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Original Article

Evolutionary Psychology
July-September 2019: 1–8
Emotional Tears: An Honest Signal ª The Author(s) 2019
Article reuse guidelines:
of Trustworthiness Increasing DOI: 10.1177/1474704919872421
Prosocial Behavior?

Lawrence Ian Reed1,2 , Yanal Matari1, Molly Wu1, and Revathi Janaswamy1

How do our emotional tears affect the way we are treated? We tested whether tears, paired with either a neutral or a sad facial
expression, elicited prosocial behavior among perceivers. Participants viewed a video clip depicting a confederate partner with or
without tears displaying either a neutral or sad facial expression before making a behavioral decision in one of two economic
games. In a Trust game (Experiment 1), participants who played the role of the investor were more likely to share an endowment
after viewing a confederate trustee with tears (paired with either a neutral or a sad facial expression) in comparison to a con-
federate trustee without tears. However, in a Dictator game (Experiment 2), participants who played the role of allocator were
no more likely to share an endowment after viewing a confederate recipient with tears (paired with either a neutral or sad facial
expression) in comparison to a confederate recipient without tears. Taken together, these findings suggest that tears increase
prosocial behavior by increasing trustworthiness as opposed to generally increasing other-regarding altruistic tendencies.

tears, facial expression, trust, game theory, prosocial

Date received: March 21, 2019; Accepted: August 05, 2019

What do tears communicate? Intuitively, tears seem to accent provided no benefit to the receiver would become ignored.
experiences and expressions of emotion. For example, tears can And, as a result, any signal that is ignored by receivers would
make an expression of distress appear more acute and an no longer benefit the signaler and would become cost prohibi-
expression of happiness appear more deeply moving. This tive (Dezecache, Mercier, & Scott-Phillips, 2013; McCullough
intuitive notion has empirical support. Previous studies suggest & Reed, 2015). As such, an important conceptual problem in
that people judge faces with tears as more emotional than those any signaling system is explaining how it remains reliable (i.e.,
without (Reed, Deutchman, & Schmidt, 2015). This brings honest and mutually beneficial) over evolutionary time
forth two important questions. First, why do tears have this (McCullough & Reed, 2015).
effect? That is, what property or properties of tearing accent- An important insight toward this conceptual problem was
uate emotions? Second, what is the function of communicating proposed by Hasson (2009) who noted that a specific property
an accented emotion to others? of tearing is the diffusion of light and blurring of vision. This
It has been proposed that emotional tears act as a signal decrease in visual acuity costs the signaler by decreasing their
(Fridlund, 1994; Gracanin, Bylsma, & Vingerhoets, 2018; Has-
son, 2009; Nelson, 2005; Vingerhoets & Bylsma, 2016). A
signal is any act or structure that influences the behavior of 1
Department of Psychology, New York University, NY, USA
other organisms that also (a) evolved for its effect on other 2
Department of Psychiatry, McLean Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston,
organisms and (b) is effective because of the other organisms’ MA, USA
evolved response to the signal (Maynard Smith & Harper,
Corresponding Author:
2003; Scott-Phillips, Blyth, Gardner, & West, 2012). Explicit Lawrence Ian Reed, Department of Psychology, New York University,
in the definition of a signal is that it is beneficial to both NY 10012, USA.
the signaler and receiver (Fridlund, 1994). Any signal that Email:

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2 Evolutionary Psychology

ability to attack and defend themselves from others. This prop- tears. It was hypothesized that participants viewing the expres-
erty may render tearing prohibitively costly in all situations that sions with tears (with both neutral and sad expressions) would
do not bring benefits great enough to overcome these costs. perceive signalers to be more trustworthy and thus be more
This suggests that tearing may serve as a handicap (Bradbury likely to share funds in comparison to those viewing the expres-
& Vehrencamp, 1998; Hasson, 1997; Maynard Smith & Har- sions without tears. We also explored whether participants
per, 2003; Zahavi, 1975; Zahavi & Zahavi, 1997) and specifies viewing the sad expressions (both with and without tears)
a property of tearing that might accentuate emotional experi- would be more likely to share funds in comparison to those
ences and expressions. viewing the neutral expressions. Finally, based on previous
Previous literature suggests that the act of tearing honestly research demonstrating that expressions with tears are judged
signals appeasement, nonaggressive and nonthreatening inten- as more emotional than expressions without tears, we explored
tions, submission (Gracanin, Bylsma, et al., 2018; Hasson, whether tears interact with sad expressions to elicit more fre-
2009), neediness (Fridlund, 1992; Nelson, 2005), and power- quent prosocial behavior than either factor alone.
lessness (Vingerhoets & Cornelius, 2001; Vingerhoets, Bael-
houwer, Van Tilburg, & Van Heck, 2001). In specific
situations, these may serve as benefits that overcome the inher- Experiment 1
ent costs typically present in tearing. Furthermore, its proposed
function is to facilitate empathic cooperative and comforting Method
behaviors from others (Gracanin, Bylsma, et al., 2018; Hen-
driks, Croon, & Vingerhoets, 2008; Vingerhoets & Bylsma, Participants
2016) in times of decreased fitness, loss, helplessness, and need One hundred and fifty-nine participants (89 males, 70 females)
(Gracanin, Bylsma, et al., 2018; Nesse, 1990; Vingerhoets, van were recruited using Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (MTurk), a
Geleuken, van Tilburg, & van Heck, 1997). crowdsourcing web service that coordinates the supply and
This conceptualization is consistent with results from sev- demand of human interaction tasks. MTurk has been used in
eral judgment studies comparing perceptions of static images previous research in psychology and provides a supportive
with and without tears. These studies found that images without infrastructure for participant recruitment, screening, payment,
tears are judged to be less sad (Provine & Brocato, 2009; Reed and cultural diversity (Buhrmeister, Kwang, & Gosling, 2011;
et al., 2015; Zeifman & Brown, 2011), less helpless (Vinger- Horton, Rand, & Zeckhauser, 2011). Participants’ mean age
hoets, van de Ven, & van der Velden, 2016), less in need of was 33.21 (SD ¼ 8.82), and their racial distribution was as
emotional support (Balsters, Krahmer, Swerts, & Vingerhoets, follows: 81.1% Caucasian, 11.3% African American, 3.1%
2013), more aggressive (Hendriks & Vingerhoets, 2006), and Asian American, and 4.4% Other. In a between-subjects
more competent (van de Ven, Meijs, & Vingerhoets, 2017) design, participants were randomly assigned to view one of
than those with tears. It is also consistent with a study using four expressions: neutral without tears (n ¼ 37), neutral with
vignettes of individuals who did and did not cry in which tears (n ¼ 38), sad without tears (n ¼ 42), or sad with tears (n ¼
participants reported they’d be more likely to give emotional 42).
support and express less negative affect toward those who cried
in comparison to those who did not cry (Hendriks, Croon, &
Vingerhoets, 2008). Finally, it is consistent with a behavioral
Trust Game
study demonstrating that pictures of faces with tears facilitates Participants played the role of the investor in a variant of the
behavior that reduces the distance between the receiver and Trust game (Berg et al., 1995; Camerer & Weigelt, 1988). The
signaler (Gracanin, Krahmer, Rinck, & Vingerhoets, 2018). Trust game involves two players: the investor and the trustee.
Taken together, these studies support Hasson’s (2009) The investor begins with a sum of money (say 10 cents) which
insight that tearing may serve as a handicap. They also suggest can either be kept or invested in the trustee. If the investor
that the function of tearing is to influence receiver judgments in keeps the money, the game ends with the investor earning 10
ways that affect the expression of emotion and facilitate pro- cents and the trustee earning nothing. The game continues if the
social behaviors (i.e., those behaviors intended to benefit oth- investor invests in the trustee. In this case, the money invested
ers). However, it remains to be seen whether the results from is tripled and the trustee then chooses to either retain or split the
these judgment studies generalize to studies measuring proso- money with the investor. If the trustee retains the money, they
cial behavior. Here, we examine the function of tears in the earn 30 cents and the investor earns nothing. If the trustee splits
Trust game (Berg, Dickhaut, & McCabe, 1995). The Trust the money, both players earn 15 cents.
game models a situation in which an honest signal of appease- Here, trust is defined as a wager that the trustee will behave
ment might benefit both the signaler and receiver by increasing reciprocally and split the tripled sum. Trustworthiness is
prosocial behavior of the receiver. defined as a split of the tripled sum. Trust is risky because a
Participants played the role of the investor instructed to trustee motivated solely by rational self-interest would be
either keep or share funds with a trustee portrayed by a con- expected to keep the entire investment for themselves. As such,
federate posing one of four expressions: neutral without tears, an investor anticipating a self-interested trustee might be less
neutral with tears, sadness without tears, and sadness with likely to invest.
Reed et al. 3

