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The art of medicine

Adolescence and mental health
Adolescence is a time of change: changes to hormones have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show
and the body, changes in the social environment, and disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise.”
changes to the brain and the mind. Although most young 100 years or so later, Aristotle described “youth” as “lacking
people develop into healthy adults, adolescence confers in sexual self-restraint, fickle in their desires, passionate and
vulnerability to mental health problems. Many mental impulsive…Youth is the age when people are most devoted
illnesses, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, to their friends”, highlighting the notion that adolescence is
substance use disorders, and psychosis, first appear before a period of fluctuating and intense emotions, in addition to
the age of 24 years. What is it about adolescence that the changing social landscape of this time of life. Adolescents
increases vulnerability to mental health problems? This have for millennia been portrayed in many of the—largely
is a crucial question because some mental illnesses that negative—ways they are today.
start in adolescence persist throughout adult life, creating Puberty is characterised by rapid increases in oestrogen in
long-term morbidity and a substantial burden on society. girls and testosterone in boys, and this is when sex differences
Depression alone is estimated to become the world’s in mental health problems start to emerge. For example,
leading cause of disability-adjusted life-years by 2030. before puberty depression occurs at around the same fairly
Adolescence is defined as the time between puberty low rate in girls and boys, whereas after puberty there is a
and adult independence, which depends on individual sharp increase in the incidence of depression, with adolescent
development and cultural norms. Given the large cultural girls around twice as likely to experience it as boys. Starting
differences in social expectations of this age group, some puberty earlier than one’s peers is a risk factor for depressive
have argued that the concept of adolescence is a 20th- symptoms and anxiety, especially in girls. Adolescent boys,
century, western invention. However, I would argue that by contrast, are more likely than girls to develop substance
adolescence is a distinct period of biological, psychological, use disorders and to die by suicide.
and social development for three main reasons. First, At the same time as the body is changing, so is the brain.
adolescent-typical behaviours, such as heightened risk- In the past two decades, large-scale longitudinal studies
taking and sensation seeking, can be seen across different using MRI have revealed that the human brain undergoes
human cultures. Second, there is evidence of adolescent- substantial and protracted development throughout
typical behaviour across species. All mammals undergo adolescence and into adulthood. Different types of tissue in
a stage of development between puberty and becoming different brain regions show varying patterns of maturational
sexually mature adults, and during that stage there is development. White matter volume increases across the
evidence of increased risk-taking, exploration of the brain during adolescence and into adulthood. Conversely, the
environment, and changes in social behaviour. Third, volume of cortical grey matter is highest in late childhood
adolescent-typical behaviours are documented across and decreases substantially—by over 1% each year according
history. More than 2000 years ago, Socrates wrote: “They to recent studies—during adolescence, before stabilising in
the mid-twenties. Sensory and motor cortices involved in
Brainstorm, by Ned Glasier, Emily Lim and Company Three is available as a blueprint for schools to

perception and movement mature earlier than other regions,

create and perform their own versions: Photo: Alex Brenner

such as the prefrontal, parietal, and temporal cortices, which

are involved in higher level cognitive processes and continue
to develop into the twenties or thirties.
Some neurodevelopmental processes are thought to
be associated with the changes in grey and white matter.
These include axonal myelination and increases in axon
diameter; these changes to the structural properties of brain
cells increase the transmission speed of neuronal signals
between different brain regions. Another process involves
reorganisation of synapses. During early development, a
vastly excess number of synapses is produced, most of which
seem to be unspecified for function. Which synapses remain
and which are eliminated partly depends on environmental
experience, in that synapses that are not used are eliminated
in a process called synaptic pruning. Histological studies
of post-mortem brain tissue of different ages have shown

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

that the number of synapses in the human prefrontal the opinions of other teenagers than adults. Kate Mills, a Further reading
cortex is highest in late childhood and then decreases in the developmental neuroscientist at the University of Oregon Allen NB, Badcock PB. The social
second and third decades until the number stabilises. These in the USA, and I have proposed that peer influence is risk hypothesis of depressed
mood: evolutionary, psychosocial,
neurodevelopmental processes constitute mechanisms of heightened because, compared with other age groups, and neurobiological perspectives.
neuroplasticity, by which brain development is influenced adolescents are more negatively affected by being excluded Psychol Bull 2003; 129: 887–913
by environmental experience. These processes could render by their peer group. This hypersensitivity to social exclusion Arseneault L. The persistent and
the developing adolescent brain particularly vulnerable to might lead adolescents to make decisions to avoid the risk of pervasive impact of being bullied
in childhood and adolescence:
stressful or negative environmental experiences. social rejection, even if it means taking health and legal risks. implications for policy and
Adverse childhood experiences such as abuse, neglect, or It has been proposed that this hypersensitivity to the threat practice. J Child Psychol Psychiatry
being the victim of bullying at school are associated with of social rejection might be a risk factor for some mental 2018; 59: 405–21
later mental health problems. Other environmental factors illnesses such as depression. Blakemore S-J. Avoiding social risk
in adolescence.
that have been found to increase the risk of mental illness, At the same time that the brain, the body, and the social Curr Dir Psychological Sci 2018;
particularly psychosis, include consumption of cannabis environment are undergoing substantial change, so is the 27: 116–22
during the teenage years, being an immigrant in a culture mind. During childhood and adolescence, cognitive abilities Blakemore S-J, Mills KL.
with different sociocultural values, and growing up in are changing. Mentalising—the ability to understand Is adolescence a sensitive period
for sociocultural processing?
urban, as opposed to rural, environments. What makes other people’s minds and the ability to take another
Ann Rev Psychol 2014;
some people vulnerable to these risks and others resilient person’s perspective—is still developing. Cognitive skills 65: 187–207
is not well understood. One of the largest risk factors for such as planning, inhibiting inappropriate behaviour, and Burnett Heyes S, Rong-Jih Y,
adolescent mental health problems is parental mental certain forms of memory also continue to improve during Block P, Hiu CF, Holmes EA,
illness. However, while genetic factors are a key mechanism adolescence. The ability to consider the future and to delay Lau JYF. Relationship reciprocation
modulates resource allocation in
of risk transmission for mental health problems, the social gratification, as well as one’s awareness of the self, become adolescent social networks:
environment also has an important role and, furthermore, increasingly complex. These cognitive advances provide developmental effects. Child Dev
nature and nurture do not work in isolation. For example, adolescents with the cognitive machinery to reflect on 2015; 86: 1489–506

