggs, applesauce, oats, and cinnamon in a mixing bowl and mix until to cover the surface of the pan. The ghee will give the crêpes a nice golden color.
well blended. Spread about ¼ cup of batter over the bottom of the pan. Since crêpes are
2. In a medium sized frying pan, add about ¼ teaspoon of butter. Over low-medium supposed to be thin, you want to have just enough batter to cover the bottom of
heat, let the butter melt, then add ¼ cup batter. the pan.
3. Cook for about 2 minutes on each side. Because the batter is thicker, they will 4. Allow the crêpe batter to cook until you are able to flip the crêpe over and then
take a little longer than your typical pancake. continue cooking for about a minute. The hotter the pan is, the hotter they will
4. Once each side is golden brown, remove from the heat. cook so make sure to keep an eye on them.
5. To serve, add fresh berries on top. 5. Once the crêpe is cooked, fill one quadrant of the crêpe with berry compote, and
then fold the crêpe in half, then in half again. If desired, top with another
Gluten-Free Crêpes with Chia Seed & Berry Compote spoonful of compote and garnish with torn mint leaves.

½ cup rice flour When I believe food heals, the food I eat will heal me.
¾ cup your favorite milk alternative (coconut, almond, or cashew) Mealtime Mantras:
2 eggs When I believe food heals, the food I eat will heal me.
Pinch of salt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ghee (for cooking the crêpes)
Mint leaves, torn into pieces, for garnish
Frittata with Broccoli and Spinach
3 cups mixed berries (ex. Any combination of strawberries, blueberries, raspberries,
blackberries, or cherries)
34 35
4 tablespoons orange juice fresh pressed
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
¼ teaspoon
Aimee cinnamon
E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
1 tablespoon Chia seeds


1. In a mixing bowl, combine rice flour, milk, eggs, and salt and whisk together until
2. For the compote, place the mixed berries and orange juice in a small saucepan and
bring to medium heat. As soon as the mixture begins to bubble, reduce the heat.
Mash the berries and juice together using a wooden spoon and continue to cook 41
for another 10-12 minutes. Sprinkle in the cinnamon. Remove the mixture from
Smoked Salmon & Eggs on “Toast”

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ingredients:


2 tablespoons ghee
When I believe food heals, the food I eat will heal me. 6 eggs, whisked
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 2 ¼ inch thick slices of sweet potato
Pinch of sea salt
Pinch of fresh ground pepper
Frittata with Broccoli and Spinach
2-4 pieces of sustainably sourced smoked salmon
Ingredients: 35 36
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
2 tablespoons
Aimee extra
E. Raupp virgin
M.S., L.Ac.olive oil Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
½ cup chopped broccoli (stems removed) 1. In a medium-sized frying pan, melt the ghee. Add in the 6 whisked eggs and
Handful fresh organic spinach scramble the eggs until they are soft and still slightly runny in some areas.
6 large eggs, beaten 2. Pop the sweet potato slices in the toaster on high. They are done when you can
1 teaspoon kosher or sea salt easily poke a fork into them.
Freshly ground black pepper 3. Top sweet potato toast with eggs.
2-3 basil leaves, torn into pieces 4. Top it all off with the smoked salmon slices, a pinch of salt, and freshly ground
If desired, serve with avocado slices topped with fresh lemon juice and pepper.
1. Preheat a broiler and position the rack about 8 inches above the heat source.
2. In a 10-inch broiler proof skillet, add a tablespoon of olive oil and broccoli and
sauté for 3-4 minutes until broccoli is tender. Add in a handful of spinach and Zesty Egg Salad on Sweet Potato Toast
cook for an additional 2 minutes until the spinach is warm and wilted. Place the
cooked frittata fillings on a plate and set aside. Ingredients:
3. In a separate bowl, combine the eggs, salt, and pepper. Stir in the cooked broccoli
and spinach. 4 hard boiled eggs, chopped
4. Over low-medium heat, add one more tablespoon of olive oil. Add the egg and 2 tablespoons olive oil
vegetable mixture into the hot skillet. Cook slowly, for 8-10 minutes, until the 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
frittata is mostly set (a few spots will remain runny). 4 green onions, thinly sliced
5. Scatter the torn basil on top of the frittata. Put the skillet under the broiler for 2-3 ¼ cup chopped green olives
minutes until the top is puffed and firm to the touch. Once you remove it from the ½ teaspoon salt
oven, slide the frittata out of the pan and onto a cutting board. Let rest for 10-15 Dash of freshly ground black pepper
minutes before serving. 2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts
2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
Smoked Salmon & Eggs on “Toast” 4 ¼ inch thick slices of sweet potato

Ingredients: Directions:

2 tablespoons ghee 1. In a large bowl, combine hard boiled eggs, olive oil, lemon juice, green onions,
6 eggs, whisked olives, salt and pepper. Gently toss to combine.
2 ¼ inch thick slices of sweet potato 2. Pop the four sweet potato slices in the toaster on high. They are done when you
Pinch of sea salt can easily poke a fork into them.
Pinch of fresh ground pepper 3. Divide into 4 portions and place a generous scoop of egg salad on top of each
42 piece of sweet potato toast. 43
2-4 pieces of sustainably sourced smoked salmon
4. Top each portion with toasted pine nuts and fresh parsley, then serve.
4 large portobello mushrooms, stem removed, wiped clean
Directions: Olive oil
½ teaspoon kosher salt, divided
½ teaspoon black pepper, divided
1. In a large bowl, combine hard boiled eggs, olive oil, lemon juice, green onions,
½ teaspoonNUTRITION
olives, salt and pepper. Gently toss to combine. 4 large eggs
2. Pop the four sweet potato slices in the toaster on high. They are done when you 4 tablespoons chopped parsley for garnish
can easily poke a fork into them.
3. Divide into 4 portions and place a generous scoop of egg salad on top of each Directions:
piece of sweet potato toast. 1. Preheat broiler, setting temperature to high. Set oven rack in the middle of the
4. Top each portion with toasted pine nuts and fresh parsley, then serve. oven.
2. Brush a light layer of olive oil onto the mushroom caps on both sides. Sprinkle
37 with ¼ teaspoon kosher salt, ⅛ teaspoon pepper and ¼ teaspoon garlic powder.
Hard Boiled
The Yes, EggsGet
You Can with PickledCookbook
Pregnant Peppers & Chiles
Broil 5 minutes on each side, or until just tender.
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. 3. Remove mushrooms from oven. Switch oven from broil to bake, setting 38
Ingredients: The Yes,temperature to 400 degrees F.
You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
4. E.
Aimee Break an egg
Raupp M.S.,into each mushroom. Bake 15 minutes, until egg whites are cooked.
6 large hard boiled eggs 5. Sprinkle the eggs with the remaining ¼ teaspoon salt and ⅛ teaspoon pepper.
½ an avocado, mashed Garnish with parsley, and serve.
Scoop of pickled red peppers, thinly sliced
Scoop of pickled chiles, thinly sliced Stuffed and baked portobello mushrooms can become soggy. To avoid sogginess:
Dash of salt
Dash of freshly ground black pepper 1. Wipe clean, don't wash them (they absorb water).
3 basil leaves, thinly sliced
2. Pre-broil to release some of the water.
3. In the final stage of baking, bake just until the egg whites are cooked. Baking too long
will result in mushy mushrooms that have released their liquid into the eggs. But even if
1. Begin by slicing each boiled egg in half, lengthwise. Spread a coat of mashed that happens, do not despair: carefully drain the liquid, and place the mushrooms on
avocado on each half of the boiled egg. (There’s no such thing as too much paper towels to soak as much of the liquid as you can.
2. Top each half of boiled egg with a few thin strips of pickled peppers and pickled
chiles. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3. Sprinkle a dash of salt and pepper on each egg and garnish with fresh basil.
My food nourishes my cells and allows
Mealtime my health to thrive.
Eggs in Portobellos
My food nourishes my cells & allows my health to thrive.

