Draft Investigation

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Assessment 3- Issues Investigation

Stage 1 Psychology

Cognitive skill development in children involves the progressive building of learning skills that relate to
attention, memory and thinking. These crucial skills enable children to process sensory information and
eventually grasp skills to evaluate, analyze, remember, make comparisons and understand cause and
effect. However, Erik Erikson a German-American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst
conducted a theory that covered the psychological nature of a child’s cognitive process that supposedly
derived from Jean Piaget’s (1936) theory of cognitive development. Commented [AN2]: It was actually derived from a
theorist names Freud, not Piaget.
Erikson maintained that personality develops in a predetermined order through eight stages of
psychological development, from infancy to adulthood. Stated through each stage, the person
experiences a psychosocial crisis which potentially could have a positive or negative outcome for
personality development. According to the theory, successful completion of each stage results in a
healthy personality and the acquisition of basic virtues. However, failure to successfully complete a stage
can result in a reduced ability to complete further stages and therefore, an unhealthier personality and
sense of self that could potentially be resolved successfully at a later time. Commented [AN3]: Great introduction to Erikson. You
Starting from infancy, the theory categorizes the child’s infancy stage ‘Trust vs Mistrust’, where being explained his theory and how it works.
uncertain about the world in which they live, and looks towards their primary caregiver for stability and
consistency of care. Therefore, if a child receives consistent, predictable and reliable care, they will
develop a sense of trust. Stages switch between certain completions of age stance, where the child then
develops advanced cognitive processes such as, independency, initiative, acknowledgement of
accomplishments, recognizing their identity, forming intimacy, out casting their individuality and
accepting ego integrity which is Erik Erikson’s final stage theory of psychological development. Commented [AN4]: You only need to focus on one or two
of his stages. No need to mention the others.
Recognising the cognitive processes of a child’s development, the 21 st century has introduced many
advanced technological games to occupy children. Fortnite, a four-player cooperative survival game set
on a post-apocalyptic Earth. Released in July 2017, is one of the biggest mass online brawls where players
build shelters and defend themselves against marauding zombies. Influenced by many other successful
gaming platforms, Fortnite takes after characteristics of Call of Duty and later on by Hunger Games novels
with the idea of fighting for survival. Fortnite’s main user, children between the ages of 10 years old are
benefited by the fact that its free, fun, silly and has an offbeat sense of humor.
Overlooking Erikson’s theory of psychological development, the game Fortnite portrays many
characteristics that match Erikson’s theory. Parents that allow their children under the age of 10 to play
the game Fortnite find themselves unaware when a high-tension game with the tantalizing prospect of a
rare win gives their child such competency in their accomplishment which is the fourth stage, ‘Industry vs
Inferiority’ of Erikson’s theory. However, by forcing to turn off the game, the child experiences negative
responses to ‘Industry vs Inferiority’ and develops a sense that society is demanding. As Fortnite has a Commented [AN5]: Maybe explain what Industry vs
short time-to-kill which means majority of the game is spent wandering around and scouting for enemies, inferiority is and why it is so important for a child to develop
death can come quickly, at any moment from any angle. Children tend to react to these jump scares in the positive virtue of this stage rather than the negative.
rage, as they are easily frustrated and engaged within the game. Explained that these are particularly
lively, rapid-developing years in a child’s life, it is addressed that it is “time of vigor of action and of
behaviours that the parents may see as aggressive”, (Bee, 1992). Commented [AN6]: Is this in your reference list? If not,
add it. If it is, I’m unsure which one as no references have
the name Bee in it.
References: Commented [AN7]: Make sure you include a conclusion.
This is where you summarise all your points made and really
Dave Thier. 2019. Should Parents Be Worried About 'Fortnite: Battle Royale?' Asks 'Good Morning America'. convince the audience that Fortnite may not be the best
[ONLINE] Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidthier/2018/03/02/good-morning-america-asks- influence on children. It also brings the investigation to a
should-parents-be-worried-about-fortnite-battle-royale/. [Accessed 28 May 2019].
Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply Psychology. 2019. Erik Erikson | Psychosocial Stages | Simply
Psychology. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.simplypsychology.org/Erik-Erikson.html. [Accessed 28 May
Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development | Simply Psychology. 2019. Jean Piaget's Theory of Cognitive
Development | Simply Psychology. [ONLINE] Available at: https://www.simplypsychology.org/piaget.html.
[Accessed 28 May 2019].
Assessment 3- Issues Investigation
Stage 1 Psychology

