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Enzymes are biological catalyst that accelerated the rate and efficiency of a chemical reaction.

A significant number of marketed pharmaceuticals contain active pharmaceutical ingredients that

are manufactured in part using bio catalysis as a key enabling technology. The utilization of
enzymes is on an increase due to significant advances in technology for enzyme discovery, supply,
improvement as well as increased focus on application for chiral drugs.

The isolation of some of the opium alkaloids in the early nineteenth century was a key event in
the development of modern pharmacy. It showed that isolated compounds had much the same
activity as the existing ethnopharmacological material and so paved the way for current orthodox
Western medicine, which uses pure compounds for treatment. Since then, a vast amount of
money has been spent on the synthesis of novel compounds but also on the isolation of
molecules from natural sources and their development into medicines. The contribution of
traditional plant medicines to this process has been significant and some notable examples are:

Artemisinin which is gotten from Artemisia annua is used as an antimalarial.

Atropine; a cholingeric blocker is gotten from Atropa belladonna (deadly nightshade). This is used
for dilation of the pupils and as a gastrointestinal sedative.

Caffeine originated from Coffea arabica (coffee) and is used as a central nervous system

Digoxin used for congestive heart failure, arrhymias and other heart conditions is derived from
Digitalis spp (Foxgloves)

Ephedra sinica and other spp have been used for respiratory complaints. Ephedrine which is
widely used as a bronchia relaxant has its origin from this plant.

Claviceps purpurea (Ergot) is the plant source of Ergometrine which for contraction of the uterus
in childbirth.

Reserpine which is used as a hypotensive agent and a tranquillizer is obtained from Rauvolfia

Scopolamine (Hyoscine) is derived from Mandragora officinalis (Mandrake) and it is commonly

used as a preoperative sedative, analgesic and hallocinogen.

Cartharanthus roseus (Madagascar periwinkle) is known to have about 150 alkaloids.

Antineoplastic activity is said to be present in a group of 20 bisindole alkaloids. This includes
vincristine and vinblastine.

Vinblastine is used mainly for the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease and non- Hodgkin’s lymphomas.
Vincristine is used principally in the treatment of acute lymphocytic leukaemia in children.

Indian podophyllum consists of the dried rhizome and roots of Podophyllum hexandrum, syn. P.
emodi. It is used for the preparation of the resin and isolation of podophyllotoxin for drug use
and semi-synthesis of etoposide.

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