The game was described to participants using a fictional Video clips were created using methods similar to Reed,
backstory to provide a specific context for the interaction. Par- Deutchman, and Schmidt (2015) and Reed, Stratton, and Ram-
ticipants read that they would play the role of a merchant beas (2018). Briefly, we used an audible (but unrecorded)
(investor) who trades with farmers (trustees): metronome to create clips lasting 6 s in duration. In the neutral
clip, the actress displayed a neutral expression throughout. In
You are a merchant who trades with farmers. In your business, the sad clip, the actress began with a neutral expression. At
you can choose to give a bag of seeds to a farmer that is worth exactly the 1-s mark, the actress simultaneously displayed AUs
10 cents. With these seeds, the farmer can grow a yield of crops characteristic of sadness (AU1, inner eyebrow raiser; AU4,
that is worth 30 cents. If the farmers cannot grow crops, they brow furrower; and AU15, lip corner lowerer), which were held
will starve. After growing the crops, the farmer can choose to until the end of the clip. The intensity of these AUs did not
keep them all or share half of them with you. differ between the sad clips recorded with and without tears
(see below).
Next, the participant read the specific rules for their interaction As mentioned above, previous studies have created stimuli
with the farmer (trustee): by adding or removing tears from static images. Here, we used
1. You decide whether or not to give a bag of seeds to the video clips rather than static images because they provide more
farmer for 10 cents. information to perceivers (Ambadar, Schooler, & Cohn, 2005)
2. The farmer uses the seeds to grow crops worth 30 cents. and, we believed, would seem more authentic to participants.
3. The farmer decides whether or not to share the crops Rather than risk the introduction of visual noise by digitally
with you. There is about a 25% chance the farmer will adding tears to the recorded video, we chose to record two
share with you and a 75% chance the farmer will not neutral clips and two sad clips. In the No Tear (NT) conditions,
share with you. the actress recorded the neutral and sad clips as instructed. In
the Tear (T) conditions, the actress irrigated her left and right
Participants then read the earnings from the game based on eyes with eye drops to simulate visible tearing before recording
their and their partner’s decisions: as instructed. The use of eye drops to simulate visible tears has
been used in previous research (Hendriks & Vingerhoets, 2006;
If you decide not to give seeds to the farmer, you will earn Reed et al., 2015) and without adversely affecting the authen-
10 cents and the farmer will earn 0 cents. ticity of the video clip (Reed et al., 2015).
If you decide to give seeds to the farmer, you will earn Each clip was recorded at 30 frames per second in full color
15 cents if the farmer decides to share with you and at a resolution of 1,920  1,080 pixels. As such, these clips
0 cents if the farmer decides not to share with you. were similar in length to the average 4–6 s reported for spon-
taneous expressions (Frank, Ekman, & Friesen, 1993; Schmidt,
Participants were then told that they would see a brief video Ambadar, Cohn, & Reed, 2006). Each clip was paired with a
clip and written message (see below) that is typical of a farmer written statement, “If you give me seeds, I will be able to grow
in this situation before deciding whether to give seeds. Finally, crops” placed directly below the video. After viewing the clip
participants were required to correctly answer three compre- and paired statement, participants were asked, “Will you give
hension questions before continuing the experiment (e.g., “If your bag of seeds?” and given the option to either “give” or “do
you decide to give the bag of seeds to the farmer and the farmer not give.” After this behavioral decision, participants were
decides to share half their crops with you, how much will you asked to rate how happy, sad, angry, fearful, disgusted, and
earn in the game?” Each question had three possible responses trustworthy the farmer felt on 7-point Likert-type scales rang-
(e.g., “10 cents,” “15 cents,” and “25 cents”). ing from 1 ¼ not at all to 7 ¼ extremely. Finally, participants
reported their demographic information.
Facial Expression Stimuli
Facial expression stimuli were brief video clips of an actress
instructed to display facial actions described in the Facial
Results and Discussion
Action Coding System (FACS; Cohn & Ekman, 2005). The As a manipulation check, we first examined participants’ sad-
FACS is a comprehensive and anatomically based system for ness ratings for the neutral and sad expressions in the T and NT
describing and measuring facial movements. The FACS allows conditions. A 2  2 analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed
for the creation and coding of facial muscle configurations as significant main effects for tearing, F(1, 159) ¼ 12.45, p ¼
combinations of individual action units (AUs; Ekman & Frie- .001, and expression F(1, 159) ¼ 25.52, p < .001. Importantly,
sen, 1978; Ekman, Friesen, & Hager, 2002), providing an there was also a significant interaction between tearing and
objective and reliable measure of facial behavior. Individual expression, F(1, 159) ¼ 12.15, p ¼ .001. Independent samples
AUs were coded independently by two certified FACS and t tests revealed that the neutral expression was rated as signif-
quantified using K, which corrects for chance agreement. icantly less sad in the NT condition (M ¼ 3.47, SD ¼ 1.71) in
Agreement between the two coders was almost perfect comparison to the T condition (M ¼ 5.29, SD ¼ 1.53), t(73) ¼
(K ¼ .97; Landis & Koch, 1977). 4.86, p < .001. In contrast, the sad expression was not rated
4 Evolutionary Psychology

