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PA MACMILLAN Katherine Stannett Hot Spot Activity Book 1 Contents Welcome module Lesson A What's your name? Lesson B How do you spell that? Lesson C Anything else? Learning diary Module 1 Lesson 1 Where are you from? Lesson 2 What's the matter? Lesson 3. All about Rick Lesson 4 Children from round the world Learning diary Module 2 Lesson5 My family Lesson 6 Mydeskis.a mess! Lesson 7 My dream town Lesson 8 The place where | live Learning diary Module 3 Lesson 9 A really busy day Lesson 10 My big school bag Lesson 11 My school lunch box Lesson 12 My schoo! Learning diary Fast finisher and Extra practice activities Welcome module Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 The Wild Life Story Word List - 10 2 4 16 ”7 18 20 2 24 2B 26 28 30 32 33 66 68 70 n Module 4 Lesson 13 The things ! ike Lesson 14 Fussy Freddy Lesson 15 free time - Lesson 16 Life in Britain Learning diary Module 5 Lesson 17 A day with the Gloom family Lesson 18 Are you a good friend? Lesson 19 Classroom rap Lesson 20 My journey to school Learning diary Module 6 Lesson 21 My pet Cando Lesson 22 My new pet Lesson 23 Can / hold the hamster, please? Lesson 24 Animals around the world Learning diary Module 7 Lesson 25 Fashion show Lesson 26 Diner's ready Lesson 27 Home time Lesson 28 Right clothes for the weather Learning diary Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Activites 34 36 38 4 58 62 64 65 66 74 76 78 80 Hot Spot Activity Book 1 Contents Welcome module Lesson A What's your name? Lesson B_ How do you spell that? Lesson C Anything else? Learning diary Module 1 Lesson 1 Where are you from? Lesson 2 What's the matter? Lesson 3. All about Rick Lesson 4 Children from round the world Learning diary Module 2 Lesson 5 My family Lesson 6 My desk is a mess! Lesson 7 My dream town Lesson 8 The place where I live Learning diary Module 3 Lesson 9 A really busy day Lesson 10 My big school bag Lesson 11. My schoo! lunch box Lesson 12 My school Learning diary Fast finisher and Extra practice activities Welcome module Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 The Wild Life . Story Word List 18 20 2 24 5 26 28 30 32 3 66 68 70 R Module 4 Lesson 13 The things | like Lesson 14 Fussy Freddy Lesson 15 Free time Lesson 16 Life in Britain Learning diary Module 5 Lesson 17. day with the Gloom family Lesson 18 Are you 2 good friend? Lesson 19 Classroom rap Lesson 20 My journey to school Learning diary Module 6 Lesson 21 My pet Cando Lesson 22 My new pet Lesson 23 Can hold the hamster, please? Lesson 24 Animals around the world Learning diary Module 7 Lesson 25 Fashion show Lesson 26 Dinner’s ready Lesson 27 Home time Lesson 28 Right clothes for the weather Learning diary Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 Activites 34 36 38 4 a2 44 46 48 49 50 52 54 56 57 58 60 62 64 65 ae ae GS Welcome module w= A What's your name? Ovocabulary Write the words and complete the crossword. Down Across Lz Le £ — 34 fre ie 5 2 77% 99 @evoauwne eordauc @ Vocabulary Complete the sentences. Use words from the box. What's * this 2 What's ® ? What's # ? Ws a? chair Isat sat © Vocabulary Put the letters in the correct order to make words. 3 yeboGdo Grammar and writing Put the sentences in the correct order to make a dialogue. it’s my pen. Goodbye, Ana What's this? It’s my bag, What's that? Goodbye, Jon. Hello, Jon. My name's Ana Jon: * Hello. My name's Jon. What's your name? Ana: ? Jon: * Ana: * Jon: + Ana: * Vocabulary Look at the pictures. Find the words in the wordsearch. h flejo k on a vipa 20 + res w Fa row iiondow OVocabulary Read the clues. Then draw a picture and write the word. One is a camera. Five isa desk. Three 's a pen. Sixis a chair T is a window. Four is a bag, 1 4 camera 2 5 3 6 f- Welcome module i B'Fiow do you spell that? @Reading Match the questions and answers. C-L-A-Y-T-O-N 1 What's your surname? ¢ a 2 How do you spell that? b Iimten. 3 What's your telephone number? € It’s Clayton 4 How old are you? d Owriting Look at the information. Write Fiddle’s answers. Teach Fiddle: Teacher: Fiddle: Teacher: Fiddle: Teacher: Fiddle: Teacher: Fiddle: O Alphabet Join and draw. phone num mere Wes 01444 821128 What's your first narne? Ws * Fiddle ‘And what's your surname? trs How do you spell that? 0-0. How cld a ts And what's your telephone number? its re you, Fiddle? Age: 3 + 0208 878 0701 \ OGrammar Write the short forms. 1 lamten I'm ten 2 Whatis that? 3° My name is Jenna, 4 \amaboy 5 itisa house y @ Vocabulary Match the keys to the doors. Complete the table 1b OGrammar Look at the information. Write the names. International Pen Pal Club | Name | Boy/Giri tela F 2 wy | 6 Dave x 8 Wax 4% 6 Gemma 4 1 Hi. 'm nineteen, My name's Ali. 2 Hello, I'm thirteen. 3. Im twelve. 4 rmeighteen, 5 I'm fourteen, @ Grammar Look at the information again. Write questions and answers about these people. Ali How old is Ali? He's nineteen. Suzi 1 2 3 Toby 7 4 Ruby 5 Max @O Vocabulary Match the words to the pictures. 1 apple 2. sandwich 3 ice cream 4 notebook a @Reading @) Circle the correct words. renany Cutan Hello. Hi. Yvan sandwich and two 2orange/ oranges, please. Jay: Here tyou are/are you Bob: Thank you, And twelve pen/pens, please ok Oh, and *a/an ice cream, please. Ok. Anything *else/please? No, "thank you/please Jay: Thank you. Goodbye, Bob: "Hi/Bye. Welcome module nything else? © Reading and vocabulary Read and colour. The pen is green, The desk is brown. The glue stick is purple The notebook is grey 1 2 J 4 FS Pa . . GO O Grammar Read and complete with is, ’s, are, or ‘re. 1 What colour is this? Iti blue. 2° What colour are these? They ‘re pink 3 Whatcolour those? They _ orange. 4 What colour that? it green, @Grammar Girdle the correct words. fee 1 AThaty These/Those is a house. Myf BA 2. This/That/These/Those are pens 3 This/That/These/Those are books a 4 This/That/These/Those are ch | Welcome module: Learning diary Name Date yy [study tips - English around you ‘There is English all around you. Look and listen for English werds in shopping. ‘Make a list of English words you know for each group. ‘magazines pop songs eaten food clothes labels Check you can do these things: 1 I know numbers from 1 to 20. OD) i Write the numbers. f fone two three _ four five six eight ten eleven thirteen seventeen - 2 I can say the alphabet. [} I Read and spell these names. ' 3. I can give information about myself. 4 I can ask about things. Q) | Complete this form about yourself. Look at the picture. Match the questions i __ and answers. STUDENT Pirst name = surname: | ies | 4 What'sthisp—. a They'te chocolate bars. | 2 What's that? b tt'sa chair Tele * | ane | 3. Whatare these? It’s. desk J) 4 What ate those? Theyre pens. Module 1 People and countries here are you from? @ Vocabulary Match the pieces and find the countries. ine faa i s OGrammar Circle the correct words. eid sp cpon _ Orld Friends club pet 80° € &} Hello, 'yourdfypname’s Fiddle efi What's 4your/my name? Iyp My name's Sticks, Where are/am you from? "m/My from Canada. Where are you from? \'m ftom South Africa, *How/What old are you? I'm three ‘year/years old, And how old are you? Youl'm five OGrammar OGrammar ‘Complete the form. Draw Write answers to these questions. a picture of yourself. 1 What's your name? QWorld friend My name's club card 2 2 How old are you? Name: Age: 3° Where are you from? Country: Module 1 hat’s the matter? @ Vocabulary Look at the pictures and write the words. Find the mystery word. Mystery word Grammar Choose words from the box to complete the dialogues. ge oa What's the _ matter, Fiddle? O Vocabulary Match the sentences in A to the sentences inB. A B 1 Imbungys, a Here you are. A cola 2 tim thirsty \ b Here you are A football s mam, | « me \ \ 4 tmhapoy. — \d-Here you are An ice cream OGrammar Complete the answers. Use words from the box. (ee ae ee ee] 1 Are you sad? No, m.not 2. Are you tired? Yes, we 3 Areyou worried? No, we 4 Ae you hot? Yes, 5 Ace you cold? No, 4 @ Vocabulary Unscramble the words. Tosyhitet thirty 2 dorwier 3 rboed 4 toh 5 tide © Grammar Circle the correct words. 1 Gifs tired 2 A: Are/Am you sad? B: Yes, !'m not/am 3. They is/are cold and hungry. 4 A: Are/Aren't they happy? B: Yes, they am/are. 5 He's/'m worried 6 A: Arells she bored? B: No, she is/isn’t 7 We am/are anary Q Grammar and vocabulary Write a question for each picture. a happy? ‘she happy? b thirsty? « sed? a angry? e cold? f hunery? © Grammar Match the answers to the questions in Activity 7. No, he isn't a No, they aren't Yes, shes Yes, he is No, she isn't Yes, they are aunuwne Module 1 Il about Rick @ Vocabulary Look at the picture clues and complete the crossword. Down Across SEPP FREE - ] @ Grammar Match the questions and answers. 1. How olds Fiddler — a They'e brown, 2 When's hisbirthiay? by He's from Canada 3) Where's he frorn? ~¢ He's three 4 What colour are his eyes? d_—His favourite film star is Keira Knightley. 5 Who's his favourite film sta? e His favourite food is hamburgers. 6 What'shis favourite food? it's in March. © Grammar Complete these sentences about Fiddle. Fiddle is * three His birthday is? He's from 3 His eyes are 4 __.. His favourite film starts * His favourite food is® Owriting a) Put the letters in the correct order to make months. crahM vmNbeore yliu yalunra rebcmeeD rebuyarr ‘lipA yMa stguAu beSprmete neu) b) Now write sentences about these celebrities: Jenifer Lopez 24/07/70 1 Her birthday is in July Paris Hilton 1707812 David Beckham 02/05/75. 5 Orlando Bloom = 1377 3 Avril Lavigne 2794S @Grammar Put the words in the coreeet circle. east wHo? WHAT? WHEN? ice cream Lisbon in October my sister i fifteen Christina Aguilera tennis in August HOW OLD? ~=wHeRE? eleven Poland © Grammar Complete the questions and answers. Use words from the box. is pizza how from who What ‘m where } Interviewer: Hello Anna Anni Hello : Interviewer; * How. old are you? ' Anni 2 twelve interviewer; And? are you from? t Anna: tm4 Canada. Interviewer *_ 's your favourite film star? ‘Anna: My favourite film star ® Johnny Depp. ¢ Interviewer: ” 's your favourite food? Anni My favourite food is * Interviewer: Thank you, Anna @ Grammar Look at the information about Ben. Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Ben Harman 1 Country: South Africa B Age: " 3 Favourite food: ice cream 4 Favourite film star: Angelina Jolie |B Favourite sport: | swimming 1) from you are Where 7 Where are you from? 2 you are old How ? 3° your ts favourite What food ? 4 star film is your Who favourite 7 5. favourite is sport What your 7 @) @Reading OReading Owriting Look at the information about Sylvia. Write about her. Name: Sylvia Favourite thing: red bike Age: 10 Favourite sport: basketball School: William Dawson High Schoo! Country: Canada \_ Friend: Jodie Home: Monireat Module 1 i h @ Vocabulary Find these words in the wordsearch. three sports skiing three colours blue three things to eat pizza three months May Read about Marek. Hello. My name's Marek. I'm eleven years old and I'm from Poland. My home's in Gdynia, My school is the Nicolaus Copernicus School. And these are my rollerblades. They're really cool. My favourite sport isnt rolierblading, it's ice hockey. ce hockey is great fun Correct these false sentences, 1 Marek is from Brazil Marek isn't from Brazil, He's from Poland. 