Manage Your Time Don'T Let Time Manage Yourself

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Life and time are the best two teachers. Life teach us to make good of time
and time teach us the value of life.
Today I have a good news and bad news. The bad news is time flies but the
good news is you’re the pilot. Time management is a skill that everyone must learn
because once you use it you cannot hold it back. Knowing how to manage your time
is a huge step towards success and success is the result of your hard work and how
you manage your time. I want you to appreciate the value of seconds because time
is free but it is priceless. You can’t own it but you can use it. You can’t keep it but
you can spend it.
Life is short and we just only have 24 hours a day to experience the beauty
and mystery of life so manage your time in a most effective, efficient and
productive way because time waits and stops for no one. Having a good time
management improves our ability in decision making. The more time that we have
the more time for us to think and the more we think the more time for us to think
appropriate solution for a certain situation. Have you ever experienced that
because of having a lot of works to do you end up in procrastination or stress? I
know that most of us does, and there is a common denominator with that, its
having a lack of time management. The most valuable thing that we can give to
someone is our precious time. Try to give and share your time to your family and
friends because we have a saying that it’s better to give than to receive because
the more you give the more you receive.
Begin your day with the end mind. Begin your day with the image of how you
want to end up. Focus on high value activities ask yourself, what are the 20% of the
activities that will yield 80% of the result? You can also manage your time by making
To-do list. How many of you here are doing this method? There is a reason why
everybody knows what to-do list is. It help us to organize and manage our day.
Every one of us has a 24 hours a day. Nothing more nothing less. Setting up
your goals and prioritize what’s really matter can save your life. Working and living
without goals would be similar to a situation where the captain loses his way in the
sea. As William Shakespeare said, Time is very slow for those who wait. Very fast
for those who scared. Very long for those who are sad. Very short for those who
celebrate. But for those who love time is eternal.

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