Ingredients: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

4 large portobello mushrooms, stem removed, wiped clean

½ teaspoon kosher salt, divided
½ teaspoon black pepper, divided
½ teaspoon garlic powder
4 tablespoons chopped parsley for garnish & MEATLESS SECTION: ​A little note on salads & vegetarian meals: although I am a
big proponent of eating organic & pastured animal products as well as cooked over raw
Directions: foods… I want you to have some salad & meatless meal options because I get
1. Preheat broiler, setting temperature to high. Set oven rack in the middle of the it--sometimes we need a break! Here’s a rule of thumb: limit your raw food (salad or any
oven. uncooked veggies) to 2-3 servings per WEEK.
44 45 Alternatively, if you are in a salad mood
Mealtime Mantra:
1. Dice up the cauliflower and steam it. Drain and rinse, running under cold water
My food nourishes my cells & allows my health to thrive. to stop cooking. Set aside.
carrots until fork IMPROVING
tender. Blend with a hand stick or foodYOUR FERTILITY
processor until
smooth consistency. Set aside.
3. In a sauce pan, heat ghee under medium-low heat and whisk in gluten free flour.
Cook for about 2 minutes.
4. Slowly add choice of milk stirring constantly with the whisk. Sauce will thicken
up immediately. Keep stirring.
5. Add carrot puree and other spices. Mix well and taste. Add more salt if needed
MEALS and optional pepper.
& MEATLESS SECTION: ​A little note on salads & vegetarian meals: although I am a 6. Pour sauce over cauliflower and gently fold to coat it. Best enjoyed the first day
Although I am a bigof
big proponent proponent of eating
eating organic organic
& pastured and pastured
animal animal
products as products
well as cooked as well
over rawas warm.
cooked over raw
foods… foods,
I want you Itowant
have&some salad
meatless andoptions
meal meatless mealIoptions
because get because I
get it ­— sometimes we need a break! 7. Enjoy!
it--sometimes we need a break! Here’s a rule of thumb: limit your raw food (salad or any
a rule of veggies) to 2-3
thumb: limit servings
your per WEEK.
raw food (salad orAlternatively,
any uncooked if you are in to
veggies) a salad mood per
2-3 servings Easy Avocado Salad
WEEK. Alternatively, if you are in a salad mood more than that, be sure to add some COOKED
your salad.
that, Think
be sure grilled
to add chicken,
some COOKED salmon or some
protein grass-fed
atop your meatballs.
salad. Think: grilled Ingredients:
chicken, salmon or some grass-fed meatballs. 39 2 ripe avocados, diced
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
1 pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half 40
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
The Yes, You
1 yellow bell Can Get diced
pepper, Pregnant Cookbook
Creamy Mac & Cheese (GF and Vegan!) Aimee E. Raupp
¼ cup diced M.S., L.Ac.
red onion
2 garlic cloves, minced
Ingredients: 1 jalapeno pepper, minced

1 head of steamed cauliflower 1 lime

1½ cups unsweetened dairy free milk of choice (See page 37
XXXfor for recipes)
3 tablespoons olive oil
16 oz bag of fresh carrots
3 Tbsp ghee 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
3 Tbsp rice flour Dash of salt and pepper
1 tsp onion powder
½ tsp garlic powder Directions:
¼ tsp smoked paprika 1. In a medium sized mixing bowl, combine diced avocados, cherry tomatoes, bell
¾ tsp salt or to taste
pepper, red onion, garlic and jalapeno.
pepper optional
2. In a smaller, separate bowl, squeeze the juice of one lime. Add olive oil, cilantro,
salt, and pepper and whisk together to combine.
Directions: 3. Pour lime mixture over the diced vegetables and gently toss to combine.

1. Dice up the cauliflower and steam it. Drain and rinse, running under cold water Grilled Vegetable Salad
to stop cooking. Set aside.
2. Boil carrots until fork tender. Blend with a hand stick or food processor until Ingredients:
smooth consistency. Set aside.
3. In a sauce pan, heat ghee under medium-low heat and whisk in gluten free flour. 2 tablespoons olive oil
Cook for about 2 minutes. 1 medium onion, diced
4. Slowly add choice of milk stirring constantly with the whisk. Sauce will thicken 1 red bell pepper, diced into ½ inch pieces
up immediately. Keep stirring. 1 eggplant, diced into ½ inch pieces
46 1-2 zucchini, diced into ½ inch pieces 47
5. Add carrot puree and other spices. Mix well and taste. Add more salt if needed
and optional pepper. 2 tablespoons olive oil
Grilled Vegetable Salad
1. Bring a medium sized pot of water to a boil. Add the lentils and cook for about
2 tablespoons olive oil
20 minutes, until theFOR IMPROVING
lentils are tender. Drain and set aside. YOUR FERTILITY
1 medium onion, diced 2. In a separate small pot, bring water to a boil, and then add the sliced carrots.
1 red bell pepper, diced into ½ inch pieces Cook for about 7-8 minutes, until the carrots are tender. Drain and set aside.
1 eggplant, diced into ½ inch pieces 3. In a small bowl, make your dressing with the Dijon mustard, lemon juice, red
1-2 zucchini, diced into ½ inch pieces wine vinegar, and olive oil.
2 tablespoons olive oil 4. Combine cooked lentils, carrots, and dressing. Add in chopped shallot, cherry
2 fresh chopped parsley tomatoes, and a pinch of salt. Toss to combine.
1 tablespoon lime juice 5. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley and serve.

Directions: Quinoa Salad

1. In a large sauté pan, add in olive oil and diced onion. Saute for about 2 minutes, Ingredients:
then add red bell pepper, eggplant, and zucchini. Saute for about 5 minutes, or
until vegetables are tender. ½ cup red quinoa
2. While the vegetables are sautéing, in a small bowl, combine olive oil, fresh 1 cup of homemade bone broth
parsley and lime juice. Combine
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook the mixture with a whisk. 2 shallots, minced
3. E.
Aimee Once the vegetables
Raupp M.S., L.Ac. are tender, remove from heat and drizzle with the parsley and 3The
tablespoons fresh
Yes, You Can parsley,
Get chopped
Pregnant Cookbook
lime mixture. 1 tablespoon
Aimee oliveM.S.,
E. Raupp oil L.Ac.
1 teaspoon salt
Lentil & Vegetable Salad ​(this can also work with vegetarian meals) 1 teaspoon turmeric
Dash of black pepper
Ingredients: Half a lemon, juiced
½ pint cherry tomatoes, sliced in half
1 cup lentils
2 large carrots, sliced into ¼ inch thick round discs Directions:
2 tablespoons Dijon mustard
4 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice 1. Begin by bringing 1 cup of chicken stock to a boil. While the broth is boiling,
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar rinse the quinoa in cold water. Once the water is boiling, add the quinoa.
¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 2. In a separate bowl, combine minced shallots, parsley, olive oil, slat, turmeric,
1 shallot, finely chopped black pepper, and juice of half a lemon. Mix to combine.
½ cup heirloom cherry tomatoes, chopped in half 3. Once the quinoa is cooked, rinse in cold water. Once the water is drained, add the
Pinch of salt quinoa into the bowl and combine with shallot and spice mixture.
¼ cup fresh parsley, chopped 4. Gently fold in cherry tomatoes, then serve.