Table 1. Participants’ Emotion Ratings of Campaign Managers, 84%) in comparison to those who viewed the nontearing video
Experiment 1. (22/37 or 59%), w2(1) ¼ 5.68, p ¼ .016. However, among the sad
clips, there was no difference in sharing between the proportion
of participants who viewed the tearing video (33/42 or 79%) and
Neutral Sad the nontearing video (36/42 or 86%), w2(1) ¼ 0.73, p ¼ .285.
Following these primary analyses, we conducted two addi-
Rating No Tears Tears No Tears Tears
tional binary logistic regression analyses using sadness and
Sad 3.47 (1.71)a 5.29 (1.53)b 5.76 (1.66)b 5.77 (1.62)b trustworthiness ratings to predict sharing. The analyses
Trustworthy 3.49 (1.87)a 4.43 (1.50)b 4.28 (1.56)b 4.23 (1.36)b revealed that sadness ratings were not a significant predictor
of sharing, w2 ¼ 1.01, p ¼ .316, b ¼ 1.00, p ¼ .313, OR ¼
Note. Means with nonoverlapping subscripts differ significantly at p < .05 by
Bonferroni correction. 0.905. Trustworthiness ratings, however, significantly pre-
dicted sharing, w2 ¼ 65.96, p < .001, b ¼ 1.288, p < .001,
OR ¼ 0.276.
Having found an effect of tears on sharing among the neutral
expressions, we examined whether this effect was mediated by
ratings of trustworthiness. We did this analysis using the probit
link for the binary choice outcome in Mplus 8.3 (Muthen,
Muthen, & Asparouhov, 2017) and tested the indirect effect
using percentile bootstrap confidence intervals based on
1,000 bootstrap samples. We designate the total, indirect, and
direct effects using Baron and Kenny (1986) notation of c, a 
b, and c’, respectively. The total effect of tears on sharing was c
¼ .763 (95% CI [0.192, 1.542]), and it was decomposed into an
indirect effect of a*b ¼ .434 (95% CI [0.064, 0.895]) and direct
effect c’ ¼ .329 (95% CI [0.142, 0.983]). The indirect effect
was statistically significant and accounted for 57% of the total
effect, indicating at least partial mediation of the tear effect
Figure 1. Percent of participants who kept and shared funds by
expression in the Trust game, Experiment 1.
through ratings of trustworthiness.
These results support the hypothesis that tears increase trust
and motivate prosocial behavior. In neutral expressions, parti-
differently in the NT (M ¼ 5.76, SD ¼ 1.66) and T (M ¼ 5.77,
cipants were more likely to share when viewing the clip with
SD ¼ 1.62) conditions, t(82) ¼ 0.03, p ¼ .974.
tears in comparison to the clip without tears. In contrast, parti-
We then examined participants’ trustworthiness ratings for
cipants who viewed the sad expressions (both with and without
the neutral and sad expressions in the T and NT conditions (see
tears) were no more likely to share than those who viewed the
Table 1). A 2  2 ANOVA revealed no significant main effect
neutral expressions.
for tearing, F(1, 159) ¼ 3.24, p ¼ .074, or expression, F(1, 159)
¼ 1.41, p ¼ .237. However, there was a significant interaction
between tearing and expression, F(1, 159) ¼ 3.965, p ¼ .048. Experiment 2
Independent samples t tests revealed that the neutral expression
was rated as significantly less trustworthy in the NT condition
(M ¼ 3.49, SD ¼ 1.87) in comparison to the T condition (M ¼ Method
4.43, SD ¼ 1.50), t(73) ¼ 2.43, p ¼ .018. In contrast, the sad The prosocial behavior seen among participants who viewed
expression was not rated differently in the NT condition (M ¼ the tearing clips in Experiment 1 could be the result of
4.28, SD ¼ 1.56) in comparison to the T condition (M ¼ 4.23, increased trust (i.e., certainty that the trustee will behave
SD ¼ 1.36), t(82) ¼ 0.149, p ¼ .882. reciprocally and split the tripled sum). However, these find-
Data pertaining to the primary analyses are shown in ings could also be the result of increased other-regarding
Figure 1. A binary logistic regression analysis was conducted altruistic preferences (Cox, 2004). That is, participants view-
to examine the main effects of tears, the main effect of expres- ing expressions with tears may have been more likely to share
sion, and their interaction on sharing. The fit of the model was not because they believed the trustee would act reciprocally,
significant, w2 ¼ 8.90, p ¼ .031. Specifically, there was a main but because they were willing to forfeit their share in order to
effect for tears, b ¼ 1.29, p ¼ .020, odds ratio (OR) ¼ 0.275, help the trustee.
no main effect for expression, b ¼ 0.916, p ¼ .069, OR ¼ Experiment 2 distinguishes between these two explanations
0.400, and tears did not interact with expression, b ¼ 0.799, by removing the trustee’s choice to split or keep the tripled
p ¼ .320, OR ¼ 2.222. Follow-up w2 analyses revealed that, sum. This manipulation makes trustworthiness (the likelihood
among the neutral clips, a significantly greater proportion of to split the tripled sum) irrelevant and changes the Trust game
participants who viewed the tearing video shared (32/38 or into a Dictator game (Eckel & Grossman, 1996). Here, we put
Reed et al. 5

