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VDIXXX10.1177/1040638717725783Charcot–Leyden crystals appear to be human-specificChoi et al.

Brief Communication

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation

Charcot–Leyden crystals: do they 2017, Vol. 29(6) 904­–909

© 2017 The Author(s)
Reprints and permissions:
exist in veterinary species? A case
DOI: 10.1177/1040638717725783
report and literature review

Eunju Choi,1 Andrew D. Miller, Elizabeth Devenish, Makoto Asakawa,

Marina McConkey, Jeanine Peters-Kennedy

Abstract. The Charcot–Leyden crystal (CLC) is a major human eosinophil protein that readily crystallizes; these crystals
are common in eosinophilic diseases. Although anecdotal existence of these crystals is known in veterinary pathology,
definitive reports do not exist, to our knowledge. We identified eosinophilic crystals in a laryngeal myxosarcoma from a
2-y-old, spayed female, Labrador Retriever dog that were tentatively interpreted as CLCs. However, Ziehl–Neelsen acid-fast
stain was negative, arguing against CLCs. The crystals stained red with Masson trichrome, precluding collagen. Periodic acid–
Schiff and alcian blue were negative. The crystals stained positively with Okajima, and no myoglobin immunoreactivity was
detected, supporting their identity as hemoglobin crystals. In the absence of a hematologic abnormality, these crystals were
interpreted to be abnormal hemoglobin breakdown products. Protein sequence comparison was pursued to determine whether
a protein similar to CLC exists in mammals. Only 3 nonhuman primate species, the Sumatran orangutan (Pongo abelii), rhesus
macaque (Macaca mulatta), and cynomolgus monkey (Macaca fascicularis), had a sequence similarity of >80%. Of the
crystal-forming residues, 12 of 54 (22%) were different in the Sumatran orangutan and 15 of 54 (28%) were different in the
Macaca spp., which may affect the crystallization process. The lack of reports of CLCs in nonhuman species and our results
collectively suggest that CLCs are human-specific.

Key words: Charcot–Leyden crystal protein; histocytochemistry; sequence homology.

Charcot Leyden crystals (CLCs) are eosinophilic, refractile, tions have deemed these crystals nonexistent, at least in
non-birefringent, hexagonal bipyramidal structures com- mice.16,23 No work has been reported to prove or disprove the
monly encountered in human pathology. CLC protein is a presence of CLCs in veterinary species, to our knowledge.
major constituent of the primary granules of eosinophils in We report herein in silico evidence that suggests that CLCs
humans, comprising ~7–10% of total cellular protein.30 CLC are unique to humans plus a short review on eosinophilic
protein expression has been identified in human CD4+ crystals that was triggered by the identification of eosino-
CD25+ Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells.7 Initially, CLCs philic crystals in a laryngeal myxosarcoma of a young dog.
were thought to be lysolecithin acylhydrolase, which has A 2-y-old, spayed female, Labrador Retriever dog was
lysophospholipase activity and interacts with the enzyme admitted to the Cornell University Hospital for Animals
lysophospholipase.31 However, lysolecithin acylhydrolase (Ithaca, NY) for surgical removal of a laryngeal mass. The
has been renamed galectin-1017 based on the sequence simi- patient’s first clinical sign was a diminished bark that
larity to galectins and weak lactose-binding activity.8 appeared 10 mo prior. Over the subsequent months, the bark
In humans, CLCs are found in cytology or histology spec- was lost, and exercise intolerance developed during
imens of eosinophilic inflammation caused by allergic dis- walks. One month prior to the resection, a whistling or
eases such as asthma, parasitic infections, or any idiopathic wheezing sound was noted when exercising, which led to the
eosinophil-rich inflammation in any organ system.3,6 Tradi-
tionally, CLCs have been deemed to be a protein found only
Section of Anatomic Pathology, Department of Biomedical Sciences
in humans and nonhuman primates.9 In domestic species,
(Choi, Miller, Peters-Kennedy); Section of Small Animal Surgery,
eosinophilic crystals present in cytology specimens with Department of Clinical Sciences (Asakawa, McConkey); and Cornell
eosinophils have been interpreted as CLCs.10 CLCs were also University, College of Veterinary Medicine, Ithaca, NY (Devenish).
previously believed to be the cause of eosinophilic crystalline 1
Corresponding author: Eunju Choi, Section of Anatomic Pathology,
pneumonia in mice; however, it is now known that these crys- Anatomic Pathology Office, Department of Biomedical Sciences,
tals are composed of a chitinase-like protein, Ym1.12 Given Animal Health Diagnostic Center, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY 14853.
the rarity of these crystals in research settings, recent publica-
Charcot–Leyden crystals appear to be human-specific 905