2 Marek is twelve years old, 3 Maerek’s home is in Warsaw. 4 Marek’s frien is Nicolaus Copernicus, 5 Marek’s favourite sport is skiing. This is Sylvia. She's ten odule 1: Learning diary Grn = ee i a rai [Study tips \ Check you can do these things: ~ "Learning vocabulary 1: know words for C} Lear vocabulary in groups: | Write two or more words for each group. colours red. cities: countries Japan sports football. food pizza cities London months June | 2. I can ask questions and write answers. L) ‘Choose the correct question word. Then answer the questions about yourself. 1 Whoffiow old are you? Im... 2) Where/How are you from? sports swimming skiing yoling 3° What’s/When's your favourite food? 4 How’s/Who's your favourite singer? Find and write one more word Who's/When's your birthday? in each word group above. 3 I know ten adjectives. () Complete the adjectives. 1 cold 3s Swe 2het Abrd 6hpy 4 Ican use the present tense of be. OF Complete the chart. Positive 2 Questions Lam i you r you? hesshest he/shesit? Module 2 My world ic 5 My family @ Vocabulary _ - Read the information. Write the My grandfather is Larry and my grandmother is Betsy names on the family tree. Topsy is my stster and Mutley is my brother. Jaylo is my cousin. My father is Bobo and my mother is Dinky. My aunts are Willow and Lily. And Rover is my uncle Me! © Grammar Complete the questions and answers about Sticks’ family. Fiddle: * Who's Bobo? Sticks: He's my® Sticks: He's my? father Fiddle: 7 Topsy? Fiddle: * Willow and Lily? Sticks: She's my* Sticks: They're my ¢ Fiddle: Rover? Fiddle: * Larry? Ss! He's my © Reading and grammar Read and match. Mary is John's sister Paul is Sam’s uncle. Freda is Oscar's aunt. Philip is Sadie’s brother. Ella's Tracey's grandmother Beth is Anne's mother. 1 John~ a Fla 2 Anne b Paul 3° Sam © Beth & 4 Sadie Freda 5 Oscar Se Mary 6 Tracey Philip OGrammar Now rewrite the sentences from Activity 3. Use his, her or their. 1 Mary is John’s sister. Mary is his sister. 2. Freda is Oscar's aunt 3 Blais Tracey's grandmother. 4 Paul is Sam and Nick’s uncle 5 Philip is Sadie’s brother. 6 Beth is Anne's mother. e © Vocabulary and grammar Look and write. She's fifty-one. No, she isn't. She's fifty-two, He's thirty-five Yes, he is. He's ninety-seven. They're thirty-two. It’s a hundred and six He's eighty-six © Grammar Read and circle the correct words. Who's Sally? She's Yenylyour au How old #is/are she? She *'sfare forty-two (Ok. And who are Jodie and Tim? ‘It’s/They’re my cousins. They're twins >Who's/Who are Boris? That's their Ssister/father. He's my "uncle/brother Jade: How old is he? Sarah: *He's/Is he thirty-eight. - A Module 2 ven a ly desk is a mess! @ Vocabulary and reading Read and draw. Where is Fiddle? BA & 1 He's on the char 2 He’sunderthe char. 3 He's in the bag | ib 4 He's on the desk 5 He's next to Sticks OGrammar Look at the picture. Write correct answers. 1. The sweets are under the chair. (pencil case) 4 The books are next to the posters. (chait) No, they aren't, They‘re in the pencil case. 2. The magazine is on the bed. (¢esk) 5 The bag ison the desk. (chair) 3. The apples are under the desk. (penci! case) 6 The posters are on the desk. (bag) OGrammar Find these things in the picture above. Complete the sentences. 1. The pencil case is next to the apples 4 Thecamera 2 The rubber 5 The chair 3 The sandwiches OGrammar Complete the dialogue. Use the words in the box. in dear amess they Theyre My Where to homework wl : Katie! Your room is' a mess! 4 are your socks? um. ? under my bag. And* your bag? Oh. t's next $ my chair. : And your magazines. Where are | « ? heyte” my cupboard. That's good. And your ® ? homework? es, Katie. Where's your homework? d Katie: Oh My homework’s “= con my desk ... at school! ao Grammar Look at the picture. Answer these questions about Katie's things. 1. Where is her bag? It’s next to her chair. 2 Where are her socks? 3 Where is her homework? 4 Where are her magazines? © Grammar and reading Match the questions and answers. 1 Where are the sandwiches? ~ No, he isn't. He's my grandfather. 2. Where's the book? "hy b He's twenty-eight 3 Who's John? © They're on the table 4 Who are Emily and Kevin? d_ He's my brother. 5 How old is Robert? Theyre my cousins 6 Is Steven your uncle? f Its under the des. ~~ 7 ly dream town O Vocabulary Unscramble the words for these places 1 tescal castle 2 hrhuce 3 pohs 4 sehuo 5 rrevi o Dkwe PEt oae minswmgi loop cabeh yailwar tastnio rapk menaci " ubs ntosita @ Reading Read about Skyville. Then complete the char. In Skyuile there is a fantastic beach and an old castle, There are two big cinemas, but there ‘aren't any supermarkets. There's a lovely park and a rver, and there are four churches in Skyville. There isn't a bus station and there aren't any swimming pools. There are twelve shops in Skyville and there's a big railway station. Skyville |. Rok i 2 supermarket shop rallway station | swimming pool bus station: jown Zz 1 1 4 oO 1 1 0 1 0 2 O Grammar Look at the information about Roktown, Complete the text below with there is, there are or there isn’t, there aren‘t. Roktown 's a great town. * There are two park and? acinema.* a supermarket and * four shops, but a railway station, : swimming pool and a bus station.” a beach, but * ariver.* any castles but ® two churches © Grammar Match the sentence halves. 1 There aren't a abusstation? 2 Theeare b abeach 3 theeisnt | © sixparks 4 Arethere | d-_lotof shops 5 Isthere \e any supermarkets? € Themaea, NF anychurches Bie en, «it OGrammar Complete the questions and answers. 1b there @ beach? Yes, there is. 2° Are there any supermarkets? No, there aren't. 3 any rivers? Yes, 4 a raiway station? No, 5 @ bus station? ‘Yes, 6 any parks? Yes, 7 any cinernas? No, 8 a castle? Yes, Reading and grammar Read Jenna's email about her town. Circle the correct words. Hi Amy My town is great! There ‘@réyis two swimming pools and there is a beautiful old “castle/castles. There isn’t 2a/any railway station, but there’s a big bus *park/station. There are a lot °ofifor shops and houses and there are ‘wo/any big supermarkets. What about your town? Are there “alany parks? *Are/ls there a castle? Owriting Write a reply to Jenna. Use the information below for your town. HiJenna There is @ football stadium in my town. There isn't . @ Vocabulary Match the words to the pictures. ‘sland mountains town village ) 1 mountains 2 3 @ Reading Look at the posters and write the correct place in the sentences below. ~ Hillsville bn Hiltwile there are beautiful muuntains. There aren't | vy sepercarkess and dire ret any cine, bat te and there's am old castle, There is small resin Hill ts sation and there ar thre 1 There aren't ary supermarkets in. Hillsville cor Sammis Island 2. There are two rivers in ©Grammar David lives in Hillsville. Complete the questions and answers. Use words from the box. ers Ted: — Where do you live David: My _homesin the? Ted: — What's good about the place where you live? The mountains ® beautiful and there are two very What's bad about the place where you I've? David: * and there aren't § aren't any supermarkets cinemas. e place where I live ae 4 5 Sammis Island | ‘On Sammisisand there are four houses and there is one shop. There aren't any cafes or supermarkets. There isn't 4 swimming pool but there ae five beautiful Beaches! isin the mountains 's an island, Owriting Imagine you live on Sammis Island, Write the answers to Ted’s questions. Ted: — Where do you lve? You: Ted: — What's good about the place where you live? You: Ted: What's bad about the piace where you live You: @ Vocabulary Match the words to the pictures. ‘sland mountains town vilage ) 1 mountains 2 3 @ Reading Look at the posters and write the correct place in the sentences below. ~ Hillsville bn Hiltwile there are beautiful mountains. There arent | vy sapere and hire ret ay cinemas, bat te and there's am old castle, There is small resin Hill ts sation and thee ar thre 1 There aren't ary supermarkets in Hillsville cor Sammis Island 2. There are two rivers in ©Grammar David lives in Hillsville. Complete the questions and answers. Use words from the box. ers Ted: — Where do you live David: My _ homeisin the? Ted: — What's good about the place where you live? The mountains ® beautiful and there are two very What's bad about the place where you I've? David: * and there aren't § aren't any supermarkets cinemas. e place where I live ae 4 5 Sammis Island | ‘On Sammisisand there are four houses and there is one shop. There aren't any cafes or supermarkets. There isn't 4 swimming pool but there ae five beautiful Beaches! isin the mountains isan island, Owriting Imagine you live on Sammis Island, Write the answers to Ted’s questions. Ted: — Where do you lve? You: Ted: What's good about the place where you live? You: Ted: What's bad about the piace where you live You: Module 3 All about school really busy day Q@ Vocabulary Look at the clues. Complete the crossword with words for school subjects and dubs. Down Across. ie Bott. = ° bt iN t sit ik @ Vocabulary and reading OReading Read and complete Doug’s Read about Jade. Write a timetable timetable. for her. em "a3 [an] 320 | Maths | 10.15 “1100 | ereak | BREAK 11.20 ” j 12.00 i wer | 12.10 LUNCH 1.00 - | 130 | - | - 245 | = \ I've got Art and Geography in the morning. I've I've got Maths in the morning at twenty pest got Art at half past nine and then Geography nine. After Maths, I've got PE at five past at quarter past ten. After Geography, I've got ton. Then I've got a break at quarter to eleven. a break and then I've got Maths at twenty past At quarter past eleven, I've got Geography. eleven. Lunch is at twelve o'clock, I've got Lunch is at ten past twelve. After tunch I've chess club after lunch, at one o'clock and then got netball club at ten to one and then at I've got Science at half past one and basketball twenty-five past one I've got Art. At ten past at quarter past two. After school, I've got a two I've got Science. After school, I've got basketball meeting at four o'clock. chess club at twenty to four. Pre e 4 @Vocabulary OGrammar Match to make school subjects. Look at the timetable. Complete the questions 1 a lish and anerer 2 fg b Education __[ Monday [ ‘Tuesday | Wednesday | 3 His © graphy 4 Mus A di Technology Maths art PE 5 Physical Se ench _ 6 Information f toy 7 Geo 9 « Science Geography Ovocabulary BREAK BREAK BREAK | Write the time below the clocks. 1 LUNCH LUNCH | LUNCH | 2 Geography ir Maths BREAK BREAK BREAK eS English Maths French e 4 1 What time/Maths/Mionday? What time's Maths on Monday? 4 It's at ten past nine. 2. What time/French/Tuesday? 3 What time/Science/ Wednesday? 5 4 What time/Englsh/Monday? ¥ 5 What timestt/Tuesday? 6 What time/Geography/ Wednesday? OE RS | Module 3 ly big school bag @ Grammar Complete with a, an or some. 1a pen 2 orange 5 books 8 clue stick 3 money 6 apple 9 desk 4 door 7 sandwiches 10 hairbrush @ Vocabulary What is it? Look and write. 1 y 2 3 4 a hairbrush at ap b 2, < Zz ad some t some m some s © Grammar This is your bag. Look and answer the questions with Yes, | have or No, I haven't. 1. Have you got a mobile phone? Yes, I have. 2 Have you got any rubbish? 