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Market share projection

tips for small businesses

Ability to evaluate the current

business of the Company,
quantify the business thant
remains and then adopt
strategic planning initiatives
thant increase sales

Determine the current

Determine the size of the market. Determine the current market
business relative to the
potential business share.

It is about understanding
Divide the current business by the
Calculate the potencial how much customers can
total size of the market.
consumtion within the market. actually buy within a given
To form the perfect marketing plan the combination of 8 steps can ensure your
success, many marketing plans over the years have been successful because
they explored a variety of ideas and plans, not only in their own sector but also
in other industries . In summary, the more ideas you have at the beginning, the
better your marketing plan will be and the more likely it will be to succeed.

Instead of asking questions of others, ask your own customers questions and
you will get the best answers and the best possible advice. You do not want to
end up as a "me too" brand. At the same time, you need to know which
characteristics among which the competitors advertise are the most prominent
in the opinion of the clients.

You need to point to the same characteristics from a different angle. Or if you
prefer the creative way, prepare your own angle. At this stage, you must
decide what your budget is, how many hours of work you can devote to this
campaign, if you have the ability to go from ATL or not, or if there is a need
for price promotions. Therefore, your overall strategy will depend on your
position in the market.

If you are number 1, you should think about retention strategies, while if it is
number 4, you should think about customer acquisition strategies. Now he has
implemented the marketing plan. Keep going until it's not too complicated. In
fact, it should be as simple as possible.

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