Directions: Red Beet & Apple Salad

1. Bring a medium sized pot of water to a boil. Add the lentils and cook for about Ingredients:
20 minutes, until the lentils are tender. Drain and set aside.
2. In a separate small pot, bring water to a boil, and then add the sliced carrots. 1 bunch fresh spinach, washed
Cook for about 7-8 minutes, until the carrots are tender. Drain and set aside. 2 red apples, quartered, cored, and thinly sliced
3. In a small bowl, make your dressing with the Dijon mustard, lemon juice, red 3 fresh beetroot, thinly sliced
wine vinegar, and olive oil. Juice of 1 lemon
4. Combine cooked lentils, carrots, and48 dressing. Add in chopped shallot, cherry 4 tablespoons olive oil 49

tomatoes, and a pinch of salt. Toss to combine. ¼ teaspoon salt

Red Beet & Apple Salad
sea salt, to taste
1. In a medium sized pot, add quinoa and water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to
1 bunch fresh spinach, washed
simmer FOR
and cover for IMPROVING
15 minutes or until water is absorbed. YOUR FERTILITY
2 red apples, quartered, cored, and thinly sliced 2. In a separate pan, heat the oil and sauté the onions with the garlic for 2 minutes.
3 fresh beetroot, thinly sliced Add the broccoli and zucchini. Cook for about 5 minutes. Add the kale last and
Juice of 1 lemon cook about 1 minute until softened. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Turn off
4 tablespoons olive oil heat.
¼ teaspoon salt 3. Prepare the dressing in a small bowl by adding all of the ingredients and whisking
until smooth.
¼ teaspoon fresh ground black pepper
4. Scoop the quinoa into a bowl, top with the vegetable mixture and drizzle on the
1 tablespoon fresh oregano, finely chopped dressing.
½ cup raw crushed walnuts 5. Enjoy!

Directions: Spinach and Mushroom Quinoa

1. In a large bowl, toss together spinach, sliced apples, and sliced beets.
1 pound mushrooms (white or cremini), sliced thinly
2. In a separate, smaller bowl, combine lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Mix 3 garlic cloves, minced
together with a whisk until the mixture is fully emulsified.
2 tablespoons ghee or coconut oil
3. Toss the dressing and the salad, and then divide the salad onto serving plates. 5 green onions, chopped 44
4. Top each portion with fresh oregano and crushed walnuts, then serve. The Yes,5 You
to 10Can Get Pregnant
ounces Cookbook
fresh spinach (to taste)
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
2 cups cooked quinoa
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
Green Goddess Glow Bowl 1 tablespoon olive oil (optional)

Ingredients: Directions:
1. Heat ghee or oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add mushrooms and
FOR BOWL garlic and saute over medium-high heat for about 5 minutes until mushrooms get
1 cup quinoa, uncooked soft and acquire a nice, golden-brown color. Add chopped green onions and mix.
2 cups homemade bone broth Season with salt.
1 tablespoon coconut oil 2. Add fresh spinach to the skillet, reduce heat to low, cover the skillet with the lid
1/3 of an onion, chopped and let mushrooms and spinach cook for about 1 minute or less, just until spinach
1 clove garlic, minced begins to wilt. Add 2 cups of cooked quinoa to the skillet and cook on low heat
1 cup broccoli, chopped for another minute until spinach wilts even more and quinoa warms up. Season
1 zucchini, chopped with salt, if needed. Add tablespoon of olive oil for extra moisture, if desired.
2 cups kale, de-stemmed
salt and pepper, to taste ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I appreciate myself for taking the time to cook this nutritious food.
1/4 cup tahini I appreciate myself for taking the time to cook this nutritious food.
1/4 cup fresh lemon juice (approx. 1 lemon) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1 tablespoon maple syrup
sea salt, to taste SEAFOOD

Directions: Mussel and Sweet Potato Stew

1. In a medium sized pot, add quinoa and water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat to
simmer and cover for 15 minutes or until water is absorbed.
2. In a separate pan, heat the oil and sauté the onions with the garlic for 2 minutes.
Add the broccoli and zucchini. Cook for about 5 minutes. Add the kale last and
cook about 1 minute until softened. Season with salt and pepper, to taste. Turn off 2 pounds fresh mussels
heat. 50 2 tablespoons ghee 51
3. Prepare the dressing in a small bowl by adding all of the ingredients and whisking 1 onion, diced
with salt, if needed. Add tablespoon of olive oil for extra moisture, if desired. to a light boil before adding the mussels back into the pan. Season with salt and
pepper, and then serve.
Tangy Prawn Spaghetti
Mealtime Mantra:
I appreciate myself for taking the time to cook this nutritious food. Ingredients:
2 cups rice or quinoa spaghetti or other gluten free pasta
Pinch of salt
2 cups 100% pure tomato sauce
Mussel and Sweet Potato Stew
3 pickled jalapenos, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
½ teaspoon turmeric
½ teaspoon ground cumin
2 pounds fresh mussels
16 fresh prawns, cooked and peeled
2 tablespoons ghee
1 pint cherry tomatoes, cut into quarters
1 onion, diced
2 roasted red peppers, chopped
3 garlic cloves, minced
1 bunch scallions, chopped
2/3 cup dry white wine
1 pound organic sweet potatoes
1 cup fresh parsley, chopped
1/2 cup of your favorite milk alternative (almond, coconut, or cashew) 1. Fill a large saucepan halfway with water, add a pinch of salt, and bring the water
Kosher or sea salt to a boil. Once the water is at a boil, add in your rice spaghetti and cook until
Black pepper tender. 46
a separate
Can Getlarge saucepan,
Pregnant combine tomato sauce, jalapenos, minced garlic,
Directions: Aimee E.turmeric
Rauppand cumin.
M.S., L.Ac. Allow to cook for approximately 10 minutes.
45 3. Once the sauce is nice and hot, add in the fresh cooked prawns, cherry tomatoes,
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
1. To prepare the mussels, scrub them and make sure that any barnacles and beards and roasted red peppers. Cook for an additional 2-3 minutes, then remove from
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
are removed. If any of the mussels are open and don’t close when you tap them, heat.
discard them. 4. In the pan, combine the sauce with the cooked spaghetti.
2. In a large saucepan, add the ghee and sauté the onion for about 5 minutes until the 5. Separate onto serving plates, and top with chopped scallions, then serve.
onion is soft. Add the minced garlic and sauté for another minute, then add the
wine and bring it to a boil. Shrimp Scampi
3. Add the mussels into the pan and cook with the lid on the saucepan for about 5
minutes, shaking the pan around every minute or so. Once the mussels have Ingredients:
opened, remove them from the pan using a slotted spoon. Discard any mussels 4 zucchini, tops and bottoms cut off, spiralized to make zoodles
that still have a closed shell. 1 lb RAW shrimp- peeled and deveined
4. Add the potatoes into the pan and cook with the lid on for about 15-20 minutes 3 tbsp to ½ cup ghee or coconut oil
depending on the size of the fingerling potatoes. If necessary, add about ½ cup of 1 medium head of garlic- about 10-15 cloves, diced
pepper, to taste
bone broth or water to aid the cooking process.
5. Once the potatoes are tender, add in the parsley and cream and bring the mixture
to a light boil before adding the mussels back into the pan. Season with salt and
pepper, and then serve.
1. In a large pan, melt ghee and add garlic on medium heat.
2. When ghee is melted, add zucchini and shrimp and turn heat to high.
Tangy Prawn Spaghetti 3. Toss zucchini and shrimp often, until shrimp has turned pink.
4. Serve hot!
Ingredients: Note: Ghee is a subjective- If you'd like more of a sauce, add a little more. Sometimes
you'll have a zucchini that doesn’t release as much liquid and you'll need more ghee or
52 53
coconut oil. Add it slowly as you cook so you can gauge how the recipe is coming
2 cups rice or quinoa spaghetti or other gluten free pasta
together to get a texture you like
2. I​n a large bowl combine chopped shrimp, avocado, tomato, jalapeño. Combine all
Directions: the ingredients together, add cilantro and gently toss. Adjust salt and pepper to
1. In a large pan, melt ghee and add garlic on medium heat. taste.
2. When ghee is melted, add zucchini and shrimp and turn heat to high. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3. Toss
MINDFUL zucchini and shrimp
has turned pink. YOUR FERTILITY MINDFUL NUTRITION FOR Mealtime Mantra:
4. Serve hot!
Note: Ghee is a subjective- If you'd like more of a sauce, add a little more. Sometimes I honor my health with each and every bite of this meal.
you'll have a zucchini that doesn’t release as much liquid and you'll need more ghee or ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
coconut oil. Add it slowly as you cook so you can gauge how the recipe is coming
together to get a texture you like MEAT