3. Have you got any apples? 4 Have you gota purse? 5 Have you got a notebook? O Grammar Look at the bag again. Write questions and answers, 1. (hairbrush) Have you got a hairbrush? Yes, Ihave. 2 (oranges) 3 (chocolate bar) 4 (sweets) 5° (sandwich) OGrammar Look, read and circle the correct words. OReading Fiddle: OK, Sticks. What have we got? ‘Sticks: Look! We've got ‘threeD two sandwiches and vwie've got ‘a/any mobile phone! : Great. Have we got ‘some/any sweets? Sticks: No, we thaven‘t/have But we have got ’some/a chocolate bars. Yes, we've got four chocolate hars/bar Fiddle: And you've got ’some/a purse! Sticks: Yes, ve got 2 purse, but | Shaven't/not got ’a/any Read the text. Tick () the things Sally and Beth have got. Cross (x) the things they haven't got. {t's Sally and Beth's holiday. They've got lots of thirig i their bag: The//ve got some keys and hairbrush. They've got five books and some sweets. They Haver? got any sandwiches but they have ‘got some apples, They've got some tissues and they've got ¢ mobile phone, They haven't got ary ‘chocolate bers arid they haven't got a drink. They've got a pufse and they've got some mon 1 chocolate bars [X] 4 keys 7 apples [] 10 money I 2. drink LL) 5. tissues 8 books [_] 11 sandwiches 3 purse [J 6 mobile phone [] 9 sweets [] 12 hairbrush @ Reading and writing Look at the list and complete the text about Freya. 1 oranges 3 3 money ¥ 5 stickers x = 7 hairbrush ¥ 2 notebooks 2 4 tissues x 6 comb wv 8 teddybear x Freya's got three’ _ oranges and two? She's got sone 3 bout she hasn't got* tissues. She 4 got any® She's gota? and a® but she hasn't got a @ Module 3 ~ 11 My school lunch box O Vocabulary Find eleven food words in the word search. @Grammar syacwyouo colatebar rgfkacepa cheeseipn tuabrhnig crispstee ejraotmmi nodobiscuita rine Look and write, What have the children got for lunch? 1. Sam's got three sandwiches, some salad, an apple and some crisps. 2 Rosy 3 Tom 4 Melissa Owriting Draw your lunch on the plate. Then write about it. OReading Read and match. Fiddle has got three bananas, a ham sandwich and some crisps. He hasn't got any cake. Sticks has got two bananas, 2 cheese sandwich and sore cake. He hasn't got any apples. Lydia has got four apples, a ham sandwich and some cake. She hasn't got any crisps. ‘Suzy has got four apples, a cheese sandwich and some crisps. She hasn't got any bananas. © Grammar and writing Read and complete the dialogue. Use words from the box. Got hasnt Have” Has havent hasnt ves got Sticks: ' Has Lydia got any apples? Fiddle: Yes, she? ‘She? got four apples, a ham sandwich and some cake, Stic! 4 you got any cake, Fiddle? Fiddle: No, 15 rs got some crisps, but | haven't? any cake. Sticks: Has Suzy ® a banana? Fiddle: No, she * She's got two apples, but she a got any bananas. Owriting Write questions and answers. Use the prompts. 1 youssandwiches? 7 5 Jane and Emmafbiscuits % Have you got any sandwiches? _ = aS _ Yes, ! have. 2. John/appie? x 6 Jirm/yoghurt? 7 Has John got an apple? No, he hasn't, 3 werake? x 7 we/oranges? 7 4 youkrisps? 8 Ben and Tobylhocolate bars? X Module 3 12° My school @ Reading Read about Paolo. Match headings a-e to paragraphs 1-5. Cerra fee)| a Favourite things b Thestudents ¢ Qurteachers d Me e School subjects d Hil Im Paolo. I'm eleven years old and t'm from Brazil. My school's called the St Nicholas School of Porto Alegre. We've got three teachers in our class. Miss Slater is English She's 36. Mr Schatz is our Maths and Geography teacher. Mrs Carlos is our Science and IT teacher. There are twenty-seven students in my class — fifteen boys and twelve gitls. My special friends are Antonio and Davi My favourite school subjects are Geography and IT and I'm also good at Maths. My favourite things in the classroom are the computer and the posters. O@writing Write questions for these answers. 1 How many boys are there in your class There are 15 boys in my class, 2 What ? My favourite things are the computer and the posters 3. How ? I'm eleven years old 4 who 2 My special friends are Antonio and Davi. 5 What ? My school is called the St Nicholas School of Porto Alegre. Owriting Use these notes to write about Stella. I'm Stella and I'm 12 years old. I'm from Stella, 12, from Ireland Sch ‘St Agnes Secondary Scheel ess 24 students, all girls lest friends: Donea and Mellie Teacher: Mr O'Brien, 26 Favourite Subjects: English and PE | Favourite things in the clasecooa: DVD player @ pis 3: Learning diary ee i Name Date ) ym. ‘ail Study tip Writing Remember to use punctuation marks when you write. Use full stops at the end of a sentence. Use capital letters ABC at the beginning of a sentence for names of people and places. Write these sentences with the correct punctuation: john and j are from london this is suzie's sandwich madrid is in spain Check you can do these things: 1 I can tell the time. O) Draw the hands on the clocks. 1 halfpast 2 quarterto 3 twenty-five 4 tentoeight 5 fivepast 6 twenty to four seven past two. six three 2. Ican talk about my school timetable. J) 3 Write sentences. 1 Monday /9.30/ 8x3=24 I've got Maths at half past nine on Monday. ‘Wednesday/10.15/ 4 Tuesday/11.20/ Friday/12.40/ Thursday/2.35/ I know words for food. () Write four more words. sandwich, chocolate bar, I can use have got. Write the correct form of have got. 1 ve got two oranges and a banana 2 you any keys? Yes, | 3. She (not) any money, but she a wallet, 4 We some cake in our lunch box. 5 You three sandwiches in your bag. The things I like @ Vocabulary and reading Look at the information. Write the names next to the speech bubbles. [ eo. i @ | 1(__ Monit ike Tom, eee LESTE) | ceoning my come. 7 comics | deaning my room = oe, —_ shopping | bananas: 2 [like karate. = Sindy, crisps karate — —= 1 ke crisps. magazines Chinese food i rai - 7 don't Tike \ | Re __mikshakes comics comics | Pete | bananas crisps = ee Sindy karate shopping ~ ial ae Tike mageaines. = og (emai @ Vocabulary and writing Look at Activity 1 again. Complete the speech bubbles for Debra, Pete, Rose and Jeff. em shopping, \) 3 if _ Rose S i) Jeff Kee 4 OVocabulary Look at the list. Tick (V) three things you like. Cross (x) three things you don’t like. Then write sentences. shopping aL] |__ hamburgers ice cream Ol television football 0 rmagazines _ tennis o Wie - OGrammar ©@Grammar Match the questions to the people. Then write Yes, Put the words in the correct order. Ido or No, I don’t. 1 Doyou like — footbal!? . Yes, Ido. 2 Do you like cleaning 1. ike We don't Geography We don't like Geography. 2 you chocolate bars like Do your room? 3° don't 1 No 3 Doyou like 4 like they Do comics spaghetti? ? 5 they Yes do 4 Doyou like homework? 6 ke 1 films 5 Doyou like chess? 6 Doyoulike Science? 7 football Do they like 8 they No don't © Grammar Complete the dialogue. Use words from the box. swimmirg De they 00 dont Yes don't like like Fred: 1 Do you like basketball? Ruby: No, |? don't ® basketball, but | ike * Fred: What about Joe and Ted? Do® like basketball? Ruby: ¢ , they do. They like basketball and they ” cycling Fred: And swimming? * they like swimming? Ruby: No, they? > ; ” Module 4 4 Fussy Freddy @ Vocabulary Choosy Charlotte is Fussy Freddy’s sister. Look at Choosy Charlotte’s room. Use these words to label the things. sweets chocolatebar book chess jragazine teddy art _spaghett robot @ Grammar Look at the picture again. Complete these sentences. 1 Choosy Charlotte (a) likes books but she (f). doesn't like magazines 2 Choosy Charlotte (b) . but she (g) 3 Choosy Charlotte (©) but she (th) 4 Choosy Charlotte (¢) but she () 5 Choosy Charlotte (@) but she (j) © Grammar Now look at the information about Fussy Freddy's friend, Crazy Charley. Make sentences about Crazy Charley. Se eee - _|. © @ | 1 Crazy Charley likes July but he doesn't like June. (uy 2 He grey | Black] 3 3] ees eats | [al toys books § | Aunt Suzy | Aunt Sarah Geography | Maths | © Can you guess Crazy Charley's secret? s OGrammar Write questions with these words. Then write short answers. 1 Jacklike/sandwiches? 5 like/chocolate? 7 Does Jac like sandwiches? Yes, he does. 2 Rema and Aliake/tims? x 6 youflke/history? Do Rema and Alia like films? No, they don't 3 your mum/lke/basketball? x 7 Erin/like/bananas? x 4 Joe and Emma/like/magazines? x 8 they/ike/swimming? 7 @Reading and grammar Read the dialogue. Are the sentences below true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. Julie: Hello, Tracey. I like that bag. t’s great! Tracey: Thank you! I's my sister’s bag. | don't like it.I don’t lke green. 1 ike white or pink. But my sister likes green. She likes apples and salad, She doesn't like orange or yellow. Julie: That's funny! My favourite colour is yellow. [like bananas and cheese. Tracey: Do you like banana and cheese sandwiches? Yuk! No! | ike banana sandwiches and | ike cheese sandwiches, but | don't like banana and cheese sandwiches. Julie kes the green bag T Tracey likes the green bag F Tracey doesn't like the green bag. Tracey likes white Tracey's sister doesn't ike green Tracey's sister likes apples. Jule likes banana and cheese sandwiches. Julie doesn’t like cheese sandwiches. 1 2 3 4 5 6 r OGrammar Complete the text. Use the correct form of like/don't like. Our favourite sports Our family likes V sport.1? don't like x cycling, but |? v skateboarding. My brothers, Sam and Joe are twins. They * ¥ football and swimming, They § X horse-riding or basketball. My sister, Emma, © W ice-skating and skateboarding ” she football? No, she * What about you? * you sport? And what about your friends? *. they sport? @) @ Vocabulary © Grammar Circle the correct verb to complete the free- Look at the pictures. Write sentences. time activities. 1 Go/make ice-skating 2. ride/draw cartoons 3. play/read fantasy books 4 collect/go badges 5 ride/play my bke 6 make/take my dog for a walk 7 take/wtite a diary 8 play/ride computer games 9 make/go model planes 10 gollisten to music @ Vocabulary What do they do in their free time? Look 3 at the pictures and complete the speech bubbles. | go ice-shating. ) ———* OQ Grammar and writing Look at the pictures on this page. Choose three things you do and three things you don’t do. Write sentences. I deaw pictures. | dont go ice-skating oe pe @Owriting Jude goes swimming Carla Geoff Polly Tyler wawna @ Grammar Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 ice-skating | go don't 1 don't go ice-skating, 2. take walk for dog they @ their 3. collect does badges she ? 4 play and do dad football your mim ? 5 to doesn't she music listen 6 riding we go horse @Grammar Complete the text. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. activity in my class is football. Jobe, Sarah, Lake, Raffi, Syal and Natasha ' play (play) football. Katie t {not play) football but she ‘ (go) swimming, Jay ond Pippa ¢ (collect) posters and Freda ® (draw) ca and Anna * | (like) Art but they: cats Thoy'e great! 1 te} music and | | dog for a walk, O Vocabulary Complete the chart for yourself and three friends, Owriting Now write sentences. Use the information from Activity 8. ' but I don't My friend, ‘but he/she doesn’t My friend, but he/she doesn't Myfriend, but he/she doesn't oe pe @Owriting Jude goes swimming Carla Geoff Polly Tyler wawna @ Grammar Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. 