Table 2. Participants’ Emotion Ratings of Campaign Managers,

Experiment 2.


Neutral Sad

Rating No Tears Tears No Tears Tears

Sad 4.00 (1.79)a 5.57 (1.54)b 5.96 (1.23)b 5.98 (1.41)b

Trustworthy 4.19 (1.46)a 4.33 (1.54)a 4.36 (1.49)a 4.23 (1.46)a

Note. Means with nonoverlapping subscripts differ significantly at p < .05 by

Bonferroni correction.

Figure 2. Percent of participants who kept and shared funds by

participants in the role of the allocator in a Dictator game and expression in the Dictator game, Experiment 2.
examined transfers to recipients portrayed using the same
expressions used in Experiment 1.

A second set of 159 participants (90 males, 69 females) were
also recruited using Amazon’s MTurk. Participants’ mean age
was 34.05 (SD ¼ 8.82), and their racial distribution was as
follows: 90.6% Caucasian, 5% African American, 1.3% Asian
American, and 3.2% Other. Participants were randomly
assigned to view one of four expressions: neutral without tears
(n ¼ 41), neutral with tears (n ¼ 40), sad without tears (n ¼ 39),
or sad with tears (n ¼ 39).

Dictator Game Figure 3. Percent of participants who kept and shared funds by tears
in the Trust (Experiment 1) and Dictator (Experiment 2) games.
Participants followed the same procedure as Experiment 1 with
one exception: Participants were told that the recipient would
keep the tripled sum without any option to split with the
p ¼ .862. There was also no significant interaction between
tearing and expression, F(1, 159) ¼ 0.316, p ¼ .575.
Data pertaining to the primary analyses are shown in Fig-
ure 2. A binary logistic regression analysis was conducted to
Results and Discussion examine the main effects of tears, the main effect of expression,
As in Experiment 1, we first examined participants’ sadness and their interaction on sharing. The fit of the model was not
ratings for the neutral and sad expressions in the T and NT significant, w2 ¼ 3.544, p ¼ .315.
conditions (see Table 2). A 2  2 ANOVA revealed signif- As in Experiment 1, we conducted two additional binary
icant main effects for tearing, F(1, 159) ¼ 11.04, p ¼ .001, logistic regression analyses using sadness and trustworthiness
and expression F(1, 159) ¼ 24.21, p < .001. Importantly, ratings to predict sharing. The analyses revealed that sadness
there was also a significant interaction between tearing and ratings were not a significant predictor of sharing, w2 ¼ 1.84,
expression, F(1, 159) ¼ 10.48, p ¼ .001. Independent sam- p ¼ .175, b ¼ 0.141, p ¼ .185, OR ¼ 1.152. Trustworthiness
ples t tests revealed that the neutral expression was rated as ratings, however, significantly predicted sharing, w2 ¼ 27.77,
significantly less sad in the NT condition (M ¼ 4.00, SD ¼ p < .001, b ¼ 0.673, p < .001, OR ¼ 0.510.
1.79) in comparison to the T condition (M ¼ 5.57, SD ¼ As noted above, we found a significant main effect of tears
1.54), t(79) ¼ 4.23, p < .001. In contrast, the sad expres- in the Trust game (Experiment 1). However, there was no
sion was not rated differently between the NT condition significant main effect of tears in the Dictator game (Experi-
(M ¼ 5.96, SD ¼ 1.23) and the T condition (M ¼ 5.98, ment 2). As such, we conducted a final binary logistic regres-
SD ¼ 1.41), t(76) ¼ 0.07, p ¼ .946. sion combining the data from both experiments to use tearing
We then examined participants’ trustworthiness ratings for (NT, T) and game (Trust, Dictator) to predict sharing. The fit of
the neutral and sad expressions in the T and NT conditions. A 2 the model was significant, w2 ¼ 8.739, p ¼ .033. See Figure 3,
 2 ANOVA revealed no significant main effect for tearing, specifically, there was no main effect for tears, b ¼ 1.35, p ¼
F(1, 159) ¼ 0.001, p ¼ .976, or expression, F(1, 159) ¼ 0.030, .693, OR ¼ 0.874, a main effect for game, b ¼ 1.022,
6 Evolutionary Psychology