Easy Tuna Salad Kale & Turkey Bolognese​:

Ingredients: Ingredients:
½ an avocado
1 boiled pasture raised egg 2 tablespoons ghee
1 jar of sustainably sourced tuna (like Wild Planet) 1 small onion, diced
1 red bell pepper, diced
Directions: 2 teaspoons creole seasoning (equal parts: salt, black pepper, white pepper, red pepper)
Throw the ingredients in a bowl and mash with a fork. I told you it was easy! 48
Yes, ground
You Canturkey
Get Pregnant Cookbook
Idea: 47 3Aimee
carrots, shredded
E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
The Yes, YouI swap
Sometimes thePregnant
Can Get tuna for a Cookbook
can of sardines or make it a chicken salad using chicken ½ cup fresh kale, stems removed and chopped
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
from making your bone broth. 2, 16oz. jars 100% pure tomato sauce (OR MAKE YOUR OWN-- See see page
recipe76infor recipes in this
Zesty Lime, Shrimp, and Avocado Salad ¼ teaspoon salt
1-2 teaspoons minced garlic
1/4 cup chopped red onion Brown rice pasta, cooked
juice of two limes
1 tsp olive oil
1/4 tsp kosher salt
black pepper to taste
1 lb jumbo cooked, peeled shrimp, chopped* 1. To begin, sauté the diced onion and red bell pepper in about two tablespoons of
1 medium tomato, diced olive oil in a large saucepan. Cook until the onions become translucent and the
1 medium hass avocado, diced (about 5 oz) bell pepper becomes tender. Add in creole seasoning and sauté for an additional
1 jalapeno, seeds removed, diced fine minute.
1 tbsp chopped cilantro 2. Once the onion and bell pepper are cooked, remove them from the saucepan and
place in a bowl on the side.
3. Add one pound of ground turkey to the saucepan and cook until turkey is browned
1. In a small bowl combine red onion, lime juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. Let them
and cooked through.
marinate at least 5 minutes to mellow the flavor of the onion.
4. Add the carrots, kale, tomato sauce, salt, and minced garlic, as well as the cooked
2. I​n a large bowl combine chopped shrimp, avocado, tomato, jalapeño. Combine all
onion and bell pepper and simmer for about 30 minutes over low-medium heat.
the ingredients together, add cilantro and gently toss. Adjust salt and pepper to
5. Serve over cooked brown rice pasta.
Mealtime Cajun Chicken with Mixed Greens and Remoulade Sauce
I honor my health with each Mantra:
and every bite of this meal.
I honor my health with each and every bite of this meal.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ingredients:
54 55
MEAT 2 tablespoons olive oil
5. Serve over cooked brown rice pasta.
equal parts beef/veal/pork (1 lb)
1 small red onion
Cajun Chicken with Mixed Greens and Remoulade Sauce 1 egg
Ingredients: sprig of fresh mint (gives it the greek twist)
2 tablespoons of brown rice breadcrumb (See page
(recipe in 76
thisfor recipe)
e cook book!)
2 tablespoons olive oil a few pinches of oregano
½ red bell pepper, diced salt & pepper to taste
6 green onions, thinly sliced
1 clove garlic, minced Directions
2 chicken breasts, cooked and chopped Chop veggies & mint, mix all ingredients in bowl.
¾ cup homemade brown rice crumbs (see(See page
page X76for
recipe) Make small meatballs.
1 egg, lightly beaten Place on lightly greased baking sheet (use ghee to grease baking sheet )
2 teaspoons creole seasoning (equal parts: salt, black pepper, white pepper, red pepper) Baked at 350 degrees for 25 minutes. DELISH!!!
2 tablespoons homemade mayo (See (see page 77
x for
recipe) 49 The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
cups dark
Yes, Youmixed greens
Can Get Pregnant Cookbook Serve
Aimeewith homemade
E. Raupp tomato sauce (See
M.S., L.Ac. page
(recipe in 37
thisfor recipes)
e cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
Remoulade Sauce: Spiced Meatballs with Chili Sauce
¾ cup homemade mayo
3 green onions, thinly sliced Ingredients:
¼ teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon creole seasoning Meatballs:
1 tablespoon fresh parsley, chopped 1 small red onion, diced
2 tablespoons olive oil
Directions: 1 pound grass-fed ground beef
2 tablespoons grainy mustard
1. In a stir-fry pan, heat the olive oil. 1 teaspoon ground cumin
2. Add bell pepper, green onions, and garlic and cook until tender. ½ teaspoon ground coriander
3. Once tender, add in chopped chicken, bread crumbs, egg, creole seasoning and ½ teaspoon ground turmeric
mayo and stir until combined. Allow to cook for 5-10 minutes. ½ cup almond flour (or any other gluten free flour)
4. In a separate bowl, combine the mayo, sliced green onions, garlic powder, creole 1 egg
seasoning and parsley. This can be made ahead of time and is a great sauce for Pinch of salt
dipping any kind of meat into. Pinch of fresh ground black pepper
5. Once the chicken is cooked, serve with mixed greens and remoulade sauce and
enjoy. Chili Sauce:
1 small red onion, diced
Greek Meatballs 1 red pepper, diced
Ingredients: 5 cloves of garlic, minced
3 tablespoons olive oil
equal parts beef/veal/pork (1 lb) 1 red chili, deseeded and chopped
1 small red onion 1 cups 100% pure tomato sauce
1 egg 2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
2-3 garlic cloves 1 tablespoon grainy mustard
sprig of fresh mint (gives it the greek twist) ½ teaspoon cumin
2 tablespoons of brown rice breadcrumb (recipe in this e cook book!) ½ teaspoon paprika
a few pinches of oregano 56 57

salt & pepper to taste Small bunch of flat leaf parsley, to garnish
1 red chili, deseeded and chopped 1/4 cup of celery, chopped small
1 cups 100% pure tomato sauce 1 clove of garlic, minced
2 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 1 Tbsp of chili powder
1 tsp of cumin
1 tablespoon grainy mustard
2 Tbsp of coconut sugar or honey
½ teaspoonNUTRITION
½ teaspoon paprika (1) 6 oz jar of organic tomato paste

Small bunch of flat leaf parsley, to garnish Directions:

1. Saute the onions, garlic, celery together in a skillet until onions are tender
2. Add and brown the ground beef in the same skillet
3. Next add the spices, coconut sugar (or honey), and bell peppers to the skillet
4. Pour in the can of diced tomatoes with liquids and the tomato paste
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. 5. Simmer all together on low for about 15 minutes
2. In a small skillet, begin by adding one diced red onion and olive oil. Cook until 6. Finish with salt and pepper to taste 52
Yousweet potatoes in halfCookbook
and scoop out a portion to form a little bowl and fill
The Yes,the onion
soft. Can Get Pregnant
You Pregnant Cookbook
3. E.
In Raupp
a large M.S.,
mixing bowl, add in the ground beef, grainy mustard, cumin, coriander, Aimee E.with sloppy
Raupp joeL.Ac.
M.S., mixture -or- slice up each sweet potato into wedges and pour
Aimee L.Ac.
turmeric, gluten free flour, egg, salt, and pepper. Once the sautéed onion is cool, sloppy joe mixture over
8. Serve hot and enjoy!
add that in as well.
4. Combine the mixture well using your hands, and then form your meatballs. The Super Easy Slow Cooker Spaghetti Squash and Meatballs
mix should make anywhere from 12-16.
5. Place the formed meatballs in an oiled casserole pan. Place in the oven and cook Ingredients:
for 15-20 minutes, until the meatballs are perfectly cooked through. One medium spaghetti squash.
6. In the meantime, in a large saucepan, add your second red onion, red pepper, and ½ pound of ground Italian sausage.
(See page 76
3 cups of tomato sauce (See XXfor
olive oil. Saute for 2-3 minutes, and then add your minced garlic and red chili and
4 to 6 cloves of garlic, whole.
sauté for another 1-2 minutes. 2 tbsp of olive oil.
7. Add in the tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, grainy mustard, cumin and Oregano, Basil, Thyme to taste (I use about a tsp of each)
paprika. Cook for approximately 10 minutes over medium heat.
8. When the meatballs are cooked, mix them in with the chili sauce. Garnish with
fresh chopped parsley. Directions:
1. Make sure you use a large 6 quart slow cooker for this recipe.
2. Dump your tomato sauce, olive oil, garlic, and seasoning into your slow
Note: This dish can be served over mashed potatoes or cooked rice pasta. cooker and stir well.
3. Cut your squash in half and scoop out the seeds. (Cut on the short side, not
Sweet Potato Sloppy Joe’s lengthwise)
4. Place your 2 squash halves face down into your slow cooker.
Ingredients: 5. Roll your ground sausage into meatballs, then place in sauce around the
4 pre-baked sweet potatoes or yams squash.
1 1/2 lbs of grass-fed ground beef or ground turkey 6. Cook on High for 3 hours or cook on low for 5 hours.
1/2 onion, chopped small 7. Use a large fork to pull the “spaghetti” out of your squash, then top with your
1/2 green pepper, chopped small meatballs and sauce.
1/2 red pepper, chopped small 8. Garnish with fresh basil if you feel fancy, and enjoy!
1/4 cup of celery, chopped small
1 clove of garlic, minced Teriyaki Chicken Wings
1 Tbsp of chili powder
1 tsp of cumin Ingredients:
2 Tbsp of coconut sugar or honey
2 tomatoes, diced
(1) 6 oz jar of organic tomato paste ● 3 pounds organic chicken wings (from a local farmer if possible)
● salt and pepper to taste
Directions: ● coconut oil to grease the baking pan (optional)
1. Saute the onions, garlic, celery together
58 in a skillet until onions are tender
● 5 Tbsp ghee 59
2. Add and brown the ground beef in the same skillet ● 4 large garlic cloves, minced or pressed
Teriyaki Chicken Wings Mealtime Mantra:
I savor each and every morsel of food as I know that it is sustaining
my body and optimizing my health.
Ingredients: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
● 3 pounds organic chicken wings (from a local farmer if possible)
● salt and pepper to taste
● coconut oil to grease the baking pan (optional) FERMENTED FOODS
● 5 Tbsp ghee
● 4 large garlic cloves, minced or pressed Simple Sauerkraut
● 2 tsp fresh minced or grated ginger
● ¾ cup honey
● 1 cup coconut aminos 53 4 or 5 heads of red or green cabbage, shredded;
The●Yes,4 You
tsp sesame
Can Getoil
Pregnant Cookbook 1/4 cup sea salt
● E.
Aimee 1 tsp fish sauce
Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
● Toasted sesame seeds (start with raw sesame seeds and toast in a pan over a low 54
flame) The1.Yes,Place
You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
● Sliced green onions the shredded cabbage little by little in your fermentation jar, pounding it
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
vigorously and sprinkling some with the sea salt as you go.
Directions: 2. Make sure the mixture fills the jar up to no more than 1 inch below the top
1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. (because of the expansion), adding more if needed, and that the extracted water
2. Line a rimmed baking sheet with parchment paper, lightly grease with oil if covers the vegetables entirely. If not, create your own brine of 2 tablespoons sea
desired to prevent sticking. salt to 4 cups water and add it to the cabbage.
3. Spread wings out evenly on the baking sheet. Sprinkle both sides with salt and 3. Press the cabbage and keep it under the brine. Cover with a clean towel or
pepper cheesecloth to keep out fruit flies. (it is important to do this and not cover with a
4. Roast wings on the top rack for about 45 min, turning halfway through. lid as you need the airflow but don’t want bugs)
5. While the wings are cooking, start the sauce. 4. Place the fermentation jar in a warm spot in your kitchen and allow the sauerkraut
6. Melt ghee in a medium saucepan over medium heat. to ferment for 7 to 10 days.
7. Once ghee has melted, add garlic and cook for about a minute, or until fragrant. 5. Check on it from time to time to be sure that the brine covers the vegetables and
8. Add honey, ginger, coconut aminos, sesame oil and fish sauce. Whisk to mix, to remove any mold that may form on the surface.
then raise to a low boil, stirring occasionally. Allow sauce to reduce by ⅓ to ½. It 6. A good way to know when it’s ready is to taste it during the fermentation process
will still be fairly thin, but will thicken up if stored in the fridge. and move it to the refrigerator when you’re satisfied with the taste.
9. Use a pastry brush to coat the wings with sauce, then flip all and coat the other
side too. Spicy Fermented Salsa
10. I like my wings more crispy, so I turn my broiler on and broil the glazed wings for
a couple minutes on each side before removing from the oven, tossing with more Ingredients:
sauce and garnishing with toasted sesame seeds and sliced green onions. 12 cups fresh organic tomatoes, chopped
11. Serve with extra sauce for dipping. 2 cups chili peppers, seeded and chopped (Jalapeños and Serranos are good choices- you
could also use bell peppers for a mild salsa)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1/8 cup dried oregano
⅛ cup dried cilantro
MEALTIME MANTRA 2 tbsp cumin
Mealtime Mantra:
IIsavor each and every morsel of food as I know that it is sustaining
savor each and every morsel of food as I know that it is sustaining 8 garlic cloves, chopped
my bodyand
optimizingmy myhealth.
health. 2 onions, chopped
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1/4 cup sea salt or pink Himalayan salt