Issues Investigation Rubric Standards

I2 Critically and logically Logically selects and Selects with some focus, Selects and may partly Identifies a source of
selects and consistently appropriately and mostly appropriately acknowledge one or information about
and appropriately acknowledges acknowledges, more sources of psychology or an
acknowledges information about information about information about issue in psychology.
information about psychology and issues psychology and issues in psychology or an issue
psychology and issues in in psychology from psychology from different in psychology.
psychology from a range different sources. sources.
of sources.
AE1 Uses perceptive and Uses clear and well- Uses generally organised Describes basic Acknowledges that
thorough analytical skills organised analytical analytical skills to behaviour of individuals individuals and
to examine the behaviour skills to examine the examine the behaviour of and groups of people in groups of people may
of individuals and groups behaviour of individuals individuals and groups of different contexts. behave differently in
of people in different and groups of people in people in different different contexts.
contexts. different contexts. contexts.
AE2 Logically evaluates Evaluates procedures Evaluates some For some procedures, Acknowledges the
procedures and suggests and suggests some procedures in psychology identifies improvements need for
a range of appropriate appropriate and suggests some that may be made. improvements in one
improvements. improvements. improvements that are or more procedures.
generally appropriate.
A2 Uses appropriate Uses appropriate Uses generally Attempts to use some Uses some
psychological terms psychological terms appropriate psychological psychological terms that psychological terms.
highly effectively. effectively. terms, with some general may be appropriate.
KU1 Consistently Demonstrates some Demonstrates knowledge Demonstrates some Demonstrates some
demonstrates a deep and depth and breadth of and understanding of a basic knowledge and limited recognition
broad knowledge and knowledge and general range of partial understanding of and awareness of
understanding of a range understanding of a psychological concepts psychological concepts psychological
of psychological concepts range of psychological and ethical and ethical concepts and ethical
Assessment 3- Issues Investigation
Stage 1 Psychology

and ethical concepts and ethical considerations. considerations. considerations.

considerations. considerations.
KU2 Uses knowledge of Uses knowledge of Uses knowledge of Identifies and explains Shows an emerging
psychology perceptively psychology logically to psychology with some some psychological understanding that
and logically to understand and explain logic to understand and information that is some psychological
understand and explain behaviours. explain behaviours. relevant to information is
behaviours. understanding and relevant to explaining
explaining behaviours. behaviours.
KU3 Uses a variety of formats Uses a variety of Uses a variety of formats Communicates basic Attempts to
to communicate formats to communicate to communicate information about communicate
knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and psychology to others, information about
understanding of understanding of understanding of using one or more psychology.
psychology in different psychology in different psychology in different formats.
contexts coherently and contexts coherently and contexts, with some
highly effectively. effectively. general effectiveness.


Well done for handing in your draft early, I like the motivation. I’m not sure if you have looked at the rubric but I recommend you closely
follow that in order to achieve a higher grade. In order to improve you can make a lot of structural changes. Even in a magazine article you can
clearly define your paragraphs and use language that would appeal to the audience you are speaking to.

Firstly clearly state the title of the assignment and the choice you have selected. This is not included in the word count but makes it easy for
the reader to know what you are investigating.

Secondly write a plan for what you want to include in each paragraph. The introduction is to include what your investigation is about and the
stance or opinion you are taking on the issue. Your introduction also summarises what you will be speaking about in each of the paragraphs in
your assignment. If the reader is to read your introduction they should know what the investigation is about and what is being discussed.
Assessment 3- Issues Investigation
Stage 1 Psychology

Your first paragraph you have introduced and explained Erikson’s Theory and which particular stage of crisis you are addressing, which is good.
You could make this more specific and even use some examples to make it clearer. Your second paragraph can then clearly speak about
Fortnite and it’s strengths and weaknesses with reference to Erikson’s theory. According to Erikson how would Fortnite help a child under 10
develop? Is it beneficial or is it harmful? How? Why?

The rubric also requires you to make some suggestions for improvement. How can the game Fortnite be improved to better meet the
standards of Erikson’s theory? This can be another separate paragraph to the ones above.

You only have 556 words, so plenty more you can add. Don’t forget to find other reliable sources to help your arguments and in-text reference

Let me know in class if you have any more questions or if any of this feedback needs further explaining. Well done for getting organised and
handing up your draft.

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