p ¼ 0.009, OR ¼ 0.360, and, crucially, a tear by game inter- facial displays can increase prosocial behavior in receivers. For
action, b ¼ 1.040, p ¼ .047, OR ¼ 2.830. Follow-up w2 anal- example, smiles have been found to increase prosocial beha-
yses revealed that a significantly greater proportion of vior by communicating cooperative intent (Reed, Zeglen, &
participants who viewed the tearing videos (both sad and neutral) Schmidt, 2012), angry expressions have been found to increase
shared (68/80 or 85%) in comparison to those who viewed the prosocial behavior by communicating the increased credibility
nontearing videos (55/79 or 70%) in the Trust game (Experiment of threats (Reed, DeScioli, & Pinker, 2014), and sad expres-
1), w2(1) ¼ 4.53, p ¼ .033. However, there was no difference in sions have been found to increase prosocial behavior by com-
sharing between the proportion of participants who viewed the municating need (Reed & DeScioli, 2017). Future research
tearing videos (53/79 or 67%) and the nontearing videos (56/80 or might expand upon this by investigating the ways that other
70%) in the Dictator game (Experiment 2), w2(1) ¼ 0.05, p ¼ .823. facial and emotional expressions (e.g., laughter and disgust)
This suggests that tears affect sharing among neutral expressions might influence prosocial behavior among receivers.
and only in the context in which reciprocity is possible. The results of this study must be interpreted within the
context of several limitations. First, we examined the effect
of tears only when paired with neutral and sad expressions. It
General Discussion remains possible that tears may affect receivers in different
We examined the prosocial behaviors of participants playing ways when paired with other expressions (e.g., pain or happi-
one of two economic games after viewing a brief video clip ness) or with specific facial AUs (e.g., AU11; nasolabial furrow
portraying a “typical” partner posing one of four expressions: deepener). Second, our stimuli consisted of expressions dis-
neutral without tears, neutral with tears, sadness without tears, played by a single, female actress. Although this allowed for
and sadness with tears. In Experiment 1, participants played the us to successfully isolate the effects of sad expressions and
Trust game in which their partner could behave reciprocally in tears on trust, future research is needed to determine whether
response to their prosocial behavior. We found that participants these effects generalize across individuals who differ in age,
perceived neutral expressions with tears as more trustworthy in race, sex, and/or culture. Regarding culture, recent research
comparison to neutral expressions without tears. We also found suggests that the frequency of crying varies by culture, with
that participants were more likely to share their resources after crying strongly discouraged in some cultures (Wikan, 1988).
viewing either a neutral or sad expression with tears in com- Regarding sex, previous research suggests that reactions to
parison to a neutral or sad expression without tears. That is, the crying vary depending upon the sex of both the signaler and
presence of a partner’s tears increased participants’ prosocial the receiver (Cretster, Lombardo, Lombardo, & Mathis, 1982).
behavior. These findings are consistent with studies showing Considering our results, it may be hypothesized that these fac-
that tears influence perceiver’s judgments of the tearing indi- tors may also affect perceptions of trustworthiness and proso-