1. Wear gloves to handle the peppers and combine the chopped tomatoes, chilies,
spices, garlic and onions together.
2. Place the tomato mixture little by little in your fermentation jar, pounding it
vigorously and sprinkling some of the sea salt as you go.
Simple Sauerkraut 3. Make sure the mixture fills the jar up to no more than 1 inch below the top
60 (because of the expansion), adding more
61 if needed, and that the extracted water
Ingredients: covers the vegetables entirely.
2 onions, chopped
1/4 cup sea salt or pink Himalayan salt onions, ginger and hot peppers.
2. Place the mixture little by little in your fermentation jar, pounding it vigorously to
Directions: release the juices.
1. Wear gloves to handle the peppers and combine the chopped tomatoes, chilies, 3. Make sure the mixture fills the jar up to no more than 1 inch below the top
spices, FORtogether.
(because FOR and that the extracted
of the expansion) IMPROVING
water coversYOUR FERTILITY
the mixture. If not,
2. Place the tomato mixture little by little in your fermentation jar, pounding it create a brine of 2 tablespoons sea salt to 4 cups water and add it to the mixture.
vigorously and sprinkling some of the sea salt as you go. 4. Press the vegetables and keep them under the brine. Cover with a clean towel or
3. Make sure the mixture fills the jar up to no more than 1 inch below the top cheesecloth to keep out fruit flies. (Do not cover with a lid because the airflow is
(because of the expansion), adding more if needed, and that the extracted water necessary for fermentation)
covers the vegetables entirely. 5. Place the fermentation jar in a warm spot in your kitchen and allow the chutney to
4. Press the mixture and keep it under the brine. Cover with a clean towel or ferment for 2 to 4 days.
cheesecloth to keep out fruit flies. (it is important to do this and not cover with a 6. Check on it from time to time to be sure that the brine covers the vegetables and
lid as you need the airflow but don’t want bugs) to remove any mold that may form on the surface. 56
5. Place the fermentation jar in a warm spot in your kitchen and allow the salsa to 7. A good way to know when
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbookit’s ready is to taste it during the fermentation process
ferment for 3 to 5 days. and
Aimee E. moveM.S.,
Raupp it to the refrigerator when you’re satisfied with the taste.
6. Check on it from time to time to be sure that the brine covers the mixture and to55
The Yes,remove anyGet
You Can mold that may
Pregnant form on the surface.
Cookbook Fermented Veggie Medley
7. A good way to know
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. when it’s ready is to taste it during the fermentation process
and move it to the refrigerator when you’re satisfied with the taste. Ingredients:
4 organic apples, cored and diced;
Vinegar Tonic 4 cups organic cauliflower florets;
4 organic carrots, peeled and diced;
Ingredients: 8 green onions, sliced thinly;
2 tbsp of raw organic apple cider vinegar 3 tbsp grated fresh ginger;
½ tsp of maple syrup 8 tbsp sea salt;
Directions: 1. Combine the apples, cauliflower, carrots, onions, and ginger together.
Grab an eight ounce glass and put in vinegar and maple syrup. Fill the glass the rest of 2. Place the mixture little by little in your fermentation jar, sprinkling some of the
the way with seltzer. sea salt as you go.
3. Make sure the mixture fills the jar up to no more than 1 inch below the top
Fermented Peach Chutney (because of the expansion)
4. Create a brine of 2 tablespoons sea salt to 4 cups water and add it to the mixture
Ingredients: making sure that it covers the veggies completely.
16 peaches, cored and chopped coarsely 5. Cover with a clean towel if needed to keep out fruit flies.
2 cups raisins 6. Place the fermentation jar in a warm spot in your kitchen and allow the mixture to
2 cups pecans, chopped ferment for 3 to 5 days.
2 1/2 tbsp sea salt 7. Check on it from time to time to be sure that the brine covers the mixture and to
Juice of 5 lemons remove any mold that may form on the surface.
4 onions, finely chopped 8. A good way to know when it’s ready is to taste it during the fermentation process.
4 tbsp grated fresh ginger It’s ready when you’re satisfied with the taste.
4 hot peppers, chopped
1. Combine the chopped peaches with the raisins, pecans, sea salt, lemon juice, Mealtime Mantra:
onions, ginger and hot peppers. My fertility flourishes as my appreciation flourishes.
My fertility flourishes as my appreciation flourishes.
2. Place the mixture little by little in your fermentation jar, pounding it vigorously to
release the juices.
3. Make sure the mixture fills the jar up to no more than 1 inch below the top
(because of the expansion) and that the extracted water covers the mixture. If not, Fertility Teas and Drinks
create a brine of 2 tablespoons sea salt to 4 cups water and add it to the mixture.
4. Press the vegetables and keep them under the brine. Cover with a clean towel or Healing bone broth drink
cheesecloth to keep out fruit flies. (Do not cover with a lid because the airflow is
necessary for fermentation) 62 63
5. Place the fermentation jar in a warm spot in your kitchen and allow the chutney to
It’s ready when you’re satisfied with the taste.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Chai Tea (caffeine-free)

Mealtime Mantra: Ingredients:

My fertility flourishes as my appreciation flourishes.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ¼ teaspoon cinnamon
1 pinch clove
Fertility Teas and Drinks 1 pinch nutmeg
¼ teaspoon turmeric (or more depending upon taste)
Healing bone broth drink 1 ½ cups of water
unsweetened coconut, almond, or hemp milk to taste
Ingredients Tip:​ for fertility boost add ¼ teaspoon fresh ginger
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
1 cup ​home-made bone broth Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
57 Directions:
slice of shaved ginger
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook 1. Simmer herbs and water together for 10 minutes.
slice ofE.lemon
Aimee Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
fresh mint 2. Strain liquid through fine-mesh sieve.
1 spoon coconut butter 3. Add milk-alternative and sweetener to taste.
cayenne pepper just a pinch
sea salt Turmeric Ginger Tea / Lemonade

Directions: Ingredients:

1. Reheat bone broth on stove top 4 cups water

2. Add all other ingredients and steep for 5 mins 1 teaspoon turmeric powder (or a 3-inch strip fresh turmeric root, peeled)
3. Drink once or twice daily for immunity & fertility 4-inch piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and diced
raw honey to taste
CCF tea (Cumin, Coriander, Fennel) lemon slices, or the juice of a full lemon, to taste
Ingredients: 1. Bring water to a full boil.
2. Add turmeric and ginger to the boiling water and reduce to simmer for 8 to 10
¼ tsp cumin seed minutes.
¼ tsp coriander seed 3. Remove the pot from the stove. Strain the tea into a cup through a fine-mesh
¼ tsp fennel seed strainer to filter out the particles of turmeric and ginger. Add sweetener and lemon
to taste.
Directions: 4. Serve hot as tea during the winter or cool as a lemonade in summer.
1. Boil 1 1/2 cups of bone broth
2. Add the whole cumin, coriander, and fennel seeds Frothy Butter Coffee with Collagen Proteins
3. Steep for 5 minutes, or until it cools to a comfortable drinking temperature
4. Strain and serve, discarding the spices (* adapted from

Chai Tea (caffeine-free)
8-12 oz. organic fresh-brewed hot coffee
2 Tbsp. ghee
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
1 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 pinch clove
64 65
1 pinch nutmeg 1-2 scoops Vital Proteins ​Collagen Peptides

8-12 oz. organic fresh-brewed hot coffee


1 Tbsp. coconut oil ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1-2 scoops Vital Proteins ​Collagen Peptides
pinch of sea salt
59 Toasted Seeds
The of organic
You Canground cinnamon
Get Pregnant Cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
pinch of organic ground ginger Ingredients:

Directions: 1 tablespoon ghee

2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds
Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend on high speed for 30-60 seconds until it’s thick
2 tablespoons sunflower seeds
and frothy. Enjoy immediately!
Gold Beauty Elixir
1. In a small frying pan, melt ghee.
Bee pollen is also said to be a great fertility booster- for men and women. Bee pollen is 2. Over medium heat, add in pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds and cook 1-2
an extremely beautifying compound that you want to incorporate regularly into your minutes, until the seeds are toasted.
routine. It’s high in protein, antioxidants, enzymes and minerals, and contains the 3. Once the seeds are cool, serve plain or over a cup of ​coconut milk yogurt​ or
antioxidant bioflavonoid called rutin, which can help improve your circulation. Chia coconut milk
seeds offer nourishing omega 3 fats that are supportive of your circulation, brain and
heart health and all-around fertility quotient. Zucchini Chips
(adapted from
1 ½ cups coconut water
1 banana 2 zucchinis
1 Tbs of ​bee pollen​ (adjust to your personal taste and preference, could be more or less)* ½ cup of melted ghee
1 Tbs. of chia gel (chia seeds soaked in water for at least 30 minutes salt & pepper

Directions: Directions:
1. Slice the zucchinis. The trick is in the thickness of the zucchini slices, if you slice
1. Blend all together and enjoy fresh. then too thin, they'll crumble and burn in the oven, so make sure you slice them
thick enough to stay nice. Usually about 5mm is a good start.
* If you are new to bee pollen introduce only a few granules at a time to see how your 2. After you slice the zucchini, stick the slices in a bowl and lightly salt them. Let
body reacts. If you have a pollen allergy, you may not be able to tolerate it. them sit for about 30 mins.
3. Heat the oven to 250 degrees
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 4. Line an oven-rack with a ​baking sheet​ and lay the slices out, then pat them dry
with paper towel.
I am so grateful for this food, it restores
Mealtime my strength, it heals my body,
I am so grateful for this it fuels
food, my fertility.
it restores my strength,it heals my body, 61
it fuels my fertility. The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
66 Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. 67