1 ice-skating | go don't 1 don't go ice-skating, 2. take walk for dog they @ their 3. collect does badges she ? 4 play and do dad football your mim ? 5 to doesn't she music listen 6 riding we go horse @Grammar Complete the text. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. activity in my cless is football. Jobe, Sarah, Lake, Raffi, Syal and Natasha" play (pay) football. Katie t {not play) football but she ‘ (go) swimming, Jay ond Pippa ¢ (collect) posters and Freda ® (draw) ca and Anna * | (like) Art but they: cats Thoy'e great! 1 te} music and | | dog for a walk, O Vocabulary Complete the chart for yourself and three friends, Owriting Now write sentences. Use the information from Activity 8. ' but I don't My friend, ‘but he/she doesn’t My friend, but he/she doesn't Myfriend, but he/she doesn't "Mo ule 4: Learning diary Name _ Date ) % d Study tips Planning your writing ‘When you write 2 text, it’s a good idea to make a plan and write notes Match the headings (A-C) to the plans 1-3. A My free time Plan 3 B_ My favourite food My favourite schoo! subjects Check you can do these things: 1 I know words for free-time activities. F) Unscramble the free-time activities. 1 0g noshigrrdei 2 ward nocraost d 3 leccotl dsagbe « 4 keam Imeod lapnes m 5 stnile ot sumic 1 6 lapy labotflo Pp 2 Ican talk about likes and dislikes. Use the correct form of like to complete the sentences. 1 John/@/bananas. John likes bananas. 2 you/?/basketball Do you like basketball 3B Tracey/@ykarate. 4 U@Jceaning my room 5 Fred/%/swimming 6 Jim and Kathv@ypizza Te —Eeea go horseriding Plan 1 © apples, chocolate bars ® bananas, spaghetti Plan 2 © Maths, Geography ®@ History, iT Plan3 ¥ go horseriding, watch TV X play basketball, go swimming m, Pp 3. I can use the present simple to talk about free-time activities. L) Circle the correct words. 1. I don'tinot collect badges at the weekend, but | read/reads ghost stories. 2 We play/plays chess after school on Mondays. 3. Do/Does you go swimming at the weekend? Yes, Iddo/don’t 4 Does Sara play/plays the guitar? No, she does/doesn’t. She play/plays the piano. 5 My sister write/writes a diary Module 5 Work and play & 177A day with the Gloom famil O Vocabulary Circle the correct word. leave to schoolzhome/dinner wake — in/atlup get —_at/dressed/to bed 1 have afacbidressed/hiome 2 go dinnerito bed/homework 3 do a snack/homework/home 4 have — to school/up/breakfast 5 go a snack/to school/dressed 6 7 8 @vocabulary Choose and write. Thave a snack | have breakfast | go to bed goto school I get home Iwake up “or |) ° O writing and vocabulary Look at Activity 2 again. Write sentences about Fiddle. Use phrases from the box and in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening or at night. ‘twenty past ten half past nine ‘twenty-five to three quarter to ten quarter past six ten past ten 1 Fiddle wakes up at half past nine in the morning. OGrammar Complete the text. Use the correct form of the verb in brackets. Inthe morning, 1’ get up (get up) at half past seven, My brother, Sean, 2 (get up) at twenty past eigh: we (have) breakfast and t wet (leave) home ata quarte | tonine. 1 (walk) to schoo! and Sean ¢ (ide) his bike. We , (have) lunch at school at ha! past twelve |* (have) a chees= sandwich. Sean * (have) two ‘chocolate bars and some sweets. At half past three we (go) home | * (do) my homework and Sea’ 2 (watch) TV. We ” (have) dinner at quarter to seven. (go) to bed at half past nine and Sean ** (go) to bed at quarter to eleven. @Grammar oe Look at the chart. Write questions and answers. Then complete the chart about you. uti” | What do you do | | in the evening? | took at the stars | | make model castles E play footba Toby &Harry | Me f “listen to music read books 1 Julierwatch TV? Does Julie watch TV? No, she doesn't. 2. Toby and Harry/look at the stars? 3 Juliefmake model castles? 4 Toby and Harryiplay football? 5 Juliefisten to music? 6 Toby and Harry/watch TV? Owriting Look at the information in Activity 5 again. What do you do in the evening? Write sentences. I watch TV at eight o'clock. I don't do my homework. 1 2 3 owe Grammar Complete the text. Use words from the box. (Genter dont oe Wo wad ole gore 6 door go Gre che tl) ‘There's no school today, it’s the weekend! Hurrah! |" don't get up at seven o'clock at the weekend. I get up at? past ten. 1? swimming with my sister and then wet lunch in town. 15 the dog for a walk in the afternoon and my sister her homework. Then I lsten ? music in my room. My sister s She reads and plays computer " We have " at eight o'dock. Then we # TV. We go ™ bed at eleven o'clock. What about you? What do you at the weekend? ~ 18/Are you a good friend? @ Vocabulary Match the words to the numbers. 1 always — a 85% 2. sometimes b 0% Frequency adverbs 3 never < 70% always -—=susually often sometimes never 4 usually Nd 100% 100% 85% 70% + «380% + 0% 5. often e 30% @ Vocabulary and readi Look at the information ab: ing out Sandy. Are the sentences true (T) or false (F)? Correct the false sentences. as {Sandy | ‘You a ay good listener) 100% __| f, ; — tells the truth] 85% _! 14 remember friends’ birthdays| _30% Ll | helps friends| 70% | | 5 { _ friendly! 85% | Sandy sometimes tells the truth F Sandy usually tells the truth. Sandy is always a good listener. sandy often remembers friends’ birthdays Sandy is usually friendly, Sandy never helps her friends. auawno Sandy is never on time. © Vocabulary Now look at the information about Ben. Complete the sentences with the correct word, always, usually, often, sometimes or never. 1 Ben's often 2 900d listener 2 Ben tells the truth 3 Ben's on time. 4 Ben remembers fiends’ birthdays 5 Ben helps friends 6 Ben's friendly O Vocabulary Complete the table in Activity 2 about yourself. Then write sentences. 1 Lam agoodistener 4 | remember friends birthdays 21 tell the truth 51 help friends. 3 lam on time. 6 lam friendly Pe @Grammar Circle the correct word for each question. [4 2 (3 So 5 6 Name: Sara Williams DofAréyou iriendly? Do/Are you a good listener? Do/Are you remember your friends’ birthdays? Do/Are you on time? Do/Are you tell the truth? Do/Are you help your friends? @Grammar Look at Sara's answers to the questions in Activity 5. Complete the Yes, !am. I'm usually friendly. 1 Are you friendly? 2 @ good listener? 3 remember your fiends’ birthdays? 4 you on time? 5 you tell the truth? 6 you help your friends? @Grammar OGrammar Complete the students’ sentences. Jon: Pietro: Yanni: Stefan: Alisha: Lara: use listen teacher ans 1 never listen to my teacher ' 2 J often to songs in English I never write words in my exercise book 4 usually my homework 5 always ask and, questions in class 6 Inever a dictionary. Jon never listens to Pietro often Yanni never book. Stefan usually homework Alisha always class. Lara never Complete the sentences about the students in Activity 7. his teacher. in English in his exercise his questions in a dictionary 1 lassroom QO Vocabulary Match the sentence halves. 1 hand in— a your pencil 2 play | _b the teacher 3 open your hair 4 look at -d_ your homework 5 dean e tonine 6 brush f agame 7 count 9 the blackboard 8 pick up h the window Grammar Complete the instructions for these pictures. 1 Don't tall: to your friend! rap O Vocabulary These words are from the classroom rap in the Student's Book. Match the rhyming words. es (eight hair mate floor 4 aii om i 3 4 @O Vocabulary Can you remember the classroom rap? Unscramble the words to complete the classroom rap. Come in the (mrosclaos) | classroom And say your name (nhad) homework in your Dont (apy) 4 game (pnoe) the window Close the door Look at the (Chraete) Stand on the floor. Now (lenad the blackboard Dont si (revo) there Work with your classmate (nt‘do) brush your ha Read your English (kb 0) * And count to eight (ckip) Dont talk to your mate! up your pencil biiciesssiamaanll @Vocabulary Find nine verbs in this word grid. 2 4 7 fos a pic A f vtec lr da BS woos ae iowa won j xory 10 0 » OGrammar ‘Make these instructions polite. 1. Siton your chair Please sit on your chair. 2. Open the door 3. Usten to your teacher. 4 Do your homework 5 Pick up your penci 6 Stand on the floor @Grammar Put the words in the correct order to make negative instructions. 1. your don’t Please chair sit on Please don't sit on your chair 2. your Please pick pencil up don’t 3. teacher don't listen Please your to 4 on Please floor the stand don't 5 your don’t Please homework do Read about Cara's journey to school. Then choose the correct answers. My home is about 80 km from school. I have a fantastic journey. I cycle 40 the station when it's sunny. When its cold or rainy I go 40 the slation on the bus Then T go by tain There are lols of children from my school on the twain. We dont do homework We talk and play games. Sometimes we sing songs Then we walk 4o school from the station My journey is long: I leave home at half past seven and I get to school at quarter 10 nine Cara... likes her journey to school doesn't like her journey to school doesn't go to schoo! Cara .. always cycles to the station never cycles to the statio sometimes cycles to the station aceNncee @ Grammar and vocabulary acee nce acvew The children ... on the train sometimes do their homework always talk and play games never sing songs Cara ... from the station to school takes the train walks cycles Cara's journey to school is ... 45 minutes one hour and a quarter one hour Circle the correct words to complete the text about Kerry's journey to school. | *Gatahates my journey to school. | go "by/on bus and there is/are always 2 lot of people on the bus Then | walk/walks from the bus stop to school. | get very Stired/happy because there Sis/are a big hill But | love my journey home. | come home 7by/in car with my mum. 8She's/He's a taxi driver. We listen Sat/to the radio and *talk/talks about our day Owriting Use these notes to write about Tom’s journey to school. Jove }journey t cycle to J friend Sam's house go by car} with Sam and Sam's dad listen to CDs} Sam's dad} very funny Tom loves his journey to school. He wool at 8.20} long journey | leave home at 715) get to sch Name a “study tips Revision It's a good idea to revise new language regularly. Practise dictation with a friend Find three sentences from this module. Read the sentences to a friend. Your friend writes them. Check the sentences. Then swap roles Check you can do these things: 1 know words for daily routines. () Complete these phrases for daily routines. wake up get getd d have b ehome odule 5: Learning diary 4 Ican give instructions. tie ) 2. I can talk about my daily routine. F) | Complete the clocks and write sentences about your daily routine. get up I get up at quarter to seven in the moming N leave home have a snack > have lunch w have dinner 3. I can use adverbs of frequency. L) Complete these sentences. Use always, usually, often, sometimes or never. 1 1(100%) always 2 Jodie (0%) 3° Ted and Tina (30%) 4 My dad (85%) the evening 5 Mysister and | (70%) eight o'clock in the morning tell the truth does her homework. walk to school reads books in get up at Put the words in the correct order. 