vidual and provide behavioral evidence supporting the hypoth- cial behavior. Third, participants were told they would be
esis that tears increase prosocial behavior. interacting with a random participant and viewed a video clip
We conducted a second experiment to determine whether said to be typical of this random participant. Future research
the prosocial effects seen in Experiment 1 were due to might benefit from examining the effects of tears in more
increased trust or other-regarding altruistic tendencies. In immediate, face-to-face interactions. Finally, although our data
Experiment 2, participants played the Dictator game, in which suggest that tears increase prosocial behavior via trustworthi-
their partner could not behave reciprocally in response to their ness it remains possible that other mechanisms may also be at
prosocial behavior. Here, we found that participants were no play (e.g., knowledge of personality traits or previous
more likely to share their resources after viewing a neutral or behaviors).
sad expression with tears in comparison to a neutral or sad The study of facial behavior has focused primarily on the
expression without tears. That is, tears had no effect on parti- innervation and timing of facial muscles. As others have sug-
cipants’ prosocial behavior. Together with Experiment 1, these gested, the investigation of the ways these characteristics inter-
findings suggest that tears can increase prosocial behavior, act with secondary acts (e.g., emotional tearing, blushing,
albeit only within a context in which the tearing individual can laughing) might be required for a broader understanding of the
reciprocate prosocial behavior. Taken together with partici- communicative functions of facial behavior (Provine, 2012).
pants’ ratings of perceived trustworthiness, this suggests that Such works might shed light on the ways that tears accent,
the increase in a receiver’s prosocial behavior occurs by temper, or otherwise nuance the communicative function of
increasing trustworthiness. In light of the previous literature, displays and expressions of emotion. They may also find that
both the increase in perceived trustworthiness and prosocial these secondary acts might act as signals that may also influ-
behavior result from the honest signal of appeasement, nonag- ence receiver’s behavior in isolation. Here, we have demon-
gressive, and nonthreatening intentions (Gracanin, Bylsma, strated that tears can communicate trustworthiness and increase
et al., 2018; Hasson, 2009). prosocial behavior as one such secondary act.
To our knowledge, this is only the second behavioral study
on the communicative functions of tears (Gracanin, Bylsma, Acknowledgments
et al., 2018) and the first investigating their effects on decision- The authors would like to thank Ashley Meyer for posing facial
making. The results accord with studies suggesting that other expressions and Dr. Patrick Shrout for statistical consultation. The
Reed et al. 7

authors would also like to thank two anonymous reviewers for their Ekman, P., Friesen, W. V., & Hager, J. C. (2002). The facial action
valuable feedback. coding system. Salt Lake City, UT: Research Nexus, Network
Research Information.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests Frank, M. G., Ekman, P., & Friesen, W. V. (1993). Behavioral markers
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to and recognizability of the smile of enjoyment. Journal of Person-
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article. ality and Social Psychology, 64, 83–93.
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