5. Brush the slices with melted ghee, place in the oven for about 45 mins, then turn ½ cup Sesame seeds
off the oven and let them sit for another 45 mins. ½ cup Brazil nuts
1/2 cup Goji berries
Sprinkle them with salt, pepper or any seasoning you like!
1/2 cup Organic, raw cacao nibs
Jalepeno Pumpkin Seeds 1/2 cup unsweetened coconut flakes
(adapted from

1 ½ cups of pumpkin seeds (cleaned and dried) 1. Put all ingredients into a medium sized bowl and toss well.
3 jalepeno peppers, sliced 2. Store in an air-tight glass container until ready to eat.
3 tablespoons of coconut oil (melted)
Himilayan sea salt & paprika, to taste
Grain Free Power Balls
1. Preheat the oven to 350°F (adapted from
2. Spread pumpkin seeds out on a rimmed baking sheet.
3. Add coconut oil oil and sea salt and stir pumpkin seeds with your hands to
combine. 1 medium size cooked sweet potato
4. Lay slices of jalapeño peppers on top of seeds.
2 cups almond meal
5. Sprinkle paprika over the top of everything, generously.
6. Bake for 10 minutes. 1 tsp ​vanilla powder
7. Use a spatula to move the seeds and peppers around. Bake for another 5 minutes.
8. Move mixture around some more and bake for a final 5 minutes. 3 tsp baking powder

9. Remove tray from oven and let everything rest for 15-30 minutes to let the
3 egg yolks
jalapeño-ness soak into the seeds.
10. Store in an airtight container...if you don't finish them all in one sitting. 4 Tbsp melted Coconut Oil

1-2 tsp honey

Fertility Seed Mix
3 Tbsp ​coconut flour
1 cup of unsweetened ​shredded coconut​ and ​coconut flakes
1 cup Almonds
1 cup raw Cashews Directions:
½ cup Sunflower seeds
1. Peel and mash cooked sweet potato until no more chunks left.
68 62 69 63
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook 2. Mix
The Yes,inYou
Can meal,vanilla
Get Pregnantpowder, baking powder until everything incorporates.
1/4 teaspoon melted coconut oil

1. Preheat oven to 350.
1. Peel and mash cooked sweet potato until no more chunks left.
2. Combine almond flour, salt, and spices in a medium mixing bowl.
3. In a small bowl, whisk together the water, egg white, ghee (melted), and coconut
2. Mix in almond meal,vanilla powder, baking powder until everything incorporates.
oil (melted).
3. Mix in the wet ingredients (egg yolks, melted coconut oil and honey), stir until 4. Pour wet ingredients into dry and stir until stiff dough forms and all dry
ingredients are wet. To make it easier, place everything in the food processor and
everything combines.
process until the batter forms into a dough ball. If it doesn’t add a little more
water or some olive oil to the batter and process again.
4. Add 3 Tbsp coconut flour. Notice the mixture will be less wet but not too dry. Do not
5. Place dough between 2 sheets of parchment paper and roll out to an even
try to put too much coconut flour as it absorbs a lot of moisture and the balls would be thickness of about 1/8 of an inch. Transfer parchment to a baking sheet pan and
too dry and flaky. remove the top piece of parchment. Using a pizza cutter trim off uneven edges of
dough, then cut the sheet of dough into cracker size pieces/squares.
5. Line a baking sheet with a parchment paper. Pre-heat the oven for 350°F 6. Bake for 10 minutes. Turn off oven and let crackers sit inside oven for an
additional 10 minutes, until golden.
6. Shape the balls into ping-pong ball size and roll each of them in the bowl of
unsweetened shredded coconut and coconut flakes. The dough would be a little bit sticky
on hands but not too sticky that you can’t even shape the balls. If it’s too sticky, you can Power Cookies
add a tad bit more coconut flour.

Paleo Herb Crackers

3 ripe bananas, mashed
2 cups rolled gluten free oats
(adapted from
1 cup dates, pitted and chopped
¼ cup chopped raw almonds
2 cups almond flour
2 tablespoons ground flax seed
1/3 cup grass-fed ghee
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 teaspoon organic almond extract

2 tablespoon favorite herbs of choice (try some from the fertility spice mix)
2 tablespoons filtered water
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. In a large bowl, combine mashed bananas, oats, dates, almonds, flax seed, canola
1 egg white
oil, and almond extract. Mix until well combined.
1 tablespoon melted ghee 3. Roll dough into quarter sized balls and place on an ungreased cookie sheet.
4. Bake for approximately 20 minutes, or until the edges of the cookie are golden
1/4 teaspoon melted coconut oil 65
The Yes,brown.
You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Directions: Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
1. E.
Aimee Preheat
350. I relish in the sweetness of my life. There is so much to be grateful for!
Mealtime Mantra:
2. Combine almond flour, salt, and spices in a medium mixing bowl. I relish in the sweetness of my life. There is so much to be grateful for!
3. In a small bowl, whisk together the water,
70 egg white, ghee (melted), and coconut 71
oil (melted).
the bread is ready, insert a toothpick into the top of the bread and when it comes
out clean, it’s ready.
Strawberry-Mango Chia Pops
I relish in the sweetness of my life. There is so much to be grateful for! Ingredients:
8-10 strawberries
SWEET TREATS (sugar free!) 1 small mango
1 tablespoon almond or coconut milk
Gluten-Free Zucchini Bread 2 tablespoons chia seeds

Ingredients: Directions:

1 medium zucchini, grated (if you don’t have a grater, peel the entire thing with a 1. In a blender, add strawberries, mango and almond or rice milk. Blend until the
vegetable peeler, then chopped the thin slices into smaller pieces with a knife) fruit is pureed.
1 ½ cup all-purpose gluten-free flour (coconut or almond flour) 2. Remove the mixture from the blender and mix in the chia seeds with a spatula.
2 teaspoons baking powder 3. Divide the mixture into popsicle forms and freeze.
½ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt Berries n’ Coconut Cream
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 cup brown sugar Ingredients:
⅓ cup coconut oil
2 eggs 1 7oz. box of ​Let’s Do Organic Creamed Coconut
¼ cup coconut milk 1 tablespoon maple syrup
1 tablespoon lemon juice ½ teaspoon vanilla bean
1 tablespoon organic vanilla extract Assorted berries
Zest of one lime
1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon in a bowl. In 1. Place the coconut cream in a bowl and add in agave syrup and vanilla bean. Mix
a separate bowl, combine the sugar, oil, eggs, milk, lemon juice, and vanilla. with electric beaters until the mixture is nice and creamy.
Slowly add the wet ingredients into the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix 2. Scoop or pipe the coconut cream on top of individual servings of mixed berries.
until the two are fully combined. Fold in your grated or chopped zucchini. If 3. Top the berries and cream with fresh lime zest and serve.
desired, you can also add in about 1/4 cup of chopped almonds, pecans, or
walnuts and add another 1/4 cup of chopped nuts on top.
Chocolate Chia Seed Mousse
3. Place the batter in a greased 9-inch loaf pan and bake for 30-40 minutes. To test if 67
the bread is ready, insert a toothpick into the top of the bread and when it comes66 The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
The Yes,out
You Can it’s
Get ready.
Pregnant Cookbook Ingredients:
clean, Aimee E. Raupp
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac. 1/3 c. chia seeds M.S., L.Ac.
1 c. unsweetened almond (or other non-dairy) milk
Strawberry-Mango Chia Pops
2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbsp. maple syrup
1 tsp. ground cinnamon

8-10 strawberries
1 small mango 72 Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. 73
Cover and refrigerate overnight or at least 8
1 tablespoon almond or coconut milk
hours. Transfer mixture to a high-powered blender and blend until completely smooth. If
Ingredients: Directions:
1/3 c. chia seeds Whisk all ingredients together in a bowl and chill overnight. Add more coffee or almond
milk to thin out if you’d like it thinner.
1 c. unsweetened almond (or other non-dairy) milk
2 tbsp. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 tbsp. maple syrup
1 tsp. ground cinnamon Ingredients:
1½ cups of your favorite non-dairy milk (coconut, almond, cashew)
Directions: 1 cup organic unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp vanilla
Combine all ingredients in a medium bowl. Cover and refrigerate overnight or at least 8
½ cup chia seeds
hours. Transfer mixture to a high-powered blender and blend until completely smooth. If 2½ tsp ground cinnamon
pudding is warm from blending, return to refrigerator until chilled. (Alternately, you can 1 tbsp maple syrup or honey
just stir the pudding and eat it without blending but I dig the smooth texture from
blending it.) Directions:
1. Whisk together all ingredients and pour into jars.
2. Refrigerate overnight.
For a Mexican Chocolate twist try adding in a pinch of cayenne!
3. Serve with fresh sliced apples.