1. yourup/pick/pencil Pick up your pencil. 2. the/don't/chairistand/on 3. the/clean/blackboard hai/don’Vyourbrush Down 1 Module 6 Animal world mz 21 My pet Cando @ Vocabulary Look at the pictures and complete the crossword. @Vocabulary Look and match. 1 2 \ 3 =e PSS J | She can count. He can do his sums, She can wate. ftcan run He can read. Itean fly Itean swim, tean limb trees, OGrammar Look at the chart and write sentences. : joey rideabike | 7 x | x | {swim x v x Cty x [oe | read viv x run viv 1 Tiniride a bike Tim can ride a bike. 2 Liz/swim 3 Joeyrun 4 Tirrvswirn 5 Joeyitiy 6 Liziride a bike 7 Lizirur 8 Tiny 7 O Vocabulary Write the words from the box under the correct picture. { hair teeth hand head leg mouth nose toe } : ettneeee ‘arm ear eye face finger foot OGrammar OGrammar Complete the questionnaire about yourself. Now write more questions and answers for the questionnaire in Activity 5. Use these Can you swim 200 Weas. metres? touch/nose with tongue Can you touch your nose with your tongue? Yes, I can./No, I can't. Yes, Ican./No, I can't. Can you count to 100 in English? eat/four sandwiches in ne minut Can you ride a bike? rea Can you climb a tree? skvon one leg Can you touch your toes? swim/underwater Can you play the piano? ly new pet @ Grammar and vocabulary Match the pictures to the sentences. Ee BE CSS a Itisvery big. b itcan't fly. thas It can fly. > Ithas got four legs. e Itcan't Itcan swim. got eight legs. Itcan talk. It hasn't got wings. Itcant 4 @ Reading and writing Read and write Yes or No. Hasit got 2 Canitfly? 3 Doesiteat 4 Isitan 5 Doesiteat 6 Isita fish? wings? fish? insect? insects? Yes, it has. Owriting Now make sentences about these amazing animals. Marvomammal Marvomammal | (wings oe] four = eats | leaves _ insects | fish an un | @immb wees | Swim — leant | fly swim run _ 11 The Marvomammal has got wings. It has got four legs. It eats 2. The Supersnake 3° The Fabutish @ Owriting Invent an amazing animal and draw it. Complete the chart in Activity 3 about your animal and write sentences. My animal is called the Ovocabulary Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences. 1 These wings are from a butterfly. 2 This head is from a a atts These legs are from a b This tall is from a c s an This head is orn a 4 6 a This body i fom . : OGrammar Choose words from the box to complete the questions. Then write answers. Have Do Are Gan Can Have Are Do 1 Can No they can't. pandas fly? 2 butterflies got legs? 3 dolphins lve in the sea? 4 wolves birds? 5 polar bears ru? 6 spiders mammals? 7 crocodiles lve in Europe? 8 lions got a tail? @ Grammar and vocabulary Complete the dialogue. Use words from the box. cant Africa I four big sea fly spider Fiddle: Can you guess my favourite animal? Sticks: [sit big ? Fiddle: No, it isn’t. t's srl 2 it dangerous? Yes, itis. Can it? ? No, it Hmm. Does it ive in the * ? No, it doesn't Has it got * legs? No, it hasn't i's got eight. Abal t's 2? ' Yes, itis. t's a black widow spider from® They're very dangerous! ® Module 6 . 23 Can I hold the hamster, please @ Vocabulary ©OGrammar Use the words to label the picture. Today, Ken and Danny are on rabbit duty. Seeger Look at the checklist and complete the fier per Dont, craciet dialogue. Use can I or can you. cage water bottle es ee wag beoees abbit Care Rabbit Care + Clean the hutch » Fetch some carrots + Wash the bowl 3 4 - Fill the water bottle 5 6 « Feed the rabbit OGrammar Put the words into the correct order to make requests Danny: OK. I've got the checklist today. Ker 1 can you clean the hutch, pieas 1. il/please/car/the/bottle/you ee aes Danny: Thanks, and? etch Can you fill the bottles, please 2 some carrots, please? 2. thelcanshamster/please/hold/ Gee. conde ons Vera i 2 feed the rabbit, pleas: 3. you/please/carvcage/clearvthe Lana eennetts a Oh. But, 4 the/can/hamster/piease/Vfeec flew. vache bow, please? 5 some/can/please/yourtetch/water Yeni fan? A the wate bottle, please? 6 the/please/bowl/wash/can/you Danny: Sorry, Ken. Remember, today | read the checklist and you do the work! OGrammar Match the problems to the requests. 1 | haven't got my book. — a Can! borrow your dictionary? 2 Imvery hot b Can! watch TV? 3 Imvery cold \€ Cantsiton this chair? 4 I don't understand this word. Cen! open the window? 5 lim very tired e Can share your book? 6 Imbored f Canidose the window? OGrammar Write the requests. Vuse/your computer Can t use your computer, please? yourclean/my bike Can you clean my bike, please? Vopen/the door Uread/your magazine yourfetcymy bag you/hold/this bow Viook at/your new phone Vorrow/this DVD © Grammar and vocabulary Look at the pictures and write the requests. Use verbs from the box. borrow share close listen to your umbrella, please? your calculator, please? 3 = . <,] your boots, please? your CD, please? S Module 6 ” 24 Animals around the world @Reading a) Read about the tiger. Find and underline one false sentence. Tigers are mammals. They are very beautiful animals. They are big and strong and they have got orange fur with black stripes. They have got long tails and sharp teeth! They live in the forests of Asia. They don't live in large groups. They are not usually dangerous to people. They eat meat and fish. They can run, climb and swim. b) Are the sentences true (T) or false (F). 1 Tigers live in Asia and Africa. £. 4 Tigers can swim. 2 Tigers aren't reptiles 5 Tigers don't eat fish 3 Tigers are orange and black. 6 Tigers live in the mountains. Owriting a) These notes are about dolphins and parrots. Write D for the notes about dolphins and P for the notes about parrots. lve in the sea D lve in warm tropical countries P can swim can tly eat insects, fruit and leaves rave got wings have got fins are brightly-coloured can speak lay eggs eat fish are grey b) Use the notes above to write a short paragraph. Choose EITHER dolphins OR parrots. Dolphins live in the sea./Parrots live in warm, tropical countries. Date ) | * Make your own picture dictionary. Use pictures from magazines or draw pictures to illustrate new words. cS toe toread Find three more new words in this module. Draw a picture for each word. Check you can do these things: 1 I know words for parts of the body. C) Put the letters into the correct order to make parts of the body. yee dhan toof htoot ncke ram riah heda tumoh weavanaune eson 2 I can use can and can’t to talk about ability. L) Write sentences and questions. swim Van swim. yourride a horse X she/play the piano ? they/fly x itclimb a tee 7 werspeak Chinese #7 3. I can describe animals and ask and answer questions about them. () Circle the correct words. 1 Do/Does elephants live in the sea? No, they do/don’t. 2. Bats can/are fly. Frogs eatleats insects. 4 Can polar bears swim/swims? Yes, they eanfcan't, 5 Penguins have/do got two legs 6 Is/Are crocodiles reptiles? Yes, they are/do, I can use can to make requests. F) Change the instructions into requests. 1 Clean the cage! Can you clean the cage, please? Open the door! Fetch my bag! Feed the dog! Hold this chair! Fill the bottle! ht now! ion show @ Vocabulary Read and copy the correct picture for each sentence. alee e ava 1 (WS 3 5 7 UO “Ov Ws rainy its sunny. Ws snowy, Ws warm. 2 C} 4 6 ‘ sf = Its cold Is windy Wshot Ws cool @ Vocabulary Write the words ie correct place on the grid. What is the mystery word? —_ 7TAOOGGE | O Vocabulary Write the clothes words under the correct heading. hoody sunglasses shorts Tshirt gloves umbrella scarf cold hot rainy hoody Owriting Now write sentences about the clothes and weather in Activity 3. It’s cold today. I'm wearing a hoody, and It’s hot today. It's rainy today. ‘ive got @vocabulary Put the letters into the correct order to make seasons. 1 mnatuu autumn 2 rnsigp 3 trewni 4 remsum O Vocabulary Write the words next to the correct picture to complete. boots dress trousers sandals skirt shirt hoody sunglasses top hat leggings jeans jacket shorts shoes dress @Grammar Write the short form of these sentences. |lam wearing a red hoody. I'm wearing a red hoody. We are wearing shorts She 's wearing coo! sunglasses They are wearing hats. The dog is weering boots! You are wearing my scarf He is wearing a new T-shirt. Jam wearing a jacket. evoauruna OGrammar Read and complete with ‘m, ‘s or ‘re. My brother and I are in the garden. Im wearing my favourite green hat and @ brown scarf. I* also wearing my new boots. My brother * wearing jackets. My mum and dad are in the house. It's warm in the house and they ® Tshirts. My mum ° wearing @ skirt and my dad” hoody and black jeans. It's cold in the garden and we * wearing shorts. = ae e Module 7 = inner's ready QOVocabulary Match the pictures to the rooms. 1 2 3 “SE, a kitchen 4 b bedroom © dining room d_ garden e bathroom f garage g hall h living room 5 6 7 8 % : : Owriting @ Vocabulary and reading Look at the chart. Write questions and Match the sentence to the name from answers. Activity 2. Joe kitchen, 1 'mmaking dinner. Joe 2. Imsieeping Steph yarai En | one 3 I'mmending my bike. | Steve |__ving room 4. Timhaving a shower Emma bathroom 5 I'mlaying the table. a elbow 6 mwotching TV Mick | ining room O Grammar - Put the words into the correct order to make 1A: Joe, where are you? sentences. B: I'min the kitchen. 1 ateadingiam/book 2 A: Steph ? Tam reading a book. B 2 dining/are/wesin/the/room 3 A: Steve, ? * 3 wearing/jacket/is/she/my a8 Enna e 4 catfare/the/they/mending 5 A: Gill, ? 5 alare/battvyou/having 6 A: Mick, ? 6 _ biscuit/dog/the/a/eating/is B © Vocabulary and reading Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the correct name. 1 Arthur is cleaning his boots 4 is playing the guitar. z 's skateboarding, 5 is eating a sandwich 3 are reading a magazine 6 are listening to music © Grammar and writing @OGrammar ‘Write questions and answers about the picture in Activity 5. 1 Arthur/do/homework? Is Arthur doing his homework? ‘No, he isn't, He's cleaning his boots. 2. Ben/watch/the TV? 3 Molly and Nandita/play tennis? 4 Della/draw/a picture? 5 _Lilymend/her bike? 6 Chris and Craig/climb/a tree? Write the -ing form of the verbs from the box under the correct heading. in swim do. have ride fi = | ar _ | | punning ©Grammar Read Sam's note to his friend Fred. Put the verbs into the correct form of the present continuous. HiFred I'm bored! My brother's reading _ (read) a book in his bedroom. My sister? (not do) her homework - she’ (watch) TV in the living room. They * (not play) with me! My mur and dad * (rake) | inner in the kitchen. Misty, the cat, * (sleep) on my bed. What” you or" you (play) |, computer games? ee @ Grammar and reading Owriting a) Complete the questions with words from _Look at the pictures of Dave and Fiddle. Use the box. the phrases in the box to describe what is happening. What Where What Why Why Sleep eat the cake Where are you going? 6 make acake wakeup cl are you reading? are you running? are you drinking? are you wearing two sweatshirts? wauwne b) Now match the answers to the questions in Activity a. Because I'm late! To the park Because I'm cold! A computer magazine. Some lemonade eance @Grammar Write questions for the answers. 