Figure 1.  Histologic features and staining properties of eosinophilic crystals within a canine myxosarcoma. A. The eosinophilic crystals
form radiating acicular spicules within the neoplasm. H&E. 200×. Inset: higher magnification of the eosinophilic crystals. H&E. 400×. B.
Using Okajima, the crystals (arrow) stained orange similar to erythrocytes (arrowhead). 400×. C. Using Masson trichrome stain, the crystals
were dark-red to purple. 400×. D. The crystals were negative using Ziehl–Neelsen acid-fast stain. 400×. E. The crystals were negative using
periodic acid–Schiff. 400×. F. Alcian blue staining did not highlight the crystals, but the matrix within the neoplasm stained blue. pH 2.5.

identification of a laryngeal mass on radiographs and via mass was bluntly dissected until ~90% of the mass had been
laryngeal exam. On examination at Cornell, this finding was removed. The resected mass was sent to the Cornell ana-
corroborated on computed tomography (CT) scan, which tomic pathology service. Five soft tissue fragments ranging
revealed a 1 × 1.3 × 1.9 cm laryngeal mass caudal to the from 0.5 × 0.5 × 0.3 to 1.5 × 1.5 × 1 cm were received, fixed
epiglottis with no evidence of lymph node metastasis. in 10% buffered formalin for 24 h, processed routinely,
At surgery, the mass was globoid, multinodular, smooth, embedded in paraffin, and cut at 4-µm thickness. Histologic
firm, tan-to-gray, and occupied ~85% of the airway. A single sections were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E),
stay suture was placed through the laryngeal mass, and the Ziehl–Neelsen (ZN) acid-fast stain, periodic acid–Schiff
Choi et al.

Table 1.  Eosinophilic crystalline structures and their staining properties.

Histochemical stain and/or

Type Specific location or disease Composition immunohistochemistry Species
YM1 crystals Respiratory tract (lung), YM1 protein anti-Ym1 Mouse12
gallbladder, bile ducts, glandular
stomach, renal tubules
Hemoglobin crystals Variable Hemoglobin Okajima Rat,4,15 dog,5,11
horse,25 human2,33
Amianthoid fibers Palisaded myofibroblastoma and Collagen Masson trichrome Human,13,26 dog24
other sarcomas
Skeinoid fibers Neurogenic spindle cell tumor and Collagen Masson trichrome, periodic Human,21 horse29
gastrointestinal stromal tumor acid–Schiff (PAS)
Rosenthal fibers Gliosis and brain tumors, especially Intermediate anti-GFAP, Fluoro-Jade Human,32 dog,1,27
pilocytic astrocytomas filaments sheep14
Reinke crystals Leydig cell tumors Unknown Giemsa, Gram, Masson Human,19
trichrome, PAS, marmoset22
dehydrogenase, anti-nestin
Charcot–Leyden crystals Eosinophilic infiltrate CLC protein Ziehl–Neelsen acid-fast stain Human6
and Masson trichrome

(PAS), alcian blue (pH 2.5), Masson trichrome, and Okajima crystals. However, unexpectedly, Okajima highlighted these
for hemoglobin and myoglobin. Immunohistochemistry for crystals orange as well as the erythrocytes in blood vessels, a
myoglobin was performed (Leica BOND MAX IHC & ISH finding more compatible with hemoglobin or myoglobin
Staining System, Leica Microsystems, Buffalo Grove, IL). crystals (Fig. 1B). Immunohistochemical staining for myo-
Formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded sections were deparaf- globin was performed and did not immunoreact with the crys-
finized, rehydrated, and subsequently blocked with 3% tals, ruling out myoglobin (data not shown). ZN acid-fast
hydrogen peroxide (Leica). Antigen retrieval was performed stain has been shown to highlight CLCs in tissue sections,28
(Bond Epitope Retrieval Solution 2, Leica) for 30 min. Sec- and Masson trichrome stains CLCs red-to-purple.3 Although
tions were incubated with anti-myoglobin (rabbit polyclonal; the trichrome did stain these crystals deep-red (Fig. 1C), pre-
Cell Marque, Rocklin, CA) for 60 min. Slides were then cluding collagen, ZN was negative, suggesting that these are
incubated with a polymer (Bond Polymer Refine Detection unlikely to be CLCs (Fig. 1D). Alcian blue and PAS con-
Kit, Leica) for 30 min. The slides were developed with DAB firmed the mass to be a myxosarcoma based on the PAS- (Fig.
(3,3’-diaminobenzidine) chromogen and counterstained with 1E) and alcian blue– (Fig. 1F) positive myxomatous matrix
hematoxylin. The external and internal positive controls and surrounding the neoplastic cells.
negative controls were adequate. Eosinophilic crystals are rarely encountered in veterinary
Histologic examination revealed a multinodular, poorly histopathology with the exception of the mouse and rat. In
demarcated neoplasm expanding the submucosa of the lar- mice, buildup of Ym1, a chitinase-like protein, in the lung
ynx and effacing the normal architecture. The neoplasm was causes eosinophilic crystalline pneumonia and can have sig-
composed of loose, haphazardly arrayed neoplastic spindle nificant consequences.12 In the rat, hemoglobin crystals are
cells forming streams and bundles on a background of pale fairly common and are thought to be an intermediate break-
myxomatous matrix (Fig. 1A). Neoplastic cells had indis- down product of hemoglobin.4,15 In our case, the eosinophilic,
tinct cell borders, a small-to-moderate amount of eosino- refractile appearance of the crystals and unusual location
philic, elongated, fibrillar cytoplasm, and a round-to-elongated sparked investigation into these and other extracellular eosino-
nucleus with vesicular chromatin that lacked a prominent philic deposits seen in histopathology. Our investigation
nucleolus. Anisocytosis and anisokaryosis were moderate, included reports of sclerotic collagen, amianthoid fibers, skein-
and 3 mitotic figures were present in ten 400× fields. Multi- oid fibers, and Charcot–Leyden crystals from various species
focally throughout the neoplasm, accounting for ~30% of the (Table 1). Rosenthal fibers, seen in gliosis and in brain neo-
sections examined, were areas of hemorrhage and necrosis plasms such as pilocytic astrocytomas, and Reinke crystals
with small numbers of neutrophils and lymphocytes. Occa- (seen in Leydig cell tumors of the testis) were excluded based
sionally embedded in the neoplasm were small deposits of on the anatomic location. Amianthoid fibers are stellate-shaped
radiating eosinophilic crystalline spicules not associated deposits of crystalline eosinophilic extracellular matrix com-
with hemorrhage or inflammation (Fig. 1A, inset). posed of collagen, most commonly encountered in the pali-
The neoplasm was diagnosed as a myxosarcoma, and the saded myofibroblastoma in humans.13,26 Skeinoid fibers are
eosinophilic crystals were interpreted as Charcot–Leyden eosinophilic stromal fibrillar aggregates seen in neurogenic
Charcot–Leyden crystals appear to be human-specific 907

