The Internet-2

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The Internet Vint Cerf

and Bob
Nobody owns the Kahn
Internet, but if it had Created the
an owner it would be internet
owned by
Operated Networks.

The Internet uses binary to

communicate. Binary information
is in the form of bits. The highest
number of bits being transferred,
the higher the bit rate. The
maximum data transfer across an
Internet connection is the
Bandwidth. Information across the
Internet is transferred by using

Local Area Networks (LAN) are

groups of computers and network
devices that are connected together,
while WAN conects several LAN's.
LAN's are usually more personal
then WAN's.

Each website has a domain name that

Domain Name Servers (DNS) use to find
the IP Address of the website. Sometimes,
Cookies are used to save your
hackers change the IP Address for a data, so websites remember
domain name to take you to a fake
website. This is known as DNS Spoofing. who you are when you visit the
Dymanic Host Configuration Protocol is a
protocol where servers manage a certain
wesite again. To make sure the
amount of IP Addresses. website is secure, websites
provide digital certificates.

The Uniform
Resource Locator
(URL) is the
websites name.

Latency is the delay

before a transfer of
A modem connects your data begins following
home to an ISP. A Wi-Fi instruction.
router connects your
device to Wi-Fi.

Layer Security (TLS) is an
A switch connects your
improved version of Secure
devices within a network,
Socket Layer (SSL). These
while a router connects
are both protocols that
multiple networks
protect your security on the
together. Transmission
Control Protocol (TCP)
manages all the sending
and recieving all your data
as packets. ineerin
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The Internet Also travels

through electricity using
ethernet cables and radios
using wireless stations.

Bits can be transferred

through light, using fiber
optic cables under the sea.

The hierarchy of IP Addresses goes as follows:

The IP adressing now is IPv4, which can
provide over 4 billion unique IP Addresses.
IPv6, a new system, will be able to provide over
340 undecillion

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) is the language used to

commincate between web browsers and servers, when you see the "s"
at the end of the protocol, it becomes HTTPS, which means it is secure.
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is the language that tells web
browsers how to look. There are different types of requests that tell
computers browsers and servers what to do, such as get requests and
post requests.

ISP stands for Internet

Service Providers.The Internet
runs on a series of protocols. One
of the most important ones is the
Internet Protocol, or just IP.

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