1A: Why/youldance? Why are you dancing? B: Because | iove this music! Whoryou/text? B: My grandmother in Switzerland 3 A: What/you/eat? 1 Dave is making a cake. 2 Dave ‘A cheese and tomato sandwich, 3° Fiddle 4 A: Where/you/go? B: To the cinema 4: Dave, 5 A: Why/youlsleep? 5. Fiddie B: Because I'm very tired. ont @ Vocabulary Look at the picture. Circle the correct words. The scarves areGivon the basket The hat is under/on the chair. The boots are behind/across the sandals. The chair is in front of/under the umbrella. The cat is under/behind the chair. ‘The umbrella is out off/behind the chair @OReading Read and draw. f=p I-39 The mouse is on the box. The mouse is in the box. fom ws ie mouse is under the box The mouse is behind the box. The mouse is in front of the box © Vocabulary and writing Look at the pictures. Write sentences about Ben. Use words from the box. [into up eutof in across } 1 Ben/walk/school 2. Benicycle/the park 3. Ben/goithe house Ben is walking out of school. 4 Beniclimbithe stairs 5 Ben/hide/the box 6 Ben/jump/the box @Pre-reading Can you guess the answers to these questions? | Yes | i | Yes | N 1 Istheweathercoldinwinte? | | ithot and dry in summer? 's there a rainy season? @Reading Now read about Fumiko. Check your answers to Activity 1 Hello. My name's Fumiko | ‘and T live in Kamakura | ‘in Japan Its spring here now and its the rainy season Is rainy all day Today Im eycling to school. Im wearing shoes, 4 skirt, a shirt and a jacket and Tm holding ‘an umbrella, I can cycle and hold an umbrella at the same timel Its not | cold and Tim nok wearing a hat or gloves: H's very hot and humid in the summer and it's cold and somelimes snowy in the winter I like aultonn but spring is my favourite season. The blossom an the trees is very beauliful son «towers @ Reading and writing Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1. What is Fumiko doing? She is cycling to school 2. Whatis she wearing? 3 Whatis the weather like today? 4 Why does Fumiko like spring? ight clothes for the weathe Cross-cultural OReading Match Jenny's answers to the questions. 1 Where are you from? c 2. What are you wearing today? 3 What's the weather like today? 4 What's your favourite season? 5 Whyisit your favourite season? cold but not snowy. Because the leaves are beautiful colours in autumn, ¢ Edinburgh, in Scotland Autumn, boots, jeans, a top and a hoody. Owriting Now write about Jenny. Use the text from Activity 2 as a model and the information from Activity 4. You can also add your own ideas. My name's Jenny and | live in kMo ule 7: Learning diary Name e7 Study tips Holiday revision Holiday revision isn’t always boring! Here are some fun things to do in the holidays. * Look at English language websites for children. ‘+ Read English comics and magazines © Leam an English pop song. ‘© Watch English cartoons. Check you can do these things: Date } Find and write the name of: ‘An English film An English cartoon An English comic 1 I know words to describe the weather, seasons, clothes and rooms. C} Write the words from the box next to the correct heading. autumn _hat_hot_ leggings hoody warm e trousers living room snewy spring garage snowy shorts winter rainy kitchen skirt windy scarf _ bathroom 2. I can use prepositions to describe where things are. I) Write a preposition for each pictures. a. =} » a ae a —— 6 3 I can talk about what people are wearing. Write the sentences. 1 Peter / grey hoody / blue boots Peter is wearing a grey hoody and blue boots, 2. My brothers /jeans 3 1/green jacket / red trousers 4 —= I can use the present continuous to talk about what people are doing now. L) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the present continuous. 1 Sarah is walking (walk) to school 2> Mymum and dad (listen) to music. 3 Myuncle (watch) TV. * you (play) football? 65. ee ee ee come module: Fast finisher QO Vocabulary OGrammar Do the sums and write the answers. Look at Sarah’s shopping list. Complete the dialogue. 1 one + four- three + eight = ten 2. six—three + seven x two = ilies 3. two + nine -seven + four 8 chocetany 4 three + eight ~ five + two = @Grammar Serange \ite the questions forthe answers. @ | 1 How old are you? Imeleven. i} 2 ? t's David. | 3 ? it’s 0207 645 8112. Ben: Hello! 4 ? It's Brown. Sarah: Hil ' Three chocolate bars, please. Ben: Here? are. Anything © Grammar ms 5 Use the correct form of the verb to be to coripiate te eral: Sarah: Yes. One* and two ce ; . . please = | Ben: Here yout Anything fon Jah > ? ene | Sarah: Yes, * pen, please | Ben: Anything® ? | No, * Goodbye. | Goodbye | | @writing | Look and write questions and answers. 4 What's this? It’s a desk 2. What are those? They're windows, Hi, Ben My name "s Joseph, and |? 3 fourteen. This Gemma, my sister. She ¢ twelve. How old 4 ‘ you? Bye! 7 Joseph ES ee ee ee Tee ee ee es a ice Welcome module: Extra pract @ Vocabulary Colour the circles. 1 2 i, i O Vocabulary Match the numbers to the words. O Vocabulary Find eight words in the word snake. Write them under the correct heading. @ Grammar OGrammar ‘Watteia eran. Circle the correct word. 1 apple 4 desk A: What's *hat/those? notebook 5 orange aid {It's my bag. 3 sandwich 6 ice cream © Grammar ‘A: What are? that/these? ‘Complete the dialogue. Use words from the box. B; ? It's/They’re my sandwiches le_sumname do number it's your Ge C a ee) A: What's this? : What's your first name’ eke nes ieael B: ‘It’s/They're my desk ‘A: And what's your? ? B: It's Green ‘A: What are’ this/those? A: How? you spell that? B: ¢It's/They‘re my oranges. B: G-R-* E-N. ‘A: What's your telephone * ? B: & 01455 878956. @ Vocabulary Write the sports for these pictures. dule 1: Fast finisher 4 5 @ Vocabulary Write the countries for these ci Havana Lisbon New York London Tokyo Delhi ouswne OGrammar Write the questions for these answers. 1 ‘No, he isn’t happy. He's sad. They're from Japan, Tony is twelve and Rob is eleven Yes, I'm very hungry, My favounte sports star is Thierry Henry. It’s in January. OGrammar Complete the questions for these answers. 1 How old ishe? He's ten. 2 isshe 2 She's from Russia. 3 her name? Her name's Ana. He's from South Africa. She's eleven. Owriting ‘Complete the information about a friend. My friend Name: Age Favourite film star: Favourite song Favourite colour Now write sentences about your friend. My friend’s name is - He/She is ey Module 1: Extra practice QGrammar Vocabulary Match the pictures to the words. 1 I'm bored! 2 Fm thirsty! 3 Imeold! 4 rmbungry! Ir c Ss 5 I'mtired! 2 é (G23 © Vocabulary A: Hi, | (qny"re Tracy. B: Hi Tracy, ?my/me name's Mel. Where are you for/from? ‘A: I'm from South Africa. How old “ arelis you? B: ‘I'm/You're eleven. al Look at the word snake. Find five sports and five months. months Jaly, OGrammar Match the questions and answers. 1. Ihe bored? —~ a No, theyaren't 2. Whensher birthday? b Japan. 3. Are they happy? © Yes, 1am. 4 How oldare your | d__ it’s in December. 5 How old is she? | e I'mtwelve 6 Where's he from? (5 She's eight 7 Are you tired? 9 Yes, heis jgfootballmarchskiingseg,. ory pera! "9 Fe *bruaryvolieyballdece™ @ Reading Read about Hiroko. Then complete the table. Hi, Tin Hiroko. I'm ten years old and my birthday is in March, Tm from Japan. My home is in Kamakura. My favourite colour is red and my favourite pop star is Rihanna Nome Hiroko ‘Age: Birt! Country: City: [Favourite colour: | Favourite pop star: dule 2: Fast finisher @ Vocabulary ©Grammar Choose the correct words to complete the Write sentences about this town. sentences. father aunt mother grandfather uncle grandmother My father's mother is my grandmother My cousin’s father is my u My mother’s father is my g, My cousin’s aunt is my m My cousin’s uncle is my f My father’s sister is my a ouawne @writing and vocabulary Write about this room. sports centre/swimmning pool In this town there is a sports centre, but there isn't a swimming pool. 2. parksicates pester bag bed desk penailcase books box 3 shops/supermarkets 4 bus station/railway station 5 tiver/beach OGrammar Now ask and answer questions about the town 1 houses? : : Are there any houses? Yes, there are. There are two posters in the box. 2. railway station? 3 mountains? 4 football stadium? 5 river 6 cinema? Module 2: Extra practice @ Vocabulary Owriting Write the missing words. Unscramble the words to make sentences. 1. aunt/Monica/is/my Monica is my aunt. 4 2. hetfccusin/loannelis t 7 bee 2 | a | 3. is/Sarafsisterthis, sister | jie 4. isourluncle/Nick (eres 5 thelr/Bob/isgrandifather cousin 6 mother/s/Suzylyour © Grammar Look at the pictures, Circle the correct words. 1 The ruler is(ipVon the pencil case. 2 The chair is on/near the desk. 3 The cat is under/on the box 4 The apples are under/in the bag 5 The books are under/near the chair. a OGrammar @Grammar Write there és or there are. Now write the negative form of the sentences for Activity 4. 1 Thereare___ two parks. 2 et 1 There aren't any parks. 2 a beach. 3 alotat shops. 3 a lot of shops. 4 a football stadium. 4 a football stadium. 5 six houses, 5 six houses. 6 a river 6 a river @ dule 3 @ Reading and vocabulary Look at Jim's timetable. Tick (v) the correct sentences. Correct the wrong sentences. [9.18 | Geography | [1000 | PE __| (1045 | BREAK [u110 | English _| [1166 | LoNcH | 12.40 | Maths 1.25 | Science a 2.10 | BREAK 2.80 | History 1. Ive got Geography at a quarter past nine. 7 2 I've got PE at ten past ten. x Ive got PE at ten o'lock. 3. I've got a break at quarter to eleven. 4 ’ve got English at ten to ten, 5 I've got lunch at five to eleven, @ Reading and writing Look at Jim's timetable again. Write sentences about the afternoon. 1 I've got Maths at twenty to one, 2 3 4 O Vocabulary Unscramble the words for food items. 1 cubtiis biscuit 2 knechic 3 sehece 4 kace 5 rthygou 6 lepap 7 cspsir 8 dalas : Fast finisher Owriting Write sentences about what you have and haven't got. 11 sandwiches w/hairbrush x I've got some sandwiches, but I haven't got @ hairbrush. 2. apples wipurse w I've got some apples and a purse. 3. tissues wimoney X 4 teddy bear Vimagazines W 5. drink w/sandwich x 6 sweets Wimobile phone X © Grammar and vocabulary Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each gap. Mrs Brown: What's in your lunch * box, Sarah? Have? got a yoghurt? Sarah: No, 13 But have gott apple. Mrs Brown: Have you got > sandwiches? Sarah: . , Ihave. I've got three cheese ? Mrs Brown: And* __you got any cake? No, Ihaven’t any cake but 1” got two chocolate biscuits. Module 3: Extra practice @ Vocabulary Find ten school subjects and ten numbers in the word snake, Write them under the correct heading. anton! ae oe net "Se aaswt™ “ancoby ia aot 0 threePEonesighinistors\t*™ School subjects Numbers Geography six. @ Vocabulary Match the times. 1148 a ten past seven 2 18.30 b twenty past ten 3 19.10 twenty-five past eight 4 08.25 d_ quarter to tweve 5 22.08 fe twenty-five to five 6 10.20 4 half past three 7 16.38 9. five past ten © Grammar Use a, an or any to complete the questions. Then write the answers. 1. Have you got any sweets? v Yes, thave, x 2. Have you got notebook?” «x. 3 Have you got mobile phone? x 4 Have you got orange? v 5 Have you got keys? x 6 Have you got tissues? v OGrammar Circle the correct words. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a Joe and Emma have got€omeYany sweets but they haven’t/not got any rubbish. I've got a/an purse and I've got a/some keys Julie hasn‘t/haven't got any biscuits but she has got a/some crisps. We've got two sandwich/sandwiches and any/some tissues, My dad has got some/a yoghurt and any/a banana. We got a hairbrush and/but a teddy bear. ‘My sister and | have/are got some magazines but we haven't got some/any money. Eric has/have got some cake and two ham sandwiches dule 4: Fast finisher te OGrammar Look at the chart. Then write about Fiddle. Kw ; hamburgers salad 3 films ghost stories dogs cats 4 + football shopping | @Grammar Use words from the box to complete the text. sweets likes food Do you football lke don't I don't like sport, but my brother, Peter, kes 2 and basketball 3 you tke sport? My favourite # is ice cream, and 15 spaghetti Peter * salad and pizza. We like” . too! What's your favourite food? Do . like spaghetti or pizza? @ Vocabulary Write the free-time activities under the pictures. SES &* Al take the dog for awalk s 7 a : mom w 3 w . : OGrammar Complete the dialogue. Write one word in each gap. A: Dot you like sport? B: Yes, Ido! | play football and |? swimming, ‘A: What about your friends? Do 3 like sport? B: Saira and Jil like sport. They don't football. They ‘ their dog for a walk. My friend Harry likes sport. He ? skateboarding and he ® tennis Module 4: Extra practice @ Vocabulary and reading Who is it? Read the sentences and match them to the people. 1. I don't like football. Meera 5 I don't like karate 2. like apples 6 Like football 3 I don't lke apples. 7 Idon't tke pizza 4 Wike karate 8 lke pizza Owriting © Grammar Write sentences about Ryan, Meera, Tim and Circle the correct words. denny. 1 A: ©oyDoes you like sweets? 1 yan likes pizza but he doesnt like apples. B: Yes, | do/don't 2 Meera 2 Wedon't like/likes cleaning our room 3° Henry like/likes Maths and Geography PNG, 4 A: Do Suzie and Sarah like/likes dogs? B: No, they do/don’t 5 A: Do/Does your dad like ‘Pop Idol’? 4 Jenny B: Yes, he does/doesn’t. 6 They don't/not like yoghurt Vocabulary Find seven free-time activities in the word snake. FEF EOEN OTR paagesmakernoselBiene? lectbadges! walk the dog OGrammar Write questions and answers. 1 youlgo ice-skating? v 4 Lolaread fantasy books? x Do you go ice-skating? Yes, Ido. 2 welisten tomusic? v7 5 Vikecrsps? v7 3. Jon and Pau/go swimming? x 6 Zaraftake her dog fora walk? v7 dule 5: Fast finisher @ Vocabulary @Vocabulary Complete these adverbs of frequency. Then Use the adverbs of frequency from match them to the diagrams. Activity 2 to complete these sentences about yourself. 11 do my homework ay walk to schoo! 31 tell the truth ai g0 to bed at hal past seven at night 51 ge school by bike 61 have breakfast at school 71m a good listener 8 Im friendly O Vocabulary Look at the pictures and write instructions. classroom! in the dassroom! ‘magazines in the classroom! OGrammar Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets to complete this text. My brother Sid "hates (hate) his journey to school. He? (take) the bus and there > (be) lots of people. He * (eave) the house at 7.30 in the morning, (love) my journey to school. 6 (walk) to school. There a (be) lots of interesting shops and 1* (look) at all the things in the shop windows. 1? (leave) the house at 8 00 in the morning, Module 5: Extra practice @ Vocabulary Find eight phrases for daily routines in the word snake. orkreads, i ev Oks aqaneanevedinnerieg os homey, os ‘tkeupgetdressedhavebres™ g0 to bed Grammar Correct the sentences. Use the information in brackets. 1 | get up at half past six (even o'clock) I don't get up at half past six. | get up at seven o'clock. I walk to school. (go by bus) Tina has lunch at twelve o'clock. (have breakfast) ‘My mum and dad watch TV in the evening (play computer games) You do your homework in the morning. (in the evening) We go to bed at half past nine (half past ten) © Grammar OReading Write the opposite of these instructions. Read the texts. Who likes their journey to 1 school? Who doesn’t like their journey? Pick up your pencil Oe Draw © or ® next to each text. Don't pick up your pencil. Don't brush your hair Brush your hair. Jane: | go to school by bus. | like my journey to Count to twelve. school. The bus driver is very friendly © (Clear the bfackboard Zillah: | go to school by car! don't like my journey to school. It’s boring! Don't talk to your friend Bob: I hate my journey to school. | walk up a Don't playa.came very big hil t's along journey. (>) Look at the teacher. ove my journey to school. | go by train. There are lots of people on the train. It's funt O @ Sit on the floor. O Vocabulary Label the skeleton. 1am eraunwn Owriting Write questions and answers about wolves. 1 livefin the sea Norland Do wolves live in the sea? No, they don't. They live on the land. 2 have got/two legs Noffour 3 bereptiles No/mammals 4 eatimeat Yes 5. canftly No 6 can/run Yes Fast finisher © Grammar you ride to the shop and get an ice cream for me Can you ride | a bike? Request Look at the pictures. Then read the questions. Are they about ability (A) or are they requests (R)? Can you swim? A Can you fetch my sandwiches? aR Can | borrow your phone? Can dolphins fly? Can they read and write? Can I sit here? Can you clean the hamster cage? ‘Can she speak English? evauawne Owriting Use the information in Acti short paragraph about wolves. 2 to writea Module 6: Extra practice @ Vocabulary and reading Read the description. Tick v the correct monster-A,BorC. 8 A EOL My monster has got two Car <7 ( wings and four logs. I's Ms. RY c got two ears and one ye. W's got a lot of teeth and a small nose, ; nek, © Grammar and reading OReading Read about Sue and Gemma. Complete the Match to make sentences. chart with ¥ or. 1. Dolphins live a wings. Sue can swim but she can't ride a bike 2 Polarbearseat \_b_ four legs, She can count to a hundred in English but 3° Crocodiles are © inthe sea she can’t sing, 4 Wolves have got fish 5 Monkeys can © replies. Gemma can ride a bike and she can swim © Grdshavepet Fab e She can't count to a hundred in English and she can’t sing OGrammar a " Use the phrases from the box to complete fee oF | these requests. ride a bike | ‘you fetch -Hoerrew you wash ieee listen use you dose wg | CUT 1 Can Ibonow your pen, please? O Vocabulary 2 can the door, please? Find ten animals in this wordsearch. 3 Can jou copier lesel roo efits. 4 Can the hamster food, tecrtparrotsh ee! 5 Can to your CD, please? afr teres Gt Rio d awe 6 xi the car, please? daonytionftcof otcheassnaked lbeoanripmails pwdilblibente |hfitiesdupspo ji letaheyleer | eatrhriecrt h n t ° @ Vocabulary Look at the models. Write the clothes items. Owriting Write sentences about the models in Activity 1. Sandy is wearing a skirt, ) anda Greg Bily © Vocabulary and grammar Complete the text. eating dog. wi kitchen sunny are skirt_making living Hi Safty It's very hot and * sunny. today. Dad is in the ? He's 2 lunch. My sisters, Sarah and kelly, 4 in the garden. They 5 playing tennis. 'm in my bedroom. t'm alletter to you. My mum is in the ? room. She's mending her ® What are you doing? Are you ® lunch or are you taking your for a walk? Love Terri © Grammar and writing Write questions. 1 Whyfeatvlunchvat 11 o'clock? Why are you eating lunch at 11 o'clock? Where/go ? N 3 Wholtext ? 4 What/read ? 5. Whyigo to school/on Saturday ? OGrammar Write negative sentences. Use the correct form of verbs from the box. ‘wear eat play write listen ride 1 Vimnot writing. to my fiend. 'm doing my homework. 2. It's hot today, so Ben a jacket 3 She your bike: It’s my bike. My friends football in the park. They're at home. 5 You to music. You're watching TV. 61 lunch. 'm not hungry. ——— ee Module 7: Extra practice @ Vocabulary and reading © Grammar Read and match. Then colour. Circle the correct words. Joe(fsJare making dinner. You am/are laying the table. Archie isyam mending his bike | amfis reading @ magazine Stefan isfam doing his homework Pip and Bob are/am playing football ouawna OGrammar Match the questions and answers. ‘Are you cleaning your bike? {Rob reading a book? ‘Are your friends playing football? ‘Are we walking to school? Js she watching TV? Yes, we are. Yes, they are. Yes, !am, Yes, she is. No, he isn't eance weune © Grammar Put the words into the correct order to make questions. 1 I'mwearing green trousers, brown boots 1. you/are/whathwearing ? and a grey hoody. a What are you wearing? 2. I'mwearing blue shorts, an orange T-shirt and black sandals. 2 my/why/reading/are/magazine/you ? 3. I'mwearing a purple jacket, a yellow skirt and red shoes. 3 are/goinghwhere/you ? @ Vocabulary Find and circle the odd one out. sip GDS sey cl summer sunglasses autumn winter boots shoes hat sandals snowy cold cool hot spring skirt shit jacket 4 you/who/texting/are ? weune The Wild Life Welcofne module Josh and Saira get ready for their trip to Africa. W's my camera. What's that? |(( We're TV presenters. Our show is “The Wild Lifal’ Right. Pens, notebooks, hats ... va sandwiches, apples, chocolate bars ... S 3 Oh no! I's our bag! Jn ‘on our way to Aftica for “The Wild Life! ye Module 1 Saira and Josh are at the camp in Africa. Mtoto’s eyes are brown and o's his fur is brown. { Look, Mtoto! A football! < x y ~y 2 It's @ robot. 3 ‘And that is Mtoto's . fi Look, Mtotol — al / favourite food! 4 sh e k Module 2 Saira and Josh are in the Kruger National Park. Kruger National Park factfile * The Kruger National Park is in South Africa * Ibis 19,000 square kilometres big + There are buffalo, lions, cheetahs and giraffe at the perk * There are more than 11,000 elephants in the Kruger National Park Hi kids! Today we're in the \ Look! There's an elephant National Park! next to the car! T'm hungry. Where are hiesty. Where's the sandwiche: the water bottle? U'm bored and I'm Where are the elephan Hello! Here's some nice cold wa Module 3 = Saira and Josh are on the Zambezi river. Crocodile factfile A.crocodile has got a © Crocodiles live in rivers and lakes a * Baby crocodiles are 20 centimetres long, ‘Adult crocodies are 5 to 7 metres long! An alligator has got a * Crocodiles have got a long tail, four legs and U-shaped head. lots of teetht U've got « cheese sandwich and some cake in my lunchbox. Mines, Yo for sparta people and a chimpanzee in my lunchbox! Hurrah! Now I've got a sendwich, some pizze, an apple and some cake! Module 4 Josh and Saira are at the campsite. It’s their free time now. What do they like? mals and reading. » | read books about | write about the animals and geography of Africa. | draw pictures of plants and birds. Uke witng and geography. In ny fen time U write my doesn’t like books or di och doeso’t write a wildlife diary. He plays computer games! He do pictures of plants an Module 5 This is a typical day on safari for Josh and Saira. a Josh and Saira always get up at They have breakfast at seven o'clock. half past six in the morning. a Josh, don't shout at Mtoto! He's a little baby chimpanzee! Mtoto always ts my toast! At nine o'clock they usually drive to the waterhole. They film the animals. They sometimes have lunch in the car. % losh often has a chocolate bar. ‘Saira, stopl That's mp chocolate bar. T'm hungry, Josh. And Like chocolate. 