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Firstly, I will have to know the definition of a better job. If it is for growth and better
prospects then yes, I will opt for that. I suppose every one will do that, may be admitting or not


Efficiency relates to jobs done properly, whereas effectiveness means doing the right


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In the written examinations, all the question papers have alternate questions also.
We reply to the questions known to us. We perform better there.

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I have given an opportunity to you to judge my ability and suitability for this job.
Where as I learnt more. After this interview I am more experienced. I am happy that I am going
to work in a good company. Now I have more regards for you and your company


I think it is a mutual kind of arrangement. When I need it and the service also
require me only then I can be recruited

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Interview is an examination like other exams. A person is required to come

prepared. My trainer is my guide, mentor, a friend. I do follow his instructions but I have not
crammed his notes and it is evident from my language. I use his ideas in my own language and
expressions and that is my originality.

If you are not selected, will you feel down hearted ?

I don¶t see any reason of my rejection. You need a good candidate and I need a good
company, so there is a win-win situation already. There is no question of my rejection. So never

If selected, will you feel that  ( has been fulfilled ?

Yes, my immediate aim is this, so I will feel that (( have been fulfilled.
My feelings will be good. But utimately, ((   is to rise and touch the top of the
heights of the success

First and immediate reaction will be that I could not convey my point and second
that you are going to miss a quality candidate

   ( (  

I admire Amitabh Bachhan most because he is down to earth, hard worker and true
to his words


Question is not of believing in unionism, point is why this union is? If it talks of
some vested interests only then sorry for them. Of course if it takes care of the employees
without giving any harm to employer then I do feel this good.


Sir, why so sir, I know my abilities and strengths. That is why I applied for this
position. I could have applied for lower position if there is any iota of doubt in my self. So I am
not interested to be appointed for a bit lower position

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My attitude is already developed. Where ever I worked, I believed that company is
mine, may be M.D. is someone else, Chairman is someone else and interviewer is you

In what ways, you feel will be more  (  in this company?

Because of my strengths viz. committed, loyal, respectable, respectful, adaptable etc.

I feel I can be more effective employee of your company.

 (  *(   ( ( 

In my opinion every one is efficient in their world may it be male or female, but sir
very few people are effective. To be effective is more important than to be efficient

What is (.  ?

As far as my immediate (   , that is to become «. in your company, but
ultimately I want to reach at the top position of your company through my hard work, dedication,
commitment and loyalty. That is ((  .

      /( ( '  ( 

Self improvement is a continuous process for me. I follow ³KAIZEN´ theory means
regular improvements may be small. I read books, watch T.V. shows and learn more to improve
me. I know even the best can be improved


I like each one, but I dislike certain bad qualities say, unethical, not true to their
words, unhygienic and filthy language


I am fond of music and songs, which freshen my body, mind and soul when I feel

-     at your back?

Well sir, I have come straight to face the interview, I have not seen the colour of the
walls at my back, yet from other three walls, I could guess that it should be«« because
normally all the walls have same colour

 (     (   (  ( (

Well sir, I anticipated this question, still I did not count the stairs. Normally my
habit is such that I focus on priorities. Today¶s priority was to answer other important questions
relevant to the job. So I intentionally not diverted my mind to such things

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Work is never a burden for me. I love working, I mean, hard working. I want to
excel in this field, so if I am given some extra work, I will feel honoured that my superiors have
a faith in me. Let this situation come so that I may show my dedication and sincerity

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Normally I don¶t expect this thing in your company because I can understand the
quality management and professional administration is ther in your company. Still if I face this
then I know how to win their hearts. After all they are also human beings. They can understand
the emotions and feelings, the only thing is to give them the warmth of relations of a colleague
and I am sure I can do this.

But you can   elsewhere?

I know, if money is the only criteria then no doubt it is   else where.
But my passion for this kind of work can be here in your esteemed company. !  
 is known to every one. How to work better is required.

1     ( (2      

Of course for both. I know money is important, I have desires, wants, ambitions and
only money can do that. So it a necessity. But money can be earned elsewhere also. This job
fascinates me. So why not to fulfill both the requirements.

!               3   


I will try to convince him to agree to my point of argument and even if he does not
agree with me and I feel that I am still correct on my stand point, I will come back to him after
some time with better arguments when I feel that he is in better mood. He will have to get
convinced or convince me

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