Matcha Chia Seed Pudding

Chocolate Nut Butter Fudge
2 cups of your favorite unsweetened non-dairy milk (almond, coconut, cashew) Ingredients:
1/2 cup chia seeds ● 1 cup of your favorite smooth nut butter
1/4-1/2 teaspoon matcha powder ● 1 cup organic coconut oil, melted
1-2 tablespoons maple syrup or honey ● ⅓ cup honey
Seasonal fruit, for topping ● ½ cup ghee, softened
● ⅓ cup cocoa powder
Directions: ● salt to taste
1. In a large bowl, whisk together almond milk, chia seeds, matcha, and sweetener..
2. Cover the bowl and let the matcha chia pudding soak at least 3 hours in the Directions:
refrigerator, but preferably overnight. Add more almond milk or water to thin out 1. Stir together nut butter and coconut oil in a small bowl.
the pudding as desired and add more sweetener (syrup or honey) to taste. Top 2. Remove one cup of nut butter mixture, and set aside.
with seasonal fruit and serve. 3. To remaining mixture in bowl, add softened butter, honey, and cocoa.
4. Stir well. Taste and adjust sweet and salty to your liking.
Coffee Chia Seed Pudding 5. Pour chocolate mixture into a 6x8 or similar glass dish, and spread smooth.
6. Pour reserved peanut butter mixture over chocolate and use a knife to make
Ingredients: swirls, but cutting stripes in opposite directions.
1 cup of brewed organic coffee, chilled 7. Chill fudge for about an hour, or until firm enough to slice and enjoy.
1 cup of your favorite non-dairy milk (almond, coconut, cashew)
½ cup of chia seeds
1-2 tbsp honey or maple syrup
The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Directions: The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S.,together
L.Ac. in a bowl and chill overnight. Add more coffee or almond
I breathe deeply and take time to reflect on my day.
Whisk all ingredients Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.
milk to thin out if you’d like it thinner.
I send love and nourishment to my whole body.

Apple Pie Chia Seed Pudding

1½ cups of your favorite non-dairy milk (coconut, almond, cashew)
1 cup organic unsweetened applesauce
1 tsp vanilla 74 75
½ cup chia seeds
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 5. Place rice in blender, food processor, or coffee grinder, and blend until you have
Mealtime Mantra: 6. Store in a mason jar in your pantry.
I breathe deeply and take this time to reflect on my day. I send love and
nourishment to my whole body
2 cups fresh basil
1/2 cup shelled pecans or walnuts or pine nuts
1-2 cloves fresh garlic
1/4 to 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, as needed
Roasted Tomato Basil Marinara Sea salt, to taste

Ingredients: Directions:
8-10 large tomatoes
2-3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil 1. Combine the fresh herbs, nuts, and garlic in a food processor and process the
5 large basil leaves mixture until it turns into a coarse meal.
6 cloves of garlic 2. Slowly add extra virgin olive oil in a steady drizzle as you pulse the processor on
salt (to taste) and off. Process until it becomes a smooth, light paste. Add enough olive oil to
pepper (to taste) keep it moist and spreadable.
3. Season with sea salt, to taste.
4. Cover and store chilled for at least an hour to saturate the flavors. I like to pour a
Directions: thin layer of extra virgin olive oil over the top to help keep it bright green.
1. First, preheat oven to 375F and lightly spray a cake pan with oil. (I use a Misto
bottle so that I can spray my favorite oils). Note: Makes roughly a rounded cup.
2. Next, prep tomatoes by cutting them in half and placing them in backing sheet
facing up. Drizzle with EVOO and season with salt and pepper. Beet and Pumpkin Seed Pesto
3. Place fresh basil leaves and garlic in same pan.
4. Roast at 375F for about an hour or until the tomatoes begin to brown. Ingredients:
5. Once cooled a bit, place everything into a food processor (basil and garlic 2 cups boiled beets
included!) and process until smooth. Add more salt and pepper to taste. ⅔ cup pumpkin seeds
2 garlic cloves
Brown Rice Crumbs (to be used instead of breadcrumbs) 3 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp lemon juice
Ingredients: Salt, pepper

brown rice Directions:

1. Combine beetroots, pumpkin seeds and garlic in a food processor and blend until
Directions: smooth.
1. Cook rice according to package instructions (normally 1 cup rice to 1 cup liquid. I 2. Add olive oil, lemon juice and blend. Add salt and pepper to taste.
like to use bone broth). 3. Serve with pasta, chicken or eat it by the spoonful!
2. Spread cooked rice onto a cookie sheet.
3. Bake at 250 for about 20 minutes until rice is dry. Mayo
4. Allow to cool.
5. Place rice in blender, food processor, or coffee grinder, and blend until you have70 1-1/4 cup of light olive oil, divided 71
The Yes,crumbs.
You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook 1The
eggYes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
6. E.
Aimee Store in a M.S.,
Raupp mason jar in your pantry.
L.Ac. 1/2 teaspoon
Aimee mustard
E. Raupp M.S.,powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
Pesto 1/2 to 1 lemon, juiced

Ingredients: Directions:
2 cups fresh basil 1. Place the egg, 1/4 cup of olive oil, mustard powder, and salt in a mixing bowl,
1/2 cup shelled pecans or walnuts or pine nuts
76 blender, or food processor. Mix thoroughly.
1-2 cloves fresh garlic 2. While the food processor or blender is running (or while mixing in a bowl with an
1-1/4 cup of light olive oil, divided
1 egg
1/2 teaspoon mustard powder FOR IMPROVING YOUR FERTILITY
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/2 to 1 lemon, juiced

1. Place the egg, 1/4 cup of olive oil, mustard powder, and salt in a mixing bowl,
blender, or food processor. Mix thoroughly.
2. While the food processor or blender is running (or while mixing in a bowl with an
immersion blender), ​slowly drizzle in the remaining cup of olive oil.
3. After you’ve added all the oil and the mixture has emulsified, add lemon juice to
taste, stirring gently with a spoon to incorporate.
4. Enjoy and refrigerate the rest!

Hollandaise Sauce

½ cup melted ghee
2 egg yolks
1 Tablespoon lemon juice
Pinch of salt
Pinch of cayenne pepper

1. Gently melt the ghee on the stove top. It shouldn’t be boiling hot.
2. Place the egg yolks, lemon juice, salt and cayenne pepper in the blender.
3. Start the blender on low and run for about 30 seconds then SLOWLY drizzle the
melted ghee into the blender through the hole in the the lid. You must go slow or
the emulsion will separate and get soupy.
4. Once all the ghee is added and the Hollandaise has thickened, you’re done. Scrape
it out and use on eggs, roasted veggies, a juicy steak, whatever your heart desires.

I love and appreciate myself and my commitment to nourish my fertile body.
Mealtime Mantraa:

I love & appreciate myself & my commitment to nourishing my fertile body.


The Yes, You Can Get Pregnant Cookbook
Aimee E. Raupp M.S., L.Ac.


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