4 pictures for ‘The Wild Life’. la Wf Josh! Take your feet [6] And, of course, they never fight. Module 6 Saira and Josh tell us about the animals on safari. Elophants have got very big noses, called trunks. They can pick up food with their trunks. Yes. Africa is beautiful and there are some incredible animals here. s. It weighs 5,400 Fa kilos. Wow! i Giraffes have very long necks and long legs. They are 5 metres tall. Cheetahs can run very fast — 80 kilometres per hour. Cheetahs ' have got yellow fur wi Because giraffes are tall, spots. Theit stomachs are white. J Og — they can eat the leaves from tall trees. Some crocodiles are 100 years old! The hippopotamus likes the water. It can swim very well. Hippopotami don't like the het sun. They live in rivers and lakes because the wator is cool. They can swim very fst in the water and they can run very fast on land, Be carefull ‘And they can) throw bananas! | Module 7 Josh and Saira are back in England. I's beautiful. But why are you wearing sweaters, scarves, hats and boots? Look, Mrs Mourad. Y~ Do you like Here are the photos | them, Mum? from our amazing trip to Africa. aN ae a Na) tal Five o'clock in the morning. You never get up at five o'clock in the morning at home!! shorts, a T-shirt, sunglasses and lots of suncream. reining, Thats the Vietoria Falls. You're wearing my T-shirt and my sunglasses! — That's Mtoto. my sunhat and sandals and ‘And what's this photo? Saira's jacket! Is this Josh or Saira? SA The Wild Life Welcome module 1 | Are these sentences true (T) or false (F)? a _Josh and Saira's show is Trip to Africa’ b Josh and Saira are on the plane to Africa. © Josh and Saira’s bag is on the plane to Africa, 2 Complete these sentences. a Josh and Saira are TV _ presenters b This is Saira’s This is Josh's & FE Module 1 1 Write answers to the questions. a What colour are Mtoto's eyes? Brown b What is Mtoto’s favourte sport? SH © Where is Mtoto from? d_ How old is Mtoto? 2. Unscramble the words to complete these sentences. a Mtoto js Josh and Saira’s new | denief friend b Mtoto is wto € Mtoto’s favourite food is fabnsnaa) d_ Mtoto's favourite toy isa (tobro) / 3 What do Josh and Saira pack? Tick (v) ) Can you remember? the things they take. pens glue sticks oranges apples v x chocolate bars rulers chair !” Can you remember? 3 Who says these things? Write J (Josh), S (Saira) or M (Mtoto). a This is ournew friend. J b He'stwo © Itsarobot drm hungry Ouch! Module 2 1 Find the answers to these questions. a Where are Saira and Josh? Kruger National Park. How many elephants are in the Kruger National Park? © How big is the Kruger National Park? d_ Where is the Kruger National Park? 2. Use the correct preposition to complete the sentences. a The tree is next to_ the car. b The sandwiches are Josh's bag. © The water bottle is the tree 3. Unscramble the words to spell animals. ufbloaf buffalo a b nol © htceaeh d egrafif fe Can you remember? 4 Whois... a hungry? b thirsty? bored? hot? 1 Are these crocodile facts true (T) or false )? Baby crocodiles are 5 rm long F Adult crocodiles are 7 m long, Crocodiles have got lots of teeth Crocodiles have got V-shaped heads. ance 2 Write answers to these questions. Where is the Zambezi River? In Zambia. What time is it? Who is in the canoe with Josh and Saira? ae 3 Complete the sentences. a Josh has got some pizza and an apple in his lunchbox b Saira has gota and some in her lunchbox. ¢ The crocodile has got two anda in his lunchbox, {A Can you remember? 4 Who says these things? Write J (Josh), 'S (Saira) or M (Mtoto) a Where's my lunchbox? M b Help! tot, thankyou Hurrah | 1 Choose the correct answer to each question. a Where are Josh and Saira? 1 inacar i 2 ona river 3 atthe campsite b What does Saira ike? 1. geography and writing 2. reading and animals 3. drawing and plants © What does Mtoto like? 11 computer games and comics 2. aliens and space rockets 3. bananas and football 2. Use words in the box to complete the sentences. pictures facts reads birds doesn't her a In her free time, Saira books about animals and birds. bb Inhis free time, Josh draws plants and Mtoto learn and he doesn’t draw pictures Canc | |3. who... ‘a draws pictures of aliens and space rockets? Josh reads comics about superheroes? | b ¢ runs and climbs trees? Module 5 11 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences... a Mtoto always/sometimes eats Josh's toast. b Josh and Saira usually/never drive to the watethole at 9 o'clock ¢ They often/sometimes have lunch in the car d__Josh always/often has a chocolate bar. 2. Put these sentences in the correct order for Josh and Saira’s day. They have lunch in the car. They eat breakfast ¢ They look at pictures for "The Wild Life’ d__ They drve to the waterhole. fe They get up. 1 3. Choose the correct verb from the box to complete the instructions. Tak look eat stand take shout a Don't eat my toast! b Don't at Mtotol © Don't up! Ssh! Don't e your feet off the table! f at these pictures! Can you remember? Who ... a. ishungry? Saira b sstired? ¢ puts his feet on the table? likes chocolate? _ Module 6 || 1. Match the animal to the description. \ a They have got yellow fur with black spots. 1 Ganeerears o 3 Write sentences about the animals with can + a verb from the box. swim pickup eat run They have very bi | ee | 2 crocodiles 1 Cheetahs. can run very fast | i | © Theycan throw jae 2 Hieronorant NOE | bananas 9 3. Giraffes the leaves from tall They don't ike the Sees 4 cheetah ‘ hot sun. Teas 4 Elephants food with their e Theycan swim ‘trunks. } wes. 5. hippotami if was got very 2 slectants Can you remember? | 4 Choose the correct numbers to complete 2. Unscramble the adjectives. these sentences. a zngaami amazing @ Cheetahs can run at 60/70/80)km per hour. b flabuutei b Some crocodiles are 100/150/200 yearsold © Indiceerbi © The African elephant weighs 540/ a Nee 5,400/54,000 kis e gib Giraffes are 2/5/10 m tall Module 7 1 Match the sentences to the places. a. Nsvery wet. 3 aiheSahera, Can you remember? b Wsveryhot | 2 Lake Melawi, Who says these things? Write J € Itsverycold. “3° The Victoria Fal. | (dosh), S (Saira) or M (Mrs Mourad) 2. Write answers. iat (eieceesl ™ | b Coops! 2 2 Isiraning at the Victor fas ca He yas No, it isn't. He's naughty! b Ave Josh and Saira wearing sweaters in ‘the Sahara Desert? Match these sentence halves ¢ Is Mtoto wearing Saira’s jacket? a: Miao a ar Beene The Kruger National 2 atthe d_ Does Mrs Mourad lke the photos? Park is waterhole. © TheZambezifiveris 3. in England Does Saira usualy get up at five o'clock | Josh and Saira film animals. “4 from Ghana fntbeimornig? fe Mrs Mourad lives 5 in South Africa rd List Adjectives beautiful big dangerous fantastic favourite friendly fun funny late on time sharp. ‘small strong Adverbs always never often sometimes usually Animals bat bird butterfly camel cat crocodile dog dolphin elephant fish frog hamster insect tion mammal monkey monster panda parrot penguin polar bear rabbit reptile snake spider stick insect tiger wolf Cities Delhi Edinburgh Havana Lisbon London New York Ottawa Tokyo Clothes boots dress gloves hat hoody jacket jeans leggings sandels scart shoes shorts skirt sunglasses sweatshirt top trainers trousers Tshirt umbrella Colours: blue brown green grey orange pink purple red white yellow Countries Brazil Canada Cuba England India Japan Poland Russia Scotland South Africa Daily routine verbs do homework get dressed get up {90 to bed {go to school have a bath/a shower have a snacl/lunch/breakfastl dinner leave home wake up walk to school Family aunt brother cousin father grandfather grandmother mother sister twins unde Feelings angry bored cold happy Food and Drink apple banana biscuit cake cheese chicken Chinese food chocolate bar crisps living room dean fruit table climb ham window dose hamburgers count ‘ce cream Months do lemonade jeaay rink milkshake February eat orange March feed pizza i fetch salad te fill sandwich June fly spaghetti july hand in sweets ‘fg hate yoghurt September have got ‘. iis ‘October hide Free-time activities November hold lean my room December juggle collect badges jump draw cartoons Numbers Tike G0 shopping Oo ee look at listen to music towne mend make model planes 2) awe open play football/basketball 3 tie pick up play the guitarthe piano/ ree reed the trumpet 5 five run read comics 6: ay say surf the Internet Figae share take the dog for a walk B eight sing watch films/TV ¢ inne sit 10 ten sleep Geography 11 eleven stand cty 12 twelve svi country 13 thirteen talk forest 14 fourteen text grassland 15 fifteen touch hill 16 sixteen understand island 17 seventeen use mountains 18 eighteen wash sea 19 nineteen wear town 20 twenty work tropical 21 twenty-one write village 30 thinly 40 forty Parts of the body House 50 fifty arm bathroom 60 sixty ear bed 70 seventy eye bedroom 80 eighty face ceiling 90 ninety, fin chair 100 one hundred finger cupboard 101 one hundred and one foat, fest ining room fur aoe Other verbs hair floor answer hand garage ask head garden be leg hall borrow mouth kitchen brush neck nose tail toe tooth, teeth wing Pet care bottle bowl cage checklist hutch water Places in a town beach bus station cafe castle church cinema football stadium house park railway station shop sports centre supermarket swimming pool Possessions badge bag book box camera cD comb computer diary DVD player alue stick hairbrush key lip gloss. magazine mobile phone money pen poster purse radio robot rubbish stickers teddy bear television tissues toy wallet Prepositions across behind down in in front of into next to on out of under up Questions and question words anything else how how old what what time what's the matter when where who School break calculator classroom, desk dictionary exercise book friend homework notebook pencil case rubber student teacher School Subjects att English French Geography History IT (information Technology) Maths: Music PE (Physical Education) Saence Seasons spring summer autumn winter Sports basketball cycling football horse riding ice skating karate netball skateboarding skiing swimrring tennis Times five pastito ten pasttto 2 quarter pastito twenty past/to ‘twenty-five past/to half past o'clock evening morning Transport bicycle bus car tax train Weather cold cool dry humid rainy snowy sunny warm windy | Hot Spot is a communicative course with an accessible grammar syllabus designed to address the needs of young teenagers. Fun and engaging, it makes the most of the growing ee Renu ur RC u ULC WU RAS) Bis The Activity Book provides practice and consolidation of the ST ne ea ei Cece od eC BU un De aE Pete Fret Seer od « includes extra reading practice through a fun new story * is packed with viet aon Cur Ce Et ee ei a Pea CeO See emt ica SR ULe Cee ted ‘3 Caer d Te) Te eee RoR ttc e cacy Pee eu RUC Ete Components Ce ara keno ati dhe ; OR Rn et oa rf Re ead Ses Reo a 5 ce re ee a = OL COMMON EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK WAI! A2|B1/ B2)Cl| C2 wn

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