Figure 2.  Protein BLAST results using human Charcot–Leyden crystal (CLC) protein. A. Alignment tree comparing proteins identified
through protein BLAST. The dog, mouse, rhesus macaque, cynomolgus monkey, and Sumatran orangutan were chosen for comparison.
Note the distance between human and nonprimate species as well as the distance between these groups and mouse and dog. B. Sequence
alignment of human CLC and the 3 most similar species: rhesus macaque, cynomolgus monkey, and Sumatran orangutan. The amino acids
that are involved in crystallization are highlighted. Of the 54 amino acid residues involved in the crystal formation,18 12 (22%) amino acids
were different in the Sumatran orangutan and 15 (28%) amino acids were different in the rhesus macaque and cynomolgus monkey.

spindle cell tumor and gastrointestinal stromal tumor in not associated with areas of hemorrhage, although hemor-
humans. Ultrastructurally, skeinoid fibers are short-spaced col- rhage was noted elsewhere in the neoplasm. The significance
lagen and appear as skeins of yarn.20 Amianthoid fibers, skein- of these crystals in this patient is unclear and was interpreted
oid fibers, and sclerotic collagen are all composed of collagen to be tumor-related.
and stain blue with Masson trichrome. In our case, the crystals Although the neoplasm lacked eosinophils, the crystals
were dark-red to purple when stained with Masson trichrome, were initially interpreted as CLCs, and we speculated that
which suggested that the crystals were not composed of colla- T-regulatory cells present in the neoplastic population could
gen. In general, keratin, muscle fibers, cytoplasm, and fibrin have been the source. However, the histochemical staining
are red, and collagen, bone, and amyloid are blue with this did not support the identification of CLCs. Furthermore, the
stain. PAS was applied for potential monoclonal immunoglob- lack of reports of CLCs in the veterinary literature caused us
ulin deposition; however, the crystals in our case were PAS- to believe that CLCs may be human-specific. In one study,
negative or a light-blue to purple and did not correspond to the eosinophils isolated from humans and guinea pigs were
underlying matrix present throughout the neoplasm. Alcian monitored to assess crystal formation after cell lysis using
blue also confirmed the discordance between the matrix and light microscopy and electron microscopy.9 Crystal forma-
the crystals. The only positive stain that highlighted these crys- tion was present in human eosinophils but not in guinea pig
tals was Okajima, a stain for hemoglobin and myoglobin. Neg- eosinophils, and this reaction to injury of the eosinophils of
ative immunoreactivity against myoglobin antibody ruled out humans and those of the guinea pig was concluded to be
myoglobin. characteristic for each of these 2 groups: primates, including
Apart from the rat, it is believed that hemoglobin from humans, and nonprimate mammalian species, including
all other species crystallizes in vivo only if structurally guinea pigs.9
abnormal.5,15 In our case, no hematologic abnormality was To further investigate the possibility of CLC formation in
observed; however, a blood smear was not performed. Given nonhuman mammalian species, a protein BLAST search was
that these crystals were present within a tumor, the microen- performed on mammalian protein sequences using default
vironment of the neoplasm may have predisposed to hemo- settings of UniProt ( The query
globin crystal formation. Interestingly, these crystals were sequence was human galectin-10 (UniProt entry Q05315
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