a negative family environment might amplify genetic risk themselves, what others think about them, and their futures. Foulkes L, Blakemore S-J. Studying
individual differences in human
factors for mental illness, and genetic factors can influence This is a necessary part of becoming an independent adult, adolescent brain development.
both the social experiences we seek out during adolescence, but it also places new pressures on the developing person. Nat Neurosci 2018; 21: 315–23
as well as how those around us treat us. Adolescence is a unique stage of development when Fuhrmann D, Knoll LJ,
Adolescence is characterised by large changes in the our bodies, hormones, and social environment are Blakemore SJ. Adolescence as a
sensitive period of brain
social environment that are usually adaptive and positive, rapidly changing, our brains are developing, and our development. Trends Cogn Sci
but which can be aversive or stressful. Effects of the cognitive capacities become more sophisticated. In some 2015; 19: 558–66
physical maturational changes of puberty can alter the way people, these changes can render adolescence a period of Sawyer SM, Azzopardi PS,
young people see themselves, as well as the way society vulnerability to mental ill health. Much of our knowledge Wickremarathne D, Patton GC.
The age of adolescence.
perceives and treats them. A young person who has gone about adolescent development comes from research Lancet Child Adolesc Health 2018;
through puberty looks more adult and is often treated as involving young people in high-income countries. Far less is 2: 223–28
such by the people around them—for example, by being known about this period of development in young people Kessler RC, Berglund P, Demler O,
given more autonomy, responsibility, and culpability. who grow up in low-income and middle-income countries, Jin R, Merikangas KR, Walters EE.
This can act as a new pressure, especially in those who are Lifetime prevalence and
often in extremely challenging circumstances. Adolescent
age-of-onset distributions of
fairly young when they go through puberty. At around the risk taking and mental health problems are global issues DSM-IV disorders in the National
time of puberty, children in many countries move from and it is vital to understand more about adolescent Comorbidity Survey Replication.
being among the oldest year group in primary schools development across cultures. Our understanding of the Arch Gen Psychiatry 2005;
62: 593–602
to being the youngest in larger secondary schools. These psychological, social, and biological changes in adolescence
Tamnes CK, Herting MM,
schools have more people, with large and unstable social needs to be further expanded so that it can be converted Goddings AL, et al. Development
hierarchies. The psychologist Stephanie Burnett Heyes at into interventions and treatments that aim to support the of the cerebral cortex across
the UK’s University of Birmingham has shown that social mental health of young people across the world, and to adolescence: a multisample study
of inter-related longitudinal
networks tend to be chaotic in early adolescence and prevent mental illness before it starts. changes in cortical volume,
become more stable and reciprocal later in the teenage surface area, and thickness.
years. During adolescence, time spent with friends usually Sarah-Jayne Blakemore J Neurosci 2017; 37: 3402–12

increases, compared with in childhood, and adolescents’ UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, London WC1N 3AR, UK Vos T, Allen C, Arora M, et al.
Global, regional, and national
evaluation of their social and personal worth is more
incidence, prevalence, and years
dependent on the views of their peers. @sjblakemore lived with disability for
Adolescents are more likely to take risks and experiment I receive funding from Wellcome, Jacobs Foundation, UK Research and 310 diseases and injuries,
1990–2015: a systematic analysis
when they are with peers than when they are alone. Research Innovation Global Challenges Research Fund, and the Medical Research
Council. I am grateful to L Arseneault, M Bloomfield, N Boyce, T Dalgleish, for the Global Burden of Disease
from my group has shown that, when it comes to evaluating E Kilford, G Lewis, J Roiser, and K Sleeman for their comments on earlier Study 2015. Lancet 2016;
risks, young adolescents are more likely to be influenced by versions of this essay. 388: 1545–602 Vol 393 May 